#not too sure what webcore is so i tried?
broadcast-kinhelp · 2 years
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strawberrysurecake · 2 years
Heyo! Love ur Bucci gang Hcs! (Especially the tsunderes ones!) Not sure if you're taking requests rn (sorry if ur not bsbdbdb) but I was wondering if I could request sum Bucci gang Hcs with a s/o who has Somniphobia! It's a phobia of sleeping, this can be due to being afraid of something bad happening while asleep or afraid of going to sleep due to nightmares and/or night terrors. S/o is afraid of going to sleep and tries to do everything in their power from falling asleep!
If your request aren't open or you don't want to do this request, you can totally disregard it! ^^
Bucci Gang + Trish with S/O Who Has Somniphobia
Contents: Giorno, Bucciarati, Mista, Narancia, Abbacchio, Fugo & Trish
Tags: G/N!reader, fluff
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Thanks for the request, Pomegranate! Somniphobia is actually something I can relate to. I don't have much problems with sleep anymore but in the past, I used to avoid going to bed until I got incredibly tired. I hope all you somniphobes reading get the chance to overcome your fear!
As for my status about requests, requests aren't officially open beyond the neko short fics but I like to take them anyway because it offers a break in between projects I have.
Psst. By the way, I'm trying out a new aesthetic and informative format for my posts. I made the webcore-styled header myself in MS Paint from scratch too so I'm pretty proud of it.
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❁ - - Giorno Giovanna - - ❁
He has a tendency to wake up in the middle of the night sometimes
It was during one of those nights that he heard you brewing coffee at 3AM
Shuffling downstairs and into the kitchen, he finds you nestling a hot mug of coffee with the darkest circles under your drooping eyes
He asks you if something is wrong but your answer of "no" doesn't satisfy him
"We have a day off tomorrow. There's no need for caffeine this late."
He learns of your fear of sleep and he's intrigued to hear you open up about a vulnerability to him so easily
He nudges the mug away from your lips and morphs the top buttons of his silk shirt into fragrant lavender buds
"Come. You need to rest. I'll sit by you until you're asleep."
❁ - - Bruno Bucciarati - - ❁
When coming home from a mission, he's used to having you run to the door to greet him but not at this unusual hour
It was 2AM when he returned and you were right there on the sofa, languid but ready to kiss him hello
"Amore, I won't be offended if you're asleep by the time I come home..."
Your explanation of how you can’t sleep unless he's there with you has him slightly concerned
After a little quick thinking, he zips together a concoction of fabric and cushions to create a crude cuddle buddy
"Let’s call him...Onurb. When I'm away and you can't sleep, Onurb will be here to keep you safe."
Although he'd rather be the one cuddling you to sleep, he supposes Onurb will have to do for a stand-in when he's away
Though he sincerely hopes you don't become too attached to Onurb...
❁ - - Guido Mista - - ❁
"Baby, it's 4AM. Why are you baking so early in the morning?"
He receives the most deadpan explanation for your fear of slumber, of nightmares and the inherent vulnerability that comes with sleep
Considering his superstitious fear over a single-digit number, he doesn't have much room to criticise your fear of a biological necessity so instead, he relents
He makes conversation with you while you bake but as soon as it hits 5AM, he's hauling your ass back to bed and keeping you there until you get some decent shut-eye
When you wake, the baked goods of 4AM have all been devoured by Sex Pistols
"See? Told you baking at 4AM was a bad idea!"
❁ - - Narancia Ghirga - - ❁
His little spoon is nowhere to be found and now he has to search the entire apartment for your whereabouts
If you're not in the living room, the bathroom or the kitchen then where the hell are you?
The front door suddenly clicks open and there you are with a small bag of snacks in one arm another bag in the other
"You went to the shops without me!?"
You could have at least bought him some orange juice
But what really matters is that you’re safe and you didn’t get kidnapped
"Why'd you go without me? And why this late?"
Though your somnophobia isn't something you want to bother him with, he insists you wake him up whenever your anxiousness gets the better of you
In his lean arms, he reminds you that he's always here to protect you from your fears
"How am I supposed to sleep well if you can't sleep well?"
❁ - - Leone Abbacchio - - ❁
He knows you don't have the best relationship with sleep so what he does is keep you locked tight in his strong arms until you fall sleep
He'll save you from your nightmares, shoo your sleep paralysis demons and hum a quiet lullaby to coax you into dreamland
He doesn't mean to hum you a lullaby; that's something he does on the cusp of sleep
If you mention this habit, he'll deny it
❁ - - Pannacotta Fugo - - ❁
"How come you're still awake?"
The evidence of an all-nighter are all etched into your features as he can tell
Despite how tired you look, there's a tenseness to your posture he can pick up on
"Is there something wrong? You can tell me anything."
Contrary to his suspicions, you're not sleep deprived because you're anxious over any upcoming missions but because of sleep itself
There's guilt over how he's never known this about fear of yours until now
The way he scoops you into his arms is tender
He's very attentive to your needs from that night onward and he takes rigid care to ensure your eight hours of sleep happens
Anyone who dares disturb your slumber will receive the biggest reprimanding of their lifetime
❁ - - Trish Una - - ❁
"Do you want some water? Tea? Warm milk with vanilla?"
She knows of your somnophobia and she won't rest until you're asleep
In the dim lighting of your bedside lamp, she shares a mug of hot milk with you as you share stories about your day
"That was the seventh phone call I received that morning. I wish they'd leave me alone while I'm getting my nails done. I kept hoping it was you who was calling."
She stays up later than she'd like but she can't help wanting to indulge in your company just a little more before fatigue takes over
So long as you sleep well, she sleeps well, too
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21ate · 4 years
3 6 11 18.?
under cut for bein long again. thanks for the ask!
3. who’s the biggest trouble-maker?
myself tbh lol but thats cuz im the host. uhhh otherwise id say patrick i think. hes the protector so...you know. and hes just a snippy little shit sometimes
6. does anyone have a really strange/egregious taste in music, fashion?
not really what the question is asking abt but like gregory has some unique aesthetic tastes id say. lots of webcore and geocities and like weirdly nostalgic or liminal images. also he has tentacles that grow from his back so like theres that too i guess LOL
he has an old side blog made a few years back where you can see the stuff hes into over on @htmlpov !
11. how do you communicate with each other?
we can talk to each other in the inner world pretty well most of the time. our headspace is fairly compact, so it doesnt take a whole lot to call out to whoevers fronting and get their attention
communication is completely verbal, meaning i cant just read another alters thoughts telepathically. i dont really have to worry about being overwhelmed with unwanted thought noise from the others as a result, which is nice
however, apparently this isnt necessarily how it works for patrick or yame. while i still cant read their thoughts if i tried, they CAN pick up on mine. not that long ago yame asked, “is it weird when i tell you that i know about your thoughts?” which...yeah kinda SHGBSHG. bonus points for the fact that i dont remember what prompted him to say that either
yame is a gatekeeper so the guy has all sorts of weird shit he can do with the system that the other alters cant, so i shouldnt be surprised
patricks a bit different though. i dont know if he can always access my thoughts or whatever, but i do know that he can have a hard time filtering me out when my thoughts are distracting him. this is particularly frustrating for him when hes fronting and wants a bit of time just to himself. sorry i think too loudly pat !
18. who’s been there the longest?
im not entirely sure. ive been the host for years now but i dont know if ive always been the host throughout our younger years. still gotta do some figuring out on there though
aside from that, id say patrick is probably the eldest. i dont remember a lot of my childhood, especially what daily life was like, so i dont know if there had been any awareness of patrick or others back then. but in hindsight i say itd make sense for patrick to have formed that early on since hes a protector. i mean...someone had to take the job anyways, and i dont think all that attitude and anger that began to develop was just my own
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