Happy New Year!!✨
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Very out of context but go with it 👀
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Have to show my progress when it comes to cat art. Some of you may remember the CursedTM Cat, which an amazing person even bought off me for (I'm assuming) the lols.
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He's still cursed and I love him for what he is.
But! I'm working on a commission atm and find it so fun to compare the difference between the two
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The difference!
I've been posting progress updates on my Insta and I hope to have these cuties finished by the end of the week!
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The weather is hot so the buns are inside today.
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Mr Bingley is enjoying his tunnel
Checked the calendar yesterday, He will be eight soon! A distinguished gentleman.
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Mr Bingles about to help destroy Lord Van Zieks.
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Thought I'd check in and ask how everyone's been recently? I hope you're all doing well.
The weather has been getting quite warm over here so the iced tea has been coming out!
I've been taking a more casual approach to this blog this past year, I'm sure you've noticed posts aren't as frequent. However I do intend to keep running it as long as some interest remains.
In all honestly I haven't had the energy to watch much anime/shows in general this year, hopefully I can pick up a few in the next. Although I feel I might rewatch/read some old favs before I approach bnha again😅
Some questions for fun if anyone is interested:
Do you have a new year's resolution? If so, what is it? (Mine is to draw more full illustrations to expand my portfolio.)
Favourite drink for either hot or cold weather? (I've been drinking chilled matcha a lot)
What movie/show/book did you watch/read most recently?
What project/fun thing have you done this year? (I started learning how to make polymer clay charms)
Also has anyone else been followed by a ton of bots recently?? I swear I've been followed by like 20 this month.
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Has anyone else been having trouble posting pictures through the Tumblr app on android?
I keep trying to post a shop update to my art acc and it keeps failing, won't let me save it as a draft either.
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I f*cking swear I sent in an ask a while ago but I don't remember when or if I posted it in anon
I don't get many AUs sent in anymore so if you scroll from the most recent posts you should be able to find it. 😁
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On a 1 hour walk with my sister because we're out of bleach and she wants to dye her hair.😂 It's wet, cold and we're going to the chemist lmao.
Edit: It took an hour and a half total. This bleach better work.
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Poor Kiara is done.😂
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My wig arrived today! I did some adjustments and it looks nice! It's fun to have long hair after keeping it pretty short for years.
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After spending too much time today on my SeriousTM art, I have resorted to doodling nightmare fuel.
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It lives
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Nothing says family, like arguments over the colour of the pizza crust or amount of cheese.
Anyways, I hope everyone is doing well! I've been having a chill time with this blog more recently, as you can probably tell from the more sparse posts. Not to worry, I intended to keep posting. Just as ideas come to me though. 😊
Have a doggy sketch.
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I present birb
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Have I ever told y'all that one of the dogs likes to be swaddled.
He loves to wiggle under the blankets and sometimes won't settle until we wrap him up.
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The last three pics he got under the blankie by himself.
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Miss Fisher looking glorious as usual.
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