bloodxstarved · 2 years
@notagoodfather said: "Seems like we’re gonna be spending a lot of time together. "
Alucard was silent at first as he stared up at the priest. The dhampir had his hands bound behind his back by blessed silver cuffs, currently sitting behind bars in the basement of the church where he had been locked up. He had made the mistake of helping some overly religious elderly woman who informed the church of the unholy man using witchcraft to heal her. This resulted him getting captured and imprisoned to await his fate.
"Obviously, since burning me at the stake like the church normally handles things isn't going to work on an immortal like me." He responded after a long moment. Alucard was finding it hard to breath, every little movement made caused pain. The holy ground of the church caused great discomfort and made it feel like his blood was boiling. "You should pray to you god to have mercy on you, priest... Because when I get out of here I certainly will show none to those that put me here."
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ninevoltcolt · 2 years
@notagoodfather​ started following you
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“Well, don’t we have an interesting visitor today~! Anything I can get for you, Chief?”
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scarlxtleaves · 2 years
“Holy shit…EY NERO, get yer ass out here NOW!!” Nico screamed at the demon’s spawn as his father approached the door, it would mean that both hiim and Dante found their way out of hell. It had been..a year since that day where the safety of the world had been entrusted to Nero by the scarlet hunter and it was a privilege he took with honor. Though none of them knew what to make of the Azure counterpart, where Dante was laidback, aloof in some way Vergil..well..was not and she was clearly not prepared to see him let alone be in his presence.
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Though it did not take long for Nero to arrive in the spot, a single finger dug into the innerworks of his ear before opening an eye to see just who was at the door. They got out and to be quite honest Nero did not know how to take this news either. Here he was face to face with his father only in a biological sense. “Y’know after all these years I figured you’d at least show up with some milk.”
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liked for a starter / @notagoodfather​
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lostsonofsparda · 2 years
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"Master Vergil please accept this humble gift. I hope you like it."
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Vergil's eyes widened, guard off guard by Sven's present.
"This is...for me? Sven..." He took the priest's hands in his own. "It's beautiful."
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missninetails · 2 years
"A little souvenir for my little little fox. Hope you like it."
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Well now isn't she spoiled?
"How cute this couple is, just like us." While holding the gift close she leans over pressing a kiss to the wolf in this ones life.
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somethingxgreater · 2 years
"As well as everyone being very romantic and giving gifts today… well I think you should get one too. I hope you like it."
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Looking at the necklace with bright wide eyes she blinked in disbelief. “Sven…” she whispered. “You shouldn’t- I mean it must have been expensive. Are you sure about this?” She asked looking up at him. “It’s beautiful. And thank you. I can’t believe how ungrateful I just sounded I’m so sorry. Help me put it on?”
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paleontaxi · 2 years
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▸  @notagoodfather   ⟶   ❛  you can do okay in this world if you can just find something worth holding on to.  ❜   ╱   (  crash diet , accepting .  )
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Jarod manages a sad, sardonic smile into the bottom of his glass, but it is quick to falter.  “Yeah, that’s true,” he says.  “I used to have something like that.”  He had always clung desperately to his family—his parents, then Marian, and then Lola.  He was always convinced that as long as he had family, he could make it through anything.  When Marian left him, he still had his mom and baby girl, which softened the blow about as much as it could be softened.
Then, his mom died, and he still had Lola.  He had to keep it together for her because his mom may as well have been her mom, the good-for-nothing whore that Marian turned out to be.  He could carry on fine because he had her, and he needed to be there to support her.
And now, he has nothing but his desire for revenge, and he doesn’t know what he’ll do with himself once he gets it.  Die, probably, unless he finds something else to hold onto, but he doubts he will.  The thought gets a little huff out of him, something between a chortle and a slight cough.
“She got taken away from me, and now all I’ve got’s this.”  He rattles the ice around in his glass, sets it back down on the bar, and flags down the bartender, who looks just slightly too young to be working here, for a refill.  As the kid takes his glass, he turns back to Sven, though he keeps his eyes low, settled on a swirl in the woodgrain of the bar between them.  “So, I wouldn’t say I’m doin’ okay in the world.  A lot of people would probably say this isn’t worth anything.”
The bartender brings his drink back and sets it in front of him cautiously, and he takes a sip from it.  That bitter grin returns to him.  “And they’re probably right.”
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the-frozen-pheonix · 2 years
" take it easy. you're safe now, but you need to relax. "
Ice blue eyes would bolt open with an urgency to them as the blonde heard the words. "I'm not the one who needs safety." Would parade from his mind to his lips before a hand outstretched. "I need a weapon." And his expectant gaze would meet whoever had just spoken to him
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shireentheunburnt · 2 years
The Shining {Sentence Starters} : “Sometimes human places, create inhuman monsters.“
Shireen gazed at the ground, in her mind’s eye seeing a thick blanket of settled snow... “Do you think... those ‘monsters’ are humans still after all, ser? Just humans that have... given in to cruelty and the worst side of their natures...”
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piratetrevelyan · 2 years
"By the way, thank you… for saving my life.“
Beauty and the Beast (1991)   {Sentence Starters}
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Harlock lifted his gaze and offered a friendly smile. "There's no need to thank me. I was simply doing what anyone else would have done. I'm glad that I happened to be passing by just in time..."
He paused for a moment to look the other man over, moving slightly closer. "Are you hurt? If you need medical attention, I have a camp nearby with healers who can treat you."
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bloodxstarved · 2 years
Sven was sitting next to one of the shelves in the castle's library. Covered by mountains of books on medicine and healing magic. He was so absorbed in reading it that he didn't even notice any nearby presence.
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Alucard had showed his guest the massive library earlier that day. Now it was dinner time the dhampir came to check on Sven. He was greeted by a wall of stacked books and stepping around he saw the human on the floor reading.
"Sorry to interrupt. I went ahead and made dinner: venison steak with wild potatoes and carrots." The dhampir said and set the plate and glass of wine next to the human. "If you need any help I know practically every book about healing and potion making by heart, it's my specialty. If you want to make potions I'd read some of the alchemy books first, it helps alot with making sense of the potion recipes."
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smokes-and-bullets · 2 years
❝ i respect your opinion. it’s wrong, but i respect it. ❞ //Hello! And I hope you don't mind!
"This is some new level of beating around the bush bull shit.."
What are they even talking about? Probably not something that big of a deal.
He's now speaking in a mocking tone. "I respect your opinion but it's wrong..” 
“Do you hear yourself? Sounds so stupid."
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"I'd rather people were blunt and said upfront they don't agree rather than this new level of dumb fuckery and insult of you respecting what I think, then stating it's wrong.. Make up your mind."
"I respect your fashion choice, it's ugly as fuck and looks wrong but I respect it."
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redjaybird · 2 years
"Fuck in what sense?" 
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“What do you think? The way I said it, I thought there would only be one way to take it.”
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lostsonofsparda · 2 years
😈  ─  decide who has been the naughtiest and the nicest and give each other rewards & consequences accordingly  ( can be funny/platonic or sexy/nsfɯ, depending on muses’ relationship )
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A smirk crossed Vergil's face as he approached Sven, tugging on his gloves with calloused fingers. "I heard whispers that someone has been naughty," he murmured, his voice sounding almost like a growl. "What do you think should be done?" He paused to look the priest over. "Is the holy man willing to beg for forgiveness?"
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missninetails · 2 years
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"A flower for a flower. Cliche I know. But I I thought they would look great on you. Besides, they really stand out with you using only them… and nothing else ;)"
This sly man always giving gifts.
"I think I have just the dress to match these pretty earrings, pretty sure you'll like it." Fingers trail along his jaw before she leans in to steal a kiss hungrily.
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demon-blood-youths · 2 years
When you get this, post theme songs for your muse! Then tag 5 or more people!
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Rust Knight
Standard theme:Now or Never - KOF XV|Main Theme
Battle theme: Bloody Nose - Hollywood Undead
Emotion theme: Break Me Down - Red
Boss battle theme: Invincible -Adelitas Way
Tagged by - Steals from @militibus-ex-umbra ​​
Tagging: @the-silver-peahen-residence ( Breezy ) @electricea @feralidiotdomicile ( Nero ) @kitxkatrp ( Dazai or Chuuya ) @galacticxstorm ( Gajeel ) @kurogane-redfox @unshackled-instinct​  @blackxsteelxgajeel​  @spardas-last-braincell​ ( Nero ) @ichigokurosaki​  @notagoodfather​  @fableofaesop​ ( Chuuya, Geto or Gojo ) or anyone who wants to do. 
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