shiro-marshmello · 3 years
Yeeee check out the series my hubby made UwU
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The two boys froze in their tracks as they heard a pair of familiar voices clearing their throats loudly to get their attention. The room temperature seemed to drastically drop and time seemed to slow down as they stayed still
“It’s them isn’t it…” the green haired boy glanced at his male friend who nodded slowly. They turned their heads slowly to meet the menacing, piercing gazes of two females
“Heyyyy Julie, Zoey… L-Lovely day today huh?” The boy began to speak-
“Why, yes it is~ Except don’t I remember specifically telling you two not to go off on your own? Why do you think that is, Jack?~” the orange haired girl cut him off
Jack shuddered at her rather icy tone of voice. He glanced at his partner in crime and whispered “Zoey’s mad mad… Blair… buddy… little help..?”
Blair’s bright yellow eyes were glued to the bright green ones of the second female beside Zoey. She hadn’t uttered a single word after clearing her throat but her silence and glare spoke volumes to the boy who stayed unmoving.
“Ah… Sub leader is in Silent but Deadly mode… I see…” Jack muttered as he glanced at Julie then back to Zoey. They just wanted to sneak out cuz they were tired of staying indoors. The girls said they should stay in because they broke some kind of stupid rule and the rest of the team voted on it. What the heck is “Repetitive breaching of instructions” anyway? They’re meant to be a free team yet they still live under some unspoken rules. Heck if they hadn’t broken it, they would’ve been in a fatal situation.
“I’m waiting for my answer, Jack~” Zoey’s yellow eyes seemed to make her even more intimidating as her gaze pierced through him. The only thought both the boys had at that point: We’re screwed
Just decided to add a short story to it. And I’m actually laughing so dang hard at how it came out 🤣 Anyway, I guess I’ll start posting here more often. Wanna see my other work? Check out my Instagram @machcryptik (yes. Same username as this account)
Side note: Also check out this dude’s beats. Gotta support my boy, improving slowly ✨
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shiro-marshmello · 3 years
Calling All Chosen Heros of the Goddess!
Salutations people of Hyrule. This is Fi speaking. I have an important message from the Goddesses that I must deliver to you. Hyrule is once again in great danger, and we need the Chosen Heros of the Goddess to come and gather. For Demise, had somehow managed to obtain all pieces of the Triforce. And the responsibility of saving Hyrule now rests on your shoulder. Hyrule's future depend on you, please, do all you can to stop his reign of evil.
Since this is still pretty new, we have mostly everyone open except SS Zelda and SS Link. You're free to choose whoever you want. I will list all the characters at the bottom of this once an application had been approved.
Please sent @shiro-marshmello a private message for the details to Discord server. If you don't have a Discord made, now's your time.
Please see @shiro-marshmello if you have any questions or concerns. May the Goddess Hylia bless you with luck with the application and may she smile upon you in favor.
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shiro-marshmello · 3 years
Linked Universe Randomness
Wild: *Sees a cucco and had a torch in his hand*
Wild: *Goes to attack the cocco*
Time: Wild! Child! No-
Cucco: *Group attacks Wild*
Sky: *crying in the background* why you must attack the small Loftwings QwQ
I'm bored :')
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shiro-marshmello · 3 years
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shiro-marshmello · 3 years
Just an Announcement
Hey hey hey! Just going to announce that I'll be making a Linked Universe Zelink Edition. I don't know what I'll be calling it yet but I'm planning to do it. I hope you guys will support me. Thank you!
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shiro-marshmello · 3 years
SS Fanfiction Zelink One-shot
"So, what do you think?" I asked as I turned to Link with a questioning smile. "You can head back to Skyloft if you'd like."
The Hero of Sky shook his head. "It's alright Zelda. I want to be with you."
The breeze tousled his hair as the sun shined down on him. The yellow ring around his head almost seemed like a halo surrounding his head, making him seem divine. His determined eyes kept their firm gaze on me. Passion burned as fire in his cerulean orbs. I smiled softly, knowing that nothing can be changed once he made up his mind.
"Alright then. I won't force you."
I whistled for my Loftwing as she flew close and landed gracefully on the Goddess statue. "Here, please take this to my father." I said as I gently petted her feathers while putting a small letter in her beak. The bird seemed to understand that this may be a last farewell as she stared at me with sad eyes. Drops of tears begin to form as she tried her best to avoid my searching gaze. I sighed.
"I know, my friend. You've been there for me ever since I was a small child. I understand how attached you are. But you're meant to be a free bird soaring above Skyloft. You're no longer objected to serve me. You're free. Go and enjoy your liberty. After all, it's why I named you Libby."
I urged as I rested my head against her head while gently rubbed her beak. She closed her eyes and made a noise that's similar to a sigh. That was her favorite spot to be petted. After a short while, I pulled back. I stepped back and looked her dead in the eyes.
"Libby. Be a good girl and go."
If birds can show even a small bit of emotion, I swear to Hylia's name that I would've seen a broken heart behind those amber eyes of hers. Libby turned around, she glanced at me for one last time before bursting off with a flap of her wing. I watched her body slowly disappeared into the clouds until the sun blinded my eyes, preventing me to see further. I looked down in defeat. And then I felt a strong, gloved hand pulled me close. I raised my head, feeling grief stricken until I was met with a pair of concerned and gentle eyes.
"Everything alright Zelda?" Link asked as he pulled me down to sit beside him. I leaned my head against his shoulder and sighed. "Well, let's just say it's just hard to part with old friends, you know?" I gave him a wry smile. Link nodded in agreement. "Especially it's someone you've grown up with in all your life. Which is why..... I came all the way from Skyloft to look for you. You're..... You're very special to me." He rubbed the nape of his neck and looked away with a blush.
I reddened at his comment. I'm special to him? Could this mean....... He also have feelings for me, just like I am with him?
"Link...." I began, "There's just something I.... Must tell you. I had been hiding it from you for a long time. Well, wanted to tell you ever since the day you've been knighted in all honesty..... "
I fidgeted with my finger nervously, as I ran out of things to say. He kept quiet. His gaze on me, as if he's trying to encourage me to go on. I breathed. Now's the chance. If I don't tell him now, then when will I?
"I like you Link. Ever since we were children. Ever since we first went to the academy together..... Yeah. You heard that right. I like you. More than a friend."
I paused to take a breath. The lack of oxygen made me realize that I had been holding my breath. My hands that were resting on my lap were balled up in a fist as the knuckles were white. They also felt damp and clammy. Oh dear Hylia, was I nervous.
Not long after, I heard a lighthearted laugh. "Oh Zelda, I feel the same about you!"
I raised my head sharply and flushed red at what he just said. "E-eh!?" I stuttered.
"I said," he repeated with an amused smile. "I feel the same about you."
Suddenly my lap seemed interesting as I kept my eyes on my hands. Which were still white from feeling embarrassed. Thankfully, Link didn't appeared to have noticed. He wrapped his arms around my waist as he rested his chin against my shoulder.
"I thought you'd never confess." He hummed as he sighed contently while nuzzling close into my neck. I blushed crimson at that. I was speechless. Well, more like trying to process what was been said before I realized that he really meant it.
"I-I didn't know you shared the same feeling.... Or-or I would've told you before!" I crossed my arms in front of my chest and pouted. Link only chuckled. "You know, you smell nice." He whispered in my ear.
For a minute, I thought my heart was going to explode. This was too much! To cover up my embarrassment, I decided to change the topic.
"S-so, do you want to set out and explore Faron Wood together?" I asked Link while keeping my eyes on my lap. I didn't want to turn around for him to see that splash of pink across my cheek. To my relief, he agreed. Link stood up, pulled me up with him. I looked down from the Goddess statue. It was quite a long way down before we actually reach the floor, and there was no exit behind us anywhere. I gave Link a confused glance. "So, how are we supposed to get down?"
To my bewilderment, Link grabbed me, threw me on his back and jumped off the ledge. I screamed in terror, knowing that this was not Skyloft where we can call out to our Loftwings to catch us. In a minute, I regretted sending my Loftwing back to Skyloft.
"LINK! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?" I cried out while wrapped my arms around his neck in pure frantic. I shut my eyes tightly, ready to embrace the impact of hitting the floor until I feel the speed of us dropping being slowed down. I opened my eyes a little to see that we had landed safely on the ground with Link grinning at me before he folded and put away the sailcloth I made for him. Oh, that's right. I forgot that I've made him a sailcloth.
"You almost gave me a heart attack!-" I was about to get mad until Link wrapped an arm around me. "Payback!" He beamed before letting me go.
"Oh no you don't!" I laughed and chased after him as we ventured deep in the green forest leading to Faron Wood.
Author's Note
Hey guys! Thanks so much for reading! I know this is kind of a random chapter but as you can probably tell from the beginning that this is at the end of Skyward Sword (Just in case you felt like the beginning felt kind of random. Like I said in this post, I'm still a beginner writer so be easy on me TwT). But please let me know if you want to see more contents like this. Thank you again for reading and have a wonderful day!
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shiro-marshmello · 3 years
Le Intro!
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🎵 Oh youth, guided by the servant of the goddess,
unite earth and sky, and bring light to the land.
Oh youth, show the two whirling sails the way to the Light Tower...
and before you a path shall open, and a heavenly song you shall hear. 🎵
Hey guys! How you doing? I'm Shiro. I'm quite a new Tumblr user and I hope for those of you who see this post (and are veterans of Tumblr) will take care of me 😅
I am a 20 year old (just turned 20 two days ago so a happy late birthday to me XD) girl who's absolutely obsessed with anything Zelda related. I am also a free style fan fiction writer with a wild imagination. I even think I live in Skyloft sometimes! I hope you enjoy the contents I have to offer here!
I'm also a hard core Zelink shipper. Especially in Skyward Sword. The two's dynamics are just so harmonious that it's just hard not to ship them together (can I get an agreement anyone?). Really, I absolutely love the Legend of Zelda fandom and I hope you'd feel the same as me XD
I also loved the Linked Universe idea and is trying to come up with some of my own AUs of LoZ that anyone may be interested of. In fact, I do have some of my own headcanons with some LoZ characters that some of you may agree with. Lemme know if you love the stories that I would write in the future. Can't wait to hear your feedbacks!
Anyways. This is about it. Thanks for reading my cringy introduction. May the Goddess Hylia smile upon you!
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