#note ! Bear and Seraphim do not have a name yet which is why im calling them by their species
I'm fakinganon and no it wasn't bait. I've just been so discouraged from the whole fake it till you make it process that I don't rlly understand how to make it happen
Oh ok , sorry then !
We understand being discouraged fully ! Its not fun to not really have any progress appear
We for one never externalized any of our alters , we fully exist as " role played " plural
Our transplural side account is @shattered-tree-mural if you want to check it out , we dont know what else to say honestly , for us " act like it until you internalize it " has been the game plan
Notably we havent actually split yet , like we are SO early in our transition
What I ( host ) asked myself was " who do i want to see with me , who feels natural at my side ? " this applies to beings with a source and those without
Rotwang is a representation of our CisGerman identity , Billy is a representation of anxiety and stimming / fidgeting for us
We have a few this far unnamed parts that also represent us in some way or form or that jsut felt Right , there isnt really a way to do trigger those " feeling right " moments , once i was just sitting at my PC and playing something and suddenly got REALLY aware of missing wings and eyes , thats how Seraphim was formed , once i was smoking and felt the presence of a bear ( Like the animal ) behind me , thats how Bear was formed , etc !
Just listen to yourself and lean into anything that feels like an extention of you or " not you but still like You " if that makes sense
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