#nothing is more stress-relieving than horror amirite ??? 8)
badboysupr · 2 years
quick update:
still keeping a bit of a distance from tumblr rn – been enjoying pursuing other things lately, and with my job being... the way it is, i kinda need to decompress every evening with some other hobbies
things will continue to be slow probably for the rest of the summer and into the fall (just a lot of things piling up in my personal life), but i at least want to do a little writing here and there when i can, so... expect SUPER random replies on occasion
i’ve been checking in sometimes just to chinhands at my amazing mutuals: ya’ll are doing great. thanks for your patience! <3 i hope everyone is doing well
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sugamoma · 8 years
a little something for all the KS haters <3
All right babyboys, I’ve had enough of this. Let’s talk about chapter 17. ((spoiler alert))
I’ve seen a lot, and i mean a lot of people around here making wrong assumptions and wrong statements about the whole sangbum relationship. Some say that Sangwoo had sex with with Jieun in front of bum to prove him that there is nothing between them, others say that in chapter 17, sangwoo cheated on bum. Dear people, cheating on someone implies a relationship. You’re just contradicting yourselves over and over again. Now here’s my point of view on this:
The girl is going to die. Sorry to break your wonderful, pure fantasies about healthy relationships in a horror genre, but it is what it is. As it says at the beginning of the manhwa, it is a BL. That itself implies two guys together. Honestly, even if the BL genre wasn’t confirmed, it would’ve still been obvious. Koogi brought up Jieun with the role of a “victim”, and let me tell you why. This girl possesses two personality traits that Sangwoo can’t bear about a person. 
1. She’s trying to control him. If you’ve read the manhwa (if you didn’t, why are you even in the tag, get tf out), you’d know just how impulsive and overpowering Sangwoo is. But besides that, he also acts very childish. Yes, he is very smart, but also childish. He always plans everything ahead of time, and perfectly, if i must say. He knows how to keep Bum wrapped around his finger, but he does not know his limits. I’ve seen people calling him stupid, but could you get away with murder if you were in his place? (hypothetically speaking, i’m not telling you to go kill someone to try it out, jesus). He would’ve been the first suspect in his parents’ death case, but he used his charms to get himself out of trouble. That’s one point for Sangwoo. He also locked the daughter of the damn CEO of the pharmaceutical company and he still got away with it. Even more proof that this man has acknowledged his traits, and now he’s using them in his favour. 
2. She’s extremely childish and annoying. I’ve read ch17 translated (thank you naz) and I can confirm that this woman has her days numbered. In chapter 16, Sangwoo even says “ugh, so annoying” when he received a text from her. Plus, Koogi didn’t bring her up to serve as a love interest, but as a victim. If we look closely, all of Sangwoo’s victims share some physical characteristics with his mother. It’s either the grey hair or the mole (someone pointed this out a while back, credit goes to them). This girl has both of those traits. ((and this isn’t actually related to what we were just talking about, but i’ll leave it here. sangwoo makes bum wear female clothes because he can’t fathom the thought that he’s attracted to someone that looks nothing like his mother     mommy kink amirite)).
He sees this girl as a child. There’s this panel where the girl is shown from Sangwoo’s eyes, confirming that his image of her is a child’s:
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She’s not a love interest. Sangwoo planned this whole thing. He put bum in the closet, but he didn’t lock it, especially to let him see the sex scene. He was hoping that that moment itself would trigger something deep within Bum’s soul, making him finally break. He wanted Bum to become like him, he wanted Bum to kill the girl. And oh boy, did he have enough reasons. 
At the table scene, we see how uncomfortable Bum felt throughout the whole evening, especially with this bitch talking shit about him with her friends. She insults Bum, and Sangwoo is aware of that      he ain’t allowing nobody talk shit about his boyfriend. Further more, in the bathroom scene we get to see jealous sangwoo. JEALOUS SANGWOO. In this panel when he says something like “step aside, celebrity boy”.
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 He was referring to the moment when Bum accidentally fell on his friend’s dick lap, causing him to go after Bum. hegotjealousohmyfuck. Also, when Bum mentioned that he feels uncomfortable that everyone is judging him, Sangwoo says that “he’s gonna make it up to him later”. Hmmmmm, i wonder what that means. 
And to add another thing, the last thing Sangwoo says to Bum before leaving him in the closet is “don’t worry, you’re the main hero of this event” or something like that. AAAaaAAaaAAaaAaaAaAAAAaAAaaaAaaAaAAAaaAAAaaaAa!!!!!!!!!!!!
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He’s definitely talking about the girl’s future death, i mean she’s already in the house. He used his charms perfectly again to lure yet another meaningless victim into this circle of murder. But is he gonna be the murderer this time though? I also have more theories on this thing, that either Bum finally breaks and goes wild with Jieun, or he gets severely depressed.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ maybe i’ll make a post about it in the future. Also. to all the people that say that “the sex scene symbolises Sangwoo giving up on bum”, oh dear, are you wrong. Let’s go back to chapter 8, where we see Sangwoo having sex with another girl (we don’t know if she got killed or not) in the exact same position he had with Jieun.
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To him, sex is nothing more than something mechanic, or if you want, a way to satisfy his needs, or to relieve his stress. It has no deeper meaning than that. 
By this point, it’s very obvious how Sangwoo feels about bum, and i don’t even have to mention how bum feels about sangwoo. If the boy could still love woo after he broke his damn legs, why would he not love him anymore after something meaningless like this? 
One more thing, we have this particular expression of sangwoo, along with bum’s commentary “he looks like a child in a sweets’ store” or something like that. He’s excited to see how bum would react, he does everything for the sake of him. He wants bum to become like him. You could also say that bum’s like a “lab rat” for Sangwoo to test his crazy fantasies or whatever.
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Anyway, my point is that people who think Bum and Sangwoo aren’t going to end up together don’t know what they’re reading. This is the main pair of the story, as it is implied in the title, “Killing/Stalking”>>>”Sangwoo/Yoonbum”. They’re both fucked up, how are they supposed to have a normal, healthy relationship? I enjoy studying and informing myself about multiple pieces of work that involve ””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””problematic””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””” content, but where does it say that I actually support murder and stalkers irl? This story revolves around bum and woo’s relationship, tell me how is it not supposed to be romanticized in a work of fiction? Anyway I’m not gonna go into this right now, this post was made especially about chapter 17. Thank you for reading everything!!  ((ඏ.̫ඏ*))
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