proboblynotstriaght · 25 days
I put far too much effort into my shitposting and screenshot taking...
Oh well! you all seem to enjoy them! And I like having all my best screenshots in a place that doesn't take up a crazy amount of space in my computer!!
As usual past the cut there are spoilers for episode 40 but I try to keep it away from any major spoilers
(also psst, @raeemar this is for you! your reblog made my day!)
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Let's get into Episode 40!!!! Rich : The bean footage is a DM thing I can't say it! ||| Mike : eeeeeehhhh we can change it?
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Bro bonding moment, bullying lornings edition
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Twig : *explaining fae deals and how to make better deals* |||| Gricko : *not paying attention*
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Nikkie : *doing a fantastic Torbek impression!* ||| A++ Nikkie Torbeks voice is hard
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"Twig we haven't run a successful business in all the 8 years-" "Woah now!" uh oh! the couple is Fiiiighting
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"Think of the margins we'll have on the Displacer Beast piss"
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Frost : So are we going to kill these fucker or what?
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"I guess that makes sense... fucking nerd"
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"I knew a guy who would make and sell this kinda stuff, 5 people died it was a whole thing in the news and everything" "Well how many people did he sell it to" "Like... 5"
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"Well, I'm just going to say... shit that was funny"
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"How long did it take those goblins to die?" "the last one lingered... for a good three months"
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Twigsy, blacked out from all the alcohol, and flailing around as Gideon picks her up
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His face haunts my dreams...
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Derek : *a punny name for the drink* || Gricko : that's not very good
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Frost and Kremy are drunk, Gricko and Gideon are trying to be the smart ones for once
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"Frost you realize that you've been writing with a chicken leg, and what you thought was parchment, is now clearly human skin" "Well, I've completed page one of my cookbook, the Necro-Nom-Nom-Nom"
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"He is continuing to do whatever Torbek does" "Pump his fists" "NO HE DOES NOT"
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Grickos imitation of Gideon, I just need you to know that Mace is laughing so hard that it's not actually audible.
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This man is laughing so hard he is completely silent and shaking, I'm genuinely concerned for this mans health
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Derek : It doesn't even give Gricko a little wink? Like John Void at the end of Anaconda?
I love when Derek makes a joke because they are funny, but also he's almost laughing himself as he's telling the joke
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Richie : I'm sorry I thought he was saying something else
guys it took me like four trays to get the screenshot of his face, IT'S SO FUNNY
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MIke in Gricko's voise : Gimmie that Bussay
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"The Stream Kill-inator" "beep beep beep"
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Husband moments be like. FRosty really likes to irritate Kremy about his hat huh
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I don't understand most of the references they make but I like how hard they all laugh at them
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Derek telling a ridiculous story of how he had too watch the same movie twice in one day and he hated the movie both times
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Nikkie : *Horrifying description of Torbek eating one of the Lornlings* Just kidding that doesn't happen!
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Singing : It's Torbek It's Torbek, Everybody hates Torbek
Part 2 of this post is one the way! These posts keep getting longer and longer
Edit : Part 2 is here!!!
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incorrect-losers · 2 years
It’s December now meaning I will be trudging through my losers holiday thoughts at the only appropriate time of year
The losers have a long standing tradition of only giving homemade gifts to each other. This tradition started mostly because at the time they met they were in middle school or below (and therefore were broke as hell). That and they’ll treasure these precious heartfelt gifts forever blah blah blah.
Ben built Bill glow in the dark headlights for his bike since Silver’s previous ones were bashed in by bowers
Beverly knitted Stan a yarmulke and a matching sweater. Stan proudly wears one of the first of many Marsh Originals
Stan gave Eddie lessons in Morse code that he learned in Boy Scouts and a flash light. Since they live within view of each other’s houses from their rooms and Sonia is constantly taking Eddie’s phone privileges they talk a lot through signals most nights thanks to that gift
Mike spun yarn from one of the sheep he shaved at the beginning of summer for Bev which he dyed red to match her hair
Bill made a homemade picture frame and put a picture of Eddie’s mom in it for Richie. Richie laughed for an hour straight and the picture stood on his nightstand for 8 years without moving
Eddie made Ben a mixtape with all the songs he’d asked the loser’s reminded them of Ben. He thought Beverly’s insistence of her song being a new kids on the block song a bit weird but who’s he to judge?
Richie got Mike a coupon book but instead of things like “free hug” or “back massage” they consisted of “Richie will shut up for 3 hours”. Mike only ever used a couple but you can imagine a grown Richie’s surprise when after 20 some odd years Mike handed him a coupon saying beep beep that he’d completely forgotten about
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big-ope-vibes · 1 year
rules: shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist and post the first ten tracks, then tag ten people
Thanks for the tags @abibliophobiaa @superblysubpar @boomhauer @beep-beep-sherlock & @loveshotzz!
1. money on the dash - elley duhé & whethan
2. shittin’ me - a$ap rocky
3. worms - ashnikko
4. slumber party - ashnikko ft princess nokia
5. i kill everything - deathbyromy & away
6. hold me like a grudge - fall out boy
7. crypt - roderick porter
8. lights out - bludnymph
9. you make me sick - ashnikko
10. all about me - lilyisthatyou
clearly riding an ashnikko high lately 💀hahaha
no presh tags (and im sure a lot of you are already tagged!): @jo-harrington @br0ck-eddie @ghost-proofbaby @pastel-pillows @chestylarouxx @breddiemunson @fracturedarkness @somnambulic-thing @dr-aculaaa @choke-me-eddie @cool-nick-miller @trader-jolene @trashmouth-richie @quinnypixie @wroteclassicaly @word-wytch @eddiemunsons-missingnipple @ratskcoreddie @take-everything-you-can @i-me-mine @pizzapartypunk @pinkrelish @andvys @shiftingtherain @storiesbyrhi @dearest-readers @fiveraccoonsinatrenchcoat @mopeymopeymouse @morninglesss @courtingchaos @boogiewrites @nightonblogmountain @neonghostlights
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tozierbeeps · 4 months
Eddie waited a few moments before muttering, “I checked my phone. She never texted me about sushi.”
“Does she do that often?” Richie asked, his brow furrowing. It felt utterly ridiculous given that Eddie wasn’t a mind reader. Richie doubted that she even expected him to be. He had a feeling that it was just an excuse to keep him down.
Eddie gave a quiet, harsh laugh. “Constantly. I bring home Thai and she wants Indian. I bring home Japanese barbeque and she wants sushi. Hawaiian and she wants pizza.”
“Those last two don't exclude each other,” Richie pointed out. “Sort of.”
Eddie rolled his eyes. “You seriously think she'd eat pineapple pizza?” he asked tiredly.
“Yikes. Who doesn't eat Hawaiian pizza?”
“Rich, it has pineapple. It's fruit. On a pizza.”
Richie gaped at him in mock horror. He threw the back of his hand against his forehead as he leaned back. “I don't even know who you are anymore!” he exclaimed dramatically, putting much more effort into keeping his voice quiet than was probably necessary.
Eddie laughed and shook his head. “Beep beep, Richie.” He glanced over his shoulder again, as if expecting her to come out just to scold them. Honestly, Richie wouldn’t even be surprised if she did.
Richie let himself finally take him in, face softening as he did. “You're looking good, Eds.” He reached out before he could stop himself and ran his finger lightly over the scar on his cheek. Eddie's eyes closed at the touch. “This healed pretty nice.”
“Thanks, I think.” Eddie’s eyes were open again and staring at him. The tension was so thick that Richie thought he could drown in it. He could see in Eddie’s eyes he felt it too and the temptation to kiss him was back and way too strong.
Trying to keep himself behaving, he asked, “What did you tell her happened?”
“Oh.” Eddie grimaced. “I panicked and said I was mugged. I wasn't allowed to leave the house unattended for like two months.”
“Oh, god. That sounds delightful.”
Eddie shook his head. “Oh, it was awful. Just God awful. I wouldn't be surprised if she blames you for that one either.”
Richie barked a laugh. “I know that shouldn't be funny but it's so like your mother.”
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carmenized-onions · 4 months
1. It genuinly took me a few chapters to realize chip and mikey were platonic. Buuuut I do like them as both. Like Chip and Carm feels more pure (?) in a way when everything with Mikey was platonic (cause like Chip wasn’t romantic with his bro first) but i also love the idea of Chippy and mikey being cute and romantic - sue me. honestly maybe it’s both!! maybe they were really close friends who sometimes acted a bit closer than what someone who’s platonic would. maybe some light flirting and touches that lingered a bit too long. it’s anyone’s guess!!
2. bro wanting to ruin it on purpose before he can ruin it on accident is yeah…. i’ll lock myself in a room
3. oh yes it’s very clear chips ‘n’ dip only thinks they’re at fault with what happened to mikey. your writing conveys it perfectly i promise!!
9. Yeah that thing about bisexual femmes,,, accurate
10. please as a fellow yapper i absolutely believe people can speak many sentences in one go, or monolouge. my biggest enemy when writing academic papers is trying to shorten my sentences cause when i write my first draft i fully truck what looks like three sentences into one oops
Beep bop boop beep I have a rule of clearing out my inbox before I post a new chapter so yee haw!!! After this chapter's dropping hehehehehe
We will get into it story wise, because I did definitely tow a line a little bit, but yes, I agree. I wouldn't say pure but more like-- As a sibling, if a girl that dated my brother then wanted to date me? Hey. No. Hey man? No thanks. Cooties.
Marchippy is so funny, they'll definitely have actual moments in the future, lmao.
And YES TO THE YAP!! Big fuckin fan of commas ova here. I just be sayin shit. Also a huge Dash person, yknow the -- i do all the time? I do them in essays too, i'm constantly interrupting myself, i'm CRAZY!!!
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badboysupr · 2 years
quick update:
still keeping a bit of a distance from tumblr rn – been enjoying pursuing other things lately, and with my job being... the way it is, i kinda need to decompress every evening with some other hobbies
things will continue to be slow probably for the rest of the summer and into the fall (just a lot of things piling up in my personal life), but i at least want to do a little writing here and there when i can, so... expect SUPER random replies on occasion
i’ve been checking in sometimes just to chinhands at my amazing mutuals: ya’ll are doing great. thanks for your patience! <3 i hope everyone is doing well
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reds-ramblings · 2 years
This is one of several one-shots that have been just sitting in my drafts for a while because one shots aren't really my thing. I've felt like maybe they weren't good enough to share. This is the most recent one and an attempt at turning my own ridiculous life story into a Jake x MC story. I'm still not entirely sure I'm a fan of this one, but here we are.
It's been roughly three years since MC's life was flipped upside down by a girl she had never met mistakenly sending her number to her boyfriend. After Hannah and Richy were found alive MC's life returned to the ordinary boring one she had before. She still received the occasional text from the friends she made during that time but it had been what seemed like ages since she had heard from the mysterious hacker who captured her heart.
MC walked into her ordinary office job and greeted her coworkers like she always did.
"Good morning MC!" Heather, her boss called out to her a little too cheery for 8 a.m.
"Good morning, Heather." MC repeated trying but failing to match her enthusiasm.
MC sits down at her desk, turns on her laptop, and starts logging into the many systems she uses during the day.
"Seriously, why won't you just cooperate with me?" She yells out at her computer.
"Oh no, what's it doing now?" Heather asks.
"It won't let me log into the main system and it won't register that some of my equipment is plugged in. I'm going to have to call support." MC says already dialing the number. The line connects.
"Hey MC what did you break this time?" A friendly voice answers. She tells him of her issues and he gets her IP to remotely access her computer. After not being able to fix the issue he tells her he is forwarding her case to IT.
"Well, they sent it to IT someone should be here shortly. I wonder who they're going to send?" She says to Heather.
"Well, I told Chris there's an open desk beside yours he should just move down here." Heather jokes.
"Maybe it'll be Dave this time I haven't seen him in a while."
"He left the company they were hiring for his replacement last week so maybe you'll have someone new to bug with all your issues today." Heather says laughing.
Meanwhile, in another area of the building in the company's IT department, a computer beeps signaling there has been a ticket opened for system issues.
"Umm, guys I just had a ticket come over. All it says is #MCBrokeIt what do I do with this?" Asks the newest member of the team.
"Oh MC? She's the one we warned you about. She has more system issues than anyone else in the company. You need to go down there and find out what the problem is. This is going to be your official initiation into the team." Chris the department head says.
The new guy looks at the directions to where her desk is and walks down the stairs and across the building. He arrives at MC's desk and leans against the wall of her cubicle.
"So you must be the infamous MC I've been warned about." He says jokingly.
"And you must me new." She laughs.
"Today is only my second day. They said getting to resolve your issues was my official initiation."
"Well, that sounds about right. Trust me we will be seeing a lot of each other."
"Are you aware you have your own hashtag?" He asks her.
She rolls her eyes and points to a custom-made street sign on her desk that says #MCBrokeIt Ave. "Oh, I'm aware. Chris gave me that and said it was a gift for being his job security."
"Basically as long as you're here I don't ever have to worry about not having a job?" He jokes.
"May I?" He asks motioning to her computer.
"Oh yeah sorry." She says getting up from her desk allowing him to have a seat. She can't help but notice how handsome the guy is with his shaggy black hair, icy blue eyes, and thin frame. She notices a tattoo on the side of his neck but it is hidden by his collar and she can't quite make out what it is.
After a few minutes of working on her computer, he turns to her with a confused expression. "How exactly did 23 drivers get deleted off of your laptop?" He asks raising an eyebrow at her.
"Well, I don't have administrator access to delete them so you tell me." She smiles back at him.
"I reinstalled the drivers you shouldn't have any more issues." He says giving her her seat back.
MC is finally able to start work but 15 minutes later the computer has another issue. After a call to support the same guy shows up at her desk with a laptop in one hand and an energy drink in the other.
"Oh, looks like you've come prepared." She says to him.
"That's right a new computer for you and an energy drink for me." He says.
"I would have reached out to you directly instead of calling support but I forgot to get your name earlier."
"Hmm, maybe you not knowing my name is a good thing." He jokes.
"Well, I guess you're right. I won't be able to bother you if I don't know your name."
"You're not a bother. I've enjoyed our interactions. My name is Jake by the way."
A frown forms on MC's face as she remembers her own Jake who she hasn't spoken to in so long. She quickly pushes the thoughts aside and moves over for him to switch out her computer.
At the end of the day, everyone has gone home but MC is still at her desk working. She hears a noise and looks up to see Jake standing beside her desk.
"I noticed you were still here and wanted to make sure everything was alright."
"Yeah, I don't have much of an exciting life outside of work so I usually stay late." She answers.
He turns and sits slightly on the edge of her desk facing her and crosses his arms over his chest. "So you're not dating anybody?" He asks.
"No, not at all and have no plans to." She says without looking up from her computer.
"Oh, I see. You wouldn't happen to be waiting on some mysterious hacker who's wanted by the government to get his shit together and come find you, would you?" He asks causing her to gasp.
"Wait, what?" She says, looking at him, confused.
"MC, I'm sorry for disappearing on you. Please give me a chance to make it up to you." He says leaning closer to her.
"Is this some kind of joke?" She asks still not convinced.
"No, it's really me. I'm free to live a normal life now." He says.
She pushes her chair back from her desk and stares at him trying to decide if he's being honest. "Ok, then prove it." She finally tells him.
He reaches up and pulls down the collar of his shirt revealing his tattoo. It is the red eye of nymos. "Umm let's see Hannah and Lily are my sisters. Hannah sent your number to Thomas when she was kidnapped. Then you helped me hack Hannah's cloud. You and Lily started #IamJake to keep my pursuers away from me. Convinced?"
"Anyone could know all of that. Tell me something only my Jake would know."
"Hmm, well we didn't talk much about ourselves so I'm not sure what would convince you. Alright, I know. I can tell you what Nymos stands for."
"Really? What does it stand for?" She crosses her arms over her chest waiting for his answer.
He leans in real close to her ear and whispers "For two souls that are coincidentally but eternally connected."
She looks up at him shocked. "That's not what it really stands for!"
"No, but that's what you told darkness and I like that explanation better. Now, if I remember correctly I believe I owe you Chinese food."
She jumps up and wraps her arms around Jake, her Jake, who she finally has in front of her.
"Oh and just for the record, we are going to have to work on your computer skills. A world-famous hacker can't be dating a girl that breaks every computer she touches." He laughs.
"Hey I break it and you fix it. That sounds like the perfect relationship to me."
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dailyreverie · 3 years
Can I get 27 with Poe, please?
The knife
A/N: You have no idea how fast this idea came to me when I saw the prompt and the character you requested 😂 I really hope you like it! It is a cute funny Poe and BB mess around blurb that I had a lot of fun with. Also, that gif? I'm forever in love.
27. “They’re not allowed to have knives.”
Pairing: Poe Dameron x reader
Word count: 720 words
Warnings: Mentions of stabbing and [fake] blood but it is all in a fun way.
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[gif by @meep-meep-richie]
There was this celebration on some of the outer rim planets to celebrate horror. Everyone jumped into the idea as soon as it began spreading around the base, with ghost stories, scare pranks, and tricks being played all over the base, and a big celebration at night where everyone had to bring out their best scary costume.
When you hear the lock on your door opening that night, you already know who is on the other side. "Come in!" You announce, even if it is useless since your uninvited guest will make its way to your room either way. Hearing it open brings a smile to your lips as you arrange the last items of your costume, but the rolling droid coming into your room at full speed changes your expression completely.
BB-8's usual cheery tone is way lower as he spins around your room threateningly, with a red light blinking on the lense and lighting the room crimson, and once the droid settles in front of your impressed face you notice the knife taped to one of his attachments. Poe had suggested a few costume ideas for the three of you, and when he decided on the evil BB-8 one - whatever that meant - you were not at all expecting all this.
"What the hell is going on?" You ask, suppressing a laugh.
"It's his costume!" Poe appears in your doorway, pointing excitedly at his droid with a huge smile on his face. "BB is evil now!"
BB-8 beeped again, back to his normal happy tone, before turning back into the deep, mean one.
"Is that an actual knife?" Poe's eyes light up when you ask as if he were expecting that question.
"Yes! And I have a great idea! I found some red paint at a storage unit, if we splatter ourselves with it and break a bit some of our clothes, it would totally look as if BB-8 had stabbed us to death." Poe explains with excitement, with his clothes already ripped at strategic places, not noticing the way you are trying to process when did he decide that taping a knife to his droid was a good idea.
Your silence and your agape mouth, looking for words as you let out a silent laugh, make Poe fidget, approaching you with a questioning look. "What?" He asks, confused at your reaction.
"I like it, Poe..." You are quick to defend, not wanting to hurt his feelings when he came into your room as excited as he was. "... but... a knife?"
"Well... yeah," Poe shrugs, "Did you- did you not like it?" He is completely heartbroken at the thought.
You sigh, reaching to hold Poe's arms for comfort. "I like it, I do! But I'm not sure about the knife." Poe's shoulders drop the same way BB's head did, both letting out a small whimper making you chuckle. "It can be dangerous."
"I swear we will be careful." The pilot promises, pleading into your eyes with that look that always makes you weak.
"Poe, sweetheart..." You try to reason, looking at him in hopes he will understand. "They’re not allowed to have knives. I'm not allowing it."
"But the costume-"
"We can still have the costume, maybe we can find something that looks like a knife." Poe's head hangs in defeat. "If BB bumps into someone they might get really hurt."
"Baby, please," Poe does his best at convincing you, holding your arms and giving them soft caresses as he looks sweetly at you. "I'll be right behind him at all times."
It is hard to say no to Poe, especially when his droid somehow has the same look as him. Your hand goes to Poe's cheek, feeling the stubble before pushing a loose curl back and kissing him softly. He leans into your touch, already knowing your answer when he meets your eyes. "Absolutely not." You smile sympathetically at him, who's now also laughing slightly at his own idea. "Let's go find a fake knife, okay?"
"And the fake blood." Poe negotiates, kissing you back and holding his hand out for your quest.
You roll your eyes at him but smile nonetheless, "...and the fake blood."
Once Poe smiles and pulls you into his side to walk, BB-8 begins to beep happily, rolling behind you. Those two, you swear to the Maker, they are your favorite headache in the galaxy.
Thanks for reading! Please reblog and comment if you enjoyed it!
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Join the taglist!
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im back tf home after being out all day. too late for a shower, damn.
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lois-carroline · 3 years
A/N: hello guys 👋🏻👋🏻 I forgot to update this before 2 days.😅
Jake X Fem MC.
It's been 4 months since Hannah was found, we all are happy about that. And I settled in Duskwood, in a rented house. Jake never contacted me after that not even a single text.
I texted him every time, but never got a reply. I got angry, it's been 4 months. I decided to call Jake again, right now.
I took my phone from the charger. I dialed his number, to my surprise he attended. "What do you think in your mind, Jake?! Am I only a Key to you? You used me only to find your half-sister?! Am I not important to you other than that?!" I shouted without a stop and hung up the call.
I sat down on my sofa and held my knees to my chest and cried.
And that is my last call with him. I stopped texting him. 4 months became 7, 8, and 1 year.
We didn't text in this one year. It's been so long, I even tried to forget about him. But I don't think it is possible.
My friends are worried about me. They tried their best to make me forget about Jake. But they know they can't because the reason they became friends with me is Jake.
Here I am again in Rainbow Cafè to my blind date. I sighed thinking about what happened this morning. Jessy forced me to this blind date again to forget about Jake and start a new life.
It's my 3rd blind date. I looked at the person in front of me. He had chocolate brown hair and hazel brown eyes.
He looked at me with a gentle smile which I returned. "So, you are not from Duskwood?" he asked "Yeah," I confirmed.
"Do you like.....," Before he could finish his phone got a message with a beep. "Excuse me," he said I nodded and as he took his phone from his pocket.
After a second he looked at me with a smile again. "So..." Again his phone beeped. He looked again at his phone, this time he looked around.
I looked at him confused. His phone made a beep sound again. He looked at it and he became nervous.
"Is there a problem?" I asked softly. "Yes, I have to go," he said and left the place just like that.
There is something wrong, the same thing happened the before 2 times on the blind date.
I sighed and paid the bill for the coffee and went to my house.
It is 8 at night. When I was on my phone, my phone Plopped with a new message. It's Jessy.
Hello, MC. How was your date?🤭
Oh, don't talk about that.🙄
Why, what happened?😕
        He just went just like that after a
What?! He went just like that?!😠
Stop that, I don't even like him😑
Alright, don't worry. I am gonna search for a new person for you.
Jessyyyyyy, I don't want any.
Please understand me, Jessy. I don't want
blind dates.
Alright, then.😐
Have a good night 😘
You too🥰
Jessy is now offline
I kept my phone on the table and started to sleep. I woke in the middle of the night when I heard a knock on the door.
I looked at my alarm on the table which showed 1:01. Who could that be at this time? I went downstairs and opened the door only to see a person in a black hoodie.
"Umm?" I don't know what to say when he didn't even look at me. He lifted his head to look at me with his piercing blue eyes.
The stranger frowned "how can you open the door for a stranger at this time?" He asked which confused me.
"If you wish me not to open the door, why did you knocked?" I retorted.  "And, who are you?" I added.
He stayed silent for some time."I...I am Jake..." He said which is more like a whisper, I felt guilt in his voice. I stood stunned processing his words again.
The Jake who I wanted for this 1 year is in front of me. I didn't know what to say, I left some space for him to get inside. We went to the living room.
"MC, I am sorry." He said worriedly. I felt my eyes well up with tears. I am happy and angry at the same time. I don't know which to use now.
"MC...." I heard Jake. "Why are you here after a year?!" I raised my voice angrily. Without my knowing I chose Anger to use.
"Aren't you got your sister back? Why do you need me now?" I asked with a hint of anger in my voice.
"MC, listen to me...," He started but was cut off by me. "Leave, Jake," I said with a hint of pain in my voice.
"MC...," He said with the same pain in his voice. It broke my heart. "Please," I pleaded. He didn't say any other words, he left my house.
And again here I am, crying with my head buried on my knees.
I opened my eyes to see myself on the sofa. That's when I remembered last night's incident.
I felt my eyes became blurry again. I wiped my tears with the back of my hands and went upstairs to take a shower.
After the shower, I went and took my phone from the table near my bed. I frowned at looking at my phone screen. It showed I am sorry, MC.
I know who done this, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath "Stop this now, Jake! I know you can hear me through my phone!" I shouted at the phone, soon it turned back normal.
I am not angry at him now. I want to punish him for some days for not making contact with me for a year.
I went down and ate my breakfast. I took my office materials and opened my door only to see Jake with flowers in his hand.
When did he turn this romantic?  I went past him. "MC!" Jake called, I didn't turn to look at him.
I sat down on my office chair and started to work on the computer.
It is the evening at 7 p.m. While I am working the computer started to hang. The screen is starting to glitch.
"What is going on?" The staffs stated, I looked at the computers in the office only to see that everyone's is glitching.
After a second the computer screens showed up with the Nym-Os symbol. I knew, that is you.
"Oh my god, it's creepy!" A staff stated.  Well, I don't think so. I took my phone and texted Jake.
Stop doing this, Jake. for which he replied  Come out :)  I rolled my eyes and went out of my office only to see Jake with his laptop sitting near the fountain.
"What do you want?" I asked trying my best to show him that I am angry. "Your forgiveness," he said innocently.
"I don't have something called 'forgiveness' so stop hacking into my phone and working place!" I said acting that I am annoyed.
"There is no way that you don't have 'forgiveness' so give that to me. As for the hacking I already made your working place normal," he said with a grin.
"What about my phone?" I questioned him. "Well....I had been with you through your phone for 1 year," he said which shocked me.
"What do you mean?" I asked him as he started to walk on the street and I followed him. "I mean, I had been hearing you through phone," he said.
"You watched me every day!" I shouted with a frown. "Yeah, I saw your pain every day, heard you cry most of the night. It broke my heart," he said with pain.
I felt my eyes well up, I looked at the ground while walking on the dark street."Why didn't you contact me then?" I asked him.
"I can't put you in danger by contacting you," he said worriedly. I halted and looked at him with tears in my eyes. He slowly took his hands near my cheek and caressed me with his thumb finger.
I hugged him and buried my face in his chest. I felt his hand on my head. "I am so sorry, it took a year for me to get free from my pursuers," he said and hugged me tightly.
I separated the hug and wiped my tears with the back of my hands. "It's ok, I am happy you are here now," I said with a smile which he returned.
"Alright, let's go to my house. You should meet the others tomorrow," I said, he nodded.
We started to walk again and that's when something strikes to me. I gasped "so, you are the one who ruined my 3 blind dates?" I asked him with a hint of shock in my voice.
He chuckled, "yes," he replied. "But, how?" I asked still stunned. "Well, the whole Duskwood camera is hacked by me," he said casually.
I blinked at his casualty. "And I don't want to lose you," he said which made me blush.
The next morning I message everyone to meet at Lily's place.  They all came. They were surprised to see Jake, but also happy.
Lily and Hannah gave a tight hug to Jake. Jessy, Thomas, Cleo, Richy gave a friendly hug to him.
"I am happy you came, Hacker boy," Dan said as he came near to Jake and gave a nice punch to Jake!
We all gasped. "What the-" Jake muttered. "What are you doing Dan?!" I shouted as I gave a smack on his shoulder.
"That's what you deserve for leaving MC for a year," he said. Dan behaves like a big brother to me these days.
I looked at Jake who has some blood in corner of his lip. "OMG, Jake you are bleeding!" Hannah said shocked.
"MC, bring him to your house and give him first-aid," Lily said. I nodded. We walked to my house which is near Lily's.
I made him sit on the sofa and ran upstairs to take the first-aid. I came with a box and sat near Jake who is staring at me.
"Is it hurts?" I asked as I took cotton with antiseptic liquid dipped. He didn't say anything but just staring me.
I took my hand near his lip and wiped the blood slowly. He hissed in pain. "Just a moment," I said as I continued.
He stopped me by holding my wrist, "what-," before I could finish, he pulled me into a kiss. It was passionate.
I enjoyed the kiss as I wrapped my hand around his neck. I felt Jake's lip curled into a smile while kissing.
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angelik89 · 7 years
La Chilindrina contando al Chavo sobre la película de It (el payaso Pennywise)
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beepbeepmockingbird · 3 years
Beep Beep Mockingbird
Summary: A tragic incident tears a rift between Stanley and Richie as the former blames himself for what happened on that night.
Chapter 8: It was Andrea who insisted he take a day off from school. Stanley had never skipped a day in his entire academic career, barring severe illness or family emergencies. But one look at his haggard face that morning made his mother turn him around and escort him back to his room.
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sorin-sunchild · 4 years
Rating original Losers vs film Losers and accepting no criticism.
Bill: Coolest big bro, sadly sits in Georges room like :( and my heart cries, Ideas Guy, every other Loser has a crush on him at least a little, would die for everyone, secretly insecure, loves everyone so much, bit of a douche as an adult but at least he doesn't abandon his wife at the end, stutters way too much it feels??? angst and feels 7/10
Bill: Stutters the correct amount it seems, bit of an ass all the way through, spends forever going through one character arc, dead brother is only reason they go with him it seems, blander than usual, not as much of an adult ass but still assy, cares about some random kid which is...nice 6/10
Ben: baby BABY boy, full of so much love, very round very pure, can make anything at all and will even if it should be impossible, would kill for Bev himself or anyone else, knows how to respect her though, will of iron and fire, alcoholic and thin as an adult to cope with trauma, library lover 10/10
Ben: cutie patootie, accidentally got Mike's hobbies and talent, some actually funny moments, puppy crush, brave boy foolish boy, makes something eventually I guess, became weirdly hot as an adult just because I guess trauma?? Not explored in a THREE HOUR FILM 8/10
Mike: farmers boy, infinite curiosity, hated the most by Bowers for nothing but being black, loves his family, loves books, got the worst end of the stick but did his damn best and spent the last fight in hospital for all his troubles DAMN 7/10
Mike: Sorta shown that he lives on a farm, they killed off his parents so they didn't have to get too into the racism part, had a sort of a cool fight with Bowers, came back fierce as an adult but mostly to lie and drug Bill 5/10
Stan: bird boy, weird sense of humour, takes himself lightly, good ideas all the time including to make the blood pact, yells birds names at It and wins, logic is king, worked so hard to get so far but in the end it doesn't even matter 9/10
Stan: ummmm he's Jewish and gets scared and sad and then ends it 3/10
Beverly: Token Girl, cool and pretty and everyone is jealous, fighting the troubles of growing up poor, knows she's being abused but still wants to love her dad which is realistic af, would be good with Kay but Ben is defo second best choice, gave it good to her abusive relationship but still deserved better, feisty and talented 7/10
Beverly: Token girl but actually pretty spot on but turned up the cool and independent, still got to give it good to awful men 8/10
Eddie: another absolute baby, could burst with passion, so brave, panic attacks, under his mother's thumb but stands up to her when it matters the most, loves everyone so much, deals with literally so much shit, secretly gay, so relatable 10/10
Eddie: fiery but misplaces it, tsundere for some reason, knows his stuff about medicine but mostly just complains and shouts a lot, can be tender and soft just a little, had the wrong arc as an adult 4/10
Richie: absolutely bananas, needs beep beep for his motormouth, has no idea why he says and does what he does, 1 million dreams, loves his friends, admired Bill and his back muscles, bi af, ADHD king, never fails to step tf up for better or for worse, real lost love hours 10/10
Richie: thinks mentioning (his) penis makes him funny, really rude to a lot of the others for no reason, barely any bonds, likes video games, gay I guess?? 3/10
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izupie · 3 years
Ahhh so many options... okay, so for that meta ask 3, 8 and 18~
I know right? I kind of love all of these questions from this ask lmao 
Thank you for sending these in ;;;;;; <3
3. What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
this questionnnn, man, there are like, TOO many things I would love to write without the set up,,
Ironically my current Reddie wip [barks] is just me actually committing to the set up of the one scene I had in my head that was basically a werewolf reveal scene tied onto the back of a supernatural romance story. and I’m 20k into the set up for it but ON GOD I will get to that scene 
Also a cautionary tale in not being able to fully commit to this is my discontinued MHA fic Hold Me which was aaaallll just so I could write a horror themed escape room and just GO HAM on the horror. Then I spent 20k words trying to get there and just, lost steam before they even got to the freaking place I wanted them to get to when I first started writing it :’)))
But at the moment I’d really love to write a scene where Richie and Eddie (yes yes more IT I am nothing if not predictable *finger guns*) time travel together into their past - weird Derry magic style - and they’re going to try and stop their friends from ruining their lives, so they’re just 40 year old dudes pining in their 20-something bodies going around changing the past together. But like, the set up that would take is just ugh
8. Is what you like to write the same as what you like to read?
yes. Y E S.
I love fluff. I will read fluff all day - and it’s my favourite thing to write! Alongside mutual pining and second-hand embarrassment ahaha
But another favourite of mine to read is slow burns, and I’ve never managed to hold onto the motivation to write one myself aaaa. 
A fic containing the tags of slow burn, mutual pining, [character] is an idiot, light angst, eventual smut, and happy ending will have me on one knee asking to marry the author.
If I could write something like that I would literally scream in Fulfilled Writer
18. Do any of your stories have alternative versions? (plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterisations?) Tell us about them.
hmmm, the first thing I can think of is that Don’t Stop Dreaming was supposed to make it completely implicit that Izuku was a ghost and that Ochako wasn’t even asleep - just seeing his ghost. But when I got the idea to repeat the beginning at the end, I made it vague and had it so that she was just dreaming,, or was she???
Oh! And Beep Beep Beep had a load of stuff that changed from the original plan! Iida was going to originally be a friend of Izuku’s, rather than Ochako’s. And Tokoyami was going to be the paramedic that worked with him instead of Denki. (At that point Tokoyami wasn’t planned on being blind either.) And I’d planned on each alternating chapter swapping between the pov focus of Ochako and Izuku, but I kept it primarily in Ochako’s pov focus in the end so that when I switched it to Izuku it was more of like a ‘oh, this is different’ moment
Two Halves of a Whole Idiot was supposed to contain a whooooole lot more pining and awkwardness but it kind of killed the pacing, so I shortened it down, but now I think I want to put it back in....
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Hi! Could you possibly give some of your favorite finished chaptered reddie fics?❤
Well do I ever! Enjoy these amazing fics by some amazing people! Its an extensive list so I’ve put it under a read more so as not to clog the tag! 
Is there somewhere by @tozier-boy | 11/11 | complete | explicit
Richie didn’t belong in boring, old fashioned, small Derry, that was for sure.
Richie Tozier wore leather jackets and ripped jeans. Richie Tozier had his ear pierced and he painted his nails black. Richie Tozier wore combat boots and let his curls grow wild and messy. Richie Tozier always had headphones around his neck and sometimes he wore eyeliner. Richie Tozier smoked weed on the school ground and told teachers to shut the fuck up. Richie Tozier was tall and skinny and he wore bands tank tops. Richie Tozier was the reason why Eddie had started biting his lower lip way more frequently than he did before.
Zero Characters Left by @stellarbisexual | 18/18 | complete | explicit 
Eddie works in social media at a tech start-up in Boston, and Richie's been hired to do some video production for the company.
Characters are aged-up to their late twenties, and this takes place in 2017.
Bright as yellow by @speakslowtellmelove | 30/30 | complete | mature 
“‘Remember that hot guy I couldn’t stop turning around to stare at while watching the movie? Y’know, the one I stalked? He’s being hilarious in my math class full of nerds.’ You honestly think that’s my fault, Eds?”
Eddie felt his cheeks heating up, because Richie was right about all of it. Well, most of it. “My name is Eddie, not Eds. And I didn’t stal–”
“Nice to meet you, Eddie. See, isn’t that better? Eddie and Richie, Richie and Eddie. R plus E. It has a nice ring to it.”
the sea around us by @eddiefuckinkaspbrak & @tozier-boy | 26/26 | complete | explicit 
Prince Edward, is due to marry Princess Myra in order to help secure his kingdom financially. In a last ditch effort to be free and fulfil a lifelong dream of travelling the world, he sneaks out of his window and on board a pirate ship. Captain Richie Tozier’s pirate ship.
or Prince Eddie & Pirate Richie AU
Beep-beep, Eddie Kaspbrak by Ragno | 5/5 | complete | mature
Eddie Kaspbrak is 14 years old and he just defeated a demonic clown along with his friends.
Eddie Kaspbrak is 16 years old and he's fighting against himself and the way he feels and the way he thinks.
Eddie Kaspbrak is 18 years old and he'd much rather fight a demonic clown all over again than face his true feelings for Richie Tozier.
The Order by @s-s-georgie | 10/10 | complete | mature
“You guys lost too?”
“Nope. Believe it or not Silent Hill is my actual destination.”
- The Silent Hill Au Literally no one asked for but you're getting anyway.
far too young to die (part one) by @catsbrak | 17/17 | complete | explicit
Eighteen year old seamster Eddie Kasprak is forced to put his survival skills to the test when he’s selected in the reaping for the 27th Annual Hunger Games, where twenty-four young ‘tributes’ who are gathered from each of the twelve districts must fight to the death. Eddie forms close bonds, his priorities undergoing a drastic shift, and he instead takes on a more difficult task: to try and protect his friends.
(in other words, the reddie hunger games AU no one asked for, and everyone will hate me for)
Kryptonite by hoeziertozier | 13/13 | complete | explicit
‘Richie looked down and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. “There’s a reason I came to New York.”
“Isn’t it because of your job?”
“Yeah, but there’s a reason I specifically chose New York. I mean, it’s Wonder Boy’s home.”
Eddie choked on air. For the first time in ages, he wanted to use his inhaler. “What?“
"Yeah, I’m kinda obsessed with him. He’s, like, my idol.”
So, his new roommate was his superhero persona’s fanboy. Yep, that was definitely not going to be a problem.’
Or, the self-indulgent Superhero!Eddie and Superfan!Richie AU that literally nobody asked for.
Just Survive Somehow by @s-s-georgie | 21/21 | complete | mature
When the world ended, and the dead rose to eat the living, it turned into kill or be killed, but how do you survive when the creatures around you are constantly evolving?
Wishes by strictlyamess | 14/14 | complete | mature
It's one thing to vacation at the Happiest Place on Earth with all your friends.
Working there with them is another thing entirely.
(or: the Disney World Employee/Cast Member AU written by a former Disney World Cast Member that some people asked for but most did not)
Operation: Hawaii Honeymoon by @tinyarmedtrex | 9/9 | complete | mature
A plan formed in Eddie’s head. One that would benefit them both. “Does your ex have an instagram?” Eddie asked. Eddie shook his head. “Do you want to make her jealous?”
“More than anything.”
“Hear me out then.” Eddie said, plunging forward even though he knew his idea was ridiculous. “What if you came to Hawaii with me? We’ll act like the perfect couple- she’ll get jealous, maybe want you back, and Myra will have to accept that I’m gay and will leave me alone.”
Richie looked up at him, a noodle dangling out of his mouth. “What?”
[ or Eddie and Richie meet on a plane to Hawaii and strike up a deal. Pretend to be lovers to make Richie’s ex-girlfriend jealous and convince Eddie’s ex-fiance Myra that he’s gay. What could go wrong?]
Inexhaustible Source of Magic by @jem-carstairs-is-perfection & @tinyarmedtrex | 17/17 | complete | teen 
The Triwizard Tournament is back at Hogwarts and this time, two students from each school will be chosen to participate. When Richie Tozier and Eddie Kaspbrak are elected by the Legendary Goblet of Fire to compete, they must come together as a team and overcome their differences to prove to themselves and to others what they are capable of.
ask me to stay by @richietoizer | 7/7 | complete | teen
“Your lip is all busted,” Eddie said, as though pointing out that Richie’s lips were injured would somehow make it okay that Eddie was paying attention to them. Richie’s hand came up, long fingers wrapping around Eddie’s tiny wrist, and he gently guided Eddie’s touch away.
Eddie finally wrenched his eyes away from Richie’s lips and met his best friend’s gaze. There was a softness there that he rarely got to see, not even the smallest hint of teasing or joking there. It was just Richie, just Richie looking at him and Eddie looking back. For a single moment, it was just Richie and Eddie alone in the world. Nothing to bother them, nothing to live up to.
[or: the year is 1994, and Eddie Kaspbrak is in love.]
Sex, Money, Murder by @studpuffin | 8/8 | complete | explicit
“The only sin is mediocrity.” ― Martha Graham
the years go by like days by georgiestauffenberg | 4/4| complete | mature 
It’s Eddie he wants to get a hold of, though, and he does, tucking him under his arm, and ruffling his hair, making him laugh. He’s startled when Eddie looks at him with such happy, shining eyes. And, for a split-second, he’s tempted to kiss him right then, right there in front of everyone.
He wants to. Badly. He doesn’t.
He leans in, instead, and he smacks a loud, wet kiss to Eddie’s cheek, punctuating it with a “mwah!” He does it again and again. “I’m so proud of my little Eds Spagheds!”
“Get off me!” Eddie says, laughing and shoving him away, swatting at his hands.
AU. in the 27 years in-between, Richie and Eddie forget a lot, but they don't forget each other.
Fall Away From Me (I Just Can’t Take It) by @thelazyeye | 6/6 | complete “ explicit 
It’s okay, though, Eddie tells himself. It’s all fine. This is part of their arrangement. This is a casual thing they have going. It’s his own stupid fault for catching feelings for someone he agreed to casually fuck. Especially when that person is his best friend from childhood.
It Was Always You by eddie_kaspbraktozier | 12/12 | complete | teen
Eddie, miraculously, survives the fight with Pennywise. Richie is still hopelessly in love with him, even after all of these years. As Richie stays with Eddie to help him with his recovery and divorce, he tries to find the courage to tell Eddie his true feelings.
Eddie wakes up after the fight with Pennywise to realize his whole life has been a lie – his asthma, his marriage, god, his whole adult life. Although now, Eddie is finally free to decide what he wants out of life. Eddie slowly comes to realize his feelings for his best friend.
Told in alternating point of views – Richie and Eddie’s.
IT Chapter Three. The ending we deserve.
IDK, spooky stuff by varnes | 3/3 | complete | explicit 
“You’re a ghost hunter, aren’t you?” Georgie reminded him. “And he’s a ghost, or something. So obviously the police won’t find him, but you guys can, with all your equipment. You can find him and make the murders stop.”
From the couch, Richie’s whole face was lit up with delight. That was always a bad sign.
“I don’t know, Georgie,” Bill said, but before he could get the words all the way out, Richie was leaping up and yanking the phone out of his hand.
“Murderous ghost circus performer, love it, love it,” he announced. “Georgiekins, say no more, not one word, we are absolutely going to come bust the shit out of this clown.”
Or: the quasi-BFU AU where Bill, Stan, Bev and Richie go to Derry to hunt a ghost. Featuring a one-armed boy out for revenge; a Tiny Smol hotel clerk who can't decide if he wants to fight Richie or marry him; The Hot Fireman From LA?!; a local librarian who just wants to read books to children in peace; and, of course, Pennywise the clown.
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nerianasims · 4 years
Billboard #1s 1984
Under the cut.
Yes -- "Owner of a Lonely Heart" -- January 21, 1984
The full version of this song is way too long. Not surprising from a former prog rock band. The music is good and interesting, but it loses me before the end even in the shorter single version. There's too much stuff. As for the lyrics, maybe that prog rock gloss made people think they were profound, but they look like self-help. Some incredibly 80s Reagan-era individualism, better to be alone than to be hurt, you're the only one you can count on, blah blah blah. Not for me. 'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
Culture Club -- "Karma Chameleon" -- February 4, 1984
The video to this song has nothing to do with it, unless there's supposed to be a connection between the con artist on the fantasy world 19th century steamboat and the guy who keeps coming and going whom Boy George is singing to. And I didn't fully realize the "you come and go" double entendre until just now. I like the video, anyway. And I like the song quite a bit. It's a very cheerful-sounding song about being strung along by some asshole.
Van Halen -- "Jump" -- February 25, 1984
Van Halen was something boys were into. It's weird how we delineate these things. At least back in 1984, if it got coded as a boy thing, then if you were a girl and also found it interesting, you'd damn well better hide it or certain other more socially powerful kids would tear you to shreds. That was my experience, anyway. (And if other girls were into it and you were not, you were also in serious trouble.) So though when I heard Van Halen songs I thought, "hm, I'm intrigued," I did not dare pursue that interest. Except for this song. This one was allowed. It's fun.
Kenny Loggins -- "Footloose" -- March 31, 1984
Footloose is a pretty good movie. At least I remember it being so when I eventually saw it in college in the 90s. Anything that stands against censorship, and for art and people having fun, already has an in with me. Also Kevin Bacon's great. The song isn't about the movie particularly; it's just about how dancing is wonderful. Though there is a hint at the movie: "You're playing so cool/ Obeying every rule/ Deep way down in your heart/ You're burning yearning for some/ Somebody to tell you/ That life ain't passing you by/ I'm trying to tell you/ It will if you don't even try." Yeah. Agatha Christie at one point lamented that young people in the 1950s were far too serious and self-righteous, and really needed to go dance in fountains. I feel the same now as she did then. Though wait until after the covid vaccine's been widely taken. Anyway, this is a good dance song.
Phil Collins -- "Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now)" -- April 21, 1984
It's a lament about being dumped. Apparently, Collins wrote it about his wife leaving him out of the blue, taking the kids and the dog with her. Ouch. There's a great drum part, which keeps the song from being too boring, but I still don't like it. Phil Collins' serious love/heartbreak songs don't do it for me. I find this one depressing without being cathartic.
Lionel Richie -- "Hello" -- May 12, 1984
I remember this video from when it was on the air. Mostly because of the Lionel Richie clay head. But also because I was like... is she his student? Isn't that a bad thing? Even though she's an adult in college, I still thought you weren't supposed to do that? I've had a major squick against teacher/student relationships, even in fiction, since I was a kid. Possibly this is because I come from a family of professors. (I didn't get a PhD and am therefore the black sheep.) Without reference to the video, the song is terrible. The lyrics are just repetitive cheese, whatever, but the song is so slow and blah and I don't like Lionel Richie's singing.
Deniece Williams -- "Let's Hear It For the Boy" -- May 26, 1984
I keep being surprised that there are people who think someone is worthless if they don't have a lot of money and don't dress fashionably. In this song, the titular boy also can't dance, but is that a thing that people get dinged for in reality? I don't know, maybe. This song was in Footloose, and it's the same sentiment as "My Guy"; her boy isn't some smooth-talking rich brat, but "he's my lovin' one-man show." He's like Edward Ferrars, not Willoughby. It's a fun song.
Cyndi Lauper -- "Time After Time" -- June 9, 1984
This is one of the greatest songs ever. Not just pop songs. Any song, of any type.
Duran Duran -- "The Reflex" -- June 23, 1984
These lyrics make no sense. That doesn't matter for this song much, which is all about the music. Which is not the best of Duran Duran's music. For all the many, many, MANY different musical ideas in it, it's actually kinda boring. They'd have done better to simplify. I imagine this sounds something like cocaine feels, though drinking way too many Mountain Dews to pull an all-nighter's my only comparison. Duran Duran were never my favorite, but I do enjoy many of their songs. This one, meh.
Prince -- "When Doves Cry" -- July 7, 1984
Prince only two songs after Cyndi Lauper? Is it my birthday? The song's lyrics start out being about the amazing chemistry between the narrator and "you." That establishes why they're together. Then Prince moves on to how they "scream at each other," and it's what it sounds like "when doves cry." He's accusatory -- "How could you just leave me standing/ Alone in a world so cold?" But then he goes right into thinking maybe it's his fault: "Maybe I'm just too demanding" etc. It's a sexy, thoughtful, and anguished song about a relationship in trouble. I like to think they'll overcome their problems and stop screaming at each other. Trust me, it's very possible. Also the music is great.
Ray Parker Jr. -- "Ghostbusters" -- August 11, 1984
Um. I have no idea how to evaluate this one. I heard it first in the theatre when I saw the movie, but I heard it years after every week when I watched the cartoon. It just... is.
Tina Turner -- "What's Love Got To Do With It" -- September 1, 1984
I have an overwhelming memory of hearing this song when I was alone in the grocery store as a teenager. I have no idea why the memory's so strong. Maybe it was the first time I went to the grocery store by myself? Maybe I ran into a guy I had a huge crush on, though I don't remember that? (If I was 16, that could have been one of any three guys... Romance is my secondary aspiration, after all.) In any case, it's a good song. The attempt to pretend love is a bunch of chemicals and doesn't truly matter is a pretty common one for the broken-hearted. And Tina Turner's great as always.
John Waite -- "Missing You" -- September 22, 1984
Two songs in a row about being in denial over matters of love. Interesting. This isn't the most fascinating song ever, but it's a good solid song about heartbreak that isn't gloopy at all. In the main vocals, Waite keeps insisting "I ain't missing you," but in the background is a soft voice that sings "missing you" over and over. That's a smart artistic move.
Prince and the Revolution -- "Let's Go Crazy" -- September 29, 1984
I liked a lot of pop music when I was 7, but I didn't get Prince. His songs sort of slid out of my brain as a "thing for grownups," and who could understand grownups? He was short and wore fancy outfits, and that's about all that registered. When I hit puberty, though... yeah. This song is more adult than that, though, and I don't mean sexually, though there is plenty of sex in this song. "You better live now/ Before the grim reaper come knocking on your door." The song is about sex, partying, and death. Also Prince was an astonishing guitarist, along with everything else. It's not one of my favorite Prince songs, because the lyrics are pretty depressing and it's super loud, but it's still great.
Stevie Wonder -- "I Just Called To Say I Love You" -- October 13, 1984
I never really listened to the background beep-de-boops in this song before. I've wondered before why this song, with its simple lyrics and melody, didn't bore me. It's the beep-de-boops. They, along with Stevie Wonder's perfect delivery, make this song musically complex. And the simple lyrics, with the more complex musical counterpoints, absolutely work. It helps that this is the kind of thing people really do.
Billy Ocean -- "Caribbean Queen" -- November 3, 1984
That heavy breathing after the line "I get so excited just from her perfume" is unfortunate. Otherwise, it's a song about how he met this "Caribbean Queen" on vacation and she "tamed" him so he's no longer looking for "love on the run." Sure, why not. I'd like a little more story to it, but that's me. It's got a good beat though, and is enjoyable enough as-is.
Wham! -- "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" -- November 17, 1984
I just realized I don't like this song. The beat and hook are sort of irresistible, and as a dance song the music absolutely works. But there's too much nostalgia about stuff that George Michael actually wasn't old enough to be nostalgic about. He was only 21 at the time, born in 1963, and yet he was singing about Doris Day. You can homage anything at any age, but... meh. And speaking of age, it's kind of a childish song and George Michael's voice was always more on the mature end, even if he was young at the time. For me, it hits a jarring note.
Daryl Hall & John Oates -- "Out of Touch" -- December 8, 1984
The beginning makes it sound like this is gonna be a relatively hard rock song, but that ends after a pretty short time. It's still really loud, with huge drums, and Hall pretty much shouts the song. Hall & Oates were great when they stripped stuff down. All this noise doesn't work for them. There are neat parts when all the noise suddenly stops and there's total silence, but then it goes right back to the rather uninteresting loudness. Not for me.
Madonna -- "Like A Virgin" -- December 22, 1984
And so it begins. Backstory: Madonna went to the same high school as my mother. She was friends (maybe more? he won't talk) with one of my uncles. When my grandmother saw the Like A Virgin album on the rack at the store, she said, "I'm so glad [he] didn't marry that girl." When my mother told me that, my reaction was "Are you kidding? We'd be rich!" But my family cares about PhDs and not money. My uncle ran wild in high school, but eventually became a successful career diplomat (and stopped being a jackass) after the woman he was in love with told him he'd better shape up or else. Also he looks a lot like Guy Ritchie, so that was weird for a while. I'd be in the grocery store and for a second think, "Why's my uncle on The Enquirer with Madonna?"
So anyway, the song. The way Madonna sang it in later iterations, I like it. I can't stand the version that became a #1 hit. The Betty Boop voice is just ugh. I love a lot of Madonna's music, and she would be something of an inspiration to me in later days, with her unapologetic persona as a woman who liked and wanted sex -- and enjoyed shocking the censorious -- but I was 8 at the time. I didn't get any of it, I just knew she sounded squeaky in this song and it bugged me.
BEST OF 1984: "Time After Time" by Cyndi Lauper. WORST OF 1984: "Hello" by Lionel Richie
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