#nothing like a samcomment to brighten any day
lovesastateofmind1 · 7 months
ohhh you're in for it now buddy i cannot believe you had the audacity to send me an ask that special smh WELL
ok so like idk if i can match the eloquence of your lovely comment so im gonna go the other way and just drop a samcomment (i am so obnoxious i just am branding everything im like jason derulo ffs ANYWAY)
honestly like your style is not for the faint of heart which a) glad it's for me and what that says about me *hair flips* and 2) i need everyone to get with the program h2g so like i *know* it's an acquired taste which normally means different strokes for different folks etc etc but i feel like your writing is one of those things i WISH more people acquired the taste for because it's so good?? so exemplary??? the vividness of your prose--even the connective tissue people would stride past normally to get to the good stuff???? but like hello!!!! its all good stuff!!!! mm also the economy of your language, the strength and affective nature of your dialogue, like i am both in the fic and i am watching the fic i am the character i am watching the character i am in the walls i am the walls does this make sense its like whiplash but on a rollercoaster where you signed up for the adrenaline rush and you're like whoa buddy i sure did not anticipate it but i will wait 2 hours even on express lines just to go again.
like i see the vision i see the mission i see the beats the gut wrenchers heart breakers i am with you a hundred percent of the way you're holding my hand im letting you do it i trust you to take care of me even if the punch is a little too real and a little too rough but im with you all the way babe like that's the commitment the pact the contract i signed when i click on your fics and i have to actually really bring my heart up to speed to allow me to survive but it's so good??? and i don't feel like you are yanking my chain i feel like you're putting these characters through the paces and the paces are like hard level mode times 10 but i know you care about them?? and i think that's why i trust your judgment and why i hang onto every word it truly is a ride and even now im thinking of sweet dreams and LtM and i just honest to god am a changed person each time? like i've experienced mitosis?? im a single cell now a double cell im just not the same (im so sorry i butchered science things im an academic for crying out loud)
anyways i feel a little feral but i drank some water and i am back in my body and thats how i feel about your fics. ok thx love u bye ✌🏽
You're way cooler than Jason Derulo anyway, so brand away my friend. Also 🥹🥹🥹 who needs eloquence when you can have a winded ramble instead? I could say so many things about this, but I'm now having trouble finding the words too. Just know that in my head, I am barreling you over with the biggest hug ever. Thank you so much for this lovely comment. I adore you.
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