#nothing too bad. using a quote from a video but wanted to err on the side of caution because it does use a word
lazarus511 · 8 months
Wukong: Oh how DARE you!
Macaque: Do you actually think.. That there’s a single person on this planet that doesn’t know that you photoshop your dick, to make it look bigger?
Wukong: Our dicks! Alright I photoshopped our dicks, and I did it for us! You wanna cut deep? huh? You wanna play dirty? Alright. You’re. Not. Masculine.
Macaque: Ah! You overrated little twink!
Wukong: Hey, I am a twunk alright! That is a combination twink and hunk. Get it, hunk!
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gettingtoknowmj · 5 years
Because of my Michael Jackson page I have been afforded communication with a man formally on Michael Jackson's security team. We have talked a number of times after something on my page made him contact me. I have all proof I need that he is the real deal. He has said I can post this message, encouraged it.
Now unlike some bodyguards that hung around MJ in his last years and have made money out of their association. This guy hasn't and doesn't plan to; he doesn't even really want his face and name known but he knew Micheal for a good number of years (but not after 2004). He loved the man he called complicated, sometimes frustrating but a true good heart. He does not claim the status of friendship but keen observer of his boss, who was mostly very kind to him. He saw Michael at the best and at his worst, and felt for him. And Michael Jackson was more vulnerable than I personally imagined.
And one thing he has definitely confirmed to me is not to trust Matt Fiddles (pictured). The man popping up all over the media claiming to have been Michael's bodyguard for ten years, he is a fake and a fraud. He did not guard Michael Jackson for more than a few days back in 2002. He was an associate of Uri Geller's not Michael's bodyguard! Michael agreed to help Geller on a project. When Michael came to England this Matt Fiddles agreed free of charge for Uri Geller to pose as a bodyguard for Michael Jackson.
The things Fiddles has been saying in the press of late on the face of it seem harmless, perhaps beneficial. Yes, he is coming across as a defender of Michael Jackson's honour. He could fool anyone, including me... he did! But this guy has said nasty stuff in the past. He has a dark history of slandering Michael Jackson. That older fans are choosing not to knowledge and newer fans don't know about...
This past week since getting the alert about Matt Fiddles I and a Facebook friend of mine have attempted to warn fans on various Michael Jackson groups only to have pending posts deleted before they can be seen! It seems some group owners are keen on Matt Fiddles.
Yes, I know some of you are probably thinking "but Matt Fiddles is defending Michael Jackson. He even took apart in Chase The Truth documentary where he debunked stuff to do with Neverland... I want to believe him, it makes me feel more assured of Michael's innocence. Matt Fiddles has even said how Michael was very interested in women, and sneaked women into his hotel room! I want that to be true". I hate to break it to you, I am sorry to say but Matt Fiddles never worked at Neverland nor was he a member of his tour security.
None of Michael's real bodyguards, including the lovely man on security I have talked to remember him at all. In fact, no sneaking in of any women happened on his watch. He just saw families touring with Michael with their kids. Some of them did share and sleep in same huge hotel room at times but so did a member of security (before anybody jumps to unpleasant conclusions). If he had secret girlfriends who knows maybe he did but Matt Fiddles was not there to know. Because nobody remembers him!
Michael's makeup artist Karen Faye doesn't remember Fiddles either, don't believe me? Ask her. She is easy to contact.
Michael's friend from child to man Frank Cascio has never heard of Matt Fiddles either.
The late Frank DiLeo was asked in 2009 about Matt... and you guessed it... never heard of him.
Michael's mother has also publicly outted Matt Fiddles as a fake in the past too. Yes, Katherine Jackson, Michael's own mother: “‘Fiddes tried to pretend that he was a close friend of my son Michael, but when I spoke to Michael about him, he could not remember who he was. The whole family was deeply upset by the interviews he gave shortly after Michael’s death, which no friend would have done.’
Trust me, if Matt Fiddles was a character witness he wouldn't be called in a legal case for Michael Jackson's defence.
NO NOSE LIE: Matt caused some of the crazy rumours that Michael Jackson had a fake nose for years and at time of death that fell off. When anyone that has read Michael's autopsy report (not a happy task, I don't recommend it) and can see from the photos (again really upsetting, not recommend...), his nose was actually fine at time of death...
It is true that he had a number of reconstructive procedures on his nose mostly due to complications caused by lupus (and even according to security man I am in communication with, did have a hole in tip at one time caused by that!) but he did not have a full on fake nose! EVER! And as I say, issues with his nose were fixed. No fake nose.
SKIN BLEACHING AND SELF RACE HATE: Matt Fiddles claimed Michael hated his skin colour so much he almost BURNED off his willy with bleaching creams. Autopsy report, Michael had a NORMAL uncircumcised penis (I feel bad for knowing these kind of details... truly no privacy but in good cause, sorry Michael!). Certainly not brunt off by skin bleaching creams. Autopsy also showed Michael was a longtime sufferer of vitiligo. Not race hate.
NAZI SYMPATHISER: Matt Fiddles has stated that Michael Jackson was obsessed with Nazis, had admired Hitler and hated Jews. Funny that Micheal should choose a woman of Jewish faith Debbie Rowe as surrogate mother in order that he could experience becoming a father, even to please his mother's religious beliefs married Debbie so the children could be born of wedlock (something very important to Witnesses). And Michael was at one time firm friends with a Rabbi and was best man at a Jewish wedding! He even donned a skull cap for it. And Michael lovingly recounted stories of dear Rose Fine, the Jewish tutor he’d had as a child whom he credited as giving him a lifelong passion for reading.
On a related note: Matt said Michael POKED holes in a voodoo doll he made of Steven Spielberg after the singer became a Nazi sympathiser, err? Yeah... imaginative.
MICHAEL ASKED BODYGUARDS TO SHOOT RANDY: Michael Jackson ordered his bodyguards to kill his brother Randy Jackson when Randy was in a dispute with Michael. This was supposed to have been said in front of Randy. A story his real bodyguards at the time say is laughable and Randy even released a statement that it never happened.
SPERM STEALING: Matt Fiddles has claimed Michael stole his sperm to father Blanket. On 17th November 2010 Matt Fiddes sold a story claiming that in 2 months (January 2011) he will be flying out to California to take a DNA test to establish that he is the father. He never did.
"He won't go to L.A., he has no intention!" Fiddes ex-girlfriend Carly Galliford said via Twitter. "He loves the attention, not caring about the Jacksons." Galliford (who claims she was with Fiddes when he came up with the baby-daddy tale) said that Fiddes admitted to lying about being Blanket’s father to her face, years ago.
In the interest of being fair and balanced it should be noted. There are many sources that claim Michael didn't father any of his children, some more credible than others (let's not go there, his private business... wouldn't change the fact he was dad). IF Michael didn't, you can be reasonably sure Matt Fiddles didn't either. Matt Fiddes was in Michael’s life for all of 5 minutes. He wasn’t Michael's close friend, he certainly wasn’t a confidant. It's highly unlikely that Michael chose Fiddles as a donor.
KILL MYSELF WITH SAME PILLS AS MICHAEL KILLED HIMSELF WITH: On 3rd December 2010 a story appears in the Sun claiming that the stress of putting himself forward as Blanket's father caused him to take an overdose of the same drugs Michael died from and that they were found in Michael’s body. Touching story, except Michael Jackson did not die from Soma tablets, none were found in his body or in his possession, and none has ever been associated with him. The most amusing aspect of this story is that he claims he was prescribed 5 of these tablets by a Michael Jackson doctor in 2002 and he’d stored them 8 years before finally using them. Soma aka Carisoprodol has a shelf life of 2 years, so I’d be curious as to what effects a drug that had expired 6 years before could do to a person, but maybe Matt could share that with us sometime.
HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT LIE: Matt said Michael FLEW into a rage when he was barred from buying the Speaker’s chair from the House of Commons to use as his “green throne”. To quote him: "He toured Parliament in 2002 and when the guide told him he could not buy this piece of British culture Michael exclaimed, ‘I am the King, the King of Pop’, before flying into a real rage.”
Funny that, the officials that gave Micheal the tour said he was lovely, funny and charming... making a joke how he'd like a chair like that. He didn't in anyway suggest actually buying the thing let alone fly into a rage, he was even invited to go for a chat with a mp afterwards. The main tour guide said Michael loved England and was genuinely in awe of the building and history. There is footage on one of the pay for press video footage sites documenting from moment Michael starts his guided tour to moment he leaves. I will see if I can recall which site and update with link. Proof this ranting at the guide event never took place. Only thing that is true is Matt Fiddles was there.
There is actually more but you get the picture... this is just some of the crazy stuff Matt Fiddles has said, all soon after Michael Jackson died of course, so he couldn't be sued. There’s no proof he even went to visit Michael at a perminant residance. There’s no proof he even went to Neverland.
Michael Jackson is nothing more than a lucrative business for Matt Fiddles, and he is now selling his “positive” stories to papers for cash and celebrity. Nothing more nothing less. Because being positive about Michael actually is selling better for him right now as not many people are brave enough to defend Michael.... a book will come next... as you can be sure he is trying to build up a base of MJ fans to sell it too! When/if his book comes out, you will know to take what he say's with a very large pinch of salt.
Note: Please don't ask or pm me requesting information on the security staff member I have been in communication with. Our conversations are to remain private. Do not press me to ask him questions he has said what he has had to say, what he wanted to share and won't share no more... I may for all I know never hear from him again, if I don't that is fine, I am touched and grateful for the tip bits of information he gave me and for the warning about Matt Fiddles. I will not give his contact details to anybody. Nor repeat anything he has told me without his utter consent. Other than what has already been ok'd.
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alien-earz · 7 years
about me
Fancy knowing anything about me?
1: Full name Kirstie Taylor King Turcotte
2: Age: 20
3: 3 Fears: deep water, creepy crawly bugs, pizza place doesnt deliver
4: 3 things I love: music, art, laughing
5: 4 turns on: if you funny, gentle, and can have deep conversations
6: 4 turns off: big ego, doesn’t show he cares, ugly shoes
7: My best friend: nobody wants to be close to me long enough
8: Sexual orientation: str8 
9: My best first date: ohhh maaannnn.... somewhere in a waterfall in a foreign country
10: How tall am I: 5′3
11: What do I miss: not having to adult
12: What time were I born: 7:30 am!
13: Favourite color: dreamy purples and green and blue and anything lovely
14: Do I have a crush: yeessssss!
15: Favourite quote: let it go, let it leave, let it happen. nothing in this world was promised or belonged to you anyway. all you own is yourself.
16: Favourite place: new zealand or anywhere with a beautiful sunset
17: Favourite food: all da food! but mostly hummus 
18: Do I use sarcasm: ....noooo :3
19: What am I listening to right now: bedroom-nostalgic feeling!
20: First thing I notice in new person: the beautiful smiles
21: Shoe size: 7 
22: Eye color: bluuuueee
23: Hair color: dirty blonde
24: Favourite style of clothing: dirty mop grungy just crawled out of a trashcan unique
25: Ever done a prank call?: pretty sure i wasted my adolescence prank calling people
27: Meaning behind my URL: i like to get high
28: Favourite movie: oh maaann! idek. the grinch probs. i know err word. 
29: Favourite song: i have a million favorite songs. but my favorite song at the moment is hodera-breathe easy because the guitar sounds so dreamy and beautiful
30: Favourite band: nevershoutnever is my guilty pleasure
31: How I feel right now: weird
32: Someone I love: everyone who ever made me feel loved
33: My current relationship status: d8ing
34: My relationship with my parents: terrible
35: Favourite holiday: halloweeny because i love being creepy 
36: Tattoos and piercing i have: i only have my belly button pierced but i have 8 tattoos and ive had a million piercings in my life time. 
37: Tattoos and piercing i want: i want to get my septum re pierced annnnndddd i want an avocado tattoo’d on my arm 
38: The reason I joined Tumblr: because it was cool af in grade 10
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?: no way, we were friends for a long time before. 
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?: ermm... sometimes i guess
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?: yep! 
42: When did I last hold hands?: yesterday in the car with my boyfriends mom cause i love her and she loves me and shes the best. 
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?: 10 minutes at the most
44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?: loool no? its winter. 
45: Where am I right now?: at work :(
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?: probably my self or the cab driver. cabbies always pull thru. 
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?: as loud as it can fuckin go
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?: no!!!! im a full time adult
49: Am I excited for anything?: summer time 
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?: yesssssssssss, most of my greatest friends are boys
51: How often do I wear a fake smile?: mm  70% maybe. 
52: When was the last time I hugged someone?: yesterday when i was leaving my friends house. noice warm hugs
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?: i would be confuuused. 
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?: no! i learned the hard way not to trust a distrusting person.
55: What is something I disliked about today?: that i had to get up at 8 and go to the bank to get money for my rent. and than pay my grumpy landlord. 
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?: Robert Plant
57: What do I think about most?: im mostly in dream land 99% of the time
58: What’s my strangest talent? i can spread all my toes apart and it looks like i have munky feet. its pretty bad ass. 
59: Do I have any strange phobias? i dont think being closter phobic is strange. but FUCK that. 
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? both! i like to capture beauty and be apart of beauty. 
61: What was the last lie I told? i lied on my time sheet at work because i need the hours but i fucking hate working. 
62: Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online? talking on the phone is nice, it keeps the mystery going. 
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?: of course.
64: Do I believe in magic?: yes! i believe we all have abilities we cannot access, only some people get to that point. 
65: Do I believe in luck?: sure
66: What's the weather like right now?: sunny, windy. 
67: What was the last book I've read? celestine prophecy 
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?: i would be dead if i did 
69: Do I have any nicknames?: kerby/kerbz
70: What was the worst injury I've ever had?: uhm my brother snapped my pinky in half. 
71: Do I spend money or save it?: both haha 
72: Can I touch my nose with a tounge? no :c
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me? yes! my key chain.
74: Favourite animal? red panda
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? roasting my brain on social media 
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is? love 
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? heaven must be missing an angel 
78: How can you win my heart?: be sweet and semi obsessed 
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? tried my best 
80: What is my favorite word? rutabaga 
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr: i dont go on tumblr enough 
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? love everyone. every leaf. every ray of light. forgive. 
83: Do I have any relatives in jail?: nahhh 
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?: read peoples minds 
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? how do i feel honestly. 
86: What is my current desktop picture? a red panda.. hahah 
87: Had sex? i would be pretty sad if i was 20 and still a virgin. 
88: Bought condoms? yessssssss
89: Gotten pregnant? noooo! 
90: Failed a class? ha ha ha 
91: Kissed a boy? yup
92: Kissed a girl? yupppppp 
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? heh yes 
94: Had job? unfortunately 
95: Left the house without my wallet? all the time 
96: Bullied someone on the internet? ya i was a dick in highschool 
97: Had sex in public? how public? i had sex in a park at night. and in the forest. and in a car parked on the side of the road. idk how public that is. but. 
98: Played on a sports team? soccer! 
99: Smoked weed? everyday.
100: Did drugs? yea!
101: Smoked cigarettes? ive been ciggy free for awhile 
102: Drank alcohol? if i could calculate how much vodka i have drank in my life i could probably fill an olympic pool. js. 
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? vegetarian! 
104: Been overweight? not really. 
105: Been underweight? no
106: Been to a wedding? yess
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? probably. 
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? when i was younger yeah 
109: Been outside my home country? multiple times!
110: Gotten my heart broken? i think my heart is in a constant broken stage now. 
111: Been to a professional sports game? yeah! 
112: Broken a bone? if my pinky counts than yes 
113: Cut myself? for a year i used to cut my self in highschool. 
114: Been to prom? i live in canada 
115: Been in airplane? yeaaaaaaa
116: Fly by helicopter? noooooo 
117: What concerts have I been to? too many 
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? mm no 
119: Learned another language? no! :’( 
120: Wore make up? sometimes 
121: Lost my virginity before I was 18? i was 15
122: Had oral sex? duhh 
123: Dyed my hair? not for 2 years
124: Voted in a presidential election? i voted in the prime minister election in canada last year. my dude won. of couuuurse because hes sick. 
125: Rode in an ambulance? yea when my brother shattered his head 
126: Had a surgery? yup!
127: Met someone famous? no 
128: Stalked someone on a social network? haaaahaha i have issues
129: Peed outside? ya gotta do what ya gotta do 
130: Been fishing? yes! i caught the biggest fishy at my bf’s cottage this summer. he was pretty impressed. 
131: Helped with charity? i dated a christian guy in highschool and his parents would take us to the mustard seed to hangout with the less fortunate and feed them :) it was really nice.
132: Been rejected by a crush? YEAA! its the worst. 
133: Broken a mirror? no thats bad luck
134: What do I want for birthday? a big hug and an awesome concert in seattle to happen. 
135: How many kids do I want and what will be their names? 2 kids. they will be boys. Atlas/Onyx. maybe Eli? 
136: Was I named after anyone? my dads highschool crush. 
137: Do I like my handwriting? yeah! ive got pretty nice writing id say
138: What was my favourite toy as a child? barbies/teddy bears
139: Favourite Tv Show? one tree hill 
140: Where do I want to live when older? somewhere peaceful, surrounded by nature 
141: Play any musical instrument? ukelele! 
142: One of my scars, how did I get it? my friend put a cigarette out on the back of my leg when i was passed out drunk. that was fun. 
143: Favourite pizza toping? pineapple!!
144: Am I afraid of the dark? if i watch a scary movie or have a scary dream. 
145: Am I afraid of heights? not really but sometimes when i look down it gives me butterflies 
146: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? HAHA ya. my mom is smarter than i thought i guess. 
147: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? all the time. 
148: What I'm really bad at: expressing myself. 
149: What my greatest achievments are: moving out all on my own and paying all my bills on my own without any help. 
150: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me: my first love told me to go kill myself and that i was spineless. 
151: What I'd do if I won in a lottery: pay my parents debt off and move them somewhere they always wanted to go. 
152: What do I like about myself: im funny i guess 
153: My closest Tumblr friend: jen 
154: Something I fantasise about: having my life be a dream pop music video 
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