wiirocku · 5 months
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Romans 8:38 (NLT) - And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.
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gayspock · 2 months
i jsut feel like shit and so overwhelmed with work and overwhlemed with everythingand just like god fuck my fuckign life because again idont know what the fucking point is i dont want to fucking do it i dont wantto be here what am i gettingout of anyhting with being fucing alive SORRYit wouldbe onefucking thing if there WAS ANYTHING ^_^ ATALL^_^ TO LIVEFOR^_^ SORRYYYYi go to work i fucking pray for it to be over im not at worki pray to be back at work so im not alone spiralling nothingever gets done i cant ufcking bring nmyself to manage anything its all fucking pilijngup im meant to fucking sodlierthrough it thats the love you get jsut fuckign keepgoing for no fuckingreason i cantufcking survive i cantfuckking stay afloat i dontknow somehting somehting itstheclassic i fucking hate evry fucking cunt whos fucking toldme to shut up andufkcing lvie with it it'll getbetter you cant be that bad you cant be that alone youcnat be this that ans i dont know i feel like im crazy like im so much fucking more of a failure so much morefucking alone so mcuh fucking worse off imgoing nuts i dot know a tleaast when i was miserable and isolated wheni was younger i could delude myself it coudl getbetter maybe theyreright. DUDE it never will dude please end it please fucking end it, everyone leaves, everything youre scared of isnt only true but its so much fucking worse than you'd ever fucking hope. for youre nevergoing to be a part of anytihing, every time youre scared no one likesyou youre right, everytime you feel inadequate youre RIGHT , youre as bad at everything as you think you are youre as annoying as you think you are they dont care about you as you know theydont stop fucking trying stop praying thatsomehow its going to changeplease likem please like me please make this work out BULLSHIT HO MY GODDD YOURE NOT FUCKING CRAZY! THIS IS THE ONLY FUCKING THING THATS THE TRUTH! SO HELP ME GOD! SO HELP ME GOD! I odnt care i dont careeeeeeeeeee i wanna fucking end it i dont want to do it any more why i dont fucking care what is there to fucking live for what is there to fucking go home to what is there towait for i fucking fell like every time i nearly findsomething im jsut left miserable and sad at the end and theres no love does anyone ever feelcrazy you have to fucking bear it i bear it every time theresnever anything on the other side no one cares i hate being so fucking childish but idont know itsnever fucking fair when eveyrone elsehas someone to talk to someone who looks out for them something togoback to tyou get the just fucking get on with it just fucking shut up im a joke to everyone i dothnk about that im never going to be more than a fucking thing to laugh at a thing to sneer at fucking... likebwahh fuck them they cant ufcking handle it they keep whining they keep breaking downover ntohin. i think about the little fucking pieces of methat exist outsidr this fucking miserable fucking shit existence ihave and how its nothing good if im ever evenin peoples heads . and its never going to even matter substantially why am i alive why am i doing this i fee l like theresstill some pathetic fucking needfor some fucking approval like it matter s like anyones going to ever see and t canhrut so fucking bad and its jsut going to be funny or annoying and its likei dont know why iusedto care i dont know why i used to try rso hard i wish i never did i wish i didntkeep getting invested intryingto be anyhting its jsut embarrassing im just humiliated END IT BROOOO IVE HAD LIKE 5 TEAMS MESSAGES IN THE BPAST 10 MINUTES I NEED TO UQIT I NEED TO GO DIE IN A FUCKING DITCH I HATE EVERYTHING I HATE EVERYTHUING I DO AND EVERY FUCKING SECOND AND IVE HATED IT FOR AS LONG AS I REMEMBER I AHATE LIVING IN THIS DESPERATEUFCKING HOEP THAT IT MIGHT BEFUCKING BEARABLEONE DAY WHEN EVEN THATIS SO SO FUCKING FAR FROM EVER HAPPENING WHEN EVEN THEN IN THAT INSANE FUCKING POSSIBILITY IM STILL FUCKING ALONE IM STILL FUCKING USELESS IM STILL SO FUCKING SAD DEEPDOWN INSDIE I CANT UFCKING HANDLE ANYTHING BUT AT LEAST IM QIUIET I FUCKING GUESSS HELP ME ^_^ LOL
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goose-onthe-loose · 2 years
The sexual tension between a subreddit and the other subreddit devoted to hating that first subreddit with the fiery rage of a thousand suns. Unparalleled.
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dsm7 · 3 years
i havent been to the aquarium since 5th grade
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symonsjar · 2 years
Nothing Phone (1) Sample Photos – High Quality Photos in a Mid-Range
Check out Nothing Phone (1) Sample Photos
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shubham2d · 3 years
Nothing targets Apple as it prepares its debut handset
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that-chaoticace · 3 years
Why couldn’t I have been a cat? Why make me hooman @ whoever or whomever or nothingever makes these things called life forms
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babyawacs · 3 years
.@haaretzcom @sputnikpalestine because nothing makes genuine equali ty to integrated arabs andnoone and nothingever will, and because the arabs will (!)always be held as attackasset onthe ballsofthe #jews a ny #hybridstate is an illusion itis choosing quell apartheid forever. against her(@israel s) friends even! I am Christian KISS BabyAWA CS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLO G https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +4932 12 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
.@haaretzcom @sputnikpalestine because nothing makes genuine equali ty to integrated arabs andnoone and nothingever will, and because the arabs will (!)always be held as attackasset onthe ballsofthe #jews a ny #hybridstate is an illusion itis choosing quell apartheid forever. against her(@israel s) friends even! I am Christian KISS BabyAWA CS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLO G https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +4932 12 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
.@haaretzcom @sputnikpalestine because nothing makes genuine equality to integrated arabs andnoone and nothingever will, and because thearabs will (!)always be held as attackasset onthe ballsofthe #jews any #hybridstate is an illusion itis choosing quell apartheid forever. against her(@israel s) friends even! I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL…
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its been a hot minute since ive posted here and im literally dying laughing at my previous posts bc like what was i doing lol i was lit 12. anyways im writing here bc im honestly j tired of venting to my friends. i love them all n stuff but i j hate that theres always something going on with be and im j constantly annoying them idk. ok anyways so in early september my best friend in the entire world told me he liked me and asked me out. he was like. in LOVE love w me. i went out w him bc i was afraid if i didnt id lose him but anyways to make a long story short we had the worst break up in the entire world like two months later and it was j so bad and i lost my best friend and everyone was mad at me for playing him and i basically felt like the worst person in the entire world. one ofthe biggest reasons why i was judged is bc i immediately started liking one of my other friends, lets call him s. i fell HARD for this mf. i honestly dont know whats wrong w me lol like my ex was the perfect bf but i j had no feelings for him whatsoever. meanwhile s has NO experience w girls lol. but this boy put me in a mf trance lemme tell u. things were rlly weird between us. like middle school shit. it was kinda cute ig. hes so fuckin cute lemme tell u omg. over winter break my girl friend group and his guy friend group hung out at his house, and at one point he asked me to go downstairs tog get some snacks and he asked me to come to his room to show me his trophies and it was so. cute like omg and i knew he was tryna find the courage to kiss me so i took it upon myself and kissed him and then we j made out in his room for like 30 mins andOMFG every now and then id pull away to like fix my hair and he had the biggest smile on his face and like when we were done and we got up off his bed he kissed me again and when i pulled away he PULLED ME BACK IN LIKE FUCKING FUCK anyways this is when i kneww i was in love w this boy haha. faast forward to new years eve. im with my friends and we’re drunk asf and im texting him and long story short i told him i loved him and HE SAID “yea well i love u more” and proceeded to tell me the nicest things i think ive ever heard in my life like i j kept falling more and more into him. my friends give me sm shit for saying i love him but like honestly when u know u love someone theres no way u can explain it but whatever. anyways after new years he would text me the sweetest things all the time and make the nicest gestures like he fucking brought me CHOCOLATE WHEN I WAS ON MY PERIOD ugh and he called me his princess and hesaid no matter how weird i got w him id always be his and he j made me feel like the bestever and i was j waiting for the day for him toask me out. FAST FORWARD TO AFEW  DAYS AGO THIS MOTHERFUCKER TELLS ME HES NOT READY TO DATE ME. which is fine but THEN he said he knows he said a lot of things to me but that he only said those things bc he thought thats what i wanted to hear and he was panicking like WHAT THE FUCK DUDE I LOVE U U CANT J SAY THAT and now im rlly sad and he said right now he j needs time to himself but he sees us together in the future and i kNOW i shouldnt give him that chance bc he rlly played me but like i knw im gonna give it to him bc this boy j makes me melt i cant even explain it ugh i j want to hug and kiss him and laugh w him and have things not be weird. ALSO none of my friends seeem to realize how much this is affecting me and they continue to talk about him like nothingever happened so thats great but once again im so sick of complaining to my friends. literally why do boys exist. how could u tell someone u love them and they made ur year good and youll always be for them and theyre the most beautiful girl youve ever seen j to be like JK. anyways i was out to dinner w m y friends tn and he texted me and we texted like everything was fine and i j got rlly sad like i love him omg UGH i hate myself lol. HAHHAHA im realizingthis post doesnt make sense but like im j writing what im thinking. i j want him again and i wanna be his princess again like idc if he didnt mean that . idk why i can give my friends the most logical relationship advice but then when it comes to me im like LOL SCREW RATIONALITIES smh well this is all imbeing an angsty teen and listening to billie eillish bc im in my #feels. that is all haha will update later 
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rin-memetsuoka · 7 years
I want to be alone i dont want to be around anyone i want to be alone i hate myself i really do i dont understand why i deserve this life i dont understand what i did to have been mentally abused for so long and i dont understand why nothingever works out i try so hard why am i bnnever good enoughb why does my ffamily hate me whhhycant i be happy why does everything hurt why why?? Why,?
Merry christmas i hate me
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symonsjar · 2 years
Nothing Phone (1) Review Simplified – Brave Design to Standout
Despite being Nothing’s first smartphone, the Snapdragon 778G+ 5G chip clearly indicates that the Nothing Phone 1 is not a flagship smartphone. Although it falls under the mid-range category, the Nothing Phone 1 is a powerhouse with 12GB RAM and 256GB of storage. It can record 4K videos at 30 frames per second and supports both wireless charging and reverse wireless charging. And with these specifications, the Nothing Phone 1 easily tops the list of mid-range smartphones.
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