#notice how i couldnt go every few mutuals without attacking one
greekschist · 4 years
Favorite thing about every mutual?
do i tag the mutuals? what do i do help me
@greek-mythographer you’re a horny little shit (over zeus of everyone nonetheless) but you’re steadfast and loud and unafraid to speak out when you see something that bothers you. i know life is rough but you’ve learned to breathe a little and listen to others
@greek-suitehearts you love sausage link <3 i know you do <3 but i like how you take something that is under appreciated or thrown aside and show the things that make it special. you love what you love and hardly lose sight of it 
@godsofhumanity cough simp so so so nice. you scoop people under your wing like a mother hen. you never let emotions drive you too out of hand and you’re really calm even when you strongly disagree or are under pressure. really projects a friendly feline mother aura
@incorrectgreekgods i like how you’re open to doing new things and accepting new ideas even with such a wide scale audience. you launched a youtube channel just from a tumblr blog and honestly props to you
@my-name-is-apollo apollo nerd
@the-road-is-home your!! art!! the hermes sketch (your icon) was top tier and i love your occasional shitposts because its some good stuff. i haven’t even sent you an ask or anything but i love your content and i support you!
@sansinger chaotic energy. your informative posts are super interesting and i like how you’re generally pretty light hearted even in discussing deities and heroes you worship but you correct people and explain when necessary. pft you really didn’t bat an eye at the arson ask game
@hermesisthebest can i just stop at the url? im just going to stop at the url (but really i love your content and i have to admit a few of them got a good giggle. you’re so pretty and i hope you keep doing your thing because you’re doing it right)
@mynameisshilohnow partner in crime in bullying lea <3 anyways you don’t give a shit and while you have a loud exterior you are really supportive, sweet, and know when apologies are due
@potatochipship potato bottom :) but you’re super sweet and you’re basically fearless of tumblr (i saw you tagging me in random things months before we even spoke). super dedicated to your friends and what you want
now we’re getting to the pjo mutuals phew we’re going into rough waters (uh hi you probably followed me as @simpegasus)
@skateryue i have spoken to you like once and that was because ash was being an uncooperative little bitch but i wanted to give you my congratulations in your engagement <3 know that if ash dresses as daddy smurf or willy wonka on yours and sarah’s special day ill help you attack her <3
@skaterbeth still havent forgotten you and reggie getting it up in asks also spoke to you once but i have to give you points for dedication. making a whole ass masterlist for your percabeth playlist was hardcore
@silenabeth a rareships icon and honestly gets points just for dealing with that one day when i spammed you with stupid ideas. (just go easy on my dude beckendorf. percy ill manage but let him down easy,,)
@bunkernine your edits.... maam please save some talent for the rest of us. honestly its just funny watching you trash your mutuals and i support you in it. queen’s going through schools like i go through socks,,,
@percasbeths respecting your attempts to stan account! you’re trying! also your writing is super fun and while i’m not arab i loved your arab percy headcanons and am still waiting for hot roman percy (no pressure)
@bisexualzia you called me out a few hours ago and i rbed it which is probably why im doing this right now. so supportive and nice! i don’t talk to you all that much but i saw the miss congeniality au and it was. amazing? honesly please keep going you’re doing great mwah
@jasongrape i am still a wee bit scarred over arachnabeth but your energy is so great and your interactions with your friends are really fun to watch. now im just going to mention your url without context and leave you at that
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michaelreaderreblog · 5 years
My Truemate pt18
AN; I know its been a very long time since I’ve posted anything. Well here it is, finally. I hope you all enjoy. All I did was edit and Im pretty happy how this part turned out. So hopefully tomorrow my wifi will be hooked up and posts will come regularly. Enjoy my loves
To catch up you can go here >> My Truemate Series <<
Word Count: 2,491
When the both of you get to the diner and seated in a booth by the window is when the waitress comes to your table with a wide smile on her face.
“Hi, Im Dorothy and I will be your waitress for the afternoon” she says looking at you and extends her hand out to you.
You take her hand in a friendly gesture while nodding.
“Y/n this is Dorothy Baum, she has been a friend of Castiel since they were pups and still are” Michael introduces the both of you.
As she takes both of your order is when she still couldnt wipe the smile from her face.
She walks to the kitchen to put in the food order along to bring out your drinks.
“Um why is she so happy?” you ask looking away from her as she disappears into the kitchen.
“Beats me, usually she is so not like this. Actually I dont know how to describe her sometimes” he answers you and chuckles at the end of his comment.
“Ok then. Why have you brought me out for lunch? Isnt Anna going to be angry or something?” you ask not really wanting to know the answer.
“Well it seems as though she has met her true mate a couple of months ago and we mutually ended our relationship a few weeks ago” he answers never taking his eyes away from you.
You sit there stunned at the news and couldnt believe she actually let go of him but understood it all because true mates are involved.
“But if you didnt meet yours, than she met hers would she still be with you?” you ask from the distractions of your utter happiness but curious to know what he has to say.
“Well she mentioned if mine never came along then she would hold off her being truly happy with her true mate and still be with me. She didnt want me to be lonely if she still met hers because of the love she has for me” he answers in disbelief still.
You couldnt believe how much she would sacrifice for her true happiness if you never came along.
You were thankful you are around though and just thankful for Anna being incredibly selfless.
“Wow” is all that you could say.
When Dorothy comes back with drinks, she still has the smile on her face and winks over to Michael to give him a thumbs up.
The both of you talk about many things from books, music, tv shows, movies and basic interests.
“I know this is all sudden but um would you like to have dinner with me and my family at their house sometime this week?” he asks randomly.
“Uh yeah, I wouldnt call that sudden. It would be more like good timing” you simply answer back and having the relief of his family approving of the both of you.
“Good my parents would like to meet me and Castiel's mates so I guess he is going to ask Dean about that as well. Of course you can bring along Sam and Sarah considering they are mated already” Michael says with a smile on his face.
When Dorothy makes her back to your table with food in hands is when her attention is brought to the front door.
A Beta woman walks in and passes by your table.
“Oh good more Omega whores” the blonde woman says.
“Suzy that was uncalled for” Dorothy says
Michael was about to retort something back but you take your hand out for him to stay seated and he does.
“No, its ok. Since she is the only whore here. I can smell what? Two or three different Alpha's on you” you say while she turns around in her seat to look at you and tries to attack you but Dorothy has blocked her off.
“That is enough. OUT!!” Dorothy yells back to her while Suzy glares at her and walks to front door to exit the building.
“This wont be the last time you will see me. Next time you will be gone” she mutters walking out the door and as soon as she said that is when you got the feeling at the pit of your stomach was unsettling.
“Who the hell was that?” you ask looking between Michael and Dorothy.
“Suzy Roman, the sister of Dick Roman” Dorothy answers and as soon as she says Roman is when you went numb.
“Im sorry that had to happen, I know you handled yourself there but still shouldnt have to endure that” she says looking to you
“Does she have a thing for you why she had to be that way?” you ask bitterly to Michael and he raises his head to you.
“Yes but she is a Beta. I never wanted to date her or be near her all together. It was always her to force herself on me. Even while I was with Anna, she still did the same thing but never worked because she is a Roman. Those people are not respectful, they treat Omegas like toys and their belief system is traditional. Which they are traditionalists but that never went well with me” he answers you in the most sincere way without feeling angry talking about the Romans.
“I remember the one Christmas party Benny threw one year and Suzy came by as soon as she heard Michael was going to be there. Thats when she flirted with him in front of Anna. She tried taking him into one of the empty rooms but Anna had enough. Anna punched Suzy square in the face for her to leave him alone. I dont know how long she has tried to get with you. All she wanted was to get her hands on your business because of the shipments you get daily” Dorothy says and immediately the both of you look at her to what she said about him getting shipments every day.
“So what your saying is, if he had broken up with Anna in the first place. In the slightest way he was actually interested in her, she would get her hands on his business because of the shipments he gets everyday? Like why would she be interested in that?” you ask her to fully understand why she would be interested in his hardware business.
“Well its because the trucks that deliver the supplies he needs for his store. Especially since she joined her brothers business out of state, they only come back to make things not so obvious on what they are up to” she answers you quietly to make sure no other customer in the diner heard what she is elaborating on the Romans business deals.
“What are you incinuating?” Michael asks looking away from his food.
“After he made a business deal with a guy named Gordon Walker a few days ago. After my shift I went home to do research about this Walker guy because the way they were talking made me feel uneasy” she says as she cringes at the names and thoughts.
“Ok what turned up while researching?” Michael asks in curiosity.
“As it turns out this Walker guy is bad news, I mean he owns brotherls in Georgia and he owns one in Illinois” Dorothy answers Michael and you begin to feel really uneasy.
“Michael can you drive me home, Im beginning to feel sick” you ask him while feeling sick to your stomach
Michael’s anger is building the more he learns about Roman and the business he got himself into. He needed to do something to protect you and his brother. Thankfully he will have help. From his new brothers.
“Yes I can take you home. Dorothy print out those papers you found and give them to me. I want to show my father and if he is conspiring with the Romans than we have something” Michael says while trying to pay for the meal but Dorothy waves him off and nods in agreement for the information she has found while doing some research.
When Michael drives away from the diner is when he noticed how your scent has changed from mutual to fear, worry and anger. He reaches across the seat to place his hand on your knee to give a gentle squeeze.
“Hey I am not going to let them take you away from me or our family. We are going to protect you in any way that we can alright?” he asks looking away from the road for a brief moment to you and again back on the road again.
You sit there silent as you nod in agreement, you just wanted to go home to your brother you just hope that he was still home.
“Even if the whole thing involves Castiel I am going to protect him with everything I have” he adds while driving in the direction of your house.
He turned on the radio and Renegade by Styx comes on and soon your emotions are beginning to fade because of the music.
Michael has parked in the drive way and turned off the truck, he looks over to you and he can still sense you fear everything is soon about to change.
“Hey, look at me. I mean it when I say I am not going to let anyone take you away from me. We are going to fight tooth and nail to protect you in any way that we can” Michael says as he reaches over to place his hand under your chin to get a better look at him.
He gets out of the truck to walk around and open the door for you to head inside the house.
He looks around the yard to make sure nothing is out of the ordinary. He wanted to make sure no one is around to try and do anything to you if your brother wasnt home.
You unlock the door to open it
“Do you wanna come in?” you turn around to look at him as you ask before walking into the house.
“Yes I would like to come in” he simply answers with a smile upon his face and very surprised you asked him to stay.
“Dean, Im home” you yell for your older brother as the both of you walk into the house but there is no reply.
“I guess he went out with your brother for the afternoon. Do you mind if you stayed until he got back?” you ask without even thinking about asking the question but its out there in the open now and you werent going to take that back.
“Of course I can stay” he replies with a soft expression spread across his face and enters further into the house.
You lead him to the kitchen to make him more comfortable and thinking to make something to distract yourself from the information you and Michael found out.
He scents the air is changing and knew that you were feeling uncomfortable and he wished that none of this was happening but all he could do is try to settle your nerves.
He gets up from the chair to walk towards the radio thats on the counter. He turns it on to select the station that always works for him when he needs a distraction from everything else.
A song comes through the radio called Dont Give Up On Me by Solomon Burke.
He pulls you away from the cupboards and pulls you closer to him and he sways the both of you to the music as the lyrics come on.
“When I cant control something thats out of my element then I turn to music. To this station because some of the music just soothes everything away and I let the music carry me away” Michael says as he looks deep into your eyes, sways the both of you to the music playing in the back ground.
“Well thats one way to settle things. I would normally play the guitar. Until I stopped playing and finally picked it up again today. Well before you called anyways” You tell him with a slight smile an your face. He looks to you with complete adoration.
“I play the guitar as well and same thing. I just picked it up a few days ago and even wrote a song” he tells you while never looking away from you.
“I would love to hear the song, in fact would you play it for me now? I have the guitar in the living room” you ask in hopes he would play for you.
Neither of you notice that the song has ended as the both of you still dance to what ever song has come on the radio.
“Yeah I think I can play the song for you” he says with a smile on his face.
You pull away from him and lead him into the living room. You get the guitar from the corner of the living room hand it to him as he seats himself on the arm chair.
You sit close by on the couch, he tunes the guitar and when he knows its the way it should sound is when he started strumming.
You notice someone pulling into the garage and see its Dean and Castiel.
“Its called All My Only Dreams” Michael says before singing into the song
You fall in love with his singing as he moves into the chorus of the song.
Dean and Castiel walk further into the house and see its Michael who is singing.
Castiel has a bright smile on his face as he seats himself beside you, Dean sits on the other couch across from the both of you.
Michael is about to stop but notices his brother and his mate are loving the music from him and continues to play.
“My brother has never touched the guitar in so long. How did you manage to get him to play?” Cas asks as he leans in to whisper into your ear.
“I asked and he agreed” you simply answer with a fond smile.
When Michael finished is when Dean couldnt believe how talented Michael is for playing the guitar and having such an amazing singing voice.
“That was amazing” Dean says as he comes back into the living room and hands Michael a beer.
“Thanks, I was in the middle of playing when Anna came to my office and thats when we had the talk and mutually decided to end our relationship” he answers very honestly.
“I wrote the song for you y/n” he adds while he places the guitar away in the corner behind him.
Castiel has a bright smile on his face while Dean has the same.
You can feel that Dean is feeling rather content at what is in front of him and you can honestly tell that he is ready to let go of you.
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tumblunni · 5 years
Random headcanon: Dr Maddiman's heart is like a health meter. Contrary to what you'd think, the normal part is the illness and the green part is the health.
Cos it sorta symbolizes..like..how 'dr maddiman' he is. I had the thought that maybe zombie type yokai come from people who cant quite let go of their past life and accept becoming a yokai. So their reborn self is sickly and twisted. Maddiman is even more tied to the place he died, so his yokai form even manages to pull off looking halfway like a regular person, and he's able to morph back into not just an illusion of a human form but an exact replica of his human self. Though only while he's in the hospital and only for a short amount of time before he starts turning back. This is usually pretty traumatic for him because if he stays too long transformed he starts to fall into the delusion that he's really human. When he was working for mckraken and tasked with eliminating you in the first game he kept getting distracted going through the motions of normal day to day life at his hospital, when he could have just started the boss fight immediately and saved time. Of course the other conclusion is that he just likes doing supervillainous presentation, or that mckraken didnt have any confidence maddiman would actually win so he ordered him to do it this long way and act as a distraction instead. *shrug*
ANYWAY BACK TO THE MAIN HEADCANON wow i go off on tangeants a lot
So his 'health meter' is linked to how much he's able to let go of his past trauma and accept his new life as a yokai. Basically his emotional pain as a human correlated to illness, and the only cure is Help Sad Dad Be Less Sad. Heal his literal broken heart!
At the beginning his heart just looked like a normal heart, aside from obviously now being out of his chest as a weak point. For the first few years of his death he was practically on the verge of a second death! His mind was so clouded that he was practically like a feral animal, spending every day only walking in circles around his lab- picking up stuff and putting it back down again, tearing every book apart trying to read it, scratching at the glass of Hans's tank, scrawling formulas all over the walls and just generally being really goddamn manic. Just completely fuckin terrified constantly, tormented by hallucinations with noone there to help him. Constantly feeling this deadline hanging over his head for something he couldnt even remember. A deadline that he couldnt remember had already passed and he was already dead. So yeah...at this stage he was just the big scary ghost haunting this wreckage, blindly attacking anyone who strayed into his territory and unknowingly destroying his own hospital in the process. His health was super bad at this point and he had to constantly drain hearts to keep from fading away. Even the other yokai who came to haunt this place were afraid of him, since he'd attack indiscriminately. But at the same time the legend of this haunting would attract those yokai looking for a good hunting ground, and if you learned how to deal with the weird dude in the basement it was a pretty sweet deal. Plus his boss level power was a good defense against your rivals! What would eventually become maddiman's friendship with these yokai began as them running away from him and tricking their enemies into the path of his vampiric rage! (Madds apologised profusely for this once he was back in his right mind)
The company of other yokai slowly started to help maddiman become more lucid. But he still had no clue who he was and the only thing left in his heart was "i need to finish my work" without even knowing what it was! You'd think that not being able to remember why he was sad would help him move on, but the pain bled through even when everything else was lost. He just didnt know WHY he was sad, which made him even more desperate to finish his work! And these other yokai started helping him with it. Even if they also had no clue wtf he was doing, it was a mutually beneficial relationship to basically 'pay rent' to the boss of the area. Madds's requirements were a lot lower than most other boss yokai, i mean he never even wanted to be a boss yokai and didnt know any of the rules about it. Didnt even notice all these people moved into his house until now! This was also around the time that he started using that IV stand, before that he'd just nom on those lil cartoon hearts like the most adorable terrifying hellbeast ever :3 The IV stand works better for gradual distribution of emotion energy throughout his bloodstream, so he only has to steal one heart a day. And then once every few days, once a week, gradually gradually getting better.
A few years before the start of the game, he met McKraken! This actually helped him a lot, the big villain dude was kinda the closest friend he'd had in all these decades. McKraken had heard the legends of some super powerful boss yokai living in this hospital, and wanted to recruit it to his cause. But he was kinda flabbergasted to find this harmless-looking doofus sad dad who invited him in for tea and just generally managed to break through his grumpiness barriers and WHOOPS I GUESS FRIENDSHIP HAPPEN! Madds never actually really knew wtf mckraken's evil plan was, he was just like 'yeah sure i'll help with whatever the something, new best buddy!' Well, maddiman didnt really know much about the yokai world in general since he hadnt left his laboratory since he died. Mckraken started off like 'ehh i'll be friends with this guy if it means i can use him. Wow it sure is great ti have such an easily manipulateable pawn!' But oops alas his heart ended up being the easily manipulateable one, and before he knew it he was (oh no!) HANGING OUT AND STUFF! He'd do random lil chores of niceness for this dude who was too scared to leave his lab, even though lowering himself to the level of wearing a human disguise was the greatest of dishonor. But, yknow, madds likes that shitty human cola and uhh yeah hmm i just need to manipulate him yeah no affection here. And also i can imagine Maddiman obliviously hitting on him by accident, he's just like 'wow ive never seen such a rare yokai before, i need to research you!!' *buries him in compliments* *also takes several vials of blood and dandruff samples* And mckraken is like "fuck am i really falling for this idiot, he only wants me for my body (literally)" "LET ME HAVE A KIDNEY, I ONLY NEED THE ONE"
Anyway this has gone off on a real big tangeant but in summary maddiman makes even more friends and happy memories through the course of the games and someday he will be able to let go of his painful past. And its just my random headcanon that when that happens his heart will finish turning 100% green because itd be cool to have a symbolic signifier ykno?
Also maddiman x mckraken is a good ship but maddiman x ex wife is also a good ship and dammit why is this random potato dad so shippable???
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