#novas ffxiv headcanons
miss-tc-nova · 2 years
Bear Hugging WoL - Scions
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I very much approve of this @melodymeddler​. Thank you for asking :3
Scions with a WoL who Gives Bear Hugs
Alisaie will gripe, groan, and maybe even resist when she sees you’ve returned. She’d rather die than admit she enjoys your hugs. But when she’s there, there’s no fighting; she just leans in as she grumbles.
“For Twelve’s sake! No! Noooooo! Get away from me! N-Stop! Ugh! Fine!”
Little Alphy is the most bashful when it comes to hugs. He gets all blushy and tries circumventing them with a handshake or “welcome back.” Never works. But even he knows that once you’ve got your arms around him, there’s no use resisting.
“Welcome back. How was your adventure? Oh, no. I’m fine, really. Wait. Hold on—nope. We’re doing this. Aha. Welcome back. I’m glad you’re safe.”
Actually, this guy is the most bashful when it comes to hugs. He will straight up curse when he sees you walk in. Might even draw his lance to keep you at bay. But if you catch him and manage to hold on for a few seconds, he’ll give. He won’t hug back, but his will to escape will die partially because he actually loves it but take that secret to his grave.
“Oh hells. No! Stay back! I’m warning you! I won’t—No! Get off! Uuuuuuugh!”
G’raha is wholeheartedly excited when you return. He wastes no time in setting his work aside to greet you. He revels in the tight embrace, happily rubbing a cheek against you and his tail swaying happily you know, like a cat. He’d probably purr if he could.
“You’re here! Welcome back! Ahaha! Aye, it’s good to see you again.”
Sweet Krile enjoys your returns. She’s simply accepted that you’re a hugger and will return the gesture happily. No muss no fuss here.
“Welcome back. How was your trip? Did you enjoy it? I’d love to hear about it.”
Lyse gets herself all riled up when she notices you return. The girl will actively stand and run at you, unless inappropriate in which case she will power walk to greet you. She absolutely loves your hugs.
“There you are! Our grand Warrior of Light! Bring it in! There we go!”
Another casual enjoyer of hugs. She’ll excuse herself from her conversation and head towards you with a little pep in her step. Once she reaches you, she’ll hold out her arms, expecting her hug.
“Excuse me just a moment. There you are. Did you enjoy your trip? You’ll have to tell me all about it. But first, my hug!”
Thancred enjoys a hearty hug. He’ll try not to show his eagerness and patiently wait for you to come to him, but once that happens, it’s arms out and hug time. Will still mock you over it though.
“You’re back? Oh very well. What a needy person you are. Ah, wait, no. Come back here. Give me my hug, dammit.”
This man is probably the most difficult to get a hug on. The instant he has an inkling that a hug is coming, he mysteriously slips away. However, poor Urianger is only graceful enough to pull this off about 15% of the time. The rest the time, he actually manages to draw more attention to himself. And once caught, he suffers the consequences of his ineptitude.
“Ah, w-well met, friend. Aye, ‘tis good to see you as well. Your travels were well then? Please unhand me.”
The prickly mage heaves a great sigh whenever you return. While she may long to continue her studies or the tasks at hand, she knows if she doesn’t put them down willingly to embrace you, you will get in her way and may even disturb her work. Would also purr if she could.
*Sigh* “Very well. Come. Let us get this over with. Excuse me? Get over here. I will not have you sulking over a simple hug. There. Welcome back, Warrior.”
Overall, your hugs really aren’t a bad thing to the Scions. They all enjoy them in varying amounts, whether or not they admit it. In fact, it’s become such a staple in their lives that at least once or twice, they’ve thought back to your embrace in times they’ve struggled. It’s a motivator—to keep pressing on until they see you again and suffer your hug once more.
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cinnabun-faerie · 8 months
FFXIV Phasmophobia!Estinien Headcanons
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A/N: Day 2 of Frightfest!
Note: This is a headcanon based on the ghost-hunting game, Phasmophobia
Taglist: @missnella-nova @shippyprincess @healersadjust @thai @lumeriadeborel @obscene-tevene @losingmymindinglitter @gudaworks @midromiell @kanouizumi3104 @msrussian @ishgardianangel @harmonydork @sevenincubistolemyheart
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100% plays in VR
Estinien has no idea what he's doing
dies while trying to square up with the ghost
he forgets that he can't fight the ghost in-game
gotta find the ghost and tell him to go look in the cursed mirror?
he will
but he'll hold it for too long and cause a cursed hunt
honestly Estinien would be the one to mess with the cursed objects at first before realizing what they do and gets his teammates killed by accident
it's very important to note that he never dies during these cursed hunts
how? no one knows
often is the reason why the ghost is hunting
he's always messing with the cursed objects
by pure curiosity at first
but on purpose later on
he doesn't light the candles because he doesn't care to
he never has a lighter on him
the Ouija board, he just touches as asks it where it is
but never says goodbye so the board breaks
he pushes pins on the voodoo doll cause he doesn't get what it does
he uses the tarot cards cause he found them and can pull them
kinda pulls them like someone pulls the pulls petals from flowers
always pulls the death card
somehow never pulled the hanged-man card
with the music box, he just picks it off and turns it on or he chucks it
honestly he must have some plot armour cause he just never gets hunted
doesn't turn off his flashlight
but uses bits of speed to loop the ghost
somehow survives
he also buys so many items just in case
and blows all of his money
he does however get freaked out by the giggle of children when he's playing
in this setting in particular, it is unnerving
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shadowbringcr · 5 years
NAME: Novas!
NICKNAME: Novas! Yesvas! People I have tormented with sad ideas have called me Satanvas!
FACECLAIM: I don’t really use those oops
PRONOUNS:  He/She/They, but please stick to They/Them as much as possible!
HEIGHT:  160cm
BIRTHDAY: November 7
AESTHETIC: Celestial objects are a big fave - from the sun to the moon to the stars that surround them. I also like things that balance each other - light and darkness, red and blue, stuff like that.
Also, a good pinch of softedge chuuni shounen shenanigans.
LAST  SONG  YOU  LISTENED  TO: I listen to a lot of doujin music, so right now I have a playlist of stuff from C96 playing. Right now it’s on this song. 
FAVORITE  MUSE (S)  YOU’VE  WRITTEN: Joshua, from The World Ends With You! It was really fun to try and figure out headcanons that fit my interpretation of him, and he’s the kind of muse who’s very interesting to plot with.
WHAT  INSPIRED  YOU  TO  TAKE  ON  THIS  MUSE: Lycelle having a personality wasn’t in my plans back when I started playing FFXIV, but it just naturally developed as I played through the story. There was a lot of tweaking and revisions made throughout the years, but eventually I had the solid foundations of a character to experience the game with. I’ve always wanted to try my hand out at roleplaying her, and now I’m finally here!
WHAT  ARE  YOUR  FAVORITE  ASPECTS  OF  YOUR  CURRENT  MUSE: Everyone interprets their Warrior of Light in a different way, but for Lycelle what I like most about her is her fallibility. She’s not 100% a good person - she planned to only use the Scions at first, and she has disregarded the well-being of others at certain points in the story. There are moments where I feel like she could have ended up turning into someone terrible. But it doesn’t invalidate all of the good things she has done, because ultimately she does possess the qualities of a hero - even if she doesn’t consider herself as one. She doesn’t need to be perfect because she doesn’t need to do this alone.
WHAT’S  YOUR  BIGGEST  INSPIRATION  WHEN  IT  COMES  TO  WRITING: I absolutely love worldbuilding! If a source material goes all out in exposition about the setting, I eat that all up. It’s that attention to detail that inspires me to expound on my writing.
FAVORITE  TYPES  OF  THREADS: I love planning long-spanning plots that involve a lot of people...and uh yeah, it does rarely happen but when it does? It’s quite amazing, frankly. The excitement of building up something that involves a lot of people is unmatched. I’m also a sucker for hurt-comfort types of threads? I love my angst and I also love my fluff, but together they’re peanut butter and jelly - I do enjoy seeing my characters suffer and pushed to their limits, but I also enjoy to see them achieve the happy ending they fought so hard for.
BIGGEST  STRUGGLE  IN  REGARDS  TO  YOUR  CURRENT  MUSE: I feel like I’m having a bit of trouble in replicating FFXIV’s style of dialogue. THANKS KOJI FOX. It doesn’t help that I also play it with Japanese audio, so the localization style doesn’t stick as much. Lycelle is also essentially an original character, and those always come with a double-edge sword. While you have the freedom of essentially making your own lore, I’m worried that I might accidentally contradict my own references down the line.
Tagged by: I saw this on loog’s blog and I figured I could snatch it
Tagging: you!!!! ...but only if you want to.
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miss-tc-nova · 2 years
Oblivious S/O - Estinien, Haurchefant
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I am SOOOOOO sorry this took so long! Life. That’s really all I’ve got.
Anyway, I don’t think this has quite the same vibe as the last one, but I had fun, so thanks for the request!
Flirting with an Oblivious S/O
Never, in his life, has hunting something been so frustrating.
In the beginning, the dragoon denied he could ever feel such an emotion. You know, like a liar.
But Tataru and Krile knew better and, once they terrorized him into realizing his feelings, he tried acting on them.
Oh poor, poor Estinien. You would not make this easy for him.
It began pretty normal, actually, which is already pushing it for Estinien.
Starting conversations with you rather than waiting for you to come to him was his first obstacle but it became much easier when he realized it came with a hit of satisfaction.
Fighting his impulse to go out on his own was next. Rather than take everything on solo, Estinien began inviting you to join him on his missions, or volunteering to go with you on yours.
Trinkets from his travels, acts of kindness, all those usual stops in flirting get pulled—which is really impressive for the introvert.
Not that you would know.
One time, he even placed a kiss on top of your head. Your smile struck him harder than any attack ever had.
Scratch that. You telling him that you “didn’t realize you were such close friends” hurt more.
The Scions were watching. Pity and amusement on each and every face.
It’s kind of impressive he didn’t just explode right there.
Already starting to get frustrated, the elezen let the lalafellin women talk him into going a step further.
Aymeric who had been brought into the loop via Tataru extended an invitation to the annual Ishgardian founding festival ball to Estinien. Plus one.
He hated it. Loathed it. But if it would get his intentions across, he’d try it.
Throughout the day, Estinien stayed at your side, even daring to take your hand through most of it. Too bad his big mouth told you he “didn’t want you to get lost” which you took at face value.
He shared with you his favorite Ishgardian foods, offering bites from his own spoon/fork for you to taste.
For the ball, Aymeric had the perfect clothes prepared for the two of you at Tataru’s instruction mostly so the dragoon wouldn’t try to show up in his armor in an attempt to claim it was formal. They even matched.
You had a good time enjoying the show, laughing, dancing.
Hoping to help his friend, Aymeric confided in you that he’d never seen Estinien dance and that probably no one but you ever could get him to.
The response? “Really? I wonder why.”
That’s when Aymeric fully understood the behemoth undertaking Estinien had gotten himself into.
“My condolences, my friend.” “Shut up.”
Well, the ball was a bust. So Estinien has nearly resigned himself spending the rest of his days in the pursuit of a prize he’ll never catch.
Except those wing-lalas are having none of that.
Fine. A Hail-Halone then I tried okay.
“Alright, I concede that I’m no scholar myself, but surely an incredible warrior, that can take down even the smallest of beasts with such incredible precision, cannot be this dense. Yes, I’m talking about you. What do you mean what am I talking about? Has everything I’ve done truly gone over your head? For Twelve’s sake. I-…I…Forget it.”
Oooo. So close.
With Haurchefant, if not today, then maybe tomorrow.
You haven’t told him no, so this giant sweetheart isn’t giving up hope until he has an answer.
Too bad it’s going to be a long time before he gets one.
Smitten nearly the moment he laid eyes on you, he simply couldn’t help himself when he started fighting for your favor.
Of course, it began with helping your and your allies. That’s not the only reason; he has his morals, but there’s no denying that it at least put him in a more favorable light.
Once you started staying at Fortemps Manor, Count Edmont distinctly notes his son’s more frequent visits.
Haurchefant personally shows you around Ishgard, pointing out all his favorite places and the best views of even things you thought mundane. He knows how to make everything seem amazing.
And he has no qualms taking you by the hand to show you to the next incredible site.
There’s no shortage of laughter in his presence. You two spend hours talking of adventures and feats, a smile always on his face.
Alternatively, sparring. He gets to spend time with you AND test his skills against a famed hero. Bonuses all around for Haurchefant.
Then he starts saying things in a more forward tone.
You think it’s a joke when he calls your “darling.”
He knows you don’t quite get it, but he can’t deny his heart melts when you call him “dear” in return.
It makes him fantasize about domestic life. He’s such a dreamer.
All manner of flatteries are thrown your way, some roaming towards the more personal subjects.
But hey, close friends can talk about ANYTHING right?
Nothing perverse though. He’s not a heathen.
Think “Are your lips as kissable as they look?”
By the way, no matter what the answer is to that question, he will offer to find out for you. And he will 100 percent do it if you accept.
And that kiss will overflow with all the passion he can muster.
But you’re probably too preoccupied with the result of his “findings.”
He has been present while you changed before.
Though there was a partition to separate the two of you so nothing naughty there.
No matter how this plays out, Haurchefant will basically act as if you’re already dating.
Hand holding or an arm around your waist.
Farewell and greeting kisses.
Pet names.
All of it.
He does keep himself honest though, should anyone ask.
And when it leaves them baffled, he simply laughs it off and promises to make his love see the light one day.
While Count Edmont was quite impressed with you and would even approve, your lack of acknowledgement of his son’s feelings give him apprehension.
But Haurchefant’s happy.
Not like Edmont could really do much anyway.
What’s he gonna do?
“Please turn down my son’s constant affection for you that you are clearly unaware of.”
Yeah right.
Really, Haurchefant’s like the star’s cutest puppy.
A greedy puppy who will take every onze of affection he can get, but a puppy nonetheless.
But nothing makes him happier than the prospect of a sweet, little domestic life with you.
“There you are, my darling. How has your day been? Oh really? Too bad I couldn’t have been there to keep you company. Why? Because I want to be by your side. Always. Eh…Haha. Yes, then I suppose we both would have been bored.”
 Not for the feint of heart:
In the days following the events of the Vault, it seems every passing soul offers you their condolences.
It’s baffling.
He was Edmont’s son.
Emmanellain and Artoirel’s brother.
Why were you getting all the consolation?
Why were these people laying all the grief of his passing on you?
Mortified at your continued confusion, it’s the youngest brother who finally spills everything.
Haurchefant loved you.
You knew that.
He was your closest friend.
“No! He was in love with you!”
Then, as you’re in the midst of your realization, it feels like the world was crumbling around you.
It all made sense. Everything.
You ran.
Straight out of Ishgard.
Past Camp Dragonhead.
West of the Steel Vigil.
The cold sears into your cheeks, chasing the trails left by tears.
You curse yourself.
You curse everyone around you.
If they weren’t going to tell you when he was still alive, they should’ve just kept their mouths shut.
Even ignorance is less painful than this.
If only you’d realized sooner.
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miss-tc-nova · 2 years
Beach Date - Ardbert, Estinien, Thancred
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Eheh...I’m not exactly a beach gal myself, but I’ll fucking try! Regardless, hell yeah they need it!
I also apologize a bit for Ardbert and Estinien, I’ve never written them before. 
Beach Date
Don’t even need to ask twice. You ask him to go to the beach and he says, “Alright. When?”
He’ll happily recount some other adventures he’s had with the ocean on your way, giving you the idea that perhaps this may not have been the best plan.
Who knows what kind of adventure he’ll turn this into…Oh well. He seems happy.
The man stays back to help you set up a comfortable little spot on the beach, but you can tell he can’t wait to get in the water by the frequent glances.
But if you give him any indication that you’ll be fine to set up alone, he’ll take you up on that and shed his shirt to hop the hot sand towards the water.
He’s almost like a child, enjoying the water, splashing around.
It’s been too long since he had a moment to be that care-free adventurer he used to be.
If you wait too long to join him, Ardbert will come for you. He’ll throw you in himself if he has to, consequences be damned not that he wouldn’t mind a bit of cat and mouse.
Because of course he’s not going to enjoy his brief freedom without you.
But if you’re not up to a lot of water, he’d easily be captivated by you playing in the sand.
Soon enough, it becomes a sand castle contest, until he gets a bit too ambitious and it crumbles.
So his efforts turn to yours until you two quickly have the most expansive sand village with an enormous moat. It’s not pretty, but it’s still impressive.
Until high tide drowns all your sand villagers.
Water polo, sand castles, drawing hearts in the sand: he’ll do all those little clichés with you just because he can.
It may be a bit high energy with Ardbert, but it’s a day he needed to be the man you know he really is.
Estinien has never felt so exposed in his life except maybe that one time you…never mind.
Here he is, running around in shorts and a simple shirt, sitting beneath the hot sun in the sand—exactly the opposite of everything he’s used to.
And he’ll grumble about the whole ordeal the entire time but, in reality, he’ll suffer anything if it’s you who asked for it.
But he’ll die before he tells you that.
Put an umbrella over this man. He burns.
You’re also going to have to coerce him into putting on sunscreen. Though he may be able to be bribed if you offer to put it on for him.
Because he’s secretly a sucker for your every touch.
He’s entirely content to sit under the umbrella and watch you play in the water. Which is entirely no fun.
So, to get him into the water, if you’re nice, a few “pretty please” coupled with puppy eyes will get him to cave.
If you’re not, a bucket of water thrown on him will definitely get him racing after you into the waves. Just be prepared to be launched across the water should he catch you.
Once in the water, he’s a floater—an observant buoy as you swim circles around him.
He particularly enjoys when you latch onto him, just floating together in the waves, no heavy armor, no stress, no burdens.
Just the two of you together in a weightless peace.
But he still misses his armor.
Still, in the end, he enjoyed himself, if only because it was a day with you.
Good luck getting him to admit that though.
Look, Thancred doesn’t initially agree to your offer of a day at the beach, but the more you talk about how nice it would be, the more he comes around to the idea.
Warm sand between his toes, the white noise of the beach crashing ashore, his partner at his side in a bathing suit.
Alright. He’s in. It really didn’t take that much effort to convince him.
He’ll help you set up your little spot and happily help you with sunscreen.
In the water or in the shade, he’ll join you wherever you prefer because that’s what he prefers.
Like Estinien, he doesn’t mind being the floatation device in the water.
Or, if you’re up for it, you can always swim into deeper waters an actually explore the water since, you know, he’s got amazing lung capacity and you can breathe water.
On land, he enjoys the shade, but he may just let you bury him in the sand, just for the sake of you enjoying yourself.
As the day goes, more of the old Thancred begins to slip through.
With you, he’s happier, open, and maybe a little flirty, but there’s no denying that all that’s been somewhat doused by the events of The First.
And it may never all come back, and that’s fine too.
He grew into a better person.
But seeing some of the old, more-carefree Thancred reminds you that things are okay right now.
The day gets better when it threatens to end—when the sun begins to take shelter over the edge of the water.
His hands on you, he’ll slow dance with you, barefoot in the sand.
He serenades you with songs and limericks and tales, sneaking kisses like it’s your second date. The kind that make you giggle and maybe shy away, though he persists.
He can’t help himself. This is what you do to him.
Honestly, this didn’t have to be a beach date. You could’ve stayed home or got yourselves stranded in a field, he would’ve enjoyed the day regardless because it was senseless, worry free,
And it was with you.
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miss-tc-nova · 2 years
Oblivious S/O - Aymeric, Thancred
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A need that I too now possess. I freaking love it! Thank you for this one! It really made me smile. 
Flirting with an Oblivious S/O
Bless his little heart. He’s losing his mind.
He’s not sure how or when, but Aymeric fell for you and might’ve gotten a concussion in the fall.
Because surely he must be doing something wrong if you haven’t noticed yet.
Maybe his Ishgardian upbringing is just so different from your…adventurer-ness…that has his attempts going over your head.
He personally greets you every time he catches wind of your arrival, even if all he has is a five minute “break” from his work don’t tell Lucia.
You’ve received a few amazingly thoughtful gifts and perhaps a bouquet or two.
Every gorgeous view in Ishgard has been exposed to you in his accompaniment; some even came with a candlelit dinner but come on. How else were you supposed to see in the dark?
One time, there was a big social event, to which he invited you to join him.
You two danced, gossiped, and had a really good time—it would’ve made a cute story for a first date.
Except apparently that you had no idea.
This sweetheart walked you back to Fortemps Manor, kissed your hand, and you STILL DIDN’T TAKE THE HINT!
The moment you mentioned how thrilled Tataru would be with your work in bringing up the Scions’ image, he couldn’t agree more, even though that’s not what he wanted you to leave the night with.
Boldness in romance isn’t exactly his strong suit, but damn, he’s going to have to push himself to get the point across.
It’s come to the point where he’ll press a kiss to your cheek every time he greets you or bids you farewell.
That’s what all the high-class people do, right?
He’s even started calling you dear heart!
Literally everyone in Ishgard is aware of what’s going on, only because he’s practically throwing himself at your feet. Meanwhile, you just pull him up, dust him off, ask if he’s okay, and keep walking.
He gets a lot of flak for it. And some pity.
Most of the pity comes from the friends that know how oblivious you are.
Why don’t you see it?!
He’s beginning to come to the correct conclusion that he’s just going to have to sit you down and tell you directly.
“Dear heart, you know why I call you that, don’t you? Yes, I care about you very, very much. But I can’t help wondering if there’s a chance that we might be more than friends?” *Sigh* “No, best friends is not what I had in mind.”
Perhaps not.
Oh for Twelve’s sake.
What more could he do?!
Throw you on the table in the foyer, jam his mouth against yours, and—never mind.
Over the years, Thancred has grown increasingly fond of you—to the point he’s not sure where fondness became infatuation.
Let’s be honest, he denied his feelings right up until that moment he was FORCED to confront them when you almost…left.
After several nights of arguing with himself, he decided to take his chance.
But your skull must be pure stone. Just how dense are you?!
You two had grown close over your friendship, but he’s certainly been pushing boundaries as of late.
Not that any of it has seem to cross your mind.
Any chance of an adventure with you is taken. He’s even gone out of his way to find new shenanigans for the two of you to get into together.
Walking about, he’ll slip an arm around your waist or shoulders, wary of other’s gazes on you.
If he can’t get you to notice him, there’s no way in hell he’s giving anyone else a chance.
But even his most gentle, caring touches don’t seem to faze you.
You’ve shared plenty of rooms and even beds while out on adventures.
Yes, you have woken up spooning before
hazards of low funds and sharing a bed, right?
Hell, he’s kissed you. Full on lip-to-lip contact.
But it was during a mission and the damn target walked by just in time to be an unwitting alibi to “keeping your cover from being blown.”
Quick thinking, Thancred. *Facepalm*
All his flirty talk seems to just go right over your head and he curses his old reputation that must’ve made you think he’s just prattling to hear himself speak.
All the Scions poke at him for falling for the densest being in existence.
There are also many condolences.
And many who think you’re already in a relationship because literally everyone BUT YOU SEEMS TO NOTICE!
He’s not sure how much blunter he can except just spell it out for you. Dammit
“Alright, listen. It’s been quite the struggle to get my point across and it may just kill me, so I’m just going to say it. I love you. What?! No, I’m not drunk! No, this isn’t an act either! You are very lucky you’re adorable, you know that!”
Yeah, he might need to go back to the table option.
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miss-tc-nova · 2 years
Wedding Day - Aymeric, G’raha, Thancred
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First off, congratulations! May you and your partner have many adventures together!
Second, I actually had to log in and fly around planning these, lol. But it was fun! Thank you so much for this one! Hope you enjoy!
Your Wedding Day
If you were hoping to avoid a grand affair, sucks to be you.
Not because that’s what Aymeric wants, but because that’s what’s expected.
The ceremony would be in Saint Reymanaud Cathedral.
To be wed before Halone is tradition.
The entirety of Ishgard would be excited to celebrate, though the general populace (nobles included) would be made to stand at the back or wait outside.
The seats are reserved for the leaders from allied nations.
And the Scions.
And those others that you or Aymeric explicitly invited, which could be absolutely anyone you’d like.
The reception, well that’s a city-wide event.
The largest hall in Ishgard can barely contain all the attendees.
Definitely need hired help from several families to keep some of the ruckus in check sucks for them.
You would be dressed in attire suited for royalty, just the same as Aymeric.
Draped in the finest fabrics and glimmering adornments, not a single person in attendance would deny just how magnificent you look.
But this is all different from the ceremony that occurred just a few days before.
In the dark of night, beneath the clear sky riddled with stars, a group of chocobos left Ishgard’s gates and headed north from Camp Dragonhead and just west of the Steel Vigil where a good friend can watch over you once again.
People were already there waiting for you: your closest friends and family.
Both you and Aymeric wore formal clothing, but not as extravagant as the public event.
But it didn’t matter because you both wore white snow cloaks anyway it was still cold out.
Rather than the lengthy, religious ones scripted for you later, you spoke your own vows, ones from the heart.
No one could stop smiling.
There, with only the people you cherished, you and Aymeric were married by Edmont de Fortemps.
And you celebrated in the company you loved most.
This wedding is just out of the realm of average, which is perfect for the two of you.
Though perhaps a tad inconvenient, the Forum of Old Sharlayan has granted you private use of the small dock, just to the east of the statue of the Scholar, for a few hours for one evening.
With the magnificent statue and the glimmering ocean in the background, it’s a beautiful backdrop on a beautiful day.
Lucky for G’raha you, you have Krile and Tataru on your side to help you get everything sorted out.
Get the décor.
Get the outfits.
Sort out the reception and food, including the cake.
Get the boat.
Yeah, unless you wanna walk the entire dock, the bridal party is coming off a boat.
Speaking of bridal party, that is allowed to be as big or small as you want, same with the attendees.
However, G’raha would like to extend an invitation to the Sons of Saint Coinach and a few of his scholar friends.
And the Scions of course.
Tataru has the clothing tailored by herself, obviously, so you two are dressed in attire perfect for you.
And boy does Mr. Kitty look handsome in his crimson vest, a white tie tucked in against the black shirt.
Don’t worry though, you may not be dressed as royalty, but you are stunning nonetheless.
A perfect fit for your groom on such a shining day.
Your vows are your own, carefully crafted with love for each other, with promises of adventure in all aspects of life.
But most importantly, adventure together.
The reception could be no place other than The Last Stand.
Tataru bartered new uniforms against a reserved evening.
There would be a table there for those who can’t attend: those who have passed and those from the First.
So everyone celebrates the newlyweds well into the night.
But what better way to end an amazing day than by dancing under the fairy lights with your new husband.
If Thancred had it his way, it would just be you, him, and the officiant.
Just for the sake of time because the moment you say yes, he just wants to be married immediately.
But if it’s what you want, then he’ll endure the whole ceremony thing.
So let’s say you do chose to have a ceremony.
He’d let you invite whoever you want, but he’d be most comfortable if it were just the Scions.
The Rising Stones would be perfect for this kind of celebration.
Everyone knows where it’s at and there’s plenty of space.
Also if you give Tataru even just a day’s notice, she’ll have the place decked out for your special day.
Thancred would never stop you from inviting anyone you want, though at this point, inviting the Scions is a must.
He’d also ask that you take an invitation to the First for him.
For Ryne, of course.
It does sting a bit that she can’t attend in person, but you give her time to write him a letter as a gift.
It makes him cry, but that’s later.
Again, he’d be perfectly happy to be wed in the clothes he slept in last night, but because you’ve already chosen to have a ceremony, the others aren’t going to let that happen.
It’s been a while, but damn does he clean up in a suit.
It’s not over the top, but still formal nonetheless.
And even without all the fancy things, you take his breath away.
You’d enter the room from the Seventh Heaven and you find all your friends and family waiting on either side of the makeshift aisle.
And at the other end, he’d be waiting with none other than Tataru, your officiant.
Because, let’s be honest, who else would be better suited to the job.
It takes him a moment for his awe to melt into a fool’s grin, because Thancred knows he’s the luckiest man on the entire star.
Your vows are short and simple, but still so very sweet.
Just because your invitees are few in number doesn’t mean there’s not a party after.
Party may not be the right word, but there are definitely drinks and congratulations afterwards as people mingle.
It’s really not that big of a wedding, but it’s close and personal.
Because it’s with family.
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miss-tc-nova · 2 years
Moonfire Faire Date - Alphinaud, Estinien, Hien
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Sorry I’m a bit...uninitiated with the Moonfire Faire I’ve only done like two but I did have fun. It’s kind of short but I hope it’s sweet nonetheless. 
Going to the Moonfire Faire with Them
Anything to see his beloved smile.
Because Alphinaud is an absolute sucker.
The question barely makes it out of our mouth before he agrees to your request. Meaning there’s no effort required to get him to go.
Honestly, he’s kind of excited for a date. Whether you call it that or not, he will.
He’s all too happy to amble the stalls and try the foods with you.
You’ll see the prettiest blush on his face if you feed something to him with your own hand.
He loves it though.
And then the two of you come across the tower.
Oh, the tower.
Alphinaud will never complete the tower, but he’ll give it a right try.
And he gets farther than expected.
He may be more suited to magic than melee, but he’s still got a good pep in his step, able to dodge those pesky explosives and hop a few platforms.
It’s the moment he hears you shout his name that his concentration slips and he lands himself in the ocean below.
Offer him a hand and gush about how surprising his run was and he’ll turn as red as a bombard.
But by all means, praise him more to see this cutie become a flustering mess.
After an exciting day, it’s time to relax on the beach.
And when the sun goes down, the two of you watch the fireworks together.
Happy and warm wrapped in each other’s arms.
He really needs to learn how to say “no” when it comes to you.
Yet here he is, in Costa del Sol, stripped of his armor yet again and forced to endure this ridiculous event.
But, having seen that ever present smile on your face since arriving, he can’t find it in himself to truly hate it.
He will continue grumbling though.
He’ll follow you through the stalls, mostly as a bystander to your whims.
Though you can always tell when he’s interested by the way his gaze becomes glued to something, be it food, trinkets, or a performance.
If you buy something to eat, you have to share it. He won’t say so, but you can tell by his expectant glances. It’s even better if you feed it to him because he won’t argue, but you see the red tinting his ears.
Even so, Estinien will continue bemoaning his fate at the Faire.
At least until he finds the massive tower standing in the water.
A competition? That involves jumping? He’s a freaking dragoon, of course he’s going to demolish that thing.
If you’re the competitive type, the two of you could spend hours racing and re-matching the tower.
Ignore the people placing bets.
If you’re not though, he’ll be thoroughly smug to hear you cheer him on as he stands atop the structure, having blown away any previous records.
When all the fun’s been had and the sun begins to set, he’ll sit with you in the sand, watching the fireworks paint the sky.
However, his eyes aren’t always on the sky, frequently dropping to admire that smile you’re still wearing.
Perhaps next year, he won’t be quite so resistant to your pleas to attend the Faire.
A faire hmm? Alright.
Doesn’t take much to convince Hien to go, provided he can slip away from his duties.
Granted, having heard of the east’s past hand in this festival, he’s happy to rekindle that bit of tradition and share some of his home with faire goers.
Just an added boost to building international relations.
But Yugiri will eventually shoo him away to enjoy the faire while she takes over some of the less formal duties.
And enjoy he does.
His hand around yours, it’s your turn to try to keep up as you rush after the enthusiastic royal.
He’s excited to see it all and try a bit of everything.
You have to insist that everything bought you only get one of because otherwise, there would just be too much if you each had one.
Forget feeding him, he’s likely to feed you.
Then comment how cute you look when he does.
Ah, but then there’s that tower. He definitely has to take a swing at that.
Like Estinien, he’s all for competition and even a gracious loser should it come to that.
But if you hold back on competing, he’ll tease you a bit but ask that you cheer him on regardless—even dedicating a run to his beloved.
Laughs around though; it takes him a few attempts to complete the damn thing.
But he’s a good sport about it.
The fireworks, at the end of the day, however, get a bit of criticism.
Hien admits they’re pretty, but that Doma can produce ones far more intricate and dazzling.
Though, as his arms tighten around you, he implies that even those are nothing compared to the view of you.
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miss-tc-nova · 2 years
Sick S/O - Alphinaud, G’raha, Thancred
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Fuck yes you can! Here! Have a cold now that I’m nearly over mine. 
When You’re Sick
The moment you miss breakfast, Alphinaud is immediately worried. Like worst-case scenarios worried.
Poor baby loves you. So he’s off to your room when you don’t turn up.
And of course you haven’t gotten out of bed. You’re congested and coughing and sniffling.
Before you realize he’s even there, boy slams the door shut and he’s immediately off to scrub the germs away.
It’s not that he’s a germaphobe, but Alphinaud does not do well when he gets sick.
“I’m so sorry, starlight, but I cannot get sick.”
Still, he feels a significant unwarranted guilt in knowing you’re sick and he just left you, alone, in your room, suffering in illness.
So baby boy starts researching ways to alleviate your symptoms. Healing magic, potions, home remedies, home cooking: he’s willing to do whatever it takes to speed up your recovery. Hopefully he goes to F’lhaminn before he attempts cooking.
With potions/medicine and food in hand, he cautiously ventures back into your room.
He keeps his distance, placing the tray on your lap and immediately stepping back, grimacing when you cough and fidgeting.
He’s not very subtle at hiding his discomfort, but when you tell him he doesn’t have to stick around, his guilt overpowers his unease and he convinces himself to sit.
So while he insists that you rest, Alphinaud reads tales to you. There are frequent breaks for him to go clean up he may have scrubbed off several layers of skin in the process, but Alphinaud spends time with you regardless the best he can.
But let’s be honest, it wouldn’t take much to convince him to drop his guard and cuddle with you. He’s very weak when it comes to you.
Twelve help you if he catches your ailment. He’s worse than a toddler and Alisae refuses to help.
“I’m sorry you’re sick, my light, but please try to contain your germs. No, I’m not afraid of your germs, I just don’t want to get sick as well. Because if I get sick, who’s going to take care of you? No. No! No kissing!”
G’raha recognizes something’s amiss in the same way Alphinaud does: the moment something is out the norm, which is pretty early in the day.
He’s less worried than Alphinaud when he finds out you’re sick. Worried nonetheless though.
He doesn’t work himself into a hypothetical frenzy, but he does go to check on you as soon as he can.
If he happens to wake you as he enters, he sits on the edge of your bed, brushing the hair from your face and checking your temperature.
You cough, groan, and curl up and G’raha witnesses your unsightly moment, all while rubbing at your back.
“Oh dear, sweetheart. You’ve certainly caught something unpleasant, haven’t you. Worry not; I’ll look after you.”
And G’raha does as promised. He’s meticulous about your medication and hydration, giving you said items like clockwork.
Everything that touches your lips he’s ensured is either for your benefit or something your stomach can handle even while ill.
And you certainly won’t be getting out of bed without good cause or you’ll get a worried mother hen pestering you until you lie down again.
He’s comfortable enough tending to you that he doesn’t ban all contact, but he still minds his hygiene, washing up when he leaves your room or handles objects you’ve touched.
That doesn’t stop him though.
While you rest, the man will sit with you in silent company, indulging in his research, occasionally telling you about what he’s found.
When you seem restless yet tired, G’raha lies with you, holding you close, dragging gentle fingers along your back and arms, and humming soft lullabies until you drift away.
“Rest well, my love. I will watch over you until you’re hale and hearty again…By Twelve you’re beautiful, even when you’re ill. Oh! Y-you’re still awake? Ahah, yes, I am utterly hopeless. All thanks to you.”
Thancred instantly notices something is unusual when you’re not up and about at your usual hour.
However, he’s not exactly a worrywart when it comes to you so he gives you time.
But after an hour or two, the man caves and ventures off to see what’s keeping you from being out and about.
And when Thancred opens the door, he chuckles to himself.
There you are, sprawled on your bed, in a mess, tangled with your blankets, your breathing marred by rasps and coughs—clearly sick.
He’s really not sympathetic to start with.
“Aww, look at the star’s savior, frail like a newborn gazelle.”
After he’s done teasing you, Thancred will take his duty as boyfriend of the sick more seriously.
He’ll ask if you need anything and be off to get it for you. Should you neglect asking for medication, food, and/or water, he’ll show his thoughtful side and grab it for you anyway.
Thancred believes rest will be most helpful to you and doesn’t think he has the right to disturb it, but should he hear of any duties that require your attention, he’ll shoulder those himself so you won’t need to worry later.
He does inevitably end up back in your room. He still wants to spend time with you and he’s got more supplies to battle your ailment.
He’ll sit at the table and tend to his gear, whether or not you’re asleep, trying to be good, courteous company.
Perhaps he’ll tell you a tale or two of his wild shenanigans in his youth while awkwardly avoiding those more risqué.
But Thancred doesn’t have much of a self-preservation instinct when it comes to you.
He’ll share the covers if you ask, feed you, share a drink, even kiss you. If he turns up sick later and he will he’ll try to simply soldier on until you intervene and hold him down.
Until then, though, he spends the night at your side, assuring you that everything will be alright without you for a few days.
And teasing you.
“Get your rest, darling. I’ll take care of things in your stead, but you’ll owe me one once you’re better. Mmhm, well you see, that will depend on my mood when all’s said and done.”
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miss-tc-nova · 2 years
Caregiver S/O - Alphinaud, G’raha, Thancred
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You are very welcome! And thanks for the request! I missed writing for these guys. Goofs, all of them. 
Taking Care of Them When They’re Sick
Well, despite his best efforts, baby boy couldn’t keep the germs away.
And holy hell is he suffering.
You were certainly sick, but Alphinaud looks like death.
It’s unfair really, and you’re certainly going to hear it from him.
He squeaks when he talks which infuriates him it’s kinda cute. His hands tremble so much he can barely feed himself and for the life of him, he can’t stop coughing.
If you can get him to hush long enough not to complain or cough, the young elezen is plainly exhausted and always on the brink of sleep.
In fact, through his little tantrum, if you just slip your fingers through his hair, his eyes will start to get droopy and his words will lag. Inevitably, he’ll pass out and snooze away for a few bells.
It’s not too difficult to get Alphinaud to drink water frequently, but he’s more finicky about his food. If the food’s not perfectly to his tastes, he probably won’t eat it.
Medicine on the other hand…well he’s not having it. This is what Alisaie was trying to warn you about. No sort of rationality or bribery can convince him to take it. Only brute force will work. Good luck with that.
Holding down the sicky isn’t even a challenge, he just squirms a lot. But your knees on his arms will easily immobilize him and he’s probably still yelling at you to get off, so it’s not like it’s hard to just pour the medicine down his throat.
It’s still a hassle when you have to do it regularly.
In the end though, when the madness is over and he’s feeling better, he’ll apologize for his stubbornness and try to repay you with affection.
He tried to keep himself from catching your illness, but there were admittedly some slip ups, so it’s no surprise that G’raha is sick.
He takes it all in stride though, not surprised at all.
He can’t properly pronounce anything with an “n” in it and his usual perkiness is lacking. There’s also the occasional fit of coughs that he desperately tries to hide in his scarf.
The second you question him, he admits that he’s sick but insists that you needn’t worry about him. Though those droopy ears and his bashful (pitiful) smile are practically screaming that he wants you to take care of him.
And he tries to be the most compliant patient ever.
Happily, G’raha accepts any food or drink you offer him. When it comes to medicine though, he has to steel his nerves and work himself up to take it. But you better have a glass of water on hand to chase it.
But even after he’s been fed, hydrated, and medicated, G’raha tries to study. He nods off at the table, really struggling to stay awake. Once his face even met the table, jolting the poor kitty awake.
It doesn’t take much effort to get him to return to bed. As long as you let him cuddle as he falls asleep, he’s happy. And in this state, he’s extra cuddly. Every limb is latched onto you, even his tail is twisted around your leg. And there he’ll stay for hours, passed out. Snoring.
Drowsy G’raha will do almost whatever you ask of him. So getting more medicine into him right after a nap is easy. Or maybe he needs to eat, have a shower, or get changed; whatever it is you need him to do, he’ll try.
Things will get back to normal relatively quickly, but maybe with a few extra smooches since he was denied while being sick.
Sick? Thancred’s not sick. No, that’s not a cough. That’s…just…
Okay, yeah. Thancred’s sick.
Thancred will deny ‘til he dies. No, not literally. But this man will push himself to go on as if nothing’s wrong for as long as he can.
He will straight lie to your face that he’s not sick, even while he’s choking down the worst, throat-tickling cough.
You will have to force this man to go back to his room, meaning getting everyone on your side to pester him back into his room and deny him any sort of work, transportation, literally everything.
When absolutely no one will say anything to him other than “go back to bed,” he’ll stalk back to his room and flop onto the bed with a groan.
He doesn’t fight the food or water. There’s some resistance to the medicine, but he’s already been cornered into resting for his own sake, so might as well take it like a warrior or gunbreaker I guess.
The main thing is trying to get him to relax because he will certainly try to do other things rather than rest. You may have to threaten to throw everything out of his room if he doesn’t just lie down and rest.
But if you can get him to lie down and either work the knots from his back or get your fingers into his hair, he’ll give into everything.
Because, honestly, this guy always needs a rest. So being forced into this isn’t really so bad.
He may not say it, but he’ll rest, he’ll take his medicine, he’ll eat whatever you want—just stay with him like this for a while.
Afterwards, Thancred is a bit brighter than usual because you took care of him.
He’ll give you plenty of sarcastic thanks. The more sincere ones come without words though.
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miss-tc-nova · 2 years
S/O Having Nightmares - Alphinaud, Hades, Urianger
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Hi! Thank you for your request! I’ve never written for Hades or Urianger before, so I hope they’re okay. And it’s a bit short because I wanted to stick with the feelings I was getting and not draw it out. Enjoy!
You Have Frequent Nightmares
Alphinaud isn’t immediately aware there’s a problem until he begins to notice your fatigue.
Then he begins to notice your reluctance to head to bed.
At first, he chalks it up to you being a night owl
Until he notices you’re also up before anyone else.
So when he gets a chance to snag some alone time with you, Alphinaud lures you away from the others to his room.
There he sits with you and asks what the problem is.
If you resist, he’ll persist in asking you while trying not to be pushy.
Keyword is trying.
When you finally give, he finally puts all the pieces together.
He’ll talk about your worries with you, trying to ease what he can.
But after that day, if the problem continues, he’ll take every chance he can to share a nap with you.
Holding you in his arms.
And whispering that you can relax.
Because he’s there to guard you.
Being a finnicky sleeper, Hades wakes up frequently to your restlessness.
So he knows within a few days something’s up.
At first, he just lets it play out.
It’s not his problem and if you haven’t told him yet, he’s not going to step in.
But then it continues.
And he continues losing sleep.
And you’re losing sleep.
And you’re tired and irritable.
Making him tired and irritable.
So as you can guess, this isn’t working for him.
Before bed, on his last nerve, he asks you what’s wrong with you.
He means well but you know he’s sharp.
You might as well tell him because he’s not going to let up.
He’s sick and tired of being tired.
He listens very intently to your issues and takes the extra effort to assuage any fears that may be spawning these nightmares.
At the very least, he speaks of how you have nothing to fear as long as you’re with him.
He would do anything for you.
Even if he won’t say it so plainly.
This man is so perceptive of you, he’s immediately aware you’re having a nightmare.
Every time you have a nightmare.
However, it takes an extra night or two to realize that this particular streak isn’t just a one-night stand fuck it, I said it.
In the morning, when you’re dragging yourself from bed like the living dead, and yes he’s already awake, he will subtly probe about how you slept.
If you don’t admit to the nightmares right away, he’ll start with the suggestions.
“Perhaps thou wouldst sleep better if…”
“Could it be thou cannot sleep because…”
He knows none of those are the actual answer, but perhaps your reactions will steer him in the right direction as to why you could be having such fitful dreams.
Once the truth is out though, he’ll ponder your dreams with you.
Be the reason blunt, he’ll try to help you see reason.
Should it not be so easy, however, he may try to provoke those deeper meanings from you.
Regardless, Urianger will lay with you at the end over every night, weaving tales of fiction and truth to lull you to sleep.
Anything to keep your mind from the worries.
And perhaps guide your dreams to a better place.
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miss-tc-nova · 2 years
Insomniac S/O - Alisaie, Lyse, Y’shtola
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Just a gentle reminder that I only do 3 characters per request *wink wink* so I kinda booted Alphinaud off the list since I’ve written requests for him the most out of this bunch which I kind of regretted later when I saw the tag in the request so sorry @littlelordalphinaud​. I also apologize if this one isn’t up to par. 
With an Insomniac S/O
Alisaie is immediately miffed by your irritability and lack of enthusiasm, but after a moment or two of mulling it over, realizes there’s a deeper problem.
But with you, she holds back, studying you to try to discern the problem before confronting you with it.
Sweetheart might even have a little diary of “symptoms” recorded to compare to a few tomes.
The odd night she wakes up at a late hour and catches you in the foyer, wide awake, she’s too tired to sleuth and just asks.
Ah, insomnia. She saw that in one of her books.
Scanning through the list of helpful treatments, she’s quick to make a plan of attack.
Suddenly, every time Alisaie spots you getting drowsy, she’s got you by the hand, dragging you off to do something exerting.
Caffeine is apparently out of the question too as she snatches that up the moment you even get your hands on it.
It’s actually irritating and inevitably sparks an argument between the two of you.
Until she snaps she’s just trying to be helpful.
Whether or not you forgive her right away, once you two sort things out, you understand she’s trying to get your sleep schedule back on track.
And she apologizes for being pushy in that bashful, stubborn way that only you can put her through.
You two talk it out, going over the things she’s read and maybe do a little more research to create a better plan to fight this misery.
But you stick to the plan, working together to at least lessen the severity of the issues caused by your insomnia.
It may take her longer than others to recognize there’s a problem, but Lyse is still in tune with you enough to catch on quick.
It starts when she notices your dreary mood and constant yawning.
Then there’s the irritability and you just don’t seem quite as happy.
While she understands superficially what insomnia is, Lyse doesn’t quite understand the problem.
However, while the old Lyse would just tell you to take nap if you’re tired, she’s grown enough to understand that it may not be that simple.
Tact isn’t exactly her specialty though, so she’s just going to ask you what the problem is.
Whether or not you answer her, Lyse is going to do her best to help.
She’ll take on your responsibilities if she can, or possibly have them delegated.
It’s actually not healthy, but when she’s got time, Lyse will cuddle with you, trying to tempt you into dozing if even for a moment.
She’s trying to help you get every second of rest you can.
Once someone tells her that’s actually a bad idea, she’ll backtrack and try to coax you to stay awake.
with caffeine but she’s trying.
Eventually, you two find that yoga and meditation together is somewhat helpful.
The activity gives you a chance to bond, expend a little more energy, and get into a relaxing state before bed.
And though she knows she should keep you on a schedule, when Lyse wakes up, if she finds you sound asleep, she just can’t bring herself to wake you.
So, while she wants to help, she’s still soft for you and may let you slip now and then from good habits.
Y’shtola is quick to catch on that you’re not feeling great.
But your problems are solidified in her mind when, during one of her late-night study sessions, she finds you wandering about.
Immediately, she invites you to sit with her and asks what you’re doing up.
Don’t be fooled. She already knows.
But hearing it from your mouth may give her some more insights to the situation.
Rather than try address the issues with your insomnia, Y’shtola stays up with you.
She’s already naturally a night owl so it’s not really an issue.
Plus she wouldn’t mind the company, even if you don’t actually share any words.
As it stands though, these are the best times for the two of you to catch up.
Sure, you’re tired and will probably be tired tomorrow too, but with the hustle and bustle of life, having these moments just to yourselves makes the exhaustion easier to bear.
But Y’shtola has different plans.
Every night, Y’shtola runs a warm bath.
Together, the two of you wash up, brainstorming problems, sharing gossip, or even just enjoying the company.
Really, whether you talk or not, being together is what matter.
After, you two share a warm, obviously non-caffeinated, drink, made by your sweetheart herself while you sort out some of the things you need to do tomorrow.
Curtains are drawn to preserve your privacy, you tidy up bits of the room disturbed by daily living, and Y’shtola fluffs up the bed, lighting a candle on the nightstand until it burns out or grows excessively late.
Incredibly, after a few weeks, you find it easier to fall asleep and stay that way.
That’s not to say you don’t still have issues now and then, but it is easier.
Because your sneaky feline has created a bedtime routine without you realizing it.
Yes, Y’shtola enjoys your presence even as she studies into the late hours of the night, but she recognizes that such hours are only doable in moderation.
So while she’s happy and content to stay up with you late into the night, she wants better for you, even if she has to adjust her own habits for it.
Because yes, now even she has a bedtime routine.
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cinnabun-faerie · 1 year
Jealous! Haurchefant Headcanons
A/N: Okay so it's not quite jealousy, but it's kinda my take on how he would be when jealousy.
Warning: None
FFXIV taglist: @missnella-nova @shippyprincess @healersadjust @thai @lumeriadeborel @obscene-tevene @losingmymindinglitter @gudaworks @midromiell @kanouizumi3104 @msrussian @ishgardianangel
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Haurchefant was rather open and upfront with his feels
and when it came to jealousy, it was more feelings of yarning
anyways he expressed his love with for you almost daily
it was sweet really
but you didn't really think too much of it
for some reason it didn't register that he truly meant the words
he was your dearest friend after all
and for the most part you two were practically attached at the hip whenever you were together
unfortunately due to being the Warrior of Light, you had to do other things go to other places and see other people
and with arriving in Ishgard, you've been spending a lot of time with Ser Aymeric
he was quite dashing, you could admit it
and it was obvious to all but you that he was a bit more than fond of you
and you'd been spending more time with him than Haurchefant
now Haurchefant could understand that so much of that "spending time together" with his friend was for your job
but part of him wondered if there was more to it
why were you not spending time with him?
whenever he asked you to accompany him to dinner or your usual spots, you'd apologize and yet again say that you were supposed to meet up with Aymeric
"I wish you'd spend some time with me instead of him, Y/N."
"I always spend time with you."
"As of late, you have not. It has been over two weeks since we last dined together."
"You were counting?"
"Tell me, Y/N. Do you have romantic feelings for Ser Aymeric?"
"Of course not."
"I swear it. I have my eyes on someone else. But what brought this on?"
"I need to know if I have to fight for your heart. I would until my dying breath. But should you have already made a choice, I shall accept it and move on."
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cinnabun-faerie · 1 year
FFXIV Headcanons: Your child calls them "Papa"
Context: You're a single parent
FFXIV taglist:  @missnella-nova @shippyprincess @healersadjust  @thai @lumeriadeborel @obscene-tevene  @losingmymindinglitter @gudaworks @midromiell  @kanouizumi3104 @msrussian @ishgardianangel
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What did your little gremlin just call him?
He ain't gonna admit that it made him super happy
your child accepted him
and finally!
he was getting tired of fighting a 3 year old for your affection
Hythlodaeus & Venat can't stop laughing over the fact that he was really squaring up with a toddler
and losing no less
your little bundle of joy just had you wrapped around their finger
but since he was now "papa", the war was over
pack it up troupes, they're at an agreement
or so he thinks
"They're my mama/papa/parent! You can't have them papa!"
"Excuse me, but they're my partner!"
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G'raha Tia
he had not expected your child to call him papa
did they truly see him as a parental figure?
he would lift them into his arms and hug them
careful not to squish them of course
honestly he would have tears in his eyes
"Y/N? Is this okay?"
"Of course it is. I'm glad they see you as a father."
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okay but your child calling him papa shocks you both
you can almost see the mask of emotions that Fandaniel wore, cracking
"I have no clue what your little horror is going on about. Unless you've something to tell me, Y/N."
him & his stupid smirk
you wanted to wipe it off his face
"Go to hell."
"Not in front of the child. You wouldn't want them learning vile language, would you?"
"Like your actions are any better. Setting a bad example for our-my child."
"You are my papa, right? Mama/Papa told me that you look like me!"
You buried your head in your hands. Of all times to do this.
You would have been perfectly fine with just not telling him
how would you explain to the Scions or even your child that Fandaniel, their father was not the best of men
He smirked
"They told you about me, huh? In that case, shall we discuss about our child? Everything else can wait. Don't tell me you're going to stand here and deny the fact after you let it slip."
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He's shocked when your child calls him "Papa"
he knows that he hadn't been with you long but he didn't expect you child to call him papa so soon
it wasn't that he was bothered by it
it was heartwarming
"Are you okay with that, Jullus?"
"I am. I'm quite serious about having you two as my family. If you'll have me."
he would scoop up your child and give them a hug
"I'll try to be the best papa."
he would make an oath to protect and care for you both for as long as possible
he was not going to let anything bad to happen again
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cinnabun-faerie · 1 year
Hi ~ 😳 I really enjoy and love your Elpis bois headcanon !
can i request for NSFW with Hythlodaeus please 🥺?
Hythlodaeus Spicy Headcanons
A/N: Of course! Funnily enough, I was NSFW for him last night (I forgot that I got a request for it)
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Warning: NSFW, Swearing, mentions of oral, edging, exhibitionism
FFXIV taglist:  @missnella-nova @shippyprincess @healersadjust  @thai @lumeriadeborel @obscene-tevene  @losingmymindinglitter @gudaworks @midromiell  @kanouizumi3104 @msrussian
If you'd like to be added to the taglist, you can comment here on the original post !
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Hythlodaeus is a fucking tease
he purposely does things to get you riled up
whether that means he wants to fuck you
or he wants you to tightly grab his braid and fuck him from behind
he loves to touch and worship your body
when he gives you oral, he makes sure to have you crying in ecstasy
he'll make sure that you can't think of anything or anyone but him
and the way you shiver when his fingers brush against your skin
it's delicious
but as much as he wants you to cum, he loves edging you
this ensures that you'll be seeing stars
that and he just loves to hear you pleading and begging him
he also would have a habit of teasing you in public
whispering what he wants to do to you
touching you under the table during meetings with Emet-Selch
he might pull you into a room and tell you to keep quiet unless you want him to hear
he loves just having you against the wall with one hand over your mouth and the other a tight grip on your hip
actually he would get off on the thought of potentially getting caught
but he's also a switch
absolutely loves to be railed by you
use him however you want
he sounds so pretty when he begs you to touch him
not to mention he sounds so melodic when he hits his high
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cinnabun-faerie · 1 year
Fourchenault with the biggest dumbest crush on the WoL (and it's driving him nuts)
A/N: So I'm listening to Cheating on you by Charlie Puth and for some reason, it gave me this idea. Don't worry, there's no "cheating" going on.
Note: Fourchenault is an angy romantic dumb man and I love him; this can go into multiple parts if anyone wants me to continue Fourchenault's little love story headcanons
Warning: A single swear
Context: In this, Fourchenault & Ameliance have an open relationship
FFXIV taglist: @missnella-nova @shippyprincess @healersadjust @thai @lumeriadeborel @obscene-tevene @losingmymindinglitter @gudaworks @midromiell @kanouizumi3104 @msrussian @ishgardianangel
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contrary to what people may think, your & Fourchenault had interacted briefly before he disowned his your children
you were just unaware of it
but for him, it was an experience that would haunt his mind and heart for too long
you finally had time away to yourself
so you decided to sit down by the water and sing
Fourchenault just happened to be passing by on his way to meet with someone when he heard your heavenly voice
as he listened, he found that his feet was leading him closer to you
it was as if you had enchanted him with the song that he had once sang softly to his infant twins when no one was around
however, he had somewhat snapped out of his trance once your weapon/spell was thrown/shot his way
he hadn't moved a muscle as he was still reeling from your voice
so it's luckily that the weapon/spell hit the tree beside him, right?
he in fact, did not
he decided to leave
but he had not forgotten about you
he knew nothing about you
he hated how you plagued his mind day and night
and there was no escape
nothing he tried to distract himself worked
it was driving him to insanity
and Ameliance teasing him about it wasn't helping
he had work to do
he didn't need to meet with you again
even if his inner thoughts (and Ameliance) said that he did
instead, he was going to meet with the leader of Gridania
it would be fine
he wouldn't even have to think
he would just say his piece and leave
but no, his life couldn't be so easy
in front of him was the warrior of light
the one who leading his children astray with all these crazy ideals
"Leveilleur? This is your father?"
his mind was spiraling
that voice that had him so restless for weeks was you
and when he finally got a good look at you, his breath caught in his throat
you were the most breathtaking person in Eorzea
gods, where had you been all of his life?
he tried to stay on topic, his heart thumping violently in his chest
he'd mentally kick himself for how silly he felt when you became defensive and protective over the twins
it warmed his angry heart for a moment
but he had to pretend not to care so he could walk away
his mind was spiraling and pulling in many directions
he had a headache
but he was sure he would not get a wink of sleep
at least he would never seen you again
and there it was, the pain in his chest again
maybe a small part of him wanted to see you
but he could try to convince himself otherwise
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