#now I know how a ton of y'all feel about lonan lol let's make that guy PAYYY
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WIP Intro - Changing States
Genre: Adult literary fiction, short fiction (a Moth Work story that occurs after BODY BACK)
Status: Currently drafting / 3k words
Synopsis: After a whirlwind romance devastatingly ends, Jeremiah moves back to his hometown in Maryland for support only to receive word there’s been a death in the family the day he's set to arrive.
Setting: Baltimore, MD
Vibe: Sunny backroads, noonday fields, retro diners, long car rides, the sparkle of headlights, motion blur, undeveloped film, dusty sunsets, a purple MP3 player, the way childhood feels in photographs, crackling home movies, misty autumn evenings, quiet bursts of grief, summers at the lakeside, the first dreamy flare of sunrise, returning to a place you once knew
Jeremiah (narrator - 21) | gentle, thoughtful, nostalgic, devoted, wistful, romantic, sad, brokenhearted
On the evening Jeremiah decides he’ll drive thirty hours to Maryland, the other half of his mattress is cold and Madonna’s on the radio. In his bedroom, he taps his cigarette on the windowsill, the ash scattering into rainy blue hour, and listens. Time goes by so slowly, she goes, her voice singed through his boombox’s broken speakers. He’s meant to replace it, though he’s meant to do a lot of things: check the mail, make a quiche, buy lightbulbs, call his sister, take up cross-stitch, recycle an olive jar, move his bed to the opposite side of his room. But time goes by so slowly, and Jeremiah would know—he’s twenty-one, yet feels he’s been alive for much, much longer.
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