#now I’m obsessed with a fucking 2D owl
charlieandluigi · 6 months
Ao3 is down and I’ve literally just been sitting here for hours rewatching my favorite episode of my current hyperfixation cause I desperately need serotonin and rn I have no other sources of joy.
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baradorable · 4 years
My opinions on the current anime season. I’ll go over come popular shows and try to warm you up to some hidden gems.
Attack on Titan (Season 4)
I ended up liking this show a lot more than I thought I would. I ended up binging the first three seasons in like a week. Now I’m impatiently waiting for more episodes.
I will say that I’m kind of mixed on this one, though. Like I know they want to flesh out the country of Marley, make the war less one-sided and establish how villainous Eren is later, or whatever. I preferred it when the characters were fighting the enigmatic, monstrous force of titans. The political drama was like the least interesting parts of season 3. (That, and Eren being kidnapped for the millionth time.) Regardless, I’m still liking what we have so far, and there’s only one thing that makes me hesitate.
Gabi Braun. Fucking Gabi Braun. She’s so fucking obnoxious. She’s like Eren, except without the character traits that made him interesting. We have less reason to care about her, and her story is mostly just a retread of Eren’s. And I’d tolerate that if she wasn’t such an obnoxious cunt all the damn time. “But euuhughhg Gabi is a kid and she’s brainwashed! She’s actually really well-written!” Yeah, but she’s still an annoying little shit and less sympathetic than the other Marleyans we’re focusing on. She shouldn’t be the main focus character.
“Did you see it happen?” BITCH. There’s being brainwashed and there’s being a fucking moron. And don’t give me that “Well, in real life, brainwa-” Yeah, I don’t care. She’s not real. The only thing real about her is the headache she gives me.
So she’s this unlikable kid who came in and killed a fan-favorite character. I loved Sasha. Everyone did. But I’ll live. (Unlike her.) But she just HAD to be killed by fucking Garbage Braun of all people. Honestly, if Falco killed Sasha, I’d get over it. He’s a way better character than Gabi. I could go on and on about how he works better on a fundamental level, but none of you are even reading this post in the first place. So whatever.
Beastars (Season 2)
It’s good. I don’t like it as much as season 1, but I’m enjoying it a lot. It’s not a show I actively wait for, but it’s always pleasant to see.
Cells at Work!! Code Black
I never saw the original Cells at Work, but this show makes me not want to. Because I don’t think it would be as good as Code Black.
For those who haven’t seen it, Cells at Work is basically about humanized cells working in a body. You follow a red blood cell as they deliver oxygen, and you encounter all sorts of issues and quirks you see in a body. From sicknesses, to infections, to even cancer, you actually learn a lot. It’s genuine edutainment.
Black is set in a body that’s incredibly unhealthy. The characters are scrambling to survive and keep a failing body going. There’s this growing sense of dread each episode as the body grows worse and worse. You get frustrated because these characters don’t deserve the Hell they go through, and you just want to shout at the human to eat healthy, quit smoking and shape up. Because you care about the cells and want them to have a better work environment.
It’s really fun and makes me feel guilty for my unhealthy habits.  
7.5/10. Maybe 8/10 if these last few episodes keep up the momentum.
Dr. Stone
I really liked season 1, and I’m liking this season so far as well. I prefer the set-up and use of tech in season 1, season 2 is kind of moving too fast with tech while the story is a little slow. But despite all that, this show is still great and is on track to becoming a classic. If it weren’t for Attack on Titan, it would be Anime of the Season for me.
Jobless Reincarnation: 
A 40-year-old NEET gets isekai’d into the body of a baby. You watch this child with an adult mind grow up and learn about this magical fantasy world. It’s pretty good, I like it. It has good humor, nice characters, interesting lore, and a fun magic system. 
If you ever watched Isekai Cheat Magician? (Of course you didn’t. No one did.) This is what Isekai Cheat Magician wishes it could be.
I give this show a 7/10. It loses points because it made me think of Isekai Cheat Magician just now.
No words. Except four words: Go watch this show.
Oh boy. This show is. This show is a doozy. If I had to explain, I would say it’s like... shit. Because it is shit. But it’s very entertaining shit.
The story and characters are cool, but unimportant. You just can’t get into them because the animation is the highlight of the story. It just blows every other aspect of the show out of the water.
What kind of animation are we talking about? If I had to describe it, it would be the visual equivalent of that girl on Tik Tok who made a video series where she plays a Jewish girl during the Holocaust. It’s like a present you would give your eyes, if you hated them and wanted them to die.
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Some characters are 2D, but the rest are 3D. And not even good 3D, because this shit is worse than those bootleg mobile games with stolen assets that don’t fit together. They had to censor kisses because they couldn’t animate lips moving, and pushing their faces together would just make their models clip. One of the characters has a wide-eyed smile all the time, no matter the situation, because there’s like no animation for her expressions. This show makes the 3D Pokemon games look like fine art.
Another thing I’d like to mention is the opening song, if only because I can’t tell if it’s good or terrible. I genuinely can’t tell if I like it ironically, or unironically. Either way, it’s perfect for this show.
So yeah, I love this show. It’s such a fucking mess in the best way. It always brings a smile to my face. I just wish the story was bad, so I can have another level of awfulness to enjoy. This show never fails to make me smile. Anime of the fucking decade right here.
Kemono Jihen
It’s kind of like Inuyasha, except without the humans, Naraku has big boobs, the Shikon Jewel/life stones aren’t that important yet, Bakugo from My Hero Academia is on the cast, everyone is a 12-year-old with bad fashion sense, and it’s a lot more generic in premise and execution.
So, nothing like Inuyasha. Honestly it’s more like My Hero Academia in terms of vibes. I still enjoy it though. My favorite character is probably the little fox girl because I like her design. But I also like the little fox boy because I’m not entirely sure what game he’s playing, but I’m into it. 
Redo of Healer
It’s basically just rape hentai with a budget. Honestly, I appreciate the boldness of the show, if anything. (Aside from the fact that they don’t show any dick or vag. How cowardly.) The sex scenes are decent and frequent, so no complaints there. I’m not really into rape (been there, getting raped isn’t fun), but a true hentai connoisseur can still appreciate it.
Plot-wise, it’s neat. Making the main character a revenge-seeking rapist fighting even worse rapists is an interesting take. And there’s a lot of fun creativity in how he uses his powers, though I wish they explained them more. Like I get how he’s doing everything, but breaking it down would make them feel more intriguing. He’s also a broken self-insert power fantasy, but it’s nice seeing one that’s smart, evil and methodical. 
In execution, it’s a pretty generic story with generic settings and plots. The lead’s carrying the whole thing, though I can’t help but like the villains for being so over-the-top evil. If nothing else, the audacity and sex scenes make this show worth watching. Pretty entertaining.
Re: The harem. Setsuna is too young and innocent for my tastes, but I like her. The white-haired girl is cool, she’s my favorite even though she hasn’t really done anything yet. Freia’s meh, but I like the idea of her being a major cunt despite the memory wipe. 
I give this one five rapes out of ten. And if you like this show, I recommend reading that one Megg, Mogg & Owl comic where the characters become obsessed with rape-based puns.
Re:Zero (Season 2, second half)
I love this show. The first season was pretty good. The second half of season 2 was also pretty good, and the plot was shaping up to be great. But now we’re in the second half of season 2, and it’s meh. Which is really disappointing for such a great show.
Like, I get what they’re trying to do: they’re shaping up alliances, digging into the characters’ pasts, moving everyone forward, yadda yadda. But this arc is so slow now. It feels like we’ve seen nothing but flashbacks, characters standing around and talking, flashbacks, more talking, flashbacks. There’s so little action to break things up. The mystery and exploration from earlier episodes is gone, since we pretty much understand the important things. We’re just left waiting for the things they’ve been building up to, to finally happen. 
“AEUUGHG You’re Just an action anime fanboyyy, this is serious plot and excellent story!!” It’s endless exposition, flashbacks that go on way too long, and characters standing around and repeating the same points over and over. Compare how the story was delivered in the previous season. 
The Promised Neverland (Season 2)
Boy, did this show go off the rails in only a few episodes. What the fuck is even going on in this show anymore?
I ranted about this show on Twitter, but it pisses me off. Season 1 was a well-crafted, suspenseful show about these kids using their brains to unravel the mysteries around them, plan a daring escape from their captors and try to survive in a world of monsters. It was easily one of the best anime of 2019.
Season 2 skips about 80 chapters and off-screens tons of development. Like Norman fucking shows up in season 2, all fine and dandy with his own personal army of freaks. Also he lead his own escape, learned a ton of info AND found a way to auto-kill all their enemies, and we didn’t even get a flashback of any of this. Now Emma’s bitching about saving demons, even though they’re all assholes who probably wouldn’t change their ways even if they could. But she’s an iDeAlIsSTTT!!!!! But she was an idealist last season and had to learn how to compromise when faced with the reality of the situation? And the whole William Minerva plot, which was a major driving force in the last season, was handwaved away and unceremoniously dropped?
So yeah, I dropped it after episode 4 or 5. It’s not even fun to hate-watch I’d give it a 3/10 on its own, but it gets a -2/10 for ruining a great legacy.
Free!, except they’re skating instead of swimming. It’s a well-animated show with an interesting premise: undergound gay skateboarding. The battles are fun, the characters (while cliche) are appealing, and it’s fun. And yeah. 
But I dropped this one because Langa is boring as a lead. Canadians, they don’t deserve representation. He’s a fine character besides that, but he’s gotten way too much screentime over the other protag, Reki. Reki was just pushed aside and the show quickly became about Langa. Which is sad, because I feel like this show would have benefitted from making them both stars. Especially since the characters’ friendship is a key selling point.
Ended up dropping this show. I read through later comments that they’re making a plot point about Reki falling behind, but even the fans are having their doubts that he’ll have a satisfactory story. And even if they make him a real protag again, the show’s been so imbalanced that I don’t think it’ll matter. Especially since we only have like 4 episodes left.
The sequel to Inuyasha, staring Sesshomaru and Rin’s twins, and Inuyasha and Kagome’s daughter. Except 2/3rds of the main cast are dull, and most of the stories are blatant retreads of Inuyasha plots, starring retreads of Inuyasha characters.
Think I’m kidding? The first episode was about Mistress Three-Eyes (Mistress Centipede but with three eyes instead of two) coming to eat the character’s magic sacred jewels. Rainbow fucking pearls, what the hell is this shit plot. Fuck you.
“Euhrghhghgh but they’re just paying homage to the old show!” Nah, they’re fucking ripping it off every step of the way. 
The most frustrating thing about this show is how Moroha, Inuyasha and Kagome’s daughter, is such a great character. She has great dynamics with other characters because she’s so lively. She has the best traits of her parents, while still being unique on her own. Then you have Sesshomaru’s kids, who are just Kagome 2 and Tsundere. The latter has more depth than that, but she’s  not that great anyway.
Guess who’s the focal point of the series? The fucking Kagome knock-off, followed by the tsundere. Moroha is a minor character who is often forgotten by the plot, or reduced to a joke. The already-boring plots are exacerbated by them ignoring best girl to focus on 
And I’m not alone on this, too. Read all the anime forums, pirating websites, and pretty much anywhere talking about this show. Moroha is the most popular character, far and away. People like her way more than the twins. 
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Tag Thingy
“I was tagged by @belongtohufflepuff thanks lovely!
rules: answer all the questions, add one of your own and tag as many people as there are questions (I can’t tag like 55 people I’m sure that was great at the beginning haha)
1. coke or pepsi? Mmm I’ll go with pepsi only because I drink coke with whiskey so much I can taste it in any coke which, when hungover, is not a good. 
2. disney or dreamworks? I’ll say disney but dreamworks has some rad 2D movies spirit owned my ass. 
3. coffee or tea? I’m from yorkshire tea is my lifeblood.
4. books or movies? Both tbh
5. windows or mac? Windows I have never touched a mac. 
6. dc or marvel? Marvel
7. xbox or playstation? Playstation (I switched from xbox 360 to ps4 cos I’m a traitor)
8. dragon age or mass effect? I’ll say mass effect I love the overall world and story more. 
9. night owl or early riser? Night owl what is the sun. 
10. cards or chess? Cards, it’s difficult (but not impossible) to play drinking games with chess.
11. chocolate or vanilla? I dislike strong vanilla scents and flavours (especially vanilla vodka omg). 
12. vans or converse? I...don’t wear either? 
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash or Adaar? Took me a second to realise these are DA heroes. I’m an elvish rogue in any fantasy RPG so Lavellan. 
14. fluff or angst? Angst. Feed. Me. Pain. Fiction
15. beach or forest? I love the forest aesthetically but am allergic to many kinds of vegetation so beach
16. dogs or cats? Cats (I love dogs too but omg cats)
17. clear skies or rain? Rain unless I am going out somewhere that requires nice hair. 
18. cooking or eating out? Cooking I am a starving student that cannot afford to go out :(
19. spicy food or mild food? Spicy but like not painful 
20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas? 2fast2spooky
21. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot? Cold. There’s only so many layers you can take off before it’s illegal. 
22. if you could have a superpower, what would it be?
Invisibility. if people could sometimes stop perceiving me physically that would be grand.
23. animation or live action? Both. Unless we’re talking live action disney remakes those can burn
24. paragon or renegade? Paragon like I could never do a renegade run. You expect me to be mean to video game characters and hurt their feelings?!
25. baths or showers? Showers mostly but catch me in a coma bath when mistress cramps hit
26. team cap or team ironman? Team cap
27. fantasy or sci-fi? Ooooh you can’t make me. I love fantasy but the Tolkien ‘standard fantasy’ format is wearing a bit thin. Dark/supernatural/urban fantasy and mythology though sign me the fuck up. 
28. do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so, what are they? "I would rather hear my dog bark at a crow than a man swear he loves me."
“Who has been unhooking the stars without my permission and placing them on the table in the guise of candles?”
“Revolutions are not born of chance but of necessity.”
29. youtube or netflix? Netflix 
30. harry potter or percy jackson? harry potter
31. when do you feel accomplished? Accomplishment machine broke
32. star wars or star trek? Star Trek
33. paperback or hardback books? Whichever is prettier to be honest but paperbacks are cheaper...
34. horror or rom-com? Horror but I’m very VERY picky about them. 
35. tv shows or movies? Good stories can exist in any format.
36. favourite animal? Oh wow anything that’s in front of me. Sharks, cats, snakes, cute things that can kill me. 
37. favourite genre of music?
This is the part where I sound like an arsehole. New wave/post-punk/gothic rock/ punk 
38. least favourite book? The road or martyn pig are the worst I’ve ever read. 
39. favourite season? Winter
40. song that’s currently stuck in your head? Be prepaaaaaaaaaaaared.
41. what kind of pyjama’s do you wear? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
42. how many existential crises do you have on an average day? Constant and neverending.
43. if you can only choose one song to be played at your funeral, what would it be? Highway to Hell (no honestly that’s been my choice since I was 9). 
44. favourite theme song to a TV show? Hannibal.
45. harry potter movies or books? books
46. you can make your OTP become canon but you’ll forget that tumblr exists. will you do it? Two birds one stone 
47. do you play an instrument and if so, what is it? The hearts of men. Just kidding! The violin, heartstrings don’t produce great noise. 
48. what is the worst way to die? Suffocating alone in the vacuum of space (the opening of mass effect 2 fucked me up.)
49. if you could be entirely invisible for a day, what would you do?
Stand in the middle of northumberland street holding a python. 
50. If you could have personally witnessed anything in history what would it be? Storming of the bastille off the top of my head.
51. If you could understand animals but you could never understand humans again, would you? Probably not my cat licks his arsehole in front of me a lot I really don’t need his personal input on life.
52. What is your most favourite album currently? I’ve been listening to Green Day: Revolution Radio a lot lately that’s very good (lots of dissing donald trump). Also Disintegration by the cure because listening to that while dissociating launches your into the shadow realm where you can fight your mirror self. 
53. What is your favourite TV show character? Currently Rosa Diaz is the top of my list I think. Mylene Cruz from the get down owns my gay ass also. 
54. What is something you were obsessed with as a child? I was completely obsessed with the ocean and everything in it. I do marine zoology at university now so follow your dreams kids and you too can voluntarily do a dissertation on seaweed. 
55. Do you have any tattoos/piercings and if not would you like any? 
I have a few piercings and there are so many tattoos I want like for someone scared of injections I sure want needles in a lot of places. 
@shiremaiden, @anemonestarfish, @ochsespatz, @drunkswan, @vikingsandrevolutions, @arorevan, Hello naughty children it’s question time. (many many questions only if you want to)
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My Timeline in Music 2017/18
For some reason, (I think i’m high on back pain pills, i’m a 25 year old girl, yaaayy), listing the music I have listened to through out the year is really eye opening and therapeutic to me. Reasons well: it’s always more musicians than I thought. I think it’s a connection in my head, that if i’m going through a musical journey in life, discovering and loving “new to me” music (can’t say necessarily recent music) then it’s like I am discovering and loving new things in my everyday life.
They coincide. Loving new to me music makes me feel like life is progressing and growing. These are just synonyms of things I already said. It’s a journey. 
So yes, below is this years (septemeber - now aka may) musicians that I felt very connected with. And what I mean by this, each band would be all I would listen to for months at a time, they were all I needed. 
-The Front Bottoms: I used to not let myself listen to the front bottoms because although I loved their music, it made me feel sad. So I had kind of banned them from myself. Then one day, it was in the fall, I took a day off from university in the middle of the week.  And I cleaned up the areas that I live in. I felt like I had been neglecting aspects of my life because of school, and I wanted it to be more balanced, that I needed it to be more balanced. So I was cleaning my bathroom listening to the System Only Dreams in Total darkness by the National on repeat, but it wasn’t doing it for me anymore, or it was making me too sad and reflective on a past relationship, that still had reminders of it popping up in my life. For some reason, I asked myself, I wonder what the Front Bottoms are up to, and youtubed them, and they had released a new album that day.  It was incredible, and right from when I heard the line “Holy Fuck, I’m about to Die” , it utterly encapsulated the mood of my life at that time and the album Going Grey was all i wanted to listened to. Going Grey had a grittiness that I craved. 
-Night Riots: The song Contagious has the line: don’t be so afraid and also, don’t be so vain. It was like telling me not to take myself too seriously, and also to be brave. I just exited an emotional warping relationship. But this was years ago. The tone of the band is dark and sexy with interesting lyrics. I really got back into them this year. I would listen to Colour Mourning on repeat for an hour, I also really liked the song, fuck what was it, was really sexy, right it was Work It. Also the beautiful, energetic sorrowful song Tear Me Apart.  I love the ambience of life they put into their music, it’s not happy, it’s not sad, it’s accepting and beautifully raw.  
-AJR: I don’t even understand myself about why I was so into this band. The line from their well known song “sober up” : I just want to feel something again. I guess I felt very non-feeling this year, very trapped so this line really resonated with me. It gave me power to yell it over and over again while I listened to this song, because it was what I wanted. Even though in my brain, they are a pop band, I’m always surprised how honest their lyrics and sound are. I guess that’s why I liked them. I would listen to their full album on repeat. For some reason they remind me of Mica but more honest. I will always remember disinfecting my entire room with Clorox wipes, listening to AJR the night before my tonsil surgery. 
-Matt and Kim: This was probably the band that will have the most pull on me this year and to years come. This is the most surprising music wise to me, for becoming, for lack of better words, obsessed with. Because I have known about Matt and Kim since 2010, 8 years ago. And I always pegged them as bland music that annoying hipster people from my high school liked, that were very entitled and snobbish. Their music used to remind me of yellow lego blocks with no substance. BUT I TAKE IT ALL BACK. I AM SO SORRY MATT AND KIM FOR LETTING OTHER PEOPLE MAKE ME NOT LIKE YOU.
I am now a die hard Matt and Kim band. How it started was I follow Night Riots on Instagram and Travis Hawkley said that he was part of Matt and Kim’s new song. And I checked it out, and I found that the song touched me, and was kind of sad and nostalgic yet hopeful and had hard hitting lyrics and also hint of a story. I loved it. Then I started watching their vlogs and getting to know their personalities made me love their music even more. (Usually, it’s the other way, I don’t let artists personality matter in regards to liking their music). I think they are such super cool people. They make enjoying life seem exciting and cool. Basically, as the  youths say, they are my “goals” in terms of attitude. 
I’d dance wildly to “Forever”, and each new song they released I thought was different and unique, yet still them. Then I delved into their older stuff, and it reminded me of the aspects I liked from power pop. I now love all their songs. 
-Owl City: I have always been a fan of Owl City, I remember listening to his music on Myspace and feeling alone and transported to a place where I could view reality differently and more gently. It was very late in the night, and i was working on a group work project that I felt like would never get done, but i wanted to feel good regardless. I felt like I had listened to all the recent Owl City to the maximum amounts I could listen to, and had this craving for more. So I thought “ I wonder what Owl City is up to?” youtubed it and BAM, had new released songs from this year, and a full album going to be released in June. Didn’t super like the songs that were released, but the more I listened to them, the more I loved them. I like when music grows on a person like that. The songs are about real life, rather than a fantasy and I felt like I was getting to know Adam Young in a whole new way. It was like reading a wikipedia article about him but that he had written. Still lyrically beautiful, still inspiring but in a different way. 
-Meg Myers: I’m still in my Meg Myers phase. I read somewhere that all she wants to do with her music is make people not be afraid to feel. She definitely makes me feel. She makes me feel too much. Her anger, her sadness, her living through hardship, I feel it. I’m not in the best headspace right now, and I usually  have a rule set in place, about listening to emotional/sad music only when one is not feeling sad or else it’s too consuming, it’s like feeding into a black hole. But her music makes me feel, full, like 3D and not 2D and maybe I haven’t felt that in awhile, it’s nice to feel the depth. It seems I’m in a constant state of laying on the floor or staring into space listening to a Meg Myers playlist. I think it makes me feel hopeless though. 
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