#now i'm afraid to walk around outside bc if you see this woman and do not talk to her she will get Mad.
nonclassyparty · 1 year
man with the plan (j.wy) - chapter 1.
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Summary: "Don't forget Pretty, I'm serving life plus one. So if I get busted for attempted escape, I'll throw in a homicide in there as well with no problem, that’s like a parking ticket to me." When your brother ends up in jail for a murder he didn't commit, the only thing left for you to do is to find a way to break him out. But after a perfect plan is set in motion, you don't expect a romantic variable to get added into the equation.
Pairing: jung wooyoung x fem. reader, jeong yunho x reader (but if u squint)
Status: in progress
Word count: 6k
Warnings: blood, cursing, violence, men being well men!
Taglist: @tinyjuni @hazysan @atinytinaa @tenebrisirae @doggopepper @dazzlingstarrs @lavishloving @cherrypandora @silentcry329 @jeagerist-20 @myunvillage @manipulatedstars @bitteryu @maru-matt @bubbleteakittyy @joonsthethicc
A/N: hello everyone! welcome to the first chapter, before you start reading i just really wanted to say that some of the parts are kind of corny, i usually hate writing know-it-all characters finding it cringy most of the times so push through pleek lol as i said before in the prologue; this is inspired by prison break, a lot of the dialogue is taken from there as well as most of y/n's characterization so all credits go to them! i just wanted to write this bc i thought it would be a fun little thing and something that could include all of the members in more detail all while still remaining a wooyoung focused story! the story is set in 2005-ish btw! i hope you enjoy <3 -bree
my main masterlist // playlist // moodboard // ao3
prologue // masterlist // chapter 2
Chapter 1; I'm headed straight for the castle, they wanna make me their queen
It was weird to walk through the entrance designated for the employees instead of the visitors.
Your boss, Mrs. Ahn, was walking in front of you while Minho was following closely behind, looking over his shoulder like somebody was about to run across the empty yard, jump over the wired fence and shank him. He was always a little bit of a wimp.
It was barely past seven in the morning, the prisoners weren't allowed to be out of their cells yet so the empty yard covered in fog had a deeply eerie feeling to it. Just as the ride inside the hills where the compound was set. 
Trees, fog and silence all around.
"I hope they have good security around here." Minho mutters to you, hands stuffed inside the pockets of his coat as you neared the door to the building.
"Relax, Minho," You chuckle, as you slide through the door he holds open for you, "You'll be here for an hour tops."
"I'm saying for your sake, Y/N. I've still to see any women working in here." His voice is scolding and all you can do is chuckle again.
The inside of the building where the infirmary is conjoined with the warden's chambers and staff offices is a huge difference to the chilling October air and your cheeks immediately turn pink as they embrace the much needed warmth. 
You observe the yet unfamiliar halls that were empty as it was still early in the morning. Mrs. Ahn insisted that you left the office earlier than necessary, afraid that Minho would get lost somewhere between the hills and the deep forest that surrounded the compound.
"Oh, see." You nudge Minho, staring in the direction of the infirmary halls where a middle aged woman was walking around with a clipboard. You grin at him in triumph. "A woman."
You ignore the set of curious eyes from the same halls that you know follow behind you.
"Why you'd want to work here is beyond me." Mrs. Ahn comments with her arms crossed as she stares through the window, lips pursued as she observes the yard that was now filled out by the inmates, doing whatever they do in their free time.
"Someone has to do it." You look up at her from your place behind the desk with a small smile. Minho was outside, near the construction site negotiating with the workers that were supposed to drive over the materials in an hour.
"Y/N, you know very well what I mean." She harps at you, "With your qualifications and capabilities, something like this...supervising a construction site? In a prison no less? It's something JJ with half of his degree could do." She huffs when you just stubbornly stare at her without a word, "It's below you. Let's not even mention how potentially dangerous it could be, these people are animals."
You sigh, eyes falling to the blueprints of the new construction, what they're going to call the 'C-building' of the compound.
"You should be going to Tokyo with me. Working on skyscrapers and million dollar deals, not wasting time here."
"It's only a couple of months." You quietly muse, swallowing down your true thoughts, "I won't miss out on too much."
She stays quiet and for a long second, you start thinking she finally dropped it.
"I know it's because of your...." Mrs. Ahn starts trails off, voice laced in sympathy. When the thing with Jongho happened, she advised you to not exactly scream the fact that he's your brother from the rooftops. "But Y/N, you won't be able to talk to him any more than you could during visitations. What do you plan on gaining from this? I know he's your only family, I know how much he means to you but...if anything, aren't you only making it worse for yourself?"
"I don't plan on gaining anything from it." You chuckle softly, leaning back in your chair in defeat as you stare at her. "I'd just like to, I don't know, see what he's doing over the day? When he's in the yard, that is. I'm aware of the circumstances but this opportunity appeared and I just couldn't let it pass me up."
The double meaning to the words was a little inside joke that only you were in on so far.
She quiets down again, returning her attention to the view from the window.
"Supervising a construction site is a shitty job, just so you know. Especially as a woman. The construction workers won't be much better than the damn inmates, acting like they haven't seen a woman in years." She glances at you from the corner of her eyes, "They won't take you seriously, they'll try to intimidate you."
You grin at her, "I can handle them."
Her mouth perks up at the corners as she looks at you. "I know you can."
The little moment is interrupted by Minho walking into the room and observing it in obvious disdain.
The office you've been given is not bigger than a storage room, located on the third floor with nothing more than a bookshelf, desk and an old worn out chair. It's stuffy and the walls are old, probably collecting mold in the corners. 
Much different that your modern and spacious office back in Seoul.
"Well, it's definitely something..." Minho trails off, glancing at you and you have to let out a laugh at his obvious attempt to not offend you. Even Mrs. Ahn chuckles.
"Are you done out there?" She asks him and he nods quickly, collecting his briefcase from the chair in front of your desk that he left it on.
"All done. The materials arrived, half of the workers are here and the other half is arriving in the afternoon. Something about a limited amount of workers being allowed during yard time." Minho explains, fixing the scarf around his neck before sighing.
"We should get going then." Mrs. Ahn says, looking at you with the same scolding look again and all you do is give her a small tight-lipped smile.
"I'll walk you guys out." You pitch in, standing up to pull your coat on.
The halls are already more lively than when you walked in this morning, two officers are conversing by the door and they nod at you three in passing. You give them a smile.
The air is still cold outside, only it's not as quiet this time around. Yells and curses from the basketball court echo through the area from one side along with the construction workers moving the beams off of the trucks from the other.
Minho turns to you and with another sigh, throws his arms around you. You let out a giggle in his embrace as he mutters, "Please, for the love of God, be careful in here."
"You're so dramatic." You say as you pull away, taking a step back. "I'll be fine. Keep my office warm while I'm gone."
"Of course." He nods. 
You give Mrs. Ahn a small wave and she only nods in response before you watching them both walk away through the tall gate that swiftly shuts behind them.
Now, you're on your own.
On instinct, your head immediately turns to the yard not even forty meters away from the building your office is in. A tall, steel wire surrounds the enormous grass surface, small basketball court is set near the middle of one wall that the wire makes, benches are spread across the yard generously, most of them occupied.
You hear someone whistle at you but you pay them no attention, mind set on finding a specific someone. 
Your brother isn't in there, you wonder where the fuck is he but for right now, Jongho isn't the one you're looking for.
Most of the convicts in the yard are separated into small groups, gangs, and the blue uniforms aren't a help to making a distinction between them by any means. 
Until you spot a certain messy black and white head of hair sitting on the highest bench with six other men surrounding him like a kingpin.
You sniffle, nose starting to run from the cold before turning around and heading to the construction site on the opposite end of the compound, far away from the yard or the A and B buildings where the original prison cells were located.
"Good morning." You greet the group of men, shuffling around the site with tools and materials. You get a couple of murmurs of greetings in return.
You glance at the two guards sticking near the site, in case something happens, that's what the warden said as you've been told.
That's how the morning passes, they work and you do what you're supposed to; you supervise.
Mrs. Ahn was right, these men don't take you seriously. They snicker at every suggestion you make, ogle at you when they think you aren't looking and get way too close when they need to speak to you.
 You could use it to your advantage, play the pretty ditz skipping around the site on the daily. Would surely make your job easier.
It's just that if there's one thing you hate more than your brother getting falsely accused of murder and you having to devise a detailed plan on breaking him out of prison; it's people underestimating you.
"Can someone hand me that trowel over there?!" A guy crouching a few feet away from you shouts over his shoulder, your lips quirk up as you quickly jump to your feet. Finally! 
"Here." You hand him the trowel and he glances at you before taking it. You cock your head. "Is everything okay?"
"This whole thing is about to tip over, I need to stabilize it." He speaks loudly, smacking on some more mortar to the brick.
"Maybe if you listened to me when I told you-"
"How about you let me do my job, sweetheart?" He scoffs and another guy a couple of feet away snickers.
You pursue your lips, swallowing down the annoyance before shrugging. 
"Fine, when it starts caving in because it's not attached to the foundation properly and inevitably causes problems for the water and heat isolation which in turn can cause a serious line of health issues, you and your buddy over there can laugh in court over it since you'll be listed as one of the people responsible for it." You lean closer to him, "Because I'll remember your fucking name, Mr. Kim Seojoon."
He stiffens, looking over his shoulder again to meet your gaze. His eyes shoot up to something behind your shoulder before he looks back to you and then towards the very obviously shit job he's done in the past three hours he's been here.
"Tear it down and start again." You spit out before straightening out.
When he notices that you're not moving from your spot of hovering over his shoulders, Kim Seojoon, starts tearing down whatever mess he managed to slap up. You hum in content before turning around on your heels to walk away.
"You'll have to forgive my boys." A voice stops you in your tracks and you turn your head to the left to come face to face to a man that looks to be in his mid-fifties, seemingly the oldest one out of the bunch and by the blueprints stacked in his arms, the boss around here. "They're not used to taking orders from anyone that looks quite like you or is as young as you. They probably expected a drunkard to be supervising in a place like this."
You shrug, "Well, unfortunately for them, they got me."
He laughs, mustache stretching over his top lip. "I'll make sure he fixes it."
"Thank you, Mr...?"
"Cho Hayoon, miss." He holds out a rough hand to you and you gracefully accept it.
"I'm Y/N." You say with a small smile before dropping his hand. "I'll leave you to your work then, Mr. Cho."
He gives you a nod in return and you attempt to move away before something glistening in the ground makes you stop in your tracks.
"What's this?" You mutter, kneeling down and curling your hand around the piece of tin stuck in the ground hard enough until it breaks through the skin of your palm and you jerk your hand away with a yelp. "Shit!"
"Are you okay?" You look up to see one of the officers walk closer towards you.
"Yeah, I, uh, I cut myself on this piece of trash." You spit out staring down the tin stuck into the ground as you show him the gash on your palm where blood already started trickling down.
He looks down at it before turning his attention to you, "You should probably get that checked out at the infirmary." Your heart skips a beat. "Wouldn't want you to bleed out, huh?"
You bite your lip, "You're sure I'm allowed to use it? Isn't it just for prisoners?"
He smiles at you, looking a good ten years your senior, "Of course, you're allowed to use it."
You look towards the entrance of the building where you know the infirmary is before hesitating. He notices it, smile growing bigger. Nothing like a guy that loves playing hero.
"You scared to go alone? There's no inmates there at this time of day."
"I just, uh, would you mind taking me there? I'm not sure I even know where the infirmary is. Wouldn't want to get lost, y'know?" You ask, lips quirking up gently as you look up at him.
He smiled so big someone else would've thought you ripped open your shirt and showed him your tits.
"Of course, this way." He motions in the direction of the infirmary before you both start walking.
You hold back a smirk.
Everyone loves a damsel in distress.
"Doc, I got a patient for you!" The officer, Eunwoo is his name (you learned that because he made sure to slip it in a few times in the one minute walk to the infirmary), calls out knocking on the door of the small infirmary.
"Send him in!" A voice is heard from the other side and the guard chuckles sparing you another overly friendly glance before pulling the door open. 
"It's actually a her." The officer, Eunchae-whatever the fuck, comments as he walks in with you following.
The doctor looks confused doing a quick glance before it turns in a double glance when he spots you by the door.
Your blood is simmering below your skin as you take him in. 
A good four inches taller than you, dressed in scrubs and a white coat with a stethoscope hanging under the collar of it. It's him. The most important key to a ticket out of here with your brother's name labeled on it.
"What happened?" His voice is raspier than you would've imagined as he motions for you to sit on the chair next to his desk.
The officer opens his mouth but you're quicker, showing him your bloody hand, "Accident at the construction site." 
You tell him quietly, voice almost shy.
He glances at your face before nodding taking your hand into his hold as he removes the tissues you've clumsily wrapped around the wound.
His hands are warm, slightly calloused but nice looking. Long fingers with neatly trimmed nails. And there was always something attractive about a man with visible veins running up his hands. Hm!
"Uh, miss," The guard coughs but neither you nor the handsome doctor seem to pay much attention to him. "You want me to stay with yo-"
"No." You interrupt without even a second glance at him, eyes not moving from the doctor's concentrated face.
The officer looks like he wants to say more, a little peeved that all your attention was occupied by the young doctor but he doesn't instead he awkwardly turns around and leaves you two alone, closing the door shut behind himself.
Thank you Eunwoo but you've served your purpose.
"Need to clean this, to make sure nothing got inside the wound or you'll be in trouble." The doctor says, voice still raspy, still pleasant as his hands gently work on your wound.
You only hum in response, eyes starting to roam around the room. Observing the big windows along with the metal bars laid over them, then the square water drainage under the sink to your right and lastly, they fall back to the doctor's face.
You've spent a lot of time digging out information about him. 
You've seen his senior photos, high school graduation photos, photos of ceremonies and galas he's attended with his father, photos from his own charity work that gets plastered all over the newspaper because charity work is just that special when he's the one doing it.
And you have to admit, none of the photos do him justice.
His hair is longer now, black and covering the nape of his neck. He has piercings up both ears, shiny jewelry dangling off of them. Honey-like skin without any visible blemishes, cute nose and full lips that seem chapped from the cold. 
You never noticed the mole below his eye and a matching one on his bottom lip in the photos. They give his face even more charm.
He was gorgeous.
"Tattoo looks fresh." His voice interrupts you from inner musings and it's then that you notice his dark eyes trailing the lines on your right arm which was left bare once you rolled up the sleeve of your shirt up to your elbow.
You suck in a sharp breath before giving him a small, soft smile. Here goes nothing.
"Sorry about this, the last thing I want to do is be an inconvenience but...there was a lot of blood." You chuckle breathlessly which causes him to look up at you with his lips curled up in a small smile. "Thank you for doing this."
"No worries, it's quite literally my job." It's his time to chuckle, smile growing wider as he presses a cotton pad soaked in something to the gash that ran across your palm and fuck, he had a pretty smile. 
"You seemed like you were busy..."
"Nah," He shakes his head, eyes rooted on the wound, "Was just going over patient records. It's fine, I treat the staff here sometimes."
You pursue your lips, eyes drawn to his face again. "I'm Y/N, by the way."
He nods, brows jumping up a little as he picks up his head, like he's already aware of who you are. "The new supervisor for the construction site, I've heard."
"And you are?" You ask, a flirty smile blooming across your features as you look at him through your lashes.
"Doctor Jung Wooyoung." He holds your gaze a millisecond longer which is all you needed.
"Jung like the governor?" You ask, heart soaring in thrill when you feel his hands still on your own. You can't help yourself. "You have the same last name as the governor, you sort of look like him as well."
He, Wooyoung, stays quiet and opts to work on your wound instead.
You cock your head to the side, "You're not related, are you?"
Again, silence.
You let out a small hum, mouth curling as you look at the dirty tissues pilling up on the desk in front of you.
"Wouldn't think you'd find the son of frontier justice Jung Myungdae working in a prison." You comment in an almost taunting voice, rich boys who pretended like they cared about the lower classes and were different than their snobby peers always being a little bit of a joke to you, before turning your attention back to him. "As a doctor no less."
You can hear him let out a sharp breath, head picking up to look at you as a fleeting look of being uncomfortable washes over his face.
"I believe in being a part of the solution, not the problem." Doctor Jung says decidedly and you hum again, eyes falling to the way he gently holds the back of your hand with one hand while he holds the gauze with another.
"Be the change that you want to see in the world." You recite with a nod, still staring at the wound on your palm but noticing the way the comment seemed to strike him. You look at him, not being able to contain the smile on your face when you catch him staring at you. "What?"
He shakes his head, lips pursued like he's holding back a smile. "Nothing. That was just my senior quote."
I know, I had your senior photos glued to my window.
You raise your brows in playful disbelief. "That was you? This whole time I was thinking it was Ghandi."
That gets a laugh out of him. It's a nice sound, slightly higher in pitch but sort of endearing.
"Funny." He comments sparing you another smile and going back to wrapping the gauze around your palm.
Once he's done, you let your bandaged up hand lay on your lap as you watch him stand up.
"Sit tight, I'll get you some painkillers because that's bound to hurt for the next couple of hours." He says before leaving you alone in the room. 
Once he's out of your sight, you pull out a small origami dove out of the pocket of your pants and quickly walk over to kneel down next to the sink, slipping it through the slats of the grate for the water drainage before returning to your place.
Half a minute later, Doctor Jung reenters the room with a glass of water in one hand and painkillers in the other.
"Here you go." He hands them to you and you down them obediently before giving him a grateful look.
"Thank you again for this." You sigh, standing up from the chair and running your healthy hand through your hair before smiling, "Hope I didn't take too much of your time."
"I already told you it's not a problem." He responds with a smile of his own, eyes feeling unusually pleasant on you.
"Well, I'll let you go back to your patient records, then." You say, inching closer to the door.
"If you need anything else, feel free to drop by." Doctor Jung's voice softly calls after you and it makes you pause in your steps as you turn to look at him over your shoulder.
"Then I guess we'll be seeing a lot of each other then." You boldly tell him, enjoying the way he obviously tries to bite back a grin.
"Guess so." He responds, eyes boring into your own.
With one last smile, you disappear through the door and head up the stairs leading to your shitty office.
You will be just perfect, Jung Wooyoung.
You stare at the writing tattooed on the inner part of your lower right arm, fingers anxiously tapping against the hard surface of your office desk before a knock causes you to lower the sleeve of your shirt as your head snaps to the door.
"Come in."
"Miss, the warden would like to see you." The warden's assistant, Soojin gives you a kind smile which you return, standing up and quickly straightening your outfit before following her through the door and down the hallway.
The section with the offices for administration (and now, you) was on the third floor of the infirmary building and almost completely protected from any spaces where convicts might roam around by locked bars placed on the halls going after the staircases.
And while your office was shitty, the warden's was definitely not. 
You observe the spacious room and the big oak table the older man sits behind as he smiles at you invitingly and offers you a seat.
"Did you settle in accordingly, miss L/N?" The warden asks and you nod comfortably.
"Yes, sir. I plan on being very diligent and making sure everyone does a good job."
"Good, good." He nods his head before a look of hesitation crosses his face that immediately causes your nerves to flare up. "This might seem extremely unprofessional and definitely out of character for me as I don't do it often but I'm in need of a little help, you're a structural engineer, correct?"
You tilt your head to the side, brows furrowing, "Yes, sir."
He clears his throat, pushing his chair back to stand up. "Follow me."
You follow the older man as he walks across his face to the door on the opposite wall of the entrance which you've mistaken for a closet so far. He motions for you to enter first and you do, your mouth can't help but part in slight awe.
You stare at the model of the Taj Mahal propped up on a huge table in the middle of the spacious room connected to the warden's office, surrounded by windows from one side entirely, the light seeps through the model beautifully and you admire it quietly.
"Shah Jahan built the Taj Mahal as a monument to his undying love for his wife. My wife is quite fond of the story. It appeals to the romantic side of her." He smiles at you, "Being married to someone on corrections, it's a terrible job, wouldn't wish it on anybody. And yet, in thirty-nine years my wife has never complained and the worst part is I've never thanked her. So because I couldn't say it I thought, you know, I could build it. In January, it's our fortieth anniversary. Well here, look." The warden bends down to look into the base of the structure and you copy his movements, peering inside.
 "The problem is, I build anymore and it's all going to come down like a house of cards. That's where I was hoping you could be of assistance. Obviously, it would be a favor for a favor. I don't know what you would need, new furniture for your office? New heater? I know everything in there is rusty..." He trails off, eyes glinting with pleads.
It felt like Christmas came a month earlier to you.
"Actually, I have something else in mind."
"What? What is it?" He shakes his head, urging you to speak.
"You see your eight wonder of the world might collapse since the stress isn't propagated properly." You inform him with an innocent smile as the warden frowns.
"Propagated properly?"
You nod. "Propagated properly.  The joints are overloaded. They won't provide anywhere near the strength the completed structure will need."
The older man looks at you in mild concern before turning to the model, something he very obviously placed a lot of effort into. "How much work are we talking about?"
"When did you say you need it to be done? January?" You ask, circling around the model again. The warden lets out a small 'yes' and you hum, "Then we better get started then, I'll help you out for an hour every day."
The warden's face lights up in relief and you have to hide the shakiness in your voice as you continue. You clear your throat; "In return, I'd like to be approved weekly visitations to my brother."
The smile on his face freezes for a moment before melting away completely and getting replaced by a deep frown.
"Your brother?"
You gulp down the nerves and wipe your clammy hands on the back of your pants, nodding, "My brother, Choi Jongho."
"Choi Jongho is your brother?!" The warden asks, voice laced with utter disbelief and your eyes fall immediately to the carpeted floor. "How the hell was I not aware of this?"
"I took my mother's last name after I graduated from college." You offer quietly, mustering up the balls to look at the man in the eyes, "It's not like I was hiding it or anything but...it never came up. I didn't exactly learn when was the right moment to say that my brother was one of the inmates in the jail where I'd be sent to supervise the construction site."
"You know you're not allowed visitations if you're a staff member, right?" He asks, crossing his arms over his chest as he gives you a strict look.
"I know but... I'm not a permanent staff member." Your voice drops in volume as your eyes start to burn, "And I'd really just like to see him once a week just like everybody else is allowed. He's my only family, sir."
The warden's eyes soften once he catches sight of your eyes glistening with tears. 
Your nails dig into the wound on your palm.
He opens and closes his mouth a couple of times before sighing, then he starts pacing up and down the length of the room which might be a good indicator that he's actually considering it. 
You dig your nails harder into the wound and the first tear drops, you sniffle.
"The reason I took this job was...I felt like I'd be a little bit closer to him for a short period of time. He's my older brother, he took care of me when no-one else did," You sniffle again, feeling a nail punch through the thick gauze of the gash on your palm. Another tear. "I thought, just being able to look at see him through the window when he plays basketball would be nice but then they told me I wasn't allowed visitations and by then, it was to late to change my mind."
You discover that Chungju Detention Center's warden hated seeing young girls cry.
"That's all you ask for? Nothing else?" He breaks the silence after a long moment of consideration, "Wouldn't a new heater for your office be better, it gets cold during the winters here."
You quickly shake your head, "J-just visitations to my brother."
He's quiet again before he finally lets out a deep sigh.
"Alright but it can't be longer than ten minutes, do you hear?" He asks and you nod, eyes growing in size as your head snaps up to look at him. "And the moment I hear about any funny business, it's over. Do you understand me?"
"Absolutely," You nod with innocent, big eyes. The tears miraculously stopping their flow all of a sudden. "No funny business."
He observes you for a second longer before finally allowing you to leave his quarters.
You let out a big exhale on your way out, staring at the blood that managed to run through the gauze on your palm.
You were trouble.
That's all the conclusion Wooyoung could come to as he stared at you, leaning against the doorframe of the infirmary with your bag slung over your shoulder, coat folded over your arm and a smile on your face that made his head spin.
"Hey." You greet him, voice mellow and sounding lightly tired as you lean your head against the frame as well.
"Hey," Play it cool, you're a grown man. "How was the first day?"
"It was good, a little unexpectedly boring almost." You answer him with a smirk and he clears his throat before he started staring at your full lips without the option of looking away being in his books apparently and inevitably got caught.
"What did you expect?" Wooyoung lets out a light laugh, crossing his arms over his chest as he sits at the corner of his messy desk. "Shootouts  and heads getting bashed in all day long?"
You giggle, pearly white teeth on full display as you nod, "I was expecting a lot more yelling and screaming at least."
"Hey, we have some quiet times in here as well. Give it a day or two, though."
You chuckle again before shaking your head, hand coming up to brush your hair from your face and in the meantime, showing off the tattoo you had on your other arm as well.
And as Wooyoung was a red-blooded healthy male, of course, his mind started wandering on just how far the tattoos went.
God, you are trouble, you are so much fucking trouble.
He should've been kind of pissed off at you when you brought up his father but...how the hell could he be?
He saw the way the other guards stared at you, how the one who walked you into the infirmary this morning was almost salivating with his eyes glued to you and just how much Wooyoung's ego skyrocketed when you told the guard he can fuck off because he was there now. He obviously wasn't the only one affected here!
With your pants that hugged your waist and thighs perfectly, the shirt that accentuated your cleavage and it's two intentionally popped open buttons , the thin necklace decorating your collarbones, the tattoos (God, the tattoos), long hair that smelled like vanilla to whoever got close enough, a smile that definitely knew of its effect on other people and eyes that seemed like nothing ever phased them.
Wooyoung liked trouble sooooo much.
"I wanted to, um, ask for a favor." Your soft voice interrupts his current train of thoughts and he raised his brows in question.
"I, uh, I'm a Type 1 Diabetic." You tell him, straightening out your posture in a way that tells Wooyoung that you might be nervous for some reason. You give him an awkward chuckle which he finds kind of cute. "And I'd get my daily shots at a doctor's office on my way to and from work every day since my own office was close by."
"Mhm..." He tilts his head in curiosity. He wonders where you used to work, did you drive a car? Wooyoung used to work in the center of Seoul as well! Did you two ever ride the same train downtown? 
"And that's no longer an option anymore since, well, I have to be here every morning so I have to leave, like, an hour earlier at least." You bite your lip, pretty eyes meeting his own, "I was wondering if you'd be able to do it here? Obviously, I don't want to impose on your schedule or anything, I understand if you can't but I thought it might be worth trying. I'd bring my own shots, wouldn't want to steal government resources y'know...heh..."
He notices how you always speak like you're an inconvenience when you need help.
Wooyoung bites back a smile as he watches you ramble before finally finding the heart to interrupt you, "Alright."
Your lips part at that, "You will?"
"Yes," He chuckles, "It's not a big deal, it takes, like, two minutes tops so..."
"Okay, great." You sigh in relief, playing with the bandages on your hand before nodding again. "Thank you. For this and...today, as well."
"It's my job." He's quick to respond out of habit by now, God, he's been out of the game a little too long now. There were, like, five different lines he could've dropped there. He forgot how to flirt.
Or maybe flirting with you seems a bit terrifying if he was honest.
"Right." You chuckle, fixing your bag on your shoulder before smiling at him one last time, "Well, have a good night."
Wooyoung nods, almost a little disappointed that you're leaving already. "You too."
Jongho might understand why Jisung decided to wrap that sheet attached to the pipe around his neck and jump from the staircase.
In fact, if he had to listen to this dude, Coin or whatever the fuck, talk about his girlfriend Lim Jiyeon, class 2001 of some damn beauty school in Gangnam with auburn colored hair and perfectly applied lip gloss for one second longer, Jongho just might do the same thing as Jisung.
He was serving a life sentence for something he didn't do, that should be a punishment enough. He already knew there was nothing else to do except to serve time here, nobody else will serve it for him.
But, holy fuck, his new cellmate who invited himself to the seat next to him on this bench, could not keep his mouth shut for a second and Jongho really didn't need this so early in the morning.
"Woah, who's that?" Coin whistles, following someone with his eyes like the sun was shining out of their ass.
"Who?" Jongho mumbles in question not even bothering to turn to the direction his new cellmate was salivating in, thinking it was probably just another stupidity that managed to catch Coin's attention. There's not much to do here, after all...
"That woman." Coin nudges him. Typical, all those woes about his dear girlfriend forgotten at the first sight of another woman. Jongho rolls his eyes, taking a quick glance to where the other man was pointing before turning back around again.
Then he freezes.
Jongho's head whips around in the same direction again, the familiar checkered coat and same hair length making him blink to see if he finally went insane in here.
The walk was the same as well.
His legs, with a mind of his own, started swiftly moving across the yard with Coin yelling something behind him but Jongho ignored it, his only goal to get to that fence even if he had to shovel through the inmates.
"Y/N?" He mumbles to himself, watching the woman move across the gravel, long hair carried to the side by the cold wind. And as if she heard him, she slows down with her steps, turning her head in his direction...
Jongho feels like his heart stopped.
"Y/N?" He asks, this time a bit louder because holy fuck, that's his little sister's face. It's her. It's you!
You don't stop to talk to him, you don't say anything back but Jongho, sure as hell, didn't hallucinate the smile that you throw his way as you continue up the gravel to the building leading to the infirmary.
"You know her?" Coin's deep voice makes him jump in his place, Jongho didn't even notice that the older male was standing right next to him by now.
"Yeah." Jongho whispers, words getting stuck in his throat as he finds it hard to swallow.
"Bro, are you okay?" Coin questions, confused by the way Jongho stared at the building you just disappeared into.
"That's my sister."
And she's definitely up to no good.
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winslowat3am · 2 years
You prob won’t see this but hi! I follow you and your beautiful wife bc of your love for black women and life tips! I wanna share a story that happened yesterday where I was harassed in a gas station by an aggressive black male security guard and get nonblack poc feedback bc I no longer feel safe around black men and just curious to what advice or thoughts you have.
Last night I walked inside a pilot gas station to use the restroom where I wore a yellow camo track suit with the hood up bc I was cold. The security told me to take my hood down even tho there was no policy where I could see and followed me to the restroom door and called me out my name (I heard him thru the door), after I finished in the restroom I went to confront him at the register he was hiding behind where we got into a heated verbal exchange , I cussed him out amd I hurt his ego evidently bc he felt the need to follow me outside to escalate it but I outtalked him and got in my car. I never took my hood down. I went back in the gas station with a girlfriend for water after informing her of what happened where he then tried to make me remove my hood again and tried to encourage the women at the registers to refuse me service bc I wouldn’t remove my hood, we got into it again. He was aggressive, approached me slamming his hand on the counter, got loud, and sensitive bc I got the best of him twice verbally and in the end I still got the water and never took my hood down; the nice white lady at the register took my money from my friend who paid for it, the black woman at the register was a m@mmy. He nitpicked my outfit and physical appearance but ppl passing thru wore hoods and had pants hanging off their asses, tummy shirts, brought dogs in the store, but was never harassed like I was. I don’t have a problem following a policy but I won’t follow a policy when it’s enforced on me but no one else. So I called the police and they told me to file a complaint with corporate and see what I can do about it so I will be calling them in the morning. Did I mention the security tried to get me banned for trespassing just bc i didn’t back down and verbally whooped him?? LOLL!!! I’ll be carrying a switchblade from now on and learning to shoot a gun real soon!
Read my tags. I'm assuming you're a bw? It doesn't take all the hoodrat buffoonery Glocktavious displayed to ask someone to remove their hood. Talk to a lawyer, they'll help you go about prosecuting Dustavious the right way. So unprofessional. I hope this isn't a late response, I don't really check Tumblr lately or read every ask but yours grabbed my attention. You did the right thing! Always stand up for yourself. You're a savage for checking his ass. Never be afraid of a man, & keep a weapon on you. 👏👏👏👏Insecure, pussy "men" pick fights with women, they think being aggressive & loud intimidates you & they never prepare for a strong retort that shuts their shit down. My completely honest & straightforward unfiltered pov: We need to address the fact that the bullying of bw is a problematic behavior that is perpetuated by bm primarily (not all, but atp it's so common it might as well be). You'd be better off opening up your dating options to men outside of your race, tbh. (Be very selective & careful when itrl dating). Non-bm build their communities & protect their women. [Redacted] That's why I don't understand why some ww leave wm, who have privilege & power, for bm, who 9/10 don't have anything to offer except dick, kids & struggle love. Even when bm manage to have success it doesn't change their crusty ass mentality. I recently learned that a bw is killed by a bm every six hours. [Redacted] Bm are the only race of men who publicly bash, degrade & bully their race of women while praising, fetishizing & worshipping non-bw. But you can't expect men who hate themselves to love or value you. I see the bs bw have to deal with daily & it saddens me. I feel like they target bw cause they think it'll make them men & acceptable in the eyes of wm, it's embarrassing. [Redacted] I can't imagine treating my baby like that. [Redacted] I'll never post or reblog a "this is a safe space for everyone" post. It's not. I don't post for them. I don't want racists/colorists in my space where bw & woc tell me that they feel safe, seen & protected. I gatekeep my blog so that you're safe expressing your feelings here. I thought it was obvious since I never acknowledge bm but it needs to be said. I 100% agree with the bw advising bw to choose higher quality men. You should watch Cynthia G & Paris Milan on YouTube & other black women who cover domestic & racial topics, it's very educational & insightful, they offer a lot of perspective & I agree with so many points they make. [Redacted] The best advice I can give you is to run & never look back. Good luck. ❤️
#you can sue him personally for discrimination & verbal harassment & file a complaint with corporate#If you're banned from the store then you can have the cops get his information & press charges#once corporate finds out about the incident he'll more than likely lose his job#Make sure to stress that he intentionally embarrassed you by making a scene followed you to the bathroom & outside of the store in attempt#to escalate the situation he was highly aggressive & approached you & that you felt scared for your safety which caused emotional distress#those are super important details & ultimately where he fucked up#& if you're able to write down the date/time this occurred & have the camera footage obtained by police & your friends as witnesses#it'll help your case#The moment someone loses their cool & lowers themself even lower than they already are you already won#As you go through life the more jackasses you'll encounter & you'll become so immune that shit won't even anger you the way it used to#Speaking from experience#I don't see him living long cause losers who fuck with people & think being loud & ghetto gives them an upper hand never live a long life#toxic masculinity is a fear of strong women masked by a fraudulent superiority complex#he's corny asf if the only thing he could think to call you was ugly like what guy doesn't automatically run to that as an insult?#They even use it when they get rejected it's always that or 'bitch' cause they're sooo original#they're tiring#long post#ask
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non-un-topo · 2 years
Met my parents’ weird born again neighbour (very old white lady, anti-vaxxer, racist, the whole shebang) and the first thing she said to me was “ohhh you’re the one who wants to die if she doesn’t get a 98!” Bro...
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atalho-s · 3 years
Light Up The Dark
Part 1 | June
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pairing: bartender!tom x famous!reader
warnings: some smut +18 (in this particular chapter it’s nothing TOO explicit, but miniors be aware), swear words?, drinking, let me know if anything else!
words: 4.9 k
summary: y/n is a famous horror writer. Her books are on the lips of the people and her face is on all the magazine covers of promising young people.
She has just moved to Los Angeles, the city of celebrities and luxury, when she starts to get a writer's block as she starts writing her newest book. A way to distract herself and seek inspiration leads her to have her destiny mapped out with a simple waiter named Tom who has a delicious british accent.
What happens when her inspiration comes back only after she spends a night with him and she only manages to write after being in the company of that guy she just met? Maybe he'll become her newest addiction.
a/n: english it’s not my first language, so i’m sorry for any mistake! this is a series i started writing a while ago, i hope y’all enjoy :) the reader it’s from brazil here, but you can replace from any country you want lol And obv i’m not from LA and never been there, so if i say something out of reality it’s bc of that 😂
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"June arrived at the restaurant, sat down near the bar and looked around vaguely. The strange people's faces made her think better and maybe drink a shot of tequila too.
She opened his folder with the horrifying photos of the mysterious case. She felt sick to her stomach.
People said that by then she should have been used to see this kind of thing, but that was repulsive.
She wish the nightmare she had the night before was a way to solve that puzzle, but believing in the afterlife now wouldn't help her... If...If..."
- Damn it... - Y/n slammed her fist on the table. - Writer's block sucks. - She said and took the last sip of her tea.
It s been a week since she couldn't write anything. She would write maybe two paragraphs, maybe even three if she got lucky, but she always ended up erasing it, because she always turned into something meaningless or too cliche.
Damn the time she had promised to deliver something to her editor by the end of the month. But she hadn't counted on the lack of ideas when she agreed to that.
She got up from her chair in frustration and crossed her arms, pacing, as if her creativity had gone out for a walk and she was waiting impatiently for it to come back.
Why had she agreed to write a new book in the first place? She didn't need money. Their previous four books were already making huge profits, and they were going to make a new television series based on one of them.
So why writing another one? Maybe because, she had been having too many nightmares lately. Many family and friends told her to see a psychologist, see if she didn't have some hidden trauma. But looking for a psychologist? Admitting your weaknesses and personal things to a stranger? Never. That would be horrifying.
Writing helped. Transferring his fears to pages was hers gift. When she wrote she didn't have nightmares, didn't see things, wasn't sad. It was like a drug, a calming medicine.
Maybe fame was also making her restless lately. She hated being the spotlight, being the magazine cover of promising young people. She hated to see her name highlighted. But she loved having readers, yes. She loved when someone felt good reading her books or in the good sense of the word: terrified by her stories.
At the height of her 25 years, he never thought her books would become famous at that point. She had always enjoyed writing since she was a child, but working with it was just an unattainable dream. Until, at age 19, she quit her hideous job as a hotel receptionist and decided to publish her first story.
Obviously there were many rejections, until a publisher agreed to publish their work. From then on, her books became more and more known. They called her the new horror genius, the mystery queen, and sometimes even "Stephen King's lost daughter."
She didn't think it was all that. But she accepted the descriptions gladly. No wonder her books didn't come out of the top spot on the best sellers.
Another thing that motivated her to continue with that story, was a phrase from her own idol mentioned, Stephen King: "good stories are those that stay in the head for a long time". And God only knew how that story had been with her for far too long. She always wanted to put it down on paper, so here she was trying to put into words what her head brought up as random thoughts.
But now she was having one of his first creative blocks. Obviously she had already had it with previous books, but nothing as frustrating as this one. She had been trying hard for days, which was exhausting.
She looked at the clock on the wall: 11pm. Who knows if she took another break before starting writing again? Maybe it would help to come up with more ideas.
She thought about watching a show or movie, but he wasn't in the mood. She looked at her long polka dot pajamas under her favorite warm robe and snorted. Go out? On a Thursday night? On a cold night? No way.
But what if it helped her have more writing material? Watching people on the street really helped. If June, the character in her book, was in a bar, maybe if she went to one too it would help to have something to build on.
Writers did it all the time. Describe places that already existed, situations similar to which they lived. So, it wouldn't be new. Maybe she'd even put the location in her tribute if helped she got out of her creative block.
She took a deep breath and went to take a shower. It was decided, she would go out. She put on her best jeans, a Ramones T-shirt with a leather jacket. It wasn't a fancy outfit, but she didn't intend to go somewhere fancy anyway. Her stylist would have been dying to see her now, but she didn't care one bit.
She went out pressing the bottom of the elevator. Y/n had lived on the top floor of a building for 2 months, right in downtown Los Angeles. Sometimes she didn't even know why she chose to live there, she hated the big city and what came with it: paparazzi, celebrities, crazy people who feel superior, wealth and luxury. She came from a humble family, so she always felt like an outsider.
Y/n arrived downstairs and left the condominium calling a taxi that was passing in the street just in time. She walked in and closed the door, crossing her arms, trying to ward off the cold.
- Good night miss, where are you going? - the driver asked looking at her in the rearview mirror.
- Good night... Actually I don't know, do you have any suggestions for a bar around here?- she asked looking out the window. She didn't even bother to look for suggestions for places nearby.
- Well, it depends on what you're looking for... Something luxurious or something fun? - He said and a smiled played on the corer of her mouth. Luxurious was the opposite of fun indeed.
- Something fun, of course.
- So, I suggest the new Seven Devils bar, it's less than 20 minutes from here... - he said.
- Interesting name... Could be. - She said shrugging.
- The name is kinda creepy, but the place is cozy and welcoming, I went once. - the driver said starting and entering the street that was practically empty for being a weekday.
- Cool... - Y/n said looking at the city lights through the window.
After nearly twenty minutes the taxi stopped in front of what appeared to be a small door with a security guard in front of it. The neon sign indicated the name of the place, it seemed a mysterious place for those who passed by without knowing it.
- Thanks. - Y/n said handing the driver the money.
- You're not the Y/n Y/l/n? I didn't want to say anything, but I'm a fan of you, I love your books, they help me pass the time while I wait for passengers. - the driver asked turning a little with one of the Y/n books in his hand. - Could you sign this for me?
- Sure! - Y/n spoke excitedly taking the book from his hand and leaving a message along with her signature. - Thanks for the tip of the place. Have a good night... - She said opening the door.
- No, thank you, have a good night miss. -he said and she smiled closing the door and the taxi left leaving her alone looking at the door in front of her.
She approached the security guard who wished her good night, giving her room to enter, after she showed her ID. Y/n entered a little afraid of what she would find. The door behind her closed and she looked around. It was really cozy as the taxi driver said, it had a part with several tables, which were a little empty and a bar with stools around. The place had a good atmosphere, one of those that people go there to meet and chat with friends, in the background there was a kind of pop song that she wasn't sure if she knew or not.
He slowly approached the bar and sat down on one of the stools. A woman with several tattoos appeared behind the counter and came to serve her.
- Good night! How can I serve you?- she asked with a smile.
- Good night... Hm... Maybe a martini? - Y/n said taking a look at the drinks on the shelf behind the attendant.
- Okay, I'll be back with your order, anything else?
- That's it for now, thanks. - She replied smiling and the attendant walked away.
Y/n kept looking around, watching people, maybe looking for some inspiration. Something that would turn the key in his mind. Many who were there were in groups of friends and were talking animatedly, laughing. Some young and some older, in suits and ties, perhaps coming out of work.
Until one guy in particular caught her attention. He wore the black uniform with the name of the place, with an apron tied around the waist of the same color, and was picking up some glasses from some empty tables. He had dark brown hair slicked back and eyes the same color, very expressive and large. A boy's face from the outside, but on the inside had a mysterious and confident air.
He balanced a tray full of things with an greatest skill in one hand and smiled at some people, he seemed charming because everytime he left a table he left people whispering and giggling embarrassed behind his back.
He walked over and entered the bar placing the tray behind the counter, came close to the other attendant who already had the Y/n martini ready and she could hear him talking, soon realizing he had a perfect accent.
- Sally, you can leave it to me, go take your break. Whose martini is it?- he asked taking a look around.
- Oh thank you, my feet are killing me. It's the girl over there. -she said indicating Y/n with her head and he looked at her, making Y/n realize that she was staring at him for too long, so she looked away embarrassed.
- Okay. - he said looking at where Y/n was sitting and stopped in front of her with the glass. - Good night miss, here is your order. - He spoke with a british accent. Only at that moment did Y/n realize that his accent was well loaded and God only knows how much she loved that accent.
- Oh yes, thank you very much. - She said raising her eyes to look at him and smiled then he blinked with one of his eyes and gave her one more look, before going to deliver another order to a man who was sitting a few benches away.
Y/n felt a shiver all of a sudden, that boy had made her legs a little weak and she didn't really know why. I mean, he was handsome, very handsome and he had a special charm, but it wasn't that much, was it? Maybe it was because it had been a while since she'd dated anyone. When was the last time? Two months ago? Since she had moved in she hadn't gone out with anyone, she had locked herself in her apartment and was writing like crazy. She didn't have time to go out, not even with her friends when she was working on a new book. Which brought them dissatisfaction from time to time, not just because she didn't hang around with them, but because she didn't even go out on one-night stands.
She never been the one that going out with a guy just for sex, she had to have some good first dates and maybe she would take him to see her apartment or go to his apartment. Friends of hers thought she was too old in her spirit, but what can he do? If she couldn't be bad girl once in a while. For a moment she thought, "For this english guy I would be" but shook her head away from the thoughts. She went back to analyzing him, dammit why did he have to be so fit? She could see that the T-shirt he was wearing highlighted his muscles that were only left to her imagination, she found herself biting her lip a bit and snatching her martini off the counter, taking a big sip.
The attendant approached again, drying some glasses with a towel, and took one more look in her direction where she looked away quickly making him smirk. He stopped in front of her again, bracing her arms on the counter, making her swallow hard. He didn't know why she was so nervous, he was just a guy, no biggie.
- I like the shirt. - He pointed with a smile, which made her think he had a beautiful and endearing smile. She looked down and then looked at him smiling too.
- Thank you... Ramones is everything... - she said and drank the last sip of her drink placing the empty glass in front of her right after. - Can you serve one more?
- Sure...- he said, still smiling, took the bottle and filled his glass again. - Trying to distract yourself on a thursday night?
- Yeah... you could say yes... - she said taking another sip. - Have you worked here for a long time?
- In fact, it's been almost six months since I moved to the United States and I've been working here for four months. -he said putting the towel that was in his hand on his shoulder.
- Hm... You're from London?
- I am, wow how did you find out? - he asked raising an eyebrow playfully and she smiled.
- Yeah, your accent really doesn't give out anything ... - she said and he gave a low laugh making her have more goose bumps.
- You also have a different accent, have you lived here for a long time? - he didn't know who she was, which was good. But it also wasn't like she was recognized all the time, despite her face being on magazine covers, she was still a writer, so she was only recognized by those who liked to read or who vaguely remembered her face.
- I was born in Brazil actually, but I've lived here for years, lived in another city for almost five years and now I've decided to come to Los Angeles two months ago...
- I see ... - he said organizing some drinks that were on the counter. - Do you like it here?
- More or less... It's a busy city, isn't it?
- Yeah, it's not for anyone. - He said shrugging. - I like it, I like the rush, but the glamor part really isn't me. - the attendant said and she smiled.
- You're right... I mean, I don't like the glam too much either... - She looked away at her nails.
- What do you work with? - he asked and she looked at him again.
- I'm a writer...
- Nice! What do you write? - He asked curious looking at her with attention.
- I write horror and thriller books.
- Interesting... I would never read, actually I'm not much of a reader anyway, but I wouldn't, because I'm terrified of those things. - He said crossing his arms and she laughed.
- Oh, it's not that terrifying, it's just stories. - She said leaning her elbows on the counter.
- Still, I prefer to have my good night's sleep intact. - He said and she laughed making him smile looking at her.
When she was about to say something, a customer signaled for him and he excused himself going towards the man who was furthest away.
Y/n sighed. She still didn't have any new ideas about her story, but she was entertained by that conversation. She liked not being recognized, she liked him not being interested in her books, for a moment she felt oblivious to anything, liked feeling disconnected from her world.
He returned shortly after and they started talking again. They talked about bands, movies, superficial celebrities and even politics (an important topic in Y/n's vision, who was very firm with her ideas, thankfully he had passed the test). She found out that he was the same age as her and that he moved to the US to look for something that would give him money or a perspective on life, ended up getting that job and intended to stay until he found a different area. The hours passed and they kept finding subjects to give their opinion or questions to ask each other.
- Did you go to college? - she asked after a while.
- No, I don't think I'm smart enough for that, or have the patience. What about you?
- Everyone is smart enough. I started going to business school, but I dropped out when my books started to pay off...
- Wow, your books should give you a good amount of money to be able to drop out of college and dedicate yourself to them...
- Yeah... You could say that. - She shrugged.
- You know looking at you closer like that...- he said getting a little closer and she held her breath for a moment. - I've seen you somewhere...
- Really? - She said raising her eyebrow and drinking from a straw, now with a different drink.
- I don't know, you're not strange to me... - he said putting his hand on his face thoughtfully.
- Well, I hope it's from somewhere nice. - She smiled and he smiled back looking at her. - Do you have a girlfriend or are you married? - Y/n asked and regretted a little, what was she thinking? He wasn't married, as he didn't have a ring on his finger as she'd noticed. But what was her intention by asking that question? She didn't even know, she just knew it had escaped her.
- Neither darling. - He replied smiling a little mischievously and she felt butterflies with the way he called her by that nickname and with that accent. - How about you?
- Neither ... - She replied avoiding looking at him, those eyes hypnotized her and she didn't like to feel at his mercy of a guy she had just met. She took the cell phone disguising but paid attention to the time. - My God, it's already 2:00 in the morning! I completely missed the time.
- I think the company ended up distracting you. - He said still not taking his eyes off her and she felt her cheeks heat up.
- Yeah, the chat was really good... But I have to go... - she said getting up.
- If you wait I can take you home, I'm already leaving, the bar is already closing. - he said and Y/n looked around seeing that some waiters were already collecting some things from the tables.
She thought for a moment, take a ride home with him? It didn't make sense, she had just met him, but at the same time she had enjoyed talking to him so much. He didn't seem like a bad person, but even so you would never know for sure. At the same time she never took any chances, why not let that pretty boy take her home? Finally, she thought: you know what? Screw this.
-Erm, ok...- She shrugged. - I'll go to the cashier to pay and wait for you outside?
- No need to pay darling, it's on me. - He spoke winking and she smiled.
- Oh no, I'll pay no problem...
- Your company has paid off your debt, it's ok. - He replied and she took a deep breath rolling her eyes.
- If you insist...- she said giving up.
He came out from behind the counter and motioned for her to follow him, arriving at the front door where the security was.
- Tuwaine, you can let her pass, it's on me. - He told the big guy and he looked at the english man, sawing his eyes suspiciously and smiling right away. Making Y/n laugh inside.
- Meet you outside? It will only take a few minutes - the attendant said and she nodded, leaving in the cold night.
She leaned against the door with her thoughts. She had come here just to get inspiration and to have her creative back, but she was coming home with an english guy. She didn't even recognize herself anymore, but to say she wasn't anxious (in a good way) was a lie.
She was lost in her thought, until minutes later he came out wearing a denim jacket, which made him look even more handsome.
- Let's go? - He said and she followed him to an old car parked right in front of the bar.
He opened the door for her to get in and she thanked him by sitting in the passenger seat, pulling on her seat belt as he closed the door. He sat down next to her right away, also putting on his belt.
- Hey, before we go: I didn't ask for your name! If you're going to take me home at least I have to know that- she asked realizing that she didn't even know that yet and he looked towards her smiling.
- Tom Holland. - He said stretching his hand. - Nice to meet you.
- Y/n Y/l/n- she said, squeezing his hand. And you can't deny that she felt butterflies in her stomach as she felt her skin on hers.
- Your name is not strange to me, I must have read it in one of your books in some shop window. - He said starting and leaving with the car.
- Yeah, who knows ... - she said and he turned on the radio leaving the volume low.
They were exchanging a few words until she indicated that they had arrived at the building where she lived. Tom parked and looked up in a daze.
- Wow, you really have money... - he said and she took off her belt turning towards him.
- A little bit...- she replied crossing her arms. - Well, thank you so much for the ride...
- You're welcome darling. - He said turning his eyes to her. Again that nickname that sounded perfect on his lips.
She turned around, but when she was about to open the door, she turned back to Tom, who was leaning with one hand on the steering wheel and watching her with attention. The next words escaped her again and she was afraid she'd regret it.
- Tom, do you want to come in? - She spoke still holding the door and the boy smiled.
- Sure ... - he said taking the key from the ignition and she shook her head slightly leaving.
He followed her and they entered the building. Tom looked at everything admired which made Y/n smile a little to herself. They entered the elevator and she pressed the penthouse button causing him to raise an eyebrow.
- You really must be a great writer. - he said and she laughed.
He leaned his back against the elevator wall, putting his hands in his pocket and looking her up and down, making her shy. He kept looking at her and it was making her nervous.
They were silent until the elevator opened after a while and they got out. Y/n put a password on the door and it swung open with a small click, she took held the latch and motioned for Tom to enter.
After the two of them entered she closed the door again behind her and watched Tom standing further on, looking around.
- Nice apartment...- he finally said.
- Thank you... - She leaned against the table at the entrance. She didn't know what to do next, maybe it had been a bad idea to bring him here. Why was she so impulsive that night? -Tom, I don't know why I invite you in, sorry...-she said a little nervous looking at her feet. He turned towards her, approaching and stopping in front of her.
- Are you sure you don't know? - He asked and she raised her head, seeing those brown eyes. She bit her bottom lip watching him closely. Damn he knew how to hypnotize her. He took another step and placed a hand on either side of her on the table, cornering her - Your body says otherwise, love... - he said softly feeling her breath hitch slowly and approaching his face to hers, alternating the look of your eyes to her lips. Y/n found another nickname that was perfect when he say.
He finally closed the distance by pressing his lips to hers. His lips were soft and warm, as if they were meant to be kissed. She returned the kiss willingly and when she laced her fingers in his neck, he licked her lower lip slowly asking for passage in which she opened them letting his tongue explore her mouth.
His hands gripped her waist and roamed her body greedily. As he kissed her, he caught her from behind her legs and sat her down on the entrance table, biting her bottom lip shortly after, provoking a low moan from her. He smiled against her lips and trailed kisses to her neck, attacking her skin with desire, making her throw her head back a little.
She grabbed his hair and pulled him back so she could kiss him. Which he gladly reciprocate. His kiss was urgent, but without being rude, he tasted like mint, making her want him even more.
His fingers found the button of her pants and he undid them quickly pulling them out, tossing them aside. When he came back he took her calf and kissed her leg up to her thighs, making her sigh. He moved up the kisses until he caught the hem of her shirt and pulled it up a little, kissing her stomach as well. Y/n didn't know what to do but feel goose bumps with every touch he gave. He then hiked up her shirt and she lifted her arms where he pulled her off, tossing along with her pants that were also on the floor.
She was just wearing her underwear in front of him, it made her a little excited and embarrassed at the same time, but the way he looked at her made her feel confident. He went back to kissing her body, this time kissing each covered breast in turn and reaching for the back of her bra and opening it. She helped him out tosiing to the side and he stood between her legs just watching her for a second, making her feel her cheeks heat up.
- Perfect... - he said with a low voice, as it was for himself and bent down to her breasts kissing each one of her nipples and then sucking them deliciously. Y/n moaned and bit her lip to keep her moans from getting louder, tangling her fingers in his hair again. He looked into her eyes for a few seconds and smiled slightly lowering his kisses to where she wanted him most.
He reached the hem of her panties and pulled them out slowly, kneeling between her legs and she looked at him with expectation. He returned the look and gave that smirk again.
- Look at you darling.... - That damn nickname. - Extremely wet and I haven't even touched you yet... - he said approaching and devouring her right away making her throw her head back with pleasure, biting her lips again to not sound so pathetic with her moans that insisted in wanting get out. - Oh, please don't drown out those wonderful sounds you make, I want to hear how good I'm making you feel. - He said in a husky tone, returning to his task after and she parted her lips letting her moans spread through the apartment.
Y/n woke up the other day in her bed. She didn't even know how she got there, she just had flashes of the night before and how good she felt in each moment. She stretched and looked to the side seeing she was alone. She got up and put on a robe who was on the side of the bed.
After going to the bathroom and doing her morning hygiene routine she walked around the apartment looking around to see if Tom was somewhere else in the house, but found nothing. Which was understandable, it wasn't like she expected him to stay there and have breakfast with her and all.
She arrived in the kitchen and made black coffee and lean against the countertop. What that simple waiter had done to her was ridiculous, in a good sense, she felt great and kept remembering that accent that was stuck in her mind. He had consumed her in a way she had never imagined it she could be.
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Taking a deep breath she set down turning her notebook on. Then opened her book and started writing.
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dudeandduchess · 5 years
Hi babe! I'm so happy to finally see you open your request box! Can I request a NSFW Shinjuro Rengoku x Reader please? Please start it off with Reader stumbling upon Shinjuro touching himself to the thought of her when she came to visit her good friend Kyojuro for tea. Thank you so much!!
Hey hey, bby! Big oof bc I’ve had this sitting in my ask for so long (since December, I think) and I just got to it now. 😅 Sorry about that! Hope you like it tho. 💜✨
Shinjurō x F!S/O: Sinful Surprise (NSFW Scenario):
Warnings: Smut, Getting Caught Masturbating, Daddy Kink, Breeding Kink, Dirty Talk, Rough Sex, Spanking, Oral Sex, Ahegao, Face Riding, D/s Themes
The second Sunday of every month was always something that (Y/n) looked forward to; not only because of her regularly scheduled tea days with Kyōjurō, but also because it meant that she would get to go to his house— granted that she didn’t get to always see whomever it was that she went there for.
But setting foot at the Rengoku estate once in a while was better than not at all, since she wouldn’t have been able to feed her fantasies of riding his father’s cock until sunrise otherwise.
Her lustful feelings for the Rengoku patriarch were her biggest secret; if they ever got out, especially to Kyōjurō, she didn’t know what would happen. So she did her best to control herself around him; especially that one time when she’d seen him walk around the house without his yukata fully on.
She felt herself get wet at the mere memory of that day, as she had used it more than once to help her satiate the lust she felt for him.
Still, even though her pussy tingled with need, she soldiered on and kept walking towards her friend’s estate.
Rubbing her thighs together did very little to alleviate her need, so she was forced to endure the throbbing need in her pussy until she got to her destination.
Kyōjurō wasn’t even outside the gates like he normally would have been so, hesitantly, she peered into the garden and checked to see if Senjurō was there.
But she had no such luck, because it was devoid of any human presence.
“Kyōjurō?” She called out softly, afraid to ruin the tranquil silence that wrapped around the expansive property.
Her feet then led her around the outer perimeter of the house, letting her check to see if her friend was there or not. Because if he weren’t, then she would just head over to Shinazugawa’s house for snacks... and maybe a little something more to take the edge off of her lust.
However, just as she was about to walk away and leave, she passed by the open doors that led to the Rengoku patriarch’s room; and the sight that greeted her made her eyes widen in surprise, as well as darken with lust.
Because right there, laid out on his futon, was Rengoku Shinjurō with his cock in his fist— with his eyes closed and his teeth gritted.
She was frozen in place at that, with her eyes never leaving the hard cock right in front of her. It was so thick and veiny that it didn’t fail to make her mouth water, but that had more to do with the fact that she had been waiting so long to see what laid beneath the older man’s clothes.
Had she known just how monstrous of a cock he would have packed, then she would have made a move on him sooner.
“Fuck, (Y/n), you little slut.” The words reached her ears, but failed to register fully in her mind. And it wasn’t until Shinjurō growled her name once more that she was shaken out of her trance.
(Y/n) felt like she was in a dream, because there was simply no way that the man she’d been lusting after would be masturbating to the thought of her.
Yet there he was, as captivating as how she’d always imagined him to be.
Slowly, her feet shuffled forward to bring her closer to him, only to freeze in place when she saw those piercing eyes of his snap open and immediately zero in on her.
However, instead of being angry and affronted at her voyeurism, Shinjurō’s lips quirked up into a salacious smirk; one that had (Y/n)’s panties getting even more drenched than before.
“Hm. Like what you see?” Shinjurō stated smugly, as his eyes roved over the young woman’s form. From the top of her head, to the tips of her toes, she was perfect to him; and every inch of her served to make him harder than he was earlier.
His cock twitched in his hand, and he looked down at it before looking back up at her.
And slowly, he let go of his erection and allowed her to marvel at the sheer size of it.
“I- I’m sorry, Rengoku-sama,” (Y/n) piped up— her voice catching in her throat as she desperately tried to let her gaze flicker away from Shinjurō’s erection; to no avail, as her eyes only kept gravitating back towards his mouthwatering length.
At that, the former Hashira propped himself up on one elbow and used his right hand to beckon her forward; just two crooks of his index finger was enough to make (Y/n) go walking right to him— and the blatant show of submission made him grin.
“Come here.”
Every step felt so agonizingly slow for the young woman but, eventually, she found herself standing right by Shinjurō’s futon.
He ogled her legs, which were on full display from her skirt, before locking her eyes with his and saying, “Spying on a man is wrong, baby. How do you plan on atoning for you sin?”
The pet name made a shiver race down (Y/n)’s spine, and it was only after it had passed through her that she realized that her eyes had been glued to Shinjurō’s generously sized cock.
“Tell me, have you done this with my son as well? Watched him stroke his cock to his own fantasies of you?” He practically sneered out the last bit, as he felt the first few flares of jealousy spring to life inside him.
He was never a jealous man to begin with, but the mere thought of anyone else having had the pleasure of tasting (Y/n) first grated at him incessantly— like it always did.
Because, ever since he’d first met her, he had wanted nothing more than to bend her over and put his cock inside her.
If he could have, he’d have already spent his days waking up with his cock snugly inside her cunt. But he had to banish those thoughts before, as a perfect opportunity to seduce her had never presented itself.
Not until that moment.
He had never been more thankful for the Demon Slayer Corps for calling Kyōjurō away to an emergency Hashira meeting— which left (Y/n) in his clutches.
(Y/n)’s warm cheeks and frazzled nerves did nothing to hide the nervousness she felt, yet she still found herself answering, “No. We’re just friends.”
It was a blatant lie, and it made her feel so horrible; but he didn’t have to know what went on between her and Kyōjurō behind closed doors.
”With some other man, then?” Shinjurō growled out, as he moved to tug (Y/n) down onto the floor. Luckily, her reflexes kicked in and had her kneeling down to compensate for his sudden movement.
However, she remained silent— as she could just tell that he wouldn’t like her answer.
The former Hashira exhaled exasperatedly at that, before clicking his tongue and roughly dragging her to straddle his hips— where his erection pressed insistently against the crotch of her panties.
“I’m going to make you forget every other cock except mine. From now on you’ll be my fucktoy; my filthy little cocksleeve. Mine to do what I please with, and mine to fuck whenever I want. Got that, baby?”
She couldn’t deny that his words made something inside her so pliant, as she nodded her assent. “Yes.”
“And you will call me Daddy at all times. Failure to do so will warrant punishment.” Shinjurō emphasized his point by bringing a hand down on one of her ass cheeks, before squeezing it tightly and spanking it again through the bottom of her skirt.
“Yes, Daddy.”
A smug smile stretched the older man’s lips, as he settled back down on his futon, and tugged (Y/n) up until her clothed cunt was hovering above his mouth.
“Strip. Now.”
She was hesitant at first, as her fingers moved to gingerly unfasten her Slayer uniform; shrugging the top off along with her haori, while she tried not to moan aloud at the sensations of Shinjurō tracing her clothed slit with the tip of his tongue.
He’d always known that the young woman had always lusted after him; it was evident in the way that her gaze lingered on him whenever he was around, as well as the manner in which she held herself during those times.
(Y/n) had always thought that she was slick and covert, but she was no match for a former Hashira— what with her merely being a Kinoto.
Shinjurō’s senses had always been sharper than her own, so no matter how well she thought she’d hidden how wet she’d gotten at the sight of him, he could always sense the want coming from her.
“I’m going to punish you with my tongue first, then you’re going to be a good little slut and take Daddy’s cock in this tight little cunt,” At that, the older man’s arms wrapped around the tops of her thighs, so that his hands could squeeze the globes of her ass.
A mere whimper answered him, so he brought his right hand down against her flesh in a hard slap. “Answer me.”
“Yes, Daddy. I’ll be a good girl and ride your cock, I promise.” (Y/n) cried out, just as Shinjurō moved her panties aside and bunched her skirt up in his left hand.
He didn’t answer her verbally; instead, the former Hashira traced her wet slit with the flat of his tongue, before sucking her clit into his mouth. He then rolled the tiny bundle of nerves between his lips, which caused (Y/n)’s muscles to tense up, as her hands came down to grip her lover’s hair.
Still, the older man didn’t lighten up on his actions. In fact, he pulled down further against his mouth, just so he could keep playing with her clit.
(Y/n) felt like she was all sorts of disoriented at that alone. Her head was thrown forward, with her eyes screwed shut and her lips parted into a tiny ‘o’; while her thighs quivered involuntarily, as the tight coil inside her stretched further and further— until it snapped.
With a cry, her orgasm flooded through her entire body— making her hips try and lift up from Shinjurō’s mouth. But he wasn’t having that, so he tightened his grasp on her right right, while his left hand bunched her skirt harder; to the point that they heard a crisp ripping sound echo in the room.
Still, neither of them cared.
Especially when Shinjurō slid her down to rest on his stomach.
She left a trail of her cum along her lover’s chest, but he didn’t mind that at all as he eyed her slick cunt hungrily.
Without any warning, the older man lifted her up and flipped their positions; with him hovering above her, and with her back flat against the futon.
And slowly, Shinjurō moved to grasp her legs by the ankles, before slinging her knees up against his shoulders in a breeding press. “By the time I’m done fucking you, you’re going to be pregnant with my brats.”
His left hand drifted down to rest against her hip, while the right one moved to grip the base of his aching cock. He first ran the head of his erection along her wet slit; relishing in the lewd sounds that made, before using his dick to slap her clit.
(Y/n)’s entire body seemed to spasm at that, which had him smugly smirking as he looked down at her.
“Do you want me to knock you up, baby?” He asked in a gruff tone, right before slapping her clit with his dick once more. “Get you fucking pregnant with my seed?”
Frantically, (Y/n) nodded— almost delirious with the need to feel his cock inside her throbbing pussy; even though she had just orgasmed a mere few minutes before. “Please, Daddy. I need you to fill me up with your cum until I’m pregnant with your child. Please, please, Daddy.”
Shinjurō couldn’t have held back his happiness at that, even if he tried.
So, he placed the head of his cock right at her entrance and pushed in slowly. His eyes never left (Y/n)’s face, and he took note of how her eyes had practically rolled into the back of her head when he’d bottomed out inside her. And instantaneously, his left hand anchored itself to her waist.
The head of his cock brushed against her cervix, so he took advantage of that and moved his hips to an angle that he was sure would bring her immense pleasure.
(Y/n) had never felt so full in her entire life; not even Kyōjurō’s cock felt so thick inside her. She was close to bursting at the seams, and she was also sure that it was evident on her face; because when Shinjurō began thrusting inside her, her mouth had instantly parted in a scream while her tongue lolled out the side of her mouth.
Every hard thrust pressed the head of his cock up against her cervix, and the amount of pleasure it caused to course through her entirety was nowhere near what the younger Rengoku could make her feel.
“Fuck, baby. Your cunt feels so good around Daddy’s cock,” Shinjurō groaned, as his grip on either side of (Y/n)’s waist tightened; so tight that he was sure he was going to leave finger-shaped bruises on her skin. “Such a fucking slut. Daddy’s little slut.”
More filthy words of praise rolled off of the former Hashira’s tongue, all while the sounds of skin slapping against skin reverberated off the walls.
And when he increased the pace and force of his movements, (Y/n) could only mewl and claw at the futon beneath her for some semblance of purchase. It felt as if her mind was slowly starting to float away with every drag of her lover’s cock against her walls; all that there was in her world were Shinjurō and his amazing dick.
“Please, please, Daddy. Knock me up.” The young woman cried, while her fingers curled around the thick material of the futon. She was so close to cumming, and the fact was made even more evident with the way she frantically tried to meet her lover’s thrusts.
The muscles in her legs began to quiver once more, as her walls clamped down hard on the thick cock that kept fervently hammering in and out of her tight cunt. “I’m cumming, Daddy!”
With those words hanging in the air, Shinjurō bottomed out inside (Y/n), succumbing to the peak of his own pleasure and shooting ropes of his thick cum inside her.
And even though he was done filling her up, he made no move to pull his cock out of her. Instead, he leaned down and pressed the softest of kisses against her now-closed lips. “I’m nowhere near done with you, baby.”
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raccoonpoptart · 4 years
wanted to share this scenario idea bcs it's adorable ;; it's where the reader accidentally made a mistake in casting a spell, ehich resulted in them turning into an animal! i'm wondering how the characters would react to them huhu
YESSS THIS IS SO CUTE THANKYOU 🌸✨ this is so funny to think about honestly could you imagine suddenly turning into an animal? personally if i turned into a raccoon i would never want to be human again 🦝🦝🦝
that’s not how that goes...
warnings: none! wholesome times tonight <3
some of the animal choices are obvious but others are...just for giggles 🐝 hope you like it! ✨
Earlier at the market y/n got some new ingredients to use in a spell, but had to substitute a few obscure things with more easily accesible items. With nothing but hope in their heart (that they wouldn’t absolutely ruin anything important), they made their way home.
It wasn’t until about halfway through the spell that y/n realized something was a bit...off. The smell just seemed a bit more potent, and the color was a little more unexpected than usual. Magic was strange like that, so they shrugged and threw the last ingredient in the bowl. Poof! Smoke went everywhere and y/n was covered in green dust.
Suddenly, everything grew so much bigger in the shop and y/n began to panic. Asra wouldn’t be home for a few hours! What were they supposed to do? Their heart raced as they walked to the nearest mirror. They realized that it wasn’t the shop that got bigger, it was them who got smaller. Uh oh...
alright gamers lets do this
when he came home he looked everywhere for you and when he saw the mess you made he started to panic a little
he had no idea what you were trying to do but the fact that you weren’t around was...really unsettling
“mc?? where are you? please come back...”
suddenly he felt something slip up his arm and squeeze...
“oh, hi, faust...did you s-”
what looked back at him wasn’t those red eyes he was used to but instead it was two big purple eyes
he was about to scream (because who wouldn’t freak out over a random snake) when he heard your voice in his head
i think i messed up the spell :(
he laughed softly and placed a soft kiss on your head and assured you if he couldn’t fix it, it would probably wear off anyway
spoiler alert it took almost a whole day for it to wear off but he enjoyed having you wrap around him whenever he went anywhere
faust thought it was the best thing ever, she would wrap around asra’s left arm and you would be on his right
Bite the goat!
(i was so tempted to do a fox but i thought it would be cute to sorta be like a chimes and flamel moment)
when she was told that a lynx had been spotted sneaking around the palace she was a little worried
lynx are not common, so of course she wanted to see! but when the lynx ran up to her and started to rub against her and purr?? she was very confused
it wasn’t until she saw your eyes that she realized it was you! but didn’t really know how she knew...it was just her intuition she guessed
she just assumed something magical happened and hugged you
loved when you followed her around the palace because everyone was so afraid, or just had a puzzled look on their face
when you would meowl (or, yell for lack of a better word) she would smile and kiss your head then laugh if anyone around her got scared
would talk to you like normal even if you couldn’t properly answer, she just assumed any noise you’d make was a response
complimented your ears and thick coat then offered to brush your fur (she wanted to hear you purr again)
she enjoyed having you around all day and once you were back to normal she asked so many questions
another damn raven had taken a liking to him and he was ready to leave vesuvia again
he facepalmed as malak and this new bird had started messing with his hair and squawking
meanwhile you found it pretty funny how he accepted it so quickly and waited a while before having malak tell julian
you and malak had continued to bother julian for a few hours but once he got annoyed you had malak explain and julian just laughed and asked if malak had run into a window again
when you softly pecked his nose and rubbed against his face he blushed softly
“ah, well...at least it’s temporary. it is temporary, right? please tell me it won’t last forever!”
boi was a bit stressed because now he felt like he had to look after you but malak told him to *ahem* buzz off we’ll say cause he was having so much fun
found the looks he got a bit funny because of course having two ravens follow you everywhere would look strange (CAN I MAKE A NORSE MYTHOLOGY JOKE PLS.....TWO RAVENS = ODIN LMAO)
once the spell wore off he held you close and let out a sigh of relief,,, “darling, you make a beautiful bird but please don’t scare me like that again <3”
ignore the part where it says the shop got bigger, for this it got smaller ok thanks <3
inanna had been gone a while so he went out to find her
instead found her outside playing with a......bear?
he closed his eyes and exhaled then turned to go back inside to avoid dealing with another unexplainable thing
but inanna dragged him over to the bear and he just stared as the bear stared back
woof! “inanna that makes no sense, it’s not mc”
then the bear hugged him and he blushed but didn’t pull away because why else would a bear have silver fur and pink eyes
you couldn’t exactly fit in his hut so he decided to just sit outside with you. he assumed that a spell went wrong because the same thing had happened to asra before
“so, mc... do you think this is permanent?” you grunted in response and placed a paw on his head
it was a bit awkward but he laughed softly and placed a hand on your head (wholesome mountain man :( i would die for him...)
watching you catch fish was hilarious to him considering you couldn’t do it by yourself a few months ago, but made sure to keep an eye on you anyway
he liked that you were taller than him for a bit and felt safe when you would hug him, even if the sight of it would seem strange but was happy when you were back to normal (now he can kiss the top of your head and hold your hands properly)
walked into her cottage and stopped in her tracks
she was face to face a puma and her heart started racing, she was about to run until she saw pepi run up onto the bigger cat’s head and headbutt her
“pepi.....can you please explain who this is quickly” she was trying not to freak out in case the giant cat would attack her
in response pepi started to purr and rubbed against the cat and was surprised when the big cat started to purr too
she thought that maybe pepi had somehow made a new friend? and just was grateful that it didn’t eat her
you had to lead her back to the shop and show her the mess as well as the pile of your clothes on the ground for her to understand
“mc :3 does that mean you’re technically naked?~” she poked your side and laughed when you made a slightly annoyed noise
absolutely loved how everyone ran at the sight of her with a puma and walked with a bit more confidence “i feel like the main character in a story! strong, beautiful woman with her most trusted cats at her side!”
you wished you could laugh but you loved how adorable she was and also you were amazed at how even though you were walking, pepi stayed asleep on your back
after work the next day she found you asleep in her bed wearing some of her clothes and she smiled so big as she hugged you tight
“can somebody please explain why the hell a damn PEACOCK IS IN MY ROOM???”
as he raised his voice, the bird puffed up its feathers and started to squawk which freaked him out but it just walked up to him and stared
he was so confused but was thankful the bird wasn’t attacking him so he tried talking to it
“uhhhh- hello there, aren’t you beautiful? are you an albino? your white feathers are gorgeous” you puffed up your chest at the compliments and expanded your tail feathers
he smiled and tried to pet your tail feathers “you aren’t so scary now, how’d you get in here?” he didn’t really think to ask anyone because the only person he could think of was asra and he didn’t want to talk to him
mercedes and melchior liked the bird so why shouldn’t he? he shrugged and just let you follow him around all day, talking to you like you were another one of his pets (which was annoying but you liked the compliments althought they were new, obviously you didn’t normally have feathers)
the spell wore off in the middle of the night he went from having two dogs and a bird in his bed to having two dogs....and YOU!! just when he thought being with you couldn’t have brought more surprises and weird stories
he gave you his shirt and laughed as you explained what happened ,, “well, it’s good it was temporary! if i never saw you as a human again i don’t know what i would do”
that was so fun!! omg i love writing weird stuff like this 🍓 anyway, i hope you liked it! i’m thinking about writing a story where mc can turn into animals on the regular but we’ll see ✨✨ now i wish i could turn into an animal for a day lmao
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smoolcat · 7 years
(1/3)hi!! could I please get a matchup? I'm a 5"6.5 ENFP biracial girl with super curly brown hair n bangs. I also have tan skin, brown eyes, and black glasses. Literally all my friends describe me as a puppy bc my mind is usually is all over the place, I can talk for hours, and I love attention and affection. I'm pretty excitable and nice, but I don't take shit from anyone and I'm fiercely independent. I love being around my friends, but I hate social functions with lots of strangers (I avoid
(2/3) parties and dances. I prefer sleeping, playing video games, or writing.) I am social but I need my alone time. I’m pretty funny. I’m always cracking dumb jokes. And I like to tease/make fun of my friends a lot, but I don’t go too far. And memes are my life. I am a mom friend!! And I seem like I don’t care about school but irl i try very hard. I love rap music! And I’m kinda loud ^^“. I stand out but people seem to like me. I don’t like overly emotional people or non affectionate people.
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(3/3) IM SORRY I RLLY DIDNT MEAN FOR THIS TO GET TO THREE PARTS PLS FORGIVE ME!! But also i dye my hair pretty often (I’m a fan of cool unnatural colors) and I’m very laid back. Things don’t get to me easily, but I’m not afraid to speak my mind if they do. And I have no filter?? I say what comes to mind almost immediately and I have to catch myself sometimes. THANKS! ❤️❤️❤️ Good luck w ur blog!
I ship you with Ryūnosuke Tanaka!♡
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Ryūnosuke Tanaka matchup!
   •   You’d catch this boy eyes atfirst glance. All it took for you was to walk past this boy and he’d alreadywant to propose to you, right there, right now. Someone as exotic as you waspretty rare around their parts, especially a rare beauty like you. Tan skin,hazel colored hair, beige eyes and a pair of black glasses to give off a vibeof cuteness.
•   Before daring to approach you,he peep-talked himself for a whole week, day and night, looking at himself inthe mirror as he’d practice his suave moves which would sweep you off yourfeet; or so he thought at least.Finally the day came, you were being the same adorable girl you were the firsttime he saw you, cracking jokes with your friends and chatting. Up until thisvery handsome fella rudely interrupted, cockily smiling, saying “Hey there cutie. I couldn’t help myselfbut notice how beautiful you are. I know you might be intimated by my awfullygood looking appearance but today is your lucky day, I feel like giving you achance.” finishing off in a cool pose. You laughed, and so did your friends– and his heart broke. But, surprisingly, you agreed! Something about this boyintrigued you, and no, it wasn’t his horrible pick-up lines, but maybe, hiscourage and humor.
•   Tanaka would love yourpersonality to bits. You were such a puppy around him, demanding attentionevery single second, and he never wanted something else in his life more thanthis. You two would never shut up, like ever! Even your friends would startfeeling jealous of how amazing your boyfriend treated you. He always listened,he constantly got involved in your conversations, he didn’t hesitate to reactto your demanding’s of attention – rubbing your head or even give you quickkisses now and then – and most importantly, your excitement matched perfectly. If one of you would get excited, theother one would get even more fired up, which only resulted in an endless loopof endless energy; he loved that the most about you. You never skipped avolleyball practice of his, and the moment he did something cool, you made surehe’d known by shouting in joy – which only lead up to him removing his shirtand spinning it madly. He did it even more than before and God help his teambecause seeing you have a small bleed every time he did that, he never wantedto put his shirt back on; not like youwanted either.
•   Not only that he’d be overprotective with you, if someone dared to comment or even remotely pick on you –that person would better prepare for Tanaka’s grim aura, followed by seriousthreats. What could be better than a loyal, protective boyfriend? An independent,fierce girlfriend. That poor bastard would probably end up in hospital withseveral bones broke because of you two; butit was God damn worth it.
•   You two would constantly shoutat each other to check your phones because one of you sent a shitty meme, andyou wouldn’t even care if you were obnoxiously loud all the time. If someonewould say anything, both of you would make sure to shut that person up; forever. To think you were loud, thatmost likely changed the moment you met Tanaka, he was by far louder than you’veever been – but that was because you allowed him to, and he never felt happierknowing he could be himself near you. You noticed how chill your guy waswhenever you’d swear or just speak whatever was on your mind without thinkingtwice about it. You’ve never felt so relieved in your life to be able to shout,curse and just say whatever you want before. Sometimes you’d be warned you’vewent too far, or that your language doesn’t suit a lady – but with him? Never,he fucking loved your rude attitude and the fact you weren’t scared to show itmade you even sexier in his eyes. He loved a woman with no filter.
•   Whenever you’d be invited to aparty or social event, mostly because you two seemed to be the life of suchthings, surprisingly to everyone, you’d both decline. Sitting at home in pajamas,ordering pizza and having gaming nights was the perfect date for you two. Oreven taking 8 hours naps, nothing could compare to this feeling in the entireworld. This boy was down for whatever you were, no questions asked.
•   Overall, you and RyūnosukeTanaka would be exactly what the other is looking for in another. Not only thatyour excitement, loudness and fiery personalities would collide like a typhoonin a storm, your relationship would be everything, everyone wants. A guy toprotect and listen to his girl like Tanaka does with you, someone who wouldwillingly chose to sit at home and play games than go party, and mostimportantly, someone who could understand you and offer you as much attentionas you could possibly asked for.
Bonus!: Ohboy, you and Tanaka would have arguments in bed more often than outside of it.You’d always fight who will top who tonight, and you’d win most of the timesbecause he just couldn’t get over how appealing you looked in his eyes; thisboy was addicted to you.
AHHH don’t worry about it babe! The more the info, the more the details ;))) I hope you like it because I had so much fun imagining the two of you together, like it was so fucking cute ♡♡♡ AND THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! I will try my best, enjoy!♡
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angstgods · 7 years
Okay, I'll try bc why not? I hope you're still recieving prompts (
no way boo, prompts are free for sure! especially for you darling! otayuri suicide aftermath (in the bell toll universe because why not, also this prompt is PERFECT) 
Also, I can’t update tonight cuz time got away from me and the update is no where near done lmaoooooo sorry, i work 3: 
 They found him sprawled out on his childhood bed. His eyes were blown black, blood poured from his nose. When Victor kicked down the door and charged up the stairs, Yuri was still warm, clutching a woolen scarf. He had an aneurysm, died shortly after.
 Paramedics carried him out of the house in a black bag. Neighbors peeked out of their front doors, alarmed by distaught, animalistic wailing coming from the mouth of the house. Strangers were frozen on the stoops of their steps, compelled to listen to Victor cry, watch as Yuuri tried not to. He waited until the ambulances cleared out before calling Yakov.
“Yuuri! Did you find him? Is he safe? … Where are you? What do you know? What’s going on?”
“Yakov–” the words stuck in his throat, slipping out of his reach. He didn’t even know if Russian had the words he was looking for. It was inarticulable. Victor slipped out of Yuuri’s grasp. His knees hit the floor, then his right shoulder. He curled up on the floor in a fetal position. 
“Vitya…?” On the other line, Yakov spoke at the edge of a whisper, recognizing Victor’s voice from a distant memory. 
“We were too late.”
Yakov sped to the scene with Lilia beside him. The car ride was dead silent. When they arrived, most of the people had gone back into their houses. The body was taken to the mortuary. They stepped out of the car like they were entering a different universe, an alternate reality. There wasn’t a breath of wind, not a bird in the sky, nor people in the streets. The Earth breathed a sigh of relief, finally at peace. But the front door, hanging loosely on its hinges, couldn’t close all the way. Voices leaked out onto the porch.
“You have to get up.”
“Victor, please–”
The front door kicked open and big brown eyes flicked up to watch Yakov and Lilia step into the house. Yuuri was kneeling on the carpet, trying to haul Victor to his feet and he just wouldn’t move. He could barely breath between devastated laments. Lilia dropped to the ground to help.
“I don’t wanna leave him.” 
“He’s already gone, Vitya. Come on, we have to leave…” 
Outside on the porch, Yakov leaned heavily against the bannister, clutching at his heart. He took his hat off, dropping it onto the lawn. He plopped down onto the top step when his knees gave out. Inside, Victor was finally standing. Lilia was out the door first, her eyes bloodshot and her face as white as a ghost.
“I was just talking to him,” he mused mostly to himself, “I was just shouting at him.”
“We couldn’t have known–”
“Yes we did, Lilia. All the signs were there. We knew what he was capable of, and still, I pushed him.”
Staggering out of the house, Victor zoomed past Yakov and Lilia just a hair out of Yuuri’s reach. Yuuri caught him by the arm but Victor tore out of his hands. Sprinting ahead, Yuuri blocked Victor’s path to the car. He planted his feet, raising his hands in surrender.
“Move,” Victor threatened low in his throat, a shadow of his usual self. Yuuri shivered but stayed right where he was. 
“Victor… calm down. You’re beside yourself, you don’t want to do th–” 
“Get out of my way, Yuuri.”
Yakov stood up slowly. Digging deep and gritting his teeth, Yuuri shook his head. He put up an honorable fight, but Victor was a different person, with no regard for his husbands wishes at all. He was barely conscious enough not to throw him to the ground just for hindering him for a few seconds. He slammed the driver’s side door closed. He tore down the street, heading south.
“Yuuri,” Lilia hurried to his side, “are you okay?”
“There’s no time, we have to go right now. He’s gonna kill him.”
Mila idled around her house, feeling cold and numb, when a strong force attacked her front door. After two heart-stopping thumps, the door flew off it’s hinges, landing into the house. The noise brought Otabek charging down the stairs to see what was the matter. Mila made herself small in the threshold between the living room and the kitchen. Standing in the doorway, backlit and snarling, Victor set his sights on his target.
Hot tears rolled down his cheeks. He breathed heavy, ragged breaths. His voice trailed out with them in warning growls.
“It’s your fault,” he seethed. Dawning realization crossed Otabek’s face. Victor was shaking. “This is… This is all your fault!”
“I’m gonna fucking KILL YOU!” Grabbing Otabek by the collar of his shirt, Victor pinned him to the back of the sofa and buried his fist in the bridge of his nose. It broke with a sickening crack. Mila shrieked. Otabek groaned. His mouth filled with blood from his nose. Victor punched him in the teeth, loosening two of them. “How could you?” he sobbed, “he loved you so much, you son of a bitch!” Spitting out a mouth full of blood, Otabek was blinded by a blow to both his eyes, swelling them shut. He slid down the back of the couch onto the floor where Victor beat him to a pulp. Only the combined strength of several people all rushing in could stop him. Even then, he slipped out of their grasp to pummel Otabek some more.
“Stop!” Mila screamed powerlessly. “Victor, stop, what’s wrong with you?!” 
“It’s Yuri,” Yuuri spoke around a thick lump in his throat. He fell back into the floor, holding Victor in a headlock while he howled in great waves of utter torment. Yakov and Lilia leaned over Otabek’s face, starting to clean away blood. He was barely conscious and slipping away fast. Everyone held their breaths. “Yuri is dead.”
Mila’s voice cracked. “He’s… He’s dead?” she squeaked. Otabek gave a pained whine, forgetting his injuries entirely.
“Yurochka is dead because of you.” Victor condemned through his tears, spitting on the floor and cursing the day Otabek was born. Yuuri lead him out of the house to take him home. Lilia and Mila escorted Otabek to the hospital. Yakov made the necessary preparations, left alone to think about the funeral.
Surrounded by hundreds of white lilies and carnations, people lined up by the dozen to pay their respects. The guest list was very exclusive, no randoms or reporters allowed. A few news stations wanted to televize the early funeral of a rising star and quickly saw the ugly side of Victor Nikiforov instead. Yuuri had to fight to gain Otabek’s acceptance, resulting in their first ever big fight. The girls had run out of their room to stop them, but it was no use. Victor disappeared into the night and Yuuri didn’t see him until the service two days later.
It was open casket. Even days later, Yuri lied like he was sleeping, like if they spoke too loudly he’d awaken and they’d never hear the end of it. He was wearing a belt, he was cleaned and laid out for three days before the service, and still no one could believe it. Even after most of the crowd had dispersed, Yuri’s closest friends stood over him, reluctant to close the coffin doors.
Otabek sat beside him, staring at his face, afraid to look away in case he breathed or moved at all. But Yuri’s lips were pale, the warmth of his soul had left him. Three thin braids framed his face, given to him to serve as a reminder of Otabek in the afterlife.
Mila was gone. He had a feeling that he’d never see her again.
Victor and Yuuri stood off to the side, further apart than they’d ever been before. Victor watched Otabek whisper little things that came into his mind to Yuri’s body. He didn’t even think Yuri would listen to him, wherever he was, but still he spoke to him. Told him he would never stop loving him.
“I’m a monster…” Yuuri tensed.
“What?” he couldn’t believe his ears, but Victor was serious.
“Look at what I did to him,” Victor lamented quietly, “I can’t believe… I can’t believe I spoke to you like that…” Yuuri sighed his name, pulling Victor into his arms for a kiss but he refused it. He was undeserving. “I’m so sorry, Yuuri,” he apologized with a waver in his voice, “I hope you can forgive me.”
“You’re already forgiven,” Yuuri reassured, smoothing his hand over Victor’s back.
“I love you.”
“I love you too,” Yuuri could feel Victor’s tears on his neck, “we’ll get through this, Victor. I’ll never stop loving you and being there for you when you need me.” Yuuri wanted to kiss him, some things weren’t easily said and Victor needed to know. He accepted an honest, communicative kiss with his husband. Yuuri was strong when he couldn’t be, he needed him like he air breathed. Yuuri would help Victor get over this loss. He couldn’t say the same for Otabek.
Moments before they’d all gotten the courage to walk the coffin to it’s final resting place, a beautiful woman with long blonde hair approached solemnly. She couldn’t have been older than Victor, with the only lines on her face framing her lips when she tried to smile. Her snub nose was pink and as raw as her eyes. She floated in to see the body, stopped in her tracks by none other than Lilia.
“Get out,” she dismissed right away, a warning in her eyes.
“Please,” the woman begged meekly. Lilia wouldn’t repeat herself. “I need to see him,” she tried to convince. “Please!” she implored, but Lilia was resolute and would not be swayed. “He’s my son!” 
Otabek whirled around. So did Yuuri. Yakov and Victor stared at the floor. She was here, she actually came… They should’ve told Lilia. 
“He is my son,” she glowered, taking a menacing step forward. “You are a ghost.”
The woman gave up, she disappeared.
After Yuri’s body disappeared into the ground, after the public mourned his loss, things started to go back to normal. The vacancy Yuri left was wide and unfillable, but slowly, everyone moved on. The girls donned their smiles again after months of solemn silence. Victor and Yuuri rediscovered each other after a bout of lonely impotence. They discussed adopting a son every once in a while. Yakov and Lilia put all of their time and effort into Georgie, who thrived from their attention and guidance. Mila moved to Italy, unreachable by anyone she knew in Russia. She was happier in starting again.
Otabek stayed in St. Petersburg, picking up the lease on Yuri’s apartment. He hid himself away, only leaving the house when he absolutely had to. He slowly faded from everyone’s memory. People stopped texting him. They didn’t notice him delete all of his social media accounts. No one showed up at his door when his phone line disconnected. No one batted an eye when he slipped away, peacefully bleeding out in the bathtub.
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