#now i'm nervous cause next week is training week for the camp job and there's so many people......
i realize that I do not know how to interact with other people? Like I forgot that I am perceived by others and now I don’t want to talk to anyone ??
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🦉 Being Fukurōdani's Manager 🦉
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Fukurōdani x Female manager
Warnings: none unless you count Bokuto 🤷‍♀️
A/N: Seijoh/Aoba Johsai is up next week 😘✌🏻
They need three managers
Need I say more 😐
Ok so in reality, their third year manager is leaving so they need to train a new manager in to help
By "help", I strickly mean help with Bokuto 🙄
You are a first year and new to Fukuradoni
Let's just say you were a smart little cookie and were in an advanced class
Queue our favorite owl Akaashi
Don't tell Bokuto I said that
Akaashi immediately takes a liking to you, seeing how smart and prepared you are for class
He's nervous to ask you to be the teams manager
He knows they can be a bit... much?
Decides to ask anyways
Scratch that...
So Akaashi is hanging out with you after class when a certain someone 👀 comes bounding up to you
You laugh at the chaotic horned haired toddler man boy owl (?) 🤔
Bokuto instantly likes you
He finds you so cute he just can't handle it
Asks you to be their manager within the first 5 minutes of meeting you
Mans has zero chill 💀
Queue the beginning of an epic adventure
Just kidding, they caused you alot of stress
By "they", again I mean Bokuto
You suddently realized why they needed three managers
You helped out where you could, filling water bottles, setting up and taking down but your main objective 👀
Babysit Bokuto
Again you were responsible and nice
Of course you could handle one simple task right?
Sorry YN, I'm pretty sure this is where your childhood anxiety started
Let's take a break from Bokuto to focus on the other members
They were all super nice and helpful to you
Akaashi, of course, always helped you set up and take down nets and out away balls
Konoha was constantly teasing you but you reciprocated 😊
Your text messages were exclusively tik toks
Washio was a bit scary looking at first but honestly, he's the sweetest
A big ole softy for manager #3 🥰
Sarukui and Komi didn't bother you much and helped out where they could
Really everyone knew you had your hands FULL
Queue training camp (season 2 😚)
It was your first training camp and you were exclusively designated to monitoring Bokuto
That's it
That was your job Miss Manager
Now I know what your thinking ok 👀
Bokuto really can't be that bad right?
You're right
He wasn't that bad
... at first
Once Bokuto got accustomed to you, he dragged you everywhere
Late practice, you were there
Missed dinner? It was because of Bokuto
Dealing with emo modes? A constant battle
Needless to say, you were drained
One night, the 3rd gym squad (Bokuto, Kuroo, Akaashi, Tsukki, Hinata and bby boy Lev) were all practicing.
Akaashi had taken over your babysitting duties so you could eat
You strolled into the gym like you normally did, only to catch a glimpse of a magnificent spike by one Shoyo Hinata
You were amazed
Like who wouldn't be!
His spikes are gorgeous just saying
NE Ways you instantly clapped and praised the young spiker
Running up to him and telling him what an amazing shot he had and telling him that you'd never seen something so incredible
"Shoyo that was INCREDIBLE"
Hinata Blushes ☺
You are so excited you can barely contain yourself
Absolutely cute and adorable per the usual 😏
Unbeknownst to you
Three sets of eyes are watching in the wings 👀👀👀
Oh boy YN
Kuroo, Akaashi and Bokuto all witnessed your excitement
Akaashi froze
Mans knew EXACTLY what was about to go down
Kuroo just smirked as he looked at Bokuto
Bokuto, poor little himbo Bokuto
YN how could you?!?! 🥲
Kuroo👉🏻 still smirking
Tsukki and Akaashi 👉🏻 rolling their eyes
Lev 👉🏻dead on the floor
Hinata👉🏻 hugging you
Bokuto instantly grabs the smol boy off your form
Then he literally just picks you up and walks out of the gym
Kuroo 👉🏻 mouth wide open
Tsukki 👉🏻 walking away
Akaashi 👉🏻 angry boi
You 👉🏻 confused
Bokuto 👉🏻 no clue what he plans to do next
You demand Bokuto puts you down
He obliges as you scold him for his actions
Take it easy on him YN, he's not use to sharing
You see his deflated face and instantly, you soften
How could you now, deflated Bokuto is the cutest Bokuto
"You know who my favorite Ace is Bo?" You state softly
Bokuto looks at you with this face and says
🥺 "I am"
"That's right Bokuto you are my ace"
Hugs and headpats
You return to the gym
Bokuto is fired up 🔥
Spike after spike landed
Hinayas eyes sparkle
You simply just watch like "yeah I did that 💅"
Akaashi silently thanks you with a nod
No need to thank YN, she adores her job 🥰
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daddyjackfrost · 4 years
i'm not sure if i have anyy suggestions that you'll want to write, but i'll send them in as they come to mind
so excited for your writing ^^ no pressure though, best of luck with your studies!!
y/n is studying (something difficult, maybe pre-med or med school?) and is feeling a little drained and self-doubtful. she gets up from her space to take a second and is reminded of a time she spent with <whichever haikyuu boy you'd like to write about>. they hadn't gotten to spend much time together as a result of their busy schedule, so the memory of this weekend is especially special to her. start flashback of fluff they had met for dinner, spent time together, cuddled and slept (not 18+) together. they both woke up early but opted to stay in bed together, content in eachother's company, making small talk, laughing softly, fluffy stuff. y/n had brought up her struggles to <haikyuu boy of choice> and he'd been there for her to confide in. she knows its her dream, but casually wonders if she isnt cut out for it. he actively listens, offering comforting touches, until she's finished and then helps her talk it out until she's back up in confidence. more fluffy morning end lashback of fluff y/n feels better having remembered <hq boy>'s pep talk and resumes her efforts.
yeesh, idk how long/short/detailed/vague suggestions are supposed to be, so sorry! 😅 i'll try to be more vague, if you'd like, in the future
hi!! omg u r SO cute i’m in love. anyways, i love your suggestion! it’s amazing. and don’t worry, the more detail the better!
for this request, i’ve chosen Daichi. because i’m a daichi whore i believe in daichi supremacy
Warnings: none :) fluff, daichi x f!reader
alright, anyways, enjoy!
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You stared at the piles of paper on your bed. You couldn’t even begin to recall what the different colours of the paper meant. You were just glad you had written it down on your phone.
“This is ridiculous,” you whispered to yourself.
Your back was aching, your muscles were sore, and your eyes burned from the constant strain. You had a final coming up and it was killing you in more ways then one.
“Is this even worth it? I mean, really, what are the chances of me getting into med school?”
You groaned and fell back on your pillow. You dragged your hands down your face. You had been spiraling down a tunnel of self-doubt and it was affecting you. You had begun talking to yourself even more than usual, especially since you cut contact from everyone for a couple of days.
Your phone chimed beside you and you turned your head to face it. You had promised yourself to turn it off, except you forgot.
Well, you didn’t forget, you just didn’t want too.
You picked it up and your eyes fell on the message that your boyfriend left you.
From: acab but not him🙄❣️
‘good evening, beautiful. make sure to eat something, yeah? and get some fresh air. you’ve got this babe, i believe in you❣️’
You smiled at the message. Unknowingly, a few small tears formed at the corners of your eyes. Daichi had a week long training camp that coincidentally aligned with your final. Now, Daichi was in Tokyo and you were cooped up in your room. 
Daichi had made it his job to send you texts almost every hour to remind you he loved you and to eat. You didn’t think you could love him even more.
Due to his own busy schedule, Daichi and you hadn’t been able to spend too much time together before he left. But you knew that as soon as you had taken the final, you were going to spent three days in his arms.
You sent a quick text back, telling him you loved him and that you were going to get something to eat now.
You slowly slid out of bed, making your bed and your bones make noise out of agony. Your knees cracked and you looked down. “Just break,” you prayed.
When nothing happened, you huffed out an annoyed breath and made your way to your kitchen. You and Daichi had moved into an apartment two years ago, and you loved every part of it. Your home was your baby.
As you walked, your eyes fell upon the black leather jacket that laid jumbled up on the couch. Your thoughts immediately flashed to the weekend, the last time you had seen Daichi.
It was Friday night, which meant date night for you and the police officer, and it was perfect.
You parked your car outside of the Miyagi Police Station, waiting for Daichi.
You stood outside, enjoying the light breeze. Daichi had texted you to give him a couple minutes. Today was Friday, which meant date night for you and your lover.
You heard some ruckus and lifted your head, meeting Daichi’s warm gaze. He had a large grin etched onto his face and you felt your own lips pull into a smile.
Daichi walked up to you and pressed a quick kiss to your forehead. “Hello, darling.”
You brushed away the few dark locks that fell on his forehead. “Hello, officer.”
Daichi’s eyes slightly narrows at the use of the word. He absolutely loved and hated when you called him officer. It did things to him.
“Come, let’s go. I’m starving.”
You nodded and pulled away from him, walking to the drivers seat. Daichi always insisted you drive when you picked him up because he wanted to ‘get his full of you’ because he was at work. You never truly understood it, but you liked his heated stare on you so you never said anything.
You and Daichi ended up going to your favourite restaurant. You went here a lot, and were now on first name basis with the manager and half of the employees.
You and Daichi both ordered your regulars and ate peacefully, with some small talk here and there. A hungry Daichi usually resulted in a quiet Daichi.
After dinner, you drove to the park by your house to get some fresh air and to work off some of the food you just ate.
Late night walks with Daichi were your favourite little activities you did with him. Daichi loved late night walks with you too. He loved watching the moon glow on your skin as you stared adoringly at the stars.
Daichi held your hand in his, gently swinging them. He wore black jeans and his favourite grey shirt, with his black worn out leather jacket you had gotten him a couple of years ago.
You kept your eyes on him. His skin glistened in the moonlight and you found him as beautiful as the stars that twinkled above him, if not more.
“What’re you thinkin’ bout, love?”
You turned your head, finding it completely unfair that someone so beautiful stood next to you.
“You,” you mumbled truthfully.
“Is that so?” Daichi’s voice came out teasingly.
You let go of his hand and skipped forward until you stood a couple of feet away from him. You pointed at him and he stopped, hands in his pockets and a smile on his face.
“You, Sawa, are the love of my life.”
Daichi’s eyes widened slightly and a flush of pink now rested on his face. Daichi cleared his throat but couldn’t help the grin that had replaced his smile.
“And you’re mine.”
You grinned at him and then continued to walk until you reached the hill that overlooked your neighborhood. You crouched down, and then sat down, pulling your knees to your chest.
Daichi soon followed, except he sat behind you, and spread his legs so you were sitting between them. He pulled you close to your chest, until your back rested completely against his chest.
You tilted your head back, resting it on Daichi’s shoulder. One of Daichi’s large, warm, hands laid on your stomach, rubbing softly. The other was playing with your hair.
This is it, you thought. I’ll never love anyone the way I love him.
You looked up at the stars. You had always had a fascination with the balls of of heat and energy. When you were a child, your dream was to become a star. You’re not quite sure when that dream led you on the path of medicine, but it did.
Daichi stared at you. It didn’t matter that you two had been together for almost six years, Daichi could never get over how beautiful you were.
The way your hair glistened in the moonlight, the way your eyes twinkled, as if you held the stars in them yourselves. Daichi stared at you the way you stared at the stars.
With complete and utter adoration.
Daichi’s eyes landed on your hands. He watched as they slight shook, and how your tried to make them stop.
He frowned. Your hands only shook when your were stressed.
As swiftly as he could, Daichi grabbed your shaking hands and held them together, complete engulfing them in his own.
“You’re shaking, love. What’s the matter?”
You froze. Caught.
Even though you should have been calm, happy even, since you sat under the stars with your lover, the final that loomed over your shoulder had your nervous system in shambles.
Daichi’s thumbs rubbed the backs of your hands as he waited for your response.
“I’m just nervous,” you mumbled. You hated speaking about up-coming tests or finals. You always had really bad anxiety when it came to any form of testing, and Daichi knew that.
He knew everything about you.
“What about?”
You sighed and extended your legs. Daichi had a way with words. Even when he didn’t speak much, his presence and silence alone spoke tenfold.
“Nothing, really,” you let out an awkward laugh. “You know I’m always a little bit nervous.”
Daichi wanted to press on the matter. He wanted you to speak to him, he wanted to be able to share your stress. But he also knew that you would talk to him when you were ready.
Daichi pressed a soft kiss on your neck. “Talk to me when you’re ready, love.”
You nodded. “I will.”
Daichi kissed the small space behind your earlobe. “Let’s go home, yeah?” You nodded, agreeing. Daichi stood up and then put out his hand for you. You grabbed it, and let him pull you up with ease.
You two began the journey home, reaching in a couple of minutes.
You and Daichi changed into your nightwear. You were wearing one of Daichi’s shirts, and he was just wearing grey sweatpants.
You couldn’t keep your eyes off his body, but managed to look away before he caught you.
Daichi slipped under the covers, and then lifted them. He patted his chest. “Come lay on me.”
You immediately obliged, jumping onto his chest, causing Daichi to let out a small grunt.
You let all your wait drop on Daichi’s body. Your head was in the crook of his neck, and your chest lay flat against his. You could feel his heartbeat against yours and it took you a moment to realize that both your hearts beat at the same time.
As one.
Daichi slid his left hand under your—his—shirt, rubbing your back. It was these moments he wanted to truly cherished. He knew you were stressed about the final that was coming up. He had put the date in his phone when you mentioned it.
Daichi realized that today had been the quietest days you two had had. But he didn’t mind. He loved everyday with you. The quiet, the loud, the hectic, and the crazy.
Daichi began to hum. He could feel the knots in your back, and he knew you should have a nice relaxing weekend before you began to study.
Before he knew it, Daichi heard your soft snores fill the air.
A wide smile broke out on his face. Daichi absolutely adored your sleeping face. All your worry lines disappeared and you looked the most at peace when you slept in his arms.
Daichi slightly pushed himself up. He wanted to be able to see your properly. His brown eyes softened at the sight of your hand against chest. You often called him a creep for staring at your sleeping face, but he always just shrugged it off.
After some time, Daichi found himself driting off to sleep, but not before he tightened his hold on you and kissed your forehead. “Sleep well, my love.”
Hours later, your eyes fluttered open, but you immediately cringed and shut them again.
The sun was facing directly at you. You had forgotten to close your blinds.
You tried to adjust your posture, but immediately stopped when you heard a low rumble from Daichi. No, you felt it, and you froze at the vibrations.
“Don’t move, love.”
Daichi’s voice was low and husky, and slightly dry. You lifted your head and found yourself still laying on his chest. Daichi’s arms were securely wrapped around you, his eyes were shut.
The sound of his morning voice hit you right in the stomach and you couldn’t help but brush your fingers against his cheekbones.
Daichi’s eyes shot open. His dark brown eyes met yours, and for a moment, everything stopped.
You looked so beautiful, Daichi thought.
“Good morning,” you whispered.
Daichi smiled at you and let his head drop back on the pillow. “It is a very good morning, indeed.”
You used your hands and slightly pushed yourself up, so you were now straddling Daichi’s waist. His eyes opened and landed on your nervous smile.
“What’s wrong?”
Daichi grabbed your hips and pushed himself up, so his back was against the headboard.
You now sat on his thighs, and his hold on you tightened a little bit.
You stared at the man in front of you. Even after having you sleep on him for hours, he still looked perfect. It pissed you off, especially since you knew you probably had some drool on your chin.
Daichi leaned forward and pressed a small kiss to your forehead. “Talk to me.”
You nodded and began to play with your fingers.
You couldn’t help but think of the final you had to take in a couple of days. It didn’t make sense, you thought. You had taken finals and tests before, but for some reason, the one you had in five days had disrupted your sleep and taken over your life.
“I’m so nervous for the final, Sawa. I feel like there’s a knot in my stomach and it keeps tightening. I can’t breathe.”
Daichi began to rub the skin above your hip with his fingers. He listened attentively. He was gonna let you talk first, getting everything off your chest.
“I know I always complain and then end up doing well, but what if this is the one I flunk? What if this is the one I end up failing? It’s so nerve wracking. I don’t even know if I wanna do this anymore.”
Daichi’s hands slipped under your shirt and he slowly began to massage your back and shoulder muscles. He wanted to offer you physical comfort.
He knew you were often a mess of nerves and anxiety a week before any test, and no matter how many times he assured you that you would do fine, you always ended up getting caught up in your head.
“I know it’s my dream. But at this point, dropping out sounds ideal. There’s enough doctors in the world, right? Maybe I should do something less nerve wracking.”
You sighed and closed your eyes. It felt nice to finally get your thoughts off your chest.
Daichi’s hands squeezed your hips in response. He hated hearing you talking yourself down. It made him feel so helpless, because for him, you were his everything. He had the upmost respect and belief in you.
“Y/n, love, from everyone in your life, you are the only one who doesn’t fully believe you can do this. I know medicine is a very hard and competitive occupation, but you know I believe in you. If anyone can power through this, it’s you.”
Tears had pooled in your eyes. Daichi had always been so good with words. You knew that Daichi had always been mature for his age, meaning his patience and abilityto comfort you was far better than anyone else’s.
His compassion and understanding was his greatest qualities. His calming aura always managed to break through all your walls. It was what made him such a good captain.
“What if I fail?”
You had mumbled your question, hoping he wouldn’t have caught it.
But he did.
Daichi leaned in and kissed your nose “You won’t. And if you do, then you fail. You shouldn’t be scared to fail, y/n. You should be scared to give up. If you fail, you can always take it again.”
You sighed and lightly nodded. Although you appreciated his words, you knew they would only comfort you for a day or two.
“Thank you, Sawa.”
You tried getting up from his lap, but Daichi had other plans. He grabbed your hips tightly and leaned in, kissing your lips.
You didn’t hesitate, you just began to kiss him back eagerly.
Daichi’s right hand slid up your back, pushing you into him.
Your lips moved together in sync, and you brought your hands to his hair, clutching the soft ends tightly.
Daichi slightly pulled away, only to gently kiss your lips again.
Before you could deepen it, he pulled away again.
“It’s not easy, y/n. But accomplishing your dream never is. You’re gonna do great, just like you always do. I believe in you, and it’s time you do as well.”
His words wrapped around your anxious thoughts and completely anguished them.
You nodded, your nose brushing his.
You closed your eyes and let your head drop on his shoulder. Daichi wrapped his arms around you again, pulling you flush against his chest.
You stayed in that position for hours.
You in Daichi’s lap, with his hands running up and down your back as he comforted you with his words of love and stories to keep your mind off everything.
You blinked a couple of times, trying to recall what exactly what exactly what you were doing.
As you recalled Daichi’s words, you let out a small breath.
He was right, you thought. You weren’t going to fail and you were going to be okay.
You grabbed the leather jacket, and slipped it on. It smelled of Daichi and it was exactly what you needed right now.
You walked into the kitchen and grabbed a packet of ramen.
As you made the noddles, you unknowingly smiled the whole time.
Thinking of Daichi had lifted your spirits and you felt better.
He loved you, and he believed in you, and for you, that was enough.
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anyways, i absolutely love and adore daichi, and this is kinda eh😬 so forgive me. I’d been swarmed w work the past week and have no creative juices left.
i will write about this handsome man again.
daddyjackfrost © 2021 | all content belongs to me, do not modify
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