#now if we're talking about how many teenagers in hawkins she's made out with
madaboutmunson · 2 years
Don't Stand So Close To Me - Part 13 - Perfect Day
Part 12 | Part 14 | Chapter list | Eddie Munson Fanfiction Masterlist
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Warnings: Swearing, crude humour, romance, angst, food, bullying
Summary: Its Eddie and Lyra’s first official day together. Eddie has the plot, but Lyra has to keep it on the rails.
Word Count: 7.4K
Eddie's alarm beeps, but he's already been lying awake for at least an hour thinking about this past week, but mostly last night. He still had so much he wanted to ask her, but he didn't want to come across as too much.
He'd been reading over the approximate outline for tonight's Hellfire session, which made him a little nervous. Yesterday at lunchtime, when he'd invited her to a game, she'd just been Lyra, someone who needed some help navigating the Hellmouth that is Hawkins High, but now? Now she was Lyra, someone he couldn't wait to be that close to again. The way she pulled him into her just so she could lay against him made him feel so wanted. Not just in the usual lustful way a taster of an intimacy he also craved. A gentle one. A protective one.
Eddie checks over his extra bag for Hellfire again, ensuring he's covered for as many different scenarios as possible. Whatever he had planned and expected to happen during the game rarely did. A table full of teenage variables would do that to a plan. He shakes his head and smiles, but he wouldn't have it any other way. He was listening to the story as it unfolded as much as anyone else at the table. The difference was he had to wrangle it to hit the main beats of the plot here and there and make sure the challenges weren't so imbalanced it would wipe out the party or give them a chance to run away.
Eddie zips up the huge second bag and heads out of his room to the bathroom.
"Hey, son", a tired voice rings out from the living room.
Eddie looks towards the voice of Uncle Wayne on his camp bed covered in blankets. He had probably only intended a greeting exchange, but Eddie decides to rip off the band-aid.
Eddie leans his batman pyjama-ed self against the wall outside the bathroom with his arms folded, "So...I'm...Me and Lyra, we're like a thing now" he points a finger at Wayne before he can open his mouth, "I will allow you to gloat, provided you help me because I'm pretty nervous about it all. It's gonna be different, I think" Eddie looks at Wayne while talking but finishes with a look to the floor and a little smile.
"Different as in. I might actually get to meet her on purpose?" Wayne says with surprise sitting up.
Eddie laughs, rubbing the back of his neck, "I mean, sure, if you want to, but there are some things you should probably know first."
Wayne's expression turns from surprise to concern as he moves from his bed to the comforts of his armchair, lighting a cigarette, "Go on then", he waves Eddie on to continue.
Eddie uses his shoulder to push himself up from the wall, his hands tucked under his arms on either side of his chest. His eyes wander around the kitchen and living room as he paces towards Wayne slowly, "So, she's very, very rich. I had a tour of her house, and it is out of this world, honestly," Eddie says, still somewhat in disbelief himself.
"Well, I kinda guessed that much", Wayne huffs a little, "Made you feel small, did it?"
"You know, at first, yeah, it did, but then I think she was kind of embarrassed about it almost?" He speaks slowly and deliberately, "Like she was trying to get it out of the way. When she showed me around, she was in a hurry, but if I asked anything, she'd stop and take time to tell me all about it. I saw the sewing room, and we played music together and ate dinner. It was...um...nice, you know? Which was good, considering how badly things had been going before we got there."
Wayne raises an eyebrow at Eddie, and in response, Eddie raises his hands, "For a change, not completely my fault. Her ex turned up, and when I tell you he's a piece of shit, I mean that objectively."
"Eddie, please don't tell me you're gonna get into trouble over some girl. You don't need that. We don't need that," Wayne says in an exasperated tone, slightly pleading.
"I swear, not my intention at all, sir. She asked him to leave, but he wouldn't. So I asked, and he wouldn't. Then he put his hands on her, and I moved her out of the way." He looks at the floor sadly and then back up at Wayne, "You know I can't stand by and watch that happen. Not again"
Wayne gets up from his chair, puts his hand on Eddie's shoulder and looks him in the eyes, "That wasn't your fault, ok? Nothing you could do back then, alright?" Wayne says carefully, "I understand why you stepped in for Lyra, but be careful is all I'm asking. Be smart, Eddie."
"I hear ya." Eddie nods and then changes the subject, "She's not allowed back there until further notice now anyway. So yeah, I just wanted to let you know that...A few of us will be going there after Hellfire Club tonight."
Wayne smiles proudly at Eddie, "I'm here for you, whatever you need. So she's a musician, is she?"
"Well, she kept up with me, but on the piano." Eddie smiles back.
Wayne makes an agreeable grumble, "Hmmm, anything else you two have in common?"
"So far?" Eddie starts wistfully, making Wayne laugh and shake his head. "We both play musical instruments, we both really like music, we like our safety foods, we both like fantasy books, we both like the theatre, we both get animated about our special interests, we both don't have great relationship track records, um...we've both got big dreams."
"Honestly, for a so far, I was expecting something like we both got heads, so I'd say that's a pretty good list. I can't see what you're gonna need my help with, son. You do just fine on your own, well, in your own way." Wayne smiles.
"Like I said, it's different this time," Eddie says, a little frustrated he can't articulate what he means precisely because, if he was being honest with himself, he wasn't exactly sure either, "I want it to stay different too" he tries and looks to his uncle for assistance.
"Oh, I see." Wayne nods his head and smiles, "You can't force love, Eddie. If it's meant to happen, it'll happen."
Eddie half smiles in appreciation for Wayne helping him decipher his thoughts, "I know, and for all its shit start, I'm not sure if that will happen either. We've agreed on some things...things I haven't had before or at least haven't had it explicitly said"
"What things?" Wayne asks, folding his arms slowly.
"That me and Lyra are a thing. It's exclusive, and it's not a secret" Eddie looks to his uncle, whose arms, now unfolded, drop to his hips and gives Eddie a sympathetic look.
"Now, listen to me good. It's great you talked about them things, ok. But do not let 'em make you stick around too long in something not meant for you, you hear me? I'm not saying this girl is or isn't right for you. I just want you to know that out there, lots of people want those things, Eddie. You've just not had the best run or the best role models either" Wayne's voice cracks a little in that last part, so Eddie rushes to make it ok again.
"Yeah, well, I just wanted to ask ahead of time, you know. If I mess up, which I probably will. Also, now you know and seem ok with it, I'd like her to visit sometime. Maybe I could make that roast venison you like after a hunt? We could all eat together?" Eddie twists his rings around his fingers, worried Wayne wouldn't want someone like Lyra here. Wayne had his own Munson doctrine on the wealthy, privileged people of the world.
"You wanna bring her here? To the trailer park?!" Wayne asks, not so much in anger but in surprise.
Eddie shrugs, "I mean, yeah, I've been to her house, and it's nice and all, but I feel I can be more myself here. Plus, it would be good for me to hear what you think of her," Eddie enthuses.
"Eddie, it doesn't matter what I-" Wayne starts to say, but he gets cut off.
"What you think about her means a lot to me," he says genuinely before an impish grin spreads across his face, "But will I listen? Hmmm, probably not. It's not like your right about everything. Your taste in music is abysmal."
Wayne laughs, nodding, seeing his nephew return to his usual mischievous self. He heads back to bed whilst Eddie gets ready for school.
Eddie just can't help himself this morning. He is cleaning and preening like a man possessed. Showered and dried. Not a hair out of place, taming a few curls and waves individually, scrunching at his crown to give it that little bit of volume. Face and neck cleanly shaven and scented. Teeth scrubbed, flossed and examined. Fresh, well-fitted hellfire shirt from the box, lucky boxers, lucky Garfield socks, jeans, leather, vest, and finally, his belt and chained wallet.
He strums his fingers over the strings of his BC Rich Warlock guitar and caresses the paintwork on its body. "Wish me luck today, sweetheart", he says before taking a last look in the mirror.
"It's a new day, Eddie. You got this." He says to his reflection, tugging his vest into place before finally turning around, picking up his bags and heading to the van.
Eddie reaches for the cassette box under the passenger seat and rifles through his mood enhancers. All with no tracklisting, just a secret code for Eddie, so he knew what each of them helped with.
His ocean sound tapes had a flat horizontal line for calm. For slowing down, an arrow pointing down. For chilling out due to some herbal assistance, a down arrow with wiggly lines on either side. There were tapes for romance, anger, happiness, sadness, and finally, the one he wanted, the up arrow with tyre tracks next to it. He fires up the van, slams in the cassette, and accelerates out of the trailer park to Black Sabbath's Turn Up The Night.
Lyra had been standing at Phil's wall of security monitors for about an hour, ready to go. Eddie wasn't late, not by a long shot. She just couldn't sleep any longer. The excitement bubbling up inside her had just been unbearable.
Chef had asked her to leave the kitchen area due to asking so many questions and scared him so severely when peering over his shoulder he nearly cut his finger. However, she managed to negotiate an extra lunch from him and the ingredients for the two sauces from yesterday.
She'd then moved around the house, trying to find the best view up the road to the house. Phil had caught her and offered her a sneak peek at the security office if she would just stop bustling around for a bit.
Lyra has had her eyes moving between the same two monitors for the past sixty minutes, but they honestly felt like decades, just watching an empty tree-lined road.
She checks over her new outfit, straight-leg blue jeans, a mustard cropped sweater and a black bomber jacket waiting on the back of the chair. She'd ensured the sweater was demure enough for her to be comfortable at school. So she wouldn't have her midriff on display all day. Accessories with the new white sneakers, her handmade mustard fabric-covered earrings, and a spray of her most expensive perfume Coco.
She'd tried to keep her makeup and hair as normal as possible, but she had spent twice as much time trying to make an effort look effortless. But after yesterday, lipstick was off the table, just some lip balm in its place. She'd even painted her nails, which was somewhat challenging until Phil helped her out.
Eventually, the van comes into view at a relatively slow pace, Lyra notes. She throws her coat on and hurtles towards the front door. She comes to an abrupt stop as Phil stops her in her tracks. She frowns. Phil smiles, counts down from 3 on his fingers and then steps away. Only for the doorbell to chime, he waves her towards it.
She opens the door, and it frames him perfectly. He looked so good. His face was soft as his decadent chocolate eyes trailed over her. As the door swung in, the aroma that hit her nearly knocked her clean onto her backside. His usual light-sweetened tobacco aroma, but also leather, pine and some sort of cologne. Eddie had successfully forced two of Lyra's senses into submission.
And then he went for the third, "Well, I was gonna wish you good morning, but I think I'm getting all the good this morning has to offer", he purrs as he scans her over again, "but I digress." he gestures over to his van.
As she steps out the door, she feels her backpack slip off her shoulder, and something else appears in its place. Eddie's hand at the small of her back. Four, she thinks. Lyra smiles hugely as she notices Eddie sling her bag over his shoulder, "It was in my way", he says, struggling to repress his grin.
He opens the passenger door for Lyra and offers his hand to help her inside. Once on the seat, she looks back to him for her bag, but he's just staring up at her, eyes twinkling, a gentle but wide closed-mouth smile on his face.
She can't help but mirror him. The happiness she was feeling, mixed with nervous energy, all that waiting was over, and the butterflies in her tummy were already at maximum flutter.
"I can take that now," she says, leaning down to take the bag from him.
Eddie slowly blinks once and then shakes his head, "Yeah, sure." He hands the bag up to her and closes the door before going back to his side of the van and hopping in.
"You look great," they say in almost perfect unison, which causes them both to laugh. Then, Eddie starts up the van, and the cassette tape kicks in, the loudness of which makes Lyra pin herself back into her seat.
Eddie chuckles at her reaction and turns it down.
"Well, I suppose that's one way to wake up in the morning", she laughs, now over her initial shock.
"I can always put the radio on instead", Eddie offers kindly.
"Absolutely not!" Lyra blurts out.
Eddie raises his eyebrows and quickly looks at her before looking back at the road, "Ok, that was a sudden reaction. You're gonna have to tell me why."
Lyra adjusts in her seat to present her case. "Ok, well, first of all, it would be nice to hear what you like to listen to. Secondly, I know it's their job, but I mostly loathe all the talking on the radio, especially when-"
"-they talk over the song", Eddie joins in with the last bit of Lyra's sentence.
"Is that a 'you agree' joining in or 'you are so used to hearing that argument' joining in?" Lyra asks.
"I...wholeheartedly agree," he says, pausing for emphasis. Lyra couldn't decide if Eddie was just acting up generally or purposefully finding all manner of ways to charm her.
"You excited for today?" Lyra says brightly and quickly clarifies, "For the game, I mean."
"Every week, but this one might be a little more difficult than others," Lyra notices. Eddie runs his tongue along his bottom lip. She rustles in her bag, pulls out her mint chocolate lip balm and offers it over.
Eddie smiles, "Whilst that's very thoughtful, my hands are kinda busy driving at the moment."
"Of course...right," Lyra says, feeling a little dumb and putting it back in her pocket.
Eddie dramatically sighs, "Buuuuut, your hands aren't busy, right?" Lyra sees an impish smirk appear on his face that is totally infectious, and she does not need to be invited twice to get in his space. She shuffles over the best she can, leaning over the gap between them, wielding the lip balm.
It's awkward, but it's fun. Eddie pouts out his lips like a little fish, making Lyra giggle, "Not like that, relax your mouth, goofball" Eddie overly slackens his mouth and makes a zombie-type sound, making her giggle again, "This must be what those makeup women felt like with me in the chair".
Lyra takes matters into her own hands and, placing her thumb on one side of his mouth, and her finger on the other, manages to form a regular Eddie mouth, which she swipes the lip balm across gently, "There you go. All done" she uses her thumb to remove any excess from around his mouth. At least that is what she has set out to do, but due to how soft his skin feels, her motion slows, and her stare intensifies for maybe slightly too long. Eddie looks at her from the corner of his eye for a split second. It pulls her out of her trance and back into her own seat.
"Are you wearing this one too?" Eddie asks, rubbing his lips together.
"Yeah, why do you ask?" Lyra asks, a little puzzled.
There is a small silence, and Lyra can see Eddie's tongue poking out, resting against his top lip, in some sort of concentrated decision-making.
"How about a little answer trade? I'll answer your question if you answer mine?" Eddie suggests, his fingers release and then wrap around the steering wheel again.
"You can ask me whatever you like, Eddie. You don't need to trade" Lyra smiles over at him.
Eddie reaches his hand out to hold hers, "I guess I kinda knew that already. I just thought if it was a deal, you couldn't wiggle out of the answer."
"And I thought your hands were busy driving" Lyra half smiles.
"They were...at the time...besides...you set me up. I had an opportunity to get you over here, and you think I was just gonna wave at that opportunity as it passed me by?!" Eddie says with fake alarm.
"You can just ask, you know? Not everything has to be a trick, Eddie," Lyra laughs.
"Yeah, but it's so much more fun that way. But you know, now you've said it, I might just do that...at some point...maybe," He says, teasing.
Lyra wiggles her fingers in-between Eddie's and asks, "Are you gonna answer the question then?"
"Well," Eddie says, as he reruns his tongue along his lip and flicks his hair back, "I just wondered if it was the same as yours because if it was, then this is what your lips taste like" Eddie gives a quick side glance at Lyra for her reaction.
It has suddenly got a lot warmer in the van, well, at least to Lyra, anyway.
Jesus Christ. This guy. Today was a five senses assault. She absolutely did not know where to look right now, but naturally, her eyes gave her away and were drawn immediately to his mouth.
They hadn't even made it to school. No, it was worse than that. They hadn't even picked up Kevin. How was she going to get through today, and then a whole evening, without grabbing and smooching him into oblivion?
She attempts a change of subject, "So er..." Her voice is much too high from nervousness, making Eddie grin, and she clears her throat, "Yeah, what was your question?"
Lyra observes Eddie running his thumb across one of his rings, twisting it around as it rested on the steering wheel, "So in scoops yesterday, you said something, and I was wondering if you said it because you were trying to make that asshole feel like shit, which is too good for him by the way! Or if you meant it?"
Lyra wracks her brain. She said many things to Curt yesterday, some things she might live to regret, but it was done now, "What exactly did I say?"
"You said," Eddie clears his throat, "about me, I think...you said...He's a hundred times the man you'll ever be in your wildest dreams." He sounded nervous to ask.
"Of course, I meant that. A pretty bold thing to say about someone standing right next to me, especially if I didn't mean it." Lyra thinks for a moment, "It was just a comparison, Eddie. You don't need to pressure yourself to live up to that or anything. That isn't why I said it. You're great, just the way you are. I just didn't like that he thought he was better than you. He isn't. Not in any way."
Eddie wiggles in his seat and adjusts his fingers between hers with excitable energy, "Great, huh?" He asks.
A little mischief infects Lyra'a thoughts, and she leans back into Eddie's space, tucks some hair behind his ear, and whispers in it, "The greatest" she leans back into her seat and giggles at Eddie's wide eyes.
Eddie nods a few times and taps the steering wheel, "Oh, I see how it is now. Well, you just remember you started this"
"Me???!! I didn't start this. You did!!! Arriving at my house like all this, you started it," she gestures at him with her free hand agast.
She can hardly believe those words left her mouth and swallows hard. He's probably gonna start to realise what a weirdo she is. She shuts up really quickly and leaves a small silence.
Eddie's eyebrows are raised in surprise, "Lyra! I can't believe you are insinuating that I would purposefully do something like that to you." He says in false astonishment, "This is just, you know, standard me. You've just seen me through different eyes, is all" he shrugs.
Lyra thinks for a moment he was probably right. That can happen. Like the minute you fall out with someone, everything they do is a new pet peeve. So it must work the other way too.
"I guess that could be true, but I could have sworn something was a little different at least, but you know. Like you enhanced your beauty, you know?" she shrugs and looks out the window as more houses come into view.
"Beauty?" Eddie asks gently, a slight sideways glance at Lyra.
Lyra scoffs, "As if you didn't know, Eddie. Look at you. Jesus!"
"Know what?" Eddie teases.
"Urgh, fine. I'll say it." Lyra huffs and turns to Eddie, "You are very beautiful, Eddie. With your molten chocolate eyes, eyelashes I cannot recreate without the aid of the pharmaceutical industry, a jawline I could probably do architectural drawings with, perfect little pout and sweet little nose. Beautiful. There I said it. Ok?"
There is silence from Eddie, but Lyra notices he blushes, "Oh great, I guess we can add that to the list now, then too!" She says, pretending to be annoyed, "Is extremely cute because they blush when complimented."
Eddie mumbles something as they pause at the train crossing.
"What did you say?" Lyra asks. Eddie replies, but the passing train drowns him out.
Lyra frowns and shouts, "I can't hear you over the train!!"
"I SAID I COULD KISS YOU RIGHT...now..." Eddie shouts back, but the train noise dies down pretty much as soon as he starts shouting.
"You wanna kiss me?" Lyra asks coyly.
"Well, yes...of course...I-" Eddie starts to say nervously.
BEEP BEEP "Move along the show, Romeo!!" Someone shouts from the traffic behind.
Eddie blushes again, flips the bird out of the window back at the people behind him, and continues to Kevin's.
Eddie clears his throat, "So, yes, I do wanna do that, kiss you, I mean."
Lyra's brain goes into total panic stations. It was gonna happen. Fucking hell. Oh my god. Say something, Lyra! Jesus!!
"So why don't you then?" She asks, not in a seductive way, just in the tone of a genuine question.
"Well...I...um..ok, so, I wanna, but I'm not gonna", Eddie says awkwardly.
Lyra's instinct is to throw a "Why?" at him or take action herself, but she remembered what Eddie said about being the first person to ask to touch him. So she decided to try and respect his boundaries but simultaneously figure out what he meant.
"Well, ok, but just so I know, do you mean like never?" Lyra asks carefully.
Eddie laughs, "No, I don't mean never, just you know, not on the school run, on our way to pick up Kevin, that's all" he sighs, "But now I have to know what if I did mean never. Would that have been it? Goodbye, Eddie!" He laughs as he parks the van at the side of the road.
"Of course not!! Maybe you just didn't want to do that, and you know, that's fine. Like you said, we don't have to do anything we don't want to do, right?" Lyra explains
Lyra feels Eddie squeeze her hand, "Right", Eddie parks up the van, "You're kinda sweet, did you know that?"
Lyra just smiles back at him.
"You aren't gonna go get Kevin?" Lyra asks, still staring at him.
"No. Kevin said in no uncertain terms that I was to not knock on his door. His Dad is a bit, um, let's just say he's not very liberal. Kevin was sure my whole look would definitely prevent him from attending Hellfire. So it's better if I just-" Eddie raises his hand to beep the van's horn, and Lyra stops him.
"Maybe I could go get him?" Lyra offers, "If he doesn't take too kindly to clothing, he'll probably lose his mind about you making a lot of noise outside his house."
Lyra lets go of Eddie's hand and heads to the front door. She brushes down her clothes and rings the doorbell.
From inside the house, Lyra can hear a lot of yelling, but it's muffled until it gets closer. "KEVIN! STOP FUCKING AROUND WITH YOUR HAIR AND GET DOWN HERE, NOW!" Then at a lower volume, "Maybe if he wasn't so busy flouncing around the place, he could answer the goddamn door himself!" Then a series of locks and bolts.
The door opens to a short, balding man in a suit minus the blazer, a deep frown on his face greets Lyra, but it quickly melts away.
"Well, hello. I was expecting one of my son's friends, sorry about all that. Can I help you miss?" He says in a softer tone leaning against the door frame.
Lyra gives a closed mouth smile back, "Hi, I'm Lyra. I am Kevin's friend. w - I've come to pick him up for school."
"Well, this is a surprise" he looks Lyra up and down before turning back to the staircase, "Kevin!! Get your ass down here. There's a girl for ya."
He turns back to Lyra, "You know I was beginning to lose all hope that he might have an interest in girls."
Lyra just smiles awkwardly. Thankfully Kevin saves her from further conversation.
"Oh hey, Lyra. Sorry, I'm late. I was going to meet you out front, but I couldn't tame this cowlick," Kevin says, looking awkwardly between his Dad and Lyra.
"Not to worry. You all ready to go?" Lyra gives Kevin a big genuine smile.
"He sure is", his Dad answers for him and shoves him into Lyra. Lyra stumbles back a little, feigns a giggle, and starts walking to the van.
Under his breath, with their backs to the front door that has just been slammed, Kevin says, "Mortifying, honestly. I'm so sorry you had to converse with that troglodyte. Are you ok?"
"Me, I'm fine, are you ok? He doesn't seem the easiest to live with," Lyra says, opening the van door for Kevin and hopping in the front herself.
Kevin plugs his seat belt in. "Morning, Eddie." He says quickly before turning back to Lyra, "Honestly, he's the worst, but he's kind of all I've got since mom passed, and I'm all he's got too. Besides, I don't have to engage him too much. In the evening, he's either out or unconscious."
"Yeah, well, buddy, tonight it's Hellfire, baby! So you don't need to worry about the ogre in your house when you'll be fighting for your life against some epic monsters later," Eddie says with a big smile, wiggling his eyebrows at Kevin in the mirror.
Lyra hears Kevin laugh and sends Eddie a massive smile of admiration. He catches it out of the corner of his eye and smacks his lips. "Mmmm", before chuckling to himself and reaching for Lyra's hand again.
"Um...excuse me...what in the fresh hell is going on here in this van?" Kevin asks in disbelief.
"Er..." Lyra starts, but Eddie interrupts with a few tuts.
"He's my friend. Thank you, Lyra. I'll handle this." Eddie holds their joined hands aloft so Kevin can see, "Lyra and I are dating."
Lyra smiles bashfully out of the window.
"How many prices did the poor girl have to pay to join this club, Eddie? Are you feeling ok, Lyra? Blink thrice if you need help," Kevin teases.
"Oh ha-ha, hilarious, Kevin. I like to believe she considers this a bonus, actually," Eddie retorts.
"What was that? Bogus?" Kevin laughs, and Eddie flips him the bird with their joined hands.
"I'm sorry. I couldn't help it. Though just so I'm clear, this is a proper, official thing?" Kevin asks genuinely.
"It sure is", Eddie answers with a big grin shaking his hair.
Kevin's hand comes forward and pats Eddie's shoulder. They don't say anything else about it the whole ride to school. It's mainly Eddie dropping hints about the game later or past retelling games they've played that Lyra might need to know about for tonight.
They pull up in the school parking lot and leave the van waiting for the others to show up. Lyra notices Eddie look at the doors to the school, and he starts to get fidgety. Maybe he was nervous about going in there today? Perhaps he wasn't as ready to be as not secret as he thought he was? The truth was Lyra was a little nervous too. In the real world, it wasn't an issue, but in there, in high school? That might be a whole other obstacle course.
Lyra moves closer to Eddie and gently puts her hand on his back, speaking quietly, "Hey, I will not be offended in any way if you don't want to be on show in there. Remember, we don't have to do anything we don't want to do?"
Eddie looks bewildered and laughs, "Are you kidding me? I'm not worried. I can't fucking wait!" He grabs both of her hands and crosses one set of their linked hands around her in a twirl until her back is against his chest and their arms are crossed in front of her.
Eddie leans his chin on Lyra's shoulder, "I'm gonna step through those doors with you on my arm. We're gonna flirt outrageously with one another in front of your locker, then maybe my locker. Then I guess we oughta go to a class or two. Then lunch, where your gonna feed me your fancy food like I'm a goddamn Roman emperor. Then blah blah class blah. Oooh, and then your gonna be in my domain. I'll weave you a tale of adventure so enthralling you'll be completely obsessed with me by the end of it. Even though it's going to be sooo fuckin' distracting that you're gonna be sitting right there the whole time and I'm gonna have to concentrate on a bunch of other little hellions. Then we'll pack up and head to yours" he smiles and gives a little shrug.
Lyra definitely heard everything Eddie said. He was saying it right next to her ear, but his being so close that she could smell the lip balm on him mixing with his already intoxicating mixture of aromas made her head spin. Also, team that with him being so close and his arms wrapped around her. Lyra was practically in heaven. Eventually, she forms a sentence, "Sounds like you've really thought this through. Also, sounds like I'm gonna have to share you all day."
Eddie lets out a little dorky giggle, "Want me all to yourself aga-" he starts before he is interrupted by a wolf whistle.
Lyra looks to the noise and sees the rest of Hellfire being led by Gareth, "Noise privileges are back in effect! Ah, good, she's restrained" Gareth laughs and steps towards Lyra with his eyes shut tight and lips puckered, only to receive a hard flick in the middle of his forehead from Eddie.
Eddie releases Lyra's hands but keeps one arm around her so he's still pulling her tight against him, "Sorry buddy, you're too late. She is totally into me and has been for months" Lyra rolls her eyes and laughs.
Clara lowers her book, "I left you alone for a few hours?? I knew it would happen eventually, but that was quicker than I had expected. I still win, though. Guys, pay up."
Lyra is shocked and looks at Eddie, but he's equally surprised, "Wait, you all thought we were gonna get together?" Lyra asks, thinking Eddie is absolutely right. The pair of them were indeed the last to realise.
"No, well, I did. I bet these guys that Eddie would find a...how can I put this... a stable relationship...within a month. They nearly laughed me out of the car. Fortunately, they were all wrong, and I win" the guys all hand over quite a few dollars each. Clara looks pleased.
"It's not fair. Clearly, you had insider information Clara." Gareth whines, begrudgingly handing over the money.
Clara laughs long and loud, "I made this bet on Tuesday morning before school. I had the same thing you all have. Fucking eyes, alright?"
Lyra could not resist laughing at Clara, but it wasn't just because what she said was funny. Lyra looked around at the surrounding group and the great American smile exchange that was going on between Eddie and them right now. This little bunch of outcasts really cared about one another.
Etched on each of the faces she can see is a sort of proud happiness. Whenever they turn towards Eddie in conversation, they'll glance down at where his arm is around her, smile at her and then look back to Eddie, who is still merrily chatting away about the percentage of spell chances or why power chords are great but sometimes it's nice to branch out.
The conversation gets louder and more animated, but Eddie's one arm still hasn't moved. Then, finally, he says quietly so only she can hear, "You know, you didn't mention your ideas for today, Lyra."
"Well, that's because someone already beat me to it," Lyra says quietly as she turns to him, looks up into his eyes, and runs her hand up the inside of the sleeve of his leather jacket to caress the arm holding her.
Eddie tilts his head and holds her gaze, "You know, I don't think I'm gonna be able to concentrate on a single thing in class today." He utters softly.
"Good", Lyra jokes.
Eddie's eyes go wide with disbelief, "Good?! Aren't you supposed to say something like, "Eddie, you should really pay attention in class. It's important" ?"
Lyra softly puts her hands on either side of his face and squeezes his cheeks towards one another, saying, "Awww...I mean...I wanna...but I'm not gonna" Lyra giggles and releases his face.
Eddie pokes his tongue into the inside of his cheek and nods, realising he'd been got, "Mmhmm. Ok, ok. I see that phrase is gonna haunt me, huh?"
Lyra raises her eyebrows at Eddie in a very snooty way, "I can neither confirm nor deny that, at this time, Mr Munson."
Eddie grins, "I know you're teasing me about it now, but I think you're gonna be glad that it wasn't just random in the van" he looks very sure of himself.
Lyra can't help but marvel at him. A day ago, she would never have dreamed that Eddie would do anything as romantic as to plan a kiss, or at very least not take one when it was offered on a plate. She wondered what other weird and wonderful things she hadn't found out about him yet.
"Shall we?" Eddie offers her his hand, and he nods toward the school.
Lyra takes his hand and walks with him and the rest of Hellfire toward the school doors. Lyra feels her heartbeat pick up speed. She adjusts her grip on Eddie's hand and moves closer to him.
"Hey, don't worry. It's gonna be just like I said, ok?" Eddie smiles down at Lyra and walks her to her locker, which has been cleaned of graffiti.
There are a few passing glances here and there towards the two of them, but nothing worrisome.
"Sorry, I just got nervous. I...um...you know, haven't done this before in public," Lyra says quietly, gently swaying their hands and then holding them up to Eddie.
"That's not a problem. You don't need to apologise" Eddie gets a bit closer to whisper to her, "You know, I haven't either. Why do you think I'd given us so many plot points today?"
Then it all starts to make sense. Eddie was using his dungeon master skills to plan the day because that's the bit of his life he has the most control. He'd given Lyra the story and was surprised when she didn't want to deviate from his plan.
"Oh, I get it now!" A huge smile erupts across her face as she scoops Eddie's face in her hands, "How about just for today, I give the DM a break and just follow his story to the letter?"
"All of it?" He asks in hopeful surprise.
"All of it", she nods, her eyes searching his as they crease at the corners.
"Fuckin' Freaks", someone shouts over, Eddie turns towards the interruption, but Lyra holds his face firmly in place.
"All of it! No deviation. No one gets to spoil it for you, ok? Not on my watch," She says seriously.
Eddie's bottom lip pouts out for a moment before he tucks it back into his mouth. His eyes look a little watery, but he blinks a few times and takes a deep breath. Next, his hands find the sides of her waist, "You got everything you need from here?" Lyra nods, and that mischievous Munson grin appears again, "Right then, onto point two on the agenda".
Eddie picks Lyra up over his shoulder, and she scrambles to keep hold of her bag and books. Lyra is initially a little embarrassed being publicly carried around like this, but everyone else soon melts away, and it just feels like it's the two of them. There is an unbridled joy forming within Lyra that she can't remember the last time she felt. Her giggling starts quietly, and she tries to cover her mouth, but soon it's almost belly laughter. As Eddie lowers her back down to the floor, still in his arms, she wipes the tears of laughter away and notices he's laughing too. Intermittent laughs he's trying to hold behind his pleased smile, his eyes tracing over her face.
"You're so beautiful, you know that?" He says. It's a phrase Lyra hasn't heard said in over six months, but the person, the delivery and the meaning are entirely different.
Lyra wasn't great at reading people, but when Eddie said it, she really felt it. It almost made her forget to breathe. How could someone as beautiful as he think that of her?
Lyra knew she wasn't conventionally pretty. She'd been called plain more times than she could count, even when she was made up. Her body didn't look like the cheerleaders' or the more popular girls at school, but as far as she could tell, Eddie meant it, and that was blowing her mind.
"You ok?" He says, a slight look of concern on his face.
"Yeah, I'm good" she smiles up at him and plays with the pins on his vest just to avoid his eyes for a few seconds, "What am I supposed to be doing now, flirting with you outrageously, was it?"
Eddie laughs, "Yep, I believe that's what the agenda said".
Lyra backs out of his arms and leans up against the locker next to his. She tucks her hair behind her ear and looks him up and down before finishing with some eye contact and saying, "Want me to help you with your locker?"
Eddie's eyebrows raise, "Oh, you're making fun, are you? That was not on the list, you know."
"I'm just showing you what I've learned about flirting from a grand master. Making fun appears to be very much part of it from my notes," Lyra laughs, hooking his chin between her fingers and wiggling it.
Surprisingly the following few classes flew by, with a small intermission of Eddie pretending he'd walked into the wrong class and sending her a wink before the teacher hurriedly ushered him out.
On her way to the cafeteria, Lyra sees Tabatha walking the other way. Sure she was still not ok with what she did, but she knew why now, and in all honesty, if Eddie became interested in some other girl in front of Lyra, on day one of this whole thing, Lyra would be pretty upset about that too, let alone however long they'd had together, even though it wasn't serious according to Eddie at least.
So when Tabatha knocks into Lyra's shoulder hard, she takes it and doesn't engage, either way, anger or submission.
A hand joins in to assist as she collects her things from the floor.
"She's a fucking bitch. More so lately," Clara says, handing Lyra one of her books.
Lyra shrugs, "You know, maybe she's just having a bad time?"
Clara stops mid-lunchbag handover, "On your worst day would you want to make someone cry, be painfully hurt, treat them like they were worthless?"
"I feel like I kind of already did that to her yesterday," Lyra says regretfully.
"That was one day, Lyra. Not for at least a whole year." Lyra stands up with her armfuls of items, and they exchange a knowing look.
"What she did to you was shitty, but it was one day, and you retaliated for one day. Imagine seeing that happen to someone you care about but slowly chipping away every day. They won't talk about it, they don't retaliate, they just absorb it, so you just have to stand by and watch them get slowly dragged down." Clara says quietly to Lyra, but her voice's anger is clear enough to detect.
Lyra feels a worry creep over her. The concern is selfish. Clearly, this relationship between Eddie and Tabatha had been going on for much longer than Lyra imagined. Another thing she couldn't compare to. Her stomach churned. It's just day one, she tried to tell herself.
"So I repeat, she's a fucking bitch." Then Clara looks Lyra directly in the eye, "And I hope you're not fucking bitch, part two, you hear me?" She says seriously.
Lyra nods urgently, "Yep, loud and clear. It's not my intention in any way. I swear it."
Clara smiles, "Good. I didn't think so. You seem sappy enough, but I thought I'd check. I'm just gonna go hand in this assignment, and I'll catch up with the rest of you."
Lyra nods and smiles back, heading towards the cafeteria, and heads towards a seat at the hellfire table next to Eddie.
"Ah, here she is!" Eddie springs out of his seat, clapping his hands together before pulling out a chair for Lyra and then quickly sitting back down while grabbing her hand and holding it atop the table.
"So what's on the menu today, my dear? Anything that needs a pre-warning?" He grins as Lyra pulls out a salad.
Eddie frowns, "Salad?"
Lyra nods and opens the container, "Just try some, and if you hate it, don't eat it, right?"
Eddie opens his mouth and waits. Lyra rolls her eyes but smiles, taking a fig from the salad and feeding it to him. His expression is a mixture, but it lands on pleased. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for the rest of the table, possibly the cafeteria, who seem grossed out by the whole thing, making Lyra and Eddie laugh and play up to it more.
Talk turns to tonight's game, and Eddie suddenly looks concerned, "Wheres Clara? Ah, speak her name, and she shall appear."
Clara is speed walking toward the table and pretty much lifts Lyra out of her seat, "I need to talk to you in private about something very urgent and very girl related", she over emphasises.
Lyra doesn't have time to say anything before getting dragged out of the cafeteria. She looks back to see Eddie shrugging. "Clara! What the hell?"
Clara says nothing but keeps marching her down the hall and out to the parking lot. She gestures towards Eddie's van. Lyra lifts her eyes to it. A window is smashed, the tires slashed, and graffiti is all over the side facing them. 'Freak' in big letters, amongst some other horrible slurs.
"I told you she's a fucking bitch", Clara says.
Lyra puts her hands to her head, "No, not today. Fuck!" She urgently turns to Clara, "Do you have a few quarters? I promise I'll pay you back with interest!"
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guiltskate · 2 years
carter is not a virgin, but she is Very Selective with who she goes ‘ all the way ’ with for obvious reasons. she has to trust them immensely.
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memes-saved-me · 3 years
Billy Hargrove and implied Queerness
First off this is focusing on his scenes without Steve because we've all seen those and....they're pretty homoerotic to say the least so I will be bringing your attention to the other factors which lead people to believe Billy is gay or interested in men and not so much women. This isn't very indepth but more surface level observations I've made and seen others make.
(TW: Homophobia and slurs discussed)
Season 2
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The first scene we get of Billy he is instantly sexualised by those around him. Tina and Vicki taking interest in him based on his looks while Carol watches on rather unamused. This sets a trend for his character and his relationship with his looks and body, but more importantly how he uses it to his own advantage. Of course this was done to play into the 80s bad boy who all the high school girls fall for but what I'll explain later makes it much more interesting.
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The next we see of Billy is with Max on their way home. During this scene he insults the looks of the high school girls, referring to them as cows. We then get a very interesting line "Yeah, we're stuck here and who's fault is that?" Which Max replies to with "Yours."
A response that instantly angers Billy to the point he demands she take responsibility for moving to Hawkins. A topic that has clearly been discussed before because Max's reaction implies this has happened before if not multiple times.
In Runaway Max, which isn't confirmed canon and contradicts a lot of stuff but, we are told that the reason they moved was because Billy was completely off the rails to the point he broke her friends arm. Now. Does that make sense in blaming who's fault the move was? If this is the case it is obviously Billy's fault so why does he keep saying it was her who caused this? She clearly liked being in California so why would she do something to make them move. Unless it was unintentional...
This heavily implies that there is an unspoken incident which involves them both. An incident which triggers such anger and recklessness in Billy to the point he almost runs over Mike, Lucas and Dustin because Max wouldn't say it was her fault. Many have then filled in this gap with Max accidentally telling either Neil or Susan about Billy and another boy, which would make sense with the information or lack of information we are given in canon about the reason they moved.
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While at Tina's Halloween party we do not see Billy interact with a single girl. He is seen with Tommy and another boy who then approach Steve with him. It would make sense for girls to be drooling over him in this moment, trying to dance with him or following him inside but no. He makes a beeline for Steve and we do not see him for the rest of the party.
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Now, I don't know about you but have you ever seen a teenage boy look less interested in his date? Not only is he not interacting with verbally but also physically. He then gets angry when she calls Max his sister and they drive off without a word. It's implied he is taking her home as he they were waiting for Max, meaning he was probably going to hook up with her but if he was wouldn't he act just a little nicer towards her?
I mentioned before that he is the archetype for 80s bad boy and the girls sure are falling, he just isn't catching them. This is the only time we see him interact with a women his age in a romantic way. If you could call this romantic at all.
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When in trouble for letting Max run off while watching her, his response is that he doesn't have the time to go looking for her because he has a date, a date we never see or get the name of, this prompts his father to say the line "So that's why you've been staring at yourself in the mirror like some faggot..."
A line that then prompts Billy to snap and argue back after clearly wanting to get out of this situation as fast and smoothly as possible. Where else have we seen anger brought on by a topic? That's right in the car with Max. There is a trend of Billy reacting with anger to conversations or comments he finds personal or as some sort of attack. This is also when Neil becomes fully angry with Billy as seen in his rather shocked reaction at his response to that line.
This also continues the trend of Billy caring about his looks and using them as a shield of sorts, a shield that doesn't work against his father but everyone else he encounters.
Something to keep in mind, Billy is the only character to be called a homophobic slur by a parental figure other than Will. The character he mirrors in multiple ways including having the same full name William, as well as Will being heavily implied as gay or queer. Both of their father's use homophobic language against them, unlike any of the other characters in the show.
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The next we see of him after the incident with Neil is also when we see him interacting with another women in a romantic sense. Karen. This is where his use of his looks and body fully come into play. He uses these assets to get information and affection out of Karen to make his father happy and avoid further punishment.
Now this is my own interpretation but Billy is used to using his body for positive attention and doesn't get that any other way. At no point in the series is he treated like a person other than in S3 by Max and Max only. Everyone else views him in an objectified manner or as a bad guy to avoid.
There is a clear resemblance between Karen and Billy's mother which I'll further discuss in the season 3 section but this leads me to believe he is subconsciously or even consciously wanting positive attention from a motherly figure, he just doesn't know any other way to achieve that.
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However, it is very clear that flirting with Karen was an act as seen by the quite jarring juxtaposition of these two frames. The mask fully gone once by himself again. Meaning the only time we see him flirt with a women it isn't genuine at all.
Season 3
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Now, continuing off the last point, there is countless girls practically drooling over Billy at the pool but he only accepts this attention from Karen. This exemplifies my theory that he doesn't know how to gain positive affection other than through flirting and well sex, but he only wants this attention from an older women who resembles his mother. Except, again he doesn't know any other way of gaining it. He hasn't had a strong positive female influence in his life since he was 10 years old and by the looks of it every motherly figure has treated him as eye candy and not a teenager crying for help.
He has Heather who is very much his age and flirts with him. Yet, he acts as if she isn't even there and goes straight over to Karen to flirt. The way he acts with Karen should be the way he would act with girls his age, flirting and making advances but we do not see a single example of this.
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This part I find extremely interesting because it perfectly mirrors his interaction with Karen in season 2, except instead of dropping the mask he puts it on. The way he looks to his right as if she is sitting there as he practices what he is going to say to her is a clear example of his act coming into play as he prepares to meet up with her. His expression very similar to when he leaves the Wheeler home but it shifts to practice the way he is planning on talking to Karen. A complete reversal from their scene in season 2.
A rather reaching piece of symbolism could be that this also mirrors the way Neil cuts off Billy's date in season 2 as the Mindflayer is a literal representation of him being controlled by his father.
I also find it very interesting that he chooses to flirt with Karen very publicly and this might be reading a little too into it but it comes off as trying to uphold some sort of image. Another example of this is Max saying she hears Billy with girls in his room, something that sure is something he would do but when you put this with everything in this post it also comes off as him trying to prove something.
Another thing I find interesting is the way he acts around Karen, all smiles and friendly is very similar to that of the way he acts at dinner with Heather's parents. An act put on by the Mindflayer, just as he does when flirting with Karen. A mask used for underlying means and not what it shows on the surface.
This is all just my observation and he is not canonically gay or queer but the way he acts around women compared to Steve is a very interesting aspect to his character. If they truly intended for him to be this bad boy ladies man then they failed at presenting that.
One final thing, which I have posted about before is the fact Billy does not use homophobic language towards anyone. Even Steve does in season 1 so it would make sense for a teenage boy trying to upstage another teenage boy to use slurs and such to belittle and bully him. Except he doesn't.
I could write a full dissertation on Billy's implied queerness but a unorganised Tumblr post will have to do. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.
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makczio · 5 years
Maxence Danet-Fauvel's interview for EntourageS with Kevin Elarbi part 2/2
Last line was by Kevin: : So now we'll talk about the series you picked. First we're going to talk about an amazing serie, and OCS serie called Westworld and the a scene without visual effects but I think you'd like with Anthony Hawkins, a philosophical scene from the first season
The scene is about a character telling a story about a dog chasing after a cat. This is a story about freedom
K: Yes so a great serie. Season 1 and 2 available on OCS, and waiting season 3 coming in January 2020 and I'd love to see the cast on EntourageS. How did you discovered Westworld, what do you like about that serie and who are you favourite characters?
M: So I discovered Westworld the day after a party
K: Unusual!
M: Haha yes! Because I didn't had OCS and...
K: Not good!
M: I know! I know haha! 
K: OCS that we kiss (again, we say "we kiss" in France when we mean we salute)
M: OCS that we kiss obviously. So I discovered OCS at a friend's called Chloé and she's the one who discovered the serie, she probably already watched a couple of episodes and we decided to watch from the beginning and we watched all of it. And what was the second question?
K: What do you like about this serie and the characters that you liked the most
M: Ah first I'm a big fan of Anthony Hawkins, a really big fan. I think he's an excellent example of acting, we see everything in his eyes, he's an actor that you can see he knows his text and a rich subtext. You can see in this scene that everything is crazy, every monologue scene you feel that he worked them for hours, weeks or even months. Because when you watch them you can feel everything he says like he really lived them. He's really a phenomenal actor… Fucj I'm losing myself so I forget the questions 
K: Haha no it was what you liked about this series and characters that you liked
M: Haha so I answered the last one before. But what I love about this serie is the thematic. Dystopia, I love it. I'm a big fan of Philip K. Dick, Globalia, all his books I spend hours reading them when I was a teenager. I loved it! And I think it's subjects that seems fat but not that far, and it's something that can happen if the worst happens, and I find it really cool
K: Not really that far
M: Yeah not really that far when you watch the news nowadays but it's crazy! But I was a little bit spoiled
K: Who did this?
M: My best bud
K: Ah that's not cool, that's why Westworld it's important to watch it the day the episode is out 
M: But for me it was just the context that I've been spoiled. We discover it very fast but he told me "Wow watch that serie it's awesome because…" I won't say because I've been told and I didn't liked it but it's also what made me wanna start it
K: Yeah we discover it fast, it's in the pilot if I remember well
M: Yeah it's not a big spoil and it's also what made me wanna start it. That dude also did it with Lost, he told me about the… about the small cage
K: Be careful about what you'll say
M: Haha yeah so he told me about the small cage, so he explained me just this thing and it's what made me wanna start it too, and I binge watched it in 3 weeks
K: (talking to the listener) So I you advise you to start Westworld, binge watch the first 2 seasons before season 3 in January. I hope I would be able to talk about with the cast, it's in negotiation right now. So we're going to talk about another serie, a serie that I love. I chose a scene from season 1, a symbolic scene from True Detective. If you like this serie, there's a book coming up this week wrote by a certain Kevin Elarbi about the discussions with all the cast. It wasn't with Matthew McConaughey that I spoke with it was Stephen Dorff. We're going to watch a scene with Matthew McConaughey and you'll react about True Detective, also on OCS
The scene is 2 detectives in a car talking about the crime scene they just saw, religion and pessimism.
K: Yes so Matthew McConaughey in True Detective. The season one is a wonderful season, the second one is more weak and that's why they took some time to come back with an amazing season 3. So in my book I talk about this conversation with Stephen Dorff who is a GREAT actor. Have you seen season 3?
M: Nope
K: You have to see it. It's really amazing
M: I haven't seen the second either
K: You just saw the first one? It's the best one. So tell us what you liked about the first 
M: What I liked about the first one… hm… Yeah I was going to talk about actors again but that's my passion 
K: And that's why you're here
M: Yeah because Matthew McConaughey is incredible, he amazes me everytime! Even with a scene like that he kills me because there a lot of things were I found myself in True Detective. I know it doesn't seem like it but I also am a pessimist person. Without the shell of this character but I kinda have the same thoughts about our society haha
K: It's not being pessimistic but realistic 
M: Yes, yeah that's what he says. So that and what I really liked in this serie is that I found it amazing because there's so many clichés! I mean the two cops not liking each other, the cheating stories, you could think "It's all the crime serie clichés, I won't watch it" but it works so well, it works because the actors are incredible, the directing is crazy and the plot is catchy. I mean I started True Detective and I binge watched it in one night
K: Oh yeah the 10 episodes?
M: 8
K: 8 episodes yes, 8×55
M: I think I started around 4 and I went to bed only when I finished it
K: We're going to watch another scene from one of the series you picked. We have to be fast because we're short on time, the control room reprimand me
M: Oh no!
K: But I would love that you react to some series, a few quick words. So we already talked about Westworld and True Detective. Earlier I said in the introduction that Skam made me think a lot with your love scene about Euphoria 
M: That's such an amazing compliment 
K: Euphoria that I a GREAT queer serie, but not only. A serie that we discovered last summer and got huge and we're thankful about that. A few words about Euphoria and what do you like about this serie?
M: So I discovered Euphoria a Wednesday morning at one of my young coach and friend called Titouan Gautier. You know him?
K: Yes
M: Really? That's awesome! Titouan Gautier is an amazing human being and I went to a party spend the night at his place. And in the morning he asked me if I watched Euphoria and he told me "I watched everything yesterday but I don't mind watching it again today" and I was like "Are you sure?" and same I watched it all
K: Oh you saw all the episodes on the same day? You're lucky!
M: Yes all in one day, I had a lot of luck because I missed the information the time that every episode went out so I watched all of them in a day
K: Zendaya is incredible 
M: Pff wow!
K: And the prologue scene, the bad trip ones. It's for me one of the best prologue we had in a serie for a long time
M: Yes, and after playing a bipolar character in Skam France, I can say that the actress and the realisation of the scene are amazing. But the scene were she has a phase were she's a detective is mind blowing, really really mind blowing 
K: So lucky for you that you haven't seen this serie before playing a bipolar character because you would've been inspired 
M: Totally!
K: But it didn't scared you to watch knowing you would play Eliott after again?
M: I didn't knew she was bipolar (side note: max u dumb it's in the first episode in the first five minutes haha)
K: But when you realised, you didn't thought "Oh no I don't wanna see that yet"? You wanted to watch it again
M: I wanted to watch it again because I thought her interpretation was 1000 times better than mine. It's crazy 
K: But it's two interpretations very different 
M: Yes that's true but I thought she was very impressive in these scene, and I forgot the name of the other actress that I also found really, for a first role really… What was her name again?
K: … I forgot it too...
M: Anyway I found her excellent too, and I think it was her first shooting, and honestly I was blown away, really talented 
K: Okay so we're going to be fast because I would love to play a scene from Peaky Blinders because I can't leave you without talking about it. But I bother me because… Nevermind. How I met your mother, I chose a scene from Barney but again, we don't have enough time. Himym is a serie that is still a bestseller, with Barney's books in bookstores. A few words about this serie, favourite characters.
M: This serie I watched it I was with a girl called Élise and...
K: We kiss Élise!
M: We kiss Élise yes! And we were chilling watching this serie, we weren't doing anything, and well we did season 1 to 9, and again, and again, and again… And I think I watched it in total more than 15 times, every seasons. We also went to a point where we were like "Season 3 episode 17". We knew everything, everything, from the beginning to the end of the episode! And How I met your mother is my good mood serie, hungover day, depressed phase, the beginning of the winter… You watch Himym and it's better than a chimney fire
K: I feel that you watch a lot of serie when you're hungover or depressed, I totally understand! I hear in my earpiece that Zendaya's partner in Euphoria is Hunter Schafer and with that...
M: Yes Hunter Schafer putain!
K: With that theme of a trans person that isn't mentioned, and thank Euphoria for that. That's why it's such a good serie, it's because it isn't something they talk about, it is, but it's not...
M: Yes that's awesome. Like Skam, it's not a big deal and it's so good
K: Voilà! You understand now why I made a link!
M: Yes yes I understand!
K: Be careful, now I know you'll be mad to have just a few minutes to talk about it and I understand 
M: Oh God you're going to talk about Tree of life 
K: No (he's showing the logo of the show Betaseries) you know what comes from this logo? From Breaking bad, we can't not talk about it. Obviously an important serie from these last few years. A few words about Breaking bad?
M: hm...
K: How did you discovered it?
M: No no no! It's the same haha, again putain 
K: So what did you liked about that serie?
M: No I'm saying bullshit, I was my ancient roommate called Julie George that I kiss a lot because I miss her, she's in New York
K: So series with you are something that you share
M: Yes i discover a lot with people, because I'm almost never alone and i see a lot my friends, like all the time. Breaking bad is something people have to watch because the scenes are AMAZING. I make it very quick. But, once again I'm going to talk about actors because that's something that kills me. The duo from Breaking bad is the quintessence of my acting method. It's really… They're phenomenal. I learned a lot, I'm talking about acting techniques, about illustrations, it's something I learned at the Actors Factory, about… yeah I'm not going to talk about it forever about the method. But it's really a serie with excellent actors, they're complete, they're really actors with a good method… Anyway the serie is magnificent. That's a cliffhanger, it's the magic formula 
K: I agree. We're going to play another scene, a 15 seconds scene, it's not a lot but I want you to see it so you can talk about it easily because really wanna talk about it before the podcast ends. It's Peaky Blinders. But before I'm going to respond to what you just said, that the Actors Factory looks like Group Theater, I'm thinking about Marlon Brando, Lee Strasberg, and it's not theater, and I think it's really close and that you're the new generation, and I say it with all the love I have for Group Theater 
M: I believe it and I hope so
K: I believe it. So a scene from Peaky Blinders
In the scene, Thomas Shelby is talking to Danny about the man he killed. Telling him that the brothers of the man are ready to kill him
K: It was so fast sorry! So Peaky Blinders, I know it's the first time you see it in French (of all the scene showed, this one is the only one that has been translated in French) I'm sorry
M: Yeah, yeah please watch series in the original language 
M: Yes because it kills the actor's work if you watch it with another voice
K: It kills the actor's work and we agree that it takes 50%, no it takes 85% of the charm 
M: And when a GREAT actor plays even if you take out the sound you can understand what they say, so watch in the original language 
K: I agree watch it in the original language stop with the french! So Peaky Blinders a few words about this aerie, how did you discovered it, why… no we're going to do something else for this serie. Why should people watch it? Especially young people that follow you
M: Fuck, this time I would've said...
K: Then do both!
M: Why should you people watch it? Because first it talks about a historical period that's a little forgotten, between the two wars, we hear a lot about the 30 years post war (the second), but it's nice to see what happened for the middle class in Birmingham, it's so interesting. Also the directing is crazy
K: And the lights
M: What? Oh yes the lights! No, everything! It's really mind blowing, every scene, the slow motion, wow that's crazy! The actors once again, the two brothers Cillian Murphy (funny, he pronounces it Sillian) and, fuck I'm bad at actors names
K: Yeah and me too
M: Anyway, you see in Breaking Bad
K: Peaky Blinders 
M: Haha yes Peaky Blinders sorry, it's really a serie I would've love to play in
K: Ah! Which character?
M: Well the character of… Is that a joke I wat had an episode yesterday? Well the one played by Cillian Murphy!
K: But you know this kind of serie can come in France, Arte (a Franco-German TV channel) love producing that kind of fiction, that doesn't cost that much if there's not a lot of extra. It would be nice 
M: Yes, and I went for a casting with them on Monday, and they forgot me!
K: Well it was Monday...
M: It was a Monday morning, so I came there, I open the door and say Hello, and there was nobody! So I come back there next Monday 
K: Oh you couldn't okay!
M: No they didn't came! So next Monday and it's for something from the old time like that! But Cillian Murphy's character is completely crazy. But this man is a Greek God he's so beautiful I'm so jealous. And everything, the costumes, the decor, the gang with… anyway
K: There's an excellent bar called The Shelby...
M: Tommy Shelby yes! That was his name!
K: … I should give you some adress. Remember that alcohol should be taken with moderation
M: Haha
K: Thank you Maxence for being with us for the first episode of EntourageS, you have to come back 
M: Oh yeah that's true I'm the first!
K: Yeah you're the godfather! So you have to come back because we didn't talked about Breaking Bad a lot I wanted to show a scene, How I met your mother either
M: And we didn't talked about cinema putain!
K: We didn't talked about cinema but it's about series even if I would love talking about cinema
M: Okay
K: But you really have to come back because you told me there was shooting in the beginning of the year
M: Yes there's shooting until April
K: So it means a little promo at the end of the season 2020?
M: What promo? Skam?
K: There's Skam and the other series
M: Skam for sure but the other series I don't know if there will be a promo
K: Promise you'll come back for Skam?
M: Promise I'll come back for Skam, for everything, I'm so good here!
K: Well I'm glad, thank you Maxence it's a gift having you has a godfather! So I bring back that you're currently shooting Skam France, you also said there was other projects but that's for the beginning of the year so we'll see later. Go follow Maxence on social networks, he shares about his cinema and series tastes. It's more interesting than following some influencers haha
M: Haha thank you
K: Go follow Maxence it's important. He loves classic cinema we can see it and it's amazing. You also love good series so that's cool I think there would be a lot of young people who would watch them
M: Cool
K: Yeah now probably 100 young people would wanna watch Peaky Blinders and that's great! I'm saying a 100 but I hope it's more. 1k will watch Peaky Blinders, another 1k Breaking Bad and another 1k How I met your mother. And for the one who haven't seen Skam and afraid that it would be a teenager serie, you saw the scene it's with complete actors, a great team, go for it! It's a serie that will be important for the LGBTQI+ community and is becoming a cult, 4 seasons in 2 years that's amazing! Even I watched this serie maybe with preconceptions and I was blown by the technique, the team and the actors so watch it! Skam will impress you as much as Euphoria will
M: Woaw I'm emotional 
K: I really think it!
M: That's nice!
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