#now theres more short interactions with actual visuals. even though they may not look the best its more than weve ever had
autism-corner · 1 year
ive seen alot of people say 'ooh the devs have changed T-T all they want with nb is money!!! >:('
please remember thats all they probably ever wanted. even with the og. they make games and mostly only profit from the money you spend on it. just because theres now more variety to spend it on doesnt matter.
you are in the right to complain about this stuff but the devs have and will always want to get your money. that doesnt change.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 1 month
All hail Mira I’m so psyched to read it and see the wc….trust I will be back here screaming my head off with commentary….fr getting spoiled with your inaccurate wcs (MAKING OTOYAS LOOK SHORT??? BRO)
NO BECAUSE THAT IM SAYING??? Kaneshiro were claiming copyright for our ideas please pay us in a Karasu awakening
LMFAOO that panel visual is literally just hollyhock Otoya??? I think your blog may just be magical like the entire BLLK editorial/pr/creation team just stalking you atp but THE KARASU PANELS >>>>>> ugh he looks so GOOD I forgot to mention I noticed how in the headers of your fics you’ll have a (very aesthetically pleasing) mini collage of the character and now you’ve got more karasu materials for that HAHA
And FR really hope that they’ll explore more duos and pairs in the future! I get that the popular matchups are usually there also for marketing purposes but it would fr be nice to see them interacting with others and maybe not just having like, 1 singular bestie LOL
Omg the Rin Sae parallel I see the vision….ugh someone bring Kunigami back I bet he’d have some really funny/interesting dynamics with other characters!! Another gentleman omg….theres just something in the Akita waters….
LMFAO Nagi just being there to hear the tea and listen to the gossip is so real like he’s not moving a MUSCLE to do anything he’s just enjoying the drama….the few words he says plus both y/n and karasu being oblivious idiots is truly THE most chaotic scenario HAHA karasu being in such disbelief that any one of the wingman could give an exact description of him and he’d be like “you mean she knows another dude who plays soccer from Osaka who’s tall has dark hair and is named after a bird???”
Omg talk about a strong pill LOL but YAY omg glad it was fun it sounds so cool!!! Minus the barfing part LOL (ok sorry but I have to ask was it MIDAIR?? I’m just imagining you pulling out a bag while cruising over the scenery LMAO) and ohhhhhhh side effects that makes sense….i wonder if maybe a different brand would have less side effects? But yeah giving your doc a call sounds like a good idea! Hopefully they have a solution for you!!!
MANIFESTING BABY SO HARD!! I agree like seeing the little interactions between other players and people too he actually seems like such a sweet/pure boy? Like if he actually knew how to show affection or what it was I feel like it’d definitely show in his relationships in a way….idk like the way he bonded with chigiri kinda quickly after the 3v3 in the second selection where they’re like testing what he’s able to trap LOL I’m trying to think of more examples off the top of my head but there were definitely moments that made me say “omg wait??” Seriously makes me wonder where people pull all those red flag headcanons from **their asses** but anyways…
I’m crying imagine it’s wavy but because his parents dgaf they just go with the bowl it regardless so you just see the little waves and then at some point they just abruptly cut off (it’s giving like…..a pre-boiled block of instant noodles LMAO)
This is also kinda unrelated/unprompted but everyday I’m thinking of when the next LN is gonna be announced….im lowk trying to see at what intervals they announced the previous ones (iirc the one with yuki was announced pretty fast which caught me off guard so im hoping the next one comes soon!!!)
-Karasu anon
I LIKE AM ACTUALLY CLOSE TO FINISHING I THINK!! FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY!!! but then i’m going to have to try and squeeze proofreading in around vacation activities so it’ll still be a sec until it’s properly posted…even then though i think the day is approaching 🤩 my hope is to have it done by karasu’s birthday at the very latest 😩
episode nagi manga panels always come through for my little headers!! i’ve started trying to experiment more beyond just having the basic three panel + lines setup…the header for karasu’s version of bfb is the same as otoya’s but with blue lines instead of green!! it’s fun to come up with different little graphics hehe i enjoy it as much as writing tbh
OUR CONVOS HAVE BEEN TAPPED BY THE CIA (bllk manga authors) they are onto us…HOW did they know to draw otoya as an actual ninja??? did they read hollyhock??? 😳😟🤨🫣 the manifestations go crazy around here fr
i agree that it’s def partially a marketing thing but also there’s just sooo many characters that it’s probably hard to play out all possible combos naturally!! i pray for the day that kunigami actually does smth meaningful again and also for the whole wildcard thing to get explained 😔 i feel like it was just an opportunity to create tension but it hasn’t been truly expanded upon so it just feels kinda random almost
HELP karasu is like “6ft tall…speaks with a kansai dialect…gets along well with people…has unusual hair…named after an animal…YO HIORI 🤔😨⁉️” (iirc hiori’s first name means sheep) i think nagi yuki and barou just give up at that point because bro is fr saying anything and missing the obvious answer sooo badly 😭
IT WAS MIDAIR 😭😭😭 we drove to italy today and i took a diff medicine and i got so dizzy it was like the world was straight up cartwheeling 😰 but it’s much flatter and smoother here so it should be good to go from here on out!! and yes i hope the doctors have a solution for it because i’m sure i’m not the first person who’s had a similar problem ☝🏻
i think for me it’s the way he was able to connect w zantetsu so quickly…like he genuinely just listened to him and didn’t judge unlike reo and literally everyone else, which is how team v trio was even able to function in the first place 🥹 plus him w isagi and chigiri in second selection as well as his implied dynamic with karasu during the day off is just so CUTE to me like he’s honestly pretty good with people he’s just also really confused about it at times 😭 idk maybe i’m biased because i like him sm but to me he’ll always just be awkward and standoffish because he doesn’t know any better/different not because he doesn’t care 😪
pov baby nagi had the niko haircut 😭😭💔💔 nooo i’m manifesting a cute little way curly bird’s nest thing going on with like super round cheeks and big eyes 😩🙏🏻 baby nagi w instant ramen hair will haunt my dreams though 😓 sleep paralysis demon fr
I NEED IT TO BE SOON AND I NEED KARASU AND OTOYA TO BE IN IT!! i’ll be sad because i do think a karasu ln will make some of my stories for him not as close to canon as they are rn?? especially bfb…but a) how many people read the ln’s, b) they’re already aus, and c) that just means i can write him even better in the future!! plus given our track record at manifesting things i think i should be pretty safe 🤞🏻
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akaroot · 7 years
First thoughts and feelings on The Last Jedi.
Spoilers will be below under the cut. 
So, this movie was a LOT to process. It’s 2h23m and it is packed full of stuff. While I'm still taking everything in that happened, it turns out in order for me to digest it all, I need to talk about it, so I will do that here.  Okay, lets start off with the fact that, in my opinion, this movie is really, really good. Like, it’s really fucking good. Visually one of the best, if not THE best, looking Star Wars films out there. Like, take that Scarif space fight and turn that into an entire movie it looked that good.  This film managed to make me love Rey, Finn, and Poe even more than The Force Awakens. They actually got more time to be developed and I loved that. The three of them all gave incredible performances, and I’m glad they gave Oscar Isaac a role that he could really fill in and he did an incredible job. While I didi love them in The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi really did an amazing job at making them feel fleshed out and they all had really great arcs in this.  Now lets move onto our new coming characters, cause there were a few. So lets start off easy with Rose Tico who was quite honestly, incredibly likeable. I loved her storyline with Finn, and it allowed us to see another side of this galaxy the First Order was screwing up. While Rose and Finn did have a sequence that I felt took too long, and should have been cut to make it shorter, as it felt like a halt in the pace of this film, overall I loved watching them together. Kelly and John have amazing chemistry and yeah they work so well on screen together.  Now, Laura Dern has an interesting role in this film. General Haldo comes into this film feeling cold. And that’s not meant to be in a bad way. She’s trying to remain a cool and calmed demeanour as she enters a really dire situation. She and Poe have some conflict, as he can’t just sit down and do nothing which he thinks Haldo is doing. Poe, Haldo, and Leia all have a really interesting storyline together. In fact, these three compliment each other so well, it’s really hard not to like their scenes. These scenes with the Resistance are also some of the most tense moments of the film as they’re running low on time as the First Order quickly closes in on them.  Overall the two new characters were really well integrated. While not done to the level as the main trio, they were really well done. I get why some may not like Rose, or Haldo, but in my opinion they were really good additions to this series.  Okay, so, we’ve talked about Finn and his storyline with Rose. And Poe and his story with the Resistance. Now here’s where the film gets a little flimsy. The storyline between Rey and Luke is really well done. However, Luke’s side is a little... iffy. In fact, I completely see where Mark Hamill was coming from when he said that he didn’t like anything about where Rian Johnson took Luke in this film. While Luke has some spectacular moments in the movie (like, truly spectacular. Hamill was incredible), his motives felt... uncertain, and like Johnson was trying to answer why Luke was on that island, even though I feel like we mostly picked the answers up in The Force Awakens. In fact, Luke’s characterization was a little bit of a hot mess, which is why I think all the reviews that are bad, are picking up on. The film as a whole is so so good, and while it does have its plot and character flaws, the main mess of this film lies in how Johnson decided to handle Luke Skywalker. And he’s not a character you should really mess up, because then you get people hating on the film for doing that to a character who is so deeply loved. Anyway, Luke’s reason for being on that island, as we knew, was because of how bad things went for him when training new Jedi. But, as seen in the film, Luke has a second of thought to kill his nephew, Ben. So this would have been an incredibly good moment to learn that Luke is on the island not because he failed Leia, Han, and Ben, but because he failed himself as a person, and a Jedi. He would have been on that island because he could live with that thought... But that’s not the direction the film took. Instead it flip flopped on Luke and why he was there and overall,  he wasn’t the Luke we came to know. However, there is one moment on that island that I think changed the game for Luke. That was one hell of a scene.  So, I know I've written a lot already, and I think Luke was one of the weakest parts and reasons this film could achieve some higher greatness status even though again, its really really good. But we have one more giant section to talk about, and that Rey, Kylo Ren, and Snoke. But first I want to touch on the fact that, while Phasma again wasn’t a huge character, he screen time was honestly so good?? I saw an interview with Gwendoline Christie where an interview asked if we saw Phasma without her helmet or got to see or face and Gwendoline said she couldn’t answer. My first thought when hearing that was “her helmet is gonna get slashed and we’re gonna see her face!!!” before thinking that meh, she would have said that even if it were no... but ho boy was I right that first time and ugh, that moment was... maybe one of my favourites in the scene. Her line, and then what Finn says back?? I got chills. While underused again, Phasma was a small highlight in my opinion. General Hux was also very interesting in this, as he and Kylo seemed to be fighting to be in Snoke’s good nature, and for when Snoke is no longer Supreme Leader, one of them hoped to be next in line. While Hux wasn’t the big bad scary dude he kinda was in The Force Awakens, he was still a great character. Hux got the short end of the stick in a way, but his screen time was surely entertaining.  Now back to our conflicted duo and the guy who is prying on that weakness... Let me just say right off the bat, I love Rey. I love her so damn much. While I did not like parts of her and Kylo’s force interactions, I did think it was incredibly interesting to see their conversations. Both of them feel the pull to either the dark, or the light. This is the biggest theme in the film by far. Dark and Light, good and bad. You can’t have one without the other. Those two elements need each other. It was incredibly fascinating to watch. While some may not like the characterization of these characters because Kylo seemed to spend most of his time being conflicted, I thought that was needed. Because he was conflicted. He felt the call to the dark same as he did to the light but he was being held back by the fact that he’s trying to be something hes not... he was trying too hard to be Darth Vader. But we learn that the darkness in Kylo wants power. He wants to own everything... he wants to rule. It takes him a second to get there, but once he does... we see that the fight against Kylo Ren is going to be a tough one. This leads to another sore aspect of the film however, since Snoke... was pointless? He amounted to almost nothing, although his death sparked an incredibly cool fight scene with Rey and Kylo versus the guards. Like, it was really cool. But this fight ends with Kylo asking Rey to join him in ruling the galaxy. They would stand side by side and lead everything, and with all of the doubt in Rey’s mind, you feel like theres that chance she could. However, Rey shuts him down. Rey has backed away from the dark side because it can't fulfil her with what she wants. One of the biggest things Rey had to learn was that the past, her parents, were holding her down. She couldn’t see that right in front of her she had a family, and Kylo was the one who wanted to destroy that family. This leads me to Rey’s arc in that she really struggled. The darkness wanted Rey pretty badly, and Rey was enticed by it. She wanted something that she felt like the dark side could give her, even though she already knew the answer. In my opinion, Rey’s internal struggle was more well done than Kylo’s because you can see that anger in her. you can see the parts of her that the dark side wants to take advantage of. But in the end she chooses the light side. She chooses her family and Finn over the dark side that leaves a feeling of emptiness. And it leads to such a great moment. This film is really grey in terms of good and bad, and I think that is why this film is darker. It’s not entirely about taking down the first order. It’s about the choices you make, and the failures that come from those choices. Failure is such a huge theme in this, and failure isn’t some happy feeling. But this film ends on a high note, because with failure comes to opportunity to be better. You learn from your mistakes, and with that, you grow. This film was dark, but with it ending on a note that you can rebuild something broken, it makes the point of the film feel worth it. Sometime you have to fail in order to move forward. 
But they did kill off Admiral Ackbar and I will never forgive the movie for that fuck you Rian Johnson Ackbar deserved better. 
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