#now we've got Dabb who seems like he's got a hard-on for Lucifer (another totally useless character)
casandpuppies · 7 years
Okay, but I see people talking about how heartbreaking Dean’s prayer to Chuck was, and I guess it would be if not for one thing that keeps me from taking it seriously...LITERALLY WHY WOULD DEAN GIVE A SHIT ABOUT CROWLEY? At best, Crowley is a convenient tool for when the Winchesters need something done. He is not their friend. He’s not their ally. He was the King of Hell, and he was always out for himself. He’d take whatever side is most beneficial to him. Yeah, he helped the Winchesters on occasion, but how many times did he double-cross them too? There is no reason for Dean to want Crowley back. There’s no reason for him to feel anything other than “oh, well he was a pain in the ass but he could be useful at times,” at best.
JFC, stop trying to make Crowley as important to Dean as Cas. The very idea that Dean and Crowley’s relationship is even in the same league as his relationship with Cas is utterly laughable. Fuck you, writers. Stop trying to compare them. Crowley was a piece of shit. He didn’t need or deserve a redemption arc. He doesn’t deserve a speck of Dean’s grief. Stop trying to make Cas’ death less meaningful by putting him on the same level as Crowley.
God, this show’s hard-on for Crowley remains even after the Carver-era, and even after he was written off the show. :\ Meanwhile, their disdain for Cas and Cas fans rings loud and clear.
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