#now when that will be
...my crush on Josephine aside, I just meant that I'm sure it wasn't an easy decision for her. And it wasn't as though the relationship seemed the most stable considering their fights. Josephine can't give Gio what he wants, she's too independent and ambitious. Not to say that they don't love each other, I just mean that they seem really incompatible. And also because I have a crush on her. I mean come on LGL stands for Let's Go Lesbians (not to say that she's a lesbian of course, I would love to see her in a relationship with a bisexual/queer man just as much as I would love to see her with a woman. I just want someone to respect and allow her to be independent 😤). But yeah I am sad for her, I just am mainly proud of this pixel ok? - LGL
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Bless you for this read. For taking the time and the thought on my little pixels. It warms my cold dead heart that there are people out there who are giving them this much thought and love.
Because yes, you 100% saw through my emotional manipulation to the real issue here: Josephine and Gio are not a compatible pairing. At the core of that is absolutely that Jo is too independent for other Joe. Although he does admire that in her, it conversely frustrates him to no end that she doesn’t need him, which is one of his core desires. On top of this, Jo has a horrifying fear of being seen as weak, so she won’t allow him the emotional intimacy he craves.
Now with your totally accurate read on our pixel crush, don’t get too proud of her just yet. Jo is absolutely not seeing this situation as clearly as you and I are, and seemingly thinks she is motivated by loyalty and love of her family more than truly acknowledging her unstable situation with Gio.
His departure only romanticized him more to her, and we absolutely can’t lie to ourselves that Jo is without her toxic traits. One of those is that our girl craves instability. The excitement and energy of their fights and their tensions is one of the things that draws them together, and absolutely something Jo is not ready to let go of in a relationship just yet.
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