#now wish me luck tackling my mermay fic please
hekateinhell · 1 year
GUESS who just finished reading your latest magum opus? ME FAM, DA!!! Transformative experience from start to finish, I’d missed reading your stuff SO much. So evocative, so vivid, so sensual. Felt like coming back home after a long trip, like cool breeze in my hair. I lived, I died, I lived again. 
First of all, the flower motifs were there right from the start (and I might’ve spoiled myself a lil with you latest post), but when it dawned on me what Armand was about to do to Lestat I was like OH MY GOD SHE DID THAT and I had to put my phone down for a minute. The chokehold these bitches (and you) (affectionate) have me on is insane. 
Again, perfection from start to finish, so here are my top 10 moments in no particular order, hopefully it makes sense (literally just finished it so I’m not really coherent rn) 
*drum roll*  🥁 🥁 🥁
1. “Yes, yes, let me be your co-conspirator. Tell me your secrets! I'll keep them all, good or bad – place them in a box and swallow the key, no one else will ever know.” INSANITY. The devil’s minion till the very end alright. 
2. “Daniel could've sworn he felt the blood rush through his retromandibular vein, every cell alive and awakened and thrilling at the closeness of its source and exhilarating at the thought of returning to its original host.” INSANITY X2. And also it’s such a wonderful callback to that one bit in QotD where it’s mentioned that all of Daniel’s “molecules were dancing with Armand’s invisible chemistry”. It DO be like that with them. Down bad for Armand on a chemical level, and you got that across so incredibly well. YOU GET IT. 
3. Armand noticing right away that Lestat hadn’t shaved and worrying if something might be wrong because why wouldn’t Lestat shave before flying to see him? Was Lestat telling the truth there? Was he aching for Armand’s company so badly that he didn’t have it in him to shave? Of course Armand would notice and of course he would worry.
4. “Daniel had worn a black cursive A right over his left pelvic bone for the remainder of his mortal days.” EXACTLY. There’s absolutely no way this didn’t happen. 
5. "And how would you have me, maestro?" Lestat inquired. His knee bouncing as he leaned back against the table, crossing his arms over his chest. Daniel didn't have to read Armand's mind to know that the immediate answer might be, "In so many ways," yes ma’am 🥵🥵🥵
6. “Lestat was at the perfect height for Armand to stand between his legs, a hand over each knee, as he bent his head to Lestat's chest and closed his mouth over a rosy nipple. He suckled at it for a moment before angling his head, and Daniel realized what Armand had done when he saw the grimace on Lestat's face.” god this is so hot. You didn’t even HAVE to write it but I can guarantee that every single person who reads that will be able to picture Armand’s fang piercing through Lestat’s nipple vividly. The writer that you are 🥹
7.  “It had to be said—it has been said—Lestat was a large man” THERE IT IS, Priapus makes its grand entrance. Love to see it, always. 
8. Daniel’s possessiveness??? Have you awoken a new kink in me?? It’s not like I didn’t think Daniel was possessive of Armand before, I did, but the way you had him contemplating the scene before him in awe but ALSO on so many different levels did something to me. He knows he’s no match for Lestat but he has A FEW things going for him and he’s going to let Lestat know about them, damn the consequences. He’s careless and immediately regrets it but he can’t help himself. He even resents the fact that Lestat didn’t bother removing his rings before touching Armand. Yet he guides him through it and desperately wants for Armand to enjoy this. He’s such a good boyfriend pls, always has been 😭😭😭
9. Armand being like “I THINK THE FUCK NOT” when Lestat offered Daniel a taste of his blood, so good. Lestat puts out so easily (figuratively but also literally and good for him tbh) while for Armand it’s such a sacred thing and he’s not about to let his only baby drink from another (not even their prince) like it’s no big deal. But also YES @ both of them eating Armand’s ass and Daniel getting a taste of Lestat that way. You truly put that out there and you should be proud 🥹 
10.  "We could simulate it sometime” yes they could and they SHOULD godddd part two incoming y/y?
I honestly could go on but I think I’ve made myself clear now lmao. It was magnificent, comeback of all time from one of my all time fave vc queens xoxo DA  ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Lovely to see you as always 💖 I was wondering what you would think of this one — my 9lbs. 9k baby. It's May, it's spring, I'm in my flower era and I'm dragging everyone along with me!
It was all about the flowers lmao that scene stressed me out more than anything because it's the... set-up for the rest of the fic??? Armand conveying his affections for Lestat in a very intimate way—using his art—but it's low risk in a sense because the physical evidence is gone the next day. Anyway, I thought tattoos would be cool to play with because I've never seen that come up in VC fic before and Anne said they could have tattoos even it's just temporary, okay? I'm gonna exploit that!
Haha you gave me an ao3 style comment so I'm going to work through it ao3 style 🖤
Yes, this is so important to me when I think about post-canon A/D! I need them to have the elements of their OG dynamics but healthier and improved.
omg okay you're the only so far who's commented on me giving Lestat some stubble and it was so important to me 🤧 I cannot express the sound I made when I realized that canon doesn't specifically tell us if he wakes up completely clean-shaven, or if it's part of his grooming routine like filing his nails every night in IWTV. I threw in a bit of my meta re: Magnus and Lestat's turning and well there you go — it's my story and I'm sticking to it. And as usual, you're right on the money... Lestat DID want Armand to notice because he knows Armand's caregiver tendencies with his loved ones. And then he got mad about it when Armand reacted accordingly and read him to the filth. Can't win with this guy. 😔
I believe with my whole heart Daniel was walking around with an A or even a Property of Armand tattoo on a private area from 1977 to 1985. I've said before it and I wrote it now and I'll do it again, don't test me.
Daniel being an expert on Armand comes in handy all the time, and he's officially known since 1985 how down bad for Lestat Armand has been. RIP. I also wonder how many times Armand randomly mentioned Lestat to his boyfriend during DM era aside from the Rutger Hauer moment. There's no way it was just the one time.
I loved writing that bit! In my head you could almost hear the soft sounds of Armand making those little bites into Lestat's nipples and I tried so hard to translate that onto the page. 🥹
Legit I'm one more smut fic away from tagging Lestat's dick as it's own character: Priapus (Vampire Chronicles). I'm not joking, I'm such an unserious person lmao
YES you get it! I feel like a lot of times we think Daniel would just be totally down for everything no questions asked, but like talking about the evolved DM dynamic earlier — now Daniel has all this knowledge of Armand's history with Lestat that he didn't have before. He's an understanding guy and he's open to a lot, but it's a very complex situation and I think it's natural that some feelings will come up here and there in the early days. Also, I left it ambiguous on purpose, but it's not clear just how much Daniel was in on regarding Armand's plan here. Was it something they discussed prior, like in explicit detail with the date marked on the calendar and circled in red? Did Armand plan to get that far in the first place or was it a surprise to him as much as it was to Daniel? Or was it kind of inevitable... "Yeah, get these guys in a room for the 50th time in 200 years and this time, they're gonna fuck"?
asjkgfasgk that was exactly Armand's thought process - fucked out and high with Lestat's blood in his ass, and all he can think is that Lestat better not touch his husband/baby unless Armand's ordering him to. The audacity, only Lestat fr 🤧 I got creative with vampire anatomy there and ~membranes~ and yk what I'll do it again it's free real estate
100% (now I just need something else to get meta about so I can write porn around it, it's the only way I know how to operate 🥲)
I wrote so much here lol I'm embarrassed but full transparency, it might not have been an angsty or heavy fic (and it was never supposed to be!), but I did pour myself into it and it makes my heart happy you enjoyed it! 😭🌸
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