#npa lawyers
What is the process of one-time settlement in banking? | NPA Management
Why do people take loans? It is a great way of helping your finance for various things. You may take a loan for completing your education, buying a new house, the wedding of your kids, to go abroad, or anything else.
If you are a company, then you will take a loan to diversify your business or launch a new project.
You make great planning and ensure that repayment of the loan is done in time. However, no matter how systematic your repayment plan may be, you cannot foresee all the possible bottlenecks. You may become a victim of unforeseen circumstances. There could be an unexpected loss in the business, or you lose your job due to an illness.
Such circumstances will seriously hamper the ability to repay your loan. You will miss the installment and get follow-up calls and reminders from the bank. It affects your credibility and market value.
When a bank or financial institution sanctions a loan, it expects that the loan will be repaid within the stipulated time. For a bank, a loan is an asset that generates income in the form of interest.
When the loan is not paid, it becomes an NPA or Non-Performing Asset. NPA is not desirable for any financial institution. When it goes beyond a threshold, it becomes a risk to the survival of the bank. Hence, it requires concrete npa management methods.
When a bank fails to recover the loan, it approaches the borrower with options like a one-time loan settlement. Though it looks like a simple offer, it may ruin the credit score of the borrower.
What is a One-Time Loan Settlement?
It is part of the overall npa management policy of a bank or financial institution. In this process, the bank or financial institute agrees to accept a smaller amount instead of the entire due amount. When it does so, the bank waives off the rest of the amount and makes repayment easier for the borrower. The option may be offered by the bank after six months of non-repayment.
The bank takes various measures to investigate the case before arriving at the conclusion. It will allow them to validate the reason for not paying the loan.
How Does the process of one-time settlement carry out?
First, the bank should believe that the reason for non-payment is legitimate. The bank offers a moratorium period. The option is for those borrowers who want to pay the amount in one go. After an agreement, the bank will waive off a part of the outstanding loan amount to make the repayment easy.
How much amount will be written off will depend on the gravity of the financial condition and the ability of the borrower to repay the loan. Since the borrower is agreed to settle the loan, its repayment status will be recorded as “settled” and not “closed”. The credit score of the borrower will be affected by the difference.
One-time settlement is considered an important tool of npa management policy.
It is quite obvious that opting for a one-time settlement is not advisable unless it is necessary. There are some other alternates to it.
The borrower should liquidate the savings instead of applying for a loan. Also, it should negotiate with the bank to request an extension for the repayment term. Or, it should ask for a restructured repayment plan.
The borrower can request the bank to hold off the interest rate or reduce it for some time.
One-time settlement is the last resort. For a bank also, it is not a profitable proposition. Therefore, it will use it only when there is no other solution.
For more information - https://www.npaconsultant.in/blog/blog-details/what-is-the-process-of-one-time-settlement-in-banking-1
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theplaceicommitmysins · 6 months
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18+ He’s The Next One: 4 - F!Reader X L Lawliet
No gendered language is used (Probably). The reader is described as wearing a panties and a skirt.
Wordcount: 5.4k
Contains: Second person POV, NSFT, BDSM vibes, Frottage, Power Imbalance, Vaginal Penetration, Vaginal Fingering, The reader is a serial killer, Dirty Talk, attempted murder (barely), Sub Space, Kink Not Negotiated.
Your situationship with L is built on a solid foundation of two key things; Mistrust, and stalking. So when L leaves to go outside of his own volition of course you follow him. The old-timey, absurdly expensive car he’s driven around in makes it beyond easy to do so, even on foot. All you have to do is ask literally any passerby if they've seen an old rich person car and you get pointed in the right direction.
This method leads you all the way to To-Oh University.
To-Oh is impressive enough, you suppose. It's Known for its output of lawyers and government employees as well as its high bar to be accepted, but you just don’t see what could be in it for L.
You doubt any student, or professor for that matter, could hold the frogs picky attention so what reason could he possibly have to be here?
The only thing L cares about is catching Kira, and Kira is Light Yagami so…
Looking around at the well dressed flock of teenagers filtering in through the front of the building you rapidly sort through and mentally discard anybody with irrelevant traits; Height, build, gender, hair color-
“The entrance exam is starting in ten minutes, so you’d better hurry up!”
He’s probably already inside-
“It’s fine. I planned to get here three minutes before the test. I hate waiting. I’m here too early.”
It’s going to feel so fucking good watching the light, heh, leave his eyes.
Top button comes undone. Skirt is rolled up a notch. You fall in step with him, a calculated, admiring smile gracing your features, “You don’t like to waste time either, huh?”
If elevator eyes were enough to make your hit list you’d be dragging Kira off the path this very moment to turn this animal into goddamn meat...
But then L would have the book thrown at you, and you can be patient.
You haven’t tried before but other people do it all the time so it’s probably easy.
“There was less foot traffic than I anticipated.” Kira's eyes flick past you and up and you follow his gaze, seeing nothing but feeling your skin prickle with tension for a reason you can't discern.
Unconsciously you take a step closer to Kira, and want to stomp his foot when he smirks. Instead you give him a close lipped smile, cheeky, and nudge his arm with an elbow. “So, what are you going to study, Mr. Impatient?”
“Criminal Law. My father is the Chief of the NPA,” Name-dropping son of a self-righteous old bast-, “I suppose stopping criminals is a legacy for me.” He smiles at you in a way you know is supposed to be disarming, his voice sounding sheepish in a way that’s so fake you have to bring a hand up to your mouth to cover a scowl.
Forcing a giggle you play off the gesture as shyness, “Wow… I knew a lot of important people come from To-Oh but I didn’t realize I’d be meeting any so soon.” You look up at him from under your lashes, a practiced move that’s melted many predators before him and undoubtedly will do the same for many after, “Maybe we’ll be in the same class. It’d be nice to have a friend right off the bat, don’t you think?”
The incredulity in Kira’s expression is almost- Scratch that, is extremely insulting as he asks you, a hint of humor in his voice, “You’re here for the criminal law program?”
If I were a self obsessed man child with a god complex that’s gotten murderous what would I want to hear?
“Sure am!” You make sure your big fake smile reaches your voice, pretending not to notice his condescending tone, “I’m going to become a prosecutor and work my way up to a position as a judge. I’m going to become someone who actually sees to it that criminals get what they deserve. I-” You let out a squeak and wave your hands frantically, adopting an embarrassed affectation as you rapidly speak, “I didn’t mean to ramble! Please forget I said that…”
“Forget it? Why?”
“Well… A lot of people think it’s a bit excessive… Y’know, wanting to see people punished?” You make a point to wilt like the helpless flower he’s labeling you as in his itty bitty mind.
“Well I think it’s admirable.” No shit. “You've seen a problem with society and you’re actually doing something to better not only yourself but the whole world. Or- The whole of Japan I should say.” He rubs the back of his neck at what he likely sees as a minor slip.
And what you see as the blatant projection you were fishing for.
“Exactly!” You need to seem flustered. L’s wide eyes as he leans back and pants out ragged breaths, cum cooling on his skin- That’ll do it. “Maybe we have more in common than our dislike of waiting?”
Kirasmiles, and the calculating way it comes across makes you feel a little nauseated, “It would seem so.”
You’re already at the room the exam is going to take place in and to seal your progress on this target you bump the back of your hand against his, quickly linking his pinky with your own, “I’ll see you at the opening ceremony, Mr. Impatient.” Before all but fluttering away, taking a seat near the back, off to the side.
The security here is kinda shit, you not. You didn’t even have to actually sign up.
The seat you chose is perfect for your needs. You can see L, seeing Kira.
Papers are passed around and the proctor calls for the applicants to start, and with that permission you begin to doodle absentmindedly, filling the page with eyeballs and hands and random objects you can see around the room. It’s around the same time that Kira turns around that you recognize something in the back of L’s posture and lean to the side to see-
L, if you don’t get your nasty ass goddamn grippers off the fucking desk-
Your expression twists in disgust as you stare in open mouthed horror before making eye contact with Kira.
You point at the backs of L’s head and mouth, “Life sentence.”
Kira whips back around to face the front of the classroom so fast you’re surprised you can’t hear his neck crack.
You leave before the exam is called, not wanting to confront, or more accurately be confronted by, L in public. Slowing to a stop you look into a store window…
For the betterment of humanity you buy a pack of mens socks.
It’s agony waiting for the entrance ceremony, languishing on a plush couch and being brought an endless parade of sweets by an attentive butler, all the while counting down the days until you’ll be close to your target again. But you persevere, your patience staggering, a testament to your unparalleled maturity and poise.
You ball up the paper remnants of a sugar packet and try to toss it into Yagami-san’s tea from across the room.
It plonks off the back of his head and he turns around, shouting, “Will you stop that?!”
“I’ll run out of wrappers eventually if that’s what you’re asking.”
L clears his throat to hide a laugh.
“Would you care to join me, M.” You pout, he knows your name but has refused to say it since giving you the moniker, ‘for your safety.’
“Join you?”
“Watari will be driving me to To-Oh university’s entrance ceremony. If you wish to arrive on time it may behoove you to arrive in the car, rather than behind it.”
“... You’re no fun.”
Watari opens the back door for you.
You make a point to have Watari drop you off two blocks away from To-Oh, not wanting to be seen arriving with L, and thank the man profusely. This time you don’t sit far in the back, you sit exactly one seat behind L and wait patiently. You're unsurprised when Kira takes the seat next to him, front and center like the Special Boy he is.
You don’t actually pay any attention to the ceremony, utterly indifferent until Kira and someone called Ryuga are called to the stage to give a speech, and Kira and L stand up.
Your frog is a fucking moron, too stupid to know when to play dumb. If he doesn’t do this right he’ll end up on Kira’s radar.
Without thinking about it you start biting your thumbnail, repeatedly nibbling at the very end.
The speech is as blandly inspirational as any other, although you can’t help but want to laugh at both the way L holds his notes and the tone he reads them with. If he weren’t intentionally putting himself in so much danger you’d be ecstatic, laughing your arse off at the show he’s putting on.
But he’s standing next to Kira who’s looking at him like something sticky attached to the bottom of his shoe, like he's subtle, so you bite your nail harder instead.
When the two of them are coming back to their seats you can see L talking to the back of Kira’s head and you want to pick up their vacated folding chairs and throw them.
You bite through the nail. And since you can’t very well spit in public, you swallow. Ew.
Exit strategies, character analysis, mental manipulations, and desperate acts of violence all flit through your mind as you try to think of a way to undo whatever damage L is undoubtedly doing all without knowing the details and you hate this frog, you hate this frog, you hate this frog-
“I want to tell you, I’m L.”
God damn it!
The pause that follows is tense and you hold your breath as you wait to hear what happens next.
“If you are who you say you are, then you have nothing but my respect and admiration.”
The sound makes both Kira and L turn around and you quickly pull your phone out, looking at the screen and pretending to have read a text.
L waggles his fingers at you in greeting before continuing his conversation with Kira, as if he’d never been interrupted.
You tune them out, already knowing what needs to be done, everything else is just fat to be trimmed.
You need to kill Kira before he can kill L.
Only you get to kill L.
You make a point to stay out of sight when L leaves with Watari, waiting for them to round the corner before you half jog to catch up with Kira.
“Hey! Yagami-kun!” The grin you direct his way is stunning, you know because you’ve practiced it enough times in the mirror, and you hug his arm when you reach him, “I knew for sure you’d get in but I didn’t realize you were, like, an actual genius!”
Kira smiles, brown eyes looking blood red to you as you give his arm a light squeeze before letting go, skin crawling. “I’m glad you had so much confidence in me. Although, I can’t accept being called a genius when I only tied for first place.”
You huff and scrunch up your nose a bit, “I’m gonna go ahead and assume you’ve got more emotional and social intelligence than the weird guy and add it on top. You’re definitely better.” Looking side to side, you make a show of checking that no one is watching before leaning in close to his ear and whispering, “Did you see him put his toes on the desk?”
Kira laughs. “Unfortunately, yes.”
“So, which way are you headed?” You’re at the gates now, intentionally standing slightly too close to the murderous ego maniac.
He points a thumb over his shoulder to the left, “I’m taking the train that way to head home.”
“Me too!" A lie. "Well actually it’s my bus route, but it’s in the same direction. Wanna walk together for a bit?”
“That works for me.”
You keep up a string of conversation with the mass murderer, bubbly and babbling as you follow him towards the train station. There’s a bus station next to a cafe about three blocks from the metro, and you know from experience that particular cafe has metal cutlery. So convenient for you, especially since your bags are checked any time you enter or leave HQ.
When you reach the bus station you smile at Kira and tug his sleeve to get him to stop with you, “This is me. Thanks for walking with me.” He smiles back and pats your hand.
“We could make a habit of it, since we’ll be classmates.”
“That sounds great! I’m looking forward to it.” L panting a broken moan into your shoulder as he angles his hips to get just a little deeper- there’s the blush. “I’ll see you in class?”
“Definitely.” He smiles one last time in that way you know he intends to be charming before turning to leave.
The moment Kira rounds the corner you set a brisk pace back the way you came from, passing close by the outdoor dining of the cafe and swiping a cloth napkin from one table and use it to grab a knife from the next. It really is a nice cafe.
You turn to the alley between buildings and make your way through, parallel to the route you know Kira will need to take to reach the station. However as soon as you make it out of the mouth of the alley on the other side and turn to intercept Kira a hand covers your mouth and you are dragged back into it, shoved against the nearest wall, stucco unfortunately, leaving scratches on your cheek.
A second hand grabs your wrist where you’re already maneuvering your knife to stab him and pinches at it oddly, causing your hand to spasm and the cutlery to drop. You thrash against the grip and growl, biting hard into the flesh this scum had the nerve to put so close to your teeth and-
“I’m glad you had the foresight to put something between you and the would-be murder weapon.”
Oh for the love of-
You reach up and tap the back of his hand two times, and L lets go.
“L. What. The. Fuck?”
“I could ask you the same thing... Save for the L. And I’d likely use more robust vocabulary-“
“Save it frog.” You twist your neck so you can look at him, and he blinks in shock. “I wouldn’t be doing this on such short notice if you hadn’t told Kira who you are to his goddamn face.”
“I have taken all the necessary precautions before making contact, and you shouldn't be doing this,” he kicks the knife further down the alley, “At all.”
He… He actually sounds angry.
The pout you can feel forcing its way onto your face as your lip threatens to jut out is humiliating.
“You’re in danger.” It isn’t supposed to come out as whiny as it sounds.
Don’t cry.
Don’t cry.
Don’t you fucking-
Long, thin fingers come up and swipe gently beneath your eyes, one at a time, feeling wetness there.
“You are upset by the thought of me dying.” There’s a hint of something to his words, whether it’s the tone or inflection you can’t decide, that makes you think of one word. One word spoken softly while you knelt at his feet-
“Kira doesn’t get to have you.” The words are bitten out, the growl of anger, of possessiveness, undercut by the watery waver to your voice.
You hadn’t realized he was still holding your wrist until he tightens his grip, squeezing down until it aches.
“Nor will he have you.”
The ‘you’re mine’ is unspoken, on both your parts.
You can hear the dull hum of an engine and tires on pavement and turn to see Watari pulling the car up. When L leads you by your wrist into the back of it, grip turning gentle, you don’t protest.
“Headquarters, Watari.” Is all L says before pressing a button that rolls up the car's divider. He buckles you in like some kind of child but doesn’t bother doing the same for himself like… Some other kind of child.
The silence between you is thick, highlighted by every creak of the leather seats as you shift uncomfortably look out the dark tint of the windows at each street you pass, pretending you can’t see L’s reflection just as clearly as the people and buildings outside. But you can, and you focus on it, tracing his features, expressionless to most, and finding very little to read into. It’s upsetting. You’re normally much better at this, and it strikes you that you may very well only be able to read him the way you do because he lets you. Something achy in your chest twists at the thought.
“I had thought the terms of our agreement were clear, but it seems I may have left out a crucial detail.”
His eyes lock on yours in the reflection and it makes you feel embarrassed to think about how obvious you are to him, especially contrasted with how opaque he is to you.
“Until my heart stops beating, you will not under any circumstances take another life.”
“I hate you.”
His mouth falls open and with it his expression. Shock?
“… Truly?”
You’ve never heard him sound small before.
The click of your seat belt buckle breaks the silence as you quickly shift your way over to him, shoving at his knees until there's enough space for you to seat yourself in his lap, which you do. “No.”
The honesty is uncomfortable for you and you suspect it’s equally as uncomfortable for him so you add on, “And you should be able to tell that since you’re such a master detective.” Mockery. Familiar territory.
He braces his feet against the back of Watari’s seat and slouches further, bringing his knees back up to support you more and wrapping his arms around your shoulders, pulling you close until your face is pressed into his neck.
“I do not hate you either.” He speaks it into your hair, and you feel a kiss pressed against the side of your head, so you respond with a kiss of your own on the only spot you can reach. His neck.
L shudders beneath you, then lets out a shaky breath, arms tightening their hold like he thinks you have somewhere else to be before ducking to murmur against your ear, “The divider is not nearly as soundproof as I would prefer so I will have to whisper, but I wish to make my intentions entirely clear...”
You nod against his neck to indicate that you heard him and try to turn to kiss his jaw but he reaches up with one of his hands and grabs your hair in a tight grip, holding you still.
“When we return to head quarters, I am going to fuck you.”
The breath you take in through your nose in your surprise is louder than the words he spoke. There’s a heat in your cheeks that you can feel spreading down your chest and lower as you inhale shakily, before taking a calculated risk and rolling your hips against his as you murmur, “How?”
His hand briefly tightens in your hair and you can feel your pussy getting wet, “How am I going to fuck you?”
You nod, and he exhales slowly, you inhaling in time with him, your chests moving together.
“I think I would like to fuck you like this,” the hard press of his interested cock is made obvious as his hips roll up against yours, denim jeans against cotton panties and you bite your lip to stifle any verbal reaction, “You will be on top but I will be holding you still. I’ll take my time I think, maybe have you ride my thigh first so I can observe the pace you’d like me to set.”
You’re hips are rocking back in forth in small little ruts now, panties clinging to your needy cunt with your body's reaction to his voice and the press of his cock, “Please-“
“Of course I won’t fuck you how you’d like me to.”
“You’ve been bad,” Holy fucking shit.
L’s hand tightens in your hair as he pulls your head back to meet your eyes, his own heavily lidded as he murmurs, his lips nearly brushing your own. “I’m going to fuck you slowly. I’m going to teach you patience.”
“You’re a sadist.” You speak solely to feel your lips brushing against his.
“I’ve been called worse things. Less accurate things as well.”
The car rolls to a very sudden stop and if it weren’t for L’s arms around you and his legs behind you, you would have fallen in between the front and back seats, folded in half like a humiliated napkin.
When Watari opens the door for L, you’re back in your own seat, resenting L’s composure as you shake like a leaf, wondering how visibly fucked out you look for someone who hasn’t even been properly touched yet. You’d read Watari’s expression to find out if you could bring yourself to meet the man's eyes. He holds out a hand to help you out of the car and you thank him quietly before trailing behind L like some kind of stray cat he’s fed.
The elevator ride is excruciatingly long to you, even though it can’t have been more than thirty seconds and as soon as you make it into the hotel room the task force calls headquarters you and L head directly for the door to the bedroom, not acknowledging the presence of the others. You try very hard not to think about how embarrassing it’s going to be to face them later.
L places his hand on your lower back as he walks beside you, pressing you forwards until you’re in the room, looking at meticulously made sheets, and you know that this is going to be the first time since L stationed himself here that he lies in that bed, the sheets likely immaculate not due to Watari or one of the hotel’s cleaning staff coming in and making the bed, but entirely because of disuse.
You can hear him kick the door shut behind you and the hand on your back slides down past your skirt, to bare thighs, fingers dragging upwards, rucking up the fabric until he reaches the top of your panties and presses beneath, hand grabbing and pulling at soft flesh before making his way down once more, fingers cupping you as they glide forwards between your legs to press into your wet cunt.
The pressure you feel as he fills you, starts to roll his wrist against your backside, as he repeatedly rocks his slender hand against you. Starting with two fingers stings a little, but it’s a good sort of sting so you lets your hips rock back against him, trying to pull him in further, the sound of your wetness around his fingers loud in the quiet of the room.
His free arm wraps around you and pulls you in close to him, standing at the entrance of the room and holding you like he needs a hug all while fucking his fingers into your cunt, drawing vulgar sounds from between your legs and between your teeth. When his lips press against your ears your cunt clenches down around him, warm and hot and he's gotten you so fucking wet even before he starts to speak again.
And then he does. “If I could keep you like this I would. If Kira would simply spontaneously drop dead and save us the luxury of having to catch him I would steal you away with me back home. I would keep you as the most satisfying reward I have ever received for solving a case.” L’s lips trail down your neck and you let out a sound that's painfully close to a sob as he draws his fingers from your cunt and from your panties before walking you forwards towards the bed, turning when he reaches it and sitting you in his lap, facing the closed door.
One of his thighs is pressed between your own and his arms settle around your shoulders in a lazy hug as he nuzzles his nose against the side of your cheek, “We can get started once you've cum." He speaks in such a matter of fact way, keeping his voice light and unbothered, even though you’d already felt the hard press of his cock behind you.
You want to be a brat about it, to talk back and throw a fit, to deny him the satisfaction of taking the lead and to ride him till he’s shooting blanks and begging you to give him a break.
Or more accurately, you want to want that.
The press of his denim clad thigh against your needy aching clit, through your drenched panties, slick with cum, makes your head feel floaty, and you move with the feeling, leaning forwards and bracing both hands above his knee before your start to slowly roll your hips back and forwards, humping yourself against him and letting out little breathy noises from between parted lips.
One of L’s thumbs starts to brush gently back and forth against your shoulder and this time you do let out a sob, the sound turning into a whine as L presses the ball of his foot down on the floor, slowly rocking his leg up against your pussy.
His lips brush against the side of his neck as he murmurs, “You’re doing so well. Doing so well for me.” His breath is coming out heavier against your neck and if you could focus on anything other than the slow pulsing of warmth and pressure and pleasure against your cunt you’d feel pride in that fact, but all you can do is what you’re told.
So you ride his thigh, shuddering out a gasp as one of your hands trails down his towards yourself, fingertips tracing against the wet spot forming on his jeans. Your mouth hangs open wider as you let out a soft moan in between pants for breath that don't seem to do anything at all.
That’s all me.
“Does it feel nice?” There’s a hum in L’s voice, he sounds curious as he leans forwards, hooking his chin over your shoulder to look down at where you’re getting yourself off against him and you nod. You can feel his smile against your neck “I’m glad.”
You stay like that for a while, L holding you softly, and you grinding slowly against him, your hips slowly picking up pace until the heat inside of you builds, and builds, and builds, and-
You cum.
“Very good.” His voice sounds far away to you, far away from where you’re floating and you let out another sob, hands reaching up desperately to cling to his arms.
Why is he so far away?
The sound is muddled and murmured and it takes you a while to drift back into the hotel room, into yourself, into L’s arms and when you do you find yourself lying on his chest further up the bed, still straddling him, but now faced towards him instead of away.
“There you are.” He’s back. Or maybe you are?
When his hand comes up to brush away tears you hadn’t noticed on your cheeks you lean into the touch, turning slightly to press a kiss against the palm of his hand, and taste salt.
“Would you like to stop now? That looked like it was a lot for you.”
Immediately, you open your mouth to say yes but the word doesn’t come out. Why not?
You’re still a little floaty as you try to figure out what you’re feeling, to find the words to articulate and pinpoint what exactly you want and it takes a few moments, L waiting patiently all the while.
“No. Want you.”
L nods at that, a small smile replacing a look you realize was one of concern, and the hand on your cheek trails down until he can reach your shirt, stripping you of it quickly. Your skirt is next, and then your undergarments, and you expect him to stare at your body, more exposed to his gaze than it's ever been before, but it’s your face he looks at. He studies.
“If this becomes too much for you, if you start to go away again, promise you will tell me.”
You look at him beneath you, you’re still shaking a little, fully undressed, and he’s fully clothed. The only sign of what you’d been doing so far is the surprisingly large wet patch you’d left on his jeans.
“Promise.” You respond. Reaching out and grabbing one of his hands to lock a pinky with yours.
When you start to let go of his hand he snatches it back, intertwining your pinkies once more and holding them together like that, his free hand coming up to your face, drawing you in far enough that he can kiss you.
Earl Grey with too much sugar, chocolate and whipped cream, strawberries. He tastes like dessert and you sigh with contentment as his lips press against your own. They’re thin and a little dry but the soft press of them against yours warms your bare skin against the chill of the room and you bring your own free hand to his chest, only to inhale sharply in surprise at what you feel.
His heart is racing. Somehow it's never occurred to you that was something that could happen to him.
You press more heavily into the kiss, lips parting as you lick against his own, and let out a pleased him as his tongue meets yours. The kiss stays soft for a while but inevitably grows more heated.
Dragging your hand down his stomach you reach the button of his jeans and stop, only continuing when you feel his pinky squeezing your own, then flick the button open and drag the zipper down.
 His cock feels good in your hand, soft skin slick with pre-cum and warm to the touch, but it feels even better when you raise your hips up far enough that you can position the head of his cock against your entrance and then slowly push down against him, sinking into the full feeling of his cock pressing into you, until you’re once again sat in his lap.
The only sounds in the room are the quiet creaking of the bed frame and the slow wet glide of your cunt around him as you roll your hips down against him and he rocks his hips up into you, and the smack of your lips parting as you catch your breath before coming back together again, tongues teasing each others mouths.
You aren’t sure how long the two of you stay like this, moving and breathing with each other, but it’s as slow as he said it would be.
You wouldn’t call what the two of you are doing fucking, though.
You don’t have the courage to call it what it is.
When L cums, he says your name. Not M. Not any other alias you’d used before. He says your name. Whispers it into your mouth and you breathe the word in from his. Tears fall from your eyes at the intensity of it all and you cum with him, pussy wrapped around his cock in a wet plush press, like a kiss.
You feel sticky with the way you cling to L, all tears and sweat and spit, as you tremble in his arms, cunt continuing to twitch around his softening cock as the last of your orgasm washes over you and fades away. L holds you through the whole thing, his own arms shaking and his breath as quick as yours as he comes down alongside you and it’s quiet for a while.
It takes a few long moments for you to fully come back to yourself, noticing an orange glow starting to filter through the sheer curtains of the hotel's bedroom windows and realizing that the sun must be setting.
L looks more alive like this, the warmth of the light of golden hour bringing a healthy glow to his otherwise corpse-like pallor and you find yourself just staring at him, taking the sight in as his breathing evens out to a healthier pace, dark eyes fluttering open to land on yours, gazing back.
Under his attention you expect to feel studied like an insect, or dissected like a frog, but all you feel now is all you felt when…
Before you can really think the words through You hear yourself, in a voice soft enough to fit the silence the two of you soak in, “Until your heart no longer beats?”
And it’s clear to you why you’re here. What your purpose is.
You’re here so that even if L loses, Kira doesn’t get to win.
L and you never once let go of each other's pinkies.
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pannaginip · 7 months
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NUPL Cebu Chapter on Twitter @nupl_cebu:
Press Release
Feb 25, 2024
The NUPL Cebu Chapter expresses its strongest condemnation over the killings of Hannah Jay Cesista and four other individuals, namely Domingo Compoc, Perlito Historia, Marlon Omosura, and Alberto Sancho in Bilar, Bohol, collectively known as Bilar 5.
An Iskolar ng Bayan, Hannah earned her Political Science degree from the UP Cebu. As a college student, she joined various organizations aligned with her principles and beliefs - Youth For Christ UP Cebu Chapter, Cebu Students for Justice and Peace, & Kabataan Partylist UP Cebu.
She then enrolled in the University of San Carlos (USC) to pursue a law degree. During her law school days, Hannah volunteered at NUPL Cebu and was instrumental in forming the law students’ arm of the Cebu Chapter.
NUPL Cebu members can attest to Hannah’s unwavering dedication and active involvement in the chapter’s activities in providing legal services to marginalized communities.
She was always the first person to volunteer when lawyers needed assistance in the countless legal work of the organization. She joined community visits for paralegal trainings & discussions on human rights despite the demands of law school. Hannah also passed the 2022 Bar Exams.
Numerous reports have circulated concerning an alleged “encounter” between the New People’s Army (NPA) and Philippine National Police (PNP) at Sitio Matin-ao 2, Barangay Campagao, Bilar, Bohol last February 23, 2024, Friday.
Contrary to law enforcement’s claims, initial reports received by NUPL Cebu show significant discrepancies and expose their possible commission of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) violations.
Several accounts support that no encounter has transpired. Instead, the five individuals were ordered to vacate the house where they were staying. The four men were forced to strip off their shirts. Along with Cesista, they were forced to roll in the mud.
The witnesses narrated that they were pleading with state forces to stop their inhumane acts but to no avail.
Killing Hannah and her companions is one of the many state-sanctioned efforts to harm activists, human rights workers, and dissenters- as part of their futile attempt to conceal the harsh realities of poverty and inequality in this country.
NUPL Cebu expresses its deepest condolences to the family and friends of Hannah. We call on the Philippine government to conduct a prompt and impartial investigation and to hold accountable the perpetrators responsible for the deaths of Bilar 5. Hustisya alang sa Bilar 5!
Long live Hannah Cesista! Long live Domingo Compoc! Long live Parlito Historia! Long live Marlon Omosura! Long live Alberto Sancho! Resume Peace Talks!
2024 Feb. 25
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sword-symphonia · 6 months
A comprehensive list of every fictional character I have ever been mentally unwell over for any amount of time (that I am able to recall)
Buckle the fuck in I'm bored (mentally unwell in this case does not specifically mean horny, sometimes they are just my little scrumblies)
Number one pooksters of all time are in bold if you even care
God help us all.
Zenkichi Hasegawa (and the crowd expected it completely, ladies and gentlemen)
Takuto Maruki
Ryotaro Dojima
Tohru Adachi (sighs loudly)
Yusuke Kitagawa
Kanji Tatsumi
Mitsuru Kirijo
Akira Kurusu
Naoya Toudou
Haru Okumura
Maxie and Archie, but only sometimes (stares at tumblr user gleaming_glasses)
Avery (very short-lived, actually)
D*NGANR*NPA (Listen shut up it's a pipeline):
Leon Kuwata
Kazuichi Soda
Kaito Momota
Rantaro Amami
Kirumi Tojo (I'll save you baby)
Hajime Hinata
...Kokichi Ouma. SIGHS
Gonta Gokuhara
Byakuya Togami (both versions)
Aoi Asahina
Nagisa Shingetsu (save him please oh my god)
Shunsuke Hayasaka
Naomichi Kurumada
Nao Egokoro
Reko Yabusame
Alice Yabusame
Kazumi Mishima (I don't want to talk about it)
Tia Safalin
Q-Taro Burgerberg (I still don't want to talk about it)
Joe Tazuna
Mika Kagehira
Mayoi Ayase (my girlfriend. My wife. We're legally married, actually)
Adonis Otogari
Nazuna Nito
Hajime Shino
Mitsuru Tenma
Arashi Narukami (someone rescue her for the love of god)
Tsumugi Aoba
Niki Shiina
Chiaki Morisawa
Midori Takamine
Mao Isara
Yuzuru Fushimi
Makoto Yuuki
Akiomi Kunugi
Jin Sagami
Jun Sazanami
Hiyori Tomoe
Madara Mikejima
Koga Oogami
Souma Kanzaki
Divus Crewel
Sebek Zigvolt (born on Paddy's day Irish rep get in lads)
Epel Felmier
Floyd Leech
Azul Ashengrotto
Riddle Rosehearts
Ruggie Bucchi
Jack Howl
Vil Schoenheit
Kalim al-Asim
Arataki Itto
Sangonomiya Kokomi
The otters. I can't even make this shit up the fucking OTTERS
Affogato Cookie (I thought he was a girl)
Espresso Cookie (I also thought he was a girl)
Strawberry Crepe Cookie
Red Velvet Cookie
Roguefort Cookie
Almond Cookie
Sour Belt Cookie
Wizard Cookie (the silliest of guys, and also my son)
Pancake Cookie
Clover Cookie (You won't fucking believe this, yall)
Black Raisin Cookie
Pistachio Cookie
Whipped Cream Cookie
Peach Cookie
Mocha Ray Cookie
Captain Ice Cookie
Croissant Cookie
Earl Grey Cookie
Aloe Cookie
Butter Pretzel Cookie
Abyss Monarch Cookie
Stardust Cookie
V Cookie (he counts. I do not go here however)
Captain Caviar Cookie
Elder Faerie Cookie
Andrew Kreiss/Gravekeeper
Martha Behamfil/Coordinator
Luca Balsa/Prisoner (The tragic, tragic origin of my name.)
Aesop Carl/Embalmer
Emma Woods/Gardener (Dressed up as her for Halloween once)
Joseph Desaulniers/Photographer
Robbie White/Axe Boy
Naib Subedar/Mercenary
Freddy Riley/Lawyer (fucking awful as a person but his gameplay is nice)
Helena Adams/The Mind's Eye (Main for life. Love you, baby) (I cannot kite for shit) (I also haven't played in about 8 months)
My Pocket Camp villager. She's a little train conductor I adore her
Tengen Uzui
Giyuu Tomioka
Shinobu Kocho
Kyojuro Rengoku
Tanjiro Kamado
Seteth (Horny reasons.)
Vander (...Also horny reasons, unfortunately)
Griss (...Don't look at me)
Catherine (She is so... oughhh)
Cockrrin (It is spelled like that for a reason, hi Sunny)
Red Son
Monkey King
Ne Zha
The Mayor
Damien LaVey
Oz (my main for life forever n ever)
Amira Rashid
Scott Howl
Nicolas Cage (I downloaded a Nic Cage mod therefore he counts) (I care not for the man himself)
Calculester Hewlett-Packard
Hazel (I do not know if she has a surname)
Watermelon Tourmaline
Phos. I refuse to try to spell their full name
Lapis Lazuli
MHA (I don't like it anymore but I gotta save my boys):
Denki Kaminari (Whenever I tell someone I like him they nearly always go 'yeah' and I have no idea how to reply to that)
Eijiro Kirishima
Yuga Aoyama
Koji Koda
Gentle Criminal (It was because he's an old man. He's like 30 or somethin but. Idk whisht)
Boyd Cooper
Sasha Nein
Quentin Hedgemouse (Silly)
Hollis Forsythe
Lizzie Natividad
Augustus Aquato
Razputin Aquato
Fred Bonaparte
The stupid fucking maternity ward easter egg the entire thing oh my god
The Tockles
Kurt Lynos
Cypher Lynos
Peri Lynos
Lazzi (he is a platypus)
Ainsley Laurent
Charlotte Laurent (Peri's girlfriend)
April Kosova (Ainsley's wife and also her lawyer before they got married)
Myron Bouras
Mizuki Suou (May or may not be an x canon oc... glances away)
Abebah Kopiona
MISCELLANEOUS (Not enough people to justify a category):
Sanji Vinsmoke- One Piece
Sabo- One Piece
Alfendi Layton- Professor Layton series
Clive Dove- Professor Layton series
Anthony Herzen- Professor Layton series
Cinnamoroll- Sanrio
Pompompurin- Sanrio
Larry Butz- Ace Attorney
Rosalina- Mario
Luigi- Mario
Espio the Chameleon- Sonic
Princess Luna- My Little Pony
Flash Sentry- My Little Pony (I was eight unfortunately)
Timber Spruce- My Little Pony (I was still eight)
Nathan Pandit- Criminal Case (I should not have been playing this aged six but we ball)
Frank Knight- Criminal Case
Stitch- Disney (I am in fact one of those girls sorry)
Winnie the Pooh- Disney
Anakin Skywalker but specifically the animated Clone Wars one- Star Wars
That one guy from Rebels with the fuckass manbun- Star Wars
Mr. Tumble- British Television (He was like crack cocaine to me)
Chase Devinaeux- Carmen Sandiego 2018 series
Tulio- the Road to el Dorado
Shiro- Voltron. Derogatory.
Hunk- Voltron
Dr. Montgomery Montgomer- a Series of Unfortunate Events
Jacques Snicket- a Series of Unfortunate Events
Jem- Hetty Feather books (Nick Sharratt made him look a right fitty)
Fizzy- Moshi Monsters (THE ONLY MOSHLING EVER I LOVE FIZZY I HAVE EIGHT OF THEM IN MY MONSTER'S HOUSE [Six of them are plushies tho])
Tingaling- Moshi Monsters (Okay Tingaling can stay)
Daffodil- Spiritfarer
Astrid- Spiritfarer
Akane Hino- Smile PreCure! (Made me realise I was queer)
Captain Barnacles- Octonauts
Vyn Richter- Tears of Themis
Artem Wing- Tears of Themis
Vincent Brooks- Catherine (I could fix him)
Shizuku Hinomori- Project Sekai
KAITO- Vocaloid
Camui Gackpo- Vocaloid
Octodad. Do you think I'm fucking around? Not round here, brother.
The entire cast of Fantastic Mr. Fox. I CUSSING LOVE that movie what the CUSS
Howl Pendragon- Howl's Moving Castle
Lego Batman, and SPECIFICALLY Lego Batman- DC
Reigen Arataka- Mob Psycho
Saiki's da- Saiki K
Marina Ida- Splatoon 2
Wheatley- Portal (Steven Merchant has captivated me)
Rodney Copperbottom- Robots (I had the FATTEST crush on him as a child stop)
The villain guy I'm too lazy to google him- Robots (also on him)
Timmy- Shaun the Sheep
Mr. Bean- Mr. Bean (my goat)
Harvey- Stardew Valley
Simeon- Obey Me (my obey me phase was rancid lads)
Satan- Obey Me
'N das all for now :3
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linalavender · 8 days
[Spoilers] Chainsaw Man chapter 177: The Statue of Liberty
Hey its been a while, Ive been sucked into the bird apps clutches again despite my wishes. (Sidenote the M key on my keyboard is broken and inconsistant, I try to proofread and correct it but if you see a word that looks like its missing a letter its probably an M somewhere lol sorry)
Anyhoot, Time to talk some theories, more specifically: What the hell is the Devil that the American Government has hid in the Statue of Liberty? And why is it Yorus child?
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I cant believe I'm saying this but I think a Fanart Fujimoto did holds the answer.
A number of years ago, Fujimotos deffinetly real not fake sister posted Fujimotos take on Captain America on twitter:
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And while I dont quite think Fujimoto is asking to have Disney lawyers at his doorstep anytime soon I think theres some inspiration to be drawn here. Because I think the Devil is something directly tied to both America and its many many wars Justifications: "Freedom"
Guntrotting warloving americans will often joke about "Dispensing freedom" into destabilized countries with a power vacuum and the attrocites American soldiers will commit in the name of "Freedom" is inumerable. Not to talk about all the shit the CIA does behind the scenes. I think its very fair to say the concept of "Freedom" and its american flavor of it can and frankly is a pretty feared idea. And it also ties directly into being a child of war because you would only fear freedom as a concept when its used to justify the attrocities commited to your people, using Bombs, Guns, Tanks, artilery, missiles etc during a "war"
It is also very ironic to have the Embodiment of the fears of Freedom imprisoned in a monument dedicated to the concept.
theres a few things against this though. Why did specifically only NPA members lose their trigger finger and not like, soldiers carrying out these atrocities. How do you make freedom a power that is both reasonable and something you can like stop in the story, Im a little stuped on these questions specifically but hey Fujimoto is a far better writer that me so he can figure it out lol
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npaconsultan · 2 months
Comparative Study of NPA account settlement Impact of The Nationalized Banks
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A viable, sustainable and strong banking system is crucial for the overall development of the economic structure of a country. The failure of an effective banking system may lead to adverse impacts in various spheres of the economy. Both the Public Sector Banks and the Private sector Banks in India have made considerable contributions in all economic aspects.
However, the amount of non-performing assets or NPA in the balance sheet can have a deep impact on the bank’s profitability. As per the directives of RBI, the accounts become non-performing when the loan account is overdue and the bank fails to recover the capital or interest from the capital for over a period of 90 days.
Plans to increase productivity
Over the past few years, there is a powerful drive going on in the nationalized banks to enhance their profitability. This implies that the PSBs also have to think of improving productivity, which is necessary to survive in the present economic state.
The future of the banks lies in the ability of the banks to build good quality assets consistently even in a competitive environment and minimize the NPAs. Competition and consolidation are the two prime factors that will impact the private and public sector banks in future. The effective methods of NPA account settlement can turn out to be the factors dominating the future of the banking system.
NPA categories
Every bank has to classify all the non-performing assets into three categories, depending on the time frame over which the asset has been in the non-performing stage and the realise-ability of the debts:
Doubtful assets
Substandard assets
Loss assets
The detection of the NPAs and the able management of the debts will help the bank to enjoy more financial stability.
Impact of NPA on banking systems
The level of return on the assets is one of the most significant aspects of the bank’s efficiency. Its high tie for the banks to provide provisions for the NPAs from the present profit ratio. The NPAs can affect the return to the assets in the following ways:
Increase in cost of capital
Reduction in ROI
Fall in the interest income of the banks accounted only on receipt mode.
Disturbance in the capital adequacy ratio with the entry of NPA in the calculations
Doubtful debts and bad debts add to the loss
Limitations in recycling the funds
Mismatch in assets and liabilities
It's high time to consult the NCLT lawyers in Mumbai who can help the banks to regain economic stability.
Comparative study
Thorough research of the ten years’ data from the top Indian banks like Canara Bank and State Bank of India shows that the banks are making policies that try to contain NPA for improving the profitability and asset quality.
HDFC and PNB show superior NPA management systems if you compare them to the systems existing in SMI and ICICI or other private sector banks. The system even supersedes the system of the public sector banks too.
The positive trend in NPA control
Recent research studies on trends of the non-performing assets in the various private banks of India show that the level of NPAs in the public sector banks is alarming. But it also shows some improvement in the asset quality with a little decline in the NPA percentage. Thus, the studies show that the banks can maintain economic stability if they take timely action against the degradation of the good-performing assets instead of concentrating only on the NPAs Analytical study
A thorough analytical study shows that the NPA of all the nationalized banks is showing an upward trend. Therefore, statistical records also pave the way for the banks to apply better measure for NPA management
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mylawyeradvise · 4 months
The present case was a revision petition filed by the petitioner borrower, V.J. Dhanapal, who was one of the partners of M/s. Haris Chicken which had been receiving financial assistance from the Union Bank of India, Bangalore. There was a default on his part, due to which the account of the borrower was classified as a Non-Performing Asset (NPA). Read more
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npaconsultant1234 · 10 months
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How does NPA consultant help the stressed or NPA borrowers?
We strongly believe that focusing on business revival is the real solution to set things back on track. Till such time it is essential to utilise financial resources in the most productive manner. Servicing loan EMI or interest by creating an additional debt burden will not help in long run. Rather it will further worsen the financial health. So our advice to a stressed or an NPA borrower is DONT fear NPA, try to buy time legally, don’t pay bank by new borrowings and protect the valuable assets until some funding arrangement is in place to enter into one time settlement in bank. We help in npa management and work out strategic solutions to bring the account out of NPA and revive the business. We look into various npa legal matters providing varied npa legal services. We have team of experienced npa lawyers who can provide DRT legal solutions, matters in National Company Law Tribunal, National Company Law Appellate Tribunal under the IBC Act. We also provide other services including npa settlement, npa loan takeover, npa ots funding. What is your opinion on bank recoveries through personal assets of the guarantor under IBC? This is another blow to the entrepreneurs in our country. While doing any business, the promoter is creating assets, generating employment, paying money to the exchequer in the form of various taxes, paid crores of rupees by way of taxes to the government, paid crores of rupees to the employees whereby so many families have survived. When business fails, he has no social security. Then why should one do business? What kind of gratitude we express to our community of entrepreneurship? I do agree that unscrupulous people having fraudulent mentality should be treated very sternly. To site an example: Mr. Nirav Modi or Mr. Vijay Mallya defaulted. In the recovery process their business took a toll, assets became unproductive, lakhs of people got unemployed, lakhs of people deprived of their salaries who in turn could not service their loan obligations thus creating a rise in NPAs. Is it in the interest of the nation to kill an operating unit? If banks can be nationalized then why can't you do the nationalization of these businesses? Do the nationalization of this business, re-establish them and again resell them. Could you please elaborate on your idea of social security as recovery through revival and resolution expert? It is more or less the same thing which I have said earlier, but still I want to elaborate it. The businessman over a period of time has contributed to the society, has contributed to the nation in the form of GDP, in the form of employment, in the form of taxation and many other ways. He is also adding to the infrastructures. Having said that one has to look at business as a living being. And if at all it has to die, it has to die naturally. Not by coercion. Our banking system, our legal system are killing them coercively. As a social thinking or as a rational thinking, you should protect the business, and the businessman so that his next generation does not fear joining the business and opt for some employment. There should be a motivation to become a job giver rather than becoming a job seeker. In India, 95% of the population are brought up as a job seeker. Our socioeconomic and educational system is such that when the child takes birth, parents give their best to provide education, emphasize on scoring good marks to make him/her outshine in a campus interview to be selected by some multinational company. In this way we are creating slave mentality. Just the rest 5% of the population dare to do business. In spite of such situation, instead of supporting, protecting, promoting, encouraging them in difficult times, killing them is the easy way adopted in present time. Is it not a matter of grave concern and against the interest of entire Indian economy ?
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mrpaulmulder · 1 year
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Monday, 9 October 2023 marks 6 years and 3 Months since Nikki was abducted to Sofia, Bulgaria. Today I am 100% alienated from Nikki, have no contact or receive any news of his wellbeing. Parental Alienation is child abuse.  https://www.facebook.com/reunitenikkianddaddy (Bulgarian).
In October 2019: I am sent a list of mediators in the agreements programming of Sofia Regional Court and Sofia city Court, there is no option of proposing a mediator of neutral disposition.
My Bulgarian lawyer writes to me, confirming that they have prepared and will shortly have a filing confirmation for my application for review and setting aside of the decision of the prosecutor, which they prepared......in for a penny in for a pound, I say......
I receive an update from the NPA relating to their investigation into Nikki's abduction.  
Also in October I am working wiht Kinderontvoering.org and Reunite to enlist their mediation services. I'll update how Reunite's engagement with Nikki's Mom went next month.
#bringnikkimulderhome, #съберетеникиитатко, #childabduction, #parentalalienation, #cricketworldcup, #cricket, #SvetiAleksandarNevski, #alexandernevky, #bulgaria, #sofia, #britishschoolofsofia, #rilamonastery 
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auctionbazaar2023 · 1 year
The Insider Tips for Buying Bank Auction Properties in Mumbai
Bank auction property in Mumbai is a great way to find a bargain deal in the real estate market. Bank auctions offer access to properties (often in a desirable location) for 20–30% less than the going rate. Because the underlying property is typically ready to move into, there is a realistic price point for owning a property through a bank auction, attracting more interested buyers.
Residential sales in India H1 2022, Mumbai - In the first half of 2022, around 44 thousand housing units were sold in Mumbai, India's most demanding residential housing market. All of the eight biggest metropolitan areas of India recorded a significant increase in housing sales. There were a total of 158,705 residential properties sold during the period.
Bank auction properties in Mumbai frequently draw much attention because the units are frequently priced below going market rates. This is a perfect option for buyers to obtain properties at a lower cost.
However, buying a property at an auction can be complex, especially in a city like Mumbai, which has many potential buyers and a high demand for properties.
Many online portals allow potential buyers to look for NPA properties in Mumbai. Interested investors can easily find the latest information on all bank auctions on such auction portals.
Here are some insider tips for buying bank auction properties in Mumbai that can help you make a wise investment decision.
Research the Property
Before bidding on a bank auction property, it is essential to research the property thoroughly. Check the property's location, its condition, and its legal status. Ensure that the property has no legal disputes, outstanding taxes, or liens that can create problems in the future. It is advisable to hire a real estate agent or a lawyer to help you with the research process.
Set a Budget
 Setting a budget is critical when buying a bank auction property. You should decide how much you will spend on the property, including renovation costs if any. Remember that bank auction properties are sold as-is, and you may need to spend additional money on repairs and renovations.
Attend the auction vigilantly.
 Attending the bank auction property in Mumbai is essential to understand the bidding process and competition better. You can also learn more about the property and ask questions from the auctioneer or bank representative. It is also advisable to arrive early and inspect the property before the auction starts.
Understand the Bidding Process
Understanding the bidding process and the auction rules before bidding is essential. The auctioneer may set a reserve price for the property, and the minimum bid value starts from the combination of the reserve price and the multiples of the incremental value which the bank has set. You should also remember that the bidding process can be competitive, and you may need to bid higher than the reserve price to win the property.
Be Prepared for Post-Auction Procedures
If you win the auction, you must complete the post-auction procedures, including paying the remaining amount, signing the sale agreement, and ending the transaction within the
stipulated time. Preparing for these procedures and preparing the necessary documents and funds is essential.
Conclusion – Bear in mind
Buying a bank auction property in Mumbai can be an intelligent investment decision, but it requires careful research, planning, and understanding of the auction process. Following these insider tips can increase your chances of finding a bargain deal and avoiding legal or financial problems. Remember to seek professional advice from a professional to ensure a successful investment.
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arknewshub · 2 years
Noose tightens around Lotto looters
The noose is tightening around the people alleged to have been involved in the systematic looting of the National Lottery Commission (NLC) as investigations into the misappropriation of at least R1.4-million in grant funding gathers steam.
In the latest move, the Asset Forfeiture Unit (AFU) of the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) was granted preservation orders freezing various assets of people implicated in the fraud. Several of them are from the Vhembe area.
The alleged fraud was being investigated by the Special Investigation Unit (SIU) and the Hawks, and the AFU has now joined in.
Nine properties, including luxury houses and a farm, were frozen after a secret application by the NPA was granted. The application was heard by Gauteng Division Deputy Judge President Aubrey Ledwaba in his chambers last Friday morning.
Two Ocean Basket franchises and a farm, belonging to dodgy Pretoria lawyer Lesley Ramulifho, and a top-of-the-range BMW 420i, belonging to the NLC’s former chief operating officer (COO), Phillemon Letwaba, were also included in the order.
In total, the assets that were frozen were valued at over R25 million. They include the luxury three-storey home of the actress, Terry Pheto, best known for her roles in the movie Tsotsi and the soapie The Bold and the Beautiful. The house was allegedly built using R3 million of lottery grant money meant for an “initiation programme”.
Vhembe also features
Two Louis Trichardt residents also featured prominently in last week’s seizures of property. Collins Tshisimba and his wife, Fulufhelo Promise Kharivhe, had two townhouses in Gauteng frozen by the court. Both have been described by the SIU as kingpins in the looting of grant funding. A company of which Kharivhe is the sole director, Thwala Front, was allegedly used to launder millions in looted Lottery grants. Thwala Front has its registered address as 64 Anderson Street, Louis Trichardt.
Collin Tshisimba is a member of three non-profit organisations – Make Me Movement, Lethabong Old Age and Mbidzo Development Program – which received a combined total of R53 million in Lottery funding.
Independent investigators appointed by the NLC to investigate allegations of corruption found that of the R26,8 million given to the Lethabong old-age home in Kuruman in the Northern Cape, only R10,6 million was spent on the facility. The home is still unfinished.
Tshisimba also featured prominently in a multi-million-rand Lottery project to rebuild Vhafamadi School in Malamulele after it was destroyed during protests in 2016. A Limpopo-based NPO - Simba Community Development Foundation - received R28,3 million to rebuild the school, but a large chunk of the money found its way to individuals, including family and entities linked to former COO Letwaba.
After the money was received by Simba, R4 million was transferred to Upbrand Properties, a company linked to Letwaba, according to a statement issued by the SIU in September this year. Upbrand, in turn, paid almost R4 million to attorneys handling the purchase of a luxury home on a golf estate in North West for former NLC commissioner Thabang Mampane. The home was among the properties frozen by the court.
Online publication GroundUp reported that Mbidzo Development Programme had received R8 million in funding from the NLC between 2014/15 and 2016/17 for undisclosed projects. On 28 March 2018, a sum of R2 million was paid out of the NPO’s account into the bond account of Advocate Willie Huma, to help pay for his luxury Waterkloof home. At the time, Huma was an NLC board member. A further R500 000 was paid into Huma’s bond account on 14 May 2018.
A local laundromat?
Fulufhelo Promise Kharivhe was arrested and charged with corruption early in 2021. She appeared in the Palm Ridge Commercial Crime Court, along with five other suspects, in connection with a R1.57 million grant awarded to a non-profit organisation, The Message. Of this amount, R200 000 was paid into Thwala Front’s bank account.
In August this year, only one of the accused, Christopher Tshivule (46), was sentenced to eight years’ imprisonment for fraud. Charges against the other accused were all dropped, apparently after they had made representations to the NPA. Tshivule is from the Vhembe region and the bank account used to syphon off the funds was opened in Louis Trichardt.
Tshivule pleaded guilty and said that he had misrepresented himself as the chairperson of The Message. He said that he had applied for funding of R3 million for a “traditional arts festival”. On 8 October 2018, the NLC paid over R1,575 million into the account of which he, his niece Mukondeleli Tshivule (27) and Thomas Ndadza (49) were all signatories.
Kharivhe’s company, Thwala Front, was allegedly used on more than one occasion to “launder” Lottery funds. In April 2018, Thwala received funds from another non-profit organisation and then paid R1.9 million into the bond account for Huma’s Waterkloof house.
Luxury mansions and hijacked NPOs
On 15 June this year, a preservation order was granted by Special Tribunal Judge Soma Naidoo regarding the multi-million-rand luxury home and furniture of former NLC board chairman Alfred Nevhutanda. An order was also granted against Vhutanda Investments, a private company that owns the property. Nevhutanda is the sole director of the company, according to official company records,
At the time that the home, which is set on its own, private two-hectare estate in a suburb of Pretoria, was purchased, Nevhutanda was the long-time chairperson of the NLC board. The judge also instructed the SIU to initiate civil proceedings against Nevhutanda and Vhutanda “for the disgorgement of secret profits improperly earned” during Nevhutanda’s tenure as the NLC board’s chairman.
Nevhutanda is no stranger to Vhembe, having worked in the area for many years as lecturer at the Makhado College of Education. He served as the NLC board’s chairperson for a period of 11 years until 2020, and he is a former ANC Limpopo chairperson.
He received a PhD in education from Unisa in 2000 and a doctorate in music in 2005. He also claims a controversial professorship, awarded to him by the dodgy International Eco-energy Academy of Azerbaijan and refers to himself as “Professor” Alfred Nevhutanda.
Another NPO named in the preservation order is Mushumo Ushavha Zwanda, which received R27.4 million to build an old-age home at Maila village, 30 km southeast of Louis Trichardt.
In March this year, SIU head Advocate Andy Mothibi told Parliament’s Trade, Industry and Competition Portfolio Committee that the NPO had been hijacked. Mothibi did not mention Mushumo Ushavha Zwanda by name when he told MPs that, shortly after the first tranche of R20 million had been paid into the NPO’s bank account, R4 million had been transferred to attorneys handling a property transaction for a former NLC board member.
The former board member was Alfred Nevhutanda, and the money was allegedly used to help pay for his lavish R27-million mansion in Annlin, in Pretoria.
Public Auction
The next step, now that assets have been frozen, will be to apply for a forfeiture order, NPA spokesperson Lumka Mahanjana said in a media statement last week after the latest preservation orders were granted. “Once a forfeiture order is granted, the properties will be sold at public auction, and proceeds returned to the NLC.”
Mahanjana said investigations had revealed that Lottery grants had been used to buy luxury properties for the benefit of employees of the NLC and members of the non-profit organisations or their family members and friends. In many of the cases, properties were registered in the names of the entities and not in the names of private individuals, she said.
“Some entities masqueraded as construction companies but did not do construction (or very little) and were effectively used as money-laundering vehicles to receive kickbacks from non-profit organisations who received grants from the NLC,” she said.
GroundUp reported earlier this week that investigations into further matters involving the abuse of Lottery funds are nearing completion and more applications to freeze assets will be brought before the courts soon.
GroundUp also quoted sources as saying that the SIU had “made criminal referrals” to the NPA involving Letwaba, Ramulifho, Mampane, Nevhutanda, former board member William Huma, and Mashudu Shandukani, who is included in last Friday’s order, and his wife, Pretty. Shandukani’s company was the main contractor for construction of Vhafamadi School, on a Lottery-funded project to build a school in Limpopo, where millions of rands were misappropriated.
Where to from here?
During a second report back on the SIU’s investigations, Mothibi told Parliament in September that they were investigating more than R1.4-billion in dodgy Lottery grants. The first phase of the SIU’s investigation was complete and involved 12 grants, valued at R279.7 million, which were “corruptly syphoned out of the NLC with the assistance of [former NLC] Executive and Board members”.
The second phase, which is currently underway, involves 17 matters, and the SIU had identified R246.6 million in grants for investigation, Mothibi told MPs. The report on this phase of the investigation is due in March 2023. The third phase, which will begin in April next year, will probe grants valued at R905.9 million, bringing the total of grants under investigation to R1.4 billion. If further information on corrupt grants were received, these would also be investigated, Mothibi said.
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DRT: All About Debt Recovery Tribunal
Banks and financial institutions issue loans to clients with an expectation of receiving installments regularly. It is good for both lenders and borrowers. However, at times, there are situations when lenders do not repay the loan. Either they pay intermittently or become defaulters To facilitate the banks and financial institutions in dealing with such cases, the government of India established Debt Recovery Tribunal or DRT after the passing of the Recovery of Debts due to Banks and Financial Institutions Act (RDDBFI), 1993 These legal aid services have been quite helpful in the past. With the establishment of DRT, it became easy to recover loaned money from the customers. The petitions against orders passed through DRT are presented before the DRAT or Debts Recovery Appellate Tribunal (DRAT). Five such appellate tribunals and 32 debt recovery tribunals in 23 places exist all across the country.  
The role of DRT
The primary goal is, of course, to recover the money from borrowers, which they owe to the lenders. The tribunal settles down the cases of recovery from NPA as confirmed by the lender under the guidelines of the RBI. There is a recovery officer who guides to execute the recovery certificate passed through the presiding officers. According to npa lawyers, the DRT must follow the legal process by emphasizing quick disposal of the cases and fast execution. As far as the applicability of the act is concerned, it is applicable in the whole country. Also, it is applicable where the due amount is below 10,00,000. The act is applicable when the lender files the original application for recovery.  
Composition of DRT
The tribunal is comprised of one individual who is the presiding officer appointed by the government of India through a notification.
The government may allow any individual as a presiding officer from any tribunal set under any law. It is to discharge the powers of the presiding officer in any of the cases presented before the tribunal.
The central government can establish more than one tribunal to carry out the jurisdiction under this act. The government can also stipulate the area where the tribunal may carry out the jurisdiction.
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irvinenewshq · 2 years
Mkhwanazis doable hyperlink to sufferer emerges
A doable hyperlink to one of many ladies but to be recognized within the “Selby Six” murders has emerged. After the matter was postponed on Monday for a bail software, a household spokesperson for the girl for whose homicide, Sifiso Mkhwanazi, 20, has been charged, claimed their beloved one was seen with him on video footage in possession of the state. “She went lacking on 2 October; she was the one which was final reported lacking. “Her sister can’t even speak, she doesn’t sleep. Seeing him right now made her sister even worse,” she mentioned, requesting anonymity. In the meantime, one other individual, whose beloved one went lacking three months in the past, mentioned they have been nonetheless ready for police to present them DNA outcomes to show that their beloved one was certainly one of many ladies whose decomposed our bodies have been discovered. 5 extra ladies have been present in varied locations on the property. “We have no idea if she is one among them as a result of they haven’t instructed us something. “We have now not been known as to determine her and we’re nonetheless ready for a DNA check,” she mentioned. “For now, we don’t need to communicate additional as a result of she is but to be recognized, however we will affirm that she was reported to be lacking.” Mkhwanazi final to be seen together with her A intercourse employee, Jane (not her actual identify), alleged Mkhwanazi was the final individual to be seen with the girl who disappeared three months in the past. “He took her in entrance of my eyes, he left together with her and the next day she by no means got here again. We have now tried to search for her however we by no means discovered her.” She mentioned Mkhwanazi was charming and candy when he left with the girl. “We by no means thought [the alleged perpetrator] could be able to such, particularly at his age.” Jane was allegedly additionally one of many six ladies who went to an identification parade final Friday. Nationwide Prosecuting Authority (NPA) spokesperson Phindi Mjonondwane mentioned they have been nonetheless not sure about when DNA testing could be accomplished, as they have been counting on the relations of the ladies. “DNA is just not the competency of the NPA, subsequently we can’t give a particular time-frame when the DNA will probably be prepared. As quickly as we obtain these outcomes, the relations will probably be notified,” she mentioned. Mkhwanazi’s lawyer, Khanyiswa Mkhabe, instructed Justice of the Peace Betty Khumalo he needed the court docket to rule that his consumer’s father mustn’t go to him till the case had been concluded. Prosecutor advocate Tshepo Mhange ka Mzizi mentioned the accused had a proper to household visits and that he needed to keep away from the accused later saying he had been denied that proper. “I plead with the court docket to determine with the accused whether or not he needs his father to go to or not, so the state is just not accused of violating his rights for visitation,” he mentioned. Compelled confession Mkhabe alleged on behalf of Mkhwanazi that his consumer had been pressured to admit to the crime by his father. Nevertheless, Khumalo mentioned no person was compelled to make the accused confess and a confession could be nugatory if it was pressured. “Confession is one thing an individual should do freely and voluntarily, with none undue affect,” mentioned Khumalo. “If it’ll floor at a later stage that we’re sitting on a confession that was irregularly obtained, then we’d have an issue.” ALSO READ: Our bodies present in Joburg: Killer ‘doesn’t deserve something apart from demise’ On the alleged forcing of the confession by the daddy and the investigating officer, Mjonondwane mentioned there have been particular necessities for a confession to be admissible in court docket. “If the method that was adopted, as alleged by the accused, doesn’t meet the necessities of the regulation, then that can’t stand in court docket.” – [email protected] Originally published at Irvine News HQ
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pannaginip · 9 months
This Dec. 30 marks the 3rd year death anniversary of the 9 Tumandok farmers and indigenous community leaders who were red-tagged and subsequently killed during police raids at alleged NPA hotspots in Iloilo and Capiz.
Meanwhile, [Police Regional Office 6 (PRO-6) Brig. Gen.] Miranda [said] the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), particularly the Army, was not involved in the operations. He reiterated that these were purely police operations.
But there were unconfirmed reports of government soldiers under the 301st Infantry Brigade (301 IB) participating in the operations.
The Tumandok nga Mangunguma nga Nagapangapin sa Duta kag Kabuhi (TUMANDOK) group alleged that government forces stormed into houses of local IP leaders early morning of Wednesday, and forcibly arrested some occupants.
2020 Dec. 30
Seven of the nine persons who were killed were identified as Roy Giganto, Eliseo Gayas Jr., Mauro Diaz, Arcelito Katipunan, Mario Aguirre, Jomer Vidal, and Dalson Catamin.
Police also arrested [16 -] 17 others.
CIDG-6 claimed that nine were killed for allegedly fighting back and resisting arrest. But this was refuted by the victims’ families, claiming that the nine victims were forcefully dragged from their homes and shot.
“It appears that the services of these warrants were nothing more than an excuse to carry out an operation intended to kill and arrest local leaders that have been actively advocating for the rights and interest of farmers and indigenous peoples,” said the National Union of Peoples’ Lawyers (NUPL) Panay Island Chapter.
2021 Jan. 2
As of December 30, 15 of the 16 who had been arrested through search warrants were released after the said warrants were junked.
However, “the perpetrators of the murders were never bought to justice,” the statement [by Defend Panay Network and the Panay People’s Coalition] said. “The AFP and the PNP continue to terrorize the IP communities with their presence and verbal threats of a repeat of the massacre.”
2021 Dec. 30
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propertyexperttips · 2 years
Loan NPA to Property Auction by Bank
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What are non-performing assets (NPAs)
When an asset no longer generates income for the bank, it is considered non-performing. Previously, an asset was classified as a non-performing asset (NPA) based on its 'past due status. A 'non-performing asset' (NPA) was described as credit for which interest and/or principal payments have been 'past due for a particular timeframe. To move toward international best standards and provide greater transparency, 90-day overdue norms for identifying NPAs are supplied.
Banks are expected to further categorize NPAs as – 
Substandard assets: Assets that have been NPA for less than or equal to 12 months.
Doubtful assets: An asset is considered doubtful if it has been in the substandard category for 12 months.
Loss assets: According to the RBI, a loss asset is regarded as uncollectible and of such low value that its continued existence as a bankable asset is not merited, even if there may be some salvage or recovery value.
Banks and financial institutions must take the procedures listed above to protect their interests.
Before issuing the notice under 13(2), a full inspection of the security hypothecated to the secured creditors must be done, and a comprehensive report documenting the whole security available at the time of inspection must be made.
During the inspection, details of all book debts, including the names and addresses of the parties, must be gathered.
A notice is delivered to the borrower by registered mail under Section 13(2) of the SARFAESI Act. The borrower/guarantor has received the notification, and the acknowledgment has been signed by the borrower/guarantor.
Possession or sale of real estate
Possession of the immovable secured assets may be obtained by:
Symbolic possession by affixing a possession notification as nearly as practicable prepared by Appendix IV and its dissemination
Constructive possession, which is achieved by following the formalities of symbolic possession and providing an undertaking from the possessor that he will not part with or alienate any right in the property and will hand over vacant possession of the property to the bank on a specific day and date.
Find Bank Auction Property –
Because there is no organized data in India, this is one of the most difficult steps. Some websites may provide information about Bank Auction properties. This information is generally available for a fee. These websites are not updated regularly. Newspaper notices posted at bank branches, and notices put in societies are further sources of information. You can also look for auction notices on the websites of Asset Reconstruction Companies such as ARCIL. It is best to narrow down your search so that you can easily find the property. Instead of paying for a search to receive all facts, I recommend searching for Bank Auction Property on these internet sources.
Examine the Property Specifics –
Once you've narrowed down your bank auction property list, perform your preliminary check. Examine the property's market value; obviously, the reason for the bank auction is payment default, but investigate any legal problems, bank auction details, and whether you would compete in the bank auction.
The only purpose of the bank is to sell the property. If you are serious about buying the property, you should hire a lawyer or an expert to guide you through the process. The outstanding balance of the defaulter is an important issue to examine. In many cases, the unpaid balance exceeds the Reserve Price. Please investigate how the bank will recoup the remaining cash if the property is auctioned for less than the outstanding sum. In such circumstances, the defaulter must pay the remainder, but it is best to explain why.
Inspect the Property Physically –
It is recommended that you physically inspect the property. Banks are now including the inspection date and time in the auction notification. You are welcome to inspect the property at the scheduled time. The contact information for the concerned officer can be found in the e-auction notification. It is best to call him and obtain all of the necessary information. One advantage is that if the bank organizes a physical examination, it indicates the bank has physical ownership of the property. It is always best to purchase the property where the bank has physical possession. In the case of notional or symbolic possession, the winner of the bank auction process will have to compete for ownership.
Submit Tender Form –
You can obtain the Tender Form and deposit the EMD (Earnest Money Deposit) during this step. EMD is frequently deposited using a banker's check or a demand draught. Please double-check all tender form details before submitting your tender by the Tender Closing Date. The bank requires KYC documents in addition to the tender form. Because time is of importance, you should complete all papers in advance. One of the most common reasons for tender form rejection is an incomplete tender form, which indicates that either the KYC documents are unavailable or the tender form is not correctly filled out.
Bidding – 
There are various methods for submitting your proposal. You can use the bidding form to put your bid. In most cases, a tender form and a bid form can be used interchangeably. In conclusion, you can submit a bid using the tender form. You must submit a separate Tender form/bid form if you want to make several bids in "multiple of increase in offer amount." In some cases, the tender form is physically submitted, while the bid is made online using a different bid form. In rare cases, the bank will enable competitive bidding among bidders to increase the ultimate bid sum.
The Auction Date –
Go to the site/bank / auction location on the auction day to discover if you won the bank auction. If bids are submitted through a tender form or a bid form, the bank will disclose all qualified bids to all bidders. The highest bidder wins the bank auction. It is advisable to apply for a home loan through the bank that auctioned off the property. Home loans are typically a risky proportion, and the majority of bank auctions end without a home loan.
Sale Certificate – 
Following the completion of the remaining 75%. The bank will provide you with a Sale Certificate, the but title transfer will not be finalized until the Sale Certificate is registered with the sub-registrar office.
At the Sub-Office, register the Sale Certificate. Registrar –
You can register a Sale Certificate and insist on including the defaulter as a confirming party, as I explained in my previous essay on Bank Auctions. The authorized bank executive must sign the sale certificate at the time of property registration.
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Property Expert Channel
Anurodh Jalan
Jalan Property Consultant 
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zambianobserver · 2 years
Bally Should Have Promoted Someone Within NPA So That The DPP Is Independent- Tutwa Ngulube
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