dogwittaablog · 6 months
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I was awaiting for Nolan’s bestfriend to make a post.
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harlowhockeystick · 4 months
i need a valentine’s day insta edit with nolie and princess like i need air to breathe
- 💰
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y/npatrick: happy early valentines my love 🩶❤️
*comments have been limited*
npatrick19: valentine 4 ever 🖤
fan1: ugh hottest mom and dad
friend1: the love notes 🥹
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npatrick19: princess, my forever valentine 🖤
*comments have been limited*
y/npatrick: hehe luv u nolie <3
fan2: woah 🫨
npatrick19: woah is right
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werewolfbneimitzvah · 7 months
Hold on I'm going to make a vague post about something incredibly silly and unimportant.
I follow the mika zibanejad tag on here bc he's very pretty and i like when i get automatically shown new gifsets from people i don't follow. But I've been getting shown a post that's tagged with mika and two other nhl guys, matthew tkachuk and nolan patrick, and the post is like a jokey post about like "ugh how dare men be beautiful while definitely using horrible oil-stripping 3-in-1 products" or whatever, like it goes on a bit and is clearly meant to not be serious. But, ok listen i know nothing about npatrick's personal care routine, i don't care about him being tagged, whatever. And obviously i don't know the details of mzibanejad or mtkachuk's. But like first of all i once dated someone with curly hair for like a year and just from that i can tell you that mtkachuk is not using some 3-in-1 bullshit bc his hair would never let him in a million years. That texture demands real conditioner just by virtue of existing. Second of all mika's bestie chris is on camera being asked "if mika could only bring one item with him to a deserted island, what would he bring" and answering "moroccan oil (for his hair)." His buddy knows what hair products he uses. Just looking at a photo of mika it's extremely obvious how deliberate he is with his appearance, and chris and mika both acknowledge this in that same video when asked which of them takes more time to get ready in the morning or whatever the question was and they both immediately said mika.
Anyway I'm just saying, 2/3 of your examples are bad. Granted the 3-in-1 mention might not be intended as a specific accusation so much as vibes, which maybe makes the mtkachuk one more forgiveable, but even then idk, i think he puts at least some thought into his personal care and appearance even if his "thought" is to wear fucken polos and bucket hats.
Anyway that's all, this is incredibly silly but i keep forgetting to tell tumblr to stop showing me that post so i keep seeing it and fuming all over again at the thought of someone with hair that curly going near it with something like that or looking at a photo of mika and not immediately knowing that that man knows what he's doing irt his appearance
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frostbeees · 2 years
tagged by @darkangel0410
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
umich wolf fic
c.york/c.caufield 80s/90s au
t.bords/b.brisson 5+1 (5 times they failed to get together)
npatrick/jtowes (FTH fic) camboy au
jack-cole-trevor ASG fic (ahhahahhaha it just needs edited so i'm counting it)
tknp scrapbook fic (ALMOST DONE)
tagging uh... this is when i realize that i dont talk to many people. @hckyrcl @three-headed-monster @workingforitallthetime and anyone else sure
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ballsakic · 3 years
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The hair. The beanie. The neard. The jawline.
Someone get me a pregnancy test 😩
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nolansnose · 3 years
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art-and-the-hockeys · 3 years
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wallpapers • nolan patrick (third jerseys) + collages (various iphone dimensions)
Credits of the wallpapers’ elements and style go to their respective owners. I only assembled them to make the wallpapers.
like & reblog if you use
Below are the iPhone dimensions list…
-Top wallpapers is best fit for:
iPhone 12
iPhone 12 mini
iPhone 12 Pro
iPhone 12 Pro Max
iPhone 11
iPhone 11 Pro
iPhone 11 Pro Max
iPhone X
iPhone XS
iPhone XR
iPhone XS Max
-Bottom wallpapers is best fit for:
iPhone 8+
iPhone 8
iPhone 7
iPhone 7+
iPhone 6s
iPhone 6s+
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allie-mcginn · 4 years
I just wanna cuddle with a hockey boy. Is that too much to ask for??
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evanssbuckley · 3 years
‘The most active player for the flyers’ I love my man
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nolanschippedtooth · 3 years
Is it weird that I wanna know Patty’s shoe size?? Is that too much to ask for??
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patsisfly · 5 years
Imagine- Nolan Patrick
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Request: “please be my best friend right now not the guy I confessed my love to”
“Y/N,” a soft voice says from the now cracked open bathroom door. I don’t move even a little bit from my spot on the edge of the tub- head on my knees. I can’t see a thing, but I don’t need to see to know that it’s Travis. Of course he would have followed me in here. He probably heard the whole thing, probably feels sorry for me.
He enters the bathroom and shuts the door behind him. It clicks with a bang. When he sits down on the tub edge next to me, I slide over to make more room. “Don’t worry about it,” he says, voice soft and sympathetic. I hate this. I hate being the object of sympathy.
I should never have said what I did. I should have never told Nolan that I love him, that I want to be more than friends with him. He’s been one of my closest friends for the better part of two years, and I just ruined it.
I blame this party, the alcohol, and him for looking so damn good tonight. I blame him for putting his arm around my waist but I blame myself for thinking it meant more than it did. “Hey,” I said into his ear while he laughed at the guy who just took a dart to the head. He had turned to me with a red solo cup to his lips, eyebrows raised in anticipation. “I have to get off my chest that I think I’m in love with you.”
His face had gone ghost white, his eyes widened, and he started coughing up the drink that he’d just sipped. I realized my mistake at that moment, and then practically ran away. I weaved through the rambunctious party goers and into the nearest door, which turned out to be the bathroom.
And here I’ve been crying for maybe five minutes. Mourning the loss of a great friendship, and my dignity. How embarrassing. And now I have to listen to his best friend tell me that I shouldn’t worry about it and it’s no big deal.
“I’m an idiot,” I mumble to Travis, flinching only a little when he places his arm around my back and slides me closer to him. “No you’re not, you were just being honest.”
I sniffle. Being honest didn’t help me at all. All it did was make me feel like a fool. “He’s gonna think I’m obsessed with him or something. We probably won’t even be friends anymore all because I just had to tell him I love him. God, why did I have to catch feelings for him?”
Travis chuckles lightly and I pick my head up fast enough to catch a glimpse of the smirk on his face before he quickly covers it. I glare at him, not finding anything amusing about this. “That’s obvious. It’s because you two are made for each other,” he says simply, with a small shrug as if it really is obvious.
Before I can make him explain what he means by that, there’s a knock on the bathroom door. I sniffle and wipe my face, assuming it’s someone trying to use the restroom. “Y/N? You in there?”
I freeze, hearing Nolan’s voice was the last thing I expected to happen. “Don’t look so worried, kid. Patty’s nothing to be scared of,” Travis says to me in a soothing tone and squeezes my shoulder comfortingly.
He stands then, going for the door, but I grab his hand. “Don’t leave,” I whisper. “I don’t know what to say to him.”
Travis pats my hand and then shakes his head. “You’ll be fine. It’s just Patty.”
The door opens and the two boys switch places, Nolan shutting it softly while he sits next to me on the edge of the tub. I resist looking at him, too embarrassed to face him.
After all the times he’s seen me cry over stuff like work, school, boys, friends... but this time I can’t look at him. Because I’m crying over him.
“It’s okay, Y/N. Please don’t cry-“ he says softly. Both him and Travis have been talking to me like I’m so fragile, and maybe I am, but it’s starting to get annoying to me. I know I’m pathetic.
“Just please be my best friend right now, not the guy I just confessed my love to,” I interrupt, eyes still downcast towards the floor and my words all mumbled. He’s silent, so I look up at him. His face is a little red and his eyes are bloodshot just a bit. He’s drunk and trying to hide it.
I can’t take the tension anymore, and the sobs aren’t stopping anytime soon. So I slide closer to him and put my head against his solid shoulder. His arm comes around my body and he squeezes me comfortingly just like he always does when I’m upset.
“Some party, huh?” He says, hand moving to my back and making slow circles. I chuckle and start to wipe my eyes. “Did you see Oskar fall on his ass?” I laugh at the memory of the tall skinny blonde slipping on a beer spill in the kitchen and going backwards.
“What, no! Someone better have that on video,” he exclaims. We sit like that, on the edge of the tub, for a few minutes. We can hear the music still blaring and the sound of talking and singing radiating through to this room. It’s peaceful, and even though things seem normal right now, who knows what tomorrow will be like.
I mean, I just told him I love him....
I sigh and stand up to look in the mirror. I look a wreck, but luckily my eye makeup stayed pretty well in place. I jump when Nolan’s reflection joins my own- I wasn’t expecting that.
He smiles at me in the mirror and I see myself returning the gesture. “You look beautiful,” he says, all mumbly like usual.
I turn around to face him. “You don’t have to say that just to make me feel better. I’m fine, really.”
He chuckles and shakes his head. “I’m not. I’m only telling the truth.”
And then he leans in and kisses me.
No warning, no time for me to prepare.
I’m froze with shock.
His hands on my hips and lips moving with my own... I can’t even comprehend what’s happening. When we separate a bit, I can’t say anything still, I can only look at his face- his small little smile and the redness of his cheeks.
“Don’t worry about what you said earlier. Because I’m in love with you too.”
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Home (T. Konecny & N. Patrick Imagine)
I didn’t finish this, but I don’t have the motivation to either. So enjoy 3k of self-indulgent bs I wrote when I was upset.
Rating: T
Pairing: T. Konecny/Reader/N. Patrick
Words: 3008
Warnings: Food, general negativity
Requested: yes / no
Summary: *Daniel Powter voice* You had a bad day...
Life sucks.
Life sucks and everything is terrible and you’re so fucking tired.
Your shift had gotten changed and no one bothered to tell you, so you woke up at 5:15 to your manager asking why you weren’t there yet, even though you usually don’t start until 7. Thus, you had to scramble through getting ready and driving to work in record time, except you didn’t realize until you’d gotten to the stadium that you’d forgotten your badge, so not only were you late, but they had to make you a temporary. Luckily you’re generally a good employee, so you just had to apologize a thousand times and work a little faster than usual, which is objectively better than getting fired. But it also sucked extra, because the reason your shift had been changed was due to them accidentally giving too many people the day off, so you were understaffed with a 3 o’clock 76’ers game to prepare for. Even on a calm day, hauling around boxes of food and delivering them to the kitchens was enough of a workout to justify not spending money on a gym membership, but with being half staffed and starting late, you were ready to collapse by time you were finished. Your entire body ached.
It would have been bad enough if it were just a rushed day, but everyone seemed to be in a pissy mood as well. The cooks snapped at you, because the chefs snapped at them, except the chefs also snapped at you, so you just got the business end of everyone’s bad mood. Plus you always felt bad when you were late to work or late with a delivery anyway, and you’d barely been sleeping, and you were constantly hungry but too nauseous to eat, and you couldn’t sit still for five minutes but moving was exhausting. So you were just guilty and irritated and mad at the entire world but mostly at yourself.
Once you clock out, you don’t even bother pretending to consider going back to your place. Traffic is a bitch, because you head out at the same time everyone is coming in for the game. You want to scream. You may or may not roll your windows up and do so, but no one can prove anything.
By time you reach your destination, the frustration has faded to leave you empty and apathetic and more tired than you’ve been in a long time. The doorman greets you, and usually you’d ask how he is and make small talk for a minute, but right now all you can do is shoot him as much of a smile as you can manage and thank him as you enter. The elevator ride feels like it takes a thousand years. The sight of their door is your first bit of relief in days; you don’t even have to dig out your key because it’s unlocked. Leaving it unlocked is probably not the most responsible decision, but they’re not the most responsible pair out there, and you might have sent them several frustrated texts during stolen seconds throughout the morning that would imply you’d be coming over.
You stop in the entryway to drop your bag and kick off your (ugly) regulation non-slip shoes. Just being here allows you to take a deep breath and relax, even minutely. You find Nolan in the kitchen, leaning on the island as he reads something on his phone and snacks on something definitely not on his diet plan. For a moment, you allow yourself to simply look. To appreciate the strong cut of his jaw, the constant flush of his cheeks, the curl of his hair against the nape of his neck.
“Hey nerd,” you greet, padding over to wrap your arms around him from behind. He hums, pressing back into you a bit. With your face buried into him, eyes closed, you can hear the quiet clack of him putting his phone down.
“Bad day, huh?” he asks, already knowing the answer. You just groan, pulling away enough to grab his hand and pull him out of the kitchen and toward the couch. He sits obediently, propping his feet up on the ottoman so you can spread out over the rest of the couch with your head in his lap. One hand on the side of your neck, he uses the other to play with your hair and scratch your scalp. It can’t be pleasant for him. You’re still sweaty and grimy from work, desperately in need of a shower, but he continues nevertheless.
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asks. You don’t really want to, and you know he probably doesn’t want to either, so you save both of you the trouble by shaking your head.
“When’s Travis gonna be home?” you ask after a few minutes, turning onto your back after breaking the peaceful silence. Nolan checks his watch.
“Like twenty minutes,” he says, settling his hand over your collarbone now that you’ve turned. You let out another groan. Twenty fucking minutes.
“He’s at a meeting, he’ll be home soon,” Nolan mumbles, trying to appease you. Soon, hah, not soon enough. It was nice to mope with Nolan, doing nothing but laying around and letting his calm demeanor soothe you, but you always prefer to have them both around. Nolan can settle you like no other, but Travis was better at actually cheering you up. Working together, they made the perfect resolution to a shitty day.
Twenty minutes ends up being closer to thirty. The first half is spent with Nolan stroking his thumb along the skin under the collar of your uniform shirt, until you start feeling too gross and decide you should definitely get a shower. They have way better water pressure than you do, and you savor the hot water beating over your sore back until you hear the front door open. Trav is home. After giving yourself a cursory towel-dry and wrapping the (ridiculously) soft towel around yourself, you don’t bother getting dressed before bounding out to intercept him before he can even make it through the bedroom door. He laughs when you catch him in a hug, but squeezes you back nonetheless.
The two of you get changed together, chatting a bit about your days. He switches from his suit to a t-shirt and athletic shorts, and you pick out something cozy from your designated drawer. The urge to steal something of theirs to comfort yourself is powerful, but you resist, because you have them already. Who needs one of their oversized shirts when you have the real deal?
Once dressed, Travis wraps his arms around you from behind, huddling up against your back and enveloping you in his perpetual warmth. He waddles the two of you to the living room, keeping you plastered to his front, like a parent helping their child work out their first unsteady steps. The exaggerated swaying is exactly ridiculous enough to get a laugh out of you, the barest giggle that feels cathartic after the awful day you’ve had. The sound makes Travis cheer, pulling your arm up into a fistpump of success, which only makes you giggle more. As previously stated: Travis is really good at cheering you up.
During your time in the master suite, Nolan has gathered various pillows and blankets from around the condo and made a sort-of nest on the couch. You grab your favorite stuffed animal from the pile the second Travis lets you go, fussing with the pile of bedclothes until it’s arranged to your satisfaction. Then you proceed to arrange Travis and Nolan to your liking; Nols on the left with his feet on the ottoman as he likes, Trav wedged into the corner on the right, one leg spanning the back of the couch until his foot can bury itself behind Nolan, while the other leg is bent at the knee to settle his left foot flat on the floor. They are both more than adequately propped and padded with pillows, allowing them to be comfortable whilst providing you the perfect resting place.
The moment you’re fully settled in-- head on Travis’s left thigh, feet on Nolan’s lap, angled perfectly to see the TV without straining your neck or eyes, nor sacrificing full view-- Nolan hands you the remote without debate or question. You click through the usual streaming services for a few minutes, finding nothing of interest. Honestly, you already know what you want to watch, who are you kidding. Rather than continue the charade of considering other options, you click through to a less-than-savory streaming app Trav had installed a while back, despite Nolan’s concern for viruses. You go straight to the search bar and quickly to your favorite cheer-up movie, lodging the remote half under your forearm after pressing play. One final adjustment in position, and you’re set for the next two hours.
Throughout the movie, Nolan absently massages your calves and ankles, which he’s unusually good at, probably from getting so many massages at the rink. Travis scratches your scalp gently, rubbing at the base of your skull now and again, lucky to get you post-shower. They both let you make your commentary without complaint, even throwing their own comments in here and there. Maybe you got a bit too into the things you liked, and learned a gratuitous amount about them, and occasionally wanted to share your knowledge, despite it being entirely useless. You didn’t need to feel smart, necessarily, just heard. Understood.
The screen finally fades to black, jumping back to the preview screen automatically. Though Nol maneuvers your legs so he can stand and hobble to the kitchen, shaking out his knees along the way, you simply close your eyes and appreciate the situation. Yes, you had a shitty day. But you also have two wonderful, loving boyfriends who put off their game tape to watch your favorite movies for the millionth time, curl up with you for hours even if it makes their joints go stiff, listen to you ramble about the things you’re passionate about with admiration rather than complaint… You’re burrowed under your favorite comforter, with your favorite people, in a safe place, with the promise of forever under your tongue.
Nolan brings back two bowls with a properly portioned amount of diet-appropriate snacks, that he hands to you and Travis to hold while he settles back in. One bowl has these weird “bites” that only Nolan likes, so that ends up in his hands before you start the next movie, Trav holding the bowl of home-made trail mix the both of you will presumably share. You all snack and watch your favorite rom-com, probably more invested than you should be after having seen it this many times. But it serves as an adequate relief from the leftover stress of your day. Plus, witnessing TK and Nolan evolve from pretending not to care about the story, to nearly screaming at the TV when the characters do stupid things, is always a bonus and a privilege. It’s difficult for them, especially as professional hockey players, to express anything both genuine and outside the scope of traditional masculinity, you know that; that’s why it’s such a stunning scene to be allowed to witness. Any time they allow themselves to openly feel around you, you feel more trusted, more loved.
After the fade to black snaps back to the preview screen, it’s roundabout time for a slightly overdue dinner. The three of you debate the merits of ordering out versus making the lemon garlic tilapia you’d picked up the ingredients for the other day, deciding to be responsible and cook the fish before it spoiled. They’re both useless in the kitchen, so they mostly sit at the island and provide entertainment while you cook, occasionally bringing you something you need. In the past, you’d attempted to teach them some culinary skills, but in the interest of not burning the condo down most of the cooking is left to you or their chef. Because they have a personal chef, like the rich bastards they are. But again, you’d rather they not die in a grease fire, so maybe that’s for the best. Even if you’re a little jealous.
The recipe is fairly straightforward, so it’s not too much work after your long day. And making food always makes you feel a little better anyway, especially if you’re making it for other people. Food is love, and all that, so it was just nice to work on something and have someone actually appreciate it (instead of yelling at you for being ten minutes late). The boys get into an argument about the best way to counteract some opponent’s play style, or something like that, and you have to give them each a good whack on the arm with the spatula to get them to disengage. Luckily, dinner is ready not long after, so they don’t have time to work themselves back up.
They both help you serve the food, setting out plates and glasses and silverware on the small wooden table as you dish out fish and rice and squash. The larger filets go to them, as well as a heartier portion of sides. They’re gonna need as much as they can get before the official season starts and they end up losing all the weight they’d gained over the summer. When you’re at home, dinner is a quiet affair. Usually it’s just you eating on the couch as you watch a show or scroll social media. With Travis and Nolan, however, dinner is loud and long and engaging. The both of them talk throughout the meal, pulling you into the conversation so often that your rice is almost cold before you finish it. For as long as you’d lived alone, you’d convinced yourself that you were okay with the silence-- enjoyed it, actually-- but after your first dinner with the boys, you couldn’t deny that the commotion was infinitely preferable.
Clean-up is a breeze between the three of you, Trav and Nolan doing the bulk of the work to make up for not cooking. All you have to do is hand the dishes to Nolan so he can wash them, handing them off to Travis to dry and put away. Trav had been banned from washing after a few too many arguments about what constituted “clean”. You’re not entirely sure it wasn’t a ploy to get out of the hardest work, but you and Nolan love him, so you’ll let it slide. On occasion, you’ll play background music while you clean. This is one of those occasions, and you’re caught off guard when Nolan perks up and Travis drops the plate in his hands to the counter with a clatter.
“It’s our song!” he says, almost loud enough to make you worry about retaliation from the neighbors. But it is your song, so you’re not particularly worried about what Mr. Steinberg thinks.
The three of you move at the same time, Nolan placing the cup in his hand into the sink and you setting the pan you’re holding back into the pile, letting Travis lead you into the more open space between the stove and island, where you’re less likely to break something. As the music plays, you all move more-or-less in sync. Travis and Nols swing each other around as you spin around them, only to be pulled in so Nolan can push and pull you around while Trav shimmies around you. You’re all laughing, singing along to the old jazz song, Sinatra’s deep croon guiding you around the tiled floor. This is one of those rare times that Nolan really lets himself go, allows himself to smile and laugh and dance like no one is watching. Or maybe like you and Travis are watching, and he feels safe enough to be open and happy in front of you both.
After the four or so minutes of the song ends, the three of you converge in a standing pile of smiles and laughter. The three of you exchange kisses and nudge heads and shoulders, just enjoying each other’s company. Enjoying the fact that you get to have this, this overwhelming, chest-bursting happiness. But eventually, you have to return to the dishes. Instead of being a chore, it’s significantly more an activity to do together. The three of you chatter as you wash, unable to wipe the smiles from your faces-- even Nolan.
As Travis places the last cup in the cabinet, you allow Nols to wrap his arms around you, enveloping you in his warmth. Rather than complain, as he usually does, Travis simply joins in, wrapping his arms around the both of you. You’re entirely encompassed by their affection, doing your absolute best to radiate appreciation and affection. You’re not sure that you’ll ever be able to express how much their care means to you; but you’re also not sure you’ll ever truly understand how they feel about you, either. But no one does this for someone they don’t love dearly. They don’t watch shitty movies, or pet your greasy hair, or dance around the kitchen to your old music-- not even just to cheer you up. Just because that’s who you are and what you like, and they want to be a part of that-- no one does all of that unless they love you.
Time passes; maybe a minute, maybe an hour. All you know is the hard stretch of Travis and Nolan’s chests against your back and front, their heat, the softness of their lips against your cheeks, neck, forehead, shoulders, nose, jaw…
Eventually, you have to part. It takes a bit of effort to slip out from between them, partially because you’re pressed so closely together, but mostly because you don’t really want to leave this place, ever. If you could stay pressed between them forever, you would, without question. They’re your safe space, your home. More than any physical location could be.
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nhlbadimagines · 4 years
nolan patrick grabs you by the throat and whispers into your ear, “do you wanna know how I got these rosy cheeks?”
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nhlpatrick-blog · 6 years
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i’ve been blessed🙏🏼
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ballsakic · 3 years
I want Nolan Patrick to go x-games mode
On my vagina
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Jimmy Vesey, Nolan Patrick and Adam McQuaid ❤️
Husband: Adam McQuaid
Brother: Nolan Patrick
Best Friend: Jimothy Vesey
Send me three players and I’ll tell you who’s my husband, who’s my brother, and who’s my best friend
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