#npmd bts
wigglys-dikrats · 8 months
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he’s so silly
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rockrosethistle · 2 months
my favourite genre of photo right now is Jon Matteson using a humidifier and I'd like to thank Jeff Blim for his recent contribution to the cause
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nogooddeetz · 1 year
steph’s homecoming look was inspired by an outfit mariah herself owns and wears! how cute is that!
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isogenderskitty · 3 months
if i had a nickel for every time i’ve been obsessed with a stephanie who wears a beanie and is queer and wants to kiss a nerdy protagonist with glasses who enjoys at least one performing arts hobby, i would have 2 nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice
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yourwagonisaflame · 7 months
oh my god mariah's what if tomorrow comes cover???
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dykeplants · 8 months
for the songs would say high school is killing me, bully the bully, bury the bully, go go nighthawk, nerdy prudes must die, hatchet town are my faves
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jesuisici33 · 9 months
omg the fact that peter’s suspenders and bow tie matches stephanie’s plaid jacket im 🥺🥺🥺
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melaraine · 9 days
Cast photo redraw (NPMD Shenanigans)
I have found some BTS photos in pintrest and it felt like an obligation to redraw one of them.
My do this more often :)
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art-b-y-eden · 1 year
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She's so skrunkly! NO NPMD spoilers please! I'm drawing this with just the bts pictures Starkid gave us, and I won't be seeing the show until the digital ticket release (on the 21st), so if this isn't accurate to how she is in the musical, it isn't my fault. :)
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mxnzies · 9 months
oh my god. the jump in quality from the digital ticket to the actual edited version is INCREDIBLE. fucking LOVED the details of costumes, the set, the lighting, the writing on the panels... everything was fantastic! starkid has come such a long way and it was incredible to see the seats filled for the show in the edited version!!!
spoiler thoughts, would love to hear what other people thought! warning for rambling and a lot of caps and excessive punctuation since i can't control my emo-shuns after watching a starkid show, as always 🤪
i was really hoping for the boy jerri/girl jerri moment AND the coffee shop bloopers from the digital ticket to be in this one, but every performance is unique and i'm glad we got to experience the new hatchet-town cameos!
speaking of, i hope the bonus features include bts from the night where the power went out!
high school is killing me is STUCK IN MY HEAD
dirty girl was so fucking good HD. INCREDIBLE
sadly i really wanted some wider shots, especially when everyone was onstage and particularly during the lords in black scene - though it was AMAZING to see the details up close since from the digital ticket we couldn't really see what was happening.
fucking ADORE the "show me your hands" theme playing with curt's cop, and the "inevitable" piano playing when paul and emma were in Beanies. THEY'RE SO CUTE but it makes me sad BUT FOREVER AND ALWAYS RIGHT <3
also the nightmare time theme during the interval!!!
one thing i really miss about these new starkid recordings is that we don't get the stage bows :( i would have absolutely loved if they did something akin to TGWDLM in black friday and NPMD, where the credits roll over the footage of the cast bowing and the claps! the bows at the end of a show are always so fun, it's a great moment of catharsis for everyone and seeing the cast smiling and happy is something i missed here. ESPECIALLY WITH THE ENERGY IN THE HOMECOMING DANCE
will can STEP ON ME as Max. he's so meta and plays the part so well! apparently the role was rumoured to possibly be Jeff's but I'm so glad Will was Max. we needed the fresh blood onstage in the hatchetverse!
it's so incredible Bryce was able to perform onstage and that Jae got a cameo! HELL YES TO THE NIGHTMARE TIME GANG <3
really wish bryce and kim had bigger roles in this musical, especially bryce as before the digital ticket came out starkid hyped her up so much on the socials. BUT SHE NAILED HER VOCALS and when everyone started screaming/applauding when she hit That Note!!!!! YES!!!!!!
love how we can make comments on the recording, seeing everyone so hyped about the show and loving the show is so affirming! i hope everyone who worked on the show is feeling the love!
i still don't really understand the barbeque monologues and feel they're a bit out of place, maybe because it's an american school musical thing?? but lauren fucking owned it!
kim screaming after ruth died. GET IT SLAY ME WITH YOUR RANGE MAAM
compared to my first impressions from the digital ticket, this is a huge step up. some songs were a bit hit or miss, but man i was crying at the end about peter and steph. love how, like the other two hatchetverse musicals, the ending note was fucked up! that being said tho i am keen for starkid to move onto another potential parody OR a new IP outside of the hatchetverse. i'm super keen to see what the future holds for the company! it's absolutely on my bucket list to watch a starkid show live now <3
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shady-shrub · 6 months
guys. on saturday jon matteson is doing a npmd watch party. 9am PST.
i am going INSANE. AAAAAAAAAAAAA also watch jons other watch parties??? its actually really cool to see bts things???
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lopez-richter-fangirl · 8 months
I believe there was a stretch goal where we would get like a backstage/bts thing for jangle ball and npmd right? I wonder if and when we will see that, especially jangle ball is now quite a while ago!
There was! But jangle ball also should be getting a dvd/dd release this year so if they did remember it makes sense to have it after the releases
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lopez-richter-fangirl · 8 months
Kinda sad we didn't get a BTS for NPMD but I'm also loving the anatomy of song vids
We didn’t get a BTS vid for TGWDLM either though right? Apart from the one that was specifically a kickstarter perk. The anatomy of songs are themselves great BTS
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no lol i’m just excited to hopefully see a npmd bts pic instead of diane (i still love her tho)
Ah I see 😂 I for one am excited to see how much she remembers to vlog for her BTS lmao
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