#nro im genuinely like
Im not sure if i ship emercury yet or not, but the concept of Mercury spying on Emerald living her best life and getting jealous is gold to me
Like for some reason Salem has added another objective to his and Tyrian's mission: do reconnaissance on the kids who single handedly moved Atlas to Vacuo, and make sure they dont get in the way. And Emerald is there. Emerald is slowly learning how to hang out with them and do social activities but Mercury and Tyrian show up right at the end of that, so she's mostly adapted to NRO and SSSN. CFVY still doesnt like her so she avoids those social outings.
Whether because he never truly acknowledged her as a friend and she has some now or because he's been into her for a while Mercury gets jealous when she does friend things and half his updates back to HQ are just salty comments
So theres Emerald, walking around in a cute new outfit and rocking cowboy boots. She's doing karaoke nights with Nora and Neon, and having a blast. Mercury has never seen her smile that much. She walks around with her arm around Oscar's shoulders half the time and they giggle at inside jokes. She danced with Sun for a few songs at this improv Atlas refugee camp festival. Which, Mercury has danced with Emerald before, slow danced with her too, and she's not that great but her and Sun are swinging and spinning around and taking up a lot of space, and its just so different from his dances with her at the Beacon Dance. Just the amount of genuine joy she's expressing during this knocks Mercury back. Thankfully for Mercury's heart she has to sit down because she's tired and only dances with Oscar after that, which is a bit hilarious, and she watches whatever pathetic dance battle is happening between Nora and Neptune. One day she rolls her ankle out in the desert and yeah, Nora could easily carry her, but Nora took a pretty bad hit and they dont have Jaune around to heal either of them, so Ren carries her back to camp bridal style. And Emerald looks as comfortable as can be, chilling out with her arms around Ren's neck, because shes friends with these people. And Mercury is going through all these feelings like he's angry some guy is carrying her, he's jealous its not him carrying her, he missed out on carrying her last time the opportunity came up because they were kinda running for their lives and Hazel got to her first, he realizes she was basically his best friend and he never even hugged her, which is sad considering how tactile a person she is
And of course Tyrian is making fun of him the whole time, and Tyrian's type of teasing just makes him angrier and the updates even more salty
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