spellcasterlight · 2 years
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Hi there Innovating Impala Anon! 😊
Thank you so much! That’s so sweet!  For the canon couples, I have a soft spot for [Sai x Ino], so I'm glad I got this request! Don't worry; they’re only rivals in the role-play, so it’s okay 😂
Hope you like! ✨
Flash Your Badge - [Sai x Ino]
@naruto-smut-monday - November Prompt: Rivals
@saiinomonth - Day 14 Prompt: Play
@kinky-things-happen - Tile 16: Uniform & Overstimulation
Warnings: Modern Day Alternative Universe. Unrealistic Police Practices. Roleplay. Mild Swearing. Handcuffs. Overstimulation. Graphic Sexual Scene.
Story Link: [Ao3🔗]
Ao3 ✨ | WIP Game Always Open ✒️| Ko-Fi ☕
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saiinomonth · 2 years
Guidelines & FAQs
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Event Guidelines
This event will run from November 1st to 30th 2022. This event is organized in English, although we do accept work from languages other than English
Any original works are welcomed, it can be: fanfictions, fanarts, gifs, edits, moodboard, etc
Plagiarism and reposting other people's works are prohibited
We will not accept any character hate, ship bashing, incest, pedophilia, or anything related to that
Feel free to collaborate on working for the original fan content with fellow Saiino enthusiasts, if you want to
 Participants are granted the freedom to choose the days and prompts they want, as long it still adheres to the guidelines. You don't have to follow prompt's designated days. There is no limit for your entries
 You can share your work on Tumblr/Twitter. Use hastag #SaiinoMonth2022 and mention @YamanakaEvents (Twitter) or @saiinomonth (Tumblr), Use Saiino tag and the characters tags.
You can put your entries outside of Twitter/Tumblr (ex: AO3, FFN, Youtube, Instagram, etc). Please put snippet on your Twitter/Tumblr and attach the link of your works so we can share it
For AO3 works, we encourage you to tag your fics with Saiino Month 2022 because we plan to make collection fic of SI Month
NSFW works are allowed, but must be taggged with #NSFWSaiinoMonth2022 as minors may be participating in the event
Commissioned works are allowed but make sure to have the artist's permission first and credit properly
You may include other ships in your work but Saiino should be the main focus and please tag the ships accordingly
As we stated, no harrasment will be tolerated and they will be blocked. Please be respectful to each other, participants, and the entries
"I want to participate but I don’t know what I can make. What should I do?"
You can take a look at our Prompt Muses for some inspirations/examples. We accept any type of contents and mediums. This event is OPEN for all of content creators
"Can we combine the prompts from different days?"
Yes, you can combine the prompts from different days.
"Do I have to post my work on time for the prompt's designated day?"
No, you don't have to. We undertand that everyone lives in different time zones so feel free to post whenever you are available. Example: posting prompt from Day 3 in Day 1, etc.
"Can we post or submit previews of our works before the event?"
Yes, feel free to do so. If you want, you can mention us on twitter or tumblr. You can tag it as #saiinomonthpreview
"Can you post my work for me if I am anonymous or private account?"
Yes gladly. We will help post your entries, as long as it follow Guidelines.
"I already have published works (ex: on going fic) and I want to use it as submission, can I?"
Yes you can, feel free to use them as entries but please ensure your works still follow the Guidelines.
"I have some ideas in my mind but I feel like they don't fit the prompts, can I still make them and participate?"
Yes you can! After all, the main purpose of this event is to celebrate Saiino, so feel free to submit them. We have prompt "Free Day" for this event.
"Can we submit late entries?"
Yes, you can. We will still accept late entries until December 2022. The date will be announced later on
If you still have any other questions, feel free to DM us on Twitter or Tumblr <3
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