#nu’est drabbles
Requests back open!!
Hey guys! I’m officially back on my full writing binge so please feel free to send me any Reaction or Drabble or One Shot requests you have! I write for a lot of different groups! I’m officially not going to write for Big Bang anymore though, just because it’s too much drama at this point. I still love them and I still listen to their music, but it’s difficult. I might add TXT and NCT 127 later, but I don’t know them well enough yet.
Monsta X
Nu’est (Yes I’m keeping my boys, even though they disbanded)
Stray Kids
H1ghr Music
I don’t mind doing any kind of fantasy stuff or angsty or smutty. I don’t really care. I am an adult, 27, so I’m pretty loose in what I write. I’m getting into stuff like Mafia AUs and Hybrid AUs and Werewolf AUs so I don’t mind requests about stuff like that too! I’ll have an updated Masterlist with my new stuff soon! Thanks for your time!
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rinbowaman · 9 months
wait do you actually listen to k-pop? or write for the ither members as well?
I do listen to some kpop, mostly the girl groups, the only male groups I had mainly listened to was txt and nu’est, but have added enhypen to my list ever since I was introduced to their music. And I have written for other members, but so far it’s been mainly Jake and Sunghoon and a couple of sunoo drabbles. Jake and Sunghoon are male leads (along with Hs) in the TO series and se7en features HS as the main male lead but each member of enhypen has their own chapter within that series and are major characters.
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daybreakx · 4 years
Idk if it goes with his personality since I'm still learning but you can try a brunch date with Minhyun if you're interested 👉👈
Eeek thank you so much for requesting something for nu’est!!! ❤️❤️
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[11:26 am]
Everything was being perfect about that day from the moment you’d woken up with Minhyun’s arms still wrapped around you, to the trip downtown in the subway, with him towering over you as he held on to the railing, laughing at your silly jokes as he made some himself, although he’d normally be all serious in public, he’s gotten used to showing a more relaxed side of him whenever he was around you. And finally getting to this cute little restaurant he claimed to be amazing, to have brunch together.
“Is it good?” He questioned as you took a bite of what you’d ordered, looking at you with a smile.
“Hmhm” you nodded eagerly, leaving the cutlery back on the plate. “How’s yours?”
“It’s great, come on, try it” Minhyun offered, grabbing a small portion with a fork, he lifted it towards you “Aaah” he motioned, opening his own mouth in the process and making you laugh. You took the bite from him, making a pleased sound when you tasted it, as Minhyun beamed again. “Told you it was good”.
“This is perfect, Minhyun, thank you”
Minhyun leaned over to you, placing a short kiss on your cheek. “Thank you for being with me” he said softly.
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zerot0all · 5 years
Crimson Castle | M
Chapter Two
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Historic Theme
Nu’est X fem. reader
M- Mature (smut, violence, crude humor...etc.)
“The question isn’t who is going to let me; it is who is going to stop me.” - Ayn Rand
-Welcome to The Royal Utopia-
My dress was tighter than usual , my breathing seeming dense the closer I got to the throne room. As skeptical as I was , I couldn’t hold back the sudden thrill. Something in the air was giving me life and I wasn’t sure why.
The heavy double doors opened slowly, the throne room empty. I made my way towards my seat, the grand business area for most things. My guards stood vigilante by the doors as they let the visitor in.
A fragile thing ... but the beauty radiating from his face was that of another. He approached , a slight smirk on his plump lips making me intake a sharp breath without knowing. His eyes , so dark but yet pure and innocent.
“My Queen,” He spoke then bowed , he was poise and refined but seemed like he grew up in the fields.
“If I may, being in the presence of my highness has done very little to those who have spoken of it. If it may be ... I could fall blinded by such beauty.” He spoke softly, almost like reciting poetry to a blooming rose. The smirk still very clear on his lips, my eyes cast downward to inspect him some more but too quickly do I remind myself of my position.
“You may not ... now, what brings you to my castle?” I blurt out , averting my eyes as I try my very best to look past him. Something in the way his eyes made contact with mine was mesmerizing. I needed to gather my thoughts and get down to business.
“Very well, my village has heard that my Queen was in need of more soldiers.” He went on , making me lift my brow in astonishment.
“I see the duke has done his job getting the word out , and yet , I still don’t have but a clue as to why you are in my castle ?” The aggravation in my tone was clear as day , but that didn’t stop the young man from smiling from ear to ear. His aura was stimulating and fresh, but yet I have no time for commoners.
“I am here today, to give myself and my army to my highness. We live to only serve you, my queen.” His words rang a bell inside my soul, new soldiers? New warriors? But who could they possibly be?
“Are you sure you wish to relinquish such right over to me ... I don’t even own your village. No yet , of course.” I sass, lifting a brow at the sudden change of heart the man must have at this point. He ponders some more , his eyes straying from mine only to be once again met with a fierceness.
“For you my queen , I will give my very own life. Again and again,” he finished as he dropped down to his knee, bowing suddenly ... a sign of full submission.
“Perfect.” I replied in a snarky tone , which then ended the impromptu meeting shortly after.
I went to speak to my guards, mentioning to let me know once Kim Jong-hyun arrives from his travels. I need him to meet Mister Choi Min-Ki immediately. The sooner they meet, the faster they could start training and then we’re back to taking over as much as we can. Ruling lands that no one saw fit for a women to conquer. Fearing a man is not the only downside of this kingdom ... fearing me is.
The night approached sooner than anticipated, the cool winds took over most of my castle making my skin crawl.
Jong-hyun and Baekho have been long gone , traveling up the south side of my lands to scour for new pretentious soldiers. Men who would gladly die for the crown, men who are brave and will do everything they can to keep my kingdom pleased.
It was on my late night walk through my castle , when I heard a sudden noise coming from the library. My library, having sent my ladies in waiting off , I was alone. The dark night usually eases my stress , just like the rose garden which I visit daily. But as the nights grow colder, it’s difficult for me to venture out at this hour.
My eyes are used to the darkness , but once a flicker of light illuminates a corner , my eyes are instantly clouded. Approaching slowly , I make out a figure. A man, sitting in my desk area .. and what is that?
A book?
The candlight was low but it was evident who the intruder was.
“Shouldn’t you be off in your chambers , Aron?” I speak but remain cautious, he jolts up , surprised but once he sees who has come forth in his isolated time .. he took a deep breath. Rolling his eyes like I had already offended him in some way.
“Shouldn’t YOU be in your bed chambers ... most likely getting rammed by some poor soul.” He scoffs , his attention going back to the words before him. His attitude wasn’t new .. the state in which he was in was. I never was one to care for my step brother. Being born from a previous king&queen , I took it upon myself to see him less than dirt in my world. He was useless. Being the spoiled little prince that the kingdom called him by, he was nothing but the regular man who made nothing of his life.
Yet, he sat reading articles of political words which have history behind them. A scholar was far beyond my likes ... Aron taking it upon his free time to read was beyond me also but something in the way he engulfed himself in the pages made me realize ... he wasn’t just a spoiled prince. Or, was he?
“You’re still standing there? Thought you would have left by now.” He quipped, annoyed with my presence but his eyes have not reached up to mines. I approach some more , his robe coming into view. Dark blue velvet which was imported from lands far, far away. I had an exact same one , except mine was cream color , with rhinestones detailing the outline.
“This is my desk Aron, if you have forgotten.” I reply, intently watching as he goes on with reading , his mind in another world but too soon am I brought back to earth with him. He breaths out sharply , pushing back and going to stand. His mouth slowly opens then closes , trying to speak but he says nothing. Usually, our back and forth taunting is casual but something about Aron right now was off. He was ... for better words , not himself.
“Aron relax , you may remain seated. I was merely joking ... what’s gotten into you?” I narrow my eyes , turning the corner of my desk and hopping onto the thick redwood in which my desk was made out off to sit. He takes yet another deep breath , sitting back onto the large chair. His robe came almost undone , peering open to see flesh beneath his velvet clothing.
Yes, Aron and I have done things I’m not proud of. I can also go as far as confess he was the first one to teach me these acts. He made me a woman and for that I am grateful. We are not related by blood but if anyone got word about our scandal, I would be dethroned instantly. No one wants a whore for a Queen, they would rather have a King fuck women pregnant and still be considered greatness. So this shall remain a secret till the day I die.
“Is it so bad that I wish to have some time alone, little sister?” The sneer in his voice had told me to get lost , but I knew Aron , besides all our bad chemistry ... he was still the only person I kind of trusted. And in a backstabbing kingdom ... that says a lot.
“I’m being sincere , you barely go out , you have no friends-”
“I have friends ... not in this kingdom but I do.” Aron quickly interrupts , crossing his arms over his chest.
“Anyways , you’re very isolated. I mean, besides annoying the living hell out of me , you don’t say much.” I finish. Aron wiggles around in his seat, looking off into the darkened library. His mind once more lost in the world that he has made up. It didn’t take him long before his eyes met mines again.
“Do... do you ever wonder what life outside of the castle would be like?” His voice was soft, softer than I have ever heard it before. It was genuinely curious and something deep within my soul crumbled. His eyes fell from my eyes to my lips as I remained unspoken. What could I possibly say to that? Yes, I’ve wondered about being a free gem. Living a carefree life where no one is watching my every move. Do as I wish and never be judged. Of course, that would be an answer but I could also say no.
I don’t ever wonder because this is the life I was born into. This is the sacrifice one must make to move forward in the royal family. I didn’t choose this life but it sure as hell chose me, and I will do everything in my power to make my father proud.
“Don’t let anyone hear you, a question like that may get you in serious trouble.” Was all I could muster up. My heart was racing for the opportunity I had just lost. Speaking about life outside the castle was merely a dream ... but sadly, this dream will never come true.
Again, Aron became silent. His eyes blaring a hole into my being , as if reading my mind. The way he can manipulate my feelings at times can make me livid. He has some power and sometimes , I can’t turn away. Maybe it was the way I watched him intensely that made him scoot the chair closer to me. Maybe , it was the question that sparked a fire within me that he knew it would cause. My legs, which once were hooked by the ankle were now slowly falling apart , the closer he got. His hands found my night shoes, then they began to climb. Passing my ankle going to graze my calves. I took a quick breath as he came even closer, he hiked my legs up onto the arms of the chair as he sat upward , admiring the way I was letting him touch me.
“Yes, you’re right little sister. I mustn’t speak my mind like that ... but maybe I should keep my ideas locked up somewhere tight. Don’t you think?” His genuine tone had completely changed to a teasing manner , cocking his brow as his hands continued to work up my legs. Passing my knees, pushing my robe and night gown up also. The cool breeze hit my skin like frozen water, making me hiss in delight as his fingers finally met my core.
“What if I spoke my crazed ideas into something soft , traced each word with my tongue as your flesh prickled with need. Hmm, what do you say little sister?”
I tried to fight it. I tried not to let his voice consume my every moment ... I wasn’t needy, I don’t need him. But ... his touch was one I could crave suddenly. And sadly, this was one of those weak moments I will regret later on.
“Aron, you little tease, if you don’t- ah,” you gasped as his fingers dipped into my core which leaked for him. He lifted his brow , satisfied in the way my mouth dropped and my chest rose with soft pants. He was enthralled in the noises my cunt made for him, his fingers slowly pumping into me tilting my whole world on its axis. He always started off slow, letting his two fingers open me up just a tad bit before he began to pump roughly into me. Curling into the sweet spot in which the heavens spoke wonders of.
“It amazes me how tight you are everytime, I know that idiot Baekho and I are not the only ones obsessed with this beautiful cunt of yours. Huh little sister? How many more are there,” Aron stood up, moving between my thighs. He fit almost perfectly with his tall slim body, my legs immediately hooked around him. Midst his taunting manners, his words and the way his fingers got me closer to the edge; I was able to feel his length thicken near my thigh. It didn’t take long before his robe was opened up, revealing a bare chest and trousers which already had the ties loosely hanging.
“Why do you care ... like as if you’re not fucking my ladies in waiting every moment you can get.” I spat back, reeling with a want so carnal I couldn’t hold back the grunt which escaped my lips. His eyes enlarged then a smile took over his features. His fingers slipped out shortly after , as he dropped his trousers and released his cock. Stroking it a few times , he was strong and hard.
“Well if it bothered you that much, then you should tell them about us.” He replied as he thrusted into me, the pain was clear but so was the pleasure as he bottomed out instantly. One of my hands went behind me , to hold me steady while the other gripped onto him. His fingers found my hip, tightly holding onto me as he pulled out slowly then rammed back in. My head flew back on a guttural moan, expressing myself like the way Aron makes me feel. And I hate him for that.
“Oh shut up and keep fucking me ,” my reply was harsh but stern, having him lodged deep within my core was amazing. Feeling him stretch me was glorious but the best part was feeling the high climb even higher with each rock of his hips. We don’t kiss. We never kiss. We fuck and that’s all.
And that’s what we did .. until the sun crept up revealing itself behind the hills.
I wasn’t able to see or hear from Jong-hyun till many days later , him and his men had arrived early one morning. Tired and drained from travels. I made sure to give them what they wanted; food, a place to sleep and plenty of whores.
Jong-hyun deserves the best , I mean he is my most favorable soldier. My best warrior nonetheless... but there is also Baekho , the savage killer on the battle fields. I’m sure Jong-hyun saw his potential and made him second in command right away ... but this new soldier he wants to bring into his rankings. Would he be the best that can happen to my army?
“My Queen, Sir Kim Jong-hyun,” my guard announces just as I step foot into the garden. The day seemed to be a lot brighter, much more sun than anticipated and the wind wasn’t nipping at my skin.
I nod back, awaiting my guard to move aside as Jong-hyun approaches suddenly. His stride, powerful. His stature, tall and strong. His face, gorgeous as a man could ever be. He was indeed the epitome of men who roamed my kingdom but yet again, he has been my obsession since I was young.
“My Queen,” He bows, his eyes hiding such a darkness behind them , I couldn’t help but crave him even more. I nod back, trying my best to contain my happiness. Trying to not smile as wide as I wish I could. I stand as poise as ever .. avoiding the butterfly’s which flew within me. Fluttering their wings at the way his eyes blinked back the bright sun, dark orbs which have been haunting my dreams.
“Sorry for the interruption your highness ... but I have brought along the soldier in which I spoke to you about.” He stated firmly , glancing behind him to a shadow which stood by a wall. He hid in the darkness of my castle, but something about the broadness of his shoulders gave away a frame I’ve seen before.
Maybe even familiar with.
Jong-hyun motioned for the stranger to approach. Bringing him out from the shadows but as soon as the light illuminated his face , my heart stopped.
“Oh my, Min-Hyun?” The words echoed out , catching my ladies in waiting , Jong-hyun and the guards at attention. Their eyes flew from my shocked expression to the boy with a shy smile on his face. The same boy I grew up with. The boy who played with me out in the valley, the boy who told me I was beautiful. The boy who held my heart in such a special way , it’s obvious I could never forget him.
“You’re alive!” My voice changed , tasting the venom in my words. Like a switch, I remembered why I stopped believing in love. And why I gave up on him years ago.
Hell is a fury like a woman scorned...
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softtm · 6 years
AW THANK YOU SM 💞💞💞 don’t worry we can both be single together
111. “If I got paid for everytime I caught you staring at me then looking away, I would be Tony Stark by now.” + Hwang Minhyun + university!au
With an arm propped up on the library’s table, you rested your cheek in you hand and stared at the person sitting across from you. Hwang Minhyun was sitting there, head in the books and studying for an upcoming exam. You too should be studying but unlike Minhyun, you get too distracted.
“Shouldn’t you at least be pretending you study?” Minhyun asked, not taking his eyes away from the page he was on. You wondered how he could be so good at studying. Must be nice.
“You know that’s hard when I have a piece of artwork in front of me” you replied, not taking your eyes off of him. Minhyun didn’t even look up but from how the way his ears got red, you could tell that you did something right.
“You know, this is the 4th time I’ve caught you staring and it’s only been about an hour” Minhyun stated, finally looking away from his book to stare at you straight in the eye. You diverted your eyes to elsewhere, still not used to his god like looks.
“If I got paid for everytime I caught you staring at me then looking away, I would be Tony Stark by now” you responded, still not looking him in the eye. Though you may have sounded flirty and confident, the red in your cheeks gave your true feelings away.
Minhyun laughed and closed his book.
“Okay, enough studying, let’s go on our date now”
“Fine by me, not like I was actually studying”
“Disappointed but not surprised”
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It’s October y’all...
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faqelcve · 2 years
MASTERLIST - Updated: 4/13/22 - Requests: Open
❤ BTS Reactions:
you being cold at night • you falling asleep while working
you singing their song in the shower • you wearing a dress
you being scared of heights • to your first kiss as a couple
you being the 8th member and loving them but you don’t want to ruin your careers. • you getting sick
you being an a co-ed group and being jealous | part two
you being chubby • ⋆ S/O being too nice to them
being a painter and wanting to paint them • you having a panic attack
reactions to their members catching them staring at a picture of you cause they miss you.
reaction seeing you (their crush) in loungewear and no makeup for the first time
reaction to you choosing them.  •  their s/o who is shy and easily blushes around them.
you breaking down • you finally get together
5:35 P.M
✗ Angst:
you being in love with another member  | part two (fluffy ver.)
you being the 8th member and loving them but you don’t want to ruin your careers.
you cheating on them with another member
❤ Wanna One Reactions:
you snoring in your sleep • you not being able to load the dishwasher
you confessing to them • you being scared of thunder
❤ GOT7 Reactions:
you falling down the stairs • you cheering for them when they win an award
you getting hate • you getting scared during a scary movie
asking you to marry them • you sobbing
finds his s/o baking a cake for his birthday
❤ BLACKPINK Reactions:
you dancing to their song • valentines day
you being scared in a haunted house • you having curly hair that you attempt to hide but they find out and you are embarrassed
❤ NU’EST Reactions:
going to the movies
❤ X1
⋆ 2:23 A.M
1:23 a.m • please, choose me. it was real • 2:33 A.M 
❤ Stray Kids
you being dared to kiss another member
their first kiss with their girlfriend being ruined by one of the other members
you (a fan) having a migraine at a fan sign
comforting and hugging a fan who has an an emotional break down in front of him
looking after a fan who fainted during a concert 
❤ N.Flying
you falling and hurting yourself
roommate AU
3:45 A.M
you have to break up with him (ANGST.) - PART TWO. 
❤ One Shots/Drabbles. (for actors/duos/soloists)
HWANG INYEOP - the boy next door
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prettywordsyouleft · 2 years
PWYL’s 2021 Masterlist
I’ve made this list for those who wish to look through the stories I’ve written over 2021! Because I didn’t write nearly as much as last year, I’ve been able to link every story for your perusal.
Thank you for everyone who has supported my stories this year!
End of Year Review 
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The Cowboy - Jaehyun (NCT)
Magnetic - Kihyun (MONSTA X)
Someone Real - Jae / Brian (DAY6)
The Caretaker - Shownu (MONSTA X)
The Trial Period - Jinyoung (GOT7)
Reignite - Baekhyun (EXO)
Out Of The Shadows - Kihyun (MONSTA X)
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Easter Madness - with @this-song-thats-only-for-you
Christmas In July - with @this-song-thats-only-for-you
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ASTRO (4) 
The Ledger of Hearts
Mad Enough
Peace and Chaos
B.A.P (3) 
Amazing Together
Sky High
Fated To Hear You
BTS (1) 
Ink Me
DAY6 (7) 
Miss Writer
Stuck On You
Someone Unexpected
Let’s Move Christmas
To Be Reckoned With
Undercooked Christmas
EXO (4) 
A Mere Moment
Zero Regrets
An Uncomfortable Christmas
GOT7 (11) 
The Devil In Red & White
Love (Ruff) You More
Tales of the Bulbury Valentine
No Better Time
Work Ethics
As You Wish
Not Sorry At All
With Every Breath
IKON (2) 
Too Late
New Variables
Divine One
Consider Me Enticed
End Me
NCT (2) 
Sugar Rush
Write On Me
NU’EST (1) 
Play Along
The Broken Moon
SHINee (2) 
Right Now
Addressing Feelings
Water Is Our Thing
VIXX (1) 
I Suppose
Various Artists (3) 
Wavelength - Rowoon
The Cure - Junho
I Wished For You - Hyunsik
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Just Write
Chelle Chats Drabbles: (89)
Jan-Dec 2021 Drabbles Masterlist
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kdream-factory · 2 years
♡*- Masterlist -*♡
Started: 27.02.2023
Last Updated: 25.09.2022
Total Works: 14
smut 💞, fluff 🌸, angst 💔, horror 🩸, favs 🌺
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Stray Kids
BDC x Lee Eunsang
Works of other Blogs I can recommend
Requesting Rules
I do not write:
Rape, Smoking and Drug abuse, Explicit Gore, Minor Sex
Also I don’t feel too comfortable writing about self harm. Please understand.
When requesting:
Just write what group I have on my ml you would want me to write for, drabble or oneshot, what genre(s) and what bias. If you want it to have a specific theme you can either write down your idea or give me some keywords. If you want me to write a reactions just tell me what kind of reaction scenario.
Niwi ~
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kpopsfic · 2 years
ʚ WIPS . . .
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here is a list of fics we’re working on + a short synopsis of each!
give me love ; kim seungmin x reader (stray kids)
you unexpected meet someone at a party that was also on sober friend duty, and soon you’re desperate for him to return the feelings you had for him. (strangers to lovers, college au, slight angst, fluff)
ghost of you ; kang dongho x reader (nu’est)
kang dongho is left behind by the person he dreamed of spending the rest of his life with for reasons he has yet to discover, only to be disappointed when he uncovers the truth. (shizophrenic!dongho, angst)
search the universe ; jacob bae (the boyz)
timers are stamped onto your wriststhat don’t light up until it was ready to start with the amount of days you had left before you either die or meet your soulmate. since you had gotten yours, you had a hard time believing it was the latter. (soulmate au, angst, fluff)
in the fire ; choi sungyoon x reader, lee jangjun x reader (golden child)
a deadly virus has broken out and left the world in shambles as everything you once knew gets flipped upside down and you’re fighting for your life alongside your best friends. the three of you decide to follow a pair of strangers to a city that supposedly has a large camp set up, but didn’t realize the amount of horrors you would have to endure along the way. (dystopia au, zombie apocalypse au, angst)
falling ; kim sunwoo x reader (the boyz)
no descrption, just a drabble
under cover ; wen junhui x reader (seventeen)
retrieving lost souls from hell was a job that was tiresome, but definitely worth the risk. so was the snarky demon who managed to grab your attention. (heaven and hell au, demon!jun, angst, smut, minimal fluff)
butterfly effect ; ten x reader (wayv)
after deciding to prank text a number written on the bathroom wall at a bar, your life takes a turn for the worst. (stalker!ten, angst)
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cherryeol04 · 4 years
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Welcome to my navigation post!!! Credit to @ruellelix who created all the art for me! She’s amazing! So give her a follow and a nice compliment in her asks!😁😁
This post will house all my various links for a nice, clean look! I hope you all love it!💖
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🍒 BTS Masterlist
🍒Crossover Masterlist
🍒EXO Masterlist
🍒GOT7 Masterlist
🍒Nu’est Masterlist
🍒Shinee Masterlist
🍒Stray Kids Masterlist
🍒Stray Kids Masterlist - Ships
🍒Stray Kids Masterlist - Series
🍒VIXX Masterlist
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                                        🍒 Coming Soon~! 🍒
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🍒 Tag List
🍒 Tag List 2
🍒 Drabble Request
🍒Second Blog: Cherry Writes
🍒 SKZ Smut Network
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soundofseventeen · 4 years
☆ 𝕁𝕖𝕠𝕟𝕘𝕙𝕒𝕟 ☆
♡- fluff ☹︎- angst ☽- reader favorite 𖧷- slice of life ☔︎- rainy day recs ∞︎︎- series ☾-au ☘︎- gender neutral reader ✄- crack (or attempt of lmao) 💛- Erin’s recs 💚- bee’s recs
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Love Letter  ♡ ☔︎ ☘︎ 💚
Cookies  ♡ ☔︎ 𖧷 ☾
Dare / Truth  ♡ ☾
Call Call Call  ♡ 💛 💚
Chance Encounters (Multi Parts)  ♡ ☹︎ ∞︎︎
Everything You Are (featuring Nu’est’s JR)  ☹︎ ☘︎ 💚
Middle of Nowhere  ♡ ☹︎ ☘︎
Nostalgic Night (song drabble) ☹︎ ☘︎
Three’s a Crowd  𖧷 ☘︎ 💚
Wedding Party  ♡ ☹︎ ☘︎
Kiss Me Slowly  ♡ ☔︎ ☘︎ 💚
Broken Hearted 
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you-did-well-moon · 4 years
Do u perhaps know of any nu’est smut blogs on here or on ao3?
Ahhha hi anonie, so i don't really actively know any nu'est smut blogs, its hard enough knowing normal nu'est blogs sadly, but i tried my best to look for some. I hope its enough 😖
Here on tumblr i found
@nuwestaron and @hansols-yoda-boxers have really good smut drabbles
i saw @swimmingkpopblog talk about doing a Jonghyun guitarist!au one shot!!
@multistan-net has a really good body guard!Baekho smut
and although she rarely does suggestive things @prettywordsyouleft has a lot of minhyun content and im pretty sure she has a smut drabble for him but all her work is good!!
now on Ao3 oof its been a long time since ive been there but i tried my best even tho there wasnt a lot on there either.
Rogue by sugaroons (padfooted) Minhyun
Always by orphan_account Jonghyun
In the late night hours by imissmaeberry Baekho
Angeli Bonum de caelo by kyukyuuuu Minki
and thats all i could find anonie i hope its ok 🙃
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daybreakx · 5 years
‘I’m not wearing a tie’ + NU’EST Aron.
Female reader.
Prompt list
Warnings: none.
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“I’m not wearing a tie” Aron complained, plopping down on the bed.
“What do you mean you’re not wearing a tie? It’s a wedding”
“But- I don’t want to wear a tie... please, it’s the groom and the bride who have to look good”
“Aron, please” you tried not to laugh at the childish attitude coming from your boyfriend “It’s a formal event, and I think you look handsome with a tie”
“Fine” he finally surrendered “But let me know what color is your dress, so at least we can match”
You smiled at Aron, touched by his last comment, you leaned in to give him a kiss.
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“Are you crying?” You whispered, looking at him from the corner of your eye.
“No I’m not” he hissed, his right hand wiping his right cheek quickly, “Fine, I might be”
You chuckled, pecking Aron’s cheek and returning your attention to the bride and the groom, swaying in the middle of the dance floor. “You’re adorable”
“Who doesn’t cry at weddings?” Aron grabbed your hand from under the table, “You cried with the vows”
“They were so beautiful” you sighed “I love weddings!”
Aron laughed at your excitement, kissing the hand that he was still holding. “Do you want to dance?” He wondered, people were starting to get together in the dance floor.
“Sure, let’s go”
The distance between your bodies was extremely scarce, your arms were wrapped around his neck and Aron was holding your waist firmly. “Do you think bow ties are acceptable at weddings?” He asked.
“Not this conversation again” you laughed “I’m glad you’re wearing a suit and a tie...”
“Would you be mad if i wore a bow tie to our wedding?” Your boyfriend asked, eyebrows raised in a playful gesture, he knew his words had left you speechless.
Aron laughed again, bringing you even closer to him. “Well, would you?” He teased again.
“You can wear whatever you want” you giggled “As long as it’s me you’re marrying”
“It couldn’t be anyone else” he whispered, at last sealing your lips in a soft kiss.
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zerot0all · 5 years
Crimson Castle | M
Chapter One
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Historic Theme
Nu’Est x Fem Reader
M- Mature (smut, violence, crude humor..etc.)
“She wears a crown built from her spine of inner strength and modesty. With sparkling jewels to represent her each and every quality.” -Michelle Schaper
-Welcome to The Royal Utopia-
A breeze picks up through the kingdom. A sign that summer is at its last few days , bringing the blistering winters closer.
Father always mentioned I would be ruling on the coldest of winters. He promised everything would be just fine, that life itself would guide me to make the right decision for my people.
I was only fifteen when my father passed or for better words- was killed , leaving everything... to me.
“My Queen, Lord Jones is here to speak to you.” A guard announces as I make my way towards the grand hall, the place of business where my throne resides.
The life of a Queen is never ending , especially if you’re as powerful as I am .. sleep comes whenever it may. But I shall confess ... I have gotten into some trouble myself but that’s because I chose it. Would anyone find out? I hope not. It’ll sure bring me down , as well as my kingdom. And the last thing my castle needs is an impending downfall from within these walls.
“My Queen, I apologize to come on such short notice, But word has gotten out that you wish to conquer the east?” the older gentleman spoke. A man who has been at my fathers side for years , and now helps me with my army.
“Lord Jones, what exactly may the problem be ?” I query, bored with the conversation.. I already knew where this was heading. Sensing the worry that carries throughout the winds , far and wide my lands mean more to me, while my people could care less.
“Well, my Queen, people are worried that this will cause another dispute ... they fear their sons will be taken to fight in this war .. especially since we already own a part of the east. Why go for the rest?” He finishes out of breath , worry stricken like how he lives his life. Before I answer , I notice my step brother join us. Prince Aron, my step brother and a nuisance.
“Lord Jones, how long have you lived in my kingdom ... worked in my castle ?” I question back. Aron quietly goes to stand beside me , eyeing the poor man as he stumbled over his words.
“For a very long time, My Queen,” he goes to bow suddenly.
“And how many wars and battles have we lost ?” I cock my head , a gesture I’m very well known for.
A slight lean of the Queens head and all shall perish.
A bit dramatic , if I say so myself but I won’t argue. People should fear me ... fear me till their last breath.
“Uh, well my Queen ... that’s hard to say,” the older man , unable to form words, closes his eyes in dispare.
“The Queen has asked you a question,” Aron steps in , seeming to puff out his chest in a challenging manner. I guess he woke up in a good mood today.
“Since my Queen has taken the crown , we’ve won three times more battles than anyone has in the past. But you must understand ... we’ve lost hundreds in the last war. Our army is weak, families fear the worst-”
“Our army is not weak ... it’s smaller than usual but that’s why you’re here. It is your job to get my army back in shape and if we must train new soldiers then so be it. Put out an official notice that we are looking for warriors ... and if the men from my very own kingdom wish to cower away rather than join, then I will handle them with death. Do I make myself clear ?” I spat , bothered with the news of my very own people not wanting to join in on becoming one of the most dangerous armies known to man kind. It was pathetic , after all I’ve done in the past for them, for them to treat me this way was wrong. It was disrespectful and I don’t like dealing with that.
The duke took leave soon after , leaving Aron and I alone in the throne room. His snickering bringing my attention to him as he walks before me , trying to hide his grin.
“That’s somewhat vile of you, little sister.” Aron jokes , making me shutter in disbelief. Turning quickly to eye him, I nearly wish to slap him till his cheeks change color.
“Oh shut it.” I hiss sharply.
Aron slightly giggles some more , enjoying the way i cringed at his pet name.
“If you know so much , then why don’t you take the crown ? Give orders , command a fleet of men and burn down kingdoms ...Oh wait, you can’t because I’m the Queen.” I went on, trying my best not to act out on my anger towards him. At times it may seem that Aron plots against my castle , my kingdom and my life but he wouldn’t dare. He’s too much of a coward for that.
“Please , if I wanted the crown then I would have it .. clearly the King, May he Rest In Peace, didnt see me fit and I agreed. God, can you imagine ruling these common folks ? Disgusting. I’m fine getting spoon fed and every once in a while , taking a dip into my little sisters delicious cunt.” He whispers into my side , I raised my hand going to struck him but his grip on my arm stops me.
“Can you shut it! Someone could hear you!”
“Like I care , it’s not like that seems to bother you late at night when you’re screaming my name .. huh little sister?” He continues to taunt me , roughly I pull my arm away from his grip . Furrowing my brows as I approach once more.
“If you keep this up, I’ll have you hanged for defamation of the Queen. Do you understand?” My words were meant to send a sudden fear into his soul , make him wish he would never speak to me in such way but Aron being Aron... didn’t care.
At all.
“Eww, so evil. Go have supper sister , it’s far too late for you to have such a nasty attitude .” Snickering once more as the heavy double doors are opened soon after.
“My Queen, Lord Kim has arrived.” The guard announces , waiting for my response.
“I’ll meet him in the library ,” I reply and make my way off my throne. I watch carefully as Aron winks my way and disappears behind large pillars. To know that he was up to no good was wishful thinking, he will never want to take over the castle ... at least not mine.
“My Queen,” his rough voice awakes me the moment he steps foot into my library , his uniform nicely forming around his tall , slim frame. A man that has been infesting my mind since I was little , we grew up together- being a few years off , he was the one who always held my attention. And now , he was one of my best soldiers. Head of command to my fleet along with Duke of Jones , who puts my army together.
“Sir Kim Jong Hyun, I assume your trip was pleasant?” I question , he was the Junior of the family. Being held at a high standards for having a great history in my families kingdom. His father , and his fathers father ... have protected us along with our lands with precision. Having fought in all wars and coming back with the head of our enemy ... very brutal but my father knew best. My father , the King before me , was a bastard who everyone feared and I only wanted to be like him.
Fearless but feared.
“Yes my Queen , we had some beggars wishing to slow us down but we handle them quickly.” He replied, seeming somewhat concerned with whatever he had on his mind. His blank face never gave me much , he’s good at keeping to himself but I’ve seen his eyes wander across my features.
He wants me just as bad as I want him.
“Jonghyun , if you don’t mind me getting a bit informal... what’s gotten you so worried?” I query, taking a seat near my large desk. He raises his brow and soon approaches. His hands , which were once behind him in such a poise position , had come to his front. His fingers interwoven at his belt as his eyes met mines.
“My Queen, I ask of you to let me bring forth a soldier. Move him up to my ranking, to train those who will join our army. He has already been knighted, he has also spoke about growing up in this very kingdom. His wishes are only to serve you ... your highness .” Jr goes on , bringing my attention to the way his fingers seemed to fumble over one another.
“And who knighted this man , if not me.”
“The King took care of that before ... well, before travesty hit years ago.” Having heard of my fathers passing after so many years , seemed to have opened a wound which I thought I had sealed closed. If I’ve known my fathers last days would be after visiting our lands one summers fall, I would have joined. Being left alone in this world has been unfair without him. At times , I wish death upon myself to join him wherever he may be.
Whether it be heaven or hell ...
I pause. Taking in the news , letting the words he spoke sink into my being.
A new knight ? A new soldier ? A new warrior who wished to be at my demand , run in my army? Grew up in my kingdom? Seems too good to be true , but at this moment ... what could I say ? I need soldiers , I need villages to bend at the knee for me.
I need an army and I need it to be as strong as ever.
“Very well... you have my permission. Make sure to speak to the Lord Jones to get the official notice out , I need soldiers as soon as possible and I need them trained by you and your men.” I demand , a slight smile making an appearance on his handsome features. I awe in admiration with how beautiful this man is , and every moment I see him- I become more and more obsessed with him.
“Yes my Queen .” He goes to bow and excuse himself , bringing my attention back to another cause.
“Sir Kim, where is your right hand soldier umm... sir Kang?” I ask as nonchalantly as I possibly could. He ponders my question.
“Must be in the stables feeding our horses , we leave tomorrow morning to scout for your army, your highness .” He replied quickly , nothing in my tone should have told him anything. I’m hoping nothing in my actions has lead me to my stupid needs being revealed.
“Good, good. Be on your way and make me proud.”
“Always my Queen.” Were his last words before he was gone. Leaving me alone in my misery , the books covered in dust knowing very well I would not once read them. Old scriptures or laws that once were , writings back before my father ever took the crown. A long time ago ... almost seems like another world now that I think about it. The way I manage to run my kingdoms , my castles and my lands would be frowned upon by others but not my father.
My King was one who went down in history, changing the laws and breaking rules to become as powerful as he was.
But with great power comes greater enemies , and my father had plenty.
“My Queen ... your bath is ready.” My lady in waiting states once I approach my bed chambers. A busy day has led me to bathe late at night , to process all my daily tasks , meanwhile relaxing in such essences which traveled from afar. Bathing soaps which came from France have been my favorite so far , peppermint scents mixed with the beauty of evergreen. I nod back to my lady and head into my bed chambers.
An eerie feeling crawled up my spine the moment I stood in the middle of my large room, someone was here. I turn quickly to watch her , Esther, my lady in waiting as she stands close. Head bowed in respect awaiting my directions.
“My dress , Esther.” She was the only one I truly trusted around me. She was the only one who knew of such secrets , secrets I’ve kept hidden deep within this castle. She’s older than me , she’s watched me grow and has taken care of me some time of my life. But now , that I’m queen she has become somewhat of my right hand lady.
“My Queen , if I may speak,” she starts , her voice low. Too low but I was able to hear her, the sudden fear lingering behind her words.
“You may ,” I reply, taking a deep breath once the corset was taken off my weary frame. My large dress seemed to pool at my feet as I stepped out of it, the night gown being next to be stripped off of me.
“Inside your bath...seems to be a gentleman.” She whispered , her eyes not once meeting mine but the severity of her words made my skin crawl.
The chill air which traveled through my room made goosebumps arise on my now naked frame. The bath had a wall separating it from my bedroom , but the sense of knowing who stood behind said wall was already making me boil with anger. Esther saw him? She knew of him?
“You do not speak of this .. to anyone , are we clear ? Or else,” I hiss, my hand going to her chin making her finally look up at me. The fear behind her light honey eyes made me question my actions. She isn’t bad , she’s the most faithful to the kingdom and the crown.
“Or else you will cut my tongue off and sow my eye lids shut , I wouldn’t dare go against my Queen .... ever. I would rather burn alive at the stake than speak ill about you , your highness.”
I let a breath escape my lips, grateful in her words but most of all ... I knew there are only a few people I could trust in this kingdom, Esther being one of them.
“Good, you are free to go. Make sure no one interrupts me , I’m deathly tired and wish to rest. Are we clear?” I proceed to walk toward the large brick wall, my skin tingling with anticipation as my lady in waiting nods and heads out. Leaving me alone with the ‘gentleman’ who in which is waiting for me in my bath.
Rounding the short corner , into a heated wash room, I’m aware of the steam clouding my vision. The water sparkled, as the small waves casted towards my way gave me the right image of someone dipping into the other end. I stood frozen , my body reacting to the large shadowy frame which approached. Wide broad shoulders , thick chest with beautiful sculpted ridges formed his abdomen.
“My Queen,” his sensual voice awoke the animal within me , making me crave him the second he came into view. His bare , wet body was glorious as he rose up from the bath. Droplets of water cascading from his nose and lashes making him seem almost like some sort of god.
“Baekho, you idiot. Esther saw you ...” I nearly hissed , approaching him. The heat of the water was now coming off of his body like an intoxicating scent. A wet musky aroma took over my nose, inhaling him completely in like I have been doing for a while now. He grinned, his hand coming up to my jaw, pulling me closer to him.
“Do you really think I care what those maids think ... you’re the queen, you could easily have them slaughtered .” His cocky smile took over his handsome face , inching closer towards my lips. I wanted him. Needed him.
“Why must you be such a brute? You know the trouble would be mostly for you , my people would rip you apart once they find out what you’ve done.” My words were meant to send fear into his bones but all he did was smile wider, the grip he had on my jaw got tighter , while his other arm went around my hip. The only object standing between us was a step into the bath, where the water came up to his thighs. His chiseled body open to me , just like his length which hung heavy down his leg.
“And what have I done exactly, my Queen ... have I not satisfied you enough? Have I not filled you to the brim with my thick cock... have you not begged me countless times for your release? I have done nothing but give my highness what she wants.” Baekho was brave , a savage on the field , one of my best soldiers but besides ranking second in my army ... he was the one who made me crave endless nights of passion. Baekho knew my body more than I ever did and at times , I would think about the consequences. Those thoughts never lasted long till he had me pinned and stuffed so deliciously. He was my escape but he was very careless ... and shit like that was very dangerous.
“You’re such a bother ... do you know that?” I swatted his hand away , taking a step back to approach my jars of foreign spices which I bathe with. From behind, I could hear Baekho step out of the bath. Droplets of water quickly falling onto the rock pavement beneath our feet as he came up behind me. He snaked his arm around my waist , bringing me towards his frame. The slickness of his skin making me groan inwardly, his member twitching to life.
“Let’s stop with these foolish games my love, you’ve missed me ... haven’t you?” His breath fanned over my heated skin, I was sweaty, sticky and now , all I wanted was him like a sick obsession. Quickly , I turn in his grasp, my hands plastered on his chest wanting him to step back but he wouldn’t budge.
“I didnt miss you , I don’t miss anyone. I don’t have time to miss common people who work for me , so why would I ever miss you. You’re nothing but my soldier and someone to fill the open time I have , that’s it.” The vile in my words made me cringe , pushing myself away from others was my best quality. Father taught me that.
Never get close ... they can wound you faster that way.
He taught me to protect myself ... and myself only. Being raised under a mans watch was different than that the other girls I grew up with. They had Mother’s , they had a woman’s touch to be delicate and fair. Meanwhile , I rule with a heavy hand. A heavy heart.
Baekho cocked his brow, amused in my words but that didn’t stop him from leaning down to grip my thighs. Hoisting me up and over his shoulders , the thick muscles on his back flexing as he walked making his ass look great from my point of view. I didn’t yell or scream, I couldn’t and I shouldn’t. Guards stand outside my bed chambers awaiting anything to burst in and save me. I don’t need that right now.
So I let Baekho do as he will.
Walking into the bath, the large pool-like which has been my sanctuary late at night , seemed smaller as he stepped foot into it. Placing me down on a small step inside the water , he then fell to his knees. The heat from the bath struck me suddenly , funny to say, I was already hot enough that this shouldn’t have surprised me, but anything with him was daring.
“You and your filthy lies .. you hurt me. Does it make you feel mighty when you curse everything I’ve done for you ... and to you? Do I mean nothing to my Queen?” His eyes pour into my soul the longer he takes this to heart , but I’ve been sincere since we started. He made me cum and that’s all I wanted.
“Baekho, my dear ...” I start, my hands going to cup his precious face which I’ve become so accustomed too. That beautiful face which looked better between my thighs, leaving me bruised so sweetly. I begin to push him back, Baekho went to sit against the bath wall. The water now coming up to his mid chest , as I climbed on top of him. Straddling him suddenly , I was able to feel his length grow. His cock sat snug between my pulsating pussy, needing him deep within me.
“You mean nothing to me,” a shy grin took over my face as I dismantled his hopes and desires , in a loud grunt Baekho gripped my hips. Raising me slightly as he aligned his length at my entrance. His nose flared and brows furrowed , my words turning him into the beast I crave.
“Lies,” he hissed as he thrusted up into my core, filling me up to the brim. He stretched me to the point of pain and I moaned loudly , enjoying the way he felt within my tight hole.
“Believe whatever you want ... but your Queen doesn’t care for you.” I grunted out, cautions as he went to pull out. Turning me towards the edge, I immediately gripped the sides as he stood behind me. He didn’t give me enough time to prepare before he was fucking me from behind. His fingers digging into my skin, my hips sensing pain the harder he began thrusting into me. The bath became a wave of teetering pleasure as he began groaning , slight slurs of curses towards my crown and my kingdom were his escape. A whine would escape my lips the deeper he went , but his name would spill as he fucked me harder. The pain and pleasure was intoxicating, making my skin come alive with every movement we both did. His strong hold on me kept me from running away from his thick length , I could feel the soreness I would be waking up to in the morning. But I was going to welcome it.
From deep sighs to heavy moans and grunts , my bath took all night. My body and his became one , our skin sticky from the lustful affair that took place in my bed chambers. No one to interrupt us , no one to see our sins. Just us two enjoying our very own euphoria.
The morning sun beamed into the room, curtains pulled back letting the hot sun stream into my bed chambers. I groaned.
I winced in pain the more I moved around in my bed. The sudden rawness that was between my thighs came back to mind of the wondrous torture I endured just hours ago. Baekho was majestic at taking my body to new heights .. making most of my wildest fantasies come true.
A clearing of throat brought my attention to my bed, my large four post bed which not only held me snuggled in the middle but also carried another body on the side. Squinting to open my eyes, I found a long frame taking up the side of my bed. Crawling up from his boots which still were on his feet , up his body, I come to find none other than my annoying step brother.
I groan once again.
“Dear my... someone had a rough night, huh sister?” His teasing manner in which he tends to speak to me in, made me wish he never came into my life. Sometimes I wish my father never met his mother , and I wish they never married , making him instantly my family.
“Oh god, you’re insufferable.” I go to speak as I get up, needing to start my day even if at times I hate it. I go to my robe as I hear Aron whistle , turning back I see his eyes drag over my frame.
“New bruises I see... who was it this time dear sister ? Was it that idiot Baekho which you’ve been playing with ? Or... did you finally get Jonghyun in bed?” His wide smile made my blood boil, he knew how to rattle me up and I always fell for his prissy comments.
“That’s none of your god damn business Aron ... now leave before I have you thrown out.” I spat , letting my anger get the best of me as I go to call my lady in waiting , Esther.
“Very well, I’ll see you around little sister.” He says again, making my skin crawl with fury. I side eye him as my ladies go around to dress me, the layers I have to wear beneath the dress itself is at times overwhelming but as a Queen , I must please the watchful eye.
“My Queen, a Sir Choi has come asking for a meeting from the village of Ren. Said it’s very important and it will be in your best interests to accept.” Esther goes on, watching as the ladies go to add my necklace and hair pieces. I cock a brow , ‘will be in my best interest’ ? Hmm... seems interesting. I only wonder what it could be about.
“Seems like a cocky bastard don’t you think Esther , but oh well, have him wait for me in the library. I wish to meet this Sir Choi and see what he’s about.” I reply, letting Esther walk out to inform the guards of my response. A busy day in my kingdom has just begun and I could only hope for the best.
My main concern is getting my army back in shape and expanding my power. Who would dare interfere?
No one.
-Welcome to my new historic series with Nu’Est. Obviously, it will not be historically accurate since this is just for fun. So hopefully you enjoy🌸
With love, Your Sinner💞
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softtm · 7 years
❀ 2K followers game masterlist ❀
based off of this
wanna one
older brother! Minhyun + 10
Minhyun + idol! y/n + 21
Minhyun + 21
Minhyun + 44
college! Seongwoo + 11 + 16
heir! Seongwoo + 42
Daniel + 24
Daniel + 50
Jihoon + 6
Jihoon + 21
best friend! Jihoon + 40
Woojin + 26
Woojin + 31
Woojin + 34
Jinyoung + 1
Jinyoung + 5
soulmate! Jinyoung + 37
Guanlin + 9
mafia! Guanlin + 30
basketball player! Guanlin + cheerleader! y/n + 35
Guanlin + 44
Johnny + 28
Johnny + 31
domestic! Taeyong + 18
Doyoung + 44
Mark + 10 + 15 + 1
Haechan + 35
older! Haechan + 18 + 22 + 28
JR + 35
Baekho + 41
older brother! Minhyun + 10
Minhyun + idol! y/n + 21
Minhyun + 21
Minhyun + 44
Jeonghan + 42
frat! Wonwoo + 20
Minghao + 11
Baekhyun + 36
Sehun + 1 + 3 + 21
flirty! Rowoon + spicy! y/n +35
highschool! Rowoon + 50
Jae + 28 + 37 + 38
Seunghoon + 1
highschool! Hyuk + 39
Youngmin + 23
Kenta + 42
solo/not debuted yet
Jeong Sewoon + 40
Huang Justin + 16
Yoo Seonho + 3
Yoo Seonho + 44
Kim Samuel + 40
Jennie + 42
Rose + 50
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