catseatthebigten · 6 months
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Let’s get those Utes!
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neozgirly · 8 months
mas acho que o beijinho no rosto nao vem nucat mais
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shino-tenshi · 1 year
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Beim heutigen #autorentalkamfreitag von @viviennas.book.dreams geht es um das Thema: Urheberrecht und Coverfotos.
Das ist ein durchaus heikles Thema, weil wenn man darauf nicht achtet, dann greift man ordentlich in die Schei*e. Ist meiner Mutter schon einmal passiert, da ging es aber nur um ein Foto auf ihrer Homepage.
Ich selbst verwenden für meine Beiträge Canva und die dort freizugänglichen Bilder (Besonders die Blumen haben es mir irgendwie angetan, wie man merkt 🙈), jedoch der Rest?
Meine Covers lasse ich mir von unterschiedlichen Künstlern malen und bezahle sie dafür natürlich. Auch die Covergestaltung macht eine Grafikdesignerin gegen Bezahlung für mich (zumindest ab jetzt. Die ersten Cover sind von mir noch selber beschriftet worden. Aber wie schon einmal erwähnt, wird gerade alles neu aufgemacht 🙈)
Also, die Rechte der Bilder liegen alle bei mir. Ich selbst bin auch kein Fan dieser Foto-Covers. Gefällt mir nicht, aber bei so manchen Verlagen sind die übelst in. Natürlich gibt es Seiten auf denen man Fotos kaufen kann oder sie sogar frei nutzbar sind (wobei man da auch wieder aufpassen muss, in wie weit die Nutzung frei ist.)
Ein sehr heißes Thema. Am Besten schießt man das Foto selbst und hat die Einverständniserklärung der abgelichteten Personen schriftlich, dann kann da nichts schief gehen. Denn die Strafen auf Urheberrechtsverletzung sind wirklich nicht zu verachten. Was ich auch gut finde, denn das ist wirklich kein Kavaliersdelikt. Mit fremden Federn schmückt man sich einfach nicht. Deswegen gebe ich auch überall die Künstler an, wenn nötig. Denn Schaffer sind immer noch sie, ich habe nur die Nutzungsrechte daran. In diesem Bereich auch noch einmal ein herzliches Dankeschön an meine Künstler und Designer für die angenehme Zusammenarbeit.
Suki's Art
Nakasa - PENGU
BinDer Buchsatz
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franki-riri · 3 years
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seesparkles · 7 years
Supporting my other Wildcat family today. GO CATS!
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roaldistribuidora · 4 years
¿Te has puesto a pensar si la alimentación de tu mascota es correcta?
¿Ya revisaste si la cantidad que está comiendo es acorde a su edad y peso?
¿Conoces calidades y precios de los diferentes productos que puedes encontrar?
¿Conoces los riesgos de comprar el alimento a granel o en lugares no establecidos?
¿Sabes cuál alimento te conviene más?
El proceso de elaboración se desarrolla en maquinaria especial encargada de ir mezclando aceites, diferentes tipos de carne previamente convertida en polvo (como pollo, res, cordero, pescado, entre otros) y harina de algunos cereales (como centeno, que contiene carbohidratos y fibra) que contiene proteínas, carbohidratos, vitaminas, grasas y minerales.
Existe una gran variedad de croquetas, tipos de alimentación y calidades diferentes para decidir cuál darle a tu mascota, por ello a continuación hay una clasificación.
-  Por tipo (especializado, mantenimiento y BARF).
-  Por costo (económicas).
-  Por calidad (super premium, premium y semi premium)
-  Húmedos (enlatados, sobres y deshidratados).
-  Especialidades (Bajo en calorías, para la piel sensible, digestivos, urinarios, etc).
 Algunos ejemplos de calidades en cuanto marcas son:
Marcas super premium: Pro Plan, Eukanuba, Royal Canin, Taste of the Wild, Hills, etc.
Marcas premium: Nupec, Diamond, Excellent, etc.
Marcas semi premium: Optimo, Nucan, Nucat, Optimo, etc.
Marcas comerciales: Pedigree, Dog Chow, Perrón, Pedigree, Beneful, etc.
La diferencia de los super premium, premium o semi premium está en la calidad de los ingredientes que se usaron para la elaboración del producto, un ejemplo de ello es el porcentaje de proteína que contiene y que cada bolsa lo trae indicado en la parte trasera o dorsal del empaque, por lo que si tu mascota tiene algún requisito especial en cuanto a algún ingrediente de su alimentación, es recomendable que verifiques este dato antes de elegir el alimento que le vas a dar.
Si tu mascota consume croquetas de una marca comercial y la cambias a una marca de mayor calidad es probable que al inicio no le agrade tanto, ya que la cantidad de grasas es menor, pero eso depende de cada perro, ese es el truco de las marcas de baja calidad, creando así mascotas con problemas de salud.
Si adquieres tu alimento a granel existen muchos riesgos, un ejemplo es que como la bolsa está abierta pueda acceder el polvo, la suciedad e insectos, también es posible que el alimento esté adulterado, es decir que lo cambien por uno pirata.
En los lugares no establecidos o en las ventas en línea puede ocurrir de igual manera que adulteren el alimento, que no se conserve de manera adecuada (que esté expuesto al sol o que no se transporte o conserve en un lugar fresco y seco como lo indica el empaque), además en estas ventas no te dan la garantía de que tu producto está en buen estado de conservación, por eso es mejor comprar el alimento en bolsas cerradas y en una tienda establecida.
*Si quieres cambiar el alimento de tu mascota debes revisar la tabla de nutrimentos para darle la cantidad apropiada conforme a su peso y edad, hazlo poco a poco para que asimile la nueva comida y no le haga daño, si eso ocurre, consulta a un médico veterinario lo antes posible y recuerda revisar la caducidad y qué ingredientes contiene el alimento, ya que podría contener algún componente alérgeno o si tiene problemas de salud debes buscar un alimento especializado que debe estar recomendado y vigilado por un veterinario.
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Puebla Pue. Av. Ejército de Oriente #87-4 Colonia Arboledas de Guadalupe
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yatimaart-blog · 7 years
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"Tuurak" is my 3rd own Paitronkiis Character (Closed Species by NuCat & Valaina) ~*~*~*~*~*~German only~*~*~*~*~*~ Paitronkiis leben in ihrer eigenen fantastischen Welt in der sie jede Menge interessanter und witziger Quest bestreiten können. Im Laufe der Zeit ist der eigene Charakter fähig sich weiter zu entwickeln. Habt ihr Lust mit mir zu questen, dann kommt in die Gruppe der Paitronkiis. Alles weitere über "Tuurak" könnt ihr dort ebenfalls erfahren. Ich freue mich auf euch! :D
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trendingnewstracker · 4 years
Seven more Pakistan players contract coronavirus
Seven more Pakistan players in the 29-man squad to tour England have tested positive for coronavirus, taking the total number to 10.
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halcyontheshop-blog · 5 years
Kincaid ft. Blancmange - Big Fat Head (#DiscoHalal) - HOUSE NU-DISCO "A synth-infused father-son collaboration, fast-rising talent Kincaid has teamed up with his dad Neil Arthur, a member of the respected British synth-pop act Blancmange, for a fresh release on Moscoman's Disco Halal imprint, titled 'Big Fat Head'." Remix from Moscoman x Trikk as Nucat. Available here: https://halcyontheshop.com/kincaid-ft-blancmange-big-fat-head-disco-halal/ https://www.instagram.com/p/BwcQ4eRnMn7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1r3cq02k1pdt6
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Something truly special is out now on Disco Halal  - Kincaid - UK has worked with his dad (Neil Arthur of Blancmange) to put together 'Big Fat Head' - featuring illustrations from Kincaid himself and a stellar remix from Moscoman and Trikk as their alias NUCAT.
Check it out!
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johnny-em · 6 years
Descobreix el nudisme, és natural! from NUCAT: nudisme a Catalunya on Vimeo.
Vídeo de presentació i d'explicació del què és el nudisme o el naturisme. Més informació: nucat.cat
Música de Joan Bibiloni, tema "Joana Lluna - Kiko Navarro Slowly Reprise Mix"
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catseatthebigten · 7 months
Oops I did it again
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15andmeowing · 7 years
It's Monday! What Are YOU Reading?
It’s Monday! What Are YOU Reading?
Hi everyone! We are joining Book Date’s It’s Monday! What Are YOU Reading? and Comedy Plus’ Awww.. Mondays Blog Hops.
Joanie has today off with pay because Phoebe told her that last Monday was a holiday and she should have gotten twice as many treats for working. They threatened to report me to NUCAT.
I just completed The Good Son: JFK Jr. and The Mother He Lovedby Christopher Anderson. My mom…
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zatoichicouk · 7 years
Town Talk: NUCAT trains community in video production - NUjournal
Town Talk: NUCAT trains community in video production NUjournal The 8th grade media class taught by Vickie Tambornino is provided with weekly lessons in video production terms and techniques from NUCAT Staff. The class culminates in the creation of the New Ulm Middle School Newscast, a program comprised of ...
from video production - Google News http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&ct2=us&usg=AFQjCNE2k_pi3JH-O6i4JKob-h2NipZpaw&clid=c3a7d30bb8a4878e06b80cf16b898331&ei=VafcWJjrLZKCqQK476_wDQ&url=http://www.nujournal.com/opinion/columns/2017/03/24/town-talk-nucat-trains-community-in-video-production/
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thedogcouch · 7 years
Cancer in Cats and Dogs Part 2
The d/ the Petfood Company of deb diet—Hill launched the N/ was named by cancer diet for puppies deb. The diet includes Elevated fat and protein carbohydrates, Improved omega 3 essential fatty acids, and arginine that is elevated. The diet’s structure is: protein fat percent; carbs, 21 percent; arginine, 3.1 percent (647 mg/100 kcal); omega-3 essential fatty acids from fish-oil, 7.3 Percentage (1518 mg/100 kcal). In studies puppies with lymphoma (lymphosarcoma) which were being handled with Chemotherapy success had improved Instances when weighed against puppies being handled using the same Chemotherapy consuming a diet and medicines.
Comparable results were discovered for puppies with dental and nasal Melanoma which were handled with consuming and light treatment n/deb. That: success was shown by the findings out of this research 56 percent improved; standard of living enhanced because of Reduced discomfort from pets handled with light; remission Intervals were extended; and animals were observed in by changes Cancer were corrected.
There’s no although these results are very remarkable Proof the dietary plan helps cats or puppies with other styles of cancer. Regardless of this requirement for study that is extra, it’s probable any dog with any kind of melanoma might take advantage of this or Related diets. However, you will find three issues that are possible with diet n/deb:
It’s a diet that is expensive, specifically for homeowners of type puppies that are significant.
It’s just obtainable because of the highfat information, probably in a processed selection.
The supply is definitely a dog by-product meat lung,. (Homeowners who wish the absolute most alternative and organic diet feasible might item for this protein supply.)
. Nevertheless, because of the higher level of omega 3 essential fatty acids in The meals it’s challenging (or even difficult) and costly to Make a diet in the home.
Tofu (soy-protein) shields the digestive tract from Harm that may happen with chemotherapy medicines that are particular and lead to diarrhea. Tofu diets may whilst not confirmed be favored for animals with melanoma, particularly those whose treatment program involves chemotherapy.
The homemade anticancer diet for puppies must have The next vitamin amounts: 35 to forty percent; fat, protein, 30 percent; 20 percent, carbs. Cats might have greater Protein and amounts that are fat and minimum or no carbs (cats Don’t possess a rigid nutritional carbohydrate need). Antioxidants could be put into the dietary plan. However, large amounts May hinder any chemotherapy for example, medicines doxorubicin (Adriamycin), that function to destroy cancer cells by oxidation. Many reports show high degrees of antioxidants Might help melanoma tissues distribute and develop. For one, example Research confirmed that melanoma tissues include high degrees of supplement D, possibly serving to safeguard the melanoma Mobile from oxidation. Due to the chance of degrees that are high Of antioxidants interfering with remedy or therapy, you need to Just before applying examine this subject together with your dogis oncologist Elevated degrees of antioxidants.
Arginine reduces spread and tumor development (metastasis); additional arginine is advantageous for animals with cancer. Glutamine might retard the cachexia (losing) observed In several animals with melanoma and could help drive back Abdominal damage. However, some studies have Found increased vomiting and sometimes no gain Or diarrhea in pets. As of this Period, there’s no clear cut proof for or against supplementation. The requirement for glutamine will be different from case to situation.
Additional tips contain incorporating 60 to 100 mg of Coenzyme Q10 of E Vitamin /450 kcals of food. Above concerning antioxidants, the provision mentioned Must be heeded.
Lastly, several alternative vets may include clean Veggies (particularly these saturated in indoles and antioxidants), For example broccoli. Additional Products may be used as required. Your vet may Choose which products that are extra may be useful after Discussion along with a comprehensive study along with you of your Dog.
Diet For Pets With Cancer
Notice: before you begin to supply your pet or kitten a house-organized Diet, it’s clearly suggested your final decision is discussed by you Together with perhaps a healthy vet in you region or your vet. It Is important you follow the guidelines of any diet carefully, Including products and all elements. Failure to do this Might lead to severe health effects for the dog.
1/2 glass uncooked tofu
1 pot boiled peas
2 cups carrots boiled with themes
2 teaspoons poultry fat or canola oil
1/10 tsp salt
Multivitamin/nutrient product
775 kcal is provided by the dietary plan and facilitates the everyday requirements of the 25-lb puppy. Additionally, it offers 43.9 gm of protein of fat. Incorporating 2 tablespoons canned sardines escalates the protein information by 6.2 gm and fat information by 4.6 gm.
1. Include arginine at 647 mg/100 kcal of food.
2. Include omega 3 essential fatty acids (fish-oil) at 1518 mg/100 kcal. This really is very hard to complete, whilst the typical omega 3 fatty acid tablet contains 180 mg. Use your physician to improve the fat acid information around feasible (incorporating seafood for example fish towards the diet might help accomplish this objective.)
3. Periodically alternative 1/3 lb of prepared poultry, poultry, or lowfat meat for that tofu (by which situation the peas could be removed).
4. Periodically exchange macaroni for that carrots or 2 cups grain.
5. Include clean, uncooked or steamed veggies add taste, in addition to to improve the amount of organic minerals and vitamins. Many veggies supply roughly 25 kcal per 1/2 mug.
6. Include 4 bonemeal drugs (10-feed or equivalent) or 1 tsp of bonemeal dust to provide calcium and phosphorus having a multivitamin/nutrient product. Follow the directions. Alternately, make use of an organic item from Regular Procedure (1 Calcifood Wafer or 2 Calcium Lactate tablets) for every 2 bonemeal tablets.
7. While feasible, utilize organic vitamins produced from uncooked whole-foods, in the place of artificial vitamins (though equally may be used in mixture), whilst the organic vitamins additionally provide place phytochemicals, nutrients, along with other nutrients not present in chemically synthesized supplements. Utilize either Catalyn from Regular Procedure (in a dosage of just one Catalyn per 25 lbs) or Canine Plus from VetriScience (subsequent tag doses) whilst the organic supplement within this formula.
Diet For Cats With Cancer
1/2 lb hen
1/2 big hard boiled egg
1/2 oz clams, sliced in liquid
4 teaspoons poultry fat or canola oil
1/8 tsp potassium chloride
100-mg taurine
Multivitamin/nutrient product
The dietary plan offers 53.1 gm of protein 471 kcal, and 27.4 gm of fat and offers the everyday requirements to get a 15- cat.
Include arginine at 647 mg/100 kcal of food. This can be a suggestion for puppies and it has not been confirmed in cats.
Include omega 3 essential fatty acids (fish-oil) at 1518 mg/100 kcal. This really is very hard to complete, whilst the typical omega 3 fatty acid tablet contains 180 mg. Use your physician to improve the fat acid information around feasible (incorporating seafood for example fish towards the diet might help accomplish this objective). This can be a suggestion for puppies and it has not been confirmed in cats.
Periodically include. Rice, carrots or macaroni. Nevertheless, cats don’t possess a confirmed requirement for nutritional carbs, and incorporating extra carbohydrates provides substrate (food) for cancer-cell.
Include clean, uncooked or steamed veggies add taste, in addition to to improve the amount of organic minerals and vitamins. Roughly 25 kcal per is provided by many veggies. Mug. Several cats, nevertheless, won’t consume veggies.
Include 3 bonemeal drugs (10- grain or 3/4 tsp of bonemeal dust to provide a multivitamin product to calcium, following a tag directions. Alternately, make use of an organic item from Regular Procedure (1 Calcifood Wafer or 2 Calcium Lactate tablets for every 2 bonemeal tablets) whilst the organic supplement within this formula.
While feasible, utilize organic vitamins produced from uncooked whole-foods, in the place of artificial vitamins (though equally may be used in mixture), whilst the organic vitamins additionally provide place phytochemicals, nutrients, along with other nutrients not present in chemically synthesized supplements. Utilize either Catalyn from Regular Procedure (in a dosage of just one Catalyn per 10 lbs) or NuCat from VetriScience (subsequent tag doses) whilst the organic supplement within this formula.
The following month we shall examine Omega’s different types Fatty just how they connect to a diet and acids.
Shawn Messonnier, DVM
As my thanks for studying my posts, enter signal “drshawn” at my organic goods web-store,, to truly save 10% on all of your potential buys!
Shawn Messonnier DVM Past Encouraging Participant, Oncology Organization of Naturopathic Doctors Writer, the award winning The Pure Health Bible for Puppies & Cats, The Organic Vet’s Manual to Stopping and Managing Melanoma in Puppies, and Chest Options to discover the best Probabilities: Your Chests, Your Lifetime, and Just How You Are Able To Get The Battle!

from Welcome to the Dog couch http://www.thedogcouch.com/cancer-in-cats-and-dogs-part-2/
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yatimaart-blog · 7 years
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Finished try of Mia (OC by NuCat) She is part of a bigger Picture together with my Cyran, but decided to use her as a little Training for drawing females. So she turned out super-hyper-cute... maybe a little bit too much... :'D You can get her as Button on Aki no Matsuri 2017 ;)
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