#nuggets is a good and very gentle boy but he is also the biggest little shit in existence
anradalikesfish · 1 year
what if they were people
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the them in question:
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sasukelore · 4 years
Cockwarming with with todorki and bakugou? I love your work. -🧠
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Summary ↳ NSFW, Some of the BNHA boys like to be kept warm. Cockwarming ensues.
Authors note ↳ Weewww another bnha hc? Yes. Don’t worry I haven’t forgotten about Naruto. I’ve been meaning to write these kinda hcs for months now, so I thought ‘why not go all out?’. I added Dabi and Hawks into the mix! Hope it’ll add some extra sizzle ✨ also for some reason the character headers are saying they’re explicit idkw LMAO I hope that doesn’t cause any problems or confusion!
Character(s) ↳ Dabi Todoroki Touya , Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Keigo Takami.
Warnings ↳ NSFW. Mentions of genitals, intercourse, kinky, cockwarming, degration.
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Bakugou definitely uses cockwarming to tease and put you in your place. But that’s not to say he wouldn’t enjoy it... In fact, he might even overreact, just to see you writhe and whine still on his hardened member.
Move and you’re getting your head pushed into the pillows, a string of curses about how you should’ve listened to him, and that you don’t even deserve what happens next falling from Bakugou’s mouth
Bakugou can be rough as shown above, but he’s very attentive. If he sees you becoming too overstimulated, to where it doesn’t even feel good anymore, he might be a little concerned you’re really not enjoying yourself
He might try to vanilla things if that happens, if only just a little bit.
If you try to casually sink onto him, he’ll complain about what a brat you are sure, but his hands gripping your waist tells you something else
Bakugou loathes when you think you’ve gotten one over on him. Don’t go thinking you’re better than him, stubborn Baku will bite back a raspy groan just for that- Which is exactly what you want not to happen
His little noises have your legs twitching and the slick of your arousal running down your thighs, right down onto his.
He knows what it does to you, and that’s one of the ways he’ll take back control in the situation.
Your hips will be unexpectedly jerking, because fuck, he’s got his hand around your little throat, telling you to shut up, and that he thought you were suppose to be teasing him. You weren’t doing a very good job were you?
He’s boisterously laughing at you. Bakugou your superiority complex is showing 😌😩
But all of a sudden he’s mad at you, because yeah you’re really hot on top of him like this...
Huffing and puffing. He doesn’t want you to get off but he doesn’t wanna fuck you just yet. Just wants to savor the moment for a little while
It’ll be up to you to recognize that, and to rest your head on his shoulder, nails lightly scratching his biceps
Overall, the experience will bring out the bipolar in Bakugou. You never know what you’re gonna get with this man, but I cant say that any of the consequences will have you regretting anything.
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Oh. Boy. Will tease you until the day you die.
Dabi would be very amused at you, if you initiated. He’d definitely indulge you, letting you take this as far as you planned.
Don’t take advantage of his graciousness though. The atmosphere can change in an second, and Dabi will have you pinned instead.
But it’s not like he would move or anything... No, you started the game and he wants to play it out.
Oh but you wanna cum? Bad girls don’t get to, but he supposes he can make an exception. Only if you do what he says though.
Dabi’s sweet condescending demeanor frenzies little whimpers to vibrate your throat and move your sweet pretty lips
You’re practically apologizing to this man? Intimidation is radiating of his scarred skin and you’re practically shaking. Which of course, only eggs his attitude on further
Dabi is definitely a clit player. Loves to lazily flick your click right to left back and forth. He’ll do it until you’re overstimulated and until you have tears in your eyes.
Dabi will get aggressive if you relentlessly disrupt the peace by rolling your hips.
Tugging your head by your hair and pulling roughly, all while he has a bored look on his face. He’s unfazed by your brattiness.
Be prepared for warnings, because he’s using his quirk to amplify the pain when he slaps your ass.
It’s really up to you, A have purple burn marks for a couple of weeks, or B, be a good little girl and stay still. Who knew it would be this hard
He’ll love to drawl out his little pet names for you, straight into your ear. Making sure it’s more breathy than normal, you’ll make out doll and sugar emitting from his scarred chapped lips
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Shouto is the only one who uses cockwarming casually on a regular basis. While studying, working, maybe even eating, as you fall asleep, etc
He’s so touched starved, he borderline obsesses over wanting you so intimately close to him.
Don’t get me wrong, Shouto respects your space. But if you don’t stop him, he’s pulling you right in front of his lap, and gestures to get on. And who would deny him seriously 😭
He’s so soft. His arms are wrapped around your torso, and his cheek is being nuzzled into your neck
Expect him to be extra extra gentle with you. Kissing your forehead and lightly humming a nursery rhyme
Yeah, really only likes it because of how close he’s able to get to you.
He won’t ever use it as a punISHment or to tease, because of how much he genuinely likes it.
This baby gets so pure istg. He’ll rub your back and ask you about your day, how pretty you look, or if you’re hungry
But sometimes this does lead to actual sex, because he mind as well right?
His mouth opens with a low moan, and if you look closely you can see drool slipping from the corners of his lips
And if you’re falling asleep on him he’ll grasp your hips to grind down on him, just to keep you awake
Shouto is literally the most blunt person when it comes to asking you. Has no shame. Might even ask you in public if you wanna sit on him when you get home
Your back will be arching for this man as he takes your hardened buds on your chest, and delicately swirls his wet tongue in circles.
He lovesss to experiment with it. Making every move he can, just to see the pretty faces you make in reaction.
Love bites will be sprawled out all over your chest and shoulders and collar bones. He won’t get tired of it at all.
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The problem with him, is that he will literally try to stick his dick in you anywhere and everywhere.
Don’t sit on his lap in public.... literally don’t. He knows what he’s doing too.The thought of someone seeing you being filled up gives him a sloppy smile and a sadistic laugh.
He’s definitely more of a gentle teaser, but he loves giving his little bird praises as you cry out his name and beg for him to move
“But that defeats the whole purpose? Have some patience for me, ok baby bird?” he says with a smile on his face, seeming unbothered. But his cock is twitching inside of you and his breath is raspy and without rhythm
Lowkey, he doesn’t take you seriously! You’re just so damn cute! Keigo teases you about it regularly. His little play thing, all nice and ready for him.
He pats your head with an endearing smile as you, whine about how he’s not being fair, and how he’s being mean. And to do something already.
He’ll focus on your doughy walls and groan at the warmness throbbing on his cock. He’ll pinch your clit, might even slap it, making you clench and unclench around him
And even after you both finish, he still remains inside of you as his places sloppy kisses all over your shoulders and neck
He’s the biggest tease here and he’ll never give you a break. He’s such a sadist with you, but he knows you love it.
He knows how much you like him calling you baby bird, a song bird, an endearing ‘nugget’ (which will make you giggle)
He’ll use his feathers to send shivers through your body. Feathering your nipples, playing with your hair and brushing it behind your ear. He’ll make them so they won’t even leave you alone, always there, even if it’s annoying you.
Sometimes he’ll get really personal when you’re with him, on him. He’ll say in a faint voice how you make him feel alive, how much he loves you in much more fainter tone. It’s almost a whisper as he traces little shapes onto the lower of your back.
He’ll get super serious when he’s on the verge of sleep. Being with you like this calms him.
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three-drink-amy · 5 years
If After All These Years You’d Like to Meet: Christmas
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Thanks to @outlanderlush​ for convincing me that a Christmas ficlet was needed! It was fun to revisit this story! Enjoy, and Happy Holidays! 
“Are ye sure this is a good idea, Sassenach?” Jamie asked, one eyebrow raised skeptically. 
Claire nodded insistently as she checked the baby monitor. “Yes. Now, shh, I think I heard your son.” 
Jamie crept up behind her, eyeing the monitor over her shoulder. “Why do you always call them “my son” or “my daughters” when they’re doing something ye dinna approve of?” 
Claire looked at him and a grin spread on her face. “You know exactly why.” 
He rolled his eyes and shook his head before placing a kiss on her cheek and walking over to sit on their bed. Once Claire was satisfied that Henry wasn’t waking, she joined him. 
“That’s a lot all in the span of one week,” Jamie said with a sigh. 
“I know it is, but the tradition has been bucked for months now. If everyone else agreed to it, how are you the one not happy with it?” 
Jamie gave her a look. “I never said I’m unhappy with it. I just don’t know how it’ll all come together.” 
She stood up and walked to lean against their dresser, her arms crossed in front of her. “How do you know it’s not already come together?” One of his brows slowly raised in question. “Louise, the one coming from the furthest away agreed to it immediately. Rupert and Hannah, arguably the only ones who would be more difficult than us also agreed right away. They’d have dragged Angus if he hadn’t also agreed. Geillis was of course on board. As was Willie. John and Hector were shockingly my last confirmation and that was because they had a plan they wanted to run past me. So, yes, darling, I’m sure it’ll all come together.” 
Jamie stared at his wife in shock. “How much of this did ye already have worked out by the time ye “suggested” it to me?” he asked, using air quotes. 
“It’s a group tradition.” 
“Aye, I ken it’s a group tradition, but traditions are harder and harder to keep up the more bairns you add in the mix. Also, the further everyone moves from each other,” Jamie reminded her. 
“We’re not that far from Rupert, Hannah, and Angus.” 
“No, but we’re quite far from Louise.” 
“Yes, but she’s one person and agreed to come to keep up traditions,” Claire reminded him. 
“Fine, ye prove yer point!” He shook his head. “But I still need more proof on how this will all work. What about the bairns?” 
“The bairns,” Claire said, feigning a strong scottish accent, “will be staying with Jenny and Ian for the weekend that they are here. Or at the very least, the night of the big to do.” 
“Are Jenny and Ian alright wi’ that? They do have seven bairns of their own.” 
“Thank you for the reminder,” Claire deadpanned. “I had nearly forgotten how many nieces and nephews we have.” 
Jamie rolled his eyes. “Ye’ve really planned this all out, then?” 
“I haven’t gone back to work. And Henry is still sleeping a good amount. I also am still quite good at convincing the girls to take naps as well. So, yes, I’ve really planned it all out.” She walked over and sat down next to him again. “I just wanted to have all our friends here again. You know?” 
“I ken just what ye mean. It does sound nice,” Jamie admitted. He leaned over, wrapping his arms around Claire. “So all our friends, including those who have bairns, agreed to come to our home the weekend before Christmas?” 
“They did,” Claire told him. “Oh, and John and Hector are staying for Christmas.” 
Jamie’s eyes widened. “And when were ye going to drop that little nugget if ye hadna remembered it at this moment?” 
“I would have remembered,” she insisted. “John floated the idea to me as a possibility and I insisted they stay. I figured you would have no problem with it.” She looked up at her husband. “You do have no problem with it, right?” 
“I just dinna want to take away from the bairns’ fun on Christmas. Ye ken how nuts Ellen goes on Christmas morning. Lucy has been following her lead as well,” Jamie recalled. 
“And you should know how much Ellen and Lucy love John and Hector. They’ll be glad to have them here. And it’s not like either man is going to try and dampen the Christmas fun.” She gave him a look. “If you don’t want them here, I’ll tell John it can’t happen. I just figured given the fact that John isn’t close to his family and Hector doesn’t have much left, it would be perfect to have them here.” 
“Of course I want them here. It’s been too long since we’ve seen them as it is,” Jamie agreed. “I only had a different vision in mind for our first Christmas back in Scotland. One of our family.” 
“Well, John is our first child,” Claire reminded him with a grin. 
Jamie laughed loudly. “Fair enough.” He sighed. “I promise ye I do want them to be here, I was just surprised. As long as they’ll feel comfortable with Jenny and Ian’s bairns as well.” 
“They will be. You know they will be.” 
“Alright. I’m totally on board.” 
“Good!” Claire said, wrapping her arms around his neck. “I’m afraid that even if you weren’t, it would be happening anyway.” 
He shook his head as he chuckled. “I’d expect nothing less.” 
The sound of their seven-month-old son crying ended the conversation and sent them both to see what he needed. 
The little tradition their group had started began when Rupert and Hannah had moved to Edinburgh. The group, of course, had been sad that they were separating. All of them had dropped everything and helped them with their move as much as necessary. Since the couple had wisely hired movers, there wasn’t much for the group to do other than carry in small boxes and drink when it was all done. It had been an easy task. 
They’d been introduced to Rupert and Hannah’s new abode and the tradition had started. A couple of months later, when Angus moved up to Edinburgh (to approximately no one’s shock), they’d all jumped on board again. The biggest change had come when Louise had accepted a job in Paris. They hadn’t all been able to help her move — and she’d told them not to try. Claire and Geillis had gone with her to help her set up and settle in. The whole group had reunited in Paris a month afterward. 
So, when Jamie and Claire had uprooted and moved back to Scotland, the intention had always been that the group would carry on the tradition. They’d moved to their new home five months ago, and the times simply hadn’t lined up. Rupert and Hannah had a young one which made it difficult for them. Claire had given birth only a couple of months before they’d moved, so they were also overwhelmed. And everyone just had life getting in the way. It had been a random idea Claire had floated to the group (except Jamie) and somehow, they’d all agreed. 
Their precious friend group was going to reunite after almost a year apart for basically an entire weekend. She was really looking forward to it. Once Jamie got past the logistics of it all, he seemed excited about it too. How could he not be? 
Claire got the girls dressed while Jamie fed Henry. They were running around a bit crazily that morning. Their friends would be arriving that afternoon. 
“You’re running the children over to Jenny’s and I’m going to go get the first group of friends,” Claire reminded him. 
“I ken, Claire.” 
She turned from Lucy to shoot him a look. “Don’t use that tone on me, Fraser.” 
He grinned as he concentrated on getting the last bite in Henry’s mouth. “I’m so sorry. Yes, my dear, I ken that’s the plan.” 
“Better,” she teased. “Okay. So, I’m getting Louise, Geillis, and Willie. Then Rupert, Angus, and Hannah are driving in. They may beat us back. Just depends on when they decided to leave. John and Hector are the last ones to arrive and John said they’re getting a rental so they can drive around and explore while they’re here.” 
“Ye’ve gone over all this,” Jamie said as he walked over. Henry squirmed in his arms, wanting to get down. All the little boy wanted to do was crawl. Jamie held a firm hand against his belly, keeping him from wiggling out of his arms. Claire leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her son’s cheek. 
“I know I’ve gone over it. But it helps me to remember it all if I keep saying it out loud,” she said, taking Henry from him. 
“Alright. Carry on, then.” 
“Da!” Ellen yelled as she ran into the kitchen. “Where’s my blanket?” 
“Which one?” 
“The plaid you gave me. The one that was Grandda Fraser’s.” 
A fond smile crossed Jamie’s face as he looked down at his eldest. “Well, I’m sure it’s around here somewhere, mo chridhe. Let’s go look.” He reached out and took her hand, leading her upstairs to her room. Claire watched them walk away as she hummed to her baby. Lucy walked in, seemingly unaware that anything was going on around the house. She’d let her mother dress her quickly as she did any day they had to get up and go somewhere. 
“We going?” she asked, looking up at Claire. 
Claire knelt down and reached one hand out to stroke her middle child’s cheek. “Not quite yet, darling. But soon. Your father is helping Ellen find something she wants and then I think you’ll head out.” 
“Is Henry eating?” 
“Not anymore. His belly is all full.” 
Lucy reached one small hand out and patted Henry’s tummy. She laughed to herself. Stepping closer, she wrapped her arms around her younger brother, holding him in a gentle but awkward hug. “I love him,” she said softly. 
Claire adored seeing how close her children were. She pulled Lucy into her free arm. “I love both of you.” 
“And Ellen?” 
She laughed and nodded. “Yes, I love Ellen too. I love all of you. All my babies.” 
“Henry is the baby,” Lucy pointed out. 
“You’re all my babies,” Claire told her. “And you all will always be my babies.” Lucy looked unsure, but Claire just tucked her in closer. 
Jamie walked in with Ellen, the plaid held tightly in her arms. “It was under the bed,” Jamie told her. “But who would have thought to look there?” 
Claire laughed at her husband. “That’s generally how it works.” 
Jamie walked over and grabbed Henry from Claire. “Lasses, say goodbye to yer mam for now. We’re off to Lallybroch for yer fun weekend wi’ the Murrays.” They’d perhaps laid it on a bit thick that the girls were going to have so much fun with their cousins. But the five and two year olds had no issues with it. 
Lucy wrapped her arms around Claire’s neck as Ellen ran over and did the same. “You girls have so much fun with your cousins. Just remember you have to listen to Aunt Jenny and Uncle Ian. They’ll tell us if you don’t.” 
“That’s right,” Jamie promised. “We adults tell each other everything when it comes to our bairns.” 
“We’ll listen,” Ellen assured her parents. “I promise.” The little girl looked between her parents. “Will you miss us? What’ll you do when we’re gone?” 
Claire flashed a look at Jamie. He was holding back a laugh. “Of course we’ll miss you,” Claire replied. “And I’m sure we’ll find some way to have fun.” 
“Now I’m regretting the group that’s coming,” Jamie muttered. “We could have certainly found some ways to have fun if we werena about to have a house full.” 
Claire rolled her eyes at her husband. “You’ll be fine.” She turned to her daughters. “Okay, let’s go to the car.” 
Once all three children were in their seats and buckled in, Claire kissed Jamie quickly and they parted ways, to go about their separate missions. “Drive safely. See ye soon,” he called as he jumped in the driver’s seat. 
“You too!” 
Claire waited for the text that their train had pulled into the station. She was waiting at the car, not wanting to wander inside when they all knew how to leave a train station. Instead of a text, she was met with a screech. Her head whipped up and saw Geillis and Louise running toward her. They wrapped her in a group hug and her arms went around both of them. 
“Christ, it’s been too long,” Geillis cried. 
“Facetime is just not the same,” Louise agreed. They pulled back and Claire smiled at her friends. 
“I have to agree.” She looked past them to Willie. He was pulled into an equally tight hug. “So good to see all of you!” 
“Where are the bairns?” Geillis asked, looking in the car. 
“Jamie is taking them to Jenny’s for the weekend.” They all looked appalled. “What?” 
“Your kids aren’t going to be here?” Louise asked. “I want to officially meet Henry.” 
“Well considering we were having a big get together, we shipped them next door for the weekend.” 
“Ye’re kidding. Ye thought we wouldna want to spend time wi’ yer bairns?” Willie asked. 
“I’ll drag at least Henry over tomorrow morning if you’re all that desperate. But considering Rupert and Hannah aren’t bringing Silas, I didn’t want to rub it in.” 
“I suppose I understand that one,” Louise conceded. “But you should at least bring the baby over even if you can’t convince the older two. Auntie Louise has some real spoiling to do. It’s almost Christmas after all.” 
“Auntie Geillis also was planning on doing some spoiling.” 
“I think we all brought something,” Willie admitted. 
Claire was floored. “You’re kidding. Why?” 
“Because it’s the weekend before Christmas and it’s your and Jamie’s kids. Why would we not bring them gifts?” Louise asked. 
“Wow, well we’ll have to readjust the plan then. In the meantime, get in the car. We’re heading back to the house.” They all piled into Jamie’s smaller car and headed off. 
“I still canna believe Jamie bought yer childhood home for ye. That bloody man,” Geillis said, shaking her head. 
“Honestly, I really can’t either. Even now. We’ve lived here for five months and it’s still so bizarre to me. I don’t know how it all aligned that way,” Claire mused. She started to tell them more about living right down the road from Jenny and Ian and their new lives in Scotland. Louise started talking about Paris while Geillis and Willie updated them on London. 
They were unloading the car when the next group pulled in. Rupert and Angus jumped from the car, attacking Willie and Jamie where they stood in the driveway. Claire couldn’t help but laugh at the sight. It had been far too long since they’d all been together. The two groups that had just arrived all shared hugs and greetings, everyone so excited to be in the same place again. 
About a half hour later, John and Hector arrived and the group was complete. Claire had apparently been very off base with what their friends would want. All of them were sad that the kids weren’t there. She promised to go wrangle the ones she could the next day. Likely, Ellen wouldn’t want to come and would instead be getting up to something with her cousin, Ian. 
Jamie and Claire didn’t have an abundance of spare rooms at their house, really only one guest room that John and Hector had claimed since they were staying the longest. The girls’ rooms were converted as best they could be to make a place for someone to stay. Rupert and Hannah had opted to stay at the bed and breakfast nearby. They assured Claire it was only because this was essentially their weekend getaway. Being a mother of three, she obviously understood. Willie, Angus, Louise, and Geillis accepted what spots they were granted under the Fraser roof. 
After a small group tour of the house, they settled in the family room, sitting around and catching up on each other’s lives. Even if it was only mid-afternoon, Jamie had no reservations passing out glasses of whisky for everyone. It was pointedly not Mackenzie whisky. They toasted to Jamie and Claire’s new home and to the group all being back together. Claire couldn’t help but marvel at the crowd in her house and how happy she was that they were all in the same place again. 
Stories were told from the days after Claire had moved back. Such as the time they’d tried to outdrink Rupert or the football games they’d thrown together. John happily joined that conversation, still lauding Claire’s performance eight years later. They were loud and a bit raucous — as they always were — but it was clear that everyone was glad to be together. 
Rupert and Hannah talked about Silas, their two year old, while Jamie and Claire regaled them with stories of their three kids. There was a swift look between Hector and John that Claire seemed to be the only one to pick up on. She knew they’d been on an adoption list for a couple of years at this point. Suddenly, she felt guilty at sharing the joys of parenthood. 
Half of their friends pitched in to help make the dinner, while the other half critiqued. Claire sat back with her wine in hand, calling out suggestions while Jamie glared at her over his shoulder. She grinned in reply. While he’d been the one to cook for them while they both worked, she’d taken up more of it while she was home with the kids. No doubt when she eventually returned to work, he’d take the title back, but she’d gotten quite good at it in the last five months. It helped to have Jenny Murray just down the road if she needed advice or help. 
As they sat around the table, it was almost like there hadn’t been a year since the last time they’d been together. And before then, it had been since Louise had moved that the entire group of them was together. The camaraderie between them was always the same, as if the last time they’d seen each other had been last week. 
The next morning, while Jamie was serving everyone breakfast, Claire left to go to Lallybroch and get however many of her children she could. As predicted, Ellen didn’t want to go, so Claire didn’t force her. Everyone was still sitting at the table when Claire got back. Lucy held the hem of Claire’s shirt as Henry was carried. A soft gasp echoed through the room as their friends took in the youngest two children. 
Louise was the first one to get to Claire. She held her hands out for Henry and he, shockingly, allowed her to take him from his mother. Geillis was right behind her, bending down to talk to Lucy. Claire glanced down at her daughter, unsurprised to see that she was acting very shy. The little girl tucked herself further behind Claire, holding onto her leg. 
“We used to play together when ye still lived in London. Ye’ll warm back up to me,” Geillis told her. “But I’m going to talk to yer little brother, if that’s alright, Miss Lucy.” 
The others were starting to form a half-circle around Claire and the children. They’d all met Lucy a while ago, but only half of them had met Henry. The half that had been living in London when the boy was born. Peeking out from behind Claire’s leg, Lucy recognized one of their friends. 
“Unca John!” she cried, rocketing toward him. 
John whooped, pumping a fist in the air before he bent down to pick up the child running at him. He held her happily in a tight hug, happy that she knew who he was. “Hello, sweetheart. How are you today?” She wrapped her little arms around his neck as she started replying. Jamie grinned and shook his head at Claire. 
“I’m sorry, he’s Unca John?” Geillis asked, clearly disgusted. “That’s not fair.” 
“I have to agree,” Willie added. 
Claire and Jamie shrugged. “He facetimes them a lot. He’ll ask us to pass the phone off to one of them so he can talk to them,” Jamie informed them. 
“Relax,” Ruper told the others, “ye ken he was always going to be closer. He’s their brother.” A laugh echoed through the group as they looked back at John. He didn’t deny it. It had been a long time ago that he’d accepted Jamie and Claire as his honorary parents. 
Louise gave Henry over to Geillis and the happy little boy started making his rounds through the group. After everyone had had a turn, he ended up in Jamie’s arms. He clutched his child, kissing the top of his head. Seeing Jamie with Henry, Lucy asked John to put her down and walked over to her father as well. Jamie picked her up and held his two youngest in his arms. Even if it was a sight she saw often, it always warmed Claire’s heart. She’d always known Jamie would be a good father and it was one of her greatest joys to get to see it firsthand. 
As promised, all their friends had indeed brought gifts for the kids. Claire had, luckily, picked up a gift for Silas that she’d seen at the store. Seeing Rupert pull out their gift, she was extra relieved that she’d actually grabbed it. If they’d have had a gift for her children and she didn’t have one for theirs, she’d have felt uncomfortable. 
Everyone but John seemed to think their time to win over Lucy was with the gifts they’d brought. They all made a big show over having her open their gift and were excited when she seemed thrilled. Jamie and Claire shared a secret look. They knew that Lucy was always excited for presents, no matter what it was. She still enjoyed the opening of it more than whatever was inside. There were only a couple of presents that made Jamie groan at how loud it would likely be. Willie clapped Jamie on the back in a gesture of sympathy when Lucy pressed the button on the firetruck he’d given her and a loud siren played from the toy. Jamie glared at him in reply. 
“One day ye’ll have kids, Willie, and I promise ye, the favor will be returned,” Jamie said. Rupert nodded in agreement beside him. He knew just as well the disruption children’s toys could cause. He and Hannah had gotten all the kids clothes. Nice, silent clothes. 
Lucy and Henry went back to Lallybroch while the adults got up to more drinking. It was what they did best when they were together, after all. Claire wandered to the kitchen to find another bottle of wine. When she turned around, Jamie was standing behind her. His arms brought her into his embrace. 
“It was a good idea ye had, mo nighean donn,” he told her. 
Claire pulled back, her eyes widened, a grin growing on her face. “Are you saying I was right?” 
He narrowed his eyes at her before his expression softened and he shook his head in amusement. “I suppose so, aye. It’s just great to all be together again.” 
Claire wrapped her arms around him again. “I agree. I wish they weren’t leaving tomorrow.” 
“Well, John and Hector arena leaving tomorrow,” Jamie reminded. 
“And I’m happy about that,” she said with a smile. 
The next day, everyone was getting ready to leave when Hannah stopped them. “Wait, we should take a group picture!” 
“That wasna really our thing, Hannah,” Angus said. 
“That’s no’ necessarily true,” Geillis disagreed. “Remember when Louise would drink to a certain point and then break out her phone and start taking pictures because she ‘wanted to remember it?’” 
Louise shrugged. “I don’t regret that. Now I have memories of my friends, even from nights I blacked out.” 
Claire laughed, wrapping her arm around her friend’s shoulders. “I feel it’s an important time to tell you, we also have some pictures of you from those nights.” 
“It was too hard to resist,” Rupert admitted. “Ye were in rare form.” 
Louise looked at each of them. “You bastards.” They all laughed until Hannah ordered them to get in a group. 
She set her timer on her phone and arranged her phone to take their picture. Running in, Hannah stepped into the frame next to Willie and they all smiled til the picture took. “Now, Louise will have an opportunity to remember this as well. Also, I have some from work parties we had.” 
“What?” Louise screeched. 
“Oh, I’d forgotten how much you’d drink at work parties,” Jamie mused. “Those were amusing. I might have some as well. I was usually taking them and sending them to Claire when she couldn’t be at the party.” 
Louise glared at Claire. “You let your husband do this and never told me?” 
Claire grimaced. “It was entertaining.” 
“I say it again — you bastards.” 
“You know we love ye,” Geillis said, wrapping her in a hug. “Dinna fash. They’ve never gone online.” 
“Just the occasional group chat,” John added. 
They all started saying their goodbyes, reluctant to leave each other and the fun weekend they’d had. A promise was made amongst the group to not take so long to get together again the next time. Claire took Willie, Geillis, and Louise back to the train station while Rupert, Hannah, and Angus piled back in their car. John and Hector joined Jamie as he went to collect the kids. 
Christmas morning, Claire and Jamie laid in bed, deciding to let the children sleep as long as they could. Given that one, they were kids, and two, it was Christmas, they weren’t expecting to sleep late. They were awake, but not ready to move yet when the door to their room flew open and two little children threw themselves onto their parents’ bed. Jamie groaned as he opened his eyes and pulled Lucy up towards him. Ellen was shaking Claire. “Mama! Mama! It’s Christmas!” 
“Yes, Darling, I know,” Claire said in a sleep-rough voice. “And it will still be Christmas in a couple of hours.” 
Jamie laughed next to her. “Keep dreaming.” 
“Come on, we have to wake up Henry and go get presents.” 
That got the couple’s attention immediately. Both parents sat up, holding onto the little girls. “No one, and I mean it, no one will be waking up Henry. He can wake up on his own and open his presents at his own time. That little boy needs all the sleep he can get. Do you remember when we brought him home and we said you never wake a sleeping baby? That still applies.” Claire gave Ellen a stern look, making sure her words sunk in. 
Ellen nodded. “Okay, Mama. But can we go wake up Uncle John and Uncle Hector at least?” 
A wicked grin crossed Jamie’s face. “Oh, be my guest. Go bang on their door.” 
“Yes!” Ellen yelled, jumping off her parents’ bed, waiting for Lucy to follow her before she tore down the hall. 
“They’re going to hate us,” Claire said. 
Jamie shrugged. “They chose to spend Christmas in a house with three bairns. They should have known what they’d be getting into.” 
“Fair enough,” Claire admitted, getting up and throwing her robe on. 
Jamie walked over to her, pulling her closer by the tie on her robe. “Merry Christmas, Sassenach.” 
She leaned up on her toes, her arms going around his neck as she leaned in to kiss him. “Merry Christmas, Jamie.” 
Before too much trouble could be caused, they went to find the girls and direct them downstairs. Jamie threw together a quick breakfast as they did their best to keep the children from the tree. 
“Are we going over to Aunt Jenny’s?” Ellen asked around a bite of pancake. 
“Later,” Claire informed her. “Once they’ve opened their presents and we’ve opened ours.” 
“Even though ye already got yer presents from Aunt Jenny and Uncle Ian last night,” Jamie reminded his eldest. 
“We used to come here on Christmas every year,” Ellen remembered. “I didn’t know how it works this year.” 
Claire kissed her daughter’s head. “Don’t you worry, dear. We’ll still get to spend Christmas with them.” 
“And Hogmanay,” Jamie assured. 
John and Hector walked in, looking a bit tired, but cheerful. “Good morning, and Merry Christmas,” John announced to the room. They sat down opposite the girls and thanked them for the nice wake up call. Ellen laughed loudly and informed her honorary uncle that it was Jamie’s idea. 
The girls were held off as long as they could be before they had to start opening presents. On Christmas morning, there was only so much one could do to distract two children from the presents they knew were there. 
Claire sat in front of the tree to dole out presents while Jamie sat with the girls on either side of him. The men took to the couch and watched as the girls tore open gifts with glee. About halfway through opening, a cry was heard through the monitor. Jamie jumped up to go grab Henry and welcome him to the festivities. 
Once all the presents were opened, Jamie was sitting on the couch, holding Henry on his lap while the girls played with their new toys. Claire sat at his feet, watching the elation of Christmas morning play out. Her head leaned against Jamie’s knee. 
John cleared his throat and stood up to grab two gifts that hadn’t been opened. Claire frowned, realizing she hadn’t seen those. He handed one to Jamie and the other to Claire. Hector took Henry from Jamie so that he could open it. 
“Wait just a second before you open those,” John said. His husband stood up to join him and gestured for Claire to sit next to Jamie. She was confused by the formality, but followed orders. They looked up at John for the cue to open them. “So, you might remember us telling you years ago that we were put on the waitlist for the adoption agency.” Both of them nodded. “Okay, open your presents.” 
Jamie and Claire exchanged a look before they opened the boxes on their laps. Inside of both was a shirt. Claire’s read “Aunt” while Jamie’s said “Uncle.” Both of their heads whipped back up to look at their friends. 
“Are you serious?” Claire asked, tears already filling her eyes. “Are you getting a baby?” 
Both men smiled, tears in their eyes as well. John nodded, too choked up to speak. Jamie threw the box down and wrapped him in a hug. Claire followed suit, hugging Hector who still held Henry. “I’m so happy for the both of you,” Jamie said. “You’ll be braw parents.” 
“Thank you,” Hector said in a whisper. “We’re really excited.” 
“Also, you’re the first people we’ve told,” John confessed. 
“Oh wow, what an honor,” Claire said. “I can’t believe it! When?” 
They all sat back down, but Hector kept Henry in his arms. Claire noted how comfortable he looked holding a baby and smiled to herself. The girls were playing with their new treasures and were oblivious to the life changing conversations the adults were having. 
“Well, we met with the mother a month ago. And she picked us!” John told them, a look of awe about him. “I still can’t believe it. She’s due in March.” 
Claire’s eyes widened but Jamie was the first one to speak. “That’s no’ a very long time.” 
“Yeah, we’re trying not to panic,” Hector admitted. “But it took her a while to decide adoption was the route she wanted to take. And then, understandably, a while to decide on the right parents.” 
“Wow. Okay, don’t worry about anything. We’ve never gotten rid of anything. Even when we moved, we didn’t. Jamie tried to make me get rid of stuff and I wouldn’t. So we have tons of girl clothing and a good amount of boy clothing. Henry’s outgrown his bassinet so we could give you that. And we have an extra stroller because we got a double one just recently. Anything you need, we might have it and our children might have grown out of it,” Claire assured them. 
Both of them laughed. “What if you have another?” Hector asked. 
Claire shook her head quickly. “That won’t be happening. Three is enough. I don’t fancy myself Jenny Murray.” Jamie chuckled beside her, nodding his head in agreement. She shook her head at her friends. “God, I’m so happy for you both. How incredible. I know you’ve waited for this for so long.” 
“Ye ken, ye could move up here now and then ye’d have a support system ready for ye,” Jamie told them, one eyebrow raised. 
“As much fun as you two made it look to have a new baby, make a big move, and find new jobs, I’m going to say no to that,” John replied. “Seems like a lot all at once. But I will take the support system. We’ll need it.” 
“You know you’ve got us,” Claire assured him. 
“Thank you,” John said. “We love all you Frasers. We were excited to share it with you.” 
“We’re so glad ye did,” Jamie responded. He lifted his mug of coffee. “Merry Christmas!” 
Later in the day, Lucy had passed out, Ellen had roped Hector into playing some game with her, and John was holding Henry while he slept. Jamie grabbed Claire’s hand and pulled her from their family and into the kitchen. 
He didn’t say anything as he took down two glasses and poured them both some whisky. Handing one to her, he stepped right in front of her. “I ken wi’ the house and the move, we agreed we werena going to get each other anything. So, I thought we could share a wee Christmas dram instead, just you and me.” 
Claire smiled, leaning forward to kiss him softly. She clinked her glass against his. “Merry Christmas, dear.” They took a sip at the same time. Claire tucked herself into Jamie’s side, her head leaning on his shoulder. “Do you remember when we were kids how on Christmas Day, my family would come over to your house for Christmas Dinner?” 
“I do. We’d always try to one up each other by showing off our new presents,” Jamie recalled. 
“You know what I’ve just realized?” 
“Every Christmas since Uncle Lamb died, I’ve spent with you,” she told him. Jamie looked down at her, planting a kiss on her forehead. “I spent six christmases with you and your family while we all lived so close. And then I spent every Christmas with Uncle Lamb until it was your turn again.” 
Jamie laughed softly. “Well, I’m happy to have all the rest of my Christmases be wi’ ye, mo nighean donn.” He pressed his lips to hers. She quickly deepened the kiss, wrapping her arms around him. 
Pulling back, she looked up at him. “I can’t think of a better tradition than being with you.” 
After finishing their drinks, they left the kitchen to rejoin their family. Jamie sat down and pulled Claire down on his lap. They watched the legacy they’d helped create play out in front of them. And it was the greatest gift either of them could have asked for. 
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scullyy · 5 years
Days With You / Chapter Five
Chapters: Chapter One / Chapter Two / Chapter Three / Chapter Four / Chapter Five
Pairing: Clementine x Louis
Word Count: 3000
Summary: Clementine eagerly returns to her favourite sport; Baseball. It isn't easy to focus when your boyfriend is cheering you on from the sidelines, and when your father figure still doesn't know the two of you are dating...
A/N: FINALLY IT ONLY TOOK ME MONTHS! Thank you so very much for being patient as I wrote this. A lot happened in my personal life during production that made it difficult for me to focus. This was a fun chapter to write though and I hope you all enjoy :))
"Baseball sucks,"
"You suck."
"Not as much as baseball."
Violet sat herself down in the tiny seat, being forced to squish herself in next to Louis and Mitch. She mentally prepared herself for the 'bro talk' that would be taking place over the next two hours. The rowdy group of teenagers sitting behind them didn't make matters any better. Clementine better win.
She peered at the field on the other side of the rusty gate, trying to spot her friend amongst the hoard of other players. Various team members were huddled together like crowds of zombies. Weird. "So, do you think her team is gonna win?" Violet threw another chicken nugget into her mouth, savouring the crunch.
Louis rolled his eyes. "Clem is undefeated, she'll kick all their asses," He didn't take his eyes off the small girl standing by the batting cage. Of course, he could point her out immediately amongst her teammates. "We just have to cheer extra hard for her."
"Hear you loud and clear." She saluted dramatically. Baseball still sucked to her, but Clementine did have some serious skill with a bat. If she ever had to bash some heads in, oh boy she would leave nothing but mush behind.
"Is this seat taken?"
Louis glanced at the man towering over him and almost jumped in his seat, immediately swiping a hand through his tangled dreads to cool himself off. "We were saving it for you, Mr Everett."
Lee smiled gratefully at the boy and nabbed the seat, little AJ sitting right beside him. Another tall man and what seemed to be his wife sat with Lee. Louis couldn't place him, but that beard was glorious.
"Hi Louis!" AJ cheered. These games excited him more than he could put into words. He got to see Clem and all her cool friends!
"Hey little dude," Louis waved at the cute kid, he always brought a smile to his face. "How you been Mr Everett?" He accidentally squeaked out, so much for keeping his cool.
'Also I'm now dating your daughter and I'm still not sure if you like me ever since you caught me sneaking in once during high school. I only wanted to get my jacket I SWEAR-'
The wise man kept his eyes on Clementine, nothing could wash away the pride he held for her. She had been through hell and returned a stronger girl. "Teaching at a university isn't easy, so you better be treating your professors well." He teased. It wasn't often that he did so, but when he did it sure packed a punch.
The younger man couldn't help the unease that came upon him whenever Lee was around. He was a good man, one of the greats even. He and Clementine agreed to tell Lee about their relationship together, only for the simple fact that neither was sure if Lee actually liked Louis and if Clem was there she would be able to diffuse the situation much more smoothly than Louis.
Still didn't stop Louis from turning on the charm as best he could. "I'm a star student, sir-"
"You're not a teenager anymore Louis, you can call me Lee,"
"Sure thing...Lee," It felt weird to even enunciate. After years of having to call his own dad 'sir' the word fell from his mouth so easily around men older than him. "So...you keen to see Clem?"
Lee made a typical low-grunt dad noise as he shifted in his seat. Who made the decision to make these things out of cheap plastic? "Always am. Y'know, she always gets nervous before something big, but she still pulls through no matter what."
Louis wondered what it would be like to have a parent be immensely proud of you. To not keep your head low and wonder what words would set them off...what a foreign feeling. He would have to give his mother a call and ask if she was proud. He would have to give her a call, period. "Yeah, she's a tough one."
The girl didn't feel so tough beneath everyone's gaze.
Clementine swung around her trusty bat through the air, her chest rising and falling rapidly. "Fuck fear...fuck fear." She muttered to herself over and over again in an attempt to rebuild her confidence. Practising at the public batting cage in front of strangers was one thing, but playing in front of a large crowd of people who knew her was still a foreign matter, no matter how often she had done it. The sharp winter wind only beat her down further, making her hands tremble more than what they already were.
"Hey Clem, you cool?" Her coach, Javier Garcia, called out from his spot by the bench. He was the best coach she could have ever asked for, always patient and skilled as hell.
"Just nervous, I'm not sure why." Her eyes flickered over to the group of loud idiots at the bleachers, then again those were her idiots. Willy, Tenn and AJ were screaming their little heads off, Ruby and Brody were beaming with pride. Omar was trying to block out the smell of plastic cheese and cheap meat from his delicate sinuses. Aasim was currently googling 'baseball tactics' so he would have some idea of what was going on. Marlon was somehow taking a nap despite all the noises surrounding them, and Mitch was bored as ever. Boxing was the superior sport. Louis was way too eager to watch her play, being a baseball fanatic himself this was his heaven.
She just had to trust that he wouldn't say anything about their relationship to Lee. Of all the boys she had to fall for, it was the one that had the biggest chance of Lee not liking.
Javi followed her gaze and smirked. "Are they your friends?" He received his answer by how her head fell low. "At least they support you. I know it's been a while since you've played, with school and all, keep a clear head and you'll be fine. Go kick ass, Clementine." Javi gave her a gentle pat on the back before turning back to her other teammates. Ken Junior, known to everyone else as Duck, was clapping like mad.
"You got this Clem!" He called out. Duck and Clementine had been friends since childhood, he always had her back, even if he wasn't the brightest bulb in the box. "Give them a good ol' swing!
Three of her fellow teammates-Layla, Frankie and Elyse-cheered on with Duck.
"I believe in you sista Clem!"
"Give them hell Clementine! Punch them in the tit!"
"You got this!  We stan a strong baseball queen!"
Clementine threw back a thumbs up as she made her way towards the batters' box. "You got this motherfucker, you got this!" She mumbled, a habit she had picked up from Lee over the years. The pitcher rolled his eyes at Clem's small stature as she grounded her feet on the dirty diamond. This team was new to their field, they hadn't seen what they were capable of.
However, Javi's team didn't know what their opposition was capable of either. The pitcher somehow channelled the strength of Zeus as he pummeled the ball on a slight curve, entirely missing Clementine's poorly calculated swing.
"Strike one!"
"Bullshit!" Violet couldn't help but scream at what she deemed injustice. "They can't do that!"
"Yes they can," Louis interrupted her revolt. "Clem just...missed the ball." This wasn't like her, not by a long shot.
The group of teenagers sitting behind them, who had now reached a stage beyond being just rowdy, were laughing at Clementine's aim. "Get her off the field!" A young girl with braces shouted, her hoard all laughed in agreement, throwing bits of their snacks at the fence.
Violet had reached a breaking point with the clique. She slammed her empty nugget box into her drink holder, crushing the cardboard material. With her head held high, she turned to the obnoxious bunch, her eyes shooting fiery daggers at each member. "You shut the fuck up and get your teeth straight!"
Louis quickly pulled Violet back into her rickety seat, yet his smile was full of pure smugness. It was moments like this he was glad to consider her a friend, even if her methods of support were wild.
"Strike Two!"
The keeper's word quickly quelled the group of their excitement. All their eyes turned to the small girl on the field, her knuckles locked in a death grip around the bat.
Clementine wanted to beat herself over the head and then some. She had been practising for this game, what was wrong with her?? She made the deadly mistake of glancing towards Louis, her secret boyfriend, and then to Lee, her dear and clueless father figure. The only thing heavier than the bat was the guilt residing in her head-
Oh, that's why.
She muttered many curses under her breath as the pitcher threw another crooked smile her way. This fucking kid-
"C'mom Clementine! Blast them to space!" Mitch shouted, surprising his friends. They never would have expected him to show this much enthusiasm. He noticed their not so subtle jaw drops. Even Aasim appeared confused by his outburst. "What? I still want her to win."
Louis locked eyes with Clem through the rusty fence. Anyone could see just how nervous she was. Her big curious eyes were brimming with worry. Louis wanted to run through the field and hug her, remind her of just how awesome she was.
But there was both a wire fence and a 5'10 father figure sitting next to him and truth be told was just a tad more scared of Lee, so Louis settled for a childish thumbs up, hoping it would have the same effect.
It somehow did the trick.
Clementine straightened her back like a knight riding off to battle. Her nerves settled themselves as she braced for the strong arm of the pitcher. If Louis believed in her, then what could go wrong?
With a mighty crack, Clem managed to hit the ball and she took off like a shooting star, whizzing past the opposition as they desperately ran after the ball flying through the air. The triumphant yelling from the spectators fueled her fire as her legs carried her over the diamonds with ease. Her lungs thumped within her chest like a hammer against cloth.
"Hurry Clem! They caught it!" Duck hollered. His voice carried across the entire field and switched on extreme flight mode within Clem. If her legs had gone any faster they would have appeared as but a mere blur. Home base was in sight, the final stretch. She noticed a player readying her throwing arm, the white ball within her grasp.
With one final bound, Clementine skidded to the ground, her left leg slammed down onto the dirt, kicking it up behind her. She couldn't help but cry out at the rough collision, it fell upon a distracted crowd who were too busy cheering. Clementine slowly opened her dry eyes and saw the tired faces of the opposition and the maddening grins of her teammates, she had just made it. She won.
Her teammates charged at her like a herd of wild animals, with Duck leading the group. "We won! We won!" He didn't even try to hold back his enthusiasm, but when did he ever?
Layla fell atop of Clementine, her arms squeezing her in a hug that almost left Clem comatose. "I knew you could do it!" The rest of her teammates all fell into a hug together, even Javi joined in.
"Guys," Clem coughed out. "My leg really fucking hurts." Her friends disbanded just as quickly as they had come together, concerned hands reaching out to the obvious tear running down her pant leg. A guilty rock with jagged edges lay beside her kneecap, specks of fresh blood gleaming off it.
Frankie swung an arm beneath Clementine's shoulder and helped pull her back to the shaded bench. "I'll get some water." He immediately zoomed off to the 'hydration station', leaving the rest of the team to ponder over the injury.
"Can't go one game without hurting yourself, can you?" Javi gently rolled up Clem's dirty pant leg, ignoring her pained whimpers. "Damn, you skidded hard." Speckles of blood oozed from her graze, staining her white pants.
"It's fine," Clem tried to brush the blood away but flinched at her own touch. "I've done worse." She had the scars to prove it. Now she had another story to add to the 'Clementine Injury Hall of Fame', as Louis called it.
Frankie came back with two cups full of water as Javi bandaged Clems' graze. He passed them off to her, surprised and concerned at how quickly Clementine downed both of them. "You alright hon?"
"You need to be careful out there Clem," Elyse spoke up from the sidelines, her eyes staring right at her injured friend. "This. Is. Not. Okay." She clapped between each word for emphasis, her hair bouncing in time
Clementine immediately stood to her feet when Javi finished wrapping her leg. "Don't worry about me, it'll be okay." She walked as quickly and as delicately as she could to the fence, her friends and family waiting eagerly for her on the other side.
"Clem! You won! You won!" AJ shouted at the top of his lungs, making Tenn wince slightly. His little fingers were tugging on the fence until Lee pulled them away.
Clementine tried to ignore the shooting pain as he zoomed up to her leg, clutching it tightly. Of course, he goes after the injured leg..."Thanks, kiddo. It wasn't just me though. Did you see the home run that Duck delivered?" She gently pushed him off of her wound, hoping that no one noticed her quivering lip.
"Humble as ever," Louis grinned. All he wanted to do was run towards Clem and hug her to death just as her team had done, only better. But Lee stood right beside him. If Louis even dared to run to her the man would pull him back by the collar of his coat. "You wanna hear a baseball fact? Apparently, if you sing whilst playing baseball you may not get a very good...pitch."
A predictable hush took over the once buzzing conversation.
"Never hit anyone, never hit anyone..." Violet muttered to herself over and over again to keep her fist at bay from the back of Louis' dumb head.
Aasim huffed as he scrolled through Instagram, his eyes purposefully looking away from the memes Mitch tagged him in. The man couldn't find a meme with any good substance. "I can't believe that man is dating her."
Ah, so that's what it was.
Lee couldn't help but smile as he put together the puzzle. Clem did seem more on edge lately, a little more secretive than usual. His questions about her uni life were always answered the same, "It's fine, nothing new! No one new."
Anyone could see that both Clem and Louis were in some state of infatuation. He looked at her the way every girl wants to be looked at by a man; intrigued and enamoured. "Hey Sweetpea," Lee called her away from her 'not-so-secret-secret' lover. "So, when were you gonna tell me about you and Louis?"
It was almost laughable how quickly the colour drained from her face, reminding Lee of when she was eight and got caught putting bugs on Ducks pillow during a camping trip. It was the face Lee had seen from many of his students when they "forgot" about an assignment; the timeless face of someone who had gotten caught.
Clem coughed away the lump in her throat, suddenly finding her mouth very dry. "How did you-"
"Your friend Aasim just gave it away, but I like to think I'm smarter than you give me credit for. I had a feeling there was something going on with you two. I love you Clem, but you're not subtle." He pulled her cap down below her eyes, purposefully embarrassing her.
Clementine immediately fixed her hat, revealing her freshly red face. There was no lie in his words, she was as subtle as Brody's full brim hat. "Whatever. You're not mad that I didn't tell you?"
"I kept a lot worse from my parents when I was your age," Lee shuddered to think of the secrets he and his brother kept in their youth. "I could never be mad at you Clem. Besides, you can do a lot worse than Louis."
Said boy went on a whole fucking trip with that. His head buzzed as he tried to decipher the mixed message. "I'm gonna take that as a compliment."
"Your ego is already big enough," Violet quickly chimed in as she grabbed Clem's attention. "You ready to head back to our dorm? I think you could use a shower." She gestured to the dirt along Clementine's cheeks, giving her faux freckles.
"Sure, I feel really gross," She giggled alongside her best friend before turning back to Lee. "I'll give you a call later, cool?"
Lee gave her a firm pat on the back. "Sure thing Sweetpea."
With his newfound sense of confidence (and comfort), Louis proudly took Clem's hand within his own. "Catch you later Lee! I can call you that now! No takebacks!"
AJ ferociously waved back to Clem and her friends. "See you later!"
Ruby and Brody fawned over how cute he was as he trotted alongside Lee. Both girls were emitting what Louis had dubbed 'big uwu energy'. They were often prone to it.
Lee quickly turned back to the duo, his finger pointing directing at Louis. "If I find out you tried to sneak into her room again I will kick your butt."
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finnyboywolfhard · 6 years
The 4:11 Train pt5
summary:Train Number 9547 boarded at 4:11. A girl got on the train to escape her parents pressure. A boy got on the train to escape his superstar reputation. It was a train ride to remember.
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 6
word count:1,853
“What are you’re biggest dreams Finn?”
“My biggest dreams?” Asked curiously, almost asking if she was serious. She shook her head gently and looked into his eyes.
He thought for a little bit before deciding to speak up.
“I want to become the biggest meme.”
       She laughed loudly and for a little while. She couldn’t believe he actually said that to her.
“I can’t believe you! That was so funny! I was trying to have a serious moment.”
“I know, I know I’m sorry. But it would honestly be pretty great to be the best meme.”
“I guess you’re right. But now seriously, what is your dream?”
“I really want to fall in love. I see all of these couples who are so madly in love, and I just wonder what it feels like.”
       What he said was one of his biggest dreams, but his biggest dream of all was to be normal. Even for just one day, and so far he was living his dream. He was finally known to someone as just Finn, not THE Finn Wolfhard.
“What about you? What’s your biggest dream?”
“I want to win an Oscar. Cheesy and predictable I know, but I just imagine the feeling of walking across that stage and accepting the small metal trophy and it’s almost euphoric. I don’t know who I’d thank other than my aunt. She’s the only one who believes in my dream.”
“That’s not true, I believe in it now too.”
       She smiled at him and for just the briefest second her eyes sparkled. She put her hands together and crinkled her nose out of happiness.
“Thanks Finn, that really means a lot. Now I have my speech, do you want to hear it?”
       He looked at her excitedly, telling her he wanted to hear more.
“Hello, wow, I really didn’t expect this. I want to thank all of the cast and crew who worked on this with me,but there’s two people I really want to thank. The only two people who believed in my dream. Thank you to my aunt Renee who took me in at 18 and helped me get where I needed to go. And thank you to the boy who I met on the train. Thank you for listening to me ramble and for listening and accepting my dreams. You have heard this speech before but none the less thank you. Have a great night everybody.”
       She finished her speech and laughed. She buried her face in her hands and laughed quietly into them. She couldn’t believe she just said those words to the boy sitting in front of her.
       He watched her and smiled at her as she said her speech and his eyes followed her when she became embarrassed. He thought it was adorable, and he was honored that he was going to get mentioned in her Oscar speech. He started laughing and reached over and gently lay a hand on her shoulder.
       She looked at him with bright eyes, and even brighter cheeks. His touch made her smile, and her smile made him smile. For that one instant they were very happy, and then they got even happier because she said.
“I want to fall in love too Finn.”
 Bryn Mawr
"What are some of your favorite things?"
       She looked at the boy carefully examining his features after he asked the question. He was a very attractive guy. Nice, sharp features. His dark curly hair and dark eyes contrasted his pale skin. His teeth were beautifully shrouded by his plump lips. She really liked the way he looked. She was quite zoned out, but was snapped back into reality by remembering his question.
"That's a pretty broad question, I have a lot of favorite things. But I can go through a list in my head."
       She smiled while rolling her eyes at the vast question set in front of her.
"To start, my favorite color is black because it goes with everything. My favorite movie is Rain Man, obviously. My favorite book is The Curious Incident of The Dog in the Nighttime. My favorite food is chicken nuggets. My favorite thing I own is my camera. My favorite word is magnificent, I don't know why I just love it. Umm I don't know what else. Oh! My favorite song is City Boy by some band called Calpurnia."
       Finn took in a sharp inhale of breath. He started to panic a little, because it turns out she did know him.
"But I can't say they're my favorite band because that's literally the only song I know by them. They seem like they'd have good music though."
"They do, I've heard quite a few of their songs."
       Technically he wasn't lying. But he was just thankful that she didn't know anymore about them.
       He talked about his favorites and they bonded a lot. They smiled and laughed, and talked very deeply. The people watching around them thought they had been friends for years. They had so much good energy around them and they felt at peace with one another.
       She loved to watch him talk. He was a very dynamic talker. He would go from excited to serious to slightly confused in a span of a minute. And she loved that about him.
       He loved the way she listened. She was a very active listener. She would change her emotions based off of what he said and she would always respond when necessary. And he loved that about her.
       It was the perfect scenario, truly perfect.
The girl looked at the boy with a new sense of companionship. Their similarities came in mass numbers and he understood all of her obscure references.
The boy looked at the girl with a new sense of adoration. He saw this person who was just like him, but also independently their own person.
"Okay, so let me get this straight, you've seen the statistics rap by Timothèe 'Timmy-Tim' Chalamet. I knew fangirls watched it, but teenage boys? This is new to me."
The girl said with a sly smile and light laugh. She thought about the first time she had watched it with her good friend Jaqueline. Jacky made her watch it after they watched 'Call Me By Your Name'. She instantly fell in love with the silly man.
The boy remembered going down a deep hole with his good friend Sadie when she became obsessed with Timothèe. He remembered thinking about how now this guy is a heartthrob. He also thought about how a whole bunch of fangirls out there, thought the same thing about him.
"Funny story, I watched this my friend Jacky after we watched Call Me By Your Name. She joked about he went from rapping about statistics to fucking a peach in the span of like 5 years. It really made me laugh. You kinda look like him, ya know?"
"I do? I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or...?"
The boy brushed his hand over his curls laying his hand in the nape of his neck.
"Take it as a huge compliment, Timothèe is my biggest celebrity crush."
She said it with a small smile, as pink spread across her cheeks. She just told him she was attracted to him. It felt good to her however to say something so confidently.
The boy thought to himself for a few seconds. She's just as attracted to me as I am to her, but he didn't know how to show that he felt the same way.
"Anyway," the girl said abruptly,"Jacky is my best friend. She moved to Chicago for school which makes me pretty sad, I miss her a lot. We talked for hours about our futures. We also could go hours just quoting vines to each other. We have variety I guess."
"Jacky sounds like she'd get along with my friend Josh. He really liked vine. He even made some of his own."
"Any that I might know?"
How could Finn approach this, yeah he made one of the most recited vines of all time and was a huge viner, or he could say,
"No, probably not."
"That's alright."
The girl in that exact moment got a text from her ex, James. She pushed her phone away with a roll of the eyes.
The boy saw her annoyance and let his curiosity take over.
"Who's James?"
The girl sighed and began to fiddle with her hands. She tucked a small strand of hair behind her ear. Where could she begin about that boy who destroyed her?
"He's the biggest asshole you could ever meet. He ruined my life."
"What did he do?"
The girl took in a deep breath thinking about it all.
"We only dated for a few months. We had been really good friends for a while and one night he got drunk, and decided that it would be fun to make out with me, as his way of telling me he was interested. After that night, we began dating. Things were all good until one night he flipped out at me because I said I wasn't interested in some fling. I wanted it to mean something. He got really angry and broke up with me, which I was sad but I was also kinda okay with it."
The girl noticed tears slowly trickling down her face. She knew she had to tell him the rest but something was stopping her.
"Hey, Y/N. If you don't want to tell me the rest you don't have to. Okay? You can stop if you'd like. I promise to you that whatever he did was absolutely terrible and you didn't deserve it. I've never been in a relationship but I can promise you that not every guy is like him. I'm not like him."
The girl thought about how the next day at school people turned away from her. They all had heard that she told him to kill himself and that he'd never be happy in a relationship. Which wasn't even close to the truth. That's what he said to her. Everyone began to despise her because of it, even though it wasn't true.
She also thought about how caring and gentle Finn had just been with her. She thought about how nice he would be in a relationship. She imagined herself wrapped up in his arms and having their eyes lock right before a kiss. She imagined how he would always ask if she was alright and how he would never show her anything but love.
The boy thought about how nice it would be to be with her. He thought about how it would feel to lay next to her watching a movie. He imagined walking through the streets with their hands interlaced. He imagined what being in love with her would be like. He imagined that he would fulfill his two biggest dreams.
The girl looked at him gently and smiled, telling him a silent thanks.
The boy looked at her adoringly, telling her that he is right here to listen.
13 notes · View notes
flauntpage · 6 years
A Comprehensive Review Every New NBA 'City' Uniform
The biggest NBA news of the day is that Baron Davis and Laura Dern are dating, but the second biggest news is that Nike Released their designs for every NBA team’s “City” alternate jersey, which are jerseys inspired by cities or some shit. I looked at them and wrote about them, like a normal sports blogger does.
It’s the flag, and it’s a nice flag everyone is very fond of. I am worried about players spilling chocolate on their unis, though. That would be very embarrassing, I think, to walk around with a big ol’ chocolate stain on your nice white uniform. High risk, high reward play, here.
It has a checkered flag, like a race car. I like race cars. I like that they go vroom vroom very fast.
Look I don’t know what the fuck is has to do with boats, or why the team is wearing Miami Dolphins colors, but teal is an NBA power color and you have to respect any team that dons it.
Eggshell tones baby! Perfect for the river-yacht or a chilly, fire-lit library, with a tasteful stripe down the middle to bring it all together. This is the midwestern thinking man’s alternate jersey. Also they say “CREAM CITY” on the bottom, which is where I live, work and play, spiritually.
If you don’t like these, you need to smoke more weed. One time I was EXTREMELY blitzed off THC drops at the Hiram M. Chittenden Locks in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle, Washington, and I spent like ten minutes in the gift shop, looking at the t-shirts they were selling. I thought the drawing was really nice and for a hot second I thought, damn I need one of these motherfuckers REAL bad but then my good brain, not my stoned brain, kicked in and way like “Hey Corbin, man, you’re probably too stoned to make this purchase, this shirt isn’t that nice dude.” Anyway, if I was still using, and I encountered this jersey in that state, I would HAVE to buy the Bismack Biyombo manifestation of this jersey, just spend whatever obscene amounts of money was requested of me, and regret the purchase in a very true and real way while also savoring my stoned wisdom in that time. This jersey rules.
I get that, as a left leaning-dude, I’m expected to hate black and white Spurs-branded digi-camo. But by making the camo black and white, it goes BEYOND a tribute-to-the-troops and turns a bunch of dudes who plays a game for a living into members of a private mercenary gang that kills its enemies with hoops. Watching capital inadvertently debase the world spanning military colossus that keeps it in power is kinda funny, I think it’s good.
EXTRAORDINARILY classy font! Finally, the play of Joel Embiid is being recognized for what it is: a luxury product, grander than any wine, any gold topped chocolate bon bon, any gentle scented oil, rubbed into your back by the world’s strongest and most skilled masseuse.
At first glance, it’s maybe a little weird that the Rockets have Chinese writing on a jersey that is meant to celebrate the city of Houston, a city where most people speak English. But, clearly, this is the harbinger of the future for the franchise, which is going to move to Beijing as soon as possible. What’s my source? THAT’s my source buddy! BEIJING ROCKETS 2018-19, DON’T TRY TO HIDE FROM IT!
Evokes the 70s, cocaine. Maravich belongs in this jersey.
The Basketball is a Lion King. He will stand above all other balls and roar, and the other balls will bow at his might until, one day, he is killed by another basketball, his brother who is also a basketball. His son, a basketball as well, will get revenge and take his place on the mountain, though.
It’s a Nets Jersey. It’s black and white and it looks nice. Not everything needs to shatter molds.
I wanna make a joke, but what, I’m made of stone?
I like firefighters and no one can say otherwise.
You guys aren’t gonna believe this, but the Celtics have a boring looking alternate jersey to compliment their boring looking regular jersey. Features grey. More on that later. We are living in the wildest possible times.
Kobe Bryant designed these. They’re supposed to look like snakes, because Kobe branded himself as a snake. Kobe spending his retirement trying a bunch of sports-adjacent shit he’s not good at and getting deferrence because he is Kobe Bryant, The Player Who Scored A Lot, is maybe the most embarrassing shit I’ve ever seen a professional athlete do. It would be less embarrassing if he was posting videos where people pissed in his mouth or making sly pro-Trump allusions to reporters or taking 125th place in Scrabble tournaments.
It is, I think, truly stunning how terrible these things are. They are, first, off, grey. You know, grey? The color of cloudy days and paved over fields? The color that only looks good on dads, while they swing hammers or pick up their children, or whatever? And then, the only color that REALLY compliments grey, which is yellow. You know. Like a paved road, that thing everyone thinks has a cool color? I mean who can blame Nike, I suppose, when LeBron James, the world’s most famous athlete, is the human being who is your most prominent non-Jordan pitchman, you gotta put him in the ugliest shit imaginable
Honestly, It’s impressive how awful these are, soup-to-nuts. No one who made this had even one good idea they put into the final product. Every OKC jersey is bad, of course, on account of the team’s very existence being born from the poison seed of theft from Seattle, but… Gradients!? GRADIENTS!? A grey-to-grey-gradient? Why, on God’s green earth, is Nike fucking so hard with Grey, a color, not even a color, a SHADE, that has inspired exactly no people, ever? They like grey so much that they put TWO DIFFERENT KINDS of grey in this piece of garbage, and subtly mixed the two greys so that there would be nearly infinite manifestations of grey betweens the main greys. This jersey is seeking the limits of grey itself, the deepest grey, the grey at the edge of our understanding of grey.
All the chocolate staining potential of the Chicago jersey, none of the evocative shit. These are maybe, low key, the worst one.
This evokes bees, not Hawks. Would someone please put feather texturing on these jerseys, like the world has been demanding all these years.
These say “Motor City” but do not feature any pictures of cars, which I love because, like I said earlier, they are fast and they make loud noises. The move here was an updated version of the mid 90’s Grant-Hill vroom vroom firehorse, but Nike isn’t listening to good sense!
Look, I’ve talked a lot of shit on Grey, which is Nike’s favorite color right now I guess, but I can accept it here. Minny winters are insanely grey, wolves are grey, this all makes thematic sense. But also: good god grey is ugly. Don’t wear grey!
These are bad but they’re like so bad that I think they almost fly around the moon and become good again? They are a bad uniform that lives somewhere out of time, a look that has never been cool in any era, but in that fact I think they gain a kind of integrity. There’s a possibility that, someday, in 2067 or some shit, these will have been regarded at an innovative step forward in jersey aesthetics, even if we think they’re hideous now. Cop them and freeze dry to sell in the future.
That shade of yellow is hideous but the logo is cool? “The Bay” is some real San Francisco bullshit though, one of those subtle org-wide attempts to separate the team from Oakland before they strip the city of the team and move them to rich-ass tech boi SF in a few years.
Honestly I feel weird writing snarky, mildly absurdist jokes about a jersey that is based on signs from a famous workers rights struggle. While I guess I respect Grizzlies celebrating a monumental protest with their unis, the fact that they were designed and manufactured by Nike, a company with a workers rights record that is spotty at best, goes a long way to defanging the allusion. Capitalism: it’s everywhere and it’s amoral!
EXTREMELY PURPLE. Purple is my favorite color and I honestly admire how purple these are, while also wondering… how purple is too purple?
These are also Purple.
Every other Portland fan hates these things, which makes sense because they live in the world capital of streetwear snobbery. I think they’re fine. The plaid is totally unnecessary. If I was making these bad boys, I think I would stick a fat-ass salmon on there, personally. I also think that the mascot should be replaced with a salmon.
I don’t even know, man. If it were up to me, I would make them play in a white jersey with a fat-ass picture of Michael Jordan’s smiling face on the front, and anything else will just seem incomplete to me.
Finally a uniform that tells sports fans: “Hey: my face is up here. I know my body is chugging away down here, but the soul is in the face, and that’s where a person’s TRUE MEANING can be found. Geeze louise.”
Nice shade of blue. Fun stripes. Otherwise: whatever.
Okay I did it, this is every uniform. Back to tracking down every last piece of information I can collect and Baron + Laura. Where do they like to go to dinner, you think?
A Comprehensive Review Every New NBA 'City' Uniform published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
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tlcrescuepa · 7 years
New Post has been published on To Love a Canine Rescue
New Post has been published on https://tlcrescuepa.com/week-end-update-hazy-days-of-summer/
Week-End Update: Hazy Days of Summer
Another week is over with a bunch more dogs saved and a few more adopted.  All in all, that makes for a good week here at TLC. Our boy Jacques’s foster family fell in love with him immediately so, to paraphrase Beyonce, they put a name tag  on it and now he’s a full fledged member of the family!
Also adopted this week were Baily, Carly, Cookie Crisp, Elvira & Sheba (the Chihuahua)
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Cookie Crisp (r)
Jacques now Odie
  We also received some updates to share with you:
  Lucy aka Lulu
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“Yes, she’s settling in well! She loves her dog bed (photos below) and relaxing in the house (must love the AC!). She also has some fun running around in the backyard! She is very smart and lets me know when she wants to go outside by going near the sliding glass doors. She’s also gotten used to my schedule with going to the bathroom, work, sleep etc. I taught her to sit in order to get a treat in just 1 day! She now does it right away. I plan to teach her a few more commands, working on ‘stay’ right now. She has been very well behaved, very gentle and friendly towards people, and has gotten along with most dogs (petsmart and pet store visits; holding off on bringing her to work for another week).
I have kept her name Lucy but also have her the nickname of Lulu. So Lucy ‘Lulu’ is on her new dog tag.”
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“We just love Oliver! He has become a wonderful addition to our family! Yes, we kept his name and he is settling in just fine. He has a house full of love!” 
“On Saturday it will be exactly 6 months since we picked up Avery. She is a most wonderful dog, loving and lots of fun. She has a great sense of smell. It’s amazing what she comes up with on our daily walks in the nearby woods.
Wouldn’t trade her for the world.”
  Izzy FKA Doc (Avery’s pup)
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“Izzy is doing wonderful. Her and my other lab are great companions. Best decision I ever made!!!! “
  Bailey FKA Dopey (Avery’s pup)
Bailey FKA Dopey
“Yes, I can’t believe Bailey (Dopey) will be 8 months old this Friday!  He (we) are doing very well.  Bailey is a crazy loving character who LOVES doggy day care and car rides to his “mom mom and pop pop’s” house where he has his own baby pool to play in. as well as a big fenced in back yard.  He is going through training with the woman I used to train my beloved mastiff, Cooper, and has his level 1 test this Thursday.
  I will send you some pictures of our boy very soon.
I’d love to have a meet up with his litter mates if their humans are up for something like that sometime soon.  I may also stop at one of the meet n greet events with Bailey, so some of the TLC family can see how well he is doing.”
  Theia FKA May (Marsha’s pup)
“Hi! We are very happy with May-Theia! We named her Theia because it means Goddess of Blue Skies. She is growing and doing well. I had one appointment with the Vet on July 7th and have a follow up on July 28th. At the time Theia weighed 6.5 pounds. She is very smart, alert and sweet. Theia has adjusted well to her surroundings”
  Flint FKA Mark (Marsha’s pup)
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“We changed his name to Flint. He seems to be taking to the home quite nicely. My vet did not have any openings until next week, so unfortunately I won’t be getting him in as soon as I would like to. He seems to sleep pretty well at night, last night he was a little whiny but not bad. We are looking forward to a very happy life with him!”
  Fiona FKA Mary (Marsha’s pup)
“We are loving our new little puppy. She’s so adorable And good. I put a picture up on to love the canine Facebook group. And it looks like our picture was up as a group picture. We named her Fiona. And thank you for all the information that you gave me. I really appreciate it and your follow up .”
  Reese FKA Maybelle (Marsha’s pup)
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“She is doing really well. We changed her name to Reese. We have an apt on Sunday for her first vet visit. She has been such a welcome addition to our family. We have only had a few accidents a day with peeing. She has learned to sit with commands and treats already. Next week we will start a new trick. We couldn’t be more happy with out decision to adopt her. She does really well in her crate too. “
  Cassie FKA Marcy
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“We decided to change her name from Marcy to Cassie! She is settling in very well and we have been keeping her in a decent schedule. She is so lovable and playful. Such a happy friendly puppy. I will send some update pictures when i get done work today. My girlfriend is setting a vet appointment as well. We couldn’t more happy right now!”
  Dolly FKA Ivory
Dolly FKA Ivory
“We are changing Ivory’s name to Dolly.  It just seems to fit her personality.   She’s doing ok.  Has a serious thing about shoes but is not chewing them.  Dolly collects them and moves them to another room.   Maybe this will train certain people to put them away?
  Dolly has the first appointment I could get with our vet so that is scheduled.  Also her first obedience class begins with Peppers Paws and Eryn on July 19th.  I am looking forward to this.  We are still working on sit. 
Thanks fior such a beautiful gentle little girl for our family.    My husband is her biggest fan! “
  Lupo FKA Baxley
“We have changed his name to LUPO.  He has been perfect!
We have been taking him for walks 4-5 times a day and he is great on the leash and has not had one accident in the house so far, knock on wood.  I have put a crate in our bedroom with the door open, but he seems to like his dog bed better.  He also never cries when we leave in the morning or at lunch.  The only strange thing so far is that he poops almost everytime we walk him.  It was soft at first but has been getting better. I think maybe we gave him too much food to begin with, but have cut it back to a cup a day now.
He has been barking at people and other dogs while walking, but it seems to be getting better.
We found a local vet with great reviews and scanned and sent them Lupo’s records: http://sheehanveterinarycentre.com/.  We have an appointment on Thursday.
I believe Erin updated his name and address online and we got him a new tag.
I want to thank you and Erin so much for your help.  I feel like other shelters may have looked down upon us simply because we have a Camden City address while your shelter responsive and so nice since the beginning.  I have whole-heartedly recommended your organization to my family and coworkers at Rowan University and the Cooper Hospital.”
  Kona FKA Nugget
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“Everything has been going so well with Kona (FKA Nugget), and I can’t believe it’s already been 6 months! She is such a sweet dog and loves to greet everyone and anyone. She loves to sleep, which means she’s also the best cuddler. She loves going on car rides and I try and take her everywhere, including an upcoming road trip to Charleston, SC and Shenandoah Valley, VA. She also loves to be outside and lay in the sunshine. I’ve never met a dog that is more laid back, sweet, loving, and goofy as Kona. I am so lucky to have had the opportunity to adopt her, she’s brought so much happiness into my life!”
“He is just a delight! He is really enjoying summer at our house…loves playing in our backyard, chasing away the rabbits that are so plentiful around here , sunbathing on our patio, going on long walks.   He also loves to snuggle, and looks forward to stretching out on the couch with us in the evening to relax !  He is just a wonderful little dog, a much loved member of our family …we are still amazed that he was once a unwanted pet!   Thank you so much again for bringing our little guy to us
Please pass our thanks on to everyone at TLC!  I v recommended TLC to many people since Snowball has become ours….you all do such a selfless and amazing job. “
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He is a perfect personality match for Mabel and they have become fast friends!! ❤
“Parker has graduated from obedience training! He is currently attending scent training classes to enrich the hound side of him! He loves scent training and obedience training. He is enrolled to start the next level of obedience training at he end of July!”
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“Iggy was shy at first but is coming out of his shell and has already wiggled his way into our hearts. He likes the couch much better than his dog bed because he wants to be by his people all the time. Vet gave him a clean bill of health.”
  Elvis FKA Harold
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“Elvis is doing great. He loves going camping with us. He gets to meet other dogs and people too. He’s very friendly and playful to both. He now weighs around 90 lbs and is very strong but also gentle. We certainly are happy to have him as part of our family. Saturday he will be coming with us on a long RV trip to Glacier National Park in Montana. Lots to see, and smell. And I’m sure he’ll meet more new dogs and people.”
  We also had a visit from a blast from the past during today’s meet & greet when Chai FKA Tai came by
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0 notes
flauntpage · 6 years
A Comprehensive Review Every New NBA 'City' Uniform
The biggest NBA news of the day is that Baron Davis and Laura Dern are dating, but the second biggest news is that Nike Released their designs for every NBA team’s “City” alternate jersey, which are jerseys inspired by cities or some shit. I looked at them and wrote about them, like a normal sports blogger does.
It’s the flag, and it’s a nice flag everyone is very fond of. I am worried about players spilling chocolate on their unis, though. That would be very embarrassing, I think, to walk around with a big ol’ chocolate stain on your nice white uniform. High risk, high reward play, here.
It has a checkered flag, like a race car. I like race cars. I like that they go vroom vroom very fast.
Look I don’t know what the fuck is has to do with boats, or why the team is wearing Miami Dolphins colors, but teal is an NBA power color and you have to respect any team that dons it.
Eggshell tones baby! Perfect for the river-yacht or a chilly, fire-lit library, with a tasteful stripe down the middle to bring it all together. This is the midwestern thinking man’s alternate jersey. Also they say “CREAM CITY” on the bottom, which is where I live, work and play, spiritually.
If you don’t like these, you need to smoke more weed. One time I was EXTREMELY blitzed off THC drops at the Hiram M. Chittenden Locks in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle, Washington, and I spent like ten minutes in the gift shop, looking at the t-shirts they were selling. I thought the drawing was really nice and for a hot second I thought, damn I need one of these motherfuckers REAL bad but then my good brain, not my stoned brain, kicked in and way like “Hey Corbin, man, you’re probably too stoned to make this purchase, this shirt isn’t that nice dude.” Anyway, if I was still using, and I encountered this jersey in that state, I would HAVE to buy the Bismack Biyombo manifestation of this jersey, just spend whatever obscene amounts of money was requested of me, and regret the purchase in a very true and real way while also savoring my stoned wisdom in that time. This jersey rules.
I get that, as a left leaning-dude, I’m expected to hate black and white Spurs-branded digi-camo. But by making the camo black and white, it goes BEYOND a tribute-to-the-troops and turns a bunch of dudes who plays a game for a living into members of a private mercenary gang that kills its enemies with hoops. Watching capital inadvertently debase the world spanning military colossus that keeps it in power is kinda funny, I think it’s good.
EXTRAORDINARILY classy font! Finally, the play of Joel Embiid is being recognized for what it is: a luxury product, grander than any wine, any gold topped chocolate bon bon, any gentle scented oil, rubbed into your back by the world’s strongest and most skilled masseuse.
At first glance, it’s maybe a little weird that the Rockets have Chinese writing on a jersey that is meant to celebrate the city of Houston, a city where most people speak English. But, clearly, this is the harbinger of the future for the franchise, which is going to move to Beijing as soon as possible. What’s my source? THAT’s my source buddy! BEIJING ROCKETS 2018-19, DON’T TRY TO HIDE FROM IT!
Evokes the 70s, cocaine. Maravich belongs in this jersey.
The Basketball is a Lion King. He will stand above all other balls and roar, and the other balls will bow at his might until, one day, he is killed by another basketball, his brother who is also a basketball. His son, a basketball as well, will get revenge and take his place on the mountain, though.
It’s a Nets Jersey. It’s black and white and it looks nice. Not everything needs to shatter molds.
I wanna make a joke, but what, I’m made of stone?
I like firefighters and no one can say otherwise.
You guys aren’t gonna believe this, but the Celtics have a boring looking alternate jersey to compliment their boring looking regular jersey. Features grey. More on that later. We are living in the wildest possible times.
Kobe Bryant designed these. They’re supposed to look like snakes, because Kobe branded himself as a snake. Kobe spending his retirement trying a bunch of sports-adjacent shit he’s not good at and getting deferrence because he is Kobe Bryant, The Player Who Scored A Lot, is maybe the most embarrassing shit I’ve ever seen a professional athlete do. It would be less embarrassing if he was posting videos where people pissed in his mouth or making sly pro-Trump allusions to reporters or taking 125th place in Scrabble tournaments.
It is, I think, truly stunning how terrible these things are. They are, first, off, grey. You know, grey? The color of cloudy days and paved over fields? The color that only looks good on dads, while they swing hammers or pick up their children, or whatever? And then, the only color that REALLY compliments grey, which is yellow. You know. Like a paved road, that thing everyone thinks has a cool color? I mean who can blame Nike, I suppose, when LeBron James, the world’s most famous athlete, is the human being who is your most prominent non-Jordan pitchman, you gotta put him in the ugliest shit imaginable
Honestly, It’s impressive how awful these are, soup-to-nuts. No one who made this had even one good idea they put into the final product. Every OKC jersey is bad, of course, on account of the team’s very existence being born from the poison seed of theft from Seattle, but… Gradients!? GRADIENTS!? A grey-to-grey-gradient? Why, on God’s green earth, is Nike fucking so hard with Grey, a color, not even a color, a SHADE, that has inspired exactly no people, ever? They like grey so much that they put TWO DIFFERENT KINDS of grey in this piece of garbage, and subtly mixed the two greys so that there would be nearly infinite manifestations of grey betweens the main greys. This jersey is seeking the limits of grey itself, the deepest grey, the grey at the edge of our understanding of grey.
All the chocolate staining potential of the Chicago jersey, none of the evocative shit. These are maybe, low key, the worst one.
This evokes bees, not Hawks. Would someone please put feather texturing on these jerseys, like the world has been demanding all these years.
These say “Motor City” but do not feature any pictures of cars, which I love because, like I said earlier, they are fast and they make loud noises. The move here was an updated version of the mid 90’s Grant-Hill vroom vroom firehorse, but Nike isn’t listening to good sense!
Look, I’ve talked a lot of shit on Grey, which is Nike’s favorite color right now I guess, but I can accept it here. Minny winters are insanely grey, wolves are grey, this all makes thematic sense. But also: good god grey is ugly. Don’t wear grey!
These are bad but they’re like so bad that I think they almost fly around the moon and become good again? They are a bad uniform that lives somewhere out of time, a look that has never been cool in any era, but in that fact I think they gain a kind of integrity. There’s a possibility that, someday, in 2067 or some shit, these will have been regarded at an innovative step forward in jersey aesthetics, even if we think they’re hideous now. Cop them and freeze dry to sell in the future.
That shade of yellow is hideous but the logo is cool? “The Bay” is some real San Francisco bullshit though, one of those subtle org-wide attempts to separate the team from Oakland before they strip the city of the team and move them to rich-ass tech boi SF in a few years.
Honestly I feel weird writing snarky, mildly absurdist jokes about a jersey that is based on signs from a famous workers rights struggle. While I guess I respect Grizzlies celebrating a monumental protest with their unis, the fact that they were designed and manufactured by Nike, a company with a workers rights record that is spotty at best, goes a long way to defanging the allusion. Capitalism: it’s everywhere and it’s amoral!
EXTREMELY PURPLE. Purple is my favorite color and I honestly admire how purple these are, while also wondering… how purple is too purple?
These are also Purple.
Every other Portland fan hates these things, which makes sense because they live in the world capital of streetwear snobbery. I think they’re fine. The plaid is totally unnecessary. If I was making these bad boys, I think I would stick a fat-ass salmon on there, personally. I also think that the mascot should be replaced with a salmon.
I don’t even know, man. If it were up to me, I would make them play in a white jersey with a fat-ass picture of Michael Jordan’s smiling face on the front, and anything else will just seem incomplete to me.
Finally a uniform that tells sports fans: “Hey: my face is up here. I know my body is chugging away down here, but the soul is in the face, and that’s where a person’s TRUE MEANING can be found. Geeze louise.”
Nice shade of blue. Fun stripes. Otherwise: whatever.
Okay I did it, this is every uniform. Back to tracking down every last piece of information I can collect and Baron + Laura. Where do they like to go to dinner, you think?
A Comprehensive Review Every New NBA 'City' Uniform published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
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