gladi0lus-moved · 7 years
nullisms started following you
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“....” Pulls out a notebook and pen from his bag. 
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seaboundsongstress · 5 years
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Man you know a franchise is popular when your muse who’s in it and has sparse activity keeps gaining followers on their blog. //SHOT
Anyway let’s get the honorable mentions going, shall we? :3c Note: Since 700 is a lot, my apologies if I do not mention you in the list. I still appreciate you as a person and you’re contribution to my followers list. <3
People I who inspire me to write and probably haven’t interacted with yet, but want to:
@thatscwewywabbit, @muirsiog, @evclvere, @bravepurplemouse, @wanttoshine, @aurasense, @thunderbclts, @shiningxdancer, @thunderstonereject
My Peeps:
@thewayfaringhero, @candylovinglightning, @cubonned, @oceanicmaestro, @and-they-succeeded, @grimastor, @priminpurple, @lunarisvesperaregina, @goldentelepath
Other fabulous role players:
@cacaohiime, @refreshinglikewater, @goxspxrks, @serenesunlight, @myst-ice, @flamebattled, @goldhecrted, @graceofaninja, @nullum-nocte, @dragerou, @bossbones, @smasherrific, @thcnderslam, @stygianmoondust, @smashmeltingpot, @crimsonchampion, @moonkxssed, @entomolo-gist, @hughhyuuhue, @pokepc, @redtoomuchintoit, @iceclaws, @blagck, @herradea, @thelonelyabomination, @hoomau, @gladionsgrownup, @unovastruth, @avesoblivion, @exspiravited, @truthfulideals, @didharm, @pokesquadron, @laurefortuna, @rivaltrainersilver, @navynebulous, @grimchances, @grimomens, @dojodarling, @rosybii, @rockiism, @sangmer, @nimbasah, @thebrokenbeasts, @poisoncrowned, @the-distortedvisage, @newspecie, @universalcarnival, @cartoonlonk, @floofymuses, @ycungandfearless, @empatheticaura, @mercenaryrocket, @asurising, @bondedbythesoul, @revexant, @leadcrcheren, @dawn-leaves, @spooksweet, @lylelyin, @forstrength, @marsh-and-mimic, @allpacafe, @uprootedxbud, @samuraisuncle, @estrellawn, @ghostlysands, @ofharmonics, @swordaserious, @timeblooded, @popgoesthesneasel, @pinktransceiver, @woodlandsecret, @undauntedbravery, @luganroc, @victorybunbun, @littlesilver-platinum, @littlesparkz, @kabancki, @propxnent, @pokechanncl, @cbscurum, @hoennbourne, @gingaprince, @sylveonnesmuses, @maxskulline, @skullgruntdana, @skulldxddy, @floralfiness, @aethersprincess, @dragon-prince-behemoth, @aura-with-me, @syntheticbeast, @spirit-of-all-consciousness, @afiredog, @eon-guardians, @musesbymeri, @depouilleros, @mohnday, @eternallycharming, @haluai, @eveelutionary, @pokestorage, @souledsilver, @gottamuseemall, @pokemonparade, @theswordsofjustice, @sea-mcnster, @sky-and-spear, @guardianofakala, @melemeleguardian, @magicmagikarp, @chaomhnoir, @mineralgirl, @surperior, @musnatchii, @masterprotector, @lukissed, @heartbxnd, @aognaidh, @mxdeofsteel, @ofnorthwinds, @ranseiuniter, @swordsandfeathers, @ferventwished, @xatudueye, @collectiingmoments, @rocketjameskojiro, @pokehxme, @eclipsebrought, @gamenu, @legendsbehold, @staticplumage, @rebornregionace, @nemekii, @worldsstrongest, @headedtodisaster, @poketfulofpokemuses, @aetherbeast, @leecherlady, @progenimon, @darkvcid, @antecessoris, @ofmidnightlights, @neuronjxlly, @eonpulse, @dracosidian, @psymulacre, @anemophilisms, @fushigikasai, @wishfxljikan, @unmaskedchimera, @thunderstonebaby, @loyal-pokemon-partner, @incinemania, @lycanrocspirit, @pyrewreathed, @dolilopunny, @hisxtranquility, @shiningxdeceiver, @pallet-proud, @shehasbunshun, @starcfaether, @aurorasofdxstiny, @willpowxr, @saviorofsinnoh, @vastxwhite, @idolizedstar, @mirrcredreaper, @lavenderrosepetals, @blastcr, @tsukiroc, @whxt-trial, @teamrocketcat, @iiwalani, @sunlcved, @frczenfox, @pheromxsa, @nightmarcher, @shevixi, @soul-silvered, @solhearted, @balsamina, @blazing-feathers, @electrifying-ideals, @regal-royalty, @shodown, @agentcatman, @rocketdouble, @mimic-pikachu, @frozeneon, @pom-pom-birdie, @grchmp, @nullisms, @denjyumokuu, @decidxeye, @sneabel, @ebullientechoes, @wxllpower, @lonalaa, @rock-empress-olivia, @dxstructionshumanform, @animaexignis, @pirouxtta, @sinus-amoris, @pikatwx, @scvercign, @cryostasia, @the-blaze-pokemon, @colorlcss, @toxistar, @truthfcund, @fairyxribbons, @brightresearcher, @cerebralpsychic, @gruntemilia, @manicinventxr, @geomcncy, @tothemccn, @litteniisms, @aioian, @mctherbeast, @collapingstars, @shiftingnxghtmares, @screnityrxge, @gingertrainer, @virtucus, @heartofaluxray, @jamesoftheroses, @of-twigs-and-flame, @yoo-bee, @interdreamed, @trenchpanda, @aromathxrapy, @fairymaiden, @gcrdevoir, @drxgonnoodle, @caelumpuclla, @frxstbiite, @hollerforhala, @professor-kukui, @ninctales, @tough-as-steelwing, @dxtiful, @abandcned, @gardevcirite, @creepingtxrror, @gengarible, @imhcme, @lostiiisms, @flcmingvictory, @youthfulflxme, @professor-abs, @iivoryiinnocence, @wheeling-ideals, @magicixn, @gymleaderbrock, @avemortem, @ecowarfare, @rufferpupper, @kami-tsurugi, @punkgrunt, @honoxtokage, @illuminatedbydark, @timidlittlenebula, @1rxd, @kahauna, @tropiicalias, @gladiolxs, @strongeststuffedanimal, @mimickedshxdow, @heatedxdancer, @armxnia, @alolansunlillie, @travellinghapu, @hcrmony, @leafheld, @yabxi, @supremxcy, @blacksubmas, @puniichan, @bwarking, @wxterdeity, @electrxcdeity, @executeur, @glxciate, @trainerritchie, @siskull, @illunasionary, @anistarcityleader, @halolaowed, @beefymosquito, @collectorofcoresandcells, @teammimikyu, @alohalawaia, @askulloserette, @rotompedia, @anihine, @gcldskull, @beasthidden, @hoennbclle, @shiruvaldi, @normalprince, @lillieae, @luminositas, @skullbaddie, @herotruths, @guzmaniia, @subshitz, @thuggerysfinest, @subselene, @typenvlled, @thatgavemechickenskin, @icyelegance, @mysteriousassistxnt, @haleopapa, @shingetsushoujo, @sungaleo, @prxyingmantis, @pyrrhiiic, @akalatapu, @lavenderhaired, @aethermina, @cipherlead, @malkukuia, @scaredycatghost, @skullgrxnt, @shatteredperfection, @plumeriaxskull, @flamedreine, @kiaweofalola, @mamane, @shiroreign, @mallowofalola, @faerykissed, @thcnderbolt, @eiennosaku, @loyaldogfairy, @priimaltides, @shironax, @thievingsandslash, @gottakeepemall, @hxurglasses, @lilyofplasma, @knowspirit, @gxldenstreak, @emuspirit, @rocketmeowth052, @paradisxm, @eeveelutionist, @paciflos, @hydrophiilic, @kamuuryu, @ofmagma, @lunardancer, @jcyfillled, @ardentcrimson, @pokemondeliverer, @slowpcke, @scorchingsxcrets, @puffywarrior, @triplicatedcode, @mademoiselle-serena, @hoeinhoenn, @oblixion-wing, @boundaryresearcher, @himacchu, @flcwerpcwered, @batttlegirl, @dubiousevolution, @galladiite, @heuristi, @beareroftheblueorb, @eliite, @ki-pa, @nthetruthseeker, @emergingcataclysm, @lucaiism, @daringtosing, @champofpallet, @rubrendan, @violetdreamings, @aurasensitivescholar, @inversion-formula, @mezasepkmnmaster, @auroraicefield, @dividedharmony
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rhubarbes · 7 years
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ArtStation - Nullism, by OLAREANU VLAD
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radiophd · 6 years
omit -- section four: from zero to nullism
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shvrker-a · 7 years
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        -- SHORP. takes a deep breath. okay. i  ????  really don’t know how to start this sappy-ass message that i’m about to throw out but-- thank you ?? thank you so much ?? i don’t think you guys know,, just how much this means to me. darce is the first oc i’ve ever rp’d & really, i didn’t think he’d grow this much & have so many people love him. this ?? all makes me so, so so so happy. i think i created this blog back in december & my heart warms up every time i think about how much it’s grown since then & this is ? all thanks to all of you who have shown interest in him?? like, ya’ll ?? have made me feel so happy & loved these past few months and ?? i really don’t know how else to express what i’m feeling rn other than-- thank you. thank you all so much. but aaahh that’s enough of this sappy message tho-- ff under the cut ( in no particular order ) !
        -- &. Fam <3 ( people i’ve talked a lot ooc-wise & man i love ‘em )
           ➣ @aquaphiiles / @niinjas, @dfndr, @snuwmade, @bcyfrnd, @itschrissenpai, @offerriswheels !!
        -- &. The Skull’s ! ( ya’ll friends who’ve accepted my smol son into your makeshift family / those cool skull peeps i’ve seen hanging around & man tysm for putting up w/ him ! )
            ➣ @gloomyskull, @shieldarchitect, @bigcalavera, @alohalawaia, @runawayskull, @curiousobjecthead, @sekaava, @craniumaniac, @plumeriaxskull, @plumxxria, @apxcyne, @xbugz-n-skullzx, @grunt-r, @gruntadminloch, @gruntrp, @gruntemilia, @inplume, @teamxskull, @igxttabakeanothaxne, @hatedboss, @slickskulled, @inplume, @nullisms, @rocbites, @sistervenom, @nulledheart, @dxkuro, @numbskullgrunt, @skull-bxnes, @skulliisms, @mamakyu, @typenullandvoid, @nulledtype, @contritiohumana​, @punkgrunt, @fcilure, @skullchief, @iiridaceae, @thuggerysfinest !!
        -- &. The Bro’s ( ya’ll who i’ve talked to ooc & have interacted with at some point and ! ! !!! tysm for everything !! )
            ➣ @yvcltal, @shieldarchitect, @justbxfrxends, @boxdeveloping, @lunaveined, @althxea, @resfebxr, @nharmxnic, @moonkxssed, @strngths, @fxtelism, @fartoomanymuses, @acekuratetto, @faerykissed, @cryostasia, @lightbrcken, @firespun, @fireredrules, @traiinerruby, @calmereflection, @deathlyaviary, @cinderbled, @versusred, @pixie-hound, @virtusferocia, @itsburnet, @professordeerest, @alola-dad, @rexsilentium, @bookofriends, @ofsilenceandcourage, @ofstargazing, @fxtelism, @isleomuses, @meinior, @truthiism, @biaing, @mythologicalidiots, @lunahaule, @colorlcss, @ekkusumoi, @nimbasarailway, @changing-the-melody, @agricolor, @blindedbylv, @prxtectorate, @justbxfrxends, @molliavc, @aspearbarry, @jazzzdevil, @illunasionary, @narcdepsy !!
         -- &. The Beauties ( peeps i haven’t had the chance to chat up much / interact with yet but would love to at some point & love seeing ‘em on my dash <3 )
             ➣ @shinigamikiddo, @orcmade, @shujinkuro, @renegadiers, @cxdxnce, @animinimal, @enginium, @1admincourtney1, @gurekis, @thundajagod, @froppii, @trustphyte, @wingedborn, @prinzessonne, @falseflower, @rocketdouble, @lookertickets, @terrortwerp, @pcrfaitt, @neidiar, @sangmer, @hikaup, @denkinokikai, @distcrtions, @lack--two, @museriants, @reversedcross, @boxdeveloping, @koyba, @alongcameacyborg, @chattychampion, @witchmade, @cxdxnce, @saiunn, @captainsekiizan, @theagentlooker, @pendeath, @hippestbarista, @strigoaica, @doktorschaedel, @rocketeertwins, @litteniisms, @differbeast, @vaonsx, @mocrosoft, @suiphaea, @vessuvius, @hardfacade, @musefated, @invisibilitii, @incensus, @asperiitas​, @rocketbcss​, @pcpyrus !!
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pompadxur-archived · 7 years
UPDATED MUSE LIST. I’m active on @pompadxur @bloodmaven @maskedmurder @nullisms & only semi-active on @urameshiisms & @gcrdevoir
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ghostpocky · 7 years
nullisms replied to your post: What is Reimi? Is she a death omen?
has this person like ever watched jjba lol
even if they havent???? my url literally has the word ghost in it
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professor-abs-blog · 7 years
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hE DAB !!! I promised I’d make a follow forever for this amazing milestone that you guys made possible in just over a month since I made the blog..and so here we are!  The blogs listed down here are in no particular order, and even if you’re not listed here, I still very much want to RP with everyone I follow!  People listed below are people I’ve RPd with, whether once or twice or on a regular basis, or people that I admire from afar!
OCs @curious-objecthead @pixie-hound @thepkmnnurse @alolanchampiondevin @grunt-low
Team Skull (OCs and Canon)
@rocbites (my bae, please go follow)  @itsyagrunt  @sistervenom @poisoniium @bigcalavera @destruction-personified @grunt-j  @straightupguzma @fcilure  @@thuggerysfinest @skull-bxnes 
Canon blogs
@itsburnet @askgarymfoak @ask-captain-mina @lille-nebby @sad--man @mctherbeast @mocrosoft @fatedflare @beareroftheblueorb @interdreamed @hollerforhala @heatedxdancer @sapphireinthedarkcave @nullisms @ghxstlydex
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Knowing your partner well makes writing together a lot easier. tag this with the people you enjoy roleplaying with but want to get to know better.
TAGGED BY: @artificial-continuity TAGGING: @nullisms @royaleliite @professor-abs EVERYONE
Name: Shiro / Annie  Age: 21 Preferred pronouns: She/Her Sexuality: Bisexual Zodiac sign: Gemini
Three facts
I’m completely self-taught as an artist. 
I’m currently in a long-distance relationship. 
How long (months/years?): I started towards the end of 2014... so about 2 1/2 years? I’m still pretty new.  Platforms you’ve used: Tumblr Worst experience: Death threats from the community just after 3 days.  Best experience: Anything that I wrote with @armorofone because Cody is gay and I love him. 
Female or male: male, only because 80% of my muses are males.  Favorite face: idfk Least favorite face: Multi or single: I like multi in all honesty.
Fluff, angst or smut: World Building.  Plots or memes: Both usually.  Long or short replies: Depends on the plot. Memes tend to be shorter if they are sentence memes.  Best time to write: When I’m not busy, which is almost never LOL Are you like your muse: In a way I’m like Nanu, but I”m way more emotional than he is. 
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thegxtherer · 7 years
repost , don’t reblog ! tag 10 ! good luck !
TAGGED. @paternall thank dad! <3 <3
TAGGING. @matilda-the-downer, @nullisms, @ears-off, @lamabilite, @subjectwyk, @slightlyspliced, @nolamb, @theeternalartist, @deathboundinautumn, @wiingedflight, anddd @ whoever else wants to do this long ass thing.
FULL NAME : Cosette Blanc
NICKNAME : Cossy/Cossie or Cos
AGE : 8 // 16
BIRTHDAY : May 20th
ETHNIC GROUP : French and spanish
LANGUAGE / S : English, french, and a small amount of spanish.
CLASS : High Class
HOME TOWN / AREA : Paris, France
PROFESSION : Gathering ADAM // Protecting Little Sisters
HAIR : Ashy Brown
EYES : Light blue // Glowing yellow
NOSE : Small button shape
FACE : Very round
LIPS : Relatively big and thick as she got older, she’s got the pout 
COMPLEXION : Pale medium, neutral undertones
HEIGHT : 4’0” // 6’2”
WEIGHT : 55 lbs // 160 lbs
BUILD : Thin but sturdy, pear shaped
FEATURES : Cute small smile, plush cheeks // scowl , still hella plus cheeks, nice lips
USUAL HAIR STYLE : Sides pulled back with bow // Down and messy
USUAL FACE LOOK : Happy, innocent // Constant resting bitch face, occasional small smile
USUAL CLOTHING : Fancy Dresses // Little sister Uniform // Big sister suit
FEAR / S : Drowning
ASPIRATION / S : To be a good girl // Save the children // Forget
POSITIVE TRAITS : Sweet, kind // Smart, strong
NEGATIVE TRAITS : Curious // Mean, stubborn
ZODIAC : Taurus
TEMPERAMENT :  Sanguine // Choleric.
SOUL TYPE / S : The Priest
ANIMALS : Rabbit 
VICE HABIT / S : Messing with hair
FAITH : Atheist
GHOSTS ? : Kinda
AFTERLIFE ? : Don’t know
REINCARNATION ? : Don’t know
ALIENS ? : Maybe
POLITICAL ALIGNMENT : In Rapture, she is agents Lamb
ECONOMIC PREFERENCE : Doesn’t care anymore
EDUCATION LEVEL : Some middle school
FATHER : Yvain Blanc
MOTHER : Celia Blanc
EXTENDED FAMILY : N/a // Jack, Tenenbaum, Antonio, other little sisters
NAME MEANING / S : Cosette ;; Victorious Blanc ;; White
BOOK : Can’t really remember books all that much, just basic children's books
MOVIE : Never really watched movies
5 SONGS : La vie en Rose;Édith Piaf, Sleep Walk;Santo & Johnny, March Winds And April Showers;Abe Lyman, Papa Loves Mambo;Perry Como, Earth Angel;The Penguins
HOLIDAY : Halloween because every kid loves candy
SEASON : Spring
PLACE : Arcadia
WEATHER : Sunny and cool
SOUND : The crackling noises phonographs make
SCENT / S : Floral scents, any expensive perfume or cologne // ADAM
TASTE / S : Anything sweet
FEEL / S : Being sung in a blanket // Holding onto daddy’s back // Holding a little ones hand
ANIMAL / S : Jellyfish
TALENTS : Painting, gardening, piano // Gathering ADAM // Punching splicers in the face
BAD AT : Following rules...all verses she’s just that bad at rules
TURN ONS : Someone who understands her and will listen to her talk for hours
TURN OFFS : Anyone who is just rude in general towards her
HOBBIES : Painting, drawing, gardening, floral arrangements, piano.
TROPES : The ingénue
AESTHETIC TAGS : flowers, butterflies, fire, black corruption
GPOY QUOTES : “ Jellyfish are survivors of everything that ever happened to anyone else. ”
MAIN FC / S : Chloe Grace Moretz
ALT FC / S : Basic little sister and big sister in game models.
OLDER FC / S : N/a
YOUNGER FC / S : Chloe Grace Moretz {{ I was good with picking a child actor }}
VOICE CLAIM / S : Fairuza Balk
Q1 : if you could write your character your way in their own movie , what would it be called , what style would it be filmed in , and what would it be about ?
A1 : Mmmm...for a title maybe ‘ Cracked Glass ’ and I have a feeling it would be more of a psychological horror type movie depicting the the struggles Cosette goes through on a daily basis. It would be filled with creepy imagery and probably some nasty gore which I’m alllll about.
Q2 : what would their soundtrack / score sound like ?
A2 : The song that is currently on my blog is it, 100%.
Q3 : why did you start writing this character ?
A3 : Well I was getting bored of playing a character and I always loved bioshock and thought of making a character blog there. Took me a few days to choose but I figure ‘well I see no little sisters how about we try that?’. At first Cosette was just a generic little sister when I started this blog but she evolved pretty fast when I realized it didn’t have to be that way and I could make my own back story, give her a name, a appearance that was different from the others, and basically change her into my very own OC.
Q4 : what first attracted you to this character ?
A4: Little sisters are SO FUCKING CUTE and plus she is now my OC who doesn’t love their OC’s?
Q5 : describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse.
A5 : I don’t know if I dislike anything about Cosette yes sometimes I wish she wasn’t so mean but I don’t hate her for it. Honestly most of her personality and how she acts is my own personality. She’s basically me but not me at the same time.
Q6 : what do you have in common with your muse ?
A6 : Our personality like I just said...Cosette is how I get a lot of my feelings out because I don’t really talk about them very much. She’s my vent character.
Q7 : how does your muse feel about you ?
A7 : Sometimes she’s indifferent but most of the time we get along great we are practically almost the same person.
Q8 : what characters does your muse have interesting interactions with ?
A8 : @paternall ( dad ), @diemuttergans ( Mam ), @longestconofall ( I’ve never interacted with a Fontaine and I really want to. A Lamb would be nice but there isn’t a blog for her. And Eleanor! Pretty much any Bioshock character and OC, come at me.
Q9 : what gives you inspiration to write your muse ?
A9 : Carrie, playing Bioshock 1 & 2, and music.
Q10 : how long did this take you to complete ?
A10 : 2ish hours because I was kinda on and off it.
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cancersfakianakis1 · 7 years
Invited Commentary: The Need for Cognitive Science in Methodology
There is no complete solution for the problem of abuse of statistics, but methodological training needs to cover cognitive biases and other psychosocial factors affecting inferences. The present paper discusses 3 common cognitive distortions: 1) dichotomania, the compulsion to perceive quantities as dichotomous even when dichotomization is unnecessary and misleading, as in inferences based on whether a P value is “statistically significant”; 2) nullism, the tendency to privilege the hypothesis of no difference or no effect when there is no scientific basis for doing so, as when testing only the null hypothesis; and 3) statistical reification, treating hypothetical data distributions and statistical models as if they reflect known physical laws rather than speculative assumptions for thought experiments. As commonly misused, null-hypothesis significance testing combines these cognitive problems to produce highly distorted interpretation and reporting of study results. Interval estimation has so far proven to be an inadequate solution because it involves dichotomization, an avenue for nullism. Sensitivity and bias analyses have been proposed to address reproducibility problems (Am J Epidemiol. 2017;186(6):646–647); these methods can indeed address reification, but they can also introduce new distortions via misleading specifications for bias parameters. P values can be reframed to lessen distortions by presenting them without reference to a cutoff, providing them for relevant alternatives to the null, and recognizing their dependence on all assumptions used in their computation; they nonetheless require rescaling for measuring evidence. I conclude that methodological development and training should go beyond coverage of mechanistic biases (e.g., confounding, selection bias, measurement error) to cover distortions of conclusions produced by statistical methods and psychosocial forces. http://ift.tt/2xDqVuD
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fklopfen · 7 years
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Allan check quelques blousons #nullisme http://ift.tt/2vfwBWl
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gcrdevoir-blog · 7 years
hey lol i made a gladion
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