nullwritesmonsters · 2 years
Welcome to my Writing blog! My main account is @panicwing
Anything oc wise will be under #Null's Science Projects, and Requests/Commissions and every thing else will be under #Nullwrites
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three-seas-writes · 6 years
WIP Tag Game
I got tagged for this by @lady-redshield-writes and @inkwellprincess, so thank you guys for the tags!
When starting something new, how much do you know about the story before you start writing it?
Minimal to nothing. I’m being serious, I create characters and then just kinda set them free and reconstruct as it goes along. Since I’ve never really done a big writing project before it’s worked pretty well, but now that I’ve got big ol stories I might want to start rethinking my strategy.
What draws you to your WIP(s)? What made you choose them before any other choices?
Probably the superheroes. I go through phases of interest in different subjects, and right now superheroes are at the forefront. Other categories include: hackers, space, medieval, gods, and robots.
Where’s your favorite writing spot? Why is it your favorite?
I mostly write on my bed, cuz it’s comfy and because I can take a nap right afterwards, but I also really like writing outside because nature, and I sometimes write in classes because boredom.
Share your favorite line you’ve ever written.
This was really hard, mostly because I only have a few lines that I really like and I don’t want to keep regurgitating them, but here’s one. From Of Gods and War:
-Power. It surges through the group like the waves of the ocean, crashing against the shore in a pounding, pulsing rhythm that can be felt deep in your bones.-
If you had to choose one OC to bring to life, who would it be and why?
After much debate, I’d bring to life Alastair. The biggest reasons would be because we could bake together, because he could teach me how to adult and how to be comfortable in public, and because he knows how to dress and is pretty well off so he could help me find and buy nice clothes. If I was able to bring his apartment (it’s apartment shaped but he owns it? like it’s not a house but he’s not renting? help) with him that would be an amazing bonus, because his flat is basically my dream place.
Are you looking to get published? If so do you want to make it a career?
I think for me getting published is a dream that may or may not happen, but it’s not gonna be my career. I’m in college to be an engineer, and while I love writing, there is nothing in life that I love more than building things and getting my hands dirty.
What’s something you would read but never write, or vice versa? Why?
I’m gonna go with sex scenes. I’m fine reading them, but I don’t feel like they belong in the stories I want to write. Plus, that’s not really something I’m into anyways.
What is something you are most proud of in your writing so far?
I’ve really improved as far as dialogue and pacing goes, if I look back at my old works I’m definitely better.
Badly describe your WIP(s) in one sentence.
Not all of them have names yet and I haven’t got my WIP page up, so I’m going to let you guys guess which is which.
1. Weather man has to deal with his love interests slow spiral into an abusive relationship while fighting off the advances of a criminal society and their plot to overthrow the system.
2. Innocent fire boy teams up with fashionable hired gun to overthrow a corrupted government that wants them dead.
3. How Doing Your Job May Actually Piss Off More People than it Helps: The Fuck Up that Ruined Basically Everything
Why did you want to be a writer?
I dunno, I have lots of ideas and I like books, so I probably started because I wanted to make the things I love so much.
That was fun! I’ll tag: @itskassidywrites, @nullwrites, @freshpairofoculus, @wingsofpsyche, and @writing-at-dusk.
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g33kxinc · 3 years
how can I display the folder path in the textbox.
how can I display the folder path in the textbox.
$handler_installationfolderlocalinstall_Click= {$SelectFolder.ShowDialog() | Out-NullWrite-Host “You selected $SelectFolder $($SelectFolder.SelectedPath)” -ForegroundColor Yellow$textboxinstallfolderlocal.Text = $SelectFolder.FileName}I want to display the folder name in a textbox with “FileName” but it doesn’t work. Which extension is for folder? or How can I display it?Thank you for your…
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arynneva · 6 years
10 Questions Tag
I was tagged by the super cool @loopyhoopydrabbles thank you!
1. if you could trade places with one character (yours or someone else’s) who would it be?
Going with one of my characters, probably Luce from Divine Humanity and it’s sequel. Her homeland isn’t in the best shape, and she’s an Anamium, but it’s modern and fairly okay compared to other places and characters. She doesn’t have a bad life, all things considered.
2. who’s your favorite author role model?
Rick Riordan. As much as I love his books, it’s his social presence that I enjoy. From what I’ve seen, he’s pretty interactive with his fans, and also quite sassy. That’s the kind of author I want to be.
3. where’s your favorite place to write?
My room. I don’t have to worry about people looking over my shoulder, and I can lay around in my pajamas. I don’t feel comfortable writing in public.
4. if you could rewrite a famous novel what would it be and how would you change it?
That feels kinda rude. I guess I’ll answer with a famous book that I wish did something a little better: The Great Gatsby. While a great book, I hated how little setup each scene got. I had no idea who was where half the time. One character would just start talking and I’d be like “oh, when did you get here?” Not all scenes, but some of them.
5. what book made you want to write?
I don’t remember there being a specific book that made me want to write. There is one series that gave me courage, but the reasoning is personal, so I’m keeping it to myself. I guess the Harry Potter series influenced me as well, seeing as it was my childhood.
6. where do you see yourself as a writer in 5 years?
I just want to finish one book without getting sidetracked by another idea. I don’t know if I’ll be published in 5 years, but I hope I’ll be close to that point.
7. what’s your WIP about?
Divine Humanity is about an Anamium named Ethan who just wants to go home, but is a target of various people because of his bloodline. With him, James wants to be worth something to someone, while proving their country’s crimes. So, discrimination and human experimentation, with a theme of finding your place in the world (and treating people like people and not tools, but that kinda goes along with the whole discrimination thing).
8. favorite bookstore?.
I always love going to any single bookstore. They are fun to explore and often have cool designs. However, to be honest, I go to Barnes and Nobles more than any. It has all kinds of books, so it makes finding stuff a challenge, but it’s like there will always be something new to see. Also, it has comic books, and most of the small bookstores I go to don’t. And seeing as I like both, I prefer when a store sells multiple media.
9. what color do you want your first book jacket to be?
Well, assuming Divine Humanity is my first book, probably navy blue. I associate it most with blue, and the cover design I am currently using would do well with navy.
10. how many words do you plan on your WIP being?
Hard to tell at this point. It’s probably going to be around 100,000 words at the rate it’s going, but with the edits and whatnot, I can’t say for sure.
If any of y’all want to do this and haven’t already, I’ll tag @nullwrites​ @ana-the-writer​ and @charvaughn-writes​
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yvesdot · 6 years
Saw this one around, and am so excited to do it for my Forest Castles characters! Thanks for the tag, @hawksnbooks! Bolded/italicized important faults and kept everything relevant. (go back to hawks’ page if you want the full list, I think)
Eliza; (dragged into a magical world she doesn’t want to be in; determined to ruin everything before she leaves.)
absent-minded | aggressive | aimless | arrogant | audacious | bigmouth | blunt | childish | competitive | cynical | delinquent | dependent | depressed | easily distracted | egotistical | envious | hypocritical | immature | impatient | indecisive | insensitive | lazy | lewd | lustful | meddlesome | moody | ornery | overprotective | passive-aggressive | reckless | remorseless | rigorous | sarcastic | selfish | sociopathic | sore loser | spiteful | stubborn | tactless | temperamental | tone-deaf | ungracious | unsophisticated 
Red; (everyone’s favorite anti-capitalist waste of space.)
absent-minded | aggressive | aimless | arrogant | audacious | childish | clingy | cocky | competitive | cynical | delinquent | fickle | hedonistic | idealist | idiotic | ignorant | immature | impatient | incompetent | indecisive | insensitive | lazy | lewd | liar | lustful | manipulative | melodramatic | overprotective | petty | proud | reckless | remorseless | sarcastic | selfish | tactless | tone-deaf | ungracious | unlucky | unsophisticated | untrustworthy | vain 
Avner; (tragic tortured king.)
absent-minded | anxious | bad liar | blindly obedient | clingy | cowardly | envious | guilt complex | gloomy | gullible | idealist | insecure | masochistic | melodramatic | moody | naive | nervous | overprotective | overly sensitive | paranoid | reclusive | self-martyr | timid | unlucky 
And some of you folks only had a couple... oh my.
Tagging:  @nullwrites, @ava-burton-writing, @artattemptswriting, @lexa-scribbles, @bailey-writes, @fullcolorwriting​, @jenny-calendar​, @dogwrites, @honeywrite @dantedevereaux! No pressure on any of you to do this; just thought it’d be fun.
(And, naturally, anyone can tag me again, with my million projects. If you’ve already been tagged in this, feel free to do it for another character, and tag me! I’d love to see it~)
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yvesdot · 6 years
Tagged by the very sweet @hawksnbooks to do the ten facts challenge! Major apologies for taking this long...
1. I own several pairs of cat (and other animal) ears.
2. I tend to capitalize initial letters in Important Phrases.
3. I’m hoping the above will become my Writer’s Quirk, and people will write comments about how much they love it.
4. I distinctly adored Remus Lupin as a child... which I now realize is because he’s obviously gay (trans? most readers agree he is that too, when they think about it) and would have made the perfect found father for Harry if J. K. Rowling wasn’t like that.
5. I violently loathe-- no, listen to me, this is important-- I violently loathe The Last Jedi. Rian Johnson wrote plot point ideas on scraps of paper, taped them to the walls of his house, and added in whichever ones his Roomba hit.
6. I desperately want a Roomba, though I have no need for one. God, they’re cute.
7. When writing dialogue, I consistently act out the different character’s parts. This compulsion is so strong that I have almost fallen off of my bike while thinking of potential scenes.
8. I’m not sure if this is normal, but I think of a recent writing project and brainstorm what’ll happen next before I fall asleep... somehow, potentially connected to the above point, these scenes always include the characters sleepily lounging in bed. Hm.
9. My sole published book is, in part, spitefic inspired by someone who killed off my character in a writing exercise. I mean, who does that; was she just angry that day or did she really hate me, why bring in a vampire hunter--
10. I don’t have a consistent canon for my vampires. I have more than one of them, I think, and I’ve come up with multiple stories involving vampires, but there’s no consensus within me on things like whether they breathe or sleep or whatever. I have personal ideas on what makes the most sense, but other than that? Everything contradicts itself. 
tagging  @nullwrites, @ava-burton-writing, @artattemptswriting, @lexa-scribbles, @bailey-writes, @fullcolorwriting, @jenny-calendar, @dogwrites @honeywrite, @dantedevereaux @atelierwriting (none of whom are required to do any of this; I’m not double-checking anything.)
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yvesdot · 6 years
Secret ingredients; tagged by the marvelous @honeywrite! Now I have to list what I think makes up The Summer of Katie.
salt on skin
plastic chafing your arm as you carry an inner tube
an electric razor in the bottom cupboard of the boys’ bathroom
one bisexual pride bracelet, to nervously fiddle with
the rough carpeting of the loft
waking up to family conversations
eating salad outside
unfunny jokes
dark hair
And, tagging:  @atelierwriting (again), @nullwrites, @ava-burton-writing, @artattemptswriting, @lexa-scribbles, @bailey-writes (again) @fullcolorwriting​, @hawksnbooks @honeywrite @dantedevereaux
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yvesdot · 6 years
thank you so much for tagging me, @dogwrites​! 
i. Who/what is your biggest support system when it comes to your writing?
My sweet lov, who is going to read this at some point because, despite the fact that he doesn’t have a tumblr, he checks this blog every day to see what I’ve posted. Ultimate sweetheart.
ii. You forgot your lunch at home and now you’re starving, but you don’t have the time to go and get something. Which oc would gladly buy you lunch and bring it to you, but get the order completely wrong?
Oh, Red says he’ll get me food but runs off before I can tell him what to get. He returns with some kind of obscene meat I can’t digest that probably isn’t kosher.
“Why?” I ask him. “Why are you like this?” 
He shrugs, and behind him Eliza argues with Avner over whether a salad or a chicken sandwich is a better lunch.
(canon: Forest Castles)
iii. Do you prefer music or pictures as inspiration? Why?
Pictures, without a doubt. Time to plug the aesthetic blog!
iv. How many novels are you working on?
I was going to say ‘one’, because that’s how many I’m going to be writing this summer (it’s The Summer of Katie), but of course I have to edit Forest Castles and that’s not even mentioning everything going on with Sometimes it Happens. So let’s say three, just to be safe.
v. Which oc is absolutely brilliant, but lacks the recognition?
Eliza! Eliza! Eliza!
And she is based off of a younger me, so you see how that works.
That said, I did write her with a unique talent in mind-- I wanted the reader to understand why Eliza (as opposed to anyone else in the world-- Red, Avner, Ahava...) could succeed in what she did.
vi. If you are an avid reader, do you read the same genre as the books you write, or are they completely opposite?
Same genre, plus a lot of graphic novels. I’ve always adored monstrous fiction...
vii. What is your favorite thing about being an author?
The audience! Yes, I live for the applause (applause, applause, I live for the applause-plause, live for the applaus-plause, live for the way you cheer and scream for me, the applause, applause, applause--), and also changing people’s lives... I really want to do for other people what many amazing writers did for me, and have those reactions in return. 
viii. If you could choose any oc to hug the heck out of right now, who would you choose?
Avner!!! He has been king for a stupid amount of time and he doesn’t even want to be here. He needs several good hugs to help keep him going. (And also Mel, who is kind of invisible on this post because he’s from SNR and therefore not allowed to be here without more context.)
ix. Do you have any other hobbies/passions that sneak into your writing?
Ooooh, botany. I keep forgetting to talk about Ahava’s, um, greenhouse. I don’t know anything about plants, but I love ‘em. And Eliza’s photography (which I’ve largely forgotten in my own life), and Red’s reading of obscure classics. Mel wears ironic crosses (I don’t own any; for me I think it’d be a bit sacrilegious), Jenny loves her cats and tarot cards, and... um, my hobby of collecting found family?
Oh, and Bren’s constant begging for their dad to get a cat. It is not happening while you live in Ava’s house, Bren! Don’t you understand there’s no room, money, or person responsible enough to care for it?!
(Keep asking.)
x. If you were to write a historical fiction novel, what era would you choose?
Oh, God, please no. I don’t like these things, and this is just mean.
(’50s. So many inaccurate ‘50s-esque worlds of mine... Okay, maybe just one.)
(After that, ‘60s.)
(After that--)
Tagging:  @nullwrites, @ava-burton-writing, @artattemptswriting, @lexa-scribbles, @bailey-writes, @fullcolorwriting​, @jenny-calendar​ (hey, you’re a writer!), @hawksnbooks @honeywrite @dantedevereaux... No pressure for anybody! And if you see this and want to do it, I’ve as good as tagged you, too.
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yvesdot · 6 years
Rules: Bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your inspirations, then tag nine people. I was tagged by @nathanielbooks!
I have small hands • I love the night sky • I watch small animals and birds when I pass them by • I drink herbal tea • I wake to see dawn • The smell of dust is comforting • I’m valued for being wise  • I prefer books to music • I meditate • I find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
I don’t have straight hair • I like to wear ripped jeans and overalls • I play an organised sport • I love dogs • I am not afraid of adventure • I love to talk to strangers • I always try new foods • I enjoy road trips • Summer is my favourite season • My radio is always playing
I wear bracelets on my wrists • I love the bustle of the city • I have more than one set of piercings • I read poetry • I love the sound of a thunderstorm • I want to travel the world • I sleep past midday most days • I love dimly lit diners and fluorescent signs • I re-watch kids’ shows out of nostalgia • I see emotions in colours not words
I wear glasses/contacts • I enjoy doing the laundry • I am a vegetarian or vegan • I have an excellent sense of time • My humour is very cheerful • I am a valued advisor to my friends • I believe in true love • I love the chill of mountain air • I’m always listening to music • I am highly trusted by the people in my life
I go without makeup in my daily life • I make my own artwork • I keep on track of my tasks and time • I always know true north • I see beauty in everything • I can always smell flowers • I smile at everyone I pass by • I always fear history repeating itself • I have recovered from a mental disorder • I can love unconditionally
tagging @nullwrites, @ava-burton-writing, @artattemptswriting, @lexa-scribbles and @bailey-writes again because I am a bit new and do not follow nine people... whoops.
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