maryrubino3459 · 1 year
500 Angel Number
Hey there, my fellow spiritual seekers! Have you been seeing the number 500 everywhere you go lately? If so, don't brush it off as a mere coincidence. This powerful number is an angel number, and it carries a unique message from the divine realm that's meant for you. In this blog post, we'll explore the significance and meaning of the angel number 500. You'll learn how to interpret this number's message and what action steps you can take to align yourself with your higher purpose. So, if you're ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth, keep reading! Are you ready to tap into the guidance of your guardian angels and the divine realm? If so, keep reading my blog post about the angel number 500. By the end of this post, you'll have a better understanding of what this number means and how you can use its message to create a life of purpose and fulfillment. So, grab a cup of tea, get comfortable, and let's dive into the world of angel numbers! actorMeaningNumerologyCombination of 5 and 0Angel NumberMessage of significant change and growthTarotThe HierophantColorOrangeChakraSacralMeaningEmbracing change, spiritual growthSymbolismCreativity, adventure, opportunity The Meaning of Angel Number 500 Now that you understand the concept of angel numbers let's dive into the meaning of the angel number 500. The angel number 500 is a powerful number that symbolizes personal freedom, independence, and adventure. It's a reminder from your guardian angels that it's time to take charge of your life and embrace your true self. The number 500 is a combination of the energies and vibrations of the number 5 and the number 0. The number 5 resonates with personal freedom, making positive life choices, versatility, and adaptability. It also symbolizes the importance of learning life lessons through experience. On the other hand, the number 0 is associated with spiritual growth, new beginnings, and developing your spirituality. It's a reminder that you're on the right path and that you're making progress on your spiritual journey. When combined, the number 500 carries a powerful message. It's a reminder that you're in control of your life and that it's time to embrace your personal freedom. Your angels are encouraging you to take risks, explore new opportunities, and make positive changes in your life. Understand and work with the energy of 500 Angel number 500 is a powerful message from the divine realm that signifies significant changes and new opportunities in your life. It encourages you to embrace change and focus on your spiritual growth and personal development. Here are some ways to understand and work with the energy of 500: - Embrace change: Angel number 500 is a message of positive change, so it's important to embrace it with open arms. Change can be scary and uncomfortable, but it's also necessary for growth and personal development. Trust that the changes you're experiencing are leading you towards a better path and greater fulfillment. - Focus on your spiritual growth: Angel number 500 is also a message to focus on your spiritual growth and personal development. Take time for introspection, meditation, and self-reflection. Nurture your soul with practices that resonate with you, such as yoga, mindfulness, or prayer. - Trust your intuition: Angel number 500 is a reminder to trust your intuition and inner wisdom. Pay attention to your thoughts, feelings, and instincts, and follow your heart towards your goals and dreams. Trust that the divine realm is guiding you towards the right path. - Be creative: Angel number 500 is associated with creativity, so it's a great time to embrace your own unique creative expression. Whether it's through art, music, writing, or any other creative outlet, allow yourself to express your authentic self and let your creativity flow. - Stay positive: Angel number 500 is a message of positivity and optimism, so it's important to maintain a positive mindset. Focus on the good things in your life and express gratitude for them. Trust that the universe is conspiring in your favor and that everything is working out for your highest good. Where do you find 500 Angel numbers? You can find angel numbers anywhere and everywhere, but it's important to pay attention and be aware of their presence. The divine realm communicates with us through symbols, signs, and messages, and angel numbers are one of the most common ways they communicate. Angel numbers can appear in various forms, such as license plates, phone numbers, clocks, receipts, and even in your dreams. If you keep seeing the number 500 repeatedly, it's likely a sign from your angels, and they want you to pay attention to its message. It's important to note that not all number sequences are angel numbers. Angel numbers are repetitive numbers that appear in a sequence, such as 111, 222, 333, and so on. When you see these numbers, it's a sign that your angels are communicating with you. To spot an angel number, pay attention to your surroundings, and be mindful of the numbers that appear to you repeatedly. You can also ask your angels for guidance and confirmation that the number you're seeing is an angel number. Trust your intuition and inner guidance, and the divine realm will provide you with the messages and guidance you need. What to Do When You See Angel Number 500 If you keep seeing the angel number 500, it's a sign that you need to take action in your life. Here are some tips on what you can do when you see this powerful number sequence. 1. Embrace Your Independence The angel number 500 is all about personal freedom and independence. If you keep seeing this number, it's a sign that you need to embrace your independence and take control of your life. Don't be afraid to make bold decisions, take risks, and explore new opportunities. Your angels are guiding you towards personal growth and development. 2. Embrace Your Spiritual Journey The number 0 in the angel number 500 represents spiritual growth and new beginnings. If you keep seeing this number, it's a sign that you need to embrace your spiritual journey and focus on developing your spirituality. Take time to meditate, connect with nature, and practice self-care. Your angels are guiding you towards a more profound connection with the divine realm. 3. Embrace Change The angel number 500 is a reminder that change is essential for growth and development. If you keep seeing this number, it's a sign that you need to embrace change in your life. Don't be afraid to let go of old habits, negative relationships, or situations that no longer serve you. Your angels are guiding you towards positive changes that will lead to personal growth and development. 4. Trust Your Intuition The angel number 500 is a reminder to trust your intuition and inner wisdom. If you keep seeing this number, it's a sign that you need to listen to your inner voice and follow your instincts. Your angels are guiding you towards a path that aligns with your higher purpose, and your intuition will help you navigate it. 5. Take Action The angel number 500 is a powerful number that encourages action. If you keep seeing this number, it's a sign that you need to take action towards your goals and dreams. Your angels are reminding you that you have the power to create the life you want, but it requires taking action. 6. Stay Positive The angel number 500 is a reminder to stay positive and optimistic about your future. If you keep seeing this number, it's a sign that your angels are encouraging you to maintain a positive mindset and believe in yourself. Your thoughts and beliefs have a powerful impact on your life, and your angels want you to stay positive and optimistic. Angel number 500 in different areas of your life Angel number 500 can have a significant impact on various areas of your life. Here are some of the ways this powerful number can guide and support you in different areas of your life: Career and Business Angel number 500 can be a sign that it's time to take risks and embrace new opportunities in your career or business. Your angels want you to trust your instincts and follow your intuition to achieve your goals. This number can also encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and explore new ideas and ventures. Relationships In relationships, angel number 500 can be a sign that it's time to embrace your independence and trust the changes that are happening. It can also be a reminder to focus on your spiritual growth and trust that your relationships will align with your higher purpose. Finances When it comes to finances, angel number 500 can be a sign of financial abundance and growth. Your angels want you to trust that the changes and opportunities in your life will lead to financial prosperity and security. It's also a reminder to focus on your spiritual journey and trust the abundance of the universe. Personal Growth Angel number 500 is a powerful reminder to focus on your spiritual growth and embrace your higher purpose. Your angels want you to trust that the changes and challenges in your life are leading you towards personal growth and enlightenment. Health and Well-being In terms of health and well-being, angel number 500 can be a sign that it's time to embrace a healthier lifestyle and make positive changes to your habits and routines. It can also be a reminder to focus on your spiritual health and trust that your physical health will align with your higher purpose. Angel Number 500 and Love Angel number 500 can have a significant impact on your love life and relationships. If you keep seeing this number, it could be a sign that changes are happening in your love life, and your angels are guiding you towards personal growth and spiritual development. One of the most significant messages of angel number 500 is to embrace your independence and focus on your own personal growth. Your angels want you to know that you are a unique individual with your own journey, and you need to trust your intuition and follow your own path in love and relationships. If you're single, angel number 500 could be a sign that it's time to focus on your spiritual growth and personal fulfillment before seeking a romantic partner. Your angels want you to know that when you focus on your own growth and happiness, you attract positive and fulfilling relationships into your life. If you're in a relationship, angel number 500 could be a sign that changes are happening in your relationship, and it's time to embrace your independence and trust the journey you're on. Your angels want you to know that you and your partner are unique individuals with your own journeys, and you need to trust that your relationship is leading you towards personal growth and fulfillment. Angel number 500 can also be a reminder to focus on open and honest communication in your relationships. Your angels want you to express your needs and desires clearly and trust that your partner will respect and support them. When you communicate openly and honestly, you create a foundation of trust and understanding in your relationships. The complementary numbers of Angel Number 500 Complementary numbers are the ones that work together with the primary number to enhance its message and meaning. Angel number 500 is a powerful number with a unique message, and its complementary numbers can offer additional guidance and support. Here are some of the complementary numbers of angel number 500: - Number 5: As the primary digit in angel number 500, the number 5 represents significant changes, new opportunities, and personal growth. The number 5 can enhance the message of angel number 500 and remind you to embrace the changes and opportunities in your life. - Number 0: The number 0 in angel number 500 represents new beginnings, spiritual growth, and the power of the divine realm. It reminds you to trust in the journey you're on and focus on your spiritual development. - Number 50: This number is a combination of the energies of the numbers 5 and 0. It represents significant changes, new opportunities, spiritual growth, and the power of the divine realm. It can enhance the message of angel number 500 and remind you to embrace the changes in your life. - Number 55: This number is a powerful combination of the energies of the number 5, which represents significant changes, and its repetition, which amplifies its message. It's a reminder to embrace the changes in your life and trust that they are leading you towards personal growth and fulfillment. - Number 5000: This number is a combination of the energies of the numbers 5 and 0, which represent significant changes, new beginnings, and spiritual growth, and its repetition, which amplifies its message. It's a powerful reminder to trust the journey you're on and focus on your spiritual development. Facts Here are some interesting facts about the number 500: - The number 500 is an even number and is divisible by 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100, 125, 250, and 500. - In Roman numerals, the number 500 is represented by the letter "D," which stands for "quingenti" in Latin. - The number 500 is the sum of the first 25 even numbers, which are 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, and 50. - The year 500 was a leap year in the Julian calendar, which was in use during the Roman Empire. It was also the last year of the 5th century. - The number 500 is used in many different contexts, such as in currency denominations (such as the 500 euro note), vehicle models (such as the Fiat 500), and sports events (such as the Indy 500). - In mathematics, the number 500 is used as a convenient rounding number, such as in estimating measurements or calculations. - The number 500 has been used in many religious and spiritual contexts, such as in the Bible (where it is associated with the size of groups and armies) and in Hinduism (where it is associated with the number of years in the Kali Yuga). - The number 500 is considered lucky in many cultures, such as in Chinese numerology, where it is associated with wealth and prosperity. In Japan, the number 500 is associated with longevity and is often celebrated in traditional festivals. FAQs What does angel number 500 mean? Angel number 500 is a message from the divine realm that significant changes and new opportunities are coming into your life. It encourages you to embrace these changes, trust in the power of the divine, and focus on your spiritual growth and personal development. What should I do if I keep seeing angel number 500? If you keep seeing angel number 500, it's a sign that the divine realm is trying to communicate with you. Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings and trust your intuition. Take action towards your goals and embrace the changes in your life. Is angel number 500 a good sign? Yes, angel number 500 is a good sign. It's a message of positive change, new opportunities, and spiritual growth. Embrace the changes in your life and trust that they are leading you towards personal fulfillment and happiness. Can angel number 500 mean something negative? No, angel number 500 does not have a negative connotation. It's a message of positive change and spiritual growth. However, if you are feeling overwhelmed by the changes in your life, it's important to seek support and guidance from trusted friends, family members, or professionals. What is the significance of the number 5 in angel number 500? The number 5 in angel number 500 represents significant changes, new opportunities, and personal growth. It's a reminder to embrace the changes in your life and trust that they are leading you towards a brighter future. Read more: - 2121 Angel Number - 5 Angel Number - 556 Angel Number - 35 Angel Number - 5656 Angel Number Read the full article
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blog20041994punam · 4 years
How to use gemstone according to birth date (Numbers and gemstone)
The Gemstone has been playing an imperative role in the field of astrology and numerology. There are 9 gems that has been assigned to the 9 planets. These gems are Ruby, pearl, Red Coral, Emerald, Yellow Sapphire, Diamond, Blue Sapphire, Hessonite and Cat’s eye. Unlike astrology, the gemstone and numerology has its own significance in the realm of numbers. The different astrologers recommend different gemstones based on their own experience and research. Most people have no knowledge about the gemstone they are wearing. Even they are quite in the dark if the gemstone they are wearing is real or fake. There are people who don’t know if the stone is lucky for them or not for them how to use gemstone according to birth date.
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Why there are difference of opinion about the selection of the correct gemstone.
There are many reasons as to why the people don’t use correct stone. There are different predictive science such as Vedic astrology, palmistry and numerology etc.
These 3 branches of prognosis has its own rule of remedial measures. The Vedic astrology prescribes gemstone based on ascendant, while palmistry has its own set of rule.
The numerologist does recommend the gemstone based on the date of birth. It has no correlation with astrology and palmistry.
It is very difficult to prescribe lucky stone by the help of palmistry. However, it is not that much difficult to prescribe gems by the help of natal chart and numerology.
Since, these predictive science of astrology, palmistry and numerology has different rules of prescribing, it is quite natural that the gemstone will differ.
Why selection of the gems according to astrology is complicated
The Indian science of Vedic astrology is an oceanic subject. It is not as natural as arithmetic where you expect 4 plus 4 is equal to 8. In astrology, sometimes it might be 8, sometimes 7 and 9. The astrologer needs to work with such environment.
There are many factors taken into account while predicting human fate and recommending gemstone. Hence, there are difference of opinion.
Most of the people do prescribe lucky stone with the help astrology and gemmology.
Indian astrology has multiple methods of recommending gemstone. The first and foremost one is based on ascendant. The 2nd one is based on moon sign or Rashi. The third one is based on Mahadasha. The 4th one is based on Antardasha.
In fact, most of the scriptures do recommend lucky stone based on ascendant. While, some prescribe based on moon sign or Rashi. Some also do recommend gems as per the Mahadasha that the native is experiencing.
There is a reason as to why the nine gems are recommended as per the moon sign. Most of the people are aware of their moon sign. Either their parents have told them or they may have access to the internet where ample of articles and blog are available on the internet.
A layman can easily understand the gemstone as per the moon sign while reading the new papers, magazines and internet.
However, the genuine astrologer do study the chart thoroughly and prescribe the gemstone according to Indian astrology.
Hence, the selection of the gemstone according to ascendant is most acceptable.
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How to use numerology to wear your lucky stone
The science of the numerology is by far the easiest tool that can tell you lucky stone effortlessly. Even a layman can have idea about his lucky gems according birth date.
Selection of gems as per numerology is as easy as ABC. You have to simply remember the numbers and the gems assigned to it. I have given the list of gems that is assigned to each number.
Numbers and Gemstones
Number 1 – Ruby
Number 2 – Pearl
Number 3 – Yellow Sapphire
Number 4 – Gomed or Hessonite
Number 5 – Emerald
Number 6 – Diamond
Number 7 – Cat’s eye
Number 8 – Blue Sapphire
Number 9 – Red coral
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Ruby gemstone  according to date of birth (person born on 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th of any month of the year)
If you have taken birth on 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th of any month of the year, then your lucky stone is Ruby. Ruby is a very powerful and highly effective precious gemstone that is being used by the people from different walks of life.
As the Ruby belongs to planet Sun, it is especially beneficial for the political leader, administrator, corporate heads, business tycoons, managers and organizers.
You should wear ruby at least 4 to 5 carats in weight. The ring should be set with gold. You can use the ruby stone either in ring finger or as a pendant.
Pearl gemstone according to birth date (person born on 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th of any month of the year)
If you are born on 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th of any month of the year, then wearing white pearl can be highly beneficial to you. The pearl is a highly effective precious stone for the person who is involved with creative, imaginative and innovative activities.
The precious pearl is especially recommend to the people who are into the field of artistic activities, oil industry, dairy industry and shipping etc.
The use of pearl can be highly beneficial for those who have been suffering from depression, memory loss, insomnia and fearfulness. The pearl is a gemstone that can certainly reduce your anger to a great extent.
Yellow Sapphire gemstone according to birth date (Person born on 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th of any month of the year)
If you are born with number 3 and have taken birth on 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th of any month of the year, then you should wear Yellow Sapphire with gold in the index finger on Thursday of bright fortnight.
The Yellow Sapphire is a precious gemstone that belongs to the planet Jupiter. The Yellow Sapphire is a highly effective gemstone for the people who are into educational, financial, banking, revenue and spiritual segment.
The weight of the Yellow Sapphire should be at least 5 carats. You can either wear in the index finger or in the neck as a pendant.
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Gomed or Hessonite gemstone according to birth date (person born on 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st of any month of the year)
If you belong to number 4 and you have taken birth on 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31stof any month of the year, then Gomed or Hessonite is the most suitable gemstone for you.
You should wear Gomed either in the middle finger or little finger on Wednesday. If you are not comfortable to wear Gomed or Hessonite in the finger, then you can wear it in the neck as pendant.
Wearing Gomed can be highly beneficial to you in your career, profession and finance. You can expect robust health and patience by wearing the Hessonite. It will help you to develop will power, self-confidence and complete your task in time and hence success.
Emerald gemstone according to birth date (person born on 5th, 14th and 23rd of any month of the year)
If you are a person belong to number 5 or born on one of these dates i.e. 5th, 14th, 23rdof any month of the year, then wearing emerald can be highly beneficial to you. The Emerald can enhance your intelligence and knowledge to a great extent.
The Emerald is highly effective for the people who are in to international business, commerce, research and science.
You should wear Emerald either in the little finger or as a pendant on Wednesday. The weight of the Emerald should be at least 5 carats. You can wear the Emerald set with either gold or silver.
Diamond according to birth date (person born on 6th, 15th and 24th of any month of the year)
The gemstone diamond is one the most expensive gemstone of the world. You can wear diamond if you have taken birth on 6th, 15th and 24th of any month of the year.
The Diamond is highly effective for the person who is into the field of fashion, jewellery, acting, designing and decoration etc. It is highly effective for the native who is into creative field.
The weight of the diamond should be around 1 Carat. You can wear it either in the gold or white gold in the middle finger on Friday of bright fortnight. Wearing diamond can enhance the love between the husband and wife.
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Cat’s eye gemstone according to birth date (person born on 7th, 16th and 25th of any month of the year)
The number 7 is one the most important numbers in the numerology as there are 7 colours in the sun rays, 7 days in week, 7 wonders of the world, 7 stars in the northern sky, 7 continent, 7 voices and 7 holes in our head i.e. eyes, nostrils, ears and mouth.
Hence, the number 7 is a mystic number in the science of numbers. It is a spiritual number that belongs to Jesus, Oscar Wild and Atal Bihari Vajpayee etc.
If you are born on 7th, 16th and 25th of any month of the year, then your lucky gemstone is Cat’s eye. Wearing Cat’s eye can bring prodigious achievement in life. It is especially beneficial to the people who are into spirituality, public speaking, writing and research. The weight of the Cat’s eye should be at least 3 carats. You can wear it on Thursday in little finger. The suitable metal is either silver or Ashta Dhatu (A combination of 8 metals)
Blue Sapphire gemstone according to birth date (person born on 8th, 17th and 26th of any month of the year)
If you are born on 8th, 17th and 26th of any month of the year, then you belong to number 8. Your lucky gemstone is Blue Sapphire or Neelam.
The Blue Sapphire is a very powerful gem that can take you to the next level of success. Wearing Sapphire can help you to get rid of chronic diseases such as rheumatism, paralysis, insanity and loss of energy etc.
The Blue Sapphire is especially effective for the people who are into mining, railways, transports, sales and purchase and oil field etc.
You should wear Blue Sapphire on Saturday in the middle finger. The weight of the Blue Sapphire should be at least 3 carats. It should be set with silver or Ashta Dhatu.
Red Coral for the person born on 9th, 18th and27th of any month of the year
The Red Coral is the most beneficial stone for you if you have taken birth on 9th, 18th and 27th of any month of the year. The number 9 belongs to Mars. Hence, the gemstone Red Coral has been assigned to the planet Mars.
Wearing Red Coral can be highly beneficial if you are into the field of defence, military and police department.
The Red Coral should be at least 7 carats in weight. It will bring more beneficial result if the Red Coral is set with gold. You should wear this gem in ringer finger on Tuesday.
You should wear the gems according to the birth chart prepared by the help of Vedic astrology. In case you don’t have time of birth or the birth time is not correct, then wearing gemstone according to birth date or numerology can be helpful.
Learn more about it and get your personalized numerology report for free.
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tarot-blee-accurate · 5 years
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Do you keep seeing 123 or other ascending number sequences? 👁 Let us know in the comments below! ⬇️⁠ ⁠ Also NOTE: ✍ With repeating number patterns, it's also wise to consider the individual energy contained by each number. ✨ Take special note of your thoughts & feelings directly before seeing ascending Angel Number sequences, as⁠ these can be the signposts directing your best next move.⁠ ⁠ You can find all this info as well as other vital notes on other Repeating Number patterns in our immensely helpful 📖 - Angel Number Messages Handbook! 👼 Tap the LINK IN OUR BIO to grab your FREE copy!⁠ Follow @dailymotivation0809 ⁠ Repost @numerologistcom ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠⠀⁠ ⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠ #Numerologistcom ⁠⠀⁠ #AngelNumbers ⁠⠀⁠ #AngelMessages⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠ ⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠ ⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠ ⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠ ⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠ ⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠ ⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠ ⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠ ⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠ ⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠ ⁠ ⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠ ____________________⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠ #psychicreading #tarotreading #tarotcard #spiritualguidance #divineguidance #universalguidance #spiritualgrowth #angelcardreading #spiritualguidance #personalgrowth #higherconsciousness #spiritualawakening #spiritualjourney #highervibrations #angelnumbers #numerology #higherself #spirituality #numbermessages #signs #lookforasign #angelguides #guardianangel #guidance #archangel #angelcards #123⁠⠀ (at USA.United States Of America) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_K60YTniUQ/?igshid=1hcthien9xh1p
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dailymotivation1001 · 4 years
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dailymotivation040 · 3 years
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shipjeom-blog · 13 years
1123 / 6969696969
1123 →
my lovely sister <3 lmfao @ our weird, complicated family haha. i wouldn't have it any other way.
you are my hp fan in crime!!! no one else reads fics like we do (i hope you like the ones i linked you to mang) and i am oh so glad i met you ^^ i sincerely wish we talked a lot more but LOL that one video chat we had last month, that was fun \o/ \o/ 
also, you're really pretty, and -- in response to your earlier question -- i think you should grow your hair out a little, you look cute with both long hair and short hair!! you can grow it out and cut it short again HEHE
6969696969 →
hello! i'll admit, i don't know you very well, but i really like your edits. they're so pretty ;AA; that's actually how i found you LOL from that jay edit a while ago (i think it was the one with the tattoo'd bowtie and the vest and checkered pants, though i could be wrong about that last one) 
from what i know, you're extremely nice ^^ i didn't know you liked khr as well! haha \o/ i hope we can become better friends in the future ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
EDIT: also i lol'd way too hard at the number you put in my ask, immature sense of humor ftw
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blog20041994punam · 4 years
Numerology And Lucky Colour Of Your Day
Numerology is a divine ‘science’ that believes that numbers have their own vibrations which produces various effects and influence on us. Since we are influenced by planetary objects, which have their own wavelength of cosmic rays, resulting in a certain colour, colours have an equally important effect on our lives. Numbers are associated with planets and colours are associated with numbers. The interplay of all these vibrations, have a great impact on us and it’s important to understand that your lucky number and colour can greatly affect the success and happiness in your life. It can bring prosperity and good health in abundance. Try and wear your lucky colour for the day and see the difference it makes in your life. Also, know your lucky colour from your birthdate and you can use the two for maximum benefit.
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For Birth date Number 1(Those born on 1,10,19 and 28) the lucky colour would be orange, yellow and gold, since they are ruled by the planet Sun. These colours amplify the bold, courageous, honest and daring nature of Number 1.
For Birth date Number 2(Those born on 2,11,20 and 29), the lucky colour would be different shades of green, yellow, silver and creamy yellow.
For Birth date Number 3(Those born on 3,12,21 and 30), the lucky colour would be orange, lotus pink and all shades go red.
For Birth date Number 4(Those born on 4,13,22 and 31) all shades of blue are good for them as they have a clean heart like the clean blue sky. Other than black, rest of the colours are neutral.
For Birth date Number 5(Those born on 5, 14 and 23) the colour of mercury, i.e. grey would bring them success. Alternatively, they can wear light shades of any colour
For Birth date Number 6(Those born on 6, 15 and 24), the ideal colours are dark green and dark blue. They can also wear red and other shades of blue.
For Birth date Number 7(Those born on 7, 16 and 25), light green, light yellow and light blue are the luckiest. Even white works well for them.
For Birth date Number 8(Those born on 8, 17 and 26), who come under the planet Saturn, their ideal colour is yellow. They can even wear dark green and dark blue.
For Birth date Number 9(Those born on 9, 18 and 27), ruled by Mars, the lucky colour is blood red and crimson red.
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Lucky colours for the different days of the week are:-
Sunday - This day is ruled by the Sun, who is the Lord of soul, ego, glory, health, honour, bravery and relationship with father. To seek the Sun’s blessings, one should wear bright colours associated with him - yellow, red and orange.
Monday - This day is ruled by the Moon, who represents interest, respect, sleep, happiness, mother, power, wealth, travels and water.To seek the Moon’s blessings, one should wear white, silver, light blue and similar colours.
Tuesday - This day is ruled by Mars, who is the Lord of authority, courage, bravery, competition, land, moveable property and younger brother. To seek the blessings of Mars, one should wear red or orange coloured clothes.
Wednesday - This day is ruled by the planet Mercury, who is the Lord of intelligence, eloquence, logical reasoning, studies, examination, business, precious stones, friends and maternal uncle. To seek Mercury’s blessing, wear shades of green colour.
Thursday - This day is ruled by Jupiter, who is the Lord of wisdom, intelligence, teaching, mentor, philosophical outlook, muscular body, elder brother, son, wealth and pious place. To seek Jupiter’s blessings, wear yellow clothes.
Friday - This day is ruled by Venus, the harbinger of happiness, significator of spouse, marriage, sex, love relationships, luxury, beauty, wealth, music, poetry, home decor and vehicle. To seek the blessings of Venus, wear pink, off-white or white coloured clothes.
Saturday - This day is ruled by Saturn, who is the Lord of age, disease, death, crises, poverty, unethical and non-religious deeds, robbery, disability, science and technological studies, foreign language, iron and oil. To seek Saturn’s blessings, wear black and navy blue colour.                                                                                                                          Learn more about it and get your personalized numerology report for free.
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blog20041994punam · 4 years
Number 5 Meaning in Numerology
Every one of the numbers in Numerology has its very own set of personality traits that sets it apart from the other numbers. The traits the numbers represent help us understand the meaning of these important symbols and the unique ways they impact our lives. The foundation of Numerology are the meanings of the single-digit numbers, and the number 5 in Numerology holds a special place in this mix. In the span of single-digit numbers 1-9, 5 is the number in the exact middle. It acts as a go-between and a pivotal point of change.
What is the definition of 5 in Numerology?
A key characteristic of the number 5 is curiosity and the need for a variety of exciting experiences in order to feel fulfilled. It craves freedom and adventure and isn't afraid to let the wind carry it where it may. For the 5, life isn't about setting goals and making plans, it's about getting out there and experimenting. Anything that stirs the senses piques the 5's interest and it can't wait to partake in the experience.
The Numerology number 5 is a master of change, able to go with the flow and adapt itself to thrive in different environments and social situations. It is happiest when things feel fresh, high energy, and full of possibility. The moment an experience starts to feel too routine or predictable, the 5 will move on to something more captivating. The only thing this number is truly attached to is being unattached.
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Strengths of the number 5
Curious: The opposite of tunnel vision, the Numerology number 5 has 360-degree vision and everything it sees looks enticing. This curious nature leads it into a variety of exciting and enlightening new experiences few others may have. For the 5, the best way to learn is to experiment.
Adaptable: This number does not stick with any one idea, job, relationship, or situation long, so being flexible is vital. Its detached emotions allow it more freedom of movement. Whether something changes by choice or by chance, this number can easily shift gears and direct its attention and energy toward its new circumstances.
Social: The number 5 is an explorer and knows that one of the best ways to experience the world is to interact with the people in it. Whether it's one-on-one or in a lively group setting, this number flourishes in social situations and never misses a chance to engage with and learn from someone new.
Find out if the number 5 shows up in your chart with a FREE Numerology reading »
Weaknesses of the number 5
Non-committal: An uncontrollable need for freedom and constant change makes the number 5 very non-committal. To the 5, committing means being bored and tied down, which goes against everything it stands for. Forming meaningful relationships and becoming proficient in life skills are difficult because this number lacks the attention to see things through.
Unreliable: Easily distracted and sometimes curious to a fault, the number 5 has difficulty maintaining its focus long enough to follow through on projects and promises. This inconsistency is damaging to agreements and relationships of all types and can make the 5 come across as incapable and uncaring.
Directionless: This number has no problem just seeing where life takes it. But without any sense of direction, the 5 wastes a lot of time on experiences that don't serve a purpose while missing out on opportunities that could make it more successful. Looking back, the 5 may realize it should have spent more time preparing.
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Life Path 5 meaning in Numerology
People with a 5 Life Path number are on a lifelong adventure. They are ready for anything and want to soak up every experience this world has to offer. Number 5 people tend to learn by living and don't allow themselves to get stuck in any situation that has outworn its interest. The moment things start to get humdrum, a person with this Life Path will move on to something more fascinating.
Routine is unbearable to people with a Life Path number 5, so typical 9-5 jobs are not appealing to them. Though they will change their career path many times throughout life, positions that allow them the freedom to make their own decisions will be the most satisfying. And whether on the job or off, making time for travel will be key to feeling fulfilled for those with this Life Path.
Meeting new people is no problem for a person with this Life Path number -- they are very social creatures by nature and enjoy engaging with others. What is more difficult for these people is maintaining friendships and romantic relationships beyond the initial stages. They have a tendency to lose interest and bow out before there's a chance to make a deeper connection. When they are in a relationship, people with a Life Path number 5 make exciting partners who want to show and share everything with their companion. However, their fickle and flighty nature makes it tough to ever really get close.
If there's one thing a Life Path 5 person's life will never be, it's boring. To them, life is about experimenting and engaging and learning and enjoying and they can't wait to take it all in each and every day. Anyone with this Life Path doesn't always know exactly where they're going, but they're guaranteed an epic journey.
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Personality traits for number 5:
The Number 5 in Tarot & Astrology
The number 5 card in a Tarot deck is The Hierophant. He is an advocate of learning and acts as a messenger between the people and the heavens. In Astrology, the zodiac sign Leo is primarily associated with the number 5. Leo is the 5th astrological sign and is an energy force that embraces enjoyment and expression. The signs Virgo and Gemini are also associated with the 5 -- two curious signs that thrive on information and acquired knowledge.
5 in your Numerology chart
You could have many 5s in your Numerology chart, or none at all! Wherever this number appears in your chart will tell you what part of your life is impacted by its energy. But whether it's your Life Path, Birth Day number, Destiny number, Expression number, or any other number you reveal in your Numerology reading, you're sure to feel its adventurous and exciting influence!
Learn more about it and get your personalized numerology report for free.
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blog20041994punam · 4 years
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11 11 Meaning: Do You Keep Seeing This Unusual and Powerful Number? This is a powerful sign by the universe that you are decoding & recoding. Discover the four stages to any Spiritual Awakening & where you are on your unique journey. 
Learn more about it and get your personalized numerology report for free.
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blog20041994punam · 4 years
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Is the number 4 or repeating number 4 appearing in your life? Want to know what Angel Number 4, 444, 4444 means? Number 4 is the most practical of numbers. Seeing the number 4 means you're building foundations. 44 means you're being called to expand your ideas. Repeating number 444 signals that you must keep working hard. Angel number 4444 is a very powerful omen.
 Get more info about all the repeating numbers + you can get also your personalized numerology report for free.
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blog20041994punam · 4 years
The importance of Name!
“Our life Is shaped by our mind, for we become what we think.”
                                                   -The Dhammapada
Success, Happiness, and Health of every person is an outcome of his “Mind”, the "Thoughts" that arise out of it and the subsequent “Action” taken. As a result, depending on a type of a Mind, some people develop Positive Thoughts and hence are optimist, go-getters and successful. While some develop Negative Thought, and hence are either destructive or worrying, lack confidence, unsuccessful, and suffer from bad health.
The essence is that it is the mind and the thoughts arising out of it that are responsible for a person’s nature, attitude and his actions.
The first question here arises, what makes the mind behave in a certain way?
The question is deep and it’s like going down the rabbit hole. The deeper you get, the marvellous world of your true-self will unfold. However, to explain in brief, the behaviour of our mind is only partly dependent on our upbringing in this life, but the larger part of is due to our deeds or karmas from the many and numerous existences of our previous births. It is these Karmas that make us who we are in this birth and shape our journey using the law of cause and effect.
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The second and important question is that- can the Mind be conditioned to be positive?
Yes, and the solution lies in the fact that our Mind is governed and learns from our 5 Senses - 1. Ears or Sound, 2. Eyes or Visual, 3. Nose or Smell, 4. Fingers or Touch and 5. Tongue or Taste.
Of the above, the Sound and Visual are the strongest, and play the most vital role in conditioning the mind.
Have you ever wondered why Mantras were given to people to ward off fear and evil? The reason was that all the fears and struggle of a person reside in his mind and thoughts. And a Mantra through the vibration of its sound and visual conditioned a mind to get over these problems. Nothing More. Nothing Less.
In fact, this was the rationale behind the science of Mantra Yoga discovered by Sages century ago.
The science believed that with the right and precise choice of words, you could condition the mind to rise above of its perceived limitations and achieve success in your objective. In fact, all sages used the power of Mantra is some form or other to achieve nirvana or liberation.
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A name plays a role exactly to a Mantra, only it is your own personal Mantra that you relate, hear, connect, and resonate with every day. Hence, a name with right vibration can condition a Mind to develop positive thoughts and bring success or with a wrong vibration develop negativity and attract failures and affect health.
The other more important part in choosing a name is whether it is balanced to the strengths a person is born with (understood by analysing his date-of-birth). Given below is a summary of the Strengths to a date-of-birth:
Date-of-Birth (Born on) Skills/Strengths
1st, 10th, 19th, 28th
Independent, Creative, Direct, Preserving.
5th, 14th, 23rd
Traveler, Freedom, Independent, Restless, Versatile, Artistic, Ambitious, Sharp
2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th
Diplomatic, Intuitive, Clever, Sensitive, Friendly, Social
6th, 15th, 24th
Intelligent, Patient, Happy, Loves Family, Responsible, Sincere
3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th
Expressive, Artistic, ambitious, Scientific, spiritual
7th, 16th, 25th
Thinkers, Religious, Calm, Inspirational, Quiet, Theoretical.
4th, 13th, 22nd, 31st
Methodical, Organised, Practical, Patient, Patriotic, Sincere
8th, 17th, 26th
Executive, Organising, Expressive, Stable, Ambitious, Appreciate & desire wealth
9th, 18th, 27th
Idealistic, Specialist, Spiritual, Righteous, Visionary, Musical, Love for Society.
If you look around carefully, you will observe that every person born on a specific date above-exhibit the associated traits. However, depending on a name, these traits are either further strengthened or are suppressed.
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For example, a person born on 3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th, if unknowingly is given a name that vibrates to a number of “7”, will always have his artistic and expressive talents suppressed. This is because the vibration of Number “7” will condition and push his mind to be more theoretical and quiet, while his date-of-birth wants him to be expressive.
Hence a person with disharmony of Date-of-Birth and Name will always feel frustrated and find it hard to achieve his destined success of life. All this because of his inability to express what his heart or life path desires him to achieve.
In summary, a name should be chosen most carefully to ensure that:
1. It creates the right vibration to condition the mind for positivity with a right attitude and health &
2. Creates a vibration that attracts a better destiny.
In simple words - a name should create a right vibration to attract happiness and harmony in life.
Learn more about it and get your personalized numerology report for free.
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blog20041994punam · 4 years
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Numerology number 5 meaning is in sync with the energy of an adventurer. Number 5 is ruled by the planet Mercury. It is the most versatile and energetic number of all the single-digit numbers.
Learn more about it and get your personalized numerology report for free.
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