#numinous rooms
cithaerons · 1 year
The wind surrounds us, taking stock Of all that goes unseen, unsaid In white rooms where the living walk And blue rooms peopled by the dead.
Two realms, two houses intersect; The walls between them dissipate, Reflecting what they recollect But struggling to get it straight.
Men dead for decades reappear In lines the living blur and blot Until it is no longer clear Who’s really here and who is not—
Who’s ghost, who’s guest, who’s resident? An open house without a close Admits the things it underwent Until the present overflows.
The breath of those who came before Still fogs the panes and pricks the skin; We take their steps across the floor Not knowing where their feet have been.
For History (none would deny) Is by its nature incomplete: No chronicler can tell us why The fire spared this stretch of street,
And if the victors write it down And shape the present with their pens, The future reads the past’s renown As through a cracked and clouded lens.
And we are scrutinized in turn By those who watch us from the blue, The dead who seldom do return To rearrange the world they knew.
Although they show themselves at times In flickers, or the smell of bread, Or when the family china chimes Beneath a phantom’s heavy tread,
They soon withdraw. Their faces fray Like faces etched in windswept sand Or wisps in cloudscapes blown away By one exacting painter’s hand.
– Blake Campbell, Numinous Rooms
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nulfaga · 21 days
Btw i saw waiting for godot in the theatre and like... Normally my tolerance for nihilism is quite low... but it's hard to seriously think that life has no meaning when you're in a room with 500 other people, all being very quiet and experiencing the same thing together through 500 beautiful & disparate lenses. What do you mean life has no meaning?? The lights are low and i'm surrounded by lives. Stage lights and body heat make me have to take off my suit jacket. The veil is so thin
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halfusek · 4 months
Should I Stay or Should I Go - collab BATIM animatic is going to premiere today at 12 EDT (GMT-4)!
We would be very glad if you joined us for the premiere! :D
Give it up to everyone involved! <3
@yiznro @metallicartist @bravagio @xraytheredx @piecuteyes @vodoupret @melodythebunny @fishymom-art @magiefish @raven-anime @some-random-ghost @mad-hatter-ison @rosekard @inky-lacuna-numinous
And huge props to @insane-control-room for not only participating but also editing and organizing this thang! <3
In the near future we are planning to announce another animatic collab, so stay tuned. :) For now however:
Happy Bendyversary! :D
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bmn-fandoms · 11 months
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@meliorism-numinous, @im-the-ant, and @msdancealot (edit note: I am not the best at spelling so I apologize for misspelling their last names. I was making this to deal with the fact I was sitting in the emergency room at the time waiting for a family member, so I wasn't fully paying attention to that)
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starsandepithets · 1 year
Question to the Kemetics and Pagans in the room, what are your favourite ways to show tiny devotion?
I’m talking teeny tiny habits; nodding at certain animals when you see them, muttered since line prayers that you learnt so long ago the words feel written on your bones, a posture you find yourself adopting or a time of the day/weather pattern that fills you with numinous
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windvexer · 2 years
spirit houses: a container spell for your spirit vessel needs
In honor of realizing how much easier spirit boxes have made my life, here's a full moon post about spirit boxes 101.
A spirit box (maybe it has a bunch of other names; I don't know of any others) is a box which functions as both a house and a vessel for a spirit.
Spirit houses in and of themselves have historical precedence.
Trial records con­tain references to demon familiars living in glass or leather bottles; crystals; baskets; boxes; earthenware pots lined with wool kept under the stairs or by the hearth; under borders of 'green herbs' in the garden and under the roots or in the hollows of trees. Wilby, Emma. Cunning Folk and Familiar Spirits (2005), 77
In the text above, many containers and locations are referenced. For simplicity's sake, I'm going to talk about boxes in this post. In this post, spirit box and spirit house are synonymous.
Why use a container-based spirit house?
I use 'em because I ran out of altar space. It's not even like my "inner keep" is chock full of spirits. It's just that sometimes, spirits don't like to have room mates and keeping everyone happy can require a lot of space.
For me, I have a lot of objects dedicated to my spirits. Using a non-container vessel (such as a quartz crystal) doesn't solve my space needs, because then I'd have a bunch of devoted objects and a vessel crystal to deal with.
It helps because the spaces devoted to each spirit are clearly delineated. This makes some stuff like psychic communication less confusing (more on this later).
I have a belief that spirits can literally enjoy objects placed within their home. Filling a spirit box with comfortable, lovely things actually allows the spirit to enter this space and enjoy their gifts.
Giving offerings and other interactions are simplified. No spoons for an offering ritual? Leave a gift on or in the container and it belongs to the spirit now (not in if the object will rot and need to be disposed of!!! we all know we'll forget about it). Did the spirit really piss you off? Put a black cloth (or t-shirt) over the container and move it to the back of your closet. No ritual or spell required.
(Also, re-arranging and moving them around is a heck of a lot easier than open altar spaces)
They also function as spirit vessels, btw
You want to meditate, commune, work with, or give instructions to the spirit? Easy peasy - the spirit house functions as a spirit vessel. Touch it or interact with it to also interact with the spirit.
Make them by 1) finding a container and 2) giving it to the spirit
Cleanse it if you want. Definitely try to make sure it's clean. Some beliefs might dictate that air gaps are required for the spirit to move in and out of the vessel (so, no sealed jars).
Then, give it to the spirit. A ritual or spell is fine if you want to do one. Otherwise, get into the zone where you feel close to the spirit (as close as reasonably possible in the moment; no need to feel like you're having a numinous experience just to get the job done).
When you're in you're zone (or like, just sitting in your room calling to the spirit a few times), announce (internally or externally) that you're giving the container to the spirit.
And yeah, how about that! That's all it takes.
Maybe frontload the process with a few gifts, though
An empty, plain balsa wood box isn't too impressive. I mean, an opportunity to imprint on a physical vessel and come ever-closer to our physical world is a gift in and of itself. But it's still an empty container.
Try popping some gifts in that bad boy at the same time as you dedicate it to the spirit.
Ideas for initial gifts:
Something soft and comfy for the spirit to sleep on (soft fabric pad will do; good chance to put your crochet skills to use!)
Something interesting or valuable (coins, miniature figurines, neat beads, etc)
An energy offering (candles; incense; food or beverages; your own energy; most disposable offerings should be left on or near the vessel, not inside of it)
Stuff they'd personally like
Things that are sentimental to you, which you gift to the spirit as a form of your personal reverence towards them
In the future, you can add and remove gifts. I'd definitely double-check with the spirit before removing anything at all, but you can.
You can also do magic with it
Ask the spirit to charge and enchant an object, and place the object in the spirit house for a full moon cycle (or longer, or less; the spirit should be able to tell you).
Include spirit petitions asking them to do tasks, or house rules to follow, etc.
The spirit houses make an ideal way to commune with spirits, especially as opposed to shared altar spaces.
You can literally pick up and move a spirit box into the area where you're doing divination. Or, touch it and use a pendulum or practice psychism (or hold it while you're meditating).
I personally just find this convenient.
Consider being open to developing them over time
You don't need to wait to devote a spirit box to a spirit until it's fully decorated, you have tons of objects to fill it up, etc.
The spirit box can grow and change to reflect your relationship with that spirit.
Spirits can and will ask for things, ask for the container to be modified in some way, and so on. Watching the collection of devotional items grow is a beautiful thing.
After all, it's not like spirits will like everything you want to give them. It might be a waste of time to agonize over collecting offerings before you've even gotten feedback on the initial spirit house itself!
Do your best to be open to input from the spirit about what kind of home it wants and what kind of things it wants.
A few more witchy notes:
If the spirit box is for a familiar, strive to include a portion of the physical species of the familiar (acorns for an Oak familiar; bobcat skull for a Bobcat familiar, etc).
Soil can make a very suitable "bed" for chthonic, dead, and certain earthen spirits - ask them about it, but it's definitely an option.
If your spirit has no original body on earth (e.g. it is a grandmother dollie and isn't associated with any living spirit), make a body for it (like, make a poppet) and keep the body in the house.
The spirit box, in and of itself, gives the spirit a greater foothold in this world. So don't take this step if you're not ready for it.
Feed your spirits often with earthly substances to give them power in this world
When you and the spirit have a falling out
If the relationship is done, try to act with honor if possible. Announce (as ritualistically as possible, is my recommendation) that the spirit is no longer welcome to use this container as a home, and that you will strike any spirit from using it.
Take the things out. Really wouldn't recommend taking back gifts, so only give gifts that you're happy with never having back. But dispose of them properly. E.g. if you've given a lot of coins as offerings, bury them so the spirit can still have them.
Nuke the container's energies, Announce that your permission for the container to be used as a Vessel are Revoked, and get rid of the container.
Yeah, it's UPG, but this is also my post, so -- cleansing and re-using some objects is fine for some magic. "This is a physical object that I gave to a spirit so it can have a foot-hold in this world and affect my physical reality, but now we're not friends any more and I want to use the jar for my prosperity spell" is not a great situation.
Strive to only use containers and gifts for spirits that you are willing to never, ever reclaim.
(Big asterisk on this for practitioners worth their salt; but for beginners, I don't recommend risking it)
(the "container spell" in the title is a bit tongue-in-cheek but I thought it was funny so I'm keeping it; I guess this all counts as a spell, sort of, so it's probably fine)
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apilgrimpassingby · 1 month
Today, on my first full day as an Orthodox Christian, I served in the sanctuary.
For those who aren't aware, the sanctuary in an Orthodox church is the area behind the icon screen that contains the altar, the Eucharist (both before and after consecration), the vessels, icons not in use, the Gospel book and other liturgical items; the main purpose of it is the consecration of the Eucharist. You don't enter it unless you have some kind of liturgical purpose.
Service in the sanctuary was lighting the candles and carrying the cross used in the Gospel reading and the procession with the gifts respectively, and so I got to spend the service in the sanctuary.
And the word I'd used to describe it is numinous. If you don't know the word, the way I'd define it is "eerie in a good way". You're in a quiet (it seems quiet even with the priest chanting the liturgy) room shut off from the rest of the people, surrounded by religious items - some of which don't have an obvious use - and the censer's smoke curls sweetly upwards.
In there, I felt an invisible power and presence, something that was otherworldly but strangely warm.
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req'd by @tinyglowingsharks
uh. good for you? Just remember to swiffer afterwards i guess
text: I was touched by the numinous on the living room floor
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pixelmensupremacy · 8 months
Day 1
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𝘈𝘲𝘶𝘢𝘱𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘢: 𝘢 𝘴𝘦𝘹𝘶𝘢𝘭 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘱𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘢 𝘪𝘯𝘷𝘰𝘭𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘯 𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘸𝘪𝘮𝘴𝘶𝘪𝘵𝘴, 𝘸𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘶𝘣𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘝𝘰𝘭𝘶𝘮𝘦: 4.2𝘬 𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘴: 𝘸𝘭𝘸, 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘦, 𝘯𝘪𝘱𝘱𝘭𝘦 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘺
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An unusual silence had fallen upon the desolate castle, for its residents were absent except for one of the unlucky maids burdened with the task of cleaning the ginormous building: an audible exhale left her parted lips, breaking the unnerving silence as she carefully reached for the crystal chandelier. Bright light ricocheted off the numerous glassy ornaments, illuminating her face with all of its charms and as well as flaws that appeared more prominent with each tiring day. Varying colorful rays danced as the duster probed through the curtain of skillfully carved crystals, the maid's head tilted slightly and she caught her bottom lip between her teeth as every fraction of her attention was focused on getting rid of every single particle of dust. Yet her thoughts seemed to drift off somewhere else soon after, leaving her mindlessly observing the brown feathers and how their every move seemed so effortless, so elegant, caressing the flawless shape of every single ornament they came in contact with. At once the feathers took the form of a classy, yet daring dress that hugged every curve of the voluptuous crystals, leaving no opportunity for a train of exiting assumptions and obscure fantasies; before she could realize it, the maid was once again ensnared into the trap that was her own imagination, drawing her back to the one though that she could never truly escape from despite her tireless efforts. An abrupt creak forcefully brought her to the present moment as she felt the wooden ladder sway underneath her, the duster fell to the floor with a click echoing across the huge space of the main hall.
Familiar laughter rang across the room: tingling sensation flooded the maid's ears with equal parts upheaval and exhilaration at the sound of her name floating about the gloomy air akin to the alluring, mystifying song of a siren, anchoring her next pray. A rush of blood traveled up her face. bringing an awkward sense of heat to her cheeks; her hands clasped around the wooden steps, in a failed attempt to retrieve her balance. She yelped; the raven skirt of her dress puffed- akin to an umbrella- with the air that failed to prevent the maid's inevitable fall to the shy flooring. The few seconds that took for her body to collide with the stone-cold marble felt prolonged just enough for her to contemplate and to surrender to her fate, yet the expected harsh landing never arrived and instead she was enveloped in a soft warm embrace of a gentle hold. Is this what it feels like to be on the other side?
Reluctantly, she fluttered her eyes open only to be met with the notional, snow-white silhouette of numinous yet unsettlingly recognizable angel: greyish irises bore night into her (E/C) ones an amber spark shone in the dark sea of blue and grey hues that danced around the pits of dilated pupils. The maid's heart thumped against her ribs. Her mouth fell open, allowing for an unexpected gasp to roll down her parted lips; her guardian angel was no other than the Lady herself.
"You have to be more careful, dear. I wouldn't fancy to have your gorgeous face splattered on the floor.” Heat rose to the maid's sides once again; her body was stiffened and even if she would like to, she couldn't move even a muscle. Her heels clicked as they came in contact with the marble, still her fingers were dug into the silky fabric of the Lady's emblematic, pearly white dress, for (Y/N)'s legs were too wobbly for her to trust them with supporting the weight of her body. Worry was woven in the silver of her irises, vainly masking it with her prideful smile that never failed to make the maid’s heart skip a beat.
"My sincere apologies mistress.” Her head sank as her gaze shied away from the intense one of the Lady.
"No need to apologize dear, though you could redeem yourself. In fact, I was just looking for you.” A rush of hope brought a smile to her face, further encouraging her to face her mistress. "A warm bath would suit me well." She added, now the charming smile fell in conjunction with the amicable spark in her eyes.
"I'll have it prepared right away.” Only then did (Y/N) let go of the Lady's sleeves, the creases formed in result of her strong grip caught her eye- now she had one more job to worry about, yet the though didn't pester her mind for long, for she immediately busied herself with her current task and did so with a joyful grin on her lips and a catchy melody in her mind that she couldn't help but hum to herself as the rushed to the Lady's private chambers.
In between equal intervals, her heels clicked atop the floor with each and every step she took; the sound was akin to a beat of a lively song, accompanied by her melodic humming of a tune that sounded in her mind much like a radio that was only at her disposal. Walking around the corner, (Y/N) couldn't help but take a few moments to appreciate the fine details that decorated the pale walls and doors, the shiny vine-like shapes slithered up the tall space, covering it with sparkling gold that contrasted the snow-white paint underneath- the Dimitrescus definitely had a taste for the fine things in life. She let out a sigh, the maid twirled with her hands reaching out in the opposite direction feeling the gentle breeze of the air, crashing against her limbs. The woman was lost in a state of dreaming, to a point where she almost forgot what her duty was. With another heavier exhale, she forced herself back to the present and entered the bathroom.
Wasting no more time, the maid turned the faucet on and put her hand under the water flow in order to make sure the water was the right temperature: mindlessly, she observed the movement of the liquid and how it ran down her palm and fingers leaving behind warm wet paths that joined into a single, larger stream that much like a waterfall flowed to the ginormous bathtub. Noting the slow pace at which the water level roused, (Y/N) knew she was in for a long wait. Her gaze wandered the narrow space, in search for any activity to keep her busy; then in the corner of the room, she noticed a bunch of tall white candies. At the sight of them, she was suddenly reminded of the Lady's distinct preference, one that somehow managed to escape her mind. The maid sprung up and reached for them; thoughtfully, the scanned the room, contemplating the best positioning of the candles. With many rearrangements and many more inspections regarding the aesthetics, (Y/N) was finally pleased enough to light the wicks. A satisfied grin curled the corners of her lips as so did the warm fight of the candles. Despite the much brighter, silver light of the chandelier above her head her attention was anchored by the amber light of the flames that swayed back and forth in a fiery dance bewitching her with their beauty her (E/C) irises lingered down the slender forms of the candles so pale and flawless, yet warm and inviting due to the fire melting away their wax bodies slowly but surely melting. She felt her own heart melt as she struggled to fight back the associations and fantasies arousing in her mind just at this simple sight.
A clicking sound echoed in her ears, drawing her attention away from her daydreams and instead to the direction of the door, behind which was revealed the same silhouette that wandered her mind all day long. The snowy silk hugged the mistress’s every luscious curve and dip, flattering her already flawless form; the fabric shone under the soft candle light, adding a golden spark of warmth that felt intimate and comforting, even alluring to the maid. The Lady’s stood up in her full height, a single motion that occurred in a heartbeat, yet to (Y/N) it was prolonged, lasting minutes as her wandering gaze closely followed the blossoming of her mistress’s breathtaking beauty until her neck was hurting from craning backwards.
“Wouldn’t you turn of the faucet?” The Lady rose an eyebrow; she bit at her lip, in an attempt to prevent a smile from curling the corners of her mouth. Heat rose to the maid’s cheeks as she rushed to the bath that had finally reached the desired level in what seemed to be a record time. Alcina stood with her back to her, a wordless request for (Y/N) to valet her needs; the maid’s breath hitched once she climbed the ladder, meant for an occasion such as this one. Carefully, her fingers worked on undoing the Lady’s dress; ruffling of the fabric tingled her ears, her bashful gaze was glued on the fabric that slid down the valleys of pale flesh in an ephemeral manner until it became a pool of what appeared to be a snowy sheet, covering the Lady’s feet. Just as majestically, Alcina stepped out of her clothing before she disregarded the dress with her foot; behind her, (Y/N) let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding once she took a glimpse of the mistress’s lingerie. Delicate raven lace hugged her curves all the while the dark color of the fabric contrasted the snowy shade of her spotless flesh; it was a sight for sore eyes so much so the maid couldn’t bring herself to unclasp the floral patterns of the black bra, though she had no other option. Yet that grief was short lived and soon forgotten for the moment (Y/N)’s eyes fell on the Lady’s bare form her mind was cleared from any form of thought.
Silently, the maid stood in place, observing how her mistress sat in the tub, hiding her voluptuous body under the crystal-clear water; waves formed on the surface, causing the light to ricochet off the glassy surface in shiny rays akin to gems, still the true gem was beneath, a diamond brilliance that shone brighter than any other precious stone, daring to take over the spotlight. (Y/N) swallowed hard once she noted Alcina’s expecting gaze, boring into her; hurriedly, she climbed down this time trying her best not to fall. Embarrassment burned her sides at the memory of her clumsiness that were almost the reason for her doom, though the heat creeping up on her cheeks wasn’t only caused by said embarrassment. Reluctantly, she took the creamy bar of soap before she leaned over the tub; a duel of desire and dignity took place within the maid as she forced her wandering face to shy away from the impossibly alluring form of her mistress; it was a fight she was doomed to fail despite her best of efforts and how could she when the orbit of her deepest covets was right before her in her truest, most honest and bare form.
Soft splash resonated across the space as (Y/N) dipped the soap in the clear water; a cloud of milky white spread across the water, turning the water into a soft sheet of fog that covered the body of the mistress. Closely, the Lady observed the maid’s every move, an amber spark lit up the cobalt of her irises, bringing a faint sense of mischief, playfulness that rarely shone through, except for the occasions when she had set her eyes on something and she intended on achieving it. Her arm rose from the water, followed by a wave of soapy water that akin to a bubble covered her skin until it popped, causing water to splash out the tub as she rested her arm on the edge of the tub. Feigned gasp rolled down her crimson-colored lips at the sight of the splatters damping the sheer fabric of (Y/N)’s shirt; the maid’s head sank to her chest, noting how the wet fabric hugged her chest and revealed everything to be seen by the discreet, prying eyes of the Lady. The poor woman exhaled with exhaustion, for now she had to bear with the cool, uncomfortable sensation of drenched fabric clinging to her skin. Chills ran down her spine, though it wasn’t due to the water cooling on her chest but rather the intense gaze that bore into her; the ocean of gray and light blue hues was overshadowed by a golden spark that danced across the blackholes that were the dilated pupils of Alcina’s eyes. (Y/N) gulped under the intensity of the Lady’s gaze that could swallow her entire being hole. Slowly, the mistress arose from the spot she had leaned into as she brought her perfectly imperfect face closer to hers; she prompted her chin atop her palm, her glowing eyes never breaking contact with the (E/C) ones of the maid that stood frozen in place akin to a marble sculpture meant to entertain her mistress.
“What a pity.” Alcina slightly puckered her lips in a forced expression of compassion that acted as a veil to her true emotions. “I’m afraid you’ll have to take off this shirt dear, unless you want to catch a cold.” Her brow rose, enhancing the convincing look on her features.
“I think I can manage, there’s no need for You to worry. I will simply change.” The maid’s gaze shied away as a new wave of oblivious fantasies and hopes flooded her racing mind; heat crept on her sides as her heart thumped against her ribcage loud enough for the lady to hear.
“I suggest you take my advice. I wouldn’t fancy temporarily losing my best maid to a very preventable suffering.” The thick curtain of lashes fluttered as she tilted her head ever so slightly, lowering her face so the she was on the same eyelevel as the maid. Reluctantly, (Y/N) glanced at the wet shirt; countless thoughts roused in her mind both hopeful and skeptical. Was she just imagining it all? Or maybe she had in fact passed away earlier and all of this was just the fruit of her own fantasies, gently guiding her into the infinite world of light.
“But…” The maid uttered, her voice barely above a whisper.
“Please dear, I know what’s best for you.” (Y/N)’s cheeks got impossibly hot at the sensation of the Lady’s electrifying touch on her hand; her slender fingers kneaded circles of reassurance into the skin of the maid’s arm. Her breath hitched; an internal battle took place in her heart with one side of rational thinking encouraging her to retrieve, to not give in to a false sense of hope, while the other urged her to let loose, listen to the inner calling that was the primal desire she had fallen captive to for so long. Despite her best of judgments, she couldn’t help but to consider even for a split second of what if felt to go with the flow, to coexist with her deepest covets in harmony without shame and regret. Whatever her mistress was suggesting, she couldn’t bring herself to say no to.
Her chest rose and lowered in an unnaturally rapid pace, for the seemingly hot air was suffocating her with its thickness; timidly, her fingers worked on undoing the moist rag that was her shirt. For a single moment (Y/N)’s unsure eyes met the Lady, though they were quick to shift the subject of their attention, for the sight of the mistress darting her tongue across her plump lips had the maid clenching her thighs together in an attempt to suppress the growing need within her. The wet fabric rolled down her form until it pooled on the ground followed by a loud plop that resonated across the space; bumps covered entire form once the air kissed her bare skin. Expectancy was evident in the grayish rings of Alcina’s sparkling eyes, her bottom lip was caught between her pearly teeth, the tips of her sharp canines dug into the soft flesh almost enough to tear the flesh. Suddenly, the maid felt restrained by the rest of her clothing with each passing second that only enhanced the covet she no longer could repress, nor ignore. So, her puffy skirt as well as her underwear followed that same fate of her shirt- disregarded on the bathroom floor, forgotten for the entirety of the moment (Y/N) had longed for ever since she laid eyes upon her mistress.
Carefully, the maid dipped her left foot all the while her hand held onto the side of the tub for balance; impatiently, Alcina offered her hand to the maid, which she gladly accepted. Cool fingers wrapped around the maid’s wrist, guiding her in the pool of pleasantly hot water; strong hands held her hips and positioned her to sit in the small, empty room between the Lady’s legs. Warmth enveloped her entire form for the water reached up to her neck, yet the sight unfolding right before her was what truly set ablaze the fire within her core; the soft, warm candle light kissed the worn features of the Lady’s pale skin, adding a golden shine to the creases on the corners of her charming smile. The flow of crimson strands fell down her shoulders akin to a raven creak with ever so shiny twinges of gold woven in the deep black; flames were dancing around the thin ring of mesmerizing fusion of faint blue and light gray hues until they drowned in the pits of pupils, blown wide.
“I’m afraid you wouldn’t be able to reach me from there, (Y/N).” Her every word dripped akin to honey on the maid’s racing heart; her ears warmed up at the sound of her name, rolling down the Lady’s lips in a melodic, entrancing manner that had her lightheaded. (Y/N)’s mind was a blank much like a canvas, ready to withhold the muse of artist; carefully though not reluctantly, she crawled towards her mistress, forming a sequence of waves around her moving form that came crashing with the smooth, pearly surface of the tub. Her (E/C) irises were anchored to the Lady’s breathtaking features, taking in the view she could only describe as a sight for sore eyes and quite rightfully so, for she couldn’t peel her gaze from Alcina, not even when she had to take the soap. She had fallen a victim to the Lady’s irresistible charm long ago, but now she couldn’t fight it- not that she wanted to. Drawn in- akin to a lost sailor to the magical, yet mystical song of a siren- the maid only got closer and closer until her arms brushed against the plush flesh of the mistress’ inner thighs; for a moment, she stopped, the last grain of her modesty shone through in attempt to stop her from going past a point of no return- a point she feared just as much as she sought after. The nudge within her only anchored her further, whilst her mind cried out in panic, begging her to retrieve; her indecisive eyes searched for the anticipating ones of the mistress only to be met with the luscious sight of her tongue coating her plump, crimson-colored lips with a sheet of saliva that shone under the soft candle light, a single action so obscene, yet so innocent that caused the last string within the maid to snap and unravel the web of pent-up desires.
Gentle spatter echoed in (Y/N)’s ears almost numbed by the loud sound of her heart thumping in her ears; darkness enveloped her sight as her body swayed forwards as if some extraterrestrial force was in control of her whole being and all that she had left was her heightened senses. Her mind went blank once her palms landed on the Lady’s luscious hips and her lips were met with the plump ones of her mistress; cool fingers slithered along the maid’s form with their claw-like nails trailing close after, leaving behind a faint burning sensation that tingled the maid’s brain in all the right places. She yelped once Alcina’s hands squeezed at her ass before lifting and seating her on her thigh; the maid moaned against the Lady’s lips as her clit was flush against the toned muscle of her lap, brushing ever so slightly under the impact of her strong grip that pulled her closer. The warmth of (Y/N)’s body was so welcoming and even alluring to the Lady, her flesh was velvety soft unlike any fabric she had worn and her hair was a gorgeous (H/C) that framed her pretty face in a flattering manner; her tiny form- flush against her own, larger one- fit her arms as if she had been molded after her embrace. The maid’s hands rested atop the mistress’ shoulders, balancing her weight, for her legs were no longer at her service or at least for as long as her nervous system was overwhelmed by the heavenly sensations she couldn’t even dream of. Each gentle rock, influenced by Alcina’s hands on her hips, brought a wave of inexplicable pleasure that flooded her entire body; the pattern of waves surfacing on the milky water, shifted with the growing pace of desperate rubbing.
Faint sting of pain tingled the Lady’s senses under the impact of (Y/N)’s nails, digging into her shoulders; her eyes were sealed shut, her bottom lip was caught between her teeth as she had begun moving on her own. The mistress bit back a smile at the sight of her dear maid, riding her lap like there was no tomorrow; leaning back, Alcina took pride in observing the maid’s worked up expression all the while she toyed with her ass, kneading and squeezing the skin with one hand, whilst the other arose from the milky water to meet the hardened bud of her bosom. A high-pitched moan ripped past (Y/N)’s lips at the sudden stimuli washing over her nerves, causing her to part her lips in an ‘o’ shape as numerous shaky pants along with soft whimpers rolled down her mouth soon after. Whether it was intentional or not, her knee brushed against Alcina’s folds, granting her the same pleasure; the bone of her kneecap pressed against the Lady’s bundle of nerves, bringing sweet friction that only enhanced the delight of the moment, though she kept her composure. Her features- as if she had been just a mere marble figure- twitched ever so slightly, her eyebrows were knitted together as she focused on showering her dear maid with all sorts of tingling sensations; she pinched at (Y/N)’s nipple and pulled at it gently all the while her hot mouth closed around the other one, ridding it of past negligence.
A knot began forming in the maid’s lower stomach; with each stroke of her hips, she grew confident in her desires. Slowly, her wandering fingers slithered down Alcina’s soft, voluptuous chest until they reached the hardened peaks; pulling away, the mistress shot her a stern look, yet she didn’t turn down her sudden outburst of boldness, in fact it was quite the opposite. Sitting up in the tub, the mistress leaned in the maid’s ear, where she trailed kisses along her collar and neck all the while she nibbled at the heated, moist skin with the occasional brush of the sharp canines across the velvety flesh. Her togue traced a wet, soppy line all the way up to (Y/N)’s jaw and ear, where Alcina softly whispered.
“You’re growing courageous, I see.” She chuckled in the maid’s ear, sending chills down her spine along with a wave of excitement that caused her walls to clench around nothing. “That’s my girl.” The mistress’ praise was all that it took to get (Y/N) to her oh so desired climax; a loud moan of her name rolled down the maid’s lips as her back arched, bringing her breasts flush against the ones of her mistress in an intimate connection of wet skins, rubbing against one another as she kept rocking her hips against the thigh of the Lady. The muscles of her abdomen spasmed as the knot in her belly unraveled into a hot mess of pleasure that had her seeing stars; beneath her the mistress guided her through her orgasm, supporting her weight and encouraging her to ride out her high. It was almost as if the pleasure of her beloved maid was a delight of its own kind that fed her own covets; despite the ever so slight brushing of (Y/N)’s knee against her throbbing clit, Alcina managed to suppress her needs for the time being and instead let the maid have that moment of oblivious delight.
Once the maid had come down from her high, she laid atop the pleasantly cool body of her mistress; the arms around her rising and falling chest put her at ease as she had finally caught her breath, loving fingers raked through her drenched locks. Silence had fallen upon the two women as they relished the simplicity of just being in each other’s embrace.
“I should tell you something.” Alcina spoke up, immediately anchoring the maid’s attention. “You’ve always been my favorite maid.” Sincerity was evident in her now soft blue gaze, warmth enveloped (Y/N)’s heart at the sound of words so meaningful and loving it was as if she was falling in love with her once again, yet now she knew it was requited. “I should also add that I am far from pleased with this bath.” The soft smile on (Y/N)’s froze for a split moment before she noticed the flicked of mischief in the Lady’s eyes.
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Kintober masterlist| Lady D masterlist
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faefaye · 1 year
Locus Minoris Resistentiae
So I have this WIP fic for Azik and Klein that I don't think I'm ever going to finish and thought it'd be better to post the two snippets I do have here on Tumblr :p.
I haven't really canon-checked it like I do with my posted fics, feel free to leave concrit.
Sia Palenque Eggers is devoted to the cause. Which is why, no matter how confused "She" is, "She" won’t ask about the man who appears around Death Consul Azik. "She" definitely won’t ask why the Death Consul behaves so– so warmly around him.
(or: the AU where Azik fuses with the other half of his soul after all, Klein is his anchor to humanity and the Numinous Episcopate has no clue what’s going on.)
If one thought back, the first sign of oddity was probably the letter.
Sia remembered it with crystal clarity.
It had been two weeks since Death Consul Azik Eggers had returned. There had been rumours of "His" appearance in the high seas a few months before that, alongside a crazy adventurer, and it was followed by events like the calming of the Berserk Sea and the breakdown of the Artificial Death project, but nothing had come of it.
Then one day, the Death Consul had returned to the Southern Continent.
Even if “He” was a Sequence 2, making “Him” technically on the same level as Sia, “He” was the direct descendant of Death. “He” was the figure around whom the remains of the Balam Empire would rally without question.
Sia didn’t even need to think about giving up “Her” position as the head of the royal family faction. As a mark of “Her” devotion, “She” had even – if somewhat reluctantly, no one else needed to know – handed over the Grade 1 Sealed Artifact in “Her” possession. The Sequence 1 Beyonder characteristic it held would no doubt serve better in the hands of the Consul.
“He” had called for a meeting with the other descendants of their family, to discuss what "He" had missed in “His” millenia away.
They were halfway through their reports when there was a change in the air. Being members of the Death pathway, they had a spiritual intuition even before a fountain of bones had sprung from the ground next to the Consul and arranged itself into the form of a four-metre tall skeleton.
It respectfully knelt and handed over a folded piece of paper.
The Consul took it and, without giving a look to the rest of them, "He" started reading it.
Sia couldn’t see the contents nor would “She” dare to peek, but “She” could clearly see the Consul’s face. The cold emotionless stare flickered with a change that was too subtle to be grasped.
Then “He” took a fountain pen and spare paper, penned down a short note of “His” own–pausing after a few lines with that same flicker of expression again–and handed it over to the messenger who promptly vanished.
None of them asked any questions. The Consul gave no answers.
While that may have been the first sign, the next was undoubtedly the most notable.
Sia knocked on the office door, having a report to make on the handful of rogue factions that still refused to yield to them.
There was a silence that stretched for a dozen seconds before the Consul’s clear voice rang with, “Enter”.
“She” stepped in.
The first thing “She” noticed was that the room was dark. One would imagine that to be the aesthetic of an inverted mausoleum, but they actually had gas lamps in almost all the rooms, and the Consul’s office was no exception. In fact, it probably had a few more than the rest.
The second thing was probably what “She” should have noticed first, but one could forgive "Her" for completely skipping it, because there was no way “She” was actually seeing someone curled up on the couch, right?
“She” opened "Her" mouth on instinct, then forced it shut, instead shifting "Her" gaze to the Consul in wariness of causing offense. “He” had already caught what "She" was looking at – it was impossible not to.
Before “He” could say anything though, the person on the couch sat up and asked with the barest traces of sleepiness, “Mr. Azik?”
Sia startled. Mr. Azik? Who did he think he was talking to, his friend? Did he want to be turned into a corpse? "She" awaited how the Consul would deal with such insolence.
…except “He” didn’t bat an eye at it. In fact, “He”...
Sia wasn’t sure “She” could trust “Her” own eyes. If “She” didn’t know better… the Consul was smiling? It was like watching snow melt under a beam of sunlight or, to be more accurate to the person, a corpse rot under the sudden influence of heat. The Consul was a being only a step below Death. "He" didn’t smile.
“It’s been almost three hours. Have the negative effects dissipated?” “He” asked.
The man nodded. “The effects last just two, actually. I should get going. Thank you for letting me stay.”
The Consul shook "His" head… fondly? “It's nothing. I’ll temporarily lift the protections against the spirit world here.”
The man nodded, then pulled at the air, retrieving a skin-like glove. He wore it and vanished.
Sia was half-tempted to hurt “Herself” and check if “She” had just experienced a dream or an illusion.
“She” didn’t, because the Consul turned “His” gaze on “Her”, back to its usual dispassionate state. “He” lit the lamp on “His” table and asked, “What do you have to say?”
“She” forced herself to put aside all thoughts of what "She" had just seen.
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numinously-yours · 5 days
What can you tell me about my FS? Is he Raheem, the person I work with or someone else?
Initials: SR
Sun-Moon-Mercury-Venus-Lilith Gemini
Purrple 💜🐈‍⬛ Black 🤍 White ✨⭐️ Yellow
Thank you in advance.
Hi SR,
Thanks for your patience!
At the point in time that I am answering this, the answer of "is he Raheem" is leaning toward no. The Star reversed came out. Overall, the reversal of the star is themes of sluggishness, disconnection, and the lack of faith. The word "disconnection" particularly is what makes me believe that it is not him.
I pulled three other cards to tell you about who they are though :) We have the Queen of Wands, King of Swords, and Eight of Swords. On the back of the deck, overall energy, we have the Queen of Cups.
First, in terms of signs: Fire & Air signs could be significant. Leos in particular rule the Queen of Wands.
Physical features may include dark hair or skin tone, bright eyes (either a lighter color [blue & green coming out specifically] or just very capturing eyes); I'm unsure of actual height, but they have a stoic & confident stature, and when they walk into a room their presence is known.
In terms of personality, this person sounds lovely! This person is most likely an extrovert. They enjoy the company of others, they find it easy to strike up a conversation with a stranger, and they usually have no problem facing new experiences. In general, they are confident in their abilities - physically, mentally, and intellectually. I don't think they are cocky about it, though. They are emotionally intelligent and know the time and place to use their abilities. The eight of swords would be the only thing they need to work on. Sometimes they get into this victim mentality where they think they are stuck where they are and they feel almost restricted. They want black & white answers because grey doesn't allow them a clear path. Sometimes they need to be reminded that they have free will and, even if they don't like the work it's going to take to get "unstuck", they need to put in that effort. Overall, though, they do seem in flow with life. It isn't too often they get bogged down. They do appreciate the opportunities they've been given and know that they have been blessed. They have a lot of compassion for the world and care about the things that matter.
Thanks, love! If the first answer is not what you hoped for, I hope the description of your FS will instill hope that an amazing person is out there for you!
With love,
$1 and $5 tip options available on my etsy: Numinously Yours
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hillbillyoracle · 1 month
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Originally planned on buying art to fill these frames I got but got talked out of it. So I'm using stuff around the house. So far I've used the Numinous Tarot and my nonbinary flag. I think a puzzle we enjoy will fill the last one and finally our living room wall can have art on it (after 2+ years of living here).
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shannaraisles · 2 years
Uncommon Words Prompt List
You know the drill - send a number and a character, ‘ship, or combination of characters, as indicated by the tags, for a prompt fill!
Nemophilist (n) - one who is fond of the forest; one who haunts the woods
Numinous (adj) - the sensation of being overwhelmed and inspired, typically a spiritual experience
Talisman (n) - object believed to bring good luck or protection
Ingenue (v) - a young woman considered naive and/or innocent
Weltschmerz (n) - feeling as though the sadness of the world is reflected in yourself
Mudita (n) - taking delight in the happiness of others
Vellichor (n) - the strange wistfulness of used book shops
Schwellenangst (n) - the fear of crossing a threshold to something new (literal or figurative)
Timorous (adj) - scared, fearful, or shy
Accismus (n) - the act of masking desire with disinterest
Fuscous (adj) - of a dark or sombre colour
Eleutheromania (n) - an intense and irresistible desire for freedom
Drapetomania (n) - the strong desire to run away
Monachopsis (n) - the subtle persistent feeling of being out of place
Exculpate (v) - to clear of guilt or fault
Balter (v) - to dance without skill but with enjoyment
Sonder (n) - the realisation that those around you also live complex and vivid lives
Paucity (n) - a lack or scarcity
Fractious (adv) - bad-tempered, difficult to control
Riparian (adj) - next to or near a river or wetland
Abendrot (adj) - the red of an evening sky as the sun sets
Uhtceare (n) - the anxiety you feel when you wake up unexpectedly just before dawn
Serendipity (n) - to find something good without looking for it
Nyctophilia (n) - a love of the night and darkness
Diaphanous (v) - delicate, light, translucent
Apricate (v) - to bask in sunshine in winter
Brumous (adj) - of grey skies and winter days, filled with heavy clouds or fog
Tintinnabulation (n) - the ringing or tinkling of bells
Lionise (v) - to treat someone as a hero
Agastopia (n) - the act of admiring a specific part of someone’s body
Abidtory (n) - a place into which you can disappear
Pyrrhic (adj) - a victory that comes at too high a cost
Fernweh (n) - a longing to be somewhere else, a place that can be real or fictional
Torschlusspanik (n) - the feeling that time is running out to complete a task or accomplishment
Apprivoise (adj) - to get to know someone through small moments
Sonrisa (n) - a smile
Whiffle (v) - the sound a sword makes as it is flourished through the air, usually in sword dancing
Pot-valor (n) - the courage that comes from drinking alcohol
Astrophile (n) - someone who loves the stars
Camanhaich (n) - early morning or twilight, the half-light at the beginning or end of the day
Gumusservi (n) - moonlight shining on water
Snuggery (n) - a small room filled with comfortable things, usually cushions or pillows
Susurrous (n) - soft sound, such as buzzing or humming
Redamancy (n) - the act of loving someone who loves you back
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canineical · 5 months
i figured this was a good time to share that i offer tarot readings !
if you want a single card reading, it's donation based. beyond that, my prices aren't set and will range depending on how much you can spend and how complex of a reading you want (+ also how heavy the topic i'm performing the reading on is, honestly)
the range i imagine is somewhere between $1-25, depending, and i can accept payment through zelle and cashapp !
i have three tarot decks that i cycle between depending on what feels good for the reading or what you ask for, alongside an oracle deck based on rumi's writings that i can use if requested but won't usually. the three decks are the numinous tarot, tarot yohualli ehécatl, and the aquarian tarot
i will always provide photos of the descriptions/cards alongside my own interpretations for full transparency and room for you to come to your own conclusions, as well ! i can provide a google doc or note or just share over messages, or really anything that works !
feel free to message me here on tumblr if you'd like a reading ! and if you're interested in how i approach tarot, etc, i'm always down to talk some more, too 🥰
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sewerfight · 1 year
referring to the act of buying a box of Ritz crackers at the store as having a "numinous, almost dreamlike, Jungian quality to it..." loudly and thoughtfully. but nobody is even fucking paying attention to me in the room until I pretend to choke on a piece of ice from my cocktail and a man runs over and spitefully breaks my all ribs while trying to give me the Heimlich
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When it comes to high fantasy settings, what are the typical elements and setting details that you really like?
Sorry, saw this earlier but got distracted arguing with a Kazakh about juice
Anyway, it's a broad question, so I invite a follow-up one if I don't end up answering in the way you meant, but just what springs to mind is:
1..) a bit of realpolitik. It doesn't have to get bogged down in conference room melodrama, and there can (and should) still be cultural and ideological factors involved, but I find it a lot more interesting when major players are motivated by long-term strategic goals, need for resources and trade, and at-times-delicate relations with their neighbors rather than just being The Good Kingdom motivated purely by righteousness and altruism in their fight against The Evil Empire that seeks to establish Mandatory CBT Monday across the entire world because the emperor just fucking hates uncrushed balls.
2.) Disunity. Bringing this up in the fantasy community is preaching to the choir, but writers keep fumbling it, so I still appreciate seeing it done well. Most non-humans in fantasy settings tend to be not only politically unified (if you're lucky, within a few archetypes/ethnocultural groupings per race) often under one ruler, but so similar in ideology and temperament that they're fucking interchangeable. "Elves are patient when dealing with the shorter-lived races" "Dwarves are gruff and obsessed with clan honor". This is more a problem in eastern media that models itself off western fantasy conventions, but I've ranted about those in the past and will rant about them more in the future, so I won't harp on it too much now
3.) fantastical elements hitting that particular balance of believably familiar and yet duly respected and reacted to by the people living in the world. This one's a bit difficult to explain, though I'll resort to some of what we discussed in @astromancerlich's discord the other day. Magic shouldn't be eternally numinous and mysterious; we have records of people trying to make love potions and curse tablets and such historically, people will eventually get used to stuff and start thinking of how to use it, so Farmer Bob shouldn't shit himself when he sees a goblin or watches a wizard animate a broom to sweep up, but conversely, things that are of genuine import should get treated with such and not turn into jokes like a lot of modern fantasy. A Paladin isn't just some self-righteous asshole that everyone puts up with because he can smite good, he's a god's wrath walking the earth. A dragon on the horizon should inspire near-religious awe and terror. Hell, an "adventuring party" is, like I've said before, a gang of dudes who consider things that we award Medals of Honor for in real life to be a day's work. Just thinking about how people would react to these things rather than "oh, of course the librarian is used to adventuring parties coming in to translate the ancient text written by the Children of The Gods after a tablet of it was recovered in a buried city"
4.) Frankly, somewhat basically and what may seem like it contrasts a bit with the above, a sense of actual fun and adventure. A lot of stories, particularly ones that persistently rely on The World Is In Peril, end up with a cardboard cutout world and a bunch of miserable assholes trying to save it no matter how much detail went into the setting. I want the sense that this world is a pretty cool place to live and that going on adventures, kicking in doors like a fantasy badass is exciting and engaging (combat should always be treated with the seriousness a life-or-death situation warrants, which doesn't contrast with the point, but that's another rant for another day). It's high fantasy, whether it's a gang of dubious mercenaries or a party of epic heroes, the story should leave you on a high or at least bittersweet note
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