loveemagicpeace · 2 years
🧼Ceres in Houses🧼
🛁Ceres is known as the Great Mother. Associated with the signs Cancer, Virgo, and Taurus. Ceres represents how we nurture and how we meet our own needs as shown by the sign Ceres is in. The house placement shows what type of experiences will help you promote feelings of self-love and self-acceptance.🧴🧸
👫Ceres in 1st house feels heightened self-worth when accomplishing personal goals and when helping others be responsible for themselves. The desire to take care of others is especially strong. You need to nurture your confidence in yourself so that you can be more assertive. You may need extra nurturing and encouragement to come into full appreciation of your beauty and strengths as an individual.
🥭🍸Ceres in 2nd house you will find your needs through food, music, material things and self-worth. You are confident about your skills and always seem to know exactly what others need in order to feel secure and solid. If you don't have enough food to eat or a comfortable atmosphere around you, you won't be able to tend to your deeper needs. No matter what challenges you face, you'll feel confident and secure if your bank account is solid and the fridge is full.
⚡️Ceres in 3rd house you will find your needs through through talking, siblings, short trips, phones. Your desire to nurture others is highly intellectual. You may nurture others by teaching or volunteering. You may also have a gift for nurturing others through your inspiring communication style.
🌼Ceres in 4th house you will find your needs through family, home, security, familiar things. You can be very private about your deeper needs. You know how to make others feel at home. You can feel accepted through people who give you a feeling of home and warmth.
🍒Ceres in 5th house you will find your needs through your joy, creativity,energy, love. You seek nurturing through your creative interests and connection with children. You are likely to be very caring and compassionate toward young people. You may be prone to seeking affirmation and validation through romantic affairs.
🧴Ceres in 6th house you will find your needs through your health, healing others, helping others, pets, work, rutine, style of living. You can find your love through serving others. You are detail oriented. You are able to express your caring and compassionate nature through daily acts of kindness.
💞Ceres in 7th house you will find your needs through relationship with others , law, marriage. Your nurturing style leads you to balance your needs with the needs of others. You always seek fairness and balance and won't feel comfortable unless the vulnerable around you are cared for. You are also nurtured by artistic and beautiful surroundings, art and music.
🦋Ceres in 8th house you will find your needs through depth, emotions, deep connections, power, secrets, transformation. You nurture others in an intense way that can border on obsessive. You also have an instinctive, intuitive sense of what others need. You are drawn to those who need deep, regenerative healing. You nurture others based on your own experiences of hardship or loss. You can help others find strength.
✈️Ceres in 9th house you will find your needs through travel, wisdom, learning, faith, spirtuality, meaning, strong opinions and beliefs. You try to expand your mind and make meaning out of difficult situations. If you can find purpose and greater meaning you'll feel more fulfilled. You may also change your beliefs in order to find deeper meaning over time. You can help others find meaning and a new perspective.
📀Ceres in 10th house you seek nurturing through achievement and career success. You may turn to work when you're feeling stressed. You may find more comfort and soothing from staying busy than from actually trying to relax. When you care about others you seek nurturing for yourself and them through creating stability and security.
💚Ceres in 11th house you will find your needs through friends, dreams, organizations. You find purpose and meaning in organized efforts to create positive social change. You can also help people by being humanitarian. You tend to be nurtured by the energy of the group. There are also times you find nurturing and comfort being alone and investing in your creative hobbies.
🫧Ceres in 12th house you will find your needs through spirituality, dreams, illusion. You need to nurture your deep sense of intuition and compassion for others. Your sensitivity can be so strong that you avoid facing your deeper feelings and emotions. You may seek nurturing by delving into the arts, spirituality. You may seek nurturing through distractions before recalling your deeper spiritual connection.
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ceritawww · 4 years
Hari ini dengerin podcast yang guest nya seorang Ayah yang concern ttg keluarganya. Dia bilang, "Aku gak pengen anakku tahu lebih banyak dari aku di saat seharusnya akulah yang mengajarkannya"
Harusnya tiap orang tua punya pemikiran kaya gitu. Tapi ya orang tua juga manusia dimana gak semua manusia punya kemauan buat belajar.
Orang tua itu harusnya nurtuner. Observasi anak kecenderungannya dimana, kenapa bisa gitu, dll. Ya dipikir lagi, gimana mau sampe ke tahap itu kalo sama dirinya sendiri aja ga tahu dan ga mau tahu.
Mungkin benar kata orang, jadilah orangtua saat kamu sudah selesai dengan dirimu. Selesai disini definisinya bisa luas. Tapi ada variabel wajib sehingga bisa disebut selesai ; tahu kemampuan diri, tahu batas, bisa kontrol emosi, benerin semua self issue atau kalo belum sembuh setidaknya tahu cara buat benerinnya kalo ketrigger. Itu cukup menurutku.
Yaa dan perjalanan ngurusin itu semua gak mudah. Sama sekali gak mudah karena akan membuka luka lama, memunculkan berbagai emosi, dan harus kuat mental dan spiritual.
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Tsuki yo oshiete kure (Kurze Vers.)
Oh Mond, bitte sage mir, deutscher und japanischer Songtext Song:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsNqcuKG4Mg
月よ 教えてくれ Tsuki yo oshiete kure Oh, Mond, bitte sage mir,
俺 が 死神 になった 意味 は  なんなんだ? Ore ga shinigami ni natta Imi wa nannanda Was für einen Sinn mach es, dass ich ein Shinigami wurde
いったい  俺 は… ittai ore wa Was um alles in der Welt,
どうしたいんだ? Dou shitainda Möchte ich tun?
月よ 教えてくれ Tsuki yo oshiete kure Oh, Mond, bitte sage mir, 
僕 が 死神 に なった ばかり に… Ore ga shinigami ni natta bakari ni Seitdem ich ein Shinigami wurde …
いったい 僕 は… Ittai boku wa Was um alles in der Welt
なんて こと を… Nantekoto wo Kann ich nurtun?
月よ 教えて欲しい Tsuki yo oshiete hoshii Oh, Mond, ich will, dass du mir sagst
何もかも 私 の せい Nani mo ka mo watashi no sei Das alles ist meine Schuld,
もう 分からない Mou wakaranai Ich verstehe es nicht mehr
いったい 誰 を… Ittai dare wo Wem und was um alles in der Welt  
何 を 信じればいい? Nani wo shinjirebaii Soll ich noch glauben?
月よ 教えて 欲しい Tsuki yo oshiete hoshii Oh, Mond, ich will, dass du es mir sagst
月よ… Tsuki yo Oh, Mond
月よ… Tsuki yo Oh, Mond
月よ… Tsuki yo Oh, Mond
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lightmandala · 7 years
Video: H264 1080/1080 30fps Time: 1:01 min Audio: Andromeda A6 Kawai 5000 R SEQ by iknatoni @ urton.de
Download for personal use only, Thank You! Contact me for license at [email protected]
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indulgerelations · 7 years
Tumblr media
Title: “Who’s the Best”
Many people may have different opinions of their own perception of their love relations.
#One may say. “I like to marry a rich man”. Soon after married, the man no longer rich. So how?
#Other said. “I like to marry a young handsome man”. Soon after he got busy at work. Lazy and stop execise. In result turning fat.
#Some may say. “I like chemistry, travels and common interest”. Soon after both got realistic, changed and got seperated.
#Most might say. “A good personality is all I need. No temper and understand. The rest we shall build together”. However proverty brought them into separation.
#Majority said. “Not someone with a marriage or work failure history”. However that turns out to be a successful relationship. You never know.
My one man’s point of opinion is true love comes when your partner place you before them. Protecting you and family during his hard and good time without fail. Fought hard to balance all and bring everyone together.
Yet at the same time nurtuning you to encourage your relations, families or work failure like a friend, mentor and man.
Countlessly making the relation interesting as if day one. Trying to be understanding and fought hard to earn the love, trust and respect together. Both parties must dutifully do their part. Not one kept giving while the other kept taking.
Everyone had witness and goodness in them. Learn to forgive and forget. Apologies to another. Only with these common believes both can grow strong like a foundation. Moving step by step towards success together.
Only with happiness then one be able to focus and bring money to the table together. To build a even better future.
Above all, one must have liking to keep the other party interested on bed. Loving making play a very vital role in all relationships. Some said when that die, all die. To me it can still be cultivated.
Lastly, words barely words without action. Start doing if you hasn’t.
J 06/05/17
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