#our needs
loveemagicpeace · 2 years
🧼Ceres in Houses🧼
🛁Ceres is known as the Great Mother. Associated with the signs Cancer, Virgo, and Taurus. Ceres represents how we nurture and how we meet our own needs as shown by the sign Ceres is in. The house placement shows what type of experiences will help you promote feelings of self-love and self-acceptance.🧴🧸
👫Ceres in 1st house feels heightened self-worth when accomplishing personal goals and when helping others be responsible for themselves. The desire to take care of others is especially strong. You need to nurture your confidence in yourself so that you can be more assertive. You may need extra nurturing and encouragement to come into full appreciation of your beauty and strengths as an individual.
🥭🍸Ceres in 2nd house you will find your needs through food, music, material things and self-worth. You are confident about your skills and always seem to know exactly what others need in order to feel secure and solid. If you don't have enough food to eat or a comfortable atmosphere around you, you won't be able to tend to your deeper needs. No matter what challenges you face, you'll feel confident and secure if your bank account is solid and the fridge is full.
⚡️Ceres in 3rd house you will find your needs through through talking, siblings, short trips, phones. Your desire to nurture others is highly intellectual. You may nurture others by teaching or volunteering. You may also have a gift for nurturing others through your inspiring communication style.
🌼Ceres in 4th house you will find your needs through family, home, security, familiar things. You can be very private about your deeper needs. You know how to make others feel at home. You can feel accepted through people who give you a feeling of home and warmth.
🍒Ceres in 5th house you will find your needs through your joy, creativity,energy, love. You seek nurturing through your creative interests and connection with children. You are likely to be very caring and compassionate toward young people. You may be prone to seeking affirmation and validation through romantic affairs.
🧴Ceres in 6th house you will find your needs through your health, healing others, helping others, pets, work, rutine, style of living. You can find your love through serving others. You are detail oriented. You are able to express your caring and compassionate nature through daily acts of kindness.
💞Ceres in 7th house you will find your needs through relationship with others , law, marriage. Your nurturing style leads you to balance your needs with the needs of others. You always seek fairness and balance and won't feel comfortable unless the vulnerable around you are cared for. You are also nurtured by artistic and beautiful surroundings, art and music.
🦋Ceres in 8th house you will find your needs through depth, emotions, deep connections, power, secrets, transformation. You nurture others in an intense way that can border on obsessive. You also have an instinctive, intuitive sense of what others need. You are drawn to those who need deep, regenerative healing. You nurture others based on your own experiences of hardship or loss. You can help others find strength.
✈️Ceres in 9th house you will find your needs through travel, wisdom, learning, faith, spirtuality, meaning, strong opinions and beliefs. You try to expand your mind and make meaning out of difficult situations. If you can find purpose and greater meaning you'll feel more fulfilled. You may also change your beliefs in order to find deeper meaning over time. You can help others find meaning and a new perspective.
📀Ceres in 10th house you seek nurturing through achievement and career success. You may turn to work when you're feeling stressed. You may find more comfort and soothing from staying busy than from actually trying to relax. When you care about others you seek nurturing for yourself and them through creating stability and security.
💚Ceres in 11th house you will find your needs through friends, dreams, organizations. You find purpose and meaning in organized efforts to create positive social change. You can also help people by being humanitarian. You tend to be nurtured by the energy of the group. There are also times you find nurturing and comfort being alone and investing in your creative hobbies.
🫧Ceres in 12th house you will find your needs through spirituality, dreams, illusion. You need to nurture your deep sense of intuition and compassion for others. Your sensitivity can be so strong that you avoid facing your deeper feelings and emotions. You may seek nurturing by delving into the arts, spirituality. You may seek nurturing through distractions before recalling your deeper spiritual connection.
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soulinkpoetry · 3 years
That’s what we do every day
in the name of love.
We betray our wants,
we ignore our needs,
we pile up hurts and scars inside of us
until we can’t fit no more.
Why would love ask so much of us?
@soulinkpoetry What kind of love is this
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drefvalentine · 2 years
a comprehensive list of possible apartment maintenance issues, according to the online portal:
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you either have spiders or its something else
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stil-lindigo · 2 years
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you take that back right now, ed
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ofmdaily · 2 years
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our flag means death + reductress headlines (1/?)
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hansoeii · 2 years
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no thoughts head empty only gay pirates
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thinking about Stede massaging Ed's bad knee at the end of a long day 💗
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hamletthedane · 3 years
My very sweet and VERY Catholic coworker: this new abortion law… they’re saying God doesn’t believe in killing the innocent babe to save the wicked mother…. Well I have some news for them about what he did to his own son.
Me: oh my god.
Her: honey. Exactly.
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stolemyspoons · 2 years
Stranger Things and Netflix are trying to capitalize off the Holocaust.
No, this is not a joke. This is not a stretch of the imagination. And no, I’m not putting a read-more on this post because it deserves a full look-through. This is happening in Lithuania, right now, where Netflix has turned a former Nazi prison into a Stranger Things themed hotel.
Yes, you read that right. Just a quick Google search will confirm its existence. The Lukiškės Prison in Vilnius, Lithuania is a former Nazi prison. In a country that already tries to erase it’s involvement with the Holocaust (I’m still talking about Lithuania), this offense is particularly egregious.
Here’s the change.org petition that @chaosklutz​ sent me that first alerted me to this abhorrent, insensitive bullshittery: https://www.change.org/p/hold-netflix-and-stranger-things-accountable. 
Copy-pasted below is the description from the petition.
It has come to the attention of the Jewish and Rroma community that the new season for Stranger Things was filmed in the Lukiškės prison in Lithuania. Though having functioned as a prison centuries before, it became notorious during WWII for it's Nazi involvement and the kidnapping, imprisonment, and torture of about 100,000 Jews, Rroma, and political prisoners.
To make matters worse, Stranger Things and Netflix have both agreed to turn Lukiškės into a fully functioning hotel, ran by Airbnb, where visitors can spend the night in themed cells, tour the Stranger Things themed building, and make waffles. The price ranges from about €104-114 a night and it was said to start it's function June 4th.
Fans of Stranger Things are now getting numerical tattoos on their arms because they are inspired by the show, the Stranger Things Instagram has even reposted photos their fans have submitted; thus encouraging their behavior. Not only does this mock the shared trauma of the Jewish and Rroma community, but it further desecrates the living memories of Holocaust survivors (a significant portion are alive today) and their descendants.
Lithuania is already known for their outright denial of their participation in the Holocaust and their allyship with the Nazis. Lithuania turned Seventh Fort, a concentration camp responsible for one of the worst mass killings in Lithuanian history, into a wedding venue. A Nazi prison where Jews, Rroma, and political kid prisoners were kidnapped, starved, imprisoned, and tortured is now a wedding venue.
We refuse to let this continue.
We, Jews and Rroma, call you to sign this petition and hold Stranger Things and Netflix accountable for their Holocaust erasure. Money earned from this season should be put back into the Jewish and Rromani communities of Lithuania as reparations for the damage this season is causing and a public apology from Airbnb, Netflix, and Stranger Things should be issued immediately with a full understanding as to how this adds to the erasure of the victims of the Holocaust and the ongoing persecution of Romani communities.  We also demand the immediate shut down of the Airbnb.
We will not be erased. The Holocaust is not for the entertainment industry to build wealth off of and turn into theatre. It is our genocide and for Rroma it is ongoing.
We hope to reach out to current Jewish and Rroma communities in Lithuania in hopes of help for accountability. Either way, sharing this petition, signing it, and donating to the Jewish and Romani organizations and charities below would be a great help! Thank you!
TO CONTACT US PLEASE EMAIL: [email protected]
LIETUVOS ZYDU (LITVAKU) BENDRUOMENÈ (Lithuania Jewish Community): donations accepted! https://www.lzb.lt/en/
ERRC (European Rroma Rights Center): A perfect tool to learn, volunteer and donate http://www.errc.org/get-involved/donate
Domari Society: Rroma in Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip! Donate, learn about them and support their businesses! https://www.sunbula.org/en/article/10/Domari-Society-of-Gypsies-in-Jerusalem The Jewish Center for Community Development: https://www.jdc-iccd.org/#about
ERGO (European Rroma Grassroots Organization): donate, learn, volunteer, and support their projects! https://ergonetwork.org
Memorial Museum of Holocaust in Lithuania and Vilna Ghetto: https://www.jmuseum.lt/en/about-the-museum-3/i/220/memorial-museum-of-holocaust-in-lithuania-and-vilna- ghetto/
Again, here is the petition link: https://www.change.org/p/hold-netflix-and-stranger-things-accountable.
Please sign and share the petition, and donate if you can. The signature goal is 7.5k - they’re almost there! We can surpass that goal!
This kind of behavior is utterly disgusting and those at fault need to be held accountable. If your blood isn’t boiling after reading about this, read again.
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I am heartbreakingly in awe of the strength of the Ukrainian people.
Some things that really stuck out to me from the coverage I've watched so far:
Ukrainian officials requested that a no fly zone be placed over Ukrainian territory and Russia has not just been bombing military targets, they have been bombing areas in cities filled with civilians - they have shelled multiple Ukrainian nurseries, kindergartens and an orphanage, killing numerous children
Ukraine's UN ambassador told his Russian counterpart that "there's no purgatory for war criminals, they go straight to hell"
A Ukrainian soldier went onto a bridge during battle to detonate a bomb on it knowing he would die in the process
Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the Ukrainian president has refused offers to evacuate him and is insisting on staying above ground in the capitol (Kyiv) which is currently being bombed and invaded by Russian troops. Russia claims that they are willing to have peace-talks if Ukraine surrenders - Zelenskyy (rightfully, in my opinion) has refused
It is estimated that 100,000 Ukrainians have fled across the border to neighbouring countries so far. Polish citizens have been offering to drive them where they need to go and also offering them places to stay. Women and children have had to leave male loved ones behind at the border as Ukrainian men between the ages of 18 and 60 have been barred from leaving the country in order that they may be conscripted into the Ukrainian army
Russian soldiers on a warship told Ukrainian soldiers stationed on a Ukrainian island (Snake Island) that they were about to invade the island and told the soldiers there to surrender and you could hear the Ukrainian soldiers over the radio saying "so this is it" because they knew they were going to die and then they told the Russian warship to go fuck themselves
There is a video of a Ukrainian woman going up to Russian soldiers and telling them they are cursed and offering them sunflower seeds (the national flower of Ukraine) to put in their pockets so that when they die on Ukrainian soil at least sunflowers will grow
I am so sorry to every Ukrainian for what you are going through. Putin is a despicable man. I am deeply impressed and humbled by the strength your people are showing - I don't know that I could ever be that brave.
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melancholyofautvmn · 2 years
hbo max, it's pride month now. surely as a gift for the gays you're going to announce the news of an ofmd season 2 renewal??
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unworthythors · 2 years
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magpithy · 2 years
I cant prove it but I’m convinced Pirates of the Caribbean is trending because everyone watched Our Flag Means Death and decided they needed more pirate content.
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tehtariks · 2 years
“I suppose what I’m saying is that right now I just wanna do what makes Ed happy.”
“And what makes Ed happy?”
“I reckon what makes Ed happy is… you.”
“*whisper* You make Stede happy.”
OUR GAY PIRATE DADS KISSING IN SEASON ONE????? (plus stede letting out a tiny little moan????) WE WON, OFMD FANDOM
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beeyoungkah · 2 years
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"You wear fine things well" 💗
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