spockvarietyhour · 3 months
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The Tholian Web in action, "In a Mirror, Darkly, Pt. 1"
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federationgothic · 2 years
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Star Trek: Enterprise “Doctor’s Orders”
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subrosa03 · 1 year
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Happy bday Malcolm <3
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weerd1 · 8 months
ENT Rewatch Starlog, 27 January, 2024: Episode 3.07 “The Shipment”
Archer leads Enterprise to the colony planet identified by the psychic Tarquin and they find a facility controlled by Xindi Arboreals manufacturing a substance known as kemocite. He takes Malcolm and Major Hayes—leader of the MACOs—to the surface in a shuttlepod while Enterprise hides in the moon’s orbit.
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Their investigation of the facility leads to them detaining the project’s head in his nearby home; a Xindi named Gralik.
On Enterprise, Trip is investigating the Xindi Reptilian weapon they captured and realizes it has biological components. He asks Phlox to start investigating the strange worm-like creatures that seem to help regulate the weapon’s power.
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Archer confronts Gralik about the kemocite he’s producing being used as a weapon, and has T’Pol and Trip beam down a fragment of the original probe to prove that the kemocite used there came from this facility. Gralik is aghast that his work could be used in the death of 7 million people, and begins to reveal some history of the Xindi people. He’s been working with a Xindi Primate (“Like you, ape-like”) named Degra who is in league with the Reptilians. The nature of the Xindi now is based on the aftermath of their century long war that not only ended with the Reptilians and Insectoids destroying the planet but the extinction of a sixth Xindi species, the Avians. Enterprise warns Archer that there is a ship approaching; Degra and the Reptilians have come for their kemocite early. 
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Phloc determines that delta radiation can kill the battery worms in the Reptilian weapons, but omicron radiation will make them breed. Trip is initial planning to make an EM emitter which could disable the weapons, but Phlox warns the radiation necessary would be very harmful to humans. They decide they now have to test the weapon.
After a little cat and mouse with some Reptilian probes who want to know where Gralik is, Archer trusts him to go back into the facility and deal with Degra. He quietly taints the shipment, knowing this is the last Degra has ordered, so whatever weapon they’re making must be close to being complete.  He also arranges for Archer to sneak a marked container onto the ship to allow Enterprise to follow where the shipment goes. 
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When Trip tries to fire the Xindi rifle, it goes into overload, and he barely has time to beam it off Enterprise. They realize the Reptilians have rigged their rifles to self-destruct on any unauthorized user. 
After Degra has left with the kemocite, Archer shares a drink with Gralik. Degra had confessed to Gralik that they were building a weapon, but to deal with a “ruthless alien species,” and Gralik wonders if he betrayed his people. Archer promises he has not, but Gralik reminds him to remember that whatever Degra and the Reptilians are up to, not all Xindi are his enemy. Archer tells him the Reptilian ship jumped into a portal and they’ve lost the tracking signal, but Gralik responds that the portal range is only a few light years, and he must keep searching.
A very strong offering in this story arc, and very Star Trek in the idea that we shouldn’t be casting species-wide conclusions about intent. The point is slightly blunted by the fact that the episode really goes out of its way to present the mammalian Xindi as more reasonable while the Reptilians and Insectoids are vicious and not to be trusted. It’s not the first time Trek has based aliens on Jungian archetypes or painted a species with a broad brush (WHERE ARE THE KLINGON GARDENERS???), but in retrospect it’s a slightly sour note in an other very well paced and written episode. 
I admit I forget where the research on the Xindi weapons is going in the overall arc, so I am looking forward to seeing how that plays out, rewatch or not; I haven’t watched ALL of this arc probably since it first aired, and I’m a little older than I used to be. I don’t always remember the details in Enterprise like I might from DOZENS of rewatches of TOS done in my youth!
And, as I already mentioned Klingons, just want to point out the actor playing Gralik here, John, Cothran Jr. had appeared as Klingons on both TNG and DS9, and notably is the Klingon Captain Nu’Daq who remarks at the end of the TNG episode “The Chase” that if the ancient humanoid who seeded the galaxy “were not already dead, I would KILL her!”
Next Voyage: An anomaly removes Archer’s ability to form long-term memories and he awakens to find he has forgotten 12 years of Human/Xindi conflict, and the entire human race is now in its “Twilight.” 
(Images taken from the main website for @trekcore; I am happy to remove the images if asked.)
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raurquiz · 1 year
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#happy #startrekday #57thanniversary #ussenterprise #ncc1701 #ncc1701a #ncc1701d #ncc1701e #nx01 #deepspacenine #defiant #voyager #kelvin #discovery #ncc1031a #usscerritos #ussprotostar #ncc1701g #startrek57 @TrekMovie @TrekCore @StarTrek @StarTrekOnPPlus
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paraparaparadigm · 1 year
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idestroyhumanity · 2 years
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#nx01 #refit https://www.instagram.com/p/CkwE8NkPmxl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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entriprises · 2 months
tag dump # 3 !
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thunder-robots · 1 year
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elencr · 1 year
okay okay so before i write any more in ellie’s star trek verse , i will let y’all know that officially making ellie jump from archer’s enterprise to pike’s. just gives SPICY okay. also means everyone with a brain notices that ellie’s name comes up a lot in deep history records :D
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themistressofdolls · 1 year
Seeing how good Picard season 3 was, can we get an Enterprise continuation? Doesn’t need to be season 5 or earth romulan war. Could be a story of the crew reuniting years later to deal with some kind of new threat and the NX 01 is forced out of mothballs.
Just be nice for that era to get a better send off that isn’t these are the voyages.
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spockvarietyhour · 5 months
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NX-01 in "Bound"
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nekolein-on-bricks · 2 years
Enterprise NX-01
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Und hier die Enterprise von Cpt. Archer als Mid-Size aus Star Trek - Enterprise von BlueBrixx. Interessant war vor allem der Bau der Warpgondeln mit der Maschinensektion.
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Hier ein Blick auf die schönen Prints.
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Die Warpgondeln und die Maschinensektion sind erst stabil nachdem die Verkleidung oben und unten dran kommt. Danach ist die ganze Sektion aber stabil.
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Und jetzt noch die Unterseite der Untertassensektion.
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slurrmp · 1 year
i am losing my mind over the sudden references to enterprise. “ archer’s enterprise. “ a hoshi and travis mention. just a piece OF the nx01 being a part of the current enterprise. i cannot believe as soon as i start to watch again they pull this.
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sgtwhiskers26 · 6 months
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Older obscure Star Trek fanfiction
Rules govern us all, and it’s no different for starships. But most of the rules are created by the brass. But there are the small rules required for surviving and living day to day in small, constricted environments with thousands or hundreds or merely 80 people these three stories will perfectly encapsulate the necessity for such small rules from three different generations of ships.
The last couple of stories have been quite heavy in their tone. Here’s some light, fun stuff to break up sad feelings. They’re also shorter, and I will, hopefully in the future be posting more Star Trek related properties that aren’t solely ENT in the future 
As always, please PM me, and also don’t forget to show your love to the writers.
The first story is 
Things Not To Do On the NX01 by Stargazing BasketCase
The next store will be 
Things you cannot do on the USS Enterprise D by PadukSteam
What to Expect When You’re Expecting to Get Court-Martialed at Any Given Moment Because That’s Just How You’re Wired and it’s Perfectly Understandable Under the Circumstances Quit Giving Me a Hard Time Mariner
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tea-earl-grey · 9 months
i know that realistically the rumored aos prequel film will probably never be made (and if it is, literally who is asking for this??) but i'm just confused as to the logistics? like aos is a separate timeline because of time travel. it's not some mirror universe esque alternate universe. there's no alternate nx01 Enterprise, it's only a different universe for like 25 years. i don't think there are many stories you can fit in that time frame like that's even before SNW and Discovery are set. and anything from before Vulcan is destroyed is just the normal prime timeline right?
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