#nyla + tamarack
there really isn't enough tamarack content in the reader tag, thank you for your contributions. what are your plans for the game with your mc?
If there is one thing you can count on me for, it's talking about Tamarack. My MC for Tamarack is pretty much just a self-insert/self-ship thing with me being whipped for Tamarack Day One.
One look at this girl with fluffy, sparkly gamboge gold hair and berry-red eyes and I knew she was the one I'd marry. We bond pretty much instantly as new kids and we're always together. If you can't find me, just look for Tamarack. If you can't find Tamarack, look for me. Chances are, you'll find us together somewhere.
It's obvious to anyone who sees us for a split second that we adore each other. We promised to be besties forever in the prologue and that's a vow that never gets broken even with the usual growing pains.
I go from mostly well-behaved to a laidback potty mouth and the same sense of corny humor I've always had. I stay pretty good friends with Qiu as well, harboring no resentments regarding their changes in personality. Definitely curious as to why they aren't friends with Tamarack anymore but hey that's none of my business.
By Step 2, my feelings for Tamarack haven't changed but considering how drastically her personality has, I'm not too sure how she feels about me anymore. As little kids I was very sure she liked me back but things could have changed as she became less of a wild child and a shy and more demure young lady. Unbeknownst to me though, Tamarack does, in fact, still like me. She's just a bit more shy about it compared to me who doesn't necessarily hide it but I never say anything explicitly either since I'm unsure where she stands. But that gets cleared up eventually after deciding that rejection is better than regret and womaning up to ask her out.
We've been going out for a while by Step 3 and while we don't know what's coming for it yet, I like to think that I have my plans to study abroad but Tamarack would prefer to stay home for uni. So we end up being long distance for a bit but once we graduate we're back to living it up together and I propose by Step 4.
Sidebar: I do have an actual MC for Qiu though since I plan on romancing both leads. But I'm still working on the details for that, all I have planned though is that we have a non-linear relationship.
We're good friends in Step 1, actively hostile towards each other in Step 2 (they severed the friendship with their distance and I'm upset about it) and by Step 3 with them making the effort to reconnect what we've lost there and end up asking me out either by the end of Step 3 or maybe Step 4?
He's a bit jealous in Step 3 of my friendship with Tamarack since throughout all this we're the best of friends (platonically for the sake of the Qiu route).
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What's your relationship with Tamarack's family like?
I get along really well with Tamarack's grandparents.
Honestly, it would be harder not to all things considered! We're neighbors and spend so much time together so a good chunk of my time is spent at the Baumann's next door.
Grandpa Baumann is a lot like my own grandfather on Mom1's side irl, so it's easy for me to get along with him and his silent kindness. And I love eating Grandma Baumann's snacks in her drawing room and having our tea parties. It's pretty obvious to her grandparents that we adore each other but they think of it more as puppy love that the two of us will grow out of as we get older (little do they know).
I feel like Gramps is the one who realizes first that it's more than just a puppy love phase though. Granny, it takes a bit before she comes to the same conclusion as her husband.
As for Frederick and Nichole, that one is a bit harder to answer.
From a gameplay standpoint, I can acknowledge they are people that are trying their best but their trying their best led to them being less than stellar parents. So I want to see them rekindle that bridge with the grandparents and with their own daughter.
But within the context of the self-ship, my relationship with Tamarack's parents is rocky. They were a lot more intimidating as elementary schoolers when the reality of how Tamarack's life in Golden Grove was supposed to be temporary hit, become more like unstable anomalies as we get older. We don't know what's going on in their heads and it makes it really hard to get along with them.
That's also part of the reason why I have a hard time telling Tamarack that I like her, not just because I can't tell how she feels about me. Do I tell her if she potentially moves during freshman year? Or should I just keep my mouth shut? Eventually the desire of 'rejection is better than regret' comes ahead full force though.
Once we interact more with them when the game comes out, it'll be easy to figure out how I interact with her parents. So for now I have a tentative, as long as they treat me with respect, I treat them with respect as far as Step 2 interactions go. It doesn't matter if you're a kid, you're a living being and you deserve respect. I'll be relatively polite for Tamarack's sake but if they ever make her upset, that might go out the window.
If I'm too volatile and hostile, I'm afraid they'll think I'm a bad influence on their daughter and not want us to be friends anymore. I don't think that would happen because Granny and Gramps would come to fucking bat for me but then I'd wonder if that would become an argument that would solidify Tam's parents taking her back to live with them.
While Granny and Gramps eventually come to the realization that it isn't just puppy love we'll grow out of any time soon, Tam's parents are logical. They're scientists. And they also weren't there to see us grow up together and don't have a tenth of a shred of attachment to me as Frederick's parents do.
I'm assuming that by Step 3, we'll get along a lot better though. Around then they'll probably see how much we care for each other since we'll definitely dating by that time... still feel like they'd be the type of parents to potentially go 'you shouldn't go to uni with a girlfriend, either of you, a lot can happen' but then maybe the nostalgia comes out.
They met and fell in love during college even despite Granny's less than pleasant opinion of Nichole. In a way, I think Tamarack and I will eventually remind her parents of each other and they'll trust our decisions with our relationship. Sure it's a little different, we grew up together. But we are each other's choice and that's something they can respect.
What I can definitely say though is that I think Tamarack's parents are really pretty. Like holy shit, everyone in her family clearly won the genetics war, Tam included. It's something I definitely tell Serenity and Vianca if they ever ask about her parents. I'll skirt around the heavy stuff and just go "they won in genes. That family does not believe in ugly".
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Hallooooo! :D
Perdón por hacer esta pregunta en español (mi cerebro no procesa bien el inglés hoy snsnns)
Si no te molesta puedo preguntarte por tortoiseshell o white cat del cat themed self-ship ask? Me parecieron buenas preguntas
Espero tengas un buen día o noche ^u^
Tortoiseshell: Who has the worse temper? Can you get snippy with each other?
Mikasa + Tamarack + Hajime: yo? Pero no me gusta estar enojada, especialmente si tenemos un desacuerdo. Después de que estoy tranquila, hablamos sobre el problema.
Satoru: Hiiiim pero somos iguales en filosofía. Nosotros tenemos la misma astrología jfdnkfjdfnkn (sag sun, aries moon, cap venus) no nos gusta enojarnos el uno con el otro. Sin embargo, una vez me fui durante una desacuerdo… (ERA JOVEN! YO! ERA! JOVEN! DON'T JUDGE ME)
White Cat: Are your f/o’s eyes particularly striking to you? In what way? Do they find themselves captivated by yours, in turn?
Normalmente prefiero ojos marrones peroooooo
Mikasa: Me encantan los ojos oscuros
Tamarack: Sus ojos son del color de las berries (no recuerdo la palabra en español, whoops). Pero su mejor trait es su cabello que brilla como las estrellas
Satoru + Hajime: Azul ha sido mi color favorito desde que era una niña, así que me encantan los ojos de estos chicos. Guilty as charged. Ellos son el color del cielo y el mar, mis lugares favoritos. Soy básica lo siento
As for my eyes...... sí 🥺 *pretty brown eyes by mint condition plays in the background*
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 2 months
heeheehee hiiii nyla!!!! i'm here for the selfship ask game: 7 & 10 👀?
well well well uwu if it isn't the homie hash and after the boopening (i say this like we don't talk every other day lol)
7. You’ve just come to realize you have a crush on your f/o. How was it like when you encountered them again after that? Were you able to keep your cool around them, or was it awkward? How about vice versa?
mikasa + tamarack: in both cases with these girls, it was love at first sight. i knew what kind of timing i was on from the first day. but i'm relatively chill when i have a crush so i was quite normal since i was already on cloud 9
mikasa's a bit shy but she sticks a bit closer to me after she realizes how she feels. tamarack's a demure soul but she's a romantic and whimsical. if she knew i liked her already, she'd probably say something. but i'm competitive so i'd wanna beat her to it
nanami: boy gave the japanese version of denzel in the preacher's wife and morris chestnut's deep voice. i simped from day 1 sadly...... TuT he was never interested. we stay good friends after i shoot my shot though so nothing's lost in the end. i'm the type who can stay good friends with even my exes so former crushes i got rejected by i have no problem being friends with either
gojou: i have to act normal because i don't want to give him the satisfaction lmao
there are two of my self-ship shenanigans with gojou. canon and this au me and my friend allie call the 'ani may university cinematic universe' (fndjkfn feel free to ask me for the link to it if you're interested, hash)
Tumblr media
in the latter, we meet at a party thrown by mutual friends and keeps pestering me for a date until eventually i lose a bet (he said whoever got drunk fastest won, i was an idiot who didn't consider the fact i already knew the idiot was a lightweight) and have to go on a date with him
the date went well though but i was very salty about admitting it (still went on the second date though). but in his case, it was pretty much being smitten at first sight and wanting at least one date to prove his case we'd be compatible (sadly we were, much to his credit the universe wasn't letting me put on my blinders)
in the case of the former though, considering i'm pretty sure he'd look down on me even if i was a sorcerer, i'd probably dislike him. but we get along decently enough because we have similar tastes. but just because we can get along, doesn't mean we actually like each other (dislike on my end, indifference on his)
i think we'd both act normal towards one another in either case of feelings being realized
10. Before dating, were you guys friends? Enemies? Anything else?
mikasa, mitsuya, tamarack, nanami: friends
gojou: ani may university cinematic universe: he's an annoyance albeit a cute one. but in the canon, we are mutually tolerated classmates
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Self-Shippin' with Nyla
because black girls self-ship too and i wanna be more self-indulgent on main. completely unoriginal masterlist idea i got from the homie @hash-slinging-slasher-trash.
Mikasa Ackerman
Gojou Satoru (Moon & Sea | Cloak & Shadow)
Nanami Kento
Blue Lock
Nagi Seishirou
Chigiri Hyoma
Tokyo Revengers
Mitsuya Takashi
Umemiya Hajime
Our Life: Now & Forever
Tamarack Baumann
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