mebleioswietlenie · 2 years
Krzesło tapicerowane Sofie marki Intesi – najnowocześniejszy mebel do Twojego wystroju wnętrza
Krzesło tapicerowane Sofie marki Intesi to produkt wyróżniający się oryginalnym wyglądem. Zostało ono wykonane z solidnych, toczonych nóg, które są przypomocowane do metalowego stelaża, a także miękkiego, tapicerowanego siedziska. Nowoczesny mebel jest wyjątkowo wygodny i sprawia, że długi wypoczynek staje się niesamowitą przyjemnością. Nogi wykonane zostały z czarnego, matowego drewna, tworząc harmonijny zestaw z siedziskiem w odcieniu szarości. Ponadto, obicie siedziska zostało spięte od spodu suwakami, dzięki czemu można je zdjąć i oddać do czyszczenia. Maksymalne obciążenie krzesła wynosi 120kg, a jego montaż jest bardzo prosty. Krzesło Sofie doskonale sprawdzi się w domowych, komercyjnych, a także przestrzeniach biurowych oraz restauracjach. Producent mebli Intesi jest szwedzką firmą, która od lat zajmuje się produkcją i projektowaniem mebli wysokiej jakości. Firma zakłada, że klienci powinni mieć możliwość tworzenia własnych przestrzeni i wnętrz, korzystając z najbardziej zaawansowanych technologii projektowania mebli. Wszystkie produkty Intesi charakteryzują się wymiarami, którymi można dopasować je do własnych potrzeb. Ponadto, doskonała jakość materiałów używanych do produkcji mebli Intesi sprawia, że są one odporne na uszkodzenia oraz długotrwałe. Produkty tej firmy są dostępne w wielu sklepach z meblami, dlatego łatwo jest znaleźć produkt idealny dla siebie. Firma oferuje również szeroki wybór oświetlenia, dekoracji i akcesoriów, a także mebli, które idealnie będą pasować do Twojego wystroju wnętrza.
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womblegrinch · 3 months
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Giuseppe Obici (1807-1878) - Melancholy
White marble. Carved c.1846.
Height: 62.75 inches, 159.5 cm. Estimate: £100,000-150,000.
Sold Sotheby's, London, 3 July 2024 for £132,000 incl B.P.
Her second toe is longer than her big toe. Is this why she is sad? Would it be a red flag for you or could you get past it? Would it always be in the back of your mind? Don't reply.
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what-marsha-eats · 2 years
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twojewnetrza · 2 years
Czyściutkie i eteryczne - meble i oświetlenie Pastel Blush
Pastelowe, miękkie odcienie roacute;żu, błękitu, zieleni i beżu to kolekcja mebli i oświetlenia Pastel Blush, produkowana przez firmę meguino. Firma powstała w 2015 roku w ramach rodzinnego biznesu i produkuje meble i oświetlenie, które łączą w sobie nowoczesne wzornictwo z klasyczną elegancją. Meble i oświetlenia wykonane są z wysokiej jakości materiałów, takich jak naturalne szkło dekoracyjne, które jest kształtowane na gorąco, luksusowe welurowo-skórzane obicie oraz złote elementy, które dodają wnętrzu szyku i elegancji. Linia produktów meguino jest szeroka i zróżnicowana, od wielkich sof, aż po małe futrzane pufy czy wazony. Przemyślane połączenia materiałów i kolorów, nowoczesne formy i wykończenia sprawiają, że produkty tej firmy są wyjątkowe i wyróżniają się z tłumu. Sofy i meble w stylu Pastel Blush to idealny wybór dla miłośników stylu boho, a jednocześnie osób, które szukają czegoś nowoczesnego i oryginalnego. Pastelowe odcienie roacute;żu, błękitu, zieleni i beżu, w połączeniu z złotymi elementami, sprawiają, że meble są jedyne w swoim rodzaju i stanowią prawdziwą ozdobę wnętrza. Wizualny i estetyczny efekt jest dodatkowo wzmocniony dzięki wysokiej jakości materiałom, z których są wykonane meble. Połączenie piękna i trwałości sprawia, że meble Pastel Blush to idealna propozycja dla osób, które szukają wyjątkowych i oryginalnych rozwiązań do swoich wnętrz. Dzięki bogatej ofercie linii mebli i oświetlenia Pastel Blush, możesz stworzyć aranżacje, które łączą w sobie klasykę z nowoczesnym pięknem.
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dom-i-ogrod · 2 years
Skandynawski design dla Twojego wyjątkowego wnętrza - PAGED Meble.
Styl skandynawski coraz częściej reprezentowany jest w naszych wnętrzach. Urzeka nas swoją prostotą, a jednocześnie oryginalnością. Meble i oświetlenie wykonane według tego konceptu to świetny sposób na stworzenie ciepłego i przytulnego wnętrza. Wśród producentów mebli wykonanych w stylu skandynawskim warto wymienić firmę PAGED Meble. PAGED Meble to jeden z czołowych producentów mebli w Polsce. Firma powstała w 1958 roku i od tego czasu wytwarza wysokiej jakości meble na polskim rynku meblowym. Produkty firmy PAGED Meble charakteryzują się dużą trwałością, lekkością i funkcjonalnością. Meble tworzone przez tę markę, w tym wypadku fotel Big TUK, są wytrzymałe i odporne na uszkodzenia, dzięki czemu mogą służyć przez wiele lat. Co ważne, meble tej firmy są skrojone na miarę. Klienci mają do wyboru szeroki wybór tkanin i skór do obicia mebli, dzięki czemu mogą zaprojektować idealny fotel Big TUK do swojego wnętrza. Oprócz tego, PAGED Meble oferują szeroką gamę różnych modeli mebli, w tym łóżka, kanapy, stoły i krzesła. Wszystkie oferowane przez nich meble są wykonane z wysokiej jakości materiałów, a także są bardzo trwałe oraz odporne na uszkodzenia. PAGED Meble zapewniają doskonały stosunek jakości do ceny, co czyni je jednym z najbardziej popularnych producentów mebli w Polsce. Firma oferuje także szeroką gamę różnych dodatków, w tym oświetlenia i akcesoriów, dzięki którym możesz wybrać idealny komplet mebli do swojego wnętrza. PAGED Meble to najlepszy sposób na to, aby nadać swojemu wnętrzu skandynawski design i charakter. Wybierając produkty tej firmy, możesz mieć pewność, że dokonujesz dobrego wyboru.
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mikoo00 · 1 year
Stół wydaje mi się, że jest wilgotny bo siedział teraz na zewnątrz a jakoś wilgotno się zrobilo
Obicie poduszki na krzesło zrobiłem sam właśnie z materiału, który mi został po odcięciu zasłon
Poduszkę też
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charlievigorous · 2 years
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"l governo italiano ha "donato" a Kiev supporti di artiglieria semovente M109L "da 20 a 30" come parte del quinto e ultimo pacchetto di aiuti militari fino ad oggi, riporta La Repubblica .
La pubblicazione elencava alcuni tipi di armi pesanti incluse nei precedenti pacchetti di supporto.
In primavera, l'Italia ha inviato in Ucraina obici Fh70, utilizzati nella regione di Kharkov e Donetsk . I veicoli blindati Lince sono a disposizione delle unità d'assalto che operano nelle regioni di Kherson e Zaporozhye .
La fornitura di aiuti militari, secondo il quotidiano, ha consentito all'ex governo italiano, guidato da Mario Draghi, di ottenere un ruolo politico significativo nella "soluzione internazionale della crisi ucraina". "Ora il governo di (Georgie) Meloni deve decidere se continuare o meno su questa linea", scrive il quotidiano.
Mosca aveva precedentemente inviato una nota ai paesi della NATO a causa della fornitura di armi all'Ucraina. Il ministro degli Esteri russo Sergei Lavrov ha osservato che qualsiasi carico che contenga armi per l'Ucraina diventerà un obiettivo legittimo per la Russia. Il ministero degli Esteri della Federazione Russa ha dichiarato che i paesi della NATO stanno "giocando con il fuoco" fornendo armi all'Ucraina. Il segretario stampa del presidente della Federazione Russa Dmitry Peskov ha osservato che pompare l'Ucraina con armi dall'Occidente non contribuisce al successo dei negoziati russo-ucraini e avrà un effetto negativo".
by Antonio Limo
l'Italia sarebbe contraria alla guerra... Sarebbe...
Fare da "appoggio" a determinate situazioni è come scegliere di scendere in guerra.
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para-noik · 2 years
kiedy przechodzę koło mnie siedzą obici żołnierze
kiedyś próbowałem zgrywać ze ja do nich nie należę
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dawnchoruus · 8 months
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'santo stefano di cadore' (1997)
image by giulio obici
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crazy-so-na-sega · 1 year
l'Italia ha fornito 120 obici semoventi
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pensavo fosse un pezzo unico (Terre Impervie)
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latinlizard · 1 year
Pro Caelio 50
Obliviscor iam iniurias tuas, Clodia, depono memoriam doloris mei;
Now I am forgetting the wrongs of your doing, Clodia, I'm putting aside the memory of my pain;
quae abs te crudeliter in meos me absente facta sunt, neglego;
those things you did cruelly to my family in my absence, I will pass over;
ne sint haec in te dicta, quae dixi.
so that these things were not against you, that I have said.
Sed ex te ipsa requiro, quoniam et crimen accusatores abs te
But out of you yourself I ask, since the prosecutors say that they have the charge from you
et testem eius criminis te ipsam dicunt se habere.
and that you yourself are to have a witness of this charge
Si quae mulier sit eius modi,
if there should be any woman of this manner,
qualem ego paulo ante descripsi, tui dissimilis,
of such a kind that I shortly previously described, unlike you,
vita institutoque meretricio,
or established in a life of harlotry, cum hac aliquid adulescentem hominem habuisse rationis
with a young man considering some relations with this woman
num tibi perturpe aut perflagitiosum esse videatur?
surely to you would it not seem to be thoroughly disgraceful and shameful
Ea si tu non es, sicut ego malo,
if you are not that woman, just as I prefer,
quid est, quod obiciant Caelio?
what is it, which they throw in the teeth of Caelius?
Sin eam te volunt esse,
But if they want you to be the one,
quid est, cur nos crimen hoc,
what is it, why of this crime should we,
si tu contemnis, pertimescamus?
if you despise it, fear it?
Quare nobis da viam rationemque defensionis.
So give us a path and method for defence.
Aut enim pudor tuus defendet
For either your modesty will defend
nihil a M. Caelio petulantius esse factum,
that nothing by Caelius is done more proudly,
aut impudentia et huic et ceteris
or you will shameless give both to him and the rest
magnam ad se defendendum facultatem dabit.
a great ability for the purpose of defending themselves.
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arcobalengo · 1 year
“Forniture obsolete all’Ucraina”: accusati esercito e contractor
ISPETTORI DIFESA USA - Riciclo riparazioni fatte con pezzi di videogame
Forniture militari occidentali scadenti per carenza di manutenzione. Ordini inevasi, appalti non rispettati da parte dei contractor, ritardi, mancate consegne e dispute legali per il rimborso delle somme già pagate. Materiali non adatti a essere impiegati sul campo, o addirittura pericolosi per i destinatari ucraini. L’accusa viene dall’ispettore generale del Dipartimento della Difesa degli Stati Uniti, che attribuisce all’Esercito degli Stati Uniti e all’appaltatore Amentum Services la responsabilità della mancata manutenzione dei materiali del magazzino Aps-5 in Kuwait destinati all’Ucraina. Accuse ufficiali, contenute nel Rapporto Dodig-2023-076 “preoccupazioni per la manutenzione dei materiali del magazzino preposizionato dell’Esercito-5 destinati all’Ucraina” del 23 maggio 2023, come segnala Pietro Orizio su Analisi Difesa.
Nel caso citato dall’Ispettorato, quello del magazzino pre-posizionato Aps-5 in Kuwait, il rapporto dell’ispettore generale ha evidenziato diverse problematiche tecniche: gli obici M777 destinati all’Ucraina presentavano problemi che ne hanno compromesso il funzionamento. Ancora: fino ad agosto 2022, i logisti del 401º Battaglione avevano dichiarato che 28 dei loro 29 veicoli M1167 (una versione potenziata del tradizionale Humvee) erano pienamente operativi. Quando è venuto il momento di trasferirli si è invece scoperto che 26 non funzionavano. Batterie scariche, luci malfunzionanti, guarnizioni usurati, sistemi di bloccaggio delle porte rotti, indicatori difettosi e perdite di liquidi hanno richiesto riparazioni estensive e la cannibalizzazione di altri veicoli. Malfunzionamenti che hanno causato ritardi nelle consegne all’Ucraina e costi aggiuntivi per riparazione e ripristino dei materiali.
È una segnalazione che ora solleva preoccupazioni sulla qualità e l’affidabilità delle forniture militari occidentali all’Ucraina: gli arsenali occidentali sono stati svuotati, ma a Kiev sono state inviate versioni datate e limitate, per evitare pericolose escalation con la Russia. Una sorta di doppio gioco in cui i governi alleati risultano fare la loro parte ma di fatto tengono conto dell’esigenza di evitare il rischio di acquisizione di armi avanzate da parte della Russia, mantenendo così un “equilibrio” nel conflitto.
E non mancano le critiche verso paesi, come l’Italia, che secondo una consulente del Ministero della Difesa ucraino, come scrivere lo scorso aprile il Financial Times, avrebbe inviato armamenti con problemi di manutenzione, tanto che nessuno dei 20 obici semoventi M109L da 155 mm consegnati da Roma ad inizio 2023 sarebbe stato utilizzabile. Circostanza che il ministro italiano della Difesa ha spiegato parlando di “mezzi che erano stati dismessi dalle Forze armate italiane e mai offerti proprio per il loro stato di manutenzione e vetustà”, ma che “sono stati richiesti, comunque, da parte Ucraina, nonostante le condizioni, per essere revisionati e messi in funzione, vista la urgente necessità di mezzi per fronteggiare l’aggressione russa. Sull’esito della rimessa in efficienza il ministero della Difesa italiano non è stato aggiornato, trattandosi solo di mezzi classificati come di non conveniente riparazione”.
Simile la riuscita delle forniture tedesche, canadesi, britanniche, statunitensi, con l’esempio incredibile dei 5.000 missili anticarro inviati dagli Usa senza assistenza, componenti o addestramento all’uso, tanto che i soldati ucraini per utilizzarli hanno dovuto ripararli con “parti di controller di videogiochi, batterie di motociclette, connettori dai cablaggi di ventole dei pc, oppure usando stampanti 3D e traducendo libretti di istruzioni con Google Translate”.
🔴 Per ricevere tutti gli aggiornamenti segui Giorgio Bianchi Photojournalist
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petello993 · 1 year
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sa7abnews · 1 month
Pop singer Lance Bass has type 1.5 diabetes, here’s what to know about the disease
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/16/pop-singer-lance-bass-has-type-1-5-diabetes-heres-what-to-know-about-the-disease/
Pop singer Lance Bass has type 1.5 diabetes, here’s what to know about the disease
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Pop singer Lance Bass recently shared on social media that he has type 1.5 diabetes, also known as latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA).The former NSYNC member was initially diagnosed with type 2 diabetes a few years ago, he wrote in an Instagram post. “But when I was first diagnosed, I had a difficult time getting my glucose levels under control even though I made adjustments to my diet, my medications and my workout routine,” he said. “Things just weren’t adding up.”DIABETES PATIENTS NOW HAVE ACCESS TO FIRST GENERIC GLP-1 MEDICATION: ‘MORE ACCESSIBLE AND AFFORDABLE’Bass then revealed what he referred to as a “plot twist.””I recently discovered that I was misdiagnosed and I actually have type 1.5, or latent autoimmune diabetes of adults [LADA].”Fox News Digital reached out to Bass for comment.Type 1.5 diabetes is considered an autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks cells in the pancreas — called beta cells — that secrete insulin, a hormone that helps to regulate glucose levels in the body, according to experts.The condition is typically diagnosed in individuals age 30 and older and progressively worsens over time.DIABETES PATIENTS USING OZEMPIC, OTHER TREATMENTS INSTEAD OF INSULIN HAVE LOWER CANCER RISK, STUDY FINDS”Like type 1 diabetes (T1DM), LADA is an autoimmune disease, but unlike T1DM, the decline in beta-cell function occurs much more slowly,” Dr. Silvana Obici, chief of the Division of Endocrinology at Stony Brook Medicine on Long Island, New York, told Fox News Digital in an email.The American Diabetes Association (ADA) classifies LADA as a subset of Type 1 — “because they are all characterized by autoimmunity and only differ in the rate of beta cell destruction,” said Obici, who has not treated Bass.The symptoms of type 1.5 diabetes are similar to those of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, but there are also some differences.”Although type 1 is often associated with increased thirst, increased urination, increased hunger and weight loss, these symptoms are less common in both LADA and type 2 diabetes,” Dr. Kevin Peterson, vice president of primary care for the ADA, who also has not treated Bass, told Fox News Digital.EATING YOGURT COULD HELP PREVENT ONE COMMON DISEASE, ACCORDING TO THE FDA”Both of these conditions can have a slow onset that is characterized by fatigue, urinary tract infections, blurred vision and mild problems that can sometimes be ignored.”Unlike type 2 diabetes, LADA is associated with a progressive loss of insulin that can’t be controlled by lifestyle changes like diet and exercise, and may not respond to medicines used to treat type 2 diabetes, Peterson added.Some 10% of adults with type 1.5 diabetes are initially misdiagnosed as having type 2 diabetes, studies show.With LADA, “the presentation is often slow, making it difficult to distinguish between the two conditions, especially early in the diagnosis,” said Peterson.Blood tests are available that can identify the type of diabetes, he noted.Dr. David Lam, an associate professor in the division of endocrinology, diabetes and bone diseases at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York, did not comment on Bass’ case, but agreed that type 1.5 diabetes can be misdiagnosed.”Testing for the autoantibodies is not standardized for all patients newly diagnosed with diabetes — it typically occurs because the clinician has a degree of suspicion of the diagnosis,” Lam told Fox News Digital. “This is typically based on elements of the person’s clinical history, such as onset of diabetes at a younger age, lower body mass index, or a family or personal history of other autoimmune conditions,” he added.Although LADA shares some of the same symptoms as type 1 and type 2 diabetes, experts noted that its treatment can be different.”Early in the course of type 1.5 diabetes, the pancreas may still make enough insulin, so there may be only mild glucose abnormalities,” Lam told Fox News Digital.FOR DIABETES PATIENTS, INHALED INSULIN IS SHOWN JUST AS EFFECTIVE AS INJECTIONS AND PUMPSDuring this period, treatments traditionally used for type 2 diabetes may work, he noted — “but as the condition progresses, and the pancreas’ ability to produce insulin significantly decreases, injected insulin therapy becomes necessary to control blood glucose levels.”Treatment is also challenging because type 1.5 diabetes progresses at different rates for each individual and can be difficult to predict, Lam noted.Specific medications for the disease will depend on the severity of the beta cells’ deficiency, Obici said.”If the amount of insulin produced by the beta cells is very low, these individuals will require insulin, as with type 1 diabetes,” he told Fox News Digital. “On the other hand, if the beta cells produce some or a substantial amount of insulin, LADA can be treated with a combination of insulin and other medications used for type 2 diabetes, such as metformin, GLP-1 receptor agonists and DPPIV inhibitors.”All types of diabetes must be managed with dietary intervention, according to Obici.CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP FOR OUR HEALTH NEWSLETTER”In T1DM and LADA, dietary intervention is focused on helping to keep glycemia under control and to avoid hypoglycemia,” he said. “In T2DM, diet and lifestyle modification is focused not only on glycemic control, but also on promoting weight loss.”Dr. Brian Burtch, an endocrinologist at University Hospitals in Cleveland, Ohio, who was not involved in Bass’ care, told Fox News Digital that his practice sees at least one case of type 1.5 diabetes each month. For those who are told they have type 2 diabetes and are young, not overweight and not responding to pills, Burtch typically recommends they ask about being tested for type 1.5. For more Health articles, visit www.foxnews/health”As a physician, it is important to always consider this diagnosis in diabetes patients,” he advised.Approximately 1.2 million Americans are diagnosed with diabetes every year, with some 10% of those having type 1.5, according to the ADA.
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aresdifesa · 3 months
Nuovo pacchetto di aiuti statunitensi alla Ucraina L’Amm.ne Biden ha annunciato un nuovo Decreto di Prelievo dalle scorte delle Forze Armate statunitensi del valore di 225 milioni di dollari disposto a favore della Ucraina. Tra gli equipaggiamenti che saranno trasferiti vi saranno materiali per la difesa aerea con ulteriori missili superficie-aria Hawk a guida radar semi attiva e missili Stinger a ricerca di calore per la difesa ravvicinata. Inoltre, il pacchetto comprende missili anticarro filoguidati TOW, missili “lancia e dimentica” Javelin e lanciarazzi anticarro AT4. Per i sistemi di artiglieria sono previste munizioni aggiuntive per gli M142 HIMARS, obici/cannoni da 155 mm, munizionamento da 155 mm e
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Breton, "lo sforzo sulle munizioni sia esteso a tutte le armi"
BRUXELLES – “Per quel che riguarda la difesa europea dobbiamo andare oltre ed estendere quanto fatto per le munizioni a tutte le apparecchiature di difesa“. Lo ha detto il commissario Ue al Mercato Interno, Thierry Breton, parlando alla commissione Difesa dell’Eurocamera. “Per quel che riguarda le munizioni dobbiamo arrivare a produrre due milioni di obici del calibro 155 o superiore all’anno.…
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