woman-child91 · 2 years
My Future Charasuke x Menma Series
Part 12
Charasuke’s in a bad place right now after Menma picked Tobi/The Akatsuki over him.
Kakashi: Where’s Charasuke?
Nurse: He left the hospital even before we had fully healed the injuries he got from fighting Deidara. He went to do some more training.
Kakashi: That’s typical of this new Charasuke.
Sakura is worried about Charasuke’s mental health after their failed mission of bringing back Menma.
Remember that this is a mix between Road To Ninja/canon Naruto. So Sakura is in love with Menma here and doesn’t feel anything towards Charasuke. Charasuke is in love with Menma. But, he’s now a darker version of canon Sasuke.
Sakura: I figured you’d come here.
Charasuke: Sakura?
Sakura: This is where Team 7 had the bell test. This is where we became friends and teammates with Menma. Our team started here. This is where it all began.
Charasuke: …
Sakura: Wait, are you?
Charasuke: I’m using a mirror to use my own Sharingan on me. I’m putting myself under Genjutsu. So that I can relive the good old days when Menma was with me.
Sakura: Don’t give me that crap! *snatches mirror away from his hand and throws it across the forest* So what if you failed this time? Can’t you come up with another plan to get him back? Just give us a strategy like you always do. Should I use my medical ninjutsu to heal your wounds faster? Or maybe play decoy to lure The Akatsuki? Tell me! I’ll do whatever you say.
Charasuke: Alright, then. You can console me.
Sakura: Huh?
Charasuke gets up and starts walking closer to her until he’s got her backed up against a tree.
Charasuke: There are things… a woman can do for that, right? *starts leaning closer to her and caresses her cheek. He’s just about to kiss her.*
Sakura: *too stunned to react until she feels his breath against her mouth.* No! *punches him on the face*
Charasuke: *rubs his bruised cheek*
Sakura: Snap out of it, Charasuke! You’re an Uchiha! You’re a great shinobi now. You have an obligation. You’ve got to live up to your dreams you once gave us all! So please! Keep trying until you bring Menma back to us! Keep fooling yourself until you no longer can! Kakashi-Sensei and I need you! We need you to be an even greater shinobi than Itachi this time! Try to bring back Menma with all your heart! *starts crying*
Charasuke: …
Sakura: You’re not the only one who’s suffering here. I love him too! *cries uncontrollably as she runs off*
Charasuke: Sakura! *clenching fist* You’re right.
"Tobi" tries to brainwash Menma
Menma: Tobi? Where’s Hidan? I thought I was supposed to accompany him on a mission.
Tobi: No! Hidan left with Kakuzu. I think the big boss man just got confused. He’s been working too hard. All work and no play make Pain a-
Menma: Did you want to tell me something?
Tobi: Yes, Tobi just thought of a great idea! It’s a really, really, really good idea. So, listen to Tobi very carefully. Okay?
Menma: I’m listening.
Tobi: Why doesn’t Foxy forget about them?
Menma: What?
Tobi: All the heavy burdens that just weigh you down. The Hidden Leaf village. Kakashi. Sakura and… Charasuke.
Menma: You’re wrong! Charasuke isn’t a-
Tobi: For that Uchiha boy’s sake as well.
Menma: But…
Tobi: If Foxy stops worrying about his old teammates then, The Akatsuki could win. We could create a peaceful world. After we win. Foxy can go back to being friends with them again and be happy.
Menma: I…
Tobi starts walking closer to him until he’s standing right in front of him. Their noses nearly touching.
Tobi: Is there something wrong with that? Did Foxy not like Tobi’s idea? Wanting happiness isn’t a crime. No one would have to get hurt ever again.
Menma: *blushes and is nervous about Tobi lifting up his Orange mask enough for his mouth to be visible.*
Tobi: It’s alright. Tobi likes Foxy. Tobi will never abandon his cute Foxy. Tobi promises. *changes voice to his real one* I will stay with you forever, Men-ma. *closes distance and kisses a confused Menma*
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