#obligatory occasional vent post
tagiscool · 3 months
I need to get those stupid ai meta glasses I keep getting ads for and program them to read shit for me and determine if im actually in the right or just emotionally reacting as a trauma response
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Hello and welcome!! All you need to know before jumping in is that I'm an artist, I'm in love with Kajii, and I'm a selfshipper. (oh i also occasionally write but hardly ever publish)
old header image
IMPORTANT: DO NOT REPOST MY ARTWORK. I do not allow this and I never will. (Sending it to someone in a chat is alright AS LONG AS the link is provided.) Any reposts will be reported for copyright infringement. Thank you.
Please let me know if you find a repost of my work on any platform.
Current obsessions!
Bungou Stray Dogs (spoilers for new chapters tagged as #bsd spoilers), Cult of the Lamb, Dungeon Meshi
Relevant tags!
#my art
#bsd kajii / #motojirou kajii
#bean's selfshipping nonsense (mostly art, also most are not included in the kajii-specific tags. for blocking purposes if necessary. i also tag some reblogs with '#obligatory selfship tag')
#self insert (includes selfshipping and stand-alone pieces, please note that my self-insert has gone through a lot of changes)
#bean's random thoughts (text posts/personal posts)
#bean complains again (vent/negative tag for blocking purposes)
#nebulas oc / #antonio oc (note that nebulas is tagged in self-insert artwork as well when applicable as he is the ability)
Where to find me!
ao3 (works are only available to registered accounts)
Art Fight
My Discord username is beanthesmol if you wanna reach me there.
Mayoi Inu Kaikitan friend IDs: EN acc: 298807193598 (friend list full rn, mutuals can ask me to free a space up :D) JP acc: 759627650996
And yes I have a twitter account but only for following bsd artists that aren't on here or instagram. It's also handy for following bsd updates.
That's all, I think. I'm a huge mess of a person, but I try my best. Feel free to ask questions or reach out!!
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lovers-teeth · 2 years
Obligatory Intro Post
main is @validwofjobs just for clarity, if you see me following/liking your posts ^^
icon by: @canineentity
🌿🍄🌿 Hi !! my name is Herring (or Jester), and this is my personal/kin sideblog.
  🌿🍄🌿 I’m always interested in meeting new people, so don’t be afraid to shoot me an ask or a msg !! My dms are always open to other kinfolk, I am quite busy and easily distracted so I can’t promise quick reply times.
🌿🍄🌿 Please like this post if you read it through !! it just helps me keep track lol.
My two kintypes are caucasian shepherd dog and polar bear -u-.
part time angel and occasional sea serpent (secondary kintypes)
I’m primarily a psychological therian, I’m still figuring myself out.
I’m 21- I don’t mind minors hanging out here, tread carefully and be safe n all that.
I’m trans and queer, ask me abt the specifics at your own desire. I use whatever pronouns you use/mirror pronouns.
I use therian and otherkin to refer to myself interchangeably. I also use the words kinnie/kinning bc I find them kind of cute, fight me (plus I've been "kinning" since the word was coined by assholes on 4chan, let me be an old man and live)
This is a kin blog, but I have a lot of other interests, mainly writing, tabletop games, and knitting atm.
I’m always here to help with personal writing projects! Send me your games/your fics/your poetry/whatever- I am very fond of editing and beta reading, or just being a pair of eyes on a draft.
All of my posts are good to reblog unless reblogs are literally turned off lmao
DNI: LGBT discourse-starters, I consider myself an inclusionist and I’m generally pro-slur reclamation. I want no part of any stupid discourse (this is also your official warning that I use the word queer and don’t tag it, do with that info what you will.)
non-alterhumans and/or kin-for-fun types are cool but on thin ice.
BYF: I talk about addiction/alcohol often, if that type of post is triggering I will always tag it as eyes away/howling but it might be in your best interest not to follow.
honestly as long as you’re not a dick you’re welcome here LMAO
(X)posting: themed as needed, common ones are dogposting/kinposting
Chuffing: original non-vent posts and personal thoughts.
Howling: vent posts, read at yr own discretion
Eyes away: 18+ stuff, block this if you’re a minor.
Pawprints: original projects, likely writing or knitting FOs.
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writer-of-histories · 2 years
I have been informed that journaling is not only a form of documentation, but also a way to vent emotions. Perhaps I will give this a try- I’ve been struggling to keep myself in check. I dearly hope my friends would not find this…
Obligatory OOC post
Hello! My name is Venus. You can find my mainblog @healersadjust . This blog is for my OC, Leonidas, and his thoughts. If you’re interested, check out more of his content and my other OCs on my main blog! occasional journal entries from Leo will be found here.
Leo’s in character tag will be “#Writings of Leonidas” and anything OOC will be marked with “#V time bb” to match with my main blog.
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nobodycanjearme · 1 month
Ik that wont stop some of yall but I gotta say it anyways, just don’t fuckin talk to me
Cleaning up this blog so yk we gotta have the
obligatory pinned post
You can call me Tyr
Other names I like: Sir, Daddy, Mommy, Puppy, Slut, Whore, Fag(got), and probably whatever other depraved shit you can think of
19yo, he/she, queer switch
man, woman, NB, idgaf honestly you’re all hot
This blog is mostly where I talk about horny thoughts I have and indulge my fantasies. Occasionally I might use this blog to vent about loneliness and my life. If that’s not ok w you then maybe don’t follow me.
stuff im into
current favorites in blue
Pain (biting, cutting, etc)
Blood (vampires by extension)
Intox (weed only)
Hypno (receiving only)
Forcemasc (occasionally forcefem but I’ll never post about it)
Terato (mostly werewolves)
Penetration (giving only)
Polygamy/polyamory whatever it’s called
Definitely more, just can’t think of them all rn
I will never talk about being penetrated on this blog. It makes me uncomfortable.
Subbing for people I don’t know very well. I’ll post about it sometimes but don’t take that as an invitation
Never posting or sending pics, don’t bother asking
More might be added but im down for pretty much anything. If it’s a kink that exists I’ve probably fantasized about it at least once before
Tags: TyrPost, TyrResponds, TyrVent
Anons: none yet 💔
Not on here to find a relationship, but I’ll entertain you for a night if you’d like. Don’t be shy, step right up and bark for me, pup 💙
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6lternate · 9 months
hi, this is my sideblog to vent and reblog things i wouldnt share to main. obligatory trigger warning for this entire blog, i post about abuse, trauma, and mental illness.
as for about me, im an adult (in my 20s), i use it/its, and you can ask for my main if you want, but i will not be publicly sharing it just to keep a barrier between it and this blog.
extended warnings: traumacore, medical stuff, occasional blood, abuse, religious trauma.
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bliss-sys · 1 year
We are bliss.sys, or the blystem (bliss-tem). we are a physically disabled, autistic, traumagenic DID system. Our collective name is Vivien, but Bliss is also okay. Our collective pronouns are they/them. We are bodily 20.
We're very introject heavy so like, obligatory disclaimer. Don't be weird, introjects aren't their source, we are just guys out here ok?
Regular common sense DNI stuff applies (profiction/proship, radfem/terf, etc). Also DNI if you're an endogenic/non-traumagenic system. we don't wanna be involved in syscourse but we would just rather have this be a traumagenic space, thanks.
Common tags and alter info under the cut.
Common tags:
#bliss.txt (or .jpg, .gif, .mp4) - personal/original text, image, gif, or video post.
#bliss_vent.txt- vent post
#bliss_art.png - art posts
#bliss.docx - writing posts
#fibro.exe - posts and reblogs about fibromyalgia, our biggest disability.
#weed.exe - we do medical marijuana and will occasionally post about it under this tag, block if necessary.
We will also tag for flashing gifs, but don't intend to tag for most triggers except for the very serious ones as necessary.
Alters will add names and pronouns here as needed so check back in from time to time.
Cloud (any pronouns)
Erin (they/she/he)
Fish (they/he)
Benrey (he/it/xe + any neos)
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thousandbuns · 2 years
obligatory pinned post for posterity and whatnot
This is a sideblog/containment zone for 40K ramblings and OC (shit)posting. Main blog: whining-ylthin.tumblr.com
If you see any unrelated posts/reblogs here, I most likely forgot to switch between blogs, brain smol and Tumblr's UI is kinda bad about it.
Main tags (and relevant content warnings):
#40k rambles - more or less structured thoughts on Warhammer 40.000, from quick vents and shitposts to possibly more long-form posts. Expect unchecked swearing, mentions of violence, discussion of politics, occasional talk about gender and identity, possibly mental health-related subjects?
#YlthinOCrambles - a free-range enclosure for my 40K original characters, a sandbox where I toss my deranged evil children and watch them beat each other up with plastic shovels (or eat... something they’ve found somewhere, I don’t know and I don’t want to know either); expect at least some NSFW posts, broad spectrum of CWs from violence and body horror through mental health (including suicide) to sex and sexuality, I’ll try to tag it accordingly so you can filter it through Tumblr’s funky system
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gmatlarge · 4 years
Inktober 2020 catch up art dump!
I’ve actually been keeping up with inktober and even working ahead, but I’ve been running out of steam to get these posted, so here is the obligatory catch up post!
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#16 Rocket
(Inspired by Guardians of the Galaxy) this prison run by hobgoblins holds a variety of humanoids in large communal cells, and holds magic users in another, more secure cell. They’re watched over by guards on a platform, and the magical prison cell has its own guards. Four cells on the south end of the chamber have iron doors and serve as either isolation cells or torture chambers.
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#17 Storm
The magical circle in the center of the lower chambers contains a swirling storm that occasionally throws out bolts of lightning. A lightning elemental normally rests here, but will attack anyone who didsturbs it. The teleport circle doesn’t affect it, and it and it’s brethren are trapped within the walls of this level.
Entering the storm will teleport characters to the second one, where a circular stone door blocks the way. Moving the stone door requires a combined strength of 30, and takes 2 rounds to roll it out of the way. The open door will naturally shut itself if not held open with at least 20 strength.
The chambers beyond contain more, lesser powerful storm elementals.
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#18 Trap
Most of these rooms show bits of debris, broken and cracked masonry. They lead to a large square room with four ornately carved pillars and a vaulted ceiling. The chamber’s floor is a huge metal grate in the center, covering a 10’x10’ pit. 1’ wide metal strips lay loosely in the floor and are engraved with writing, but much of it has been worn away with time. Attempting to lift the metal strips doesn’t work, though the do shift back and forth slightly. Each corner of the room has a doorway with an inset stone slab, but no obvious controls to open it. The doorways and the stone slabs are marked with intricate engravings.
The first character that moves within 5’ of the metal grate triggers the room trap. First, the person who triggered the trap is teleported inside the pit. The metal strips are suddenly raised to the ceiling, revealing bars that separate the room into 9 cells. The four stone doors open and reveal small chambers with a vampiric mist inside each.
The grate leads to a 10’ cube pit that is filled with a gelatinous cube. At the bottom of the pit is a lever that will lower the bars. Being teleported into the pit causes the character to automatically become engulfed and pinned. If the engulfed character can break the pin, they can move to the lever to activate it.
Note that this trap works best if characters are separated throughout the room before it’s activated. Ask what each of the characters are doing and if possible, place them in different areas of the room and make sure you get their agreement for where they want their characters before triggering the trap.
The floor and ceiling of the wide corridor is marred with grooves and scrapes perpendicular to the corridor walls. This area marks a sliding wall crushing trap which, when activated, immediately lowers rusted metal bars on each end of the moving walls, trapping anyone inside. A panel opens on the far side of the corridor revealing a deactivation lever. The wall takes 10 rounds to crush any inside.
Players can attempt to break or bend the bars, run through the area before the bars descend, to teleport to the lever.
The 30’ square room has a small platform in the center with a number of well used melee weapons sitting on it. Each character passing through the archway activates a complex series of enchantments causing a weapon in the room to attack the character as if they were wielding it themselves for 8 rounds. Roll on the following table: and use that weapon:
01-59: A weapon matching the character’s preferred type activates
60-85: A weapon not matching the character’s preferred type activates
86-00: the character’s own preferred weapon activates. If they are holding it, a strength check must be made every round to hold it so it doesn’t attack.
The western door is magically locked.
Activated weapons will not pursue the target out of the room, and go to the platform if the target character is killed or leaves. A new weapon is activated when a character renters the room. Dispelling the magic will inactivate a single weapon. The enchantment is buried deep within the masonry of the chamber so the trap cannot be deactivated short of destroying the room.
The final trap on this level is a 20’x20’ chamber with a single chest in it. The chest is permanently attached to the floor and writing is engraved in the wall above the chest: The treasure you need may not be the one you seek.
Opening the chest triggers vents to open in the room, which fill the chamber with poisonous gas. The chest itself is filled to the brim with glass gems. A single gem lies buried in the chest. The challenge is finding it before the characters are overcome with the poisonous fumes. Fumes fill the room immediately and dissipate in 5 rounds if the chest is closed. If the door to the room is open, the fumes affect creatures in the outer chamber after two rounds.
The gem will fit the sword from room 05-Blade, and matches the gem found in 09-throw.
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tagiscool · 2 months
Currently heavily debating calling out of work 😭 my mom thinks I should but I feel bad because the other page is on vacation
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stopforamoment · 6 years
Part Five:  But the Tigers Come at Night (Series Eleven, Part 5 of 16)
Series Eleven: It’s uh Movin’ Thing, but Still and All (Sixteen Parts) Part Five:  But the Tigers Come at Night (Series Eleven, Part 5 of 16)
Book: The Royal Romance (After Book Three)
Pairing: Bastien Lykel x OFC Rinda Parks Word Count: 1,678 Rating: M for Strong Language, Start of a Panic Attack/Anxiety, Children Working through Grief with Screaming and Bullying Author’s Note: Obligatory disclaimer that Pixelberry Studios owns the TRR characters and my pocketbook with those darn diamond scenes. OFC with all of her quirks is all mine. My apologies if Tumblr or I do something stupid when I try to post this. The keep reading link shows up on my laptop but not my phone. Ugh.
Thank you @asherella-is-a-dork-3​ for always being my sounding board! Thank you @liam-rhys​ and @silviasutton1989 for still being a part of the journey!
Triggers: There are going to be some dark themes in this series that deal with the consequences of what happens when parents don’t put their children first. I promise I won’t get graphic, and I’ll tag each section accordingly. This will tie in with future events and another aspect of Bastien and Rinda’s personalities—as individuals and as a couple.
Series Summary: It’s the week of October 14th, the sixth week of the school year. Henry and Rinda are staying in Cordonia, which means that Rinda can now begin to move forward, and backwards, with professional and personal aspects of her life.
One inspiration while I wrote this was a quotation from Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God: “Love is lak de sea. It’s uh movin’ thing, but still and all, it takes its shape from de shore it meets, and it’s different with every shore.”
The other was these lyrics from the song “I Dreamed a Dream” from Les Misérables: “But the tigers come at night / With their voices soft as thunder / As they tear your hope apart / As they turn your dream to shame.”
Chapter Summary: Bastien visits Rinda and Henry that night, and Henry struggles with some anger issues. Bastien helps Henry work through some of it and Rinda is panicked by how much she cares for Bastien.
But the Tigers Come at Night “But the tigers come at night / With their voices soft as thunder / As they tear your hope apart / As they turn your dream to shame.” “I Dreamed a Dream” from Les Misérables
During dinner Rinda reassured Henry that he could be honest with Mr. Lykel, just like he could be honest with her. It was just the three of them, and they all solemnly agreed that what they talked about during dinner stayed there. It was good to vent, and no one else had to know—especially since Henry wanted to talk about another kid, and mom could get in trouble if people at school knew what they said. But Henry also looked at Bastien. “Mom says I have to be nice to Stephan Traskas because he’s going through a lot because of his parents’ divorce. So I know what I’m saying is mean, but right now is it okay if I say mean things without you getting mad?” Bastien solemnly nodded and reassured Henry that sometimes he needed to do that, too. It was hard to be polite and professional all day long, so sometimes when he got home it was nice to talk to someone else and say what he was really thinking. But when Henry started, Bastien had to work extra hard to maintain a neutral reaction. He knew Rinda was okay with Henry using swear words when it was just the two of them, and he knew Henry kept his emotions bottled up until he exploded, just like Rinda. Henry was still seeing a therapist to help him with dad’s death and help him develop strategies to deal with his anger issues. But Bastien had no clue how angry Henry could truly get, or how creative he could be when he strung together profanities that he most likely didn’t even understand—even though most of them were incredibly brilliant just because they were so idiotic and nonsensical. And now that Rinda was hanging out with Collin again, Rinda was back in the habit of using Irish profanities—words that Henry quickly assimilated. So Bastien was unsure of how to react when Henry informed him that Stephan Trakas was “a muppet gobshite who needed to just fuck himself into a closet with a shit-faced wombat so Henry could lock the door on that gobdaw eejit gowl and throw away the key.” He’d throw that key so far “that even his wagon of a mom wouldn’t be able to find it.” (Rinda clapped her hand over her mouth at that one, but Bastien couldn’t tell if it was from pure horror or laughter.)
Where the fuck does Henry even come up with this? Rick and Morty is tame compared to this shit spewing out of his mouth!   Bastien followed Rinda’s lead, just letting him shout. Sometimes just screaming random words. And when Henry would stop for validation, Rinda would give it and encourage him to keep going. Bastien knew Rinda was good about helping Henry see when he was in the wrong, or when he needed to take responsibility for his actions, or when he needed to be nice to someone even when he didn’t want to. So Bastien assumed Rinda would start that part of the conversation after the tirade. And she did.   “So Bug, anything else?” “Stephan’s a dick.” “Okay. Fair enough. Anything else?” Silence. “Okay, you did some great shouting and you had some pretty crazy swear words going on there. Remember, we can’t say that shit in public, okay?” Henry nodded. “But now that you’re feeling a little better, I need you to please tell me and Bastien again what Stephan did.” Bastien gave Rinda a grateful smile. He had no clue what Stephan even did to piss off Henry. He had a feeling Rinda wasn’t exactly sure either, although it sounded like Stephan was acting out. Again. Stephan was a bully to Alex Dimitrious at the beginning of the school year, but Alex really started coming into his own after Bastien let Alex help him with a perimeter sweep of the school. Although Rinda didn’t know it, Bastien also took extra time to talk with Alex and show him basic moves to defend himself—but only for self defense. Never to attack anyone. As Alex gained more confidence he became friends with more people, including Henry and Phillip. They often played together after school while they waited for Mrs. Dimitrious to pick up Alex and his older sister, and for Rinda to finish up and take Henry and Phillip home on the nights she didn’t stay late. Stephan had been leaving Alex alone, but now he was being a bully again. He was being mean to his sisters, and to other people at school. And when Henry, Phillip, and Alex told him to stop, he didn’t. He kept being a dick, and they didn’t know how to make him stop. They tried walking away. They got an adult. But nothing made a difference. It was fucking stupid and useless. Henry gave his mom a pissed-off glare. “Mom, I know you said the adults have it covered and you can’t talk about it, but its been a week and nothing changed.” Bastien stepped in before Rinda had a chance to defend herself. “Henry, if your mom says she has it covered, she does. And if she says she can’t talk about it, she can’t. You know that. So tell me more about what Stephan is doing and what you’ve been doing to stand up to him. Let’s figure out what you, Phillip, and Alex can do without getting into trouble, okay?” Bastien listened carefully while Henry explained some of the things Stephan was doing. “Rinda, can I take Henry outside and show him a few things?” Rinda nodded. “Of course. Tell you what. I’ll clean up and take care of dishes. Sound good?” As Rinda did dishes she occasionally looked out the window to watch Henry and Bastien. Henry already knew some pressure points and basic self defense moves from Jameson, but Rinda could see that Henry was explaining the specific things Stephan was doing, and Bastien was walking Henry through the specific moves Henry could use to defend himself or other people. Rinda caught herself flicking her bare ring finger with her left thumb. She wasn’t completely sure if it was because she was flooded with a memory of Jameson and Henry together, or if she was flooded with emotion to see Bastien with Henry. She took a deep breath to steady herself before turning back to the dishes. Bastien said he never wanted her to feel pressured, so no use going into a panic attack about it. Right? Right? God, Jameson. I’m so sorry. I’ve been moving too fast, haven’t I? I should have just put my ring on when Bastien said he was coming over. What the fuck was I even thinking?
“I Dreamed a Dream.” But the tigers come at night. With their voices soft as thunder . . . NO. Not Bastien. Not her Tiger. He was patient, and he was good. To her and to Henry.
Rinda looked at the chocolate chip cookies sitting on the counter. And she thought about the spumoni ice cream in the freezer—he remembered it was her favorite. And when she went into the living room she saw the Clue game Henry set up, and the beautiful vase of flowers that she was going to put in her bedroom, next to her bed, when she went to sleep later. Those flowers were perfect—the kind of flowers you’d find in an English garden.
Every single thing Bastien brought that night was so perfect. It was all of their favorite things. And yet, it was the first time he ever bought Henry an actual present, and Rinda had so much respect for that. Bastien knew better than to try to buy Henry’s affection or spoil him. Bastien knew that he and Henry could only get to know each other better if they spent time together. And they did that. Yes, Bastien did make sure that Henry’s trip to Cordonia was safe—and memorable—with an escort by some of the Royal Guards. But he did it to keep Henry safe and keep her from worrying so much. Yes, there were times he brought pizza or other “restaurant food” for dinner when it was a crazy night and Rinda didn’t have time to cook. But she would have ordered pizza on a night like that anyways, right? And he brought chocolate chip cookies for Henry the night he babysat, but according to Henry, that was just a Mr. Lykel thing. He did that for Drake and Savannah too. And Bastien introduced Henry to Drake, and let them stay at the palace, and took them fishing, and . . .
Rinda sat down and closed her eyes, taking deep breaths as she massaged the inside of her left hand with her right thumb. This was NOT something to get into a panic attack about. A good man who cared about her and her son, who was patient.
And when Bastien and Henry finally came inside, they saw Rinda calmly sitting on the couch reading a book. “So guys, how did it go?”
. . . . .
It was too late to play Clue, but Bastien said that just meant they’d have to play the next time they came over. Henry asked if they could keep the game set up, and Rinda said probably not because the Manikas toddlers would knock it over that weekend. But Henry could set it back up next week if he wanted to, and then it would be ready to go for the next time. And Bastien got an extra long hug from Henry when it was time for bed. “Mr. Lykel?”
“Yes, Henry?”
“Thank you for everything tonight and for helping me with Stephan stuff. I really like it when we spend time together. And I’m glad we’re staying in Cordonia. You are too, right?”
“Yes, Henry. I’m very glad you and your mom are staying in Cordonia. And I love spending time with you, too.” Then Bastien kissed Henry’s forehead and tousled his hair before moving aside so Rinda could “Bis Morgen” her Doodle Bug.
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2019 Nissan Rogue Sport Release Date
New Post has been published on http://www.autocarnewshq.com/2019-nissan-rogue-sport-release-date/
2019 Nissan Rogue Sport Release Date
2019 Nissan Rogue Sport Release Date –  As the crossover thrive increases to smaller sized vehicles, automakers have checked for their international lineups to scrounge up itty-bitty SUVs for American clients. Honda converted the Japan marketplace Vessel into the HR-V, Chevrolet’s Trax was discounted in numerous foreign countries around the world before it was introduced right here, and Ford soon will bring the To the south American EcoSport to the shores. Now Nissan joins the craze by tapping its European Qashqai for duty as the new Rogue Sport.
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2019 Nissan Rogue Sport Future
Unlike some of the models hurried for this section, which may feel half-baked, the crossover currently is in its 2nd era and is a confirmed accomplishment in Europe, where it is Nissan’s greatest-selling model. A good looking little thing, the Nissan Rogue Sport is a lot less overwrought than a lot of-of Nissan’s contemporary designs. In a segment in which funkiness is in fashion look no further than the Toyota C-HR, the Jeep Renegade, or Nissan’s very own Juke for proof the Nissan Rogue Sport is healthy yet not uninteresting. Attractive dimensions, sharp creases, and classy outlining provide a quick and high-end visual appeal, particularly in the SL model having it’s 19-” wheels. The only concession to the strangeness is the color palette, including a couple of wild alternatives these kinds of as Monarch Orange and the eyes-searing Nitro Lime.
2019 Nissan Rogue Sport Exterior And Interior
The Nissan Rogue Sport further is a useful size: At 172.4 ” length, it is a little bit larger than the littlest subcompacts, but it’s far tinier than compacts such as the 180.6-” Honda CR-V and the standard, 184.5-inches Nissan Rogue (we’ll refer to it as the big Rogue). The closest contender to the Nissan Rogue Sport, sizewise, is the new, 173.-inches 2017 Jeep Compass, yet another tweener. Smart interior packaging implies that the Rogue Sport’s cargo place-23 cubic ft. Associated with the second row and 61 cubes with the rear seat flattened-is in the search with the Compass and the remarkably cavernous Honda HR-V with the rear car seats up and in advance of equal competitors with car seats folded. The Nissan Rogue Sport’s chassis clears the reduced pub set for traveling dynamics with this section. It might sound as if we are damning it with faint praise, but the suspensions supply excellent body control, producing for a tauter, stronger feel than the big Rogue gives without releasing significantly harshness above massive protrusions. The brake-pedal answer is modern.
The directing is light-extremely so in the usual directing mode, acceptably so in Sport and lifeless nevertheless of setting, avoiding the Rogue Sport from being enjoyable to drive in the twisties. At the very least it’s easy to maneuver in vehicle parking lot, which is ideal for a vehicle this sizing that may see plenty of downtown use. The interior is nicely trimmed for people costs, even though some of the cheaper plastic-type material surface areas make it from becoming as unique-searching as the cabins of the Mazda CX-3 or the Kia Soul. Infotainment choices are a letdown, even though: A minuscule 5.-” display screen with limited features arrives standard, and even the non-obligatory 7.-” touchscreen appearance stagnant, with old images and no Apple Inc CarPlay or Android mobile phone Auto compatibility. That is a significant omission contemplating the youthful, technician-knowledgeable customers Nissan has set squarely within its places.
2019 Nissan Rogue Sport Engine
Some new Sports Utility vehicles have damaged the 9.-second shield in your zero-to-60-miles per hour testing, and the Nissan’s 141-hp 2.-liter inline-4 is not sufficient to create this a scorcher, either. This is a slow vehicle and an absence of torque lower in the rev range limits about-town peppiness. A turbo engine like the Juke’s 1.6-liter would liven stuff up noticeably. In spite of this, we had been pleasantly impressed by this new direct-administered engine’s refinement, which far surpasses that of the grainy slot-administered 2.5-liter several located in the big Rogue. The Rogue Sport’s several-tube revs much more efficiently and silently, generating the occasional substantial-rpm droning of the consistently adjustable auto transmission (CVT) significantly less obtrusive and bothersome. However, the CVT annoyingly slurs its faux transfer factors and is suffering from some silicone-music band outcome. That produced us envious of Canadians, as their model of this vehicle (it keeps the Qashqai branding) will get an average half a dozen-pace manual transmission, which will not be presented in the United States. Disappointingly, the Rogue Sport achieves reduce EPA scores than the big Rogue even with considering about 200 weight much less. Looking at front-drive models, the Rogue Sport slips 1 miles per gallon quick of its bigger brother in the EPA’s put together rating, while all-wheel-drive models attain the same 27 miles per gallon merged status despite critical dimension and powertrain dissimilarities. We question if the Rogue Sport may well defeat its big brother in the correct world, nonetheless, given that the big Rogue underperformed its 32-miles per gallon freeway EPA status by four mpg in your 75-miles per hour highway fuel-economy test.
2019 Nissan Rogue Sport Price And Release Date
Purchasers get a lot for the Rogue Sport’s $22,380 base price. Standard gear for the base S model involves Bluetooth, luxury cruise handle, a backup camera, rear Heating and air conditioning vents, and a Universal serial bus harbor. Improve to the $23,980 SV, and you get 17-inches tires, automated front lights, nearness entry, and a power driver’s seating. The top rated-spec SL full of all the productive-security features and the optional $1350 all-wheel-drive program can best $30,000, but, because a great Rogue can go beyond $35,000 with the options, the price looks sensible.
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tagiscool · 24 days
My older sister is salty im financially responsible and it's like girl,,,, you dropped 300 on a festival last month and have 7 full tattoos. I buy 99% of my possessions from thrift stores or the dollar tree. No shit
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tagiscool · 2 months
I should be able to time travel and punch my ex in the face as hard as I can. I think that's just my rights as a teenage girl
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tagiscool · 1 month
At work i have a headache and Kenny's here this might be the day I kill a man
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tagiscool · 2 months
I want so badly to pour my entire heart into caring about every bad thing in the world but I work today and my room is a mess and I'm exhausted and I need to do my laundry and I need to make phone calls and I need to make my bed and I need to take out the trash and I need to drink water
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