bri-wolfer · 8 months
Has the HOA complained about that gator moat at all? Probably against a regulation somewhere.
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what kind of gringo cult is that
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kieuecaprie · 1 year
what's her college major/biggest hobby?
I am VERY tempted to just say "video gaming" and leave it at that because she's living a rather isolated life but I don't think that'd be quite satisfying.
That said, I don't know much about college majors because, well, while I have been through higher education myself, it was mostly on autopilot so I barely had much information retained about the whole ordeal.
But if I were to be in her shoes (or... lack thereof, she can't wear shoes, at least, not shoes made for humans and the like) and I had to have picked one?
I would imagine she would be an art major with a minor in computer science (the world she lives in is a modern fantasy, so anything dealing with technology is a boon... just like in real life ha ha :') ), although she hasn't pursued anything beyond that, the ordeal burned her out severely.
And I know it's an either/or question but I think I'll answer the other half too:
Her biggest hobby is not video games, although it comes very close, she loves that hobby to bits and thrills in hearing the stories of other people, albeit fictional, it's a way to live vicariously through those who have adventures due to her era not really lending itself to a life of adventure.
(After many world-changing events and many, many mysteries being solved, adventuring became less lucrative and exciting overtime, with people deciding to take up other works or go take up studies. The last adventurers that had made their mark would've been her parents and a small group of friends they had made.)
No, her biggest hobby would have to be playing music, something that was inspired by her father, who was a bard. Like father, like daughter and all that. She isn't very good at it, she struggles a lot and tends to almost quit at the first sign of adversity but she is trying her best.
But video games are definitely a close second, followed by collecting plushies, which I have tried to depict in a couple of images I drew a while back but I don't think I could come close just yet. Maybe when I sit down and have the motivation to do it.
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bunnykitty13 · 5 months
Oh hey, Happy Birthday!
thank u very much :D !!! I’m having a super great time
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xenidraws · 11 months
ART FIGHT #1 - Shark Paint!
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Attack on @obscenelytinyshark​'s Zenz!
For my first post, I wanted to draw for my friend who not only encouraged me to join AF, but also works tirelessly to draw for his friends, AND host our weekly Art Nights. Thanks for all of the inspiration, Shark! 💕🦈
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tass3l · 1 year
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my half of a trade with @obscenelytinyshark 🐰
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itzybitzyritzzy · 9 months
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quick sketch I did last night of @obscenelytinyshark's Heck Sisters, ive been meaning to draw her!
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itzybitzyritzzy · 11 months
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Artfight revenge for @obscenelytinyshark of their new girl Betsy, she's a lil too lovestruck to see the upcoming accident waiting to happen
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