#observer in vore
teal-fiend · 4 months
pred acting clueless around observers
they eat up prey, then lounge around on a sofa, stretching out so that the base of their round belly peeks out from under their shirt.
when the observer arrives, the pred ignores them mostly, maybe saying 'hey' but nothing much else.
they notice the observer noticing them, though. the observer, trying to hide their surprise and interest. probably wondering how long the pred has been lying there, digesting, or who it was being digested
the pred rolls over, and their stomach burbles and groans, as the inner contents settled back in.
the observer can't pretend to ignore it any longer, and says, unsuspiciously, "what do you have there?"
"What?" the pred says, aloof.
the observer sneaks over, but brave enough to get closer, something most people wouldn't do.
"it looks like you've had a good meal recently"
the observer poked the stomach, and the pred complained on it's behalf.
the belly was very warm, over-worked by digestion, the observer could tell even with just tapping it with a couple of fingers.
"Yes, I've eaten not long ago. It's taxing, my stomach gets ahead of itself, demanding for prey that is too large or," their gut rumbled thickly, causing the pred to pause, "...rich, and, it takes so long to digest. It's exhausting, it makes me feeble."
The observer listens to the pred complain, sympathetic although they couldn't relate. If anything, they were more likely to be in the prey's position. Under the pred's stretched skin, making the pred groan and bemoan about how tiring it is to digest them.
But despite all that, the observer still wanted the pred to be comfortable, and to have an easy digestion.
They looked down at the fatigued pred and their plush, contented belly.
"It looks like you could use a belly rub - to help with your digestion."
"I suppose so..."
This might have been the pred's plan all along. Maybe getting the prey itself was less important than getting a massage from the observer, who was so intent to get their hands on a prey-filled stomach
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urfavoritewriter · 7 months
Ghostface Meal, Part II
A gift for a very good friend of mine. <3
Content: M/Multiple Prey, Oral Vore, Digestion, Unwilling Prey, Muscular Pred, Ghostface, Male Observer, Belching
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As Chris ventured back into the lively atmosphere of the party, his shirtless form with the bulging, full-of-Alex belly stood out amidst the sea of costumes and flashing lights. The Ghostface mask perched atop his head added an eerie allure to his imposing physique. He moved through the crowd with a predatory grace, his eyes scanning the room for his next target.
Nearby, a young man dressed as a cowboy caught Chris's attention. The cowboy's outfit consisted of a worn leather vest adorned with fringes, tight jeans, and a classic Stetson hat perched jauntily atop his head. His rugged appearance contrasted with the flamboyant costumes around him, drawing Chris's gaze like a moth to a flame.
With a confident stride, Chris closed the distance between them, his muscles rippling beneath the dim lighting of the party. The cowboy glanced up at him with a mix of curiosity and apprehension, clearly taken aback by Chris's squirming belly.
Without a word, Chris reached out and grasped the cowboy's shoulder, his touch firm yet strangely inviting. The cowboy's eyes widened in surprise as Chris's strong grip guided him closer, their faces mere inches apart.
With a sudden, fluid motion, Chris's other hand shot out and wrapped around the cowboy's waist, pulling him even closer until their bodies were pressed tightly together. The cowboy's heart raced with a mix of fear and excitement as he found himself ensnared by Chris's powerful embrace.
“Hope you don’t mind joining the private after-party,” Chris said, “’Cause you’ve got a one-way ticket there.”
With a primal growl, Chris lunged forward and engulfed the cowboy's head in his gaping maw, his powerful jaws snapping shut with a resounding crunch, bitten as he’s being swallowed whole but not enough to end him right away.
As the cowboy's struggling form disappeared into the darkness of Chris's gullet, a deep, satisfied belch reverberated through the room, signaling the completion of yet another successful feast.
As the partygoers began to notice the peculiar sight of Chris, shirtless and bulging with an unmistakable gluttony, a wave of confusion rippled through the crowd. Some exchanged bewildered glances, while others gasped in shock at the spectacle unfolding before them.
With a self-satisfied smirk, Chris patted his distended belly, relishing in the weight of his recent indulgences. His appetite had been ignited, and he had no intention of stopping now, especially since Robin was waiting for him up there where he promised he’d be back.
With a predatory gleam in his eye, Chris began to move through the crowd once more, his strides purposeful and determined. He approached his next unsuspecting victim, a young woman dressed as a glamorous flapper from the roaring twenties. Her sequined dress shimmered in the dim light of the party, her laughter ringing out like music to Chris's ears, oblivious & thinking people were having rowdy fun.
With a deceptively charming smile, Chris sidled up to the flapper, his muscles bulging beneath the dim light of the party. Before she could react, Chris's strong arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her close to his towering frame. His grip was firm yet strangely comforting, drawing her into his embrace with a mix of fear and fascination.
With a playful wink, Chris leaned in close, his lips brushing against her ear as he whispered teasingly, "Looks like you're the next lucky contestant in my little game."
The flapper's eyes widened in disbelief as Chris's other hand shot out and clasped the back of her head, tilting it back at a precarious angle. In one swift motion, he opened his mouth wide, revealing row after row of gleaming teeth.
With a mixture of horror and fascination, the flapper watched as Chris's jaws descended upon her, swallowing her head whole in a single, merciless gulp.
Undeterred by the chaos unfolding around him, Chris continued to waddle through the crowd, his eyes scanning for his next victim. Man or woman, it mattered little to him.
As the chaos of the party escalated into mass panic, Chris found himself swept up in a whirlwind of movement and noise. People were running in every direction, their screams echoing off the walls of the house as they fled from the terrifying spectacle unfolding before them.
But amidst the chaos, Chris remained strangely calm, his focus unwavering as he continued his relentless pursuit of sustenance. With each swift movement, he snatched up another unsuspecting partygoer, his powerful arms enveloping them in a vice-like grip before they even had a chance to react.
As he swallowed down his latest victim, a surge of exhilaration coursed through Chris's veins, driving him onward in his quest for more. He moved with an almost supernatural agility, darting through the crowd with ease as he zeroed in on his next target.
But amidst the chaos and confusion, there was one person who remained firmly planted in Chris's mind: Robin, the shy and unassuming boy whom he had left behind in the room upstairs. With each passing moment, Chris's thoughts turned to the young man, his heart swelling with a strange mixture of protectiveness and desire.
As he swallowed down yet another hapless partygoer, Chris's mind drifted back to the image of Robin, sitting alone in the room, tears glistening in his eyes. The memory fueled his determination, driving him to continue his rampage through the party with renewed fervor.
With each swallow, Chris felt a strange sense of satisfaction wash over him, his belly swelling with the weight of his latest conquests. As he swallowed down another partygoer, Chris couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation at the thought of having the boy rub & worship his growing belly, putting all his weight to work.
As Chris sat on the floor, his muscular frame dominating the room, his shirtless torso gleaming under the party lights, he couldn't help but chuckle to himself. His belly, now swollen to a massive size, bulged out between his powerful thighs, a testament to the feast he had indulged in moments ago. He absentmindedly rubbed the distended mound, feeling the weight of his conquests squirming within.
With a mischievous grin, Chris whistled for Robin, the shy and slender man he had left in the room earlier. As Robin descended the stairs, his eyes widened in shock and amazement at the sight before him. The room was filled with the aroma of food and the sound of muffled protests emanating from Chris's belly.
“U–Uh… Chris–”
"Well, don't just stand there cutie, this is all for you to enjoy~," Chris said casually, gesturing towards his swollen midsection with a nonchalant flick of his hand. Robin approached tentatively, his gaze fixed on the round mass before him. With a mixture of curiosity and excitement, he gingerly reached out to touch Chris's belly.
As his slender fingers made contact with the warm, taut skin, Robin felt a rush of exhilaration. “You’re so big ,” He began to explore every inch of the dome-like mound, his hands tracing the contours and feeling the occasional punch or kick from the prey trapped within. “I can feel them moving inside you!” Despite the chaotic scene unfolding around him, Robin couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and admiration for the powerful figure before him.
“Probably just letting you know they love being in there,” He said, as Robin continued to worship Chris's giant belly, his slender fingers exploring every curve and crevice, Chris casually reached up and pulled his Scream mask back down over his face, the eerie grin now concealing his features once more. The mask perched perfectly on his head as he leaned back against the wall, enjoying the sensation of Robin's touch against his distended abdomen.
With each gentle caress, Chris could feel the vibrations of the prey inside, their muffled protests only serving to fuel his amusement. He couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of Robin, so small and delicate compared to the massive mound of flesh before him.
“You’re so warm, so big, and so squishy!” Suddenly, Robin leaned forward, his entire weight pressing down onto Chris's stomach with surprising force. The sudden pressure caused Chris to let out a deep, rumbling belch that echoed through the room, the sound reverberating like a beast's roar in the quiet of the night.
Chris laughed heartily at the sound, reveling in the sheer power of his own body. Bringing Robin in closer, Chris lifted his mask up slightly, revealing his lips beneath the eerie grin. He looked into Robin's eyes with a mixture of amusement and desire, his voice low and husky as he spoke.
"Well, aren't you a bold one," Chris said, his tone teasing yet tinged with a hint of admiration. "Feeling better already?“
“Very.” He said, his expression a stark contrast to when he was crying back in the bedroom; He had a smile on his face, enjoying himself as Chris’s huffed breath washed over his face.
As Robin leaned in closer, unsure of what to expect, Chris met him halfway, his lips crashing against Robin's in a fiery kiss. The intensity of the moment took both of them by surprise, their mouths moving together in a passionate dance fueled by desire and hunger.
"Mmm, that's it," Chris murmured against Robin's lips, his voice husky with desire. "You feel so good."
Chris's hands roamed eagerly over Robin's slender frame, exploring every curve and contour with an almost primal hunger. He could feel the heat radiating off Robin's body, the softness of his skin driving Chris wild with longing.
Meanwhile, Robin's fingers found their way to Chris's chiseled pecs, kneading them with a mixture of awe and reverence. Each touch sent shivers down Chris's spine, his body responding instinctively to Robin's every caress.
"You're so fucking hot," Robin whispered, his voice laced with admiration as his fingers trailed down Chris's chest.
Chris chuckled, the sound vibrating against Robin's lips. "You're not so bad yourself," he replied, his tone playful yet tinged with a hint of lust.
As their kiss deepened, the air around them crackled with electricity, the intensity of their passion igniting like wildfire. Moans and gasps escaped their lips, mingling together in pleasure as they lost themselves in each other's embrace.
For a moment, time seemed to stand still as they surrendered to the heat of the moment, their bodies pressed together in a frenzy of desire. It was a moment of pure, unadulterated bliss, as Chris’s belly groaned loudly, churning around its occupants.
Chris broke the kiss, but instead of pulling away, he wrapped his strong arm around Robin, pulling him close in a tight embrace. Their bodies pressed together, the warmth of their closeness enveloping them both as they shared a moment of intimacy.
As they held each other, Chris let out a contented sigh, his eyes closing in bliss. "Let's sleep here while I digest," he murmured, his voice low and soothing. "And then, how about we go on an official date? That's if you're fine with me carrying a belly tomorrow from what I got in front of me." He slapped his belly, prompting a muffled yelp of pain.
Robin's blush deepened, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I'd love that," he replied, his voice soft and earnest as he nuzzled against Chris's chest. "And I don't mind at all. Besides, it's just proof of how lucky I am to have such a strong, handsome man like you."
Chris chuckled, the sound reverberating through his chest. He leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to Robin's forehead. "You're too sweet," he murmured, his voice filled with affection. "Now, let's get some rest. We've got a big day ahead of us."
Together, they drifted off to sleep, wrapped in each other's arms, the promise of a new beginning lingering in the air. For Chris and Robin, the night was just the beginning of their journey together, filled with love, passion, and the occasional indulgence in their shared desires.
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cannibalvore · 4 months
A pred and their observer partner are enjoying some quality time together after the preds latest meal. Suddenly, their stomach lurches slightly, and they regurgitate a few bones – all perfectly clean except for the slobber, of course.
Instead of being disgusted by this, however, their partner gives them a mischievous smirk as they examine the macabre remains for longer than they probably should, patting the pred's stomach fondly –
"Looks like you're digesting well, darling"
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naughtyservant · 9 months
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Another YCH slot!
This time, Daniel is getting his usual protein snack after a good game. Liam didn't have a good performance, so better give him a better use as muscle fuel >:3
Personally, my fav slot! OwO
Uncensor version on my A/ryion and T/witter as always
Don't forget like, reblog and follow me for more pics with Daniel ¬3¬)~
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nomstellations · 3 months
I don't really get the both of you. The whole...eating and being eaten thing.
I'm glad you guys don't involve me with it, and you trust me enough to do it around me, but...it's weird. Isn't the point of having basic survival instincts is to make sure you DON'T get eaten? But you let them pick you up every time with their mouth open wide...and you let them swallow you whole, noisily and slowly. It's just not something I could ever get behind, seeing you squirm around in their full belly...
But whenever you guys do it, you look...happy. Well, sound happy. I can't exactly see through their stomach...but they seem happy too, just getting to hold you for a while. Seeing that, I almost feel...jealous. ALMOST. Being eaten is weird after all, and there's no way I could ever do anything like that, and you two are so involved with each other that you'd never think of including me, so...
There's no point in lingering on it. But every time you get eaten, I can't help but watch...
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lesbianoms · 6 months
(CW: Cruel pred and neglect for prey's humanity, but digestion is still painless. Old draft I finally decided to share with y'all)
Pred/observer wlw couple with petplay dynamics~~ 🥵
The observer is a generous mistress. She keeps her pred pampered and submissive, leashed and collared. And she always sees to it there’s a steady diet of men to fatten her up.
Make no mistake, the observer loves the pred and isn’t just using the live feedings for her pleasure. She absolutely adores her pet and treats her like a princess, giving her belly rubs and kisses and spoiling her rotten.
The pred is madly in love too, and living the dream. Her hazy, hungry mind only knows bliss. Maybe she’s on the smaller side— or at least, she was on the smaller side. Now after churning up so many struggling meals, the weight of her lifestyle is evident, constantly bulging off her middle <3
Maybe she’s aware of what actually happens to the prey she eats, or maybe she’s not. Either way, her partner does all the hard work for them both, all the scheming and planning to lure unsuspecting male meals towards their gurgly fate.
A typical feeding night might go like this:
The observer flirts with a guy at a bar, acting like she’s interested in him. He may respond. As they engage with each other, she usually makes her decisions based on the vibes she gets from him. The chauvinists always taste better.
She takes him home, promising him the threesome he’s always wanted. He happily obliges and has most of his clothes off by the time they reach the bedroom. The pred— who, depending on the night, was either in the middle of a nap or nursing a hungry, empty tummy— sees the observer enter and her eyes light up excitedly.
And what’s this? Her mistress has returned with a delicious looking treat~
“Here pet, I brought you supper,” the observer tells her with a sweet yet mischievous grin.
The man is confused. He’s about to ask what she means… but before he knows it he’s already been pushed to the ground, the wind knocked out of him, and a drooling girl on top of him.
Compared to her prey, the pred doesn’t look threatening— not even taller than him, not strong physically— but the minute her instincts take over, it’s the end for him…
The observer watches in delight as her pred-pet devours the screaming man whole, watches as he slips down her throat and fills out her gut, rounding out her empty stomach. She’s all ready with the praises as her pred manages the final swallow. His cries for help get lost inside of her, and now he’s sealed away inside of her greedy belly… walls squeezing in, acids bubbling…
“Good girl~!” The observer cooes, pleased that her pred managed to get yet another victim to go down so easily. “Good puppy!!”
The pred tried to sit back up but she’s completely overwhelmed by the sensations of her living meal inside her. She wriggles on the carpet, whimpering in pure pleasure, weighed down by her hefty gut. Feeling every frantic movement of her prey as he struggles inside of her, desperate to escape. All that he manages to do is muster up a burp from the mouth of his pred as she pants and drools like a satisfied dog.
Her mistress’s words snap her back to attention. “Come here, sweetie, I’ll help your food settle down~”
Loyally, obediently, the pred pads over on all fours with enthusiastic steps, her belly hanging low to the ground. She rolls over onto the bed and purrs as the observer begins to stroke her huge stomach…
“He’s a feisty one,” the observer hums, admiring the futile squirming of the prey. “But don’t worry, honey, he's no match for your hungry tummy~”
The pred stares up at her owner with hearts in her eyes, as the observer traces small shapes over her belly. At this point, both women are aware of how active it is, gurgling and growling and setting to work on the man inside. His protests are muffled by the thick, churning walls. Not that either of them would listen anyways.
“You have a noisy belly, pet,” the observer murmurs, giving the overstuffed organ a firm pat. It groans in response as it twitches under her touch.
“T-thank you... mistress...!” the pred gasps between moans, blushing.
The observer lowers herself onto the pred and starts kissing the swell of her stomach.
“I love it when you get all plump like this,” she continues. “You’re so pretty when you’re stuffed with men…”
“Huff... I can feel him-” the pred whines. Before she can form a coherent thought, a meaty belch makes its way up from the burbling, slimy chamber below.
She feels her dinner thrash around in response, and she squeals and squirts all over the bedsheets, mumbling incoherently as she’s overstimulated by the sudden surge of movement in her belly.
“Oh, my good girl. You really like feeling him in there, don’t you, princess?” Her mistress teases. “Yes... you love destroying those pigs with your belly…”
The pred can only make animalistic sounds of pleasure, mewling as her owner holds her close and fondles her belly.
The observer can’t keep her hands away, caressing every rounded inch, every bit of its softening surface. She’s kissing her pet’s pretty lips, fingers buried in her hair. The two of them are extremely aroused, growing wet, rubbing their bodies together…
And after they come together, they lay back in their orgasmic bliss, holding each other like they’re all that remains in the world.
“My sweet, gluttonous puppy,” the observer trills, staring into her pet’s big, beautiful eyes. “My little man-eater.”
The rest of the night is soft. The observer coos to the pred how much she loves her, what a precious thing she is… all while her food kicks and struggles weakly, his quiet pleas for mercy competing to be heard over the erotic sounds of digestion.
After her prey stops moving, the look in the pred’s eyes glazes over and she clings to the observer, nuzzling against her like a large cat. They make love to each other while what’s left of the man sloshes around in the pred’s belly, eventually slipping deeper into her guts, pumping through her intestines…
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What if a pred just straight up didn’t understand people’s objections to being eaten like: “Hmm? Oh! Don’t worry about them dear. Those are mostly screams of horror. I do my best to ensure digestion isn’t actually painful. They’re just being melodramatic. Honestly. I don’t know why you humans always get like this.”
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vorekody · 1 month
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I should post about my body snatcher more on this blog (←as if I have posted about them at all so far lol)
They trick ppl into getting eaten
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teal-fiend · 3 months
pred who is casual about consuming prey, but they have an overzealous observer who's like:
"ooh did you just have a big meal? are you nice and satisfied now? you've got a big-old prey in your belly? All full and sleepy... you gonna digest all of that for me? I can just imagine how your body's going to break down all that meat, and muscle, and bone, and absorb it all through your intestines... you're just going to break them down into nothing. You've got a lot of work ahead of you, don't you? Your stomach is going to need to make a whole lot of acid to dissolve an entire person. You might need a belly rub to help your stomach get comfortable and relax, and it would also help with all the squirming going on in there. That can't be comfortable, can it, darling? Aw, you're so cute when you're full. So docile. You need help getting your dinner to settle in. I know how to subdue an especially energetic prey like this one. You're going to need all the help you can get - swallowing down that meal seemed to take a lot out of you. But at least your tummy is sated now. You won't be hungry for a long while."
and the pred is like "im tired boss"
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urfavoritewriter · 7 months
Ghostface Meal, Part I
Content: Male Vore, Oral Vore, Male Prey, M/M, Digestion, Belching, Belly Worship, Male Observer, Male Worship
A commission for someone here on Tumblr, thank you for commissioning me!
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Chris moved confidently through the Halloween party, the dim lights casting eerie shadows across the room as the muffled beats of music filled the air. The atmosphere was electric with excitement, and the room was filled with an eclectic mix of costumes. There were vampires, witches, zombies, and even a few superheroes scattered among the crowd.
As he navigated through the sea of people, Chris's eyes scanned the room, taking in the various costumes with interest. He was clad in a sexy Ghostface outfit, the iconic mask perched atop his head, while his sculpted physique was proudly on display, shirtless and adorned with fake blood splatters. His muscles rippled beneath the dim lights, drawing admiring glances from party-goers around him.
Amidst the throng of costumes, one particular outfit caught Chris's attention. A man dressed in a casual cream-colored outfit with sprinkles scattered across it stood out from the crowd. The man's attire resembled a giant ice cream cone, complete with a cherry on top. Chris's lips curled into a mischievous grin as he approached the man, his gaze lingering on the tempting sight before him– He was hungry, and he saw a guy who made him even hungrier.
Without hesitation, Chris made his way over to the man, his steps purposeful as he closed the distance between them. The man turned to face him, a curious expression crossing his features as he took in Chris's imposing figure. Chris towered over him, his muscular frame casting a shadow over the smaller man as he loomed above him.
"Hey there," Chris greeted him with a charming smile, his voice low and smooth as he leaned in closer. "Couldn’t help but find you delicious in that costume." He teased, intending it as a joke.
The man's eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected attention, but a shy smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he nodded in response. "Not the first guy here who wanted to eat me," he replied, his voice tinged with curiosity.
Chris grinned, his eyes sparkling with amusement as he extended a hand towards the man. "I'm Chris," he introduced himself, his tone friendly and inviting. "What's your name?"
The man hesitated for a moment before offering a hesitant smile. "I'm Alex," he replied softly, his voice barely audible over the music.
"Nice to meet you, Alex," Chris said warmly, his smile widening as he gestured towards the nearby bedroom. "Shall we?"
Alex cheeks flushed with color at the suggestion, but he nodded eagerly, his eyes shining with anticipation as he followed Chris towards the secluded room.
Chris and Alex slipped into the dimly lit bedroom, the muffled sounds of the party fading into the background as the door closed behind them. Chris's eyes gleamed with hunger as he gazed at Alex, his muscles tensing with anticipation.
"Ready for a little fun?" Chris teased, his voice laced with excitement as he stepped closer to Alex.
Alex nodded nervously, his heart pounding in his chest as he met Chris's gaze. "Yeah, let's do it," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper.
With a swift motion, Chris lunged forward, his powerful arms wrapping around Alex as he pulled him close. Alex let out a muffled cry of surprise as he was engulfed by Chris's massive form, his body disappearing into the depths of Chris's voracious maw.
The room fell silent as Chris swallowed Alex whole, his throat rippling with each gulp as he devoured his prey. Within moments, Chris emerged from the bedroom, his belly distended and bulging with his latest meal. Drool dripped from the bottom of his mask as he passed by a row of photos on the wall, his memory jogged by the sight of the party's host.
"Huh, guess that was the host," Chris muttered to himself, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips as he continued on his way.
Chris swaggered through the crowded party, his shirtless torso adorned only with the iconic Ghostface mask. His muscles rippled beneath the dim lights as he made his way upstairs, the weight of his recent meal sloshing around in his distended belly.
"Fucking stuffed," Chris muttered to himself, shaking his belly slightly to keep his prey squirming inside. He shot a sly grin back at Alex, who was undoubtedly feeling the effects of his journey through Chris's digestive tract.
As Chris reached the top of the stairs, he ducked into a random room and flopped down onto the bed, his belly protruding heavily as he settled in. He leaned back against the headboard, his eyes flicking over to the door as it creaked open a few minutes later.
A petite man entered the room, his eyes red and puffy from tears as he wiped them with the back of his hand. Chris's gaze softened as he watched the stranger, sensing his distress; The man was wearing a velvet, devil costume that accentuated his petite figure in an attractive manner.
"You okay, man?" Chris asked, his voice surprisingly gentle as he gestured for the man to come closer. The petite man leaned against the edge of the bed, his shoulders slumped with exhaustion as he let out a shaky breath.
"Yeah, I'm... I'm fine," the man replied, his voice trembling slightly as he glanced up at Chris.
Chris extended a hand towards the petite man. "I'm Chris," he introduced himself with a charming grin.
The man hesitated for a moment before tentatively reaching out to shake Chris's hand. "I-I'm Robin," he stammered, his cheeks flushing as he met Chris's gaze.
Chris chuckled warmly, gesturing for Robin to come closer. "Nice to meet you, Robin," he said, his voice smooth and reassuring. "Why don't you come over here and give my belly a rub?"
Robin's blush deepened at the suggestion, but he complied, stepping closer to the bed and tentatively placing his hand on Chris's distended stomach. Chris let out a proud smack, causing his belly to jiggle slightly as he unleashed a monstrous belch.
Robin couldn't help but giggle at the display, finding himself drawn to Chris's confident demeanor and undeniable charm; He thought Chris was fucking hot.
Chris lounged back on the bed, watching with amusement as Robin curiously rubbed his distended belly. "You know," Chris began, flashing Robin a mischievous grin, "I always joked about wanting to eat the entire party, but now I really wanna fucking do it."
Robin chuckled nervously at the comment, his cheeks flushing pink. "Well, why don’t you go and surprise everyone then?" he replied, his voice tinged with a mixture of awe and disbelief.
Chris let out a hearty laugh, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Hey, it's not every day you get to fulfill a fantasy, right?" he quipped, winking at Robin as he playfully patted his belly. "And hey, I wouldn't mind letting you rub an even bigger belly next time."
Robin's blush deepened at the suggestion, but he couldn't help but smile at Chris's playful demeanor. "You're crazy," he said with a soft laugh, shaking his head in disbelief.
As the conversation continued, Robin couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and warmth in Chris's presence. After a moment of comfortable silence, Robin shyly looked up at Chris, his eyes filled with curiosity. "Um, Chris?" he began tentatively, his voice barely above a whisper.
Chris turned to face Robin, his expression curious. "What is it, Robin?" he asked, a hint of amusement in his voice.
Robin hesitated for a moment before mustering up the courage to speak. "Um, do you think you could...uh, belch again?" he asked, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
Chris chuckled softly at the request, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Sure thing, Robin," he replied, his voice warm and reassuring. With a playful twinkle in his eye, he bounced his pecs, thumped his chest, and let out a monstrous belch that echoed through the room.
Robin couldn't help but giggle at the impressive display, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. "Thanks, Chris," he said sincerely, his eyes sparkling with gratitude.
Chris flashed Robin a charming grin, giving him a thumbs up as he got up from the bed and began to strut out of the room. "No problem, Robin," he replied casually. "Just doing my part to make you feel better."
Turning around at the doorway, Chris glanced back at Robin with a playful smirk. "Stay put, okay?" he said with a wink. "I'll be back for you, with an even bigger belly for you to be a good boy to." And with that, he disappeared out of sight, leaving Robin alone in the room once again.
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naughtyservant · 6 months
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CW: Bones / Skull
Well, a different commission from usual but certainly I had so much fun working on this load steal theme!
A very big thanks to the customer that allowed me to draw his boy Louie messing with Daniel hehehehe
Uncesor version on my A/ryion and T/witter as always ;3
Don't forget like, reblog and follow me to see more cute femboys messing with Daniel 7v7)r
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nomstellations · 6 months
how about m1m1kyu? They’re cute and the z move is already right there
Getting a job at a year-round scare mansion was the best idea you ever had. The pay could be a lot better, but that's not why you and your buddy wanted the job. Truth be told, you both had a real passion for scaring people.
Your boss was pretty lax, not taking things as seriously with you two as they would with the other scarers. Just give them what they paid for and have fun, right? That gave you both some pretty novel ideas on what to do, and you both soon settled into a routine that worked best for you. The room you two were active in was an old and dusty girl's room, full of creepy dolls and worn out stuffed animals. You and your buddy were two particularly...large and lifelike dolls. Of course, you were just dolls...you wouldn't come to life and jump at anyone, right?
Yuuki really sold the part of a big old plush well. They laid limp and slumped against the wall, their worn stitched together clothes fit the theme perfectly. They kept their body covered and their face was hidden beneath their costume, so all people saw were the limp bunny ears and the creepy-but-cute stitched smile and button eyes. You both watched a small group of people make their way through, sizing them up for the perfect opportunity. One of them wasn't exactly a good sport- loudly complaining and chastising his groupmates for being wimps. You cast a glance to Yuuki when their backs were turned; knowing they'd understand what it meant.
When they tried to leave, the door wouldn't budge. That was your cue to jump into action! Slowly, you and Yuuki started to move. The bells on their costume jingled quietly, catching the group's attention. That big creepy bunny doll was moving, its empty button eyes seemingly staring them down from where it stood on the opposite wall. Then, it started to walk closer. Slow and meticulous, but with an unnatural gait that didn't seem quite human. And another doll was standing up- you were sitting up from where you rested on the dusty bed. "R-R-RUN!"
The group panicked, shaking at the door handle with everything they had while Yuuki only drew closer. You stayed where you were to watch it play out. "You guys are a bunch of pussies," sneered their colleague, "It's just a person in a shitty costume." Regardless of that, Yuuki continued to shamble forward. The door only opened at the very last second and let them all free, but when their cohort rolled his eyes and moved to leave too...it slammed on him. When he turned around, Yuuki was looming over him.
"Oooh, you got me. What're you gonna do now? These scare houses are so stupid, I swear...I should've never agreed-" Rip. One of the seams on the costume's mouth ripped. Then another, and another, until they all opened in an open, jagged smile. The man scoffed, unimpressed. "How frightening. Can I go now?" Yuuki grasped at him, both hands holding onto him firmly. Then from the inky black darkness of the inside of the costume's mouth, a clawed hand stretched forth and gripped him by the collar. "H-hey, wait, what's th-"
His head is yanked into their mouth, with his body already being yanked deeper. Their arms held him in place, leaving him to kick futilely at them while the fabric muffled his yells and protests. They lightly chomped at his body, swallowing him down with a practiced ease as you glimpsed shadowy hands reaching out from their mouth to help his descent. You had to give it to them- Yuuki was a pretty good hunter. Soon nothing was left of the spoilsport, now reduced to a struggling bulge pressing and kicking out against the fabric of their body. The stitches on their face fixed themselves as if they had never been torn open, but you could tell their smile was somehow more pleased. You flopped back down on the bed, watching them waddle over to their plush pile to hide and enjoy their meal.
The fear of people who think they're above this place is the most delicious. Hopefully you get one like that now that it's your turn to "scare" someone... This job was perfect for you both. You got paid to eat people!
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lesbianoms · 7 months
Okay, now as you all know I am absolute prey trash and I desperately crave to be eaten by woman
Buuut lately the idea of having something in my belly has been… kind of appealing to me? Like, I wouldn’t mind if an older woman fed me a living slime prey or something like that.
Just think… after I gulp it down and sigh in relief, she cuddles up next to me and draws shapes across my growling tummy with her manicured fingers, tracing over the slime’s squishy form as it fills up my middle~
Hearing her tease me: “See? Now doesn’t that feel good, sweetheart, to have something wiggling around in your stomach?”
She gives my tummy a hearty pat and cooes to me about how I’m clearly enjoying this, as I’m probably in a state of absolute bliss and pleasure…
Oof- feeling her finger trace the slime’s journey further down my gut, feeling her knead my intestines and the slime squish under her hands as it squirms around
The pressure building up from within my core, as she makes comments about how loud my belly is being, how that slime must feel very lucky to be in there, how I’ve always wished that I was the slime and she was me~
“A little perspective is nice,” she says to me as she plants kisses on my lower belly. I can feel the slime gurgling as it settles deeper into me, making my gut it’s new home. “Sometimes you need to appreciate the other side of things…”
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nombitenary · 2 months
Hey vore community~ your favourite pred isn’t sober send me vore scenarios in my ask box for brutal honesty pspspspsppspsps
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(That is a live picture of me right now <3 BLegh hello world)
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dvorrak · 6 months
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teal-fiend · 6 months
"Oh i found you. Have you been here this whole time?"
"Yes," the pred answered. Intent on their work
"Working hard or hardly working"
"I dont know. I think i should quit. Its not what i thought it would be, this project. Its too much."
"No offense. Dont take this too seriously. But you're acting kind of crazy."
The pred frowned.
They continued, " and you look all crazy. Look at how your shoulders are hunched, you're sitting around in the dark. You're all stiff and brittle. I could touch you and you would shatter."
"Dont do that then," the pred suggested
The observer stepped forward, the pred tried to lean away from where they were sitting. The observer lifted a hand and pressed it against the pred's middle. They rubbed up and down until the stomach produced a low, hollow growl.
"Hungry, are we?"
"Its fine, im busy."
"When was the last time you had a proper meal? You know, prey?" The observer petted the pred's flat stomach, which continued to groan at the stimulation
"Its irrelevant" they said, turning their head away
"You can't lie when you're right here in front of me. You want something."
The pred kept their chin up, "maybe"
"Something... wriggling?"
The observer kneaded into the pred's painfully empty belly. It wanted something. Desperately. The pred grimaced.
"I think youll find it much easier to relax once you let yourself gorge on something very alive"
"Maybe later," the pred bargained.
"Later?" The observer asked innocently, "do you really want to stay like this?"
Thanks to the observer's work, the pred was now acutely aware of how empty their stomach felt. The thoughts that caught the most traction in their mind were thoughts of prey. Where to find them. How to catch them. How to eat them.
The observer may have noticed this shift. "Buddy," they nudged the pred, "are you alright?"
"Im fine," the pred replied calmly. And stood up
"You're going to go get something to eat?"
"Do you need any help with that"?
"No" the pred said quickly, "thats fine."
The observer watched the pred for a moment. They hesitated before asking:
"Do you want to eat me?" The observer asked
The pred shrugged, " i want to eat everyone, you know that"
"Okay , this better be full by the time you get back." The observer patted the preds stomach.
The pred caught their hand, and the observer gasped in suprise. The pred guided their hand over their stomach, and then the ribs, letting them feel between the grooves. As if to say, this won't last long, or maybe, it might be you. You could be the one to push out these ribs, to stretch out this stomach, to satisfy the preds hunger. And then be torn apart by their body
The pred let go of their hand, then turned and left. The observer waited for them to come back
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