#obsessed with the idea that he grew up poor and thats why he shows off his wealth
andreilslovechild · 7 months
Blood Red
hey guys I'm back. It's time to post another AU out of the blue there's some Nathan backstory for y'all
Nathan was not born into the Moriyama's debt
he grew up in Baltimore under 2 Polish immigrant parents who were too busy trying to survive in the capitalist arena that is America to feel anything but discontent for their son
His father ran a butcher shop and his mother was a secretary at a failing business
his father's shop was where he first learned to slaughter
where he first got used to the weight of a knife in his hand
the first time he transferred that knowledge to a human he was 19
one of the part-time workers at the shop was slacking off, and frankly pissing him off
so he followed him home after close
cornered him in a dark alley
and before he knew it, he had been killed with a butcher's quick precision
he hid the body in a dumpster and that was that
but he liked it
and so he tried again
with a stranger this time
and then again
and again
and again
and people began to take notice
papers began to write about the murders
and Nathan's moniker was born
but Nathan was inexperienced in clean-up
and so it was only a matter of time before he got caught
but he was lucky
oh so lucky
because the people who found him first were under Kengo's payroll
and he had taken an interest in the young butcher
and so Nathan was given a choice
go to jail and pay for his crimes, or come work for Kengo and get rid of whoever hes told to
it was an easy choice
it starts off small
he only does a couple jobs
but hes good
and so quickly he begins to rise the ranks
he's 22 by the time Kengo appoints him to be his right-hand
and then he starts to really work
on top of doing Kengo's bidding, he starts to learn business
and stock market
where when and how to invest
and his fortune slowly grows
allowing him to buy a large house on the outskirts of Baltimore
and to hire staff who are trustworthy
they know what will happen if they anger him
and then slowly his life comes together
he gets to kill as he wishes
he gathers a loyal crew of people to help clean up and protect him
his public image has never been better
he finds a wife
has a son
and everything is perfect
until it isn't
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pontifexscourt12 · 7 months
So i just watched Scott Pilgrim Takes Off!
and what better time to make my first big boy tumblr post then now. Cause i got big boy feelings over it and the general reception to scott pilgrim ive seen online.
Scott isnt that bad of a guy, the internet seems to think he is truly horrible and the new show seems to only cement that as a poor look on his character
I think everyone in the comic hurts people and act like an asshole to others needlessly, Scott being no different.
but what i think is different is that scott is a fucking oblivious idiot, and truly thats said with love, but he is the most obtuse man written.
All the horrible stuff he is accused of comes from people looking at his treatment of Ramona and Knives, and ill get to the ramona stuff in a second but lets get into knives.
So them "dating" is gross and weird, even if its really just knives obsessing with him and scott enjoying the attention. still not great man but scott obsesses over ramona instantly and thats not great either.
With the knives stuff it seems like people think that he never breaks it off, which he does, knives just reacts poorly since to her, its him being stolen rather then him being a dick.
Now i love ramona, truly the comic and movie version are great but they pale in comparison to her in the show since she becomes the protagonist.
And its awesome and fulfilling to watch he be the obsessive one to scott, a guy she new for one date and made out with a bit, then suddenly devotes all of her time looking for him
truly scotts game must be mythical in nature to do that to a woman like her, but on a bigger point the show also focuses more on her toxic traits and explicitly points out scotts more positive traits, her tendency to run from love and his unwillingness to give up on it.
I completely get why old scott went insane, going through all the comic stuff we see him go through just to have her run from him too, thats crushing. Maybe not crushing to the " invent time travel and then became a akuma-esque villain" extent ,but crushing nonetheless. When ramona ask if maybe he was right i was feeling really down , i thought they werent gonna end up together and it might end sweet but not the way i had hoped. but then
the savior
even older ramona
The best scene of any show ive seen recently, Both ramonas realizing that
1.They love both scotts, even if ones naive idiot and the other is batshit fucking insane(love works mysteriously )
2. You gotta stop running from what you love
lordy lou hallelujah my heart grew 3 sizes that moment, im a sucker for true love
they both confront the inherent shittiness of each other and come out the other side, with better world and relationship.
God what good show
Tumblr media
fucking sparks baby
Im sorry for anyone who had the horrible idea to read this long incoherent post about my love for these two assholes and this phenomenal franchise and show.
but its done now get outta here
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mirinda03 · 3 years
@leaflinerambles asked me for an essay so i complied
Here’s why c!tommy deserves better
Tommy Danger Kraken Careful Innit deserves better.
(All of this is about the characters btw. Sometimes i don't put c! Because honestly its a lot of putting that so just know that unless it says cc! I mean character)
Now, I know that can be a bit of a controversial take for.. some reason??? People may say that actually, he deserves to face the consequences of his actions and deserves to be punished.
. What the fuck.
That's a sixteen year old. That a teenager. He doesn't deserve to be 1. Abused 2. Traumatized 3. Manipulated 4. Used and 5. Taught a ‘lesson’ that i'm sure he’s been taught far fat too many times.
Tommy is a complex character. As we all know, he's regarded as the ‘protagonist’ of the dream smp or the ‘main character’. Now, of course, being the main character is a very subjective term and that is a whole other fucking essay that im not gonna get into right now—
I do think in a way Tommy has been involved in a lot of the more.. main plots. From season one to season three.
And of course, with being the ‘main character’ (again, a purely subjective term because it depends on the point of view you watch) come a lot of things and a lot of trouble. Mainly, from our main ‘villain’ of the series.
C!Dream, the fucking bitch.
As we all know, c!Dream has had a weird obsession with c!Tommy since.. probably the beginning?
He liked to antagonize Tommy, but that wasn't exactly special. The man liked to antagonize everyone! He seemed to just want the most chaotic option, which of course ended with him antagonizing others often for his own entertainment.
I think, in a way, Dream always saw the smp as a game. His own little puppet show, where he could move the strings. He wanted complete control
But Tommy was more stubborn than the others. Tommy actively went against Dream from the start, like we see in the disc war. Or L’manberg, or during manberg, or new lmanb—
You get the idea.
Tommy never gave in, and Dream’s obsession grew.
So.. exile happened.
And like, i'm not sure what exactly dream was planning but i'm assuming he wanted to like.. ‘break’ tommy?? Make him more ‘compliant’ to his twisted game?
C!Tommy was, to put it simply, abused. No sugar coating, that was straight up abuse and gaslighting and manipulation. The burning his armor? Making sure no one got an invite? Keeping Tommy at low health? EVERYTHING??
That was all clear manipulation. Tommy.. went through a LOT in exile. It still affects him as we know. ‘Plain biomes, small holes, logstedshire’ among other things have been added to his list of stuff that sets him off.
(And also the waking up drowning?????)
And i know, Dream almost had tommy in his grasp. He almost broke him.
But Tommy resisted. Tommy pulled back at the last second, in that dirt tower. He was strong enough to realize what dream was doing was wrong an he ran from a toxic environment and situation and honestly? Good👏 for 👏 him 👏.
But the trauma stayed, in many ways. And even during the raccoonit arc, tommy didn't really.. get a chance to heal?
During the techno and tommy arc, tommy seemed to direct his hurt into lashing out at others. He got angry, he lashed out, and he hurt people. Even if im a tommy apologist, i can acknowledge that during his time of poor mental health he hurt other people and he had to apologize (and he did!! But im getting to that)
Now. I am.. very conflicted when it comes to techno and tommy’s relationship. I do believe that, somewhere deep inside, they both cared about each other. However, bias and fanon influence can get in the way so i'm not touching on that.
The one thing i'm saying? It wasn't exactly a healthy dynamic. And again, not saying anything because bias could get in the way, but Tommy realizing the error of his ways and realizing he HURT PEOPLE is such a huge milestone??
He took responsibility by joining tubbo again. He said how his trauma did not excuse shit and he acknowledged it and he tried to CHANGE.
Even when faced with people who exiled him, who shunned him or who weren't there to visit during exile, he decided to be better and he once again took the role of the troop rallier even when he KNEW how impossible the task would be. He SAW Techno’s wither skull vault. He knew it was a losing battle.
But he stayed strong. And he fought for L’Manberg, for the last reminder he had of Wilbur (and oh, wilbur and tommy’s relationship in canon is a whole other can of worms god—)
Just for it to get destroyed.
By his abuser, and two people he had trusted. People he RELIED on.
Blown, to the ground.
And then dream.
Dream saying their story isn't over. Their story would NEVER be over.
. Bone chilling. Genuinely so.
And still. He faced Dream. He faced his abuser, the person who in his own words ‘ruined him’ and he refused to back down.
He refused to let Tubbo die. He refused to lose.
And in the end, Dream was sent to jail. Retribution was sent!
.. right?
Because even after that, Tommy continues to be haunted by dream or by the literal CULTISTS trying to kill him.
And to top it all off, he gets fucking trapped in prison with his abuser surrounded by a bunch of triggers in a small cell. And have we mentioned how he's canonically claustrophobic?
Yeah.. that was bad.
One week. Trapped with his abuser.
And still, he stayed strong. Still, he refused to give in and stayed himself,
And what did he get for that?
Beaten to death by his abuser of all things.
And he was trapped in the void for two months. Two. Months.
But in the human world? It had only been days.
And he was so so shaken by it. He couldn't even touch other people, he couldn't take any damage, he was treated as a ghost by people, he was called a ‘science experiment’ and the one thing he wanted? Normality? It was taken away from his forever.
Again, by his abuser.
Hes a traumatized child soldier whos done plenty of wrong in his life, but he's also a kid who needs to heal and learn to have healthy relationships because one way or the other every healthy mentor figure in his life turned against him or got corrupted and now he feels alone and he DIED and he needs fucking therapy come on.
And we KNOW the dream isn't done. Far from it. We know dream will never, ever be done. He's too obsessed with the game, with his favorite toy to let the game end. To let the people rest
C!tommy is so broken and jaded and traumatized. But still, he chooses compassion. Despite the trauma, he refused to hurt his best friend. Despite it all, he refused to blow up him home. He stays true to himself and he stays strong and even when the world tries to mold him he doesn't break.
And believe me, the world tries to break him and mold him so many times. He’s been manipulated or used before by others, but he still keeps his attachments and he still keeps himself and i think thats fucking admirable.
So yeah. I wholeheartedly believe tommy deserves better as do the other members of bench trio because honestly they're also children and they all deserve to heal come ON.
But yeah thats the essay
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tundrainafrica · 3 years
do you currently have any snk universe LeviHan headcanons on your mind?
Okay, before I go into this question, I just have to say my brain is literally a conglomeration of head canons which I’ve built up after hanging in this site for months so at this point, I even have trouble telling which one is real or not because everyone just thinks up such beautiful and reasonable ones. 
I wanna talk about one headcanon though which is not really talked about because I don’t think a lot of people jive with. This one resonates with me so well though that I ended up writing it in all my fics even if it’s only barely hinted and was never confirmed in canon. But Imma just drop it here because like I would have wanted to talk about it anyway so now or never. 
Since no one ever confirmed Hange’s history I took liberties with it. 
Hange grew up in a rich family within Wall Sina. 
So my headcanon is Hange grew up rich. Like really rich, not necessarily royalty but at least noble family rich. 
Like Hange could have chosen not to work a day in her life beyond managing family properties and businesses like a larger version of the Reeves company but she just had such a passion for discovering the outside world and research that she ended up deciding to join the survey corps anyway, one of the shittiest factions in the military out of passion. This ended up causing a rift to grow between her and her family which is why she never talks about her family or her history.
Are there hints in canon? 
These are probably my interpretations but I kinda see possible crumbs which can be interpreted as Hange having grown up rich or at least highly educated. 
For one, where do you get the knack and obsession for research? To a degree someone has to have had a lot of time in their life or a lot of time beyond trying to find food or trying to survive to get so deep into something as complex as research, especially in that crapsack world. If Hange was living hand to mouth, she wouldn’t have been neck deep into research. Mind you, Hange is the type of person to get into research for days, completely disregarding her own personal needs and other obligations. This could be interpreted either way but I think not having to work a day in her life growing up, Hange had the leeway to enjoy research and appreciate it, and had built the habit of just locking herself in her room to get stuff done because of her environment growing up. If she had a family to feed, if they were living hand to mouth, I doubt Hange would have built this habit. 
Hange’s room is constantly a mess. It could be interpreted both ways,I know. But we have Levi who hates filth because he grew up in filth. We have Hange who lives in a messy room among clutter because maybe she had someone cleaning up after her growing up? When she finally started living alone, she started thinking, I’m too busy to clean this up myself and just goes about her life. Levi, who had lived in filth all his life, ends up the one cleaning after her because he’s traumatized by filth to the point of fastidiousness. While Hange is not. 
Hange is familiar with powerplay and media manipulation. What kind of work did she do in Season 3? She did a lot of the politick-ing, the media manipulation and the behind the scenes work to get Reeves back into power and she did a really good job at it. I think this could be interpreted as her having grown up within the walls, brushing elbows among the elite to have known how it works. Hange was one of those completely aware that the uprising and the rebellion could not be completed without getting the trust and the faith of the people. She was also one of the people who knew exactly how that type of shit worked and that's why it went so smoothly in her end. 
Hange is okay getting her hands dirty. This could be seen as a counterargument. If Hange was rich, why is she okay getting her hands dirty? I’d like to point out here her motivations for it and the way she goes about it compared to Levi. When Levi fights or tortures, the way he goes about it is he just knows it’s a necessity and something he has to do to get things done. When Hange fights or tortures, there is a sort of wonder or curiosity in her face, which shows she is more motivated by the wonder and the unpredictability that comes with working in the survey corps more than anything. Although Hange has a good heart, she is not as in touch with the struggles of the poor and the powerless as Levi imo. I don’t think it came as naturally for her. In fact, the penchant for survival and the mindset of doing something because it’s necessary did not come as naturally for Hange as it did for Levi. Hange gets her hands bloody because she likes dissection, she likes trying to learn new things (like learning to torture) and this type of perspective, not coming naturally for someone like her at least hints to the idea that she grew up with enough financial leeway to at least not understand that some unfavorable things may have to be done out of necessity.
They glossed over her history. Maybe she had no childhood trauma? Although Hange did have traumas which were put into light after she joined the survey corps, we never hear about any traumas or any big revelations about her life before that. Maybe it was comfortable? Maybe comfortable to the point of forgettable? It was a good life maybe, enough to brush it off lightly. Maybe her life was just so conventionally normal, and the worst she ever experienced is deciding to defy her parents and adjust to a mildly middle class existence as part of the shittiest factions of the military (which is still a farcry from being dirt poor or having lost her parents at a young age.)
What does this mean for my Levihan HC?
It adds an interesting facet to the Levihan dynamic in my end. That’s why I ended up keeping this around as a silent headcanon and I’ll just drop some of them here.
Hange had to teach Levi about living above ground
The culture above ground is completely different. Business language, writing documents are something which Levi probably had to learn when he joined the survey corps and became captain. Hange was rich enough to at least have a good education and formal schooling for her to have sheer mastery of how the rich people talk, how budgets are drafted and how announcements are made in a way to please the rich people. Hange knew that and thats why she ended up doing a lot of logistics and research. In fact, she could have been better than Erwin, which could possibly hint to her even having better education than him.
Levi probably never mastered business language and logistics, which is why he never took any other role beyond special squad leader. Although he has the eye for strategy and combat, he cannot for the life of him handle paperwork or the logistics of being a supreme commander. 
Also, they lived in a medieval place so we can assume this type of education wouldn’t be accessible to most people in the outer walls, which kinda supports the point that Hange wasn’t poor or even lower middle class. Like I’m expecting at the least she was on the same social class as Jean. 
They fight over budgets.
If I remember correctly, this has been confirmed in canon. Hange handles budgets and Levi likes to blow the budget with luxuries. Hange has simple joys for someone who grew up rich. Having grown up with a lot of money and a formal education, I wouldn't find it surprising that she was a master of budgeting and that’s why she ended up taking over that job in the survey corps. She also handled supplies and her department probably required the most budget. Not surprising that she handled the overall budget.
Hange handles the budgeting and Levi likes to blow the budget on tea and luxuries. It was explained before why Levi blows the budget on tea. Levi loves certain luxuries but never really had them in the underground which is why he enjoys them know in the military. Hange doesn’t have much of an eye for luxuries because she grew up with them already. There’s nothing much which would impress her luxury wise so she doesn’t see the need or the joys of blowing the military budget on slight luxuries. 
Hange buys him the teas. 
Although Hange has a rift with her rich family already. I don’t think her relationship with them was ever that bad. She was probably like a black sheep, who they would roll their eyes at during family gatherings. “The one child who ran away to join the shit hole military faction.” I think she still has access to their money and they still drop gifts. I have this head canon that Hange actually buys him the teas or gives the nice pastries or souvenirs she would receive from them to Levi so Levi could at least enjoy those too. 
These are the only HCs I can come up with now but I have sprinkled a lot of my fanfiction with them and it is practically canon in my head for many reasons… Mainly because it is an incredibly interesting headcanon and facet of their relationship to consider.
Analyzing the romantic relationship between two people from different social classes is just incredibly interesting. 
Levi and Hange are complete opposites yet manage to jive. This is a common sentiment and take among all the people in the fandom. But what if you take into account as well that they are from different social classes?
I’ve seen this type of relationship in real life and there’s a lot of adjustment involved but it really puts into light how open certain relationships are that differences in social background are discussed and navigated instead of treated as a dealbreaker on why the relationship won’t work. 
Growing up poor and experiencing starvation stays with people and it manifests itself in the small things. In Levi, it manifested itself  in his having a special appreciation for luxuries and his obsession for cleanliness. Hange never batted an eyelash at any of those luxuries being in the survey corps offered. For someone handling such a  budget, she never felt the need to spend on anything too fancy. In fact, when they were eating beef in that one seen, she didn’t really think too much of it compared to the cadets who grew up in small villages in Wall Rose or Wall Maria. 
Even in my family, my mother grew up poor so she has this certain appreciation for saving everything and keeping it. She hates it when we throw away food.. My father never grew up poor so he has this penchant for investing and reinvesting. He has this mindset that if we earn 100 dollars we spend 10. While my mom points out that that 10% isn’t enough for most people to live in. My parents get into the most interesting discussions and arguments having grown up in completely different social classes and I guess, it ended up why I ride so much with this headcanon. It’s just so dam interesting. Tbh, my boyfriend and I are form completely different social classes too so the way we go about material things and money are really different and it’s really interesting to navigate it when the discourse is calm and comprehensive so these relationships kinda influenced this Levihan headcanon. 
I feel like for Levi and Hange, this social class issue was a give and take. Hange thought him how to butt elbows with the ultra rich in the military, having been trained herself how to talk to rich people and win their favor. Levi was the one who put into light for Hange the realities of the war and the lower classes. 
Hange is a good heart and I’m sure she is aware but I just don’t think she was as in touch with it as Levi who had grown up with it. What she brings to the table for Levi That’s why is the capacity to see the wonder with everything since even in Season 1, it was shown that she wasn’t as jaded as other people in the military. Because she had her whole childhood to build that wonder already, not having seen suffering as a child growing up. 
Sorry, if this is pretty long. This HC is pretty important to me because it just adds another facet of their relationship to explore when I write. 
I hope you enjoyed reading it at least. Thanks for the ask!
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itsjustaphase-mom · 5 years
Luther Hargreeves
ok listen. i know he is certainly not a fan favourite and i absolutely hated him the first few times i watched ua. but this time, i rewatched it specifically to try to sympathize with luther and guys there are so many things at play here
he doesn’t realize the extent to which his siblings were abused. he brushes klaus off and doesn’t think twice about locking up vanya again because he just assumes they had the same experience. he’s not being an asshole (on purpose), he just never stopped to think about the fact that being Hargreeves’ favourite made life a lot easier for him.
similar to the first note, he never stopped to consider the implications of having powers that hurt to use. he has super strength, something that, compared to some of the other powers in the family, is nothing. he just doesnt realize what seeing corpses is like, which is why he doesnt get klaus’ addiction (and to be fair, neither do the rest of his siblings). Same with Vanya. He doesn’t think about what it’s like to learn you have powers after being told you’re horribly boring and average your whole life, nor what it’s like to find out your memory was erased. he had it a lot easier than his siblings, but he doesnt think about that. that leads to some poor decisions and awful seeming actions, but keep in mind that we know a lot more than he does about his siblings. we’ve seen their pain but he hasnt. no one in this damn family communicates, so he just doesnt get it. i wish hed stop to think about how other people feel every once in a while, but itd also help if they just straight up said “hey being high keeps the gory corpses out of my field of view, im not a fan of this either” to help him understand. he wasnt taught empathy, but he tries for the most part. honestly, the fact that he turned out that nice considering what he grew up with? kind of incredible
hes not just obsessed with the moon. and to be fair, he has a right to it? i mean i havent stopped talking about this show for 2 months and ive had other things happening in my life. he was alone up there for 4 years. that doesnt give you much conversation material. and also, bringing up the idea that the apocalypse could be caused by the moon makes sense because, yeah, he was sent up there by their dad who knew about the apocalypse (whether luther was aware of that or not). He was up there to look for threats, so its not that odd to consider that the threat he was watching for could have caused the apocalypse...oh speaking of which HE WAS RIGHT ABOUT THE MOON IT DID CAUSE THE APOCALYPSE
i think a lot of people like to ignore the fact that he was also abused. sure, it wasnt to the extent of klaus or vanya but he had a horrible childhood nonetheless which messed him up too. he wasnt taught a lot of the things we take for granted so like i said earlier, the fact that he’s not completely deranged is astonishing
also can we mention the horrible trauma he went through? like lmao monkey man but oh my gosh can you imagine? he almost died (in a horribly painful way) and woke up months later with a fucking gorilla body. he’ll never look like a normal person again. he probably will never be able to look in the mirror and like what he sees (you can find out first hand what its like to be me so GATHER ROU-) yes everything Klaus went through was horrible but Luther has lived through some fucked up shit too and i think we like to ignore that because he’s not very likeable
the scene with vanya. it hurts me every time i think about it. HOWEVER. i understand why he did it. do i think he made the right choice? fuck no. but i get why he did what he did. Vanya was extremely dangerous. She caused the apocalypse. she literally killed everyone on earth. these arent things we should brush over. (and yes i love vanya but that’s not what we’re talking about here) she very nearly killed Allison, and he doesn’t know her well enough to know if she’s here to genuinely apologize or finish the job. He just knows he has a responsibility not only to his family, but to the entire world. so he makes a tough decision. it hurts him too, look at his face. he doesnt want to do it but he doesnt think he has any other options.
about dismissing klaus: he has good reason (at least in his head). klaus is intoxicated constantly, and like i mentioned before, he doesnt realize its because of his powers. he just thinks klaus is trying to have a good time, and to be fair, klaus tries to hide his vulnerability (for the most part) so luther wouldnt know any better. in the end when he tells him to be a lookout? justified. the man is heavily suffering from withdrawal (or intoxicated, to luther’s knowledge? i cant remember if luther knows or not or whether he believes him for that matter) which is gonna impact his reaction time, and he doesnt have powers that can help anyway (as far as luther knows). yes, he was trained alongside them and allison is allowed to help despite also lacking usable powers; however, she is in a clearer state of mind and a lot healthier. She can physically fight. Klaus just kinda...jumps on people’s backs for the most part. Did you see her fight Cha Cha? *swoons* no but seriously, Allison is still highly skilled and in far better shape than Klaus. He’s a liability and staying outside is safer for everyone (again, as far as luther knows) all this being said, the way he treats klaus when hes drunk is Disgusting, Abhorrent, and Unacceptable. i understand that he doesnt realise his own power but thats inexcusable
luther x allison is gross, i agree HOWEVER they were not raised as adopted siblings, they were raised more closely akin to a boarding school. their dynamic had always been romantic; they never saw themselves as siblings. yes, i do find it very odd that literally everyone else considers each other siblings, but im just saying that their dynamic has always been different and technically it’s not really incestuous (im not condoning it, i hate it personally i just can see why its not the worst thing ever? its still pretty yikes though. also shipping literally any other characters IS fucking gross because the rest of them see each other as siblings and always have so gtfo with klaus x diego or klaus x ben g r o s s)
those are the main complaints ive seen (and voiced myself)... basically it all boils down to the facts that 1. he was abused, just like his siblings 2. he doesnt stop to think about how other people are thinking or feeling 3. hes just trying to do what is best for his family (and the world). I sympathize with monkey man. He deserved better. I really hope in the next season he’ll pause to consider things every once in a while (and that klaus will open up because he’s not useless but he’s not explaining to anyone why he does the things he does and he needs to!!) so yeah was this basically just me yelling at me from a week ago? yes. does anyone care? probably not but i felt it had to be done. anyway im done ranting for now....if i missed anything lemme know
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tumblunni · 5 years
Headcanons about maddiman's wife:
* name: Joy Nocturne
* her personality is like your classic 'overbearing wife' or 'loud woman' except its not a bad thing and i hate how its always stereotyped as a bad thing. She's confident and outspoken and badass and these are all the things that made Madds fall in love with her. Its also the things that makes everyone else think she's 'such a nag' and start rumours that their marriage is on the rocks, because he 'must be so whipped', etc. And back when they met in highschool everone thought she was a 'typical american thug' who was 'being a bad influence to that poor honor student'. Basically she's used to people hating her personality and she was already secretly doubting whether her husband also found her annoying/bossy/unattractive cos of this. Like she's usually able to be confident in the face of hate from strangers but as she grew to love this man she felt her old insecurities coming back. They were both having trouble talking about their feelings and worrying that their spouse didnt love them...
* oh and BIGGEST HEADCANON: she very much loved him and there was no villain of this story, just a sad tale of two people falling apart due to miscommunication. I think its infinately sadder if they were total soulmates and never stopped loving each other even after this tragic falling out. I feel like Joy just had to make the decision that was right for her son when her husband was never around to be part of his life. And with the way maddiman acted she had every reason to feel like he'd stopped loving her...she didnt leave because she hated him but because she didnt know why he was so distant and thought he hated her...
* She never remarried. She did manage to live a full life and raise their son to be an upstanding human being, but she never forgot about madds and never found anyone she loved more than him.
* She was actually there when he died. The point where he passed out midway through writing a diary entry wasnt actually the exact moment he died, his coworkers found his comatose body and rushed him into surgery. He was on life support for a few days befofe he faded away, having never woken up. Joy rushed over on the fastest flight possible to get to see him before it was too late, but she only managed to arrive in time to see his yokai self emerging and vanishing into the ether. This phantasm haunted her for the rest of her life and she sorta inherited his fatal yokai obsession, in hopes that what she saw was real...
* after her son died at just 17, she became even more tied to the desperate hope of her husband's old fairytales. Ultimately though, she was never able to find him. She actually could have walked straight past him and not been able to see him. And madds wouldnt have recognised her, only wondered why something in his heart says that this particular trespasser in the haunted hospital should be guided to the exit without harm.
* they first met in high school, oddly enough due to maddiman's dad being a massive asshole. Nogut always pressured his son to be perfect and live out all his dreams for him, blablabla, gotta get to the best schools and never get a single bad grade. Joy and madds werent in the same class so they hadnt talked much, and she only recently transferred anyway. But one day Nogut was in school for a parent teacher conference and he was being his usual pissy entitled self, blah blah im too important to be here and my son is the cause of all my problems somehow. So he got uhh.. "Distracted". Aka being an absolute fuckin creeper to underage highschool girls! Thus the day Joy first became friends with maddiman was also the day she became mortal enemies with his dad by kicking him in the balls. And shortly afterwards she bumped into maddiman who was hyperventilating in the same closet she coincidentally picked while hiding from Groinally Harmed Anger Dad. He was having a panic attack from the general stress of his dad being here, and she helped support him through it which became a really valued memory of his, and why he sees her as his hero. Well, that and shortly after when she was like 'lol i just met this total creeper and kneed him in the nads' 'THATS MY DAD' 'geez sorry dude' 'NO THATS AMAZING'
* she also helped him pull off his ultimate escape from trash dad. They had a plan in place for a long time that as soon as he turned 18 they were getting on a motorbike and riding off to Anywhere But Here. But he didnt expect her to literally bring a birthday cake and throw it in his dad's face! And then that was the beginning of their relationship. Madds had totally been crushing on her for quite a while but never knew how to confess, until the sheer awesomeness of that moment made him accidentally squeak it out while they were riding for their lives from an angry old man.
* oh and also there were probably a lot of funny cute clueless moments where it kept going over joy's head that he had a crush on her? I was thinking of a cute idea for a valentines day flashback where maddiman was too shy to give her a box of chocolates and she comes along like "man i didnt get any chocolates im glad you managed to get some!" "U-uhh no i umm..wanted to give them to someone but i...didnt." "Oh that sucks dude! At least now you can eat them all to yourself to help forget that girl. Lemme sneak one, tho!" And thus he ended up sharing the box of chocolates with the perosn he wanted to, even if she had no idea. And it was a very good day!
* also i think considering the pattern of him bottling up his feelings and running from relationship problems, it seems likely that he ran from the altar on his wedding day. But it was also one of the only times ever that that happened and it wasnt super sad. As he does, he got all worked up into a mess of anxiety and convinced he knew the only answer- the stupidest and most reckless answer! So even though he loved this woman he was so scared that he'd be a bad husband that he tried to jump out the window at the last second without even once trying to actually talk to her about any of this. But this time she did manage to find him! All the friends and family were like 'ugh leave him, he doesnt love you', but she knew there had to be more to it so she ran out in the rain in her wedding dress and searched for miles until she found him sobbing in a public bathroom. They managed to talk it out and get to the bottom of his feelings and actually resolved something for once, and it all went okay. It kinda helped that seeing her turn up all bedraggled in the wreckage of the dress she loved so much, bleeding from her tight heels and fighting off several biker gangs along the way helped convince him that "hey maybe she thinks i'm worth fighting for, so i should try and believe her". So yeah then she swept him off his feet and they danced all night as everyone else in the church was all "ugh she looks awful" and "why would she take him back", but the moment was so magical that they just didnt care. And thats how the biggest failure of a wedding was also the happiest day of their lives! (..though sadly the same doubts and communication difficulties would come up again and not be resolved so easily...)
* i keep flip flopping on what career i want to give her, but at the moment im thinking possibly owns a lil bakery/coffee shop type place? Madds is one of those people who cant stand the bitterness of tea/coffee and prefers caffinated sodas instead, but he used to drink strong coffee every day back when he was human just because his wife made it. He loved all the rest of her cooking so itd be cruel to say no! Its a lil detail that i figured would be cute but also foreshadow how he'd meet his tragic end, as it shows he's capable of bottling up his feelings for years even when talking would be so much easier. Also probably a comedic note that he's coming up with nonsensical mad science techniques to make himself able to drink coffee! "Shall i genetically modify my tastebuds or create an undetectable translucent plastic armour plate for my tongue?"
* also maybe she could make cinnamon rolls shaped like madds's doofy cyclops head when they reunite in the future. Just because i want to eat that.
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elcorhamletlive · 6 years
For the Meme for Shippers: 1, 2, 5, 12, 18, 20, 21, 26, 32 and 39 (thats a lot os questions im sorry haha)
omg HAHAHA thank you!!
01 - Talk about the first ship you ever had
That’s a bit hard to pick because I was honestly shipping stuff before I even understood what shipping was - like I remember being a literal child and watching Digimon 4 and being extremely upset when Izumi ended up with Takuya instead of Koji lol. So it’s hard figuring out what the first shop was.
I can say, though, that the first ship I was, like, consciously into, that I started reading/writing fic for and that got me into fandom was Ron/Hermione. It’s still a ship that means a lot to me today, and still, imo, one of the best straight canon pairings of any series, ever. It was super formative to me, it helped me make friends and develop my writing, and to this day I can see traces of R/Hr in the dynamics I enjoy. It’s the Ultimate Good Ship, to me.
2 - Talk about three of the most important ships throughout your life.
Well, first one was Ron/Hermione, easy. Then… As I grew up I got into anime fandons and I fell in love with One Piece and specifically with the idea of Zoro/Robin - they were my favorite characters (especially Zoro, who remains on my Hall of All-Time Faves to this day) and they had this interesting tension that immediately sparked my interest. It was a small ship, but in the brazilian fandom I wrote A LOT for them, often along with a girl who was one of my closest fandom friends at the time. It was AWESOME, we used to talk about them for hours, and my writing also developed a lot. One Piece as a whole meant a lot to me at the time, and shipping Zorobin allowed me to channel all that love into creative energy. It was great.
Then time passed and I got into Glee (lol rio past me) and I was obsessed with Kurt Hummel as a character, so for a while I basically read every Kurt/Original Male Character fic I could get my hands on - the hiatus between s1 and S2, when all we knew about season 2 was that Kurt Would Get a Boyfriend, was probably my greatest time in the Glee fandom. Of course, everything went downhill when Kurt’s Actual Boyfriend was introduced and he turned out to be The Most Annoying Character In The History of Everything (to this day, Blaine remains on my Hall of Hated Characters). Then I was stuck in Glee fandom hell, and I read a lot of Kurtofsky, Kurt/Sam, even Puckurt sometimes. It was my way of surviving lol I also discovered Brittana at the time, and while I wouldn’t count as one of my biggest ships because I never Suffered for them, they were pretty formative in that they were my first ever canon gay ship. Plus, in the context of the terrible writing Glee always had, their chemistry really created something magical, especially in the beggining. Landslide still gives me chills, and Santana’s confession is still maybe one the most beautiful love confessions I’ve ever seen in television.
05 - Do you have any poly ships?
Nope. I’m a monogamist in every way lol Never got the hang of ot3s.
12 - Have you ever been disappointed when your ship finally got together?
I mean, everything about the development of Brittana sucked on the season following Santana’s confession but I can’t really say I was DISAPPOINTED because at this point I was stuck in the toxic position of hating everything that happened in the show, so I didn’t care anymore. Besides Brittana… I mean, most of my ships never got together lol The few who did, like R/Hr, lived to my expectations nicely. So I guess no.
18 - Talk about a moment which made you question an entire ship.
Ok so… During my Homestuck phase (yeah I had GOOD TASTE for fandons cnejjseiwiiewj fml) I was super into Gamzee/Tavros and… I mean, if you’ve read Homestuck you know Hussie pretty much discarded Gamzee as a tridimensional character post-Murderstuck, and Tavros’ role in the story was limited to his relationship with Vriska (who I hated with A PASSION). So I did have a lot of moments where I was like “why the hell do I still ship this”, because it was as if canon was constantly mocking me for even trying to take these characters seriously anymore (again, if you’ve read Homestuck, you know that’s not an exaggeration). Ultimately fanon contend was enough to keep me shipping it, though, until I just dropped the comic altogether.
20 - Talk about a ship you feel alone in shipping.
I don’t think there’s one. There are ships I wished there was more contend for (like Kallo/Gil from mea) but I don’t think I ever felt alone shipping something. I don’t ship many rarepairs.
21 - Is there a ship you just don’t get, but have nothing against?
Hmm Idk… Usually when I don’t have anything against a ship I can at least grasp why people ship it (St*cky, for example). If I really really DON’T GET IT, I’m probably gonna have some negative feelings about it (like St*rkqu*ll or W*nterIr*n). So, the answer is no, I guess.
26 - Have you noticed a pattern in your shipping? Is there a romantic dynamic you’re more drawn to?
Like I said, I can see traces of R/Hr in a lot of my other ships lol I enjoy Tension and Bickering and conflict that arrises from bad communication/poor handling of emotional issues. I like visual contrast a lot (it’s ridiculous, but the quickest way to turn me off a stony fic/art is Tony having blue eyes. It’s one of the reasons I’m not very drawn to 616 stony lol I just like smol Tony with brown eyes more. Like I said, it’s ridiculous). I also like when characters are opposites on the surface but actually share important/crucial similarities in essence.
Finally, I pretty much only ship stuff when I’m able to give a shit about both characters involved. I need to be able to care about both characters in some level, outside of their ship dynamic, so I tend to ship characters that have similar levels of development. Usually I have a preference (Steve over Tony, Tavros’ over Gamzee, Ron over Hermione, etc), but I need to like both characters to see them in equal footing. Otherwise it’s just not that appealing to me.
(I’m gonna make the fic recs in a separate post, ok? Bc this is already too long and also, bc I need to ask of which fandom you’d like. I mostly only read mcu stuff lately lol is that ok?)
39 - Is there a fictional relationship you'd want for yourself?
I guess in some level, I'd want a relationship like Ron and Hermione's, preferably without seven years of pining and misunderstandings lol But as a rule I don't necessarily look for relationships I'd want to ship - I just look for dynamics that touch me.
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clown-bait · 6 years
A Very Monster Christmas (Monster Roommmate AU)NSFW
WHOS READY FOR A CHRISTMAS SPECIAL! So while I slack off on the main plot, here’s what happens over christmas for the residents of the Neibolt house. Family members visit and the clown learns how to ice skate. Its a fun festive time for all! Except for the people who died.... (This is a 3part special!)
Leech and Drac and Leatherface all fell through the door in the early morning of the old well house in a heap carrying bags upon bags of decorations and lights.
“Ok men! Battle stations! Bubba you get the bird to the freezer then help Drac with decor and I shall tackle the tree!”
“Let the festivities begin!” the vampire shouted happily digging out the most gaudy looking decor he could find.
The three broke and began flying around downstairs doing various Christmas themed actions. Pennywise was slowly making his way up the stars from the well cracking his joints and stretching after a long night of terrifying the children of the town.
“Well, well, look who's up early! Good morning to you my little hunter!” he purred making a beeline to his favorite young vampire. He wrapped his arms around his mate and let out a happy growl.
“What cha’ doing?”
“Celebrating the up coming holiday” Leech was struggling to pick up the tree she had picked out for the living room.
“Theres a holiday?” Penny picked up a few of the ornaments she had laid out biting one to see if it was edible.
“oh that one were everyone is obsessed with pine trees and worship a bearded man?”
“Yes that one”
“I’m rarely awake for it.”
“Pen? Is this going to be your first traditional christmas” Leech’s eyes lit up.
“You're going to make a big deal out of this aren't you?”
“abso-fucking-lutely” she plopped a santa hat on his head.
“Lucky meee.”
“Plug these lights in will you? Tell me if any aren't working!” she excitedly handed him a tangled mess of small lights.
“Woah we doing Christmas?” Chucky strolled in with a coffee
“Apparently.” the clown grumbled already getting tangled in lights.
“Chucky! Be a dear and put some ornaments up with Pen.”
“Who said I was helping” the clown snarled trying to get the lights off of him.
“I did, you're the only one who can reach the top of the tree Pen. I need your height I'm small and insignificant!”
“flattery will not convince me dear”
“I’ll bake you gingerbread cookies and do that tongue thing you like later” Penny’s eyes flicked to Leech and then the tree.
“Doll, Hand me that red decoration.”
“I’m not helping you get laid anymore.”
Penny snatched the box up himself and began hanging decor while Leech battled with the lights. The pair had made progress though the poor vampire was growing more and more frustrated with the plugs.
“Leech. Hey Leech! Leechie look!” he nudged her excitedly
“Penny I'm busy…”
“Just loooooook!!”
“Fine, what is it?”
She turned to look at Pennywise who was holding a large candy cane ornament over his crotch “What does this remind you of?! eheheheehehehehehheee!”
“Aww you don't like it? I dont blame you mines bigger.”
“You should see your face little one!”
Five or six more inappropriate jokes later they were almost finished. Leech handed Pennywise the star “Alright this is the last one you put up i want you to do it”
“Why? Is it important?
“You know… I actually have no idea? I think its because decorating is stressful or something.”
Pennywise unceremoniously plopped the star on the top of the tree.
“Ok done I want my reward. Cookies first.”
“Wait one last thing” she handed him a plant with a string attached to it. “Hang this in the doorway.”
“A plant?”
“Don't question it just do it.”
“I don’t understand the significance of this decoration.”
“ok don't move.” the vampire walked over to him under the doorway and beckoned for him to lean down. “Are you going to tell me about the plant now?”
“I figure I’d just show you what to do.”
The clown cocked an eyebrow as Leech traced her thumbs on his cheeks. He seemed to get the idea of what she was about to do and closed his eyes as her cold soft lips pressed into his. Pennywise let out a happy churr. “I like this plant” he growled into her mouth and deepened the kiss his large hand coming up to cradle the back of her head as the other cupped her backside.
“Aww I think its sweet! Look at those two!” Tiff elbowed him hard.
Leech pulled away and turned to Freddy. “Don't worry Kruger you can have a turn with Pen after I'm done with him”
“I'm not kissing the clown.”
Penny made a disgusted face and shook his jingly ruffles Leech laughed and kissed him again. “I’m going to go make your cookies……. Be gentle with him Fred”
A half hour passed Pennywise impatiently popped his head into the kitchen.
“Done yet?”
Leech was sitting with her head in one hand joint shakily held in the other. She was staring at her phone in complete terror. The clown cocked his head and poked her. “Leech” he poked her again. “Leeeeeech!” she turned to stare at him.
“My mom decided to surprise me this year.” her voice was empty.
“S-She’s in Bangor…”
Penny’s eyes grew wide.
“Is she coming…..here?”
“Yes. She insisted… I couldn't say no. She….She wants to meet you….”
“Flat meeting. Right now.”
“So mom does not know I am undead nor does she know I live with murderers in a house thats barely still standing.”
“Does she know you're getting stuffed by an inter-dimensional clown every night?” Freddy laughed and leaned back against the couch.
“Freddy I swear to god if you mention anything about that I will peel your dick like a banana and feed the scraps to the cat.” Leech dug her claws into the old table.
“Damn Jingles your girl is kinky as fuck.”
“please don’t go there” Pennywise rubbed his temples
“So what are we going to do about it then?” Tiffany asked
“Pen’s going to help make an illusion that were all normal.”
“You sure you can manage that jingles?” Chucky asked.
“I’m the eater of worlds I can handle it. It’s just one human.”
“We’re so going to have to kill Leech’s mom” Chucky laughed.
The preparations had been made everyone was in their human forms or somewhat. Penny was struggling with the illusion of such a massive scale. Leech could see him in deep concentration she was worried he wasn't going to be able to hold it for long.
“Hey you good?”
“F-FINE I'm good I'm fine” as he said that a section of the upper floor crumbled and fell.
“We’re going to have to kill my mom aren't we…”
Two kids resembling Chucky and Tiffany came charging into the room with rage.
“CLOWN! WHY AM I A CHILD” Chucky screamed.
“Look I'm doing bare minimum here doll.”
“GIVE ME BACK MY BOOBS RIGHT NOW!” Tiff was pissed and brandishing a switchblade.
The two angry children both had knives ready to stab Robert Grey in the face when the door rang.
Leech opened the door while fixing Robert’s coat.
The two women embraced. Leech's mom was just like an older version of her but with wide hips a small waist and shoulder length wavy blonde hair. She wore a typical burgundy mom sweater and blouse with the most cliche of mom jeans.
“Oh sweetie I missed you so much!” Leech saw the door behind her crumble a bit and Robert’s eye twitch.
“Missed you too mom! Great to see you! Why don't we get you to your hotel and we can all catch up there!”
“Oh but I want to meet your friends!”
“Well there they are you saw them time to go!”
“Dear, proper introductions please.”
“Ok we got Fred, and Vlad their kids Chucky and Tiffany-“
“WAIT WHAT” Freddy and Dracula both said in unison.
“Go with it-“ Leech growled “Um thats Bubba, my landlord Robert and our cat Churchill is around here somewhere.”
“Lucy, which one is the one you're sleeping with?” her mom whispered.
“Is he the tall one? He's handsome! Such big hands!” she looked Robert up and down.
“See where you get it from now Leech! Your mom’s a horn dog just like you!” Freddy laughed.
“FREDDY!” Leech roared while her mom awkwardly shook Leatherface’s hand
“She is not a horn-dog!” Robert hissed as the piano started to form cobwebs.
“She’s pretty bad Jingles” Chucky elbowed Robert in the leg.
“I……You know what actually yeah, she kinda is. Sorry love, you're a freak.”
“Why do they keep calling you Leech?” Ms. Smith looked over at them.
“UM UH its a long story.” Leech felt a tooth start to grow in her mouth.
“MRS. SMITH NICE TO MEET YOU FINALLY.” paint peeled off the wall behind Robert as he interrupted.
“Its Ms. actually. You must be Robert Gray! My daughter’s handsome new man! She tells me so much about you!”
“Ha ha oh mom” Leech laughed nervously
Robert turned to Leech and as the floors faded. “What did you tell her about me?” he whispered. “We will talk about this later…” Leech hissed.
“Well are you going to show me around?”
A window re-broke somewhere upstairs.
“Lets um lets get dinner! first! I’ll call a cab!”
The old door burst back open “NEPHEW!”
“OH FUCK” Leech screamed in sheer terror. Uncle Penny strolled into the house in full clown gear. Several windows upstairs broke and the walls of the house creaked back to its decayed state.
“Nephew? Is your uncle a circus performer Robert?”
“Weeeeeellll helllooo hot stuff” Uncle Penny slid over to Leech’s mom
“Oh um hello?”  Leech twitched as Uncle Pen got uncomfortably close to her mom who was shocked and confused by the sudden invasion of a clown.
“U-Uncle Penny? C-can I have a word?”
“Sure Leechie I’ll humor ya.”
Freddy began to lose some of his skin and a scar started to form on Chucky’s face. Robert was struggling with holding so many illusions at once.
“Ok look were trying to convince my mom I live a normal happy healthy life so she’ll leave. If you're going to stay you gotta play along.”
“So why do I have to be apart of this?”
“You want a human outsider to know all about our little sanctuary then?”
“You’re the one bringing her here and breaking all the rules”
“She just showed up”
“Yeah and you didn't dispose of her vampire. I swear the only reason I put up with your stupid mistakes is because you're dating my nephew.”
“She’s my mom.”
“Wow my junior sure knows how to pick em’. I’ll give you a pass and play along only because I owe ya for helping me clear out my lair. Also I want a date with Ms. Smith. I'm going to be awake for another 2 years now that its winter and junior cant have all the fun.”
“And you got her good looks doll-face. I'm starting to see why the twerp is so into ya.”
“I mean technically were the same being sooo the attraction does make sense.”
“I cant believe were having this discussion.”
Robert walked into the room with a forced smile on his face “Can we please go now? You've abandoned me long enough.”
“Your uncle has a crush on my mom.”
“Well I mean we are the same being….”
“Lucy dear you're not eating?”
“I'm fine” she wasn't fine she was starving. She could hear every heart in the room and could smell every blood type. What made matters worse the waitress was a virgin with the sweetest smelling blood and the reddest cheeks. She felt herself salivating beginning to fantasize about sinking her teeth deep into the girls neck. Leech kept thinking about feeling that initial break of the skin and the pop of her favorite vein. It was enough to get the vampire going into a complete frenzy. Robert Gray kicked her under the table when he noticed that her eyes were trained on the woman whenever she walked by. “Hungry dear?” he asked with an evil grin watching the waitress pour his water. “N-not at all.” Gosh those veins are big…. he chuckled. “I don't know you look rather peckish” Leech kicked him back hard.
“He is right dear you look very pale maybe you should eat something” her mother chimed in.
“You know maybe I just need to use the restroom excuse me…” she got up and practically ran to the nearest restroom frantically digging through her bag for her emergency flask. Leech began chugging it in an attempt to keep the hunger at bay. She peeked out and saw Robert casually talking with her mom. It was weird to see him being social. He gave her a golden eye flash and a grin, enjoying seeing her struggle with her true nature, the one he preferred. “Oh dear he is just lovely!” her mom said as she sat down “I’m so glad to see you've finally settled down after the whole Adam thing”
“Settled down?”
“Robert said something about moving in together and sharing the house?”
“Did he now?” she glanced over to the clown in disguise. “We talked about it ONCE but nothing is final. RIGHT DEAR?”
“Ha right guess I’m just excited.” he looked..nervous? She’d have to ask him about this later.
The waitress had come back and Leech’s eyes nearly rolled back into her skull from the smell. especially when she reached over the vampire to grab a menu, giving her the perfect view of her neck. Robert laughed at her as the waitress took orders. “Sir? How would you like your steak?” the creature in disguise smiled wolfishly “Blue. Practically mooing. Also no sides just meat” Leech’s mom gave him a strange look. “And you miss?”
“Um uh I’ll not have anything” except your pretty little heart on my plate.
“You sure dear you look so thin!” her mom placed a hand on her knee in concern.
“I’m sure mom”
“She’s right you know you are looking paler then usual darling maybe you should step out for some air.”
Leech scratched at her wig a bit. The clown was going to torture her about this she just knew it.
When the food arrived Robert made a huge show of eating his steak letting the blood fall off each slice and making sure Leech was watching as he bit into it. She was losing her mind in her seat. Her mom rambled and Robert answered questions coming up with perfect lies. Leech saw a drop of blood on her lovers lips and felt like she was about to go full frenzy. When the waitress came by one more time to take their dessert orders that was when Leech stood up. “I need some fresh air.” she scurried out the back exit into an alleyway.
She poked her head back in looking for the virgin waitress. She needed to feed RIGHT NOW. “See me” she whispered the waitress looked up at her and walked over. Robert was watching the scene with absolute delight. “I dropped my contact can you come help me find it?” she asked hastily. It was a lame lure but Leech was desperate. The girl walked closer to the door. Almost there. “Help me I cant see” Leech’s eyes shined like two tiny moons in the night while a faint churr gurgled in the back of her throat. The door shut behind the waitress “Oh thank fuck” Leech purred and slammed the woman into the wall. She covered the girls mouth to muffle the scream and inhaled her neck flesh deeply. “God you smell so delicious human.” she licked the skin. “I'm going to savor every last drop of this.” Leech threw her own head back and extended her fangs. The poor sweet girl under her screamed and screamed but Leech pressed her hand into her mouth harder till the waitress was biting through it. She dove down and felt that sweet, sweet pop of the skin breaking till she hit what she was looking for. The vampire let the liquid life pour down her throat as she began to moan and growl in sublime satisfaction.
Leech felt a tap on the shoulder as she finished finding Robert standing behind her watching. “My, my, my love! What big teeth you have” he chuckled Leech turned and screeched at him. “Relax its me.” he gently wiped some of the blood off her cheek with a finger tasting it himself. “You've been gone a for a bit mom got worried. See you couldn't restrain yourself.” he pulled her into him “Mind if I have a better taste dear?” Leech nodded, still in a bit of a frenzy and Robert pressed his lips against hers. She brought her hands up to his jaw and ran blood covered fingers against the side of his face. “Mmm you know how I love seeing you at work little hunter.” he groaned into her mouth “You may be sloppy but the passion you put into the kill is irresistible” his eyes flashed yellow in the night. Robert cleaned some of the red off Leech’s neck and face with hot licks and kisses. “Sorry I'm a mess” she panted “I like messes, I get to clean them up” he growled into her ear before he continued to suck the warm blood off her neck. “Shit Pen! If my mom wasn't waiting I’d be begging you to fuck me right now in this alley.”
“We can send her a cab and take the long way home…. then you can watch me at work” the clowns voice had broken through near the end causing Leech to whimper a bit. He chuckled and groped her breast with a huge hand. “You like the clown more than this human don't you dirty girl?”
“Mmmm bet you want to see him hunt and kill again just like when I first tasted you,” he chuckled pressing a hand to her stomach. “how brave of you to approach a hungry monster like that. I could have torn you apart”
“W-why didn't you?”
He kissed her again pushing her into the wall.
“You changed. I should have taken you right then and there.” he snarled. Grinding his hips against her with need.
“Oh fuck Penny~” Leech moaned and he shoved up her dress to rub her pussy.
“Gonna to have to stop this soon or Ol’ Pennywise is going to have you slammed against that wall, screaming my name for all to hear.”
“I’m half tempted to say do it anyway” Leech panted. She was soaking through her leggings from the friction Pennywise/Robert was giving her. The disguised clown chuckled darkly and nipped at the gauges in her ear while gently tearing a hole in her leggings. Leech moaned when she felt his bare fingers make contact with her slick folds. He found her sensitive nub and beginning to rub lazy circles into it. “Look at my dirty girl! Moaning for her clown right next to a warm corpse. Maybe he’ll come out to play with you later if you're good” he began playfully teasing her entrance “My little cold blooded killer.” he chuckled “Just like her mate” Robert shoved a long finger inside of her and began to pump, Leech gasped as he fucked her with his hand. “Fuck Penny that feels so good”
“Do you want more darling?”
“Yes” she panted
“Say it.”
“I want more Pennywise please!”
“That’s my girl. You're always so good for me.”
He pushed another finger into her and quickened his thrusts his animalistic growls breaking through the human disguise he wore. Leech moaned and spread her legs wider for him grinding her hips down onto his hand.  
He stopped and Robert pulled her dress back over her thighs. Leech wined at the loss of him but he put a single finger to her lips and looked to the door.
The restaurant door opened and a familiar looking man poked his head out. “Woaaah junior look at you getting frisky in the back alley after a big meal! Good for you kiddo!”
“You’re in an unusually chipper mood.” Robert growled.
“Well your Uncle Bob here just got himself a nice date with a certain mama vampire.”
“She’s not a vampire” Leech poked her head up from behind Robert’s arm
“Look tell her well be back in a minute I need to hide this body and ….clean” he turned to Leech and smirked “Looks like were going to need to post pone our plans, wanna get dessert with me later?”
“Are you even hungry? I thought you ate all night last night.”
he flashed her a fang filled grin “I can be”
Leech rolled her eyes and kissed him while Uncle Bob shut the door shaking his head.
“Its a date~” she smiled.
Part 2 will be out tomorrow! Get ready for ice skating Robert and cute gore fluff!
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cheeksred · 6 years
emery needs to work on her bio's:
carson wu – a poor poor quiet boy. he’s obsessed with the stars and the sky, mainly because his mom used to always tell him his dad was an astronaut that stayed the night in her small town and they ended up getting pregnant. and then the guy bolted, leaving caron’s mom to fend for herself. she got a job, waiting tables at a local diner and they survived. he wasn’t the richest kid at his school. and he never had the coolest clothes or newest toys … but his mom loved him. and for his eighteenth birthday, he got a telescope. because not only was it his birthday, but he’d been accepted into the nasa collegiate program. flash forward about a year, when carson got into a TERRIBLE car accident. breaking both his legs, and fracturing his hip. he recovered, but he’d missed too much of the program to ever catch up. he flunked out. he returned home, to work at the observatory in the city. he did end up getting his degree at the local college, to make his mom happy. he now spends his days reading, writing. teaching kids about the sky and what it holds. and if you ever get him to come out of his quiet shell, you’d be surprised how much this guy has to say.
faith bradshaw – daughter of one of the best living novelists. well, kind of living. when faith turned twenty, she got a call from her father ( who is her best friend and mentor ) that he was sick. dying from cancer, with only about six months to live. well, it’s been about a year … and the girl has devoted every minute of her time out of studying to her dad. she takes care of him, visits him at the hospital every day. she has no social life, consumed by keeping her dad alive and well. and she has so much potential … she’s top of her class, a teacher’s pet at her university. she’s going to be as great as her father, they always say. not that faith cares much to hear it. no one would ever be as great as him. she’s a bit mouthy, rambles on and on for as long as anyone will listen. and she’s always taking care of everyone but herself. her dad. her classmates, offering them help. her friends, constantly making sure they are getting whatever they need. the girl needs a breather, a moment to think about herself. too bad she won’t ever do that
charlie j. wyatt – twenty two years young. known as the fallen angel. charlie grew up in houston texas, to a pretty average family. she’s an only child, but she had so many cousins growing up that she never quite got that only child syndrome aspect of life. she was studying foreign policy at TU when she met a boy, who swept her off her feet. being a former pageant girl, she was always waiting for her prince charming. she’d been raised to make a man happy, to dote on him and love him with all her heart. and when she’d met daniel, it had been all that and more. and she started to open up, expand her horizons. and when he started wanting to make things ( GROSS ) psychical, she tried to be what he wanted. she tried to look past her beliefs. (marriage before sex) but after refusing, daniel left her. and to make it worse, he sent NUDE PICTURES he’d asked her to take, to his friends. which then got to the whole campus, and pretty soon the entire town. even the college paper covered it. for awhile, charlie tried to ignore the stares. the way people looked at her. but … after having her own TRADITIONAL parents get an email with the pics, she lost it. she packed up everything, dropped out of college, and began moving from city to city all over the country. she got gigs bartending to pay for wherever she stayed … but she didn’t stay anywhere long. no – this girl was in no way about to settle down and make attachments again. her faith in love and humanity are pretty low these days, and gone are her traditional and naive beliefs. she drinks, she smokes. she has really no purpose … but boy, you can take the girl outta texas … but you can’t take her texas sized heart out of her. she’s beyond selfless, taking care of anyone in need. she’s a ear to listen, a shoulder to cry on. she just won’t be letting anyone take care of her. she’s lonely, a lot of the time. but she thinks its the best option … that way no one can hurt her again. jordan whitman – mister mysterious. you’ve probably heard about how he spent a few years after high school in jail. or how he knocked down a liquor store with his brothers a few years ago. what you probably didn’t hear is that he only robbed the joint to keep his baby brother out of the family business. he took his place in the deed. with jordan only being PARTLY  whitman ( his mom had an affair ) he never really got his dad’s approval. or his moms’ husband, he should clarify. he’d never acted like a dad to jordan. and while no one showed jordan much love, he showed tremendous amounts to his older sisters and baby brother. he did everything to protect them. to keep them out of their dad’s gang of thugs. for as long as he could. now, he’s left that crowd since he got out of the slammer. he sneaks to see his lil brother as much as he can, encourages him to stay in school and get outta that house. he takes care of his sister’s babies when they need help. he does everything to be a GOOD MAN. even tho he’s never seen what thats’ supposed to be. he’s loyal, he’s protective. he’s basically a big teddy bear. but he comes off as brash, rude even. he’s unable to express himself in words, choosing to show his emotions more. he’s extremely misunderstood and elusive. drew winchester – my oh my, that red head sure does have a reputation. known as the heel, she packs quite a punch in that little frame of her’s. she’s mouthy, hates authority. she’s always taking control of any situation, in school and with her art. she hates the idea that she has to be ‘as good’ as other artists. she is herself. loud. obnoxious. nosy. she creates work that makes you think, feel. she creates what SHE wants, not what some professor tells her to. she’s striking, with her red lips and matching long curls. and many people wonder what made her so TOUGH. what turned this girl into such a hellion. she’s always been that way, for as long as anyone know. drew knows why … she never had anyone. not any parents. no siblings. she’s always fended for herself, done everything on her own. so she doesn’t ask for help. she doesn’t need anyone elses opinions. she’s CAPABLE. she’s confident. and yet, sometimes she wants someone. when it’s late at night and the wind blows. when she finishes an amazing piece and she wants to show it off. she’s just … AN ENIGMA, at times. needy and closed off, all at the same time. she won’t take care of anyone, mainly cause she’s so hyper focused on making it herself.
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nicemango-feed · 7 years
Professor Jordan Peterson: Charlatan Conservative Christian Perpetually Paranoid about Pronouns & Postmodernism
Trigger Warning: If you don't like feminists or leftists, avert your eyes. This could be upsetting.
I ran a little contest for the title on Twitter, while there were so many great suggestions
Well, an anagram of Jordan B Peterson is desert banjo porn
— Martin (@NataliasDad) July 28, 2017
Kermit the Monologue
— Liam van der Spek (@SpekOfTheDevil) July 28, 2017
Misunderstanding Bill C-16 for $55,000 a month
— JD-800 (@thejd800) July 28, 2017
"Old Man Yells at Cloud: the Jordan Peterson Story"
— brane bzkl (@Buzzkill_AOC) July 28, 2017
I went for the wayyy too long alliteration angle, since I felt it captured the essence of his nonsense best.. 
He's so verbose I can't narrow down 11 paragraphs about NESTING into a title
— Paul City (@RealPaulCity) July 28, 2017
Shout out to @somestingray for inspiring that! 
professor peterson’s postmodern paranoia
— Ray (@SomeStingray) July 28, 2017
Pic From https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Awot-d8U9Cc
Ah...Jordan B. Peterson - I remember a time when I had no idea who that was, and my life was better for it.
Who is this guy? Well...For those unfamiliar he is a ‘controversial’ conservative university professor, in my own progressive city *sigh*....at University of Toronto.
He's your average conservative Christian, with an added dose of hardcore gobbledygook with the audacity to criticize postmodernists for the same. Step aside Deepak Chopra! There's a new snake oil salesman in town. And this time he's smuggling in extreme conservatism AND atheists love him. Apparently one of the *most requested* guests of all time on Sam Harris' podcast!
Why is 2017 like this. Nothing makes sense anymore. 
jordan b peterson: a looney twist on the old school Christian conservative
— peppermint (@strengthgentle) July 28, 2017
Gosh, remember when the atheist scene used to ridicule charlatans like Deepak instead of embrace them as some of our favourite intellectuals simply because they ‘trigger’ libtards, and dump on trans ppl, ‘the left’ and feminism - all the favourite bogeymen of the internet atheist movement! ...resulting in this strange alliance with a man who literally brought himself to tears while reading his own essay which mentioned ‘a loss of faith’. 
Goddammit, make atheism great again. 
It really amazes me that he criticizes flowery 'postmodernist' language for much of the same type of nonsense that comes out of his own mouth. He rose to fame last year when he had an unbelievable temper tantrum about Ontario’s bill c-16 somehow taking away his freedoms by protecting trans people from discrimination. He’s been shown  to be misrepresenting the law, but his popularity only grows in this climate where facts hold little value, and anything of substance is dubbed 'fake news'.
Peterson has no qualms associating with people on the far far right...he even appeared on a nazi's podcast. A woman who has literally advocated violence against people of colour refusing to leave the hypothetical ethnostate. 
Host of that show is another extreme race & IQ obsessive wanting to deport non-whites. http://pic.twitter.com/QF00K9Tr3d
— Nikolashvili (@ViniKako) March 12, 2017
He may very well not be aware of all her views, but googling someone or looking at their social media is the least you can do before appearing on their show and lending them your legitimacy as a professor. If you are this blinded by your hatred of the left that you're going on Nazi shows to talk about 'Western Civilization'...you probably should not be teaching kids. 
As a critic of leftist mumbo-jumbo, its funny he describes the average university class as a postmodern neo-marxist indoctrination cult (h/t @somestingray). He wants to start his own online university scarily enough...He plans to 'cut off the supply to people running the indoctrination cults', i.e., universities. And don't you worry... he's working on a way to differentiate between 'post modern course content' and 'classical course content'.
In a time where mainstream media institutions are being discredited by right wing nutjobs, so too are educational institutions. Now, hold on to your kekistani undies, i’m not saying there aren’t ever crazy instances on campus, I’m not saying never criticize universities or The Left. There’s plenty to criticize... but there’s no proportionality….this response, as in...idolizing Jordan Peterson the guy who’s somehow repackaged old school conservatism as something new and hip…as an antidote to 'the left gone wild, drunk on the power of premarital sex, immorality, independent career women and loss of faith'…I mean come on...I've heard this shit before...
I grew up in Saudi Arabia. 
Just check this rulebook for men he wrote a few yrs ago. (h/t @21logician) 
It’s full on insanity.
And spare me the obvious - 'these are metaphors'… yes I know he’s not calling for literal child sacrifice. 
Still crazy. 
Build the crystal palace. O-kay then. 
Look I consulted with my ancestral spirits…and they warned me not to watch Jordan Peterson content…but silly lady-brain of mine.. didn’t listen. So here we are. 
Now I’m trying to compile as much of JBP’s bs into one blogpost as I can tolerate sifting through in one sitting. For someone sooooo upset about his free speech allegedly being taken away over bill c-16, he certainly doesn’t extend that courtesy to other groups. 
Here he is in 2011 discussing how atheists aren’t an oppressed or excluded group in the west, perhaps even dominant, and how he’s not a fan of atheist advertising. An Ad on a bus pissed him off ffs, meanwhile calling people what they want to be called is a violation of his rights.  Full video of his ad chat here 
Jordan Peterson on pro-atheism billboards. This would be a good topic for discussion @SamHarrisOrg http://pic.twitter.com/JQdhfvgyo8
— Tom Bloke (@21logician) December 28, 2016
Why maybe Dawkins *should* be oppressed he said. Jeez Jordan, why so angry?
maybe @RichardDawkins should be oppressed @jordanbpeterson http://pic.twitter.com/MiaGNIosA3
— Tom Bloke (@21logician) December 28, 2016
"If you don’t have any faith in an ultimate authority that says life is sacred, what’s to stop you from mobilizing everything you can to kill as many people as you can…."  That's real original Jordan. 
Jordan Peterson talking about Stalin's lack of religion. This is as feisty as Canadian TV gets I think http://pic.twitter.com/gzzpDcfXVj
— Tom Bloke (@21logician) December 27, 2016
Here’s some more laughable god stuff:
Proof itself, of any sort, is impossible, without an axiom (as Godel proved). Thus faith in God is a prerequisite for all proof.
— Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) November 26, 2013
To think of how popular he is among atheists cracks me up (and makes me sad). This anti-left stuff in the era of the rise of the right...sure makes for some strange bedfellows. 
In his two hour conversation with Sam Harris he couldn’t really define 'truth'. He is basically the religious conservative version of what he criticizes re:postmodernism. Dislikes the pronoun Xir because apparently thats just leftist nonsense….but can’t decide on what truth means. 
Just a quick glance at his Twitter timeline will show that he posts bs memes of his own gibberish quotes..and people love it! 
I honestly can’t understand…has the human population become this dumbed down? Is this reflective of a failure of our education systems?…that people hear a string of multi-syllabic words and are immediately wowed/lulled into some sort of illusion that they are smarter than they thought? His fans also have a habit of saying “but you haven’t heard ALL his lectures… if you had, what he was saying would make sense” - come on. Surely something of his has to be able to stand on it’s own. 
I mean what the fuck does this mean?
one last meme before bed http://pic.twitter.com/KQQkPTRYAq
— Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) July 25, 2017
To be fair though, somehow I guess it's possible you've stuck to his .. I dunno..mythology, psychology lectures which are supposed to be better....but still, how are you unaware of his crazy side? The side that's made him rich and famous? 
Peterson is a top earner on Patreon making over 55K *a month* (remember this number) last time I checked…which he’s planning to use to launch an online university, to influence more young minds into his way of thinking. 
I just googled him right now and came across a reddit thread asking whether he was a prophet, because he’s turning Western Civilization back to Christianity….FFS.. this guy’s following is legitimately creepy. 
This is the person who thinks college SJWs are bad, but is upset that Disney’s Frozen is *propaganda*… 
Why...you ask? 
Because it showed that two female characters did not need a man to be successful. (h/t @21logician) 
Heaven forbid we indoctrinate our kids into evil-leftist-feminist-cultural-marxist-postmodernism. 
Shameful Disney…don’t you know that all female characters should need a MAN….that’s how God intended it after all. 
No wonder he’s spooked by the Trans Agenda of jailing him for mistakenly saying the wrong pronoun some day. Poor guy. 
This man is in charge of teaching young minds. And with his own online postmodernism-proof university he will be more influential than before, 'radicalizing' more people. Alarming. 
He also has some very disturbing ideas about sex. In his mind the left encourages ‘sexual predation’ by saying that sex is for pleasure and you can have it when you want…we should allow any form of sexual expression and not discriminate against any of them. But at the SAME TIME they want to jail men who make unwanted sexual advances. 
Yes Peterson, its called consent. We can have free sexual expression and consent simultaneously .. this isn’t hard. 
how the hell can you have free sexual expression and also not rape people http://pic.twitter.com/AWM0gu7rHR
— Tom Bloke (@21logician) February 13, 2017
And who's he discussing this with? None other than Stefan Molyneux - known extreme misogynist who blames women for all evil in the world, crazy conspiracist and racist. 
This isn’t the first time i’ve heard Peterson rail against casual sex. If I close my eyes, It’s almost like I’m back in Saudi Arabia. 
everything is so fucking melodramatic with this dude. if you don't do sex and procreation his way you're getting ENSLAVED @jordanbpeterson http://pic.twitter.com/lawOmTOxlm
— Tom Bloke (@21logician) December 18, 2016
Which brings me to the JBP lecture clip I watched, that all this build up is for:
What. The. Fuck. Did I just see/hear, and what decade am I in… one can forget they exist in 2017 and not 1950 while listening to Peterson. The fact he’s giving lectures like this to young people and they aren’t laughing him out of the room, means that there are some real regressive people out there who want to take us back in time, and hey guess what.. these ones aren’t on the left. 
It's horrifying how popular he is. 
So the video is posted, not by him but some other YT user (called biased asshole lol) and titled “Peterson on Western Women”. 
I’m already gritting my teeth, I hit play… despite the warning from my ancestral spirits, and my crystal palace is crumbling before me, letting the howling winds in. I offer myself to god as a sacrifice...but alas, it's too late. 
At the start of his talk, there’s the obligatory mention of declining birthrates of course, civilization is failing because women are working more procreating less. This is the stuff that endears him to the #TradLife Alt Right nutters. 
This is the woman from his Western Civilization podcast appearance.
(screenshot via @vinikako)
(screenshot via @vinikako)
This young mom is the face of Mormonism's Hateful Alt Right. Full article here
Next in the lecture, Peterson questions why women would want positions of power at all. I’m paraphrasing here, 
‘ladies... trust me you don’t want these powerful positions, men are crazy to have ‘em in the first place… but you know how men are lulz….crazy hardworking and competitive. You also don’t want powerful positions because extra money doesn’t help, and billion dollar corporations are reaaaally complicated to run ok? There are lawsuits, and you have to travel a lot. & shit Just…trust me ladies u don’t wanna get involved in this mess.”
7:29 (now this is an actual quote I’m no longer paraphrasing) he continues on to deter women from wanting positions of power 
“If you’re half crazy and you have a lot of money, you’re going to be crazy a lot faster I can tell you, because it frees you from all sorts of constraints”
[some weak excuse abt how lottery winners are unhappy and if u are prone to a drug problem, then the money will just speed it up]
THIS IS ONE OF PATREON’S TOP EARNERS FFS. What business does he have telling women that money is no good and will just make you crazy. He makes 55K a fucking month. 
This shit continues:
7:46 “being broke stops you from dying if you’re a cocaine addict” ok JBP ..lol...you’re realllllly trying hard to stop women from having careers here. 
7:56 “If somebody dumped an infinite amount of money on you what makes you think you wouldn’t unravel completely?”  - is he describing himself? 
(Click to enlarge)
9:30 “The older I get the more I understand marriage and family are of primary importance” - yeah ok.. I think we get it. #TradLife
9:32 - "The more I see women in particular, they hit 35-40 …and they’re not married…and they don’t have kids…and they are not happy. Cuz what the hell are you gonna do from the time you’re 40 till the time you’re 80?! You got no family… you got no relationships? What are you gonna do?! Go run your company?!!! Yeah well… if you’re 1 in a 1000 that will satisfy you.”
LMAO Peterson, you nutjob. If someone just says this shit in Urdu or Arabic, it will be no different than the mullahs who are afraid of women being empowered and independent. More polished sure, but he is a professor at one of Toronto’s best universities after all. This is an embarrassment. I mean, he should be far off from Mullah-rhetoric, not spouting essentially polished versions of the anti-woman turds that come out of their mouths. Having babies isn’t the only thing that gives women meaning, purpose or happiness in their lives, you absolute dinosaur. And there are other forms of relationships out there. My dad is way more progressive than you, and I’m certain he’s a lot older..heck so is my granddad. 
The idea that running a company would be satisfying to a woman...as opposed to raising children is simply unfathomable to him, no wonder he spends his time freaking out about this (and pronouns) in 2017 because he’s unable to adjust to modernity. I got news, there are other things women do aside from having kids. They are complete human beings even without kids….imagine that! 
I mean this is some serious insecurity around women succeeding. And lets not forget his bullet points for men:
11:22 - Then we get into the “yeah women have it rough but you do live 8 years longer, so thats not trivial…TESTOSTERONE IS KILLING MEN.” (emphasis mine)
“Men do almost all the dangerous jobs and outside work. There’s lots of reasons that men get paid more than women that have *nothing to do with prejudice*” - ok by this point in the video I’m laugh-crying. This is so ridiculous….
“each sex has it’s own unfairness to deal with, but to think of that as a consequence of the social structure….come on really?!"
*lolz guys…there’s plenty of injustice to go around, men do all the hard work around here, why do you whiny women think its some sort of systemic thing, sexism is a leftist cultural marxist myth* 
The video ends on note of JBP saying there’s no gratitude for how far we’ve come because we aren’t outside all day lifting rocks and shit. I kid you not. 
Sexism isn’t real because bad things happen to everyone, and we are no longer lifting rocks. So quit yer whining cultural marxist feminists….do what you were actually put here to do and fulfill your life’s role, make some babies…otherwise what are you even doing with your life. Money sucks (for you), positions of power are way too hard (for you ladies). K thanks bye. Donate to my patreon. 
Lecture summed up right there. (Ok he didn't actually plug his patreon there)
According to his logic he should be grateful about how privileged he is to earn so much and be a professor and quit *his* whining about cultural marxism and postmodernist SJWs...because you know, he's not out there lifting rocks and shit. 
*The Truth* about Jordan Peterson is...he's full of shit and he's dangerously bridging the gap between the far right and the mainstream...and young people are falling for it. 
Thank you to my Patrons who make this work possible. Truly, truly appreciated. 
If you'd like to support my work you can do so here via Patreon  
It's no Peterson level gold plated patreon, but if you want to counter people like that, do consider supporting content creators who push back against this stuff, there aren't many and they need your support. Say what you will about right wingers, but they definitely $upport their people in combatting the evil leftist agenda. 
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