#obstetrician gynecologist at Indra Nagar
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A water-soluble vitamin that is vital for human health is vitamin C, sometimes referred to as ascorbic acid.. It is found in many fruits and vegetables, particularly citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons, as well as in leafy green vegetables like kale and spinach. Vitamin C has many benefits for our health, including boosting our immune system, helping with the absorption of iron, and promoting healthy skin.
One of the most important benefits of vitamin C is its role in boosting our immune system. The potent antioxidant vitamin C works to save our cells from the harm that dangerous chemicals known as free radicals can do to them.
 It also plays a key role in the production of white blood cells, which are essential for fighting off infections and diseases.
Studies have shown that people who have higher levels of vitamin C in their blood have a lower risk of developing infections, including the common cold and pneumonia. Vitamin C may also help to reduce the duration and severity of colds and other respiratory infections, particularly when taken at the first sign of symptoms.
Another important benefit of vitamin C is its role in the absorption of iron. Iron is an essential mineral that is needed for the production of red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout our bodies. Vitamin C helps to enhance the absorption of iron from plant-based foods, such as spinach and lentils, which can be particularly important for people who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet.
Vitamin C is also important for the health of our skin. It is involved in the production of collagen, which is a protein that gives our skin its strength and elasticity. A decrease in collagen production as we age can cause wrinkles, drooping skin, and other ageing symptoms.
 Vitamin C can help to boost collagen production, which may help to reduce the signs of aging and promote healthier, more youthful-looking skin.
In addition to these benefits, vitamin C has also been shown to have a number of other health benefits. For example, it may help to lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease, and protect against certain types of cancer. It may also help to improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.
So how can we make sure we are getting enough vitamin C in our diets? The recommended daily intake of vitamin C for adults is 75-90 milligrams per day, which can be easily achieved by eating a healthy, balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables.
Some of the best sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, and grapefruit, as well as kiwi fruit, strawberries, papaya, and mango. Vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, bell peppers, and spinach are also good sources of vitamin C.
If you are concerned that you are not getting enough vitamin C in your diet, you may want to consider taking a vitamin C supplement. These supplements are widely available over-the-counter and can help to ensure that you are getting the recommended daily intake of vitamin C.
In conclusion, vitamin C is an essential nutrient that has many benefits for our health. It plays a key role in boosting our immune system, helping with the absorption of iron, and promoting healthy skin. It may also have other health benefits, such as reducing the risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer, and improving mood and reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety. To ensure that you are getting enough vitamin C in your diet, be sure to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables, and consider taking a vitamin C supplement if needed.
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Laparoscopic Surgery: Purpose, Procedure, and Benefits
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laparoscopic surgery in Indra Nagar
Laparoscopic surgery, often known as diagnostic laparoscopy, is a low-risk, minimally invasive treatment that requires a number of tiny incisions. Examining abdominal organs is done using this surgical and diagnostic approach.
Laparoscopes are the instruments used in the surgery, hence the name. This medical device has a tiny video camera with a light on it. Small incisions are made by the surgeon before the laparoscope is inserted into the body. The surgeon can assess the display to determine what's wrong.
Without a laparoscope, the surgeon would need to create a much bigger incision to view the interior organs. Open procedures are always preferred because they involve fewer cuts.
The identification and diagnosis of abdominal or pelvic pain is done more frequently via laparoscopy. When other minimally invasive techniques fail to aid in the diagnosis, it is an option that is taken into account. Abdominal issues can frequently be diagnosed with the aid of imaging techniques like:
With the CT scan procedure, cross-sectional images of the body are captured using specialised X-rays.
Using high-frequency sound waves, the method of ultrasound creates images of the body.
Radio waves and magnets are used in an MRI scan to create the images.
Laparoscopic diagnosis is utilised when these tests are unable to offer adequate insight or information to make a diagnosis. A tissue sample or biopsy can be obtained by laparoscopy.
Small intestine
a section of the big intestine
stomach spleen
female genitalia in the pelvis
A laparoscope allows the doctor to see the area where a test is performed, which includes:
mass or tumour growing in the abdomen
Abdominal cavity liquid
An individual cancer's level of development
What a specific treatment's effectiveness is
Surgery can be used to treat your symptoms if a diagnosis is made.
Although it can be used for performing surgical treatments as well, laparoscopy is mostly a diagnostic procedure. The surgeon uses a small tool with a camera and light while doing the procedure. The tool, known as a laparoscope, is employed to visualise the illness or injury to the relevant organs.
Small abdominal incisions are made as part of the process before the laparoscope is placed into the body. In order to obtain clearer views of the pelvic and abdominal organs, a catheter is then utilised.
Surgeons may occasionally support a surgery with additional surgical equipment in particular circumstances. The locations of the incision can be used to insert such equipment. Approximately four tiny cuts will be made in the abdomen region of the patient during the procedure.
Additionally, the surgeon may employ a uterine manipulator, inserting it into the vagina, uterus, and cervix to assist in the movement of the pelvic organs. As a result, they will be able to observe several pelvic anatomical features.
The medical practitioner must take away all equipment and the majority of the CO2 from the abdomen after the surgery. After the cuts have been stitched closed, bandages are placed over the affected area. The use of anaesthesia may cause the patient to feel queasy or exhausted.
The patient is often released the same day as the operation, in most situations. Hospitalisation may be necessary for some patients, though, in order to enable full recovery. A lengthier recuperation period may be needed, for instance, after a laparoscopic hysterectomy, which removes the uterus.
A laparoscopy has many advantages over typical surgical procedures, mainly because it necessitates fewer incisions.
Lessening of the scars
Patient leaves the hospital sooner after being discharged
There is less discomfort involved throughout the healing process, and the scars heal faster.
It will take less time for the patient to resume normal activities.
Comparatively little internal scarring occurs.
When using traditional techniques, the recuperation period is frequently lengthy. Laparoscopy patients also pay less for their stay because their hospital stays are shorter.
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Preparing Your Body For Delivery
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Best Gynaecologist in Nashik - Dr Prashant Mahajan
Look at colourful circumstances of life — no race is completed without training, no test is given without studying or no marriage is done without planning. So how can you give birth without preparing? 
 Labour and birth are indeed commodity that's anticipated of pregnant people but can take place spontaneously without planning, training, medication or any guidance. But if you train and prepare your body in the right manner for labour and birth, you have the upper edge to move further on with further strength, inflexibility, stamina, alignment and a better experience entirely and no mama would want to miss on that!
1. Invest time in walking
Walking is a simple yet effective way to keep your body moving while capitalising on the benefits. Invest time in regular walking where you can moreover choose lower supplements or one long walk during your gestation. Walking helps in overall strength and abidance figure- up since both are essential for labour.
2. Minimise sitting
It's been our habit of spending way too important time sitting and that too by poor posture. This causes disturbance in our body’s alignment, strength, inflexibility and physical well- being. Not numerous know that this can impact parturition as well! You can learn further about the disadvantages of sitting too long, along with the delivery charges in Chandigarh during your gestation trip. Along with this, you ’ll know what steps you can take to get out of your president.
3. Perform squatting
Piecemeal from the Kegels, you can also perform syllables! When it comes to pelvic bottom strength, alignment, leg stamina, and inflexibility — squinching is an ideal movement. It does n’t mean that you stop performing Kegels altogether, just incorporate a regular squinching program into your diurnal routine. Learn further about the significance of squinching while you're enquiring about the gestation package in Nashik at mahajan maternity home 
4. Start wearing flats
Heels look swish but are they practical during gestation? Heels, pumps( aka positive- heeled shoes) or wedges, can beget problems, since they protest your body out of alignment. With the pregnant body formerly intruding with the body alignment, the redundant pressure from your footwear wo n’t help at all. Body alignment does count for birth since the muscles and joints work best when your body is in correct alignment and the body in labour and birth would also perform stylish with the correct alignment. It makes an impact on how the baby is deposited for birth along with your body to give birth vaginally, with or without complications.
5. Learn to breathe
Heels look swish but are they practical during gestation? Heels, pumps( aka positive- heeled shoes) or wedges, can beget problems since they protest your body out of alignment. With the pregnant body formerly intruding with the body alignment, the redundant pressure from your footwear wo n’t help at all. Body alignment does count for birth since the muscles and joints work best when your body is in correct alignment and the body in labour and birth would also perform stylish with the correct alignment. It makes an impact on how the baby is deposited for birth along with your body to give birth vaginally, with or without complications.
6. Rest
Know that labour will be a marathon and effects won't be over incontinently. Your body would need a lot of rest, mending and medication time. Resting allows your body to relax all the physical structures of the body along with internal and emotional countries. During the end of your gestation, you may indeed feel more inclined to take rest — do n’t repel this feeling of yours. 
 At Mahajan Maternity Home, we've a platoon of educated super specialists backed by the rearmost in structure and installations. We've the stylish gynaecologist in Nashik able of handling complex deliveries, gynaecological and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic procedures.
Do take an appointment with the  gynae surgeon in Indira Nagar  at a centre closest at Mahajan Maternaty Home 
 who'll carry out the needed examinations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most applicable treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.
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