#obv it's not a fully fleshed out concept but hopefully you catch my drift well enough
payphoneangel · 10 months
Happy birthday!!! Here's an excuse to post about any headcanons if you so choose :)
OH BITING YOU (with love)
So in the good supernatural that exists only in my brain there's an episode in the early seasons in which there's a string of disappearances of frat bros at a local college with a big emphasis on greek life. Sam and Dean go to investigate and shit's weird, but also like. well it's greek life. a lot of shit is weird and that's normal. But finally they get to talking to a sorority girl who reveals that one of the biggest sororities on campus is like. just straight up a cult. And the goal is for the sorority girls to get a frat to propose/give them a promise ring, and then they sacrifice him. The lead sorority girl is some kind of demon or ghost.
So Dean poses as this girls' boyfriend and fakes being a frat (since it's early seasons he's still like, mid-20's) to get an in while Sam is nearby doing support spellwork (there's some kind of magic element they have to get around to counteract the power of the BBEG)
This, in turn, leads to Dean having to fight for his LIFE while running around a sorority house being attacked by a mob of girls. Brittany Spear's Toxic is playing throughout the montage (Diagetically and non-diagetically; Dean smacks into a table with an ipod connected to some speakers early on in the fight, and the music starts playing). It'd be an homage to/subversion of the house chase scene in Halloween, where all the girls are attacking him with common "feminine" weapons (kitchen knives, knitting needles, gymnastics twirling ribbons, high-heel shivs, etc). And would all culminate in Dean almost being killed in the basement of the sorority house (where the sacrificial alter is) before Sam/Sorority girl(?) save him in the nick of time. Though, Dean is able to buy himself some time by connecting with the BBEG on a personal level (one of the themes for the episode would be a commentary on misogyny and men not seeing women as fully realized human beings, which is why Dean connecting with her works)
It would have a lot of themes on like, the cultish nature of greek life and the insane boxes heternormativity puts people into, along with objectification and mayyybe white feminism. I dunno, maybe that's a lot to tackle in one ep of spn.
But I think it would be fun. And I think it would be hot.
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