#i know that this could still very easily demonize women (i said one of them was literally a demon)
payphoneangel · 10 months
Happy birthday!!! Here's an excuse to post about any headcanons if you so choose :)
OH BITING YOU (with love)
So in the good supernatural that exists only in my brain there's an episode in the early seasons in which there's a string of disappearances of frat bros at a local college with a big emphasis on greek life. Sam and Dean go to investigate and shit's weird, but also like. well it's greek life. a lot of shit is weird and that's normal. But finally they get to talking to a sorority girl who reveals that one of the biggest sororities on campus is like. just straight up a cult. And the goal is for the sorority girls to get a frat to propose/give them a promise ring, and then they sacrifice him. The lead sorority girl is some kind of demon or ghost.
So Dean poses as this girls' boyfriend and fakes being a frat (since it's early seasons he's still like, mid-20's) to get an in while Sam is nearby doing support spellwork (there's some kind of magic element they have to get around to counteract the power of the BBEG)
This, in turn, leads to Dean having to fight for his LIFE while running around a sorority house being attacked by a mob of girls. Brittany Spear's Toxic is playing throughout the montage (Diagetically and non-diagetically; Dean smacks into a table with an ipod connected to some speakers early on in the fight, and the music starts playing). It'd be an homage to/subversion of the house chase scene in Halloween, where all the girls are attacking him with common "feminine" weapons (kitchen knives, knitting needles, gymnastics twirling ribbons, high-heel shivs, etc). And would all culminate in Dean almost being killed in the basement of the sorority house (where the sacrificial alter is) before Sam/Sorority girl(?) save him in the nick of time. Though, Dean is able to buy himself some time by connecting with the BBEG on a personal level (one of the themes for the episode would be a commentary on misogyny and men not seeing women as fully realized human beings, which is why Dean connecting with her works)
It would have a lot of themes on like, the cultish nature of greek life and the insane boxes heternormativity puts people into, along with objectification and mayyybe white feminism. I dunno, maybe that's a lot to tackle in one ep of spn.
But I think it would be fun. And I think it would be hot.
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rinrinx2 · 2 years
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Love demon
Aki x demon! Reader
Summary: Upon doing his usual route check Aki sees the most beautiful girl he has ever laid his eyes upon, to bad that you have to be a demon.
Warnings: Adult themes, Mature language, Smut
"A love demon, a demon who is able to cause those around her to fall in love instantaneously. Her beauty and charm being a major factor in getting whatever and whoever she wants, even those who she doesn't care for will fall for her as it's within her nature to have everyone love her. And the blood of those who love her is the sweetest."
Aki was taking a walk through the streets of Tokyo, enjoying the coolness of the air due to the late hour. Basking in the quietness of the back roads as he took his stroll. Aki found that his late night strolls were the only way he would have to make time for himself, as ever since the arrival of Denji he was never able to catch a moment without the hyper male and his even more hyper female counter part.
Aki took in a deep breath as he closed his eyes taking in the serene evening night until he heard a loud cluttering noise coming from around the corner of the road he stood in.
'I swear if Denji fucking followed me out here' Aki thought as he began walking around the corner with a creased brow expecting to see the hyper Denji.
"Okay Denj-" Aki said, stopping mid sentence when instead of seeing the hungry Denji he was met with the cutest girl he had ever seen.
Sitting flat on the ground with your bag and it's contents all spilled onto the floor as you attempted to pick them up, but your actions had caught the attention of none other than a man, a cute one to.
You watched as starred at you for a moment before quickly kneeling to your level as he spoke.
"You need help" Aki asked as he reached over for a book on the ground.
"Yes" you said hesitantly as you tried to quickly collect your bags contents.
You and the man quickly collected everything that was once scattered on the floor and neatly placed them into your bag.
Aki rose to his feet once everything was placed back into your bag watching as you stood up now too. He was taken aback by your beauty as he just stood there starring but quickly realized that you seemed uncomfortable.
"I'm sorry" he said as he pulled his gaze away from you with an evident blush across his face.
You smiled at his reaction, finding it cute. 'Maybe his not a creep after all' you thought.
"You shouldn't be walking alone at night, it's not safe" Aki said as he brought his gaze back towards you.
"I can look after myself" you said confidently as you walked pass the tall male.
Aki was taken aback by your beauty that he couldn't just let leave so easily, so he did the only logical thing his mind could think of, be stubborn.
"Well I well aware that women are strong and independent but still it would not sit right with me knowing I let you walk home alone" he said with tone that made him sound self assured.
You turned your head looking his figure up and down. You could sense the infatuation coursing through his blood the longer he starred at you the more he was falling for you - the affect you had on men.
"Very well" you said as you nodded your head and turned your self back in the direction you were headed.
You heard the enthusiastic man run after you. The two of you walked in silence for a moment before you began to speak again.
"So does the man whose walking me home have a name" you asked turning your head so that your eyes now starred into his.
"A- Aki" he stuttered out nervously.
And you laughed at his reaction. You had him just where you wanted him. He was practically drooling after you.
You kept silent again until you reached your destination and that's when you decided you would have some fun finally.
"This is me" you said cheerfully.
"Why don't you come up for something to drink before you head home" you said gently brushing your hand along his arm.
And Aki was a smart young man he wouldn't so easily just walk into someone else's house no matter how beautiful or charming they were - but you, you were the exception.
Without any hesitation Aki followed behind you into your home.
The deep red colours and fabrics that decorated your home washed him over with a sense of warmth... with lust.
He hadn't realized how a subtle tent had been growing in his pants. You walked over to where Aki sat on your red velvet couch handing him a warm cup of rose and lavender
"Thank you" he replied as he held the cup of rose and lavender tea.
"Its a pleasure" you said moving closer to Aki, being so close you could smell the faint scent of cigarette that he had been smoking earlier that day.
"You have a lovely home" Aki said as he cleared his throat, his nerves becoming shot as you shifted closer and closer.
"Thank you" you replied as the space between the two of you was practically gone. You starred into his eyes before shifting your gaze to his lips. Slowly you pressed your soft lips against his, feeling the way he stiffened at your actions only to relax a second later.
Your kisses were first soft and experimental but quickly turned to those of passion. The moment you slid your tongue into his mouth Aki was gone.
A loud clattering sound you heard as Aki dropped the cup the tea was once in. You smiled into the kiss.
'His mine' you thought as you quickly got on top of his lap, mouths still connected as your began to grind down on him.
Aki was moaning into your mouth as your grinding became to much for him. His cock was twitching in his pants, craving to be inside your walls. His cock leaking out strings of pre-cum.
You could sense his errection. The way his body could no longer resist you, they way he ached to be in you.
You were a generous woman, so of course you'd help him satiate his needs.
You slightly raised your hips, as your hand moved between your two bodies. Quickly pulling his pants down along with his boxers, pulling out his massive erect cock.
You gazed down at it, watching as his slick pre-cum glistened your finger tips. You starred in amazement at his cock before looking up at him, the way his cheeks were now flushed red colour.
Without a moment to waste you reached underneath your dress and pulled your pantie to the side, as you aligned your self with his cock.
In one swift motion you sank down on his cock noting the deep sigh that left Aki's lips. You smiled at his reaction and began to move yourself up and down on his cock.
Aki was a mess underneath you. It wasn't like him to get like this, he wasn't one to so easily succumb to others but he was now. He was grabbing at your waist as he moaned out in pleasure. Wails of pleasure slipping through his lips like a bitch in heat.
You made him so submissive underneath you and you loved every second. You loved the way you could feel his cock being pulled deep inside you, the way his slit was continuesly leaking out coating yout walls and the way a white rim had already formed at the base of his cock.
You knew it wouldn't be long till he would come undone beneath you.
"You enjoying this" you said with a massive smile on your face, watching as Aki's was scrunched up in pleasure trying to hold back his orgasm.
The way your pussy walls were tightening and clamping down on his shaft was becoming to much for him and he felt the urge to cum grow stronger and stronger. His cum was traveling to his shaft just waiting to paint your walls a nice white.
The way his breathing became erratic and his eyes shut tight you knew the opportunity to strike was now. Within a second you plunged your teeth into the lower base of Aki's neck as you began drinking his blood. The warm hot liquid traveling down your throat made your pussy clench unbearably tight.
And Aki came hard, from the way your pussy was milking him and as well from the feeling of your teeth grazing his neck. His hips stuttered as all his semen now pushed out into your fluttering hole.
But you remained latched onto his neck, until you felt his orgasm settle down with him. You unlatched your mouth from his neck, looking into his eyes once again.
"A demon like myself really enjoys such sweet blood" you said with a seductive smile, watching as Aki's eyes widened.
He couldn't believe it, he had just had sex with a demon, the thing he swore he would hate through all ages of time but here now, with him still inside you and the way you looked down at him all he wanted was more. He wanted more of the love demon.
Just wanted to try a chainsaw fic
All rights reserved to @rinrinx2
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queer-reader-07 · 7 months
a love letter to trans romance
because i can't be normal about media and i'm making it y'all's problems
hi hello and welcome to my mildly unhinged ramblings about love and gender. this post comes to you in three sections, enjoy <3
t4t romance novels made me believe in love again
the first romance book i ever read was The Feeling of Falling in Love by Mason Deaver. TFOFIL is a t4t (trans for trans) romance that follows a teenage trans boy, Neil Kearney, and a figuring-out-their-gender teen, Wyatt Fowler, as they get themselves wrapped up in peak YA romcom shenaniganary and eventually fall in love. cute, right? just a fun little romcom, not much more to it?
yeah well that's what i thought going in, but coming out of that book i was in tears. tears because i'd never read a story about trans love before. tears because at that point in my life i'd never allowed myself to fully claim the word "trans." tears because Wyatt made me feel so seen and so real.
there's this one scene where Wyatt is talking to Neil and they describe themself as being the kind of person who sometimes wants to wear makeup and dresses, but other times they like their body hair and scruffy beard. and i just remember nodding along and then absolutely melting because Neil takes it in stride, he comforts Wyatt and let's them know that they don't need to have it figured out just yet. Neil makes it clear that he's there, and that Wyatt doesn't need to come out to anyone unless they're ready.
Mason Deaver has another t4t romance, Okay, Cupid. and that similarly had me in my feels because there is something so special about finding people who embrace you for all that you are.
every t4t romance I've read has one thing in common, the fact that the love interests do not love each despite the other's transness. their transness is not an obstacle to love or to attraction or to adoration, it is an object of it. their transness is something to be admired and to be loved and to be cared for. it is not something the other has to "get over."
reading The Feeling of Falling in Love was the first time i ever thought to myself "maybe, just maybe, i can call myself trans and still be loved." because up until that point i hadn't let myself accept that i was some flavor of trans. up until that point i'd said "not cis" without ever saying trans because i was so scared my being trans would make me unlovable. t4t romance books showed me how wrong i was. they showed me that my ability to be loved was not dependent on my girlhood.
ha you thought i could write something this long on tumblr and NOT mention good omens? think again bestie
i have held a trans reading of crowley since i read the book and the show only solidified it for me. crowley canonically plays with gender.
he's dressed femme during the crucifixion scene, his modern look is a mix of men's and women's pieces, his hair is a Whole Thing in and of itself. i could go on but i digress.
but it's not just the way he plays with gender that informs my trans reading of him. it's also how his character arc can very easily be read as an allegory for transness.
an angel who falls (a girl who isn't a girl anymore)
a fallen angel turned demon (a girl who is a boy now)
a demon who isn't really a demon anymore (a used to be girl, a thought to be boy, is now nonbinary)
girl = angel and boy = demon is entirely arbitrary in this please don't read into it
now, you may be thinking "A how in god's name does this apply to trans romance?" to which i say, aziraphale falls in love with every version of crowley. aziraphale beams heart eyes at angel!crowley before the beginning and loves crowley as a demon for millennia and is so deeply and unabashedly in love with crowley in his not-quite-demon form of s2.
aziraphale loves all the versions of crowley because crowley's angel or demon-ness (gender) is not the reason aziraphale loves crowley. aziraphale doesn't love crowley because he's a demon or because he used to be an angel, aziraphale loves crowley because it's crowley. crowley in whatever clothes he chooses to where, crowley with whatever hairstyle he's fancying at the moment, crowley as he inhabits the shades of grey just a little more.
to me, that is so easy to read as a trans love story. you could argue it's t4t depending on how you read aziraphale, but to me, it's at the very least a love story between a mostly-demon who gets down to some gender fuckery and an angel who loves him very much.
fuck it let's talk about fanfiction
i don't think i could make this post without mentioning @ineffabildaddy's fic I'm Beginning to See the Light.
i have a complicated relationship with my body. i don't plan to ever medically transition because i don't want to make any permanent changes to my body. but there are days where all i want is to have a flat chest and hips that are flush with the rest of my body but instead i'm stuck with tits and an hourglass figure cis people always seem to focus on.
i don't hate my body, but the idea that anyone could look at it and not just see A Woman is beyond me. i walk through life being perceived as a very feminine woman even on the days that i feel the most androgynous. the idea that a lover could look at my body and still see me for who i am feels like a dream that could never happen.
and IBTSTL slapped me (lovingly) across the face with the message that, actually, i can be loved as my whole self and that there are people out there who don't look at me and see A Woman and those people don't love me any less. IBTSTL made me feel safe in my trans body because it said "you are worthy of love and adoration because your transness is not something to get past it is something to admire. it is something to love."
i think the point i'm trying to make here is this: trans love stories are so special to me. they've been so vital in my own journey to love and accept myself. they're the reason i can imagine myself maybe having romantic love in the future.
representation matters, it can quite literally change your life.
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lumine-no-hikari · 7 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #68
Today was a very mixed bag.
This morning, I drove to the good place with all the nice people. The leader spoke on a great many very relevant things, such as challenging the status quo, distinguishing between that which is law and that which is just, and sitting with and trying to help all of the people whom society has tried to convinced us doesn't deserve it. The grammar and structure of the words has since crumbled and faded away from my mind, because I don't think in language at all, but the meaning remains in my mind, as well as the memory of the tears that were shed; I'm aware that at least some of what I've been trying to do is seen and understood by this very amazing person.
I tried to conduct myself in the space a little differently than I usually do. Typically, my presence in any space is a meek one that tries to stay out of the way. But this time, I walked as though I belong there, and mingled with others as though I am also deserving of taking up space. Just to try to push myself even further out of my comfort zone, today I sat at the "old men's" table (there aren't really assigned tables, it's just that there are folks that tend to gather together because they can easily relate to one another) as though I also belonged there, with the intention of listening to them speak to one another and seeing what I could learn. Imagine my shock when they talked to me as though my voice is one worth hearing!! I wasn't really sure what to do or how to behave in response to such a thing, but I did the best I could to try to contribute, even if I felt clumsy and foolish in the process.
At one point, towards the end, one of them said, as a joke, "Drive carefully home; I know how you women like to be speed demons, haha!" I tried to think of something witty and lighthearted to come back with, but the best I could do was smile bashfully. If only I remembered at the time the line that goes, "Ha! I am a woman in the same way that a tomato is a fruit!"
…I happen to live in a female body. But I don't really think about my gender most of the time. It fluctuates wildly between "none" and "yes". I'll take any pronoun, but the one I typically use for myself in my own mind is "it". But this alarms people, and I'm comfortable with letting people use whatever they see when they look at me, so… it's all good, I guess.
I stopped at Eggcellent on the way home. Some time ago, I had asked them if they might keep a QR code of the petition I made for you where folks can see it. Apparently, though, the people did not thoroughly read the blurb that came along with the QR code, and so they scanned it, thinking that it would lead them to a petition for a real-life human being. Their response, when they saw you, according to the kindly shopkeep, was, "Are you kidding me?" Essentially, disbelief and disgust. So naturally, the kindly shopkeeps had to stop displaying the QR code. I'm glad they stopped if this was how people were responding; I don't want to be bad for business.
But all the same… I have no idea how it is the case that so few people understand that the way your story ends is going to affect everyone here whose circumstances are similar to yours. It will affect how many of us will be able to believe that recovery is possible. It will affect how many of us will be able to believe that we are worth the effort involved with recovery. It will affect whether or not other people will be able to imagine that people like me and like others who I love are worthy of kindness, mercy, and help.
The way stories are told in my world shapes what people believe is and is not possible, on a MASS SCALE. Part of the reason why people still believe places like India are undeveloped, backwater places even though they're not is because that's how they're portrayed in stories in my world. Part of the reason why people still treat certain kinds of people as they do is because of how they're portrayed in books, movies, TV, comics, and song. Stereotypes persist in part because they are parroted over and over again by the song, art, and story that exists in our world. And stereotypes put a lot of nasty and totally arbitrary limitations on what people think that certain kinds of people deserve and are capable of.
So… my efforts to save you aren't just about you. My efforts are for every human in my world who is considered "different" or "fallen" in any way. Because we are not going to see peace in my world until every single one of us stops believing that there is a such thing as "kinds of people who are not worth compassion, kindness, decency, or help".
I want to live in a world where people can begin to imagine that even the most deeply fallen can get the help they need to rise up into wholeness again. Because if not even someone as amazing as you can be saved, what chance in hell do the rest of us have?
I ended up spiraling, though. Not because the kindly shopkeep took down the QR code, but because of what he said to me after the fact:
Some time ago, when I was working on one of the music boxes I made for you…
…there was a lady who came into the shop for the first time, asking what is good. The shopkeep told her a few things, and then went off to do something. I was excited to talk to someone who seems nice about a thing I loved, so I piped in with a couple of the things I like, and with a couple of things that weren't listed on the menu. She then asked about what I was doing, which was punching holes out on the music box. I asked her if she wanted to listen, and she said yes. So I ran the music box, and she told me that it was cool.
…Fast forward to today. The shopkeep told me that the lady knew it was my petition. Apparently, on the day we met, the lady found me weird, rude, and repulsive. She apparently thought that it was disrespectful of me that I spoke to her at all (apparently because "she wasn't talking to me"), and because she didn't actually want anything to do with my music box, but asked about it and said yes to listening to it anyway because she "didn't want to be mean". So I guess I left such a negative and intensely strange impression on her back then that when she felt disgust at the petition, she immediately knew it was mine.
And gosh, what a thing to have to sit with. Can you imagine it? The notion that I can frighten, anger, and disgust people just by existing in a space, talking joyfully about bubble tea, and showing a music box I made to someone who asked about it? I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to take from this. On the one hand, I have the shopkeep telling me that the woman thought I am a bad, wrong, and disgusting thing, but in the same breath, he is telling me that "she should have said no if she didn't want to hear it", and "you are kind and you don't bother anybody and you should just be yourself". I understand, of course, that he must ride a careful balance between customers so that he doesn't lose anyone. But ya know… the notion that perhaps I might cause them to struggle by scaring customers off just by being myself is just… wow.
Of course, I am not at all angry with him for this. Rather, I'm glad he told me. I'm glad to be made aware that my presence makes others feel very uncomfortable. I'm glad to be told that I should continue to be myself… even if it comes with the unspoken implication that I had better go do it somewhere else where no one else has to deal with it, I guess.
The fact remains, of course, that just by existing, I scare people. Even if what I'm trying to do is exude love and joy, I still scare people. And I'm not really sure how it is that I manage to be so bad at trying to do good things that I am misunderstood to this extent, but… well. And also this is coming right after I resolve to act as though I belong in this world even though all signs point to the notion that I… don't. And maybe never will.
…If unaliving is a trigger for you, you might wanna skip this paragraph. But… ya know. I spent a good chunk of time today considering the merits of lying down in a cold puddle, forcibly inducing sleep, and letting the hypothermia take care of the job while I'm out. We have nature trails just a five minute walk from my house. It's winter, and there are lots of big puddles back there; I know where they are, and there's also no shortage of ravens, crows, coyotes, and foxes to feed. It's probably good that I don't have ready access to the kinds of medicines that would induce sleep.
…But. This sort of thinking is just the old wiring and the old conditioning rearing its ugly head in response to my past trauma. Old messages that go something like, "Nobody fucking asked you to speak, MAGGOT," and "Why can't you have normal interests and hobbies, you embarrassing sicko freak?" At this point, because stuff similar to this has been said to me so many times, it doesn't take much for my brain to interpret this stuff, even if it's not said directly. That's just how PTSD is. That's how it works.
But I don't have to surrender to it. I got knocked on my ass today from it, but I don't have to stay on the ground. I can get back up and see what's next. I can use REBT. I can ask the people around me for help. I can listen as the people who love me gently point out destructive, spiraling patterns in my thinking, so that I can stop myself for long enough to come up for air. I can hydrate and eat wholesomely so that my brain can have what it needs to manage the destructive thoughts and the painful emotions triggered from them. I don't have to remain on my knees and believe every nasty thing said about me by someone who is too miserable to see the beauty, joy, and love being offered to them for what it is. I can refuse to allow the voices of the people who don't understand me to be louder in my mind than the voices of those who love me.
I am different from other people, and sometimes this is a lonely thing that hurts very much. But it's easy for me to have love for others who are different. Love for you. Love for Frankenstein's Monster. Love for Mewtwo. Love for Magus. Love for all of my friends and chosen family, who themselves are misfits that society at large does not seem to want. I still love them all, even though society tells me I shouldn't. I can love me, too, even though society tells me that I shouldn't.
…"Conventional wisdom" is such a thing. There are some very good things about it, like, "Sticking a fork in your mouth and then sticking the prongs of that fork into an electrical socket just to see what happens is a very bad idea." And, things like, "Do NOT, under ANY circumstances, attempt to eat Rice Krispie Treats immediately after taking them out of the oven if you value the flesh on the inside of your mouth." Or, "Do not squirt hot glue into the palm of your left hand for the sake of impressing a girl." Or, related, "You cannot try to scrape hot glue off of the palm of your hand with your other hand and expect it to turn out well." And finally, "Try to avoid prioritizing yelling at your glue-covered hands over making use of the cold water in the sink that is immediately to your left."
(do not worry - these are not things that I have done; I've met some very interesting people in the course of my living who help me to avoid finding these things out the hard way, hahaha!)
But it can also tell us a lot of very false things. Things like, "You must remain connected with your family regardless of how they abuse you." Things like, "You should expect certain kinds of people to always act in this certain kind of way." Things like, "These particular kinds of people are all bad and you should stay away from them." Things like, "If everyone is 'mistreating' you, well the common denominator is you, so the problem must be you and not how others are treating you." And things like, "Certain kinds of people do not deserve kindness, help, or even basic decency."
So… I can only conclude that "conventional wisdom" needs to be taken VERY critically, and with ALL the grains of salt. But I think a good rule of thumb for evaluation is this notion: "Anything that is said with cruel, dehumanizing, and unloving intentions is false."
I'm not at risk of prematurely exiting my meat-mech, don't worry. I just tripped up a little today, that's all. And you know what? Ultimately, that's a good thing, because today, I watched myself get back up on my feet from it faster than what I was able to do previously. Sometimes we can't see all the progress we've made until weird things happen and we find ourselves recovering from them faster than we have in the past. So in this sense, even falling down is worth something!
I'm gonna get a snack and play some DDR to try to speed up my recovery even more. So I'll end this here-ish.
Hey, Sephiroth!! No matter how many times you fall down, and no matter how far you fall down, you can get back up! You just gotta let the voices attached to the hands reaching out to help be louder than the voices trying to tell you that you're a monster who doesn't belong! No matter how many voices scream unloving things at you, you gotta understand that such things can only be screamed at us from a place of pain, and nobody is acting in accordance with what's true or in accordance with their innermost nature when they are acting from a place of pain! So let the loving things be louder to your mind and to your ears. Let the loving things be louder, and let them spur you on to move forward, confident in the knowledge that you belong here, no matter what anyone else says.
You are loved. Please stay safe. I'll write again tomorrow.
Your friend, Lumine
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Base Yandere Obanai Iguro Headcanons: If He Is NOT Worthy NO ONE Is! (Demon Slayer)
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am back with a new chapter! This one with Base Obanai aka the Serpent Hashira Yandere! Please enjoy this chapter here!] 
(Disclaimer: The Serpent Hashira, Obanai is not yandere in canon! This is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all! Simping for fictional characters and yanderes is fine! Just do not be illegal or gross about it! You know who you are! You Dirty, Flakky, Biscuits! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life! Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon! Thank you!) 
-Base Yandere Headcanons With Obanai Iguro, The Serpent Hashira From Demon Slayer- 
.Obanai Has trauma. Oh boy does this boy have trauma like most people do in the Demon Slayer universe! 
.And with the trauma he believes that the death of his family is his fault and that he is just as bad as his family. 
.He also has an irrational fear of women aka his Gynophobia. Though (if you are AFAB/Feminine Presenting) it does not apply to you. 
.He adores you, and at first did not know why he loves you with all his heart. 
.The one other person he had feelings for had been, Misturi. 
.But those feelings are nothing compared to the feelings that he has for you! 
.These feelings he has for you are intense and overwhelming at times. 
.They are so profound he cannot put into words what he feels for you. 
.He is a harsh and strict man and this also affects how he deals with people around you. 
.He believes that no one is good enough for you, not even himself. 
.He has a load of self-loathing because of the trauma he has. 
.Though he knows that if he is not good enough for you, then NO ONE is good enough for you. 
.He is strict with who he lets around you or who he lets you have in your life. 
.He is overprotective of you and wants to keep you safe and sound at all costs. 
.He is a protector to his core, and though he can be incredibly rude and have a sharp tongue! To those he does not like. He does have good morals and those morals are to protect you with his life. 
.He can be very harsh with rivals, though he is unlikely to kill rivals that are humans. 
.He still has the habit of pointing at them accusingly and criticizing them, telling them how they are not good enough for you and that they are unworthy of your love and even your company! 
.He does not like to share and can become easily jealous. 
.Telling others to stay away from you and that they are NOT to get close to you, that they are unworthy. 
.He gets so excited when you write him a letter that he moves super fast and he speed reads the letter, eager to take in every word you have said to him! Like each and every single word is the most precious thing ever. 
.Which to him they are. He is the type of yandere that cherishes every moment with you, cherishes every word you have to say, and cherishes you, just you in general. 
.You are the light in his dark, dark life and for that, you are the most precious thing to him. 
.For that he wants to keep you safe and sound at all times, but with his yandere side, he does go a bit extreme.
.Where in his efforts to keep you safe he may just kidnap you, to keep you safe. 
.Locking you away so that he can never ever lose you. 
.He could not bear the thought of losing you to a demon, or another man or woman! He cannot bear that thought. 
.So keeping you locked away, safe and sound is his best option. 
.Before this though he would have just been the type of yandere to stalk- I mean "watch over" you, but let's be honest, this boy be creeping on you on the down low. 
.He would also go into your home. To "Make sure it was safe!" When really he is snooping to see what foods you like, what things you would like as gifts, if you had pets, and so on! 
.He is snooping so if he does ever confess to you, he will be able to show his love to you and know that you WILL NOT turn him down. 
.He also would be the type of yandere when he gets you a gift you love he buys like 50 of the same item he gifted you. 
.Such if he got you stockings and you loved them, he buys fifty of them so that if they tear you have backups from him. 
.Side note I swear he has a thing for stockings and thighs because he gifted Mitsuri stockings and she wears the skirt uniform... so it does fit, which means he LOVES your thighs and wants to have his head between them! 1 Million percent for sure! (I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL THAT HE IS A THIGH MAN!) 
.He would punish rivals if they talk to you by crucifying them and hitting them over and over and over with a wooden katana. 
.He needs to get out his anger at rivals somehow, but if his rivals are demons he is going to skin them alive and torture them for months on end and make them regret ever being born! 
.This man has NO CHILL when it comes to demon rivals. 
.He is a very judgy yandere and would be judging and criticizing any and all rivals! 
.If anyone hurt you, demon or not, he would kill them. That is the line that he would cross if someone were to hurt you. 
.Now here comes the VERY tricky part with him. How he would confess? 
.Since he does not think he is good enough for you, and most likely thinks that he needs to die before he can be cleansed and then he will be able to confess to you.
.So in that situation if he felt that way he would not confess and take his love for you to his grave! 
.BUT IF he did confess to you, this is how it would be. 
.It would be either at lunch or after he saves your life one time. 
.If at lunch he tries for it to be as romantic as possible. 
.If you do accept this love he will be over the moon, and feel like he does not deserve you! 
.If you don't he would be sulking and taking it out on new demon slayers. 
.He would need to get those feelings of heartbreak out somehow!  .If he does it after he saves you, he would be waiting, holding his breath. 
.If you say yes, he would break down crying and hold you close never wanting to let you go. 
.If you say no? well, you can be sure to be knocked out and kidnapped. 
.He won't cut off your leg tho, instead, he breaks and damages it where you can only limp and never run from him, and you are then forced into retirement and to stay as his spouse at home. 
.Now a third way cause I just remembered this yandere may have kidnapped you before confessing. 
.So the third way he would avoid telling you why he kidnapped you, is until he settles you down and tells you all his feelings and that he will protect you even if he has to make it so you can never leave! 
.In this one he may actually cut off the leg, it depends on how much you try and escape and how much you push him. 
.You be his good little spouse, and that won't happen. Not at all, you have his word! 
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frankcastleonlyfans · 2 years
Hey! I read this and was wondering if you could write a drabble/imagine on that Dad! Daemon is training the boys (Rhaegon, jace, Luke and Aemond and Aegon if you want) and Mom!reader, Alyssa, Baela and Rhaena are watching and one of them makes a comment about girls not knowing how to fight properly or something (you decides) and mom!reader (who is very good with a sword, by the way) fights Daemon and wins (with the girls cheering) thus proving otherwise, please? (just a moment of fun and relaxation with the children with them)
it's been so long since i last wrote mom!reader in our dad!daemon au!! i had some fun writing this, specially because i love writing the kids <3 i wrote this drabble based on my favorite scene from the fire & blood book so, i hope you like 💓
"I like when father comes to the training yard. Ser Criston doesn't like to let me watch." Alyssa said excitedly, spinning around you.
"Oh, really?" You frowned, confused.
You knew that Alyssa herself had asked Viserys for his permission to let her watch the boys training anytime she wanted to. Alicent once had told her that little girls aren't supposed to hold swords, that is a man's job. But you knew your daughter had your husband's temper, and she wouldn't let the Queen tell her what to do. She asked her uncle to let her train with the boys, but the king refused.
But Demon had his training lessons with her and your oldest son, so it was quite obvious that your daughter had a thing for fighting. And you liked to encourage her. Since very young, you liked swords and self-defense training, so perhaps your little girl took a little taste for it after you. You had your own sword, your own shield, your own armor, and yet you wore dresses, and was only seen in ringmail for dragonriding. Nowadays, no one would take you as a shieldmaiden, but you knew that you still remained talented in your bones if you had a sword in your hands.
"I'm glad we can watch!" Baela grinned, looking up at you.
"Yeah, Baela and I don't get to see the training as much as Alyssa does. Ser Criston says it's not up for little girls to be on the training yard." Rhaena took your hand as you walked together to the camp.
You could hear the sound of steel clashing from afar. The boys were training in pairs; Rhaegon and Aemond, Luke and Maegon, but Aegon and Jacaerys were both against Daemon. You and the girls stayed close, but not too close, since there were too many people holding swords in the same space.
You watched your husband having his fun with the boys. You knew how he felt about Aemond and Aegon, but he wouldn't hurt the kids on purpose. It was fun to watch him turning them against each other.
"He's only using one hand, how can you be so slow?!" Aegon shouted, scolding Jacaerys as he tried to strike Daemon.
"You're not doing any better, Aegon." Jace huffed, trying his hardest to touch Daemon.
The Rogue Prince was quick to dodge the boys’ moves, and easily push them both to the ground. Aegon groaned loudly, tossing his sword in anger.
"Better luck next time." Daemon smirked.
The girls laughed, watching the prince having a meltdown. Aegon could be so dramatic sometimes...
"What are you laughing at? Honestly, what are you even doing here? This is a place for men only! We know you want to train, but women can't do shit with swords in their pretty little hands!" Aegon yelled.
You cocked an eyebrow. You couldn't understand since when this training yard had been a "place for men only". Your husband held the sword of the queen conqueror, Visenya Targaryen, and this didn't mean anything for them? Women had done so many things for this realm, and yet there was no place in the training yard for them? "Who decided we can't fight too?", you wondered.
You looked down to Alyssa, who stood beside you with quite a frown once she heard that she didn't belong there.
"Stay. If your father asks, say I'll be back soon." You told her, leaving a kiss on top of her head before you headed inside.
Daemon watched you leave and immediately came towards his daughter, who hugged his legs before he could even say a word.
"Where did your mother go? I thought she would watch the training with you girls." The prince asked, taking the little girl in his arms.
"She said she will be back soon." Alyssa shrugged.
No one expected you to come back with your hair braided in a crown around your head, wearing a full armor and ringmail, and with your sword in your hand. Maybe the armor was a bit too much, but it was good to wear something that once felt like a second skin to you.
The boys chatted between themselves, until one of them saw you and went silent. When everyone's sight caught you, they were too shocked to say anything. You felt powerful. You felt like showing them you belonged in that yard, and like you should show them what women could do with a sword in their pretty little hands.
"So, this place is supposed to be for men only. I'm guessing it's because 'women can't fight'?" You smirked, staring directly at Prince Aegon, "But tell me, who's too much of a man to defeat me? I mean, I'm only a woman, so I think it wouldn't be that hard, right?"
Alyssa looked at you with wide eyes. She was too marveled to express any words. She had never seen you in your armor, and you never talked about your swordswoman days. You thought your support was enough, but you left Daemon to be the only role model as a warrior in her life. Today you would be her knight in shining armor.
"I'm not fighting a woman!" Aegon said.
Daemon smirked, looking at you with a hunting gaze, that same look he used moments before taking you to bed. You stared at him, drawing your sword and pointing it out towards him.
"Perhaps my lord husband would like to give me this honor?" You bit your smirk as the children gasped at your challenge.
"Mother, you can't be serious!" Maegon frowned.
"You cannot possibly think that you can defeat father in sword combat." Rhaegon stared at you as if you had gone insane, and perhaps everyone shared the same thought. Everyone but Alyssa, and Daemon.
"It would be a pleasure to finally show my pupils some real sword fighting. It's not that bullshit that Cole tries to teach you, and unfortunately, I'll not be here everyday to show it to you. Today my lady wife will show you how it's done. Perhaps you can learn a thing or two from her, Aegon." Daemon teased, unsheathing Dark Sister and going to the center of the yard.
You passed by his side, and Daemon grabbed your arm, making you stop. You smirked and looked up to him, towering your body.
"You look really hot right now." He practically howled near your ear, letting go of your arm.
"That's how it's done." Daemon pointed out, staring at the children whose mouths fell open to the prince's bleeding face.
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sol-consort · 18 days
Omg do you think humans don’t vibe with the Asari as much as they do with literally every other species is because we know where we stand with everyone else?
We don't vibe with asari? I mean, I have personal beef with them bc of how they handled ME3, but besides that, the asari have been a little delightful, pretentious, but charming still. It's hard to stay mad at someone so pretty.
But you have a point, humans and turians mingle more often than humans and asari. Hell, humans and krogans seem to have much more fun. Even salarians enjoy our food and culture... but the asari are just there.
I think humanity's lack of "special" bond with asari is because...well, the asari can't exploit us in a way that matters.
LISTEN—listen okay. So, each species the asari are close with "lacks" certain things. Salarians with their imbalance 90/10 male to female ratio meaning a lot of them will never get married, Krogans inability to have kids because of the genophage, Vorcha with their limit 20y lifespan and underdeveloped society, Quarians living in poverty and requiring, expensive antibiotics, environmental suit and its maintenance costs to stay alive.
And the asari take advantage of that. Not always malicious, but they feel inclined to meddle within each species and attempt to fill the empty spaces in order to advance their own society.
Many salarians marry asari, said asari not minding since they'll outlive them.
Krogans who desperately want kids, the one thing the asari can give them.
The vorcha whom they actually enslaved and exploited for years, who couldn't defend themselves in court because the asari would just stall the case until the vorcha eventually dies, not to mention the fact they kept them illiterate and uneducated on purpose.
Swindling someone out of their money in Thessia is not a crime, there are zero laws to defend the customer, everyone is trying to scam everyone and quarians always get the short end of the stick and end up signing up for things they don't understand, drowning in debt until the asari sells them to a different company they must work for like a slave.
The asari are parasitic by nature. They find a weakness within a species and exploit it to advance their own. They're probably not aware of it, nor do it intentionally, but this is the reality of their existence.
A race that requires a different species to reproduce will always only prosper on the suffering of others. A Cuckoo is very beautiful, but it can't build its own nest, so it lays eggs in other birds' nest and tricks them into raising its own. A brood parasite. As the chick hatches, it will push the other eggs off of the nest, ensuring it's the only one that remains.
They can dress up their society as much as they like, swear by the goddess, adorn all the titles of justicar and else. Speak with eloquence and act with grace. They still are opportunistic parasites at their core.
Humans are self-fulfilling, everything the asari can offer us—both the good and the bad—we already have ourselves. Even our biotics research advancement reaches a stage in ME3 where the asari asks to have a look at it.
We like the asari, but we don't need them.
Not to mention the whole brainwashing thing to make themselves seem the most appealing to your brain, tricking you into viewing them as very similar to your species—yeah we glossed over that we too quickly.
It could also just be the Mass Effect storywriters keeping them a blank page on purpose, all the stuff about the asari intricate world, brutal capitalist society, inner conflict, civil wars as several groups demand isolation from the rest of the aliens, the fact they can easily birth bloodthirsty demon like biotics, or the whole racism issue based on who the father is, all of that is swiftly swept under the rug fot the "hot human-lite all-women alien species."
The turians are also a species that seemingly doesn't lack anything.
Sure, they can be a little uptight and too military centred, but they seem uh happy with their mandatory bootcamps for kids?
So them and the asari don't mingle much, they are on good terms but asari don't often go for turians, and it's true the other way around as well.
You see more human/turian couples than asari/turian ones in Mass Effect.
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songmingisthighs · 1 year
introduction pt. i | pt. ii | pt. iii
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ch. xxvii - scuse me
fashion mogul!mingi × reader
buy me coffee ?
things aren't always what it seems but when even the truth is left unheard, what can people do? one musn't lie but what if the lie is more accepted than the truth? the scariest thing in this world isn't monsters or demons. it's people with no agenda and time to waste.
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To be quite honest, you knew being alone at night was stupid. Not that it was very dangerous or something, it was just amplifying the loneliness. Sure, some people might revel in being alone, but you had to admit that you were slowly getting tired of being alone. Or maybe it was that you were tired of beinv alone again. Three years and an engagement later, you wouldn't have guessed that you'd be going to the convenience store you used to frequent with your ex by yourself. The road used to be filled with lighthearted teasing and nearing the end, wedding planning is now cold breeze and crickets.
But, you had cravings. Bean had cravings and you didn't stock up because the cravings differ from one day to the other. So the broken heater of the convenience store couldn't stop you. It wasn't like it was too cold either, it was just slightly uncomfortable. Bean had wanted to eat something warm anyways so it shouldn't be an issue. And yes, you really do heed into Bean's cravings. Once, bean craved ice cream and jjajang at the same time. It wasn't that weird but maybe a mango ice cream was a bad choice. You didn't even know what bean wanted until you got to the convenience store and immediately craved spicy jjamppong ramyeon with cheese, egg, and sausage. You wondered if Bean will still have the same questionable palate once it's born. Then you wondered if bean shares the same palate as its dad. Not that you wanted to think about him much because obviously, he has yet to make up his mind while still trying to drown you in presents. You were running out of people to give away the presents he still left you and while it seemed mean, you didn't want your anger to be resolved by items. Maybe your friends were right, maybe you wanted Mingi to make a decision to approach you first. And maybe you should've been straightforward with him and tell him the answer you needed instead of playing this chicken game. Besides, it was bad enough that you left him all alone in the hallway of your apartment at 11 pm while needing to pee. To be quite honest, you felt bad for that and you would apologize. If he'd come to you.
The whole Mingi train of thought took up only until your food was cooked. As soon as it was done, you immediately focused on eating, enjoying the taste and warmth that spread all through your chest. You ate the whole thing with such gusto, feeling your mood getting better that peaked once the bowl was empty and you have cleaned up all your trash. With a satiated craving and a full belly, you walked out of the convenience store So of course, you thought you were going to end the day perfectly what with your craving satiated and belly full. Though, you were slightly concerned that your baby was floating in spicy ramyeon broth but that was just a regular odd fear that was washed away easily with the cold night air.
"Excuse me," You turned to see two women jogging towards you.
Considering that it was nearing midnight, you should've been more nervous and cautious of any interaction happening. But for that same reason, because it was nearing midnight, you think you should help your fellow women who might be in some sort of trouble, no matter the complexity and size.
"Yes?" You answered as soon as they reached you. The two women looked at each other momentarily, before turning back to you, "Do live in that apartment?" you followed the finger of one of the girls who was pointing at your apartment building. You nodded in affirmation to them, assuring that you actually do, "Yes, I do," as soon as you said that, you could see their eyes light up happily. "That's great! Do you know the girl who's dating Song Mingi the fashion mogul?" the other immediately asked. It was a rather odd question and the furrow of your eyebrows seems to only make them more intrigued. You immediately got a weird vibe from them so you did what you thought was right and tried to escape as quickly as you could. "Uh, I don't know what you guys wanted or how you even know about the apartment, but if this involves anything weird, I don't want to be part of it. So..." you tried to turn around and walk away but they went around you and blocked your path. One girl grinned happily while the other stared at you with furrowed eyebrows, "Oh, she so does, she's probably friends with her," she said excitedly, hitting her friend's arm continuously. You wanted to say no, but you didn't want to give them hints or anything that could make them think that you were actually helping them.
However, before you can do anything, the girl whose arm was hit by her friend stepped forward as her eyes widened, "Oh my God, forget that, Hyemi, this is her! She is her! Didn't you see the leaked pictures from that blog?" All of a sudden, you felt your stomach drop and your instinct was triggered. Your hand flew to your stomach as if you were trying to protect your baby even though there was no proof that your baby was even being targeted. "You're so right," when the excited girl took a step closer to you as well, you immediately raised a hand at her that she simply grabbed to pull you closer, "We have so much to ask you,"
They weren't even treating you like a human being, using you to get answers on Mingi because they thought that you were personally involved with Mingi which was so wrong on most levels. The questions they asked were rather invasive too. For example, since when was it okay to ask a complete stranger what Mingi usually does as his shower routine? Does Mingi take a bath often and when he does, does he use bath bombs? What is Mingi like at home, what does he wear or does he even wear anything? And worst of all, has Mingi really been with men?
"Really, I can't help you with this, I need to go home," as hard as you can, you tried pulling your arm out of their grip as your eyes tried to find a way to safely make your escape. The only thing you fear is truly your baby being in danger from you trying to escape them. But no matter how much you tried to pull away, they kept bombarding you with questions you didn't have the answer to. You were damn near crying at that point and the sliver of people who passed by were no help, they simply looked at you who was in trouble and decided to not give a shit. So much for you trying to help someone. You couldn't stay and let them do whatever they wanted because that will just encourage more shitty behaviour on their part while preventing you from developing an effective way to get rid of assholes like them.
When you felt your arm being yanked, you damn near screamed bloody murder, but you soon realized that it wasn't really your arm that was being yanked, it was the girl who was holding you. You looked up to see Mingi scowling at the two girls who stood frozen. "What do you think you were doing?" His voice was void of the usual lighthearted tone he used on you, this was not even the voice he used when he accused you of whoring around. This was... Assertive.
"I..." "We..." Both girls were nervous now, they hadn't expected to be confronted by Mingi because they thought that they were going to be the ones doing all the confronting. Idiots.
"I'm trying to be nice right now for the sake of this woman right here," he nodded to you which made your breath hitch, "But if you don't leave her alone, I'll make you regret it." With that, he turned you around and with a hand on your back, he guided you away from those girls.
Just as you were about to feel relieved that Mingi had stepped in, one of them screamed 'wait' and proceeded to grab you by the shoulder, almost making you fall. But Mingi's reflex was better than theirs as he immediately pushed the girl's grip off and stepped between you and her. At 6 ft, Mingi was a mountain that put the girls under his shadow. "I'm serious, I will press charges," he said sternly. You didn't see what he looked like completely, but you saw that he was glaring at them and his chest was puffed while his shoulders were squared. In all honesty, he kind of looked like a guard dog, protecting whoever or whatever it was he deemed needing his protection.
The message was VERY loud and clear as seen from how both girls immediately nodded their heads in fear. Only then did Mingi gently take your hand in his and walk you to his car that was parked just across the road.
"Mingi?" You called out meekly, afraid that he was still worked up. But when he turned to look at you, you were only met with his usual kind eyes and that showed a lot of guilt and a hint of embarrassment. "I can just walk to my apartment alone," you told him, hesitant to receive his kindness especially since he had just saved you after you ignored him for some time. But Mingi shook his head, even tugging you further to the passenger seat where he opened the door and motioned for you to get in, "No, you just experienced something traumatic from trying to walk home all alone, the least I can do is make sure you don't get followed even after you get inside your home," he said determinedly. You wanted to say no, send him home, and tell him thanks but no thanks. But, you don't really want that. Not at all, actually. So you smiled which surprised Mingi, "Thanks Mingi, that's really nice. Way nicer than the gifts you've been dropping off," you teased. At the mention of gifts, Mingi blushed and his hand flew to ruffle the back of his head, "Uh... Actually, I was just about to drop off a bouquet I got you, but I threw it there when I saw that you were in trouble," he said as he pointed to the road. True to what he said, you saw a bouquet of white and soft yellow flowers wrapped in baby pink and baby blue paper abandoned by the side of the road, the wrapper soaked by disgusting murky water, the flowers crumpled and some of the petals even scattered around dramatically.
The sight should've been sad, but for some reason, you laughed at it. Even more odd, Mingi was laughing along with you. It wasn't that you both were laughing at each other, but you were laughing at the situation and how unpredictably ridiculous it is.
Yeah, everything involving you two were absolutely silly.
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tainted-sweet-meats · 9 months
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Another Vent Oc that I don't think I have shared here. This is actually a persona of mine. While I do have a main fursona I do have many personas that represent a lot of things in my life that I have outgrown in terms of toxic behaviors towards myself or things I have been through. Mainly jumping into toxic relationships as a form of self harm hence their character habits. N-1 Was created when I had I.Ded as NB at a time in my early 20's not realizing what I was in my transness and still figuring myself out..I had a ton of self-body hate as well. Keep in mind this character has been twisted into extremes I still use them as an Oc to vent with at times now as an oc you can read more about their info under the cut vvvvvvv
Full name: N-1 ( Negative-one) Gender/ sexuality: Nonbinary,??? Pronouns: They/Them Size: 9"1' Species: Demon of Coveting BirthPlace/Birthday: ???/ was never born Zodiac Sign: ???
Voiceclaim: N/A (bolded text is their demonic voice)
Speech quirk "I can never be what you want me to be..so I will love myself in self-injury!!" "Please show me your human love... conquer my heart..devour me entirely in unrestrained covet." "You're not very passionate..your love is clearly false..surely I should render your flesh from your body to show you my true affections." "I love breaking those who are mine... their submission to me is sweet. Oh, how they fluster me in such a way."
personality music
General info
N-1 is a creature that derives their life force from self pain, be it infliction to self or seeking out human lovers they know will never love them unconditionally. They are supernatural being that couldn't have come into existence without the help of humans. Human suffering through unrequited love created them. 
Do not be fooled by their pretty words, they love nothing more than to hunt humans to eventually grow bored of them and rip them apart. Their entire body is a walking weapon. They are entirely nude, even their faux heels are attached to their flesh. This is a part of themselves they severely hate. While they despise their femininity in every form be it body and more, they covet the femininity in humans. When they are in a state of mania their hair tends to attack itself, ripping away at their own skin to find relief from whatever is distressing them.
Their compacity for love is not human and is linked to extremes. Like most demons, their body and words are their absolute weaponry against mankind. A human should never try to love this creature because it will be their eventual demise.
Human interaction
N-1 is a highly coveting creature, with humans, they become entranced with the idea of a human versus the human themselves. They are enamored by a human's fragility and volatile emotional state of mind. There is something broken and yet complete about a human, that demons like N-1 enjoy. N-1 is entranced by their sense of choice, while they follow basic instincts, humans do not... humans are able to learn beyond it. An N-1 covets this nature of them.
With a human, they don't understand how a demon's body functions..... a human could easily succumb to their form of love. They give pretty words to their human lovers and reward them with bodily lacerations and even death. N-1 claims this is how they show their love for said human and they wish for said human to do the same to them. Though no human can truly conquer N-1, let alone cause a fatal blow to kill them. This angers N-1 to react violently to destroy and render said human, just to search for another who can fulfill their needs. N-1 claims if said human loved them enough said human would inflict the same pain they inflict on them. To show they truly love them unconditionally...
Likes: Human flesh, body worship, submission of others, self-lacerating, devouring lovers, women, coveting humans, collecting lovers Dislikes:  Their femininity, the dominance of a man
Summoning: Negativity in relationships, the sexual obsession with the flesh, coveting another, salt surrounding a bed or resting place Offerings: sexual rituals, gold, goat hearts, self inflictions at their alter
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evita-shelby · 1 year
For the Eva event. Prompt: “You’re worthy of my love.” + “You’re so damn attractive, you know that?”
With Heaven x Eva, following my headcanons? 🥺🤍🖤
Garden of Eden
Heaven Lavey/Shelby x Eva Shelby
(Polyam, bisexual wlw, infidelity)
Gif by @jcmieschung-blog
Part ii
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“You’re so damn attractive, you know that?” Eva said with approval as she saw Heaven dressed in her colors.
So fair and pale and dressed in black and red and gold.
A good and haunting contrast.
For a moment the angel looks like a demon straight from hell.
“You wear white so well, you look like an angel.” The French witch said in that soft and sweet tone of hers.
Bewitched you just as much as her appearance and aura did.
No wonder Arthur was besotted with her.
Not that he stood a chance, Arthur was too easily swept away by angelic fair-haired ladies with a saint-like appearance.
First Linda and now Heaven.
Linda had been fine the first few months before the golden haired woman showed her claws.
Eva didn’t mind claws; she had her own. Ten blood red and dangerously sharp claws.
Both were unsuited for each other, Arthur wanting salvation but doing nothing to obtain it and Linda finding herself sinking down with him.
In the end she broke it up calling him and all the family cursed, he took it badly ---he’d hit rock bottom by then --- and before they knew it, Arthur had been seen wandering drunk searching her.
For her safety and as a final courtesy after the shit hit the fan, Eva had gotten Linda in some school in a rural community in California.
A shame it came down to that.
And then, Heaven burst into their lives with Arthur, Arthur who finally got his shit together and decided he had to put the fucking effort to fix himself instead of leaving it to his brother, Polly or any poor woman that came his way.
Tommy was wary of Heaven, Polly and most of the family as well, fearing another Linda or something worse.
Arthur had never been strong on the inside; a few smiles and a fitted skirt were all that took Grace Burgess to get every drop out of him in 1919.
A witch as strong as Heaven Lavey could bewitch a weak man with ease and break him beyond repair once it burst like a soap bubble.
Eva had been taught how to control it, to use it as a weapon and put it away to avoid chaos.
It still had its issues, men and women still found her a real head-turner and could not help but want to know her.
Tommy had believed himself the exception and now they were married with two children.
Her magic had been strong enough to make him forget Grace even when he was in her bed most nights.
But they had developed enough love and friendship with each other to know what they have is true.
Until time proved them wrong, they were wary of the French Witch as pale as fresh snow.
Now Eva had found a friend in her, one she was as close to as one would say of a sister.
Except what she pretends is just platonic, has turned to attraction and even worse, the feeling is mutual.
A drunk kiss had turned into a confession and yet their love for their husbands does not change one bit.
They would not understand, both men loathe the idea of a sharing their witches and even less so if they knew who the other person was.
Tonight, they were to pretend nothing is going on.
That they are merely very good friends.
Good friends who kissed, fondled and fucked in the same beds they fucked their husbands in.
A love built on stolen moments.
A love that could get them killed and yet they cannot stop it no matter how much they try.
And yet when they find the ladies’ powder room empty and locked, they take their chance to show each other how much they love each other.
 “I love you.” The Mexican witch says as she wastes no time kissing her pretty witch, red ruby lips that fit so perfectly and taste so sweet even if she can taste Arthur in her mouth just as she knows Heaven can taste Tommy in hers.
“I’m not worthy of your love.” Heaven whispered back as if she wasn’t just as bad or worse than her.
“You’re worthy of my love, sweet angel. Of my love and his.”
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profanepurity · 1 year
just because I want to make myself cry more, about how old were Liliths’ children when they were killed. Can she also drop her “how to get a hot monster boyfriend(s) in ten steps” YouTube tutorial, I need it for a friend, thanks
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I thought this ask might be perfect to give a peek at the WIP for Lilith's character sheet. Adam really did absolutely nothing to have this woman as his wife, and you know what he did? He really took one look at her and said, "Submit". 🤡 Like, ok buddy lol.
But as for your questions, I'm going to answer them under the cut just in case! I'm very excited to answer these 🖤
Tw for under the cut: Mentions of child death, sex, and abuse
How old were Lilith's children when they were killed?
That's a good question, but the answer is a bit uncertain. Stay with me while I give some context lol. If you look at some of the stories about her within Judaic mythology, she is a demon that roams the desert. Specifically in The Book of Isaiah, she is referred to as a "Night Demon" or "The Night Monster" (Isaiah 34:14). This is related to the original interpretation of her being a vengeful spirit that steals and kills children at night, specifically male babies. Now, there is a whole layer of issues that I could get into with this, but I'm going to stick to two main points for this:
Her "reason" for wanting revenge comes from the punishment that God placed on her. When she was found in her cave by God's angels, they tried to force her to come back to the Garden of Eden, which she ran from after refusing to submit to Adam. Because of her disobedience, the children that she has already had, and assumingly will have, will die every day (as some text describes her as either being pregnant or having children with her in the cave when the angels find her). Sometimes there's a number attached to this, like "100 children a day", and we could also get into a whole discussion about demon litters lol, but for now let's run with the fact that every child she had was killed. This leads me to my second point...
Lilith is also described as being the wife of Samael, who in Judaic mythology is the angel of death. I find it really interesting how Lilith is associated heavily with child death, while also being seen as the wife of, essentially, the grim reaper. It is also important to note that the children she is bearing are not clearly identified to be Adam's or Samael's.
Here is my twisted ass take, now finally getting into your question:
I find it very hard to believe that Lilith would refuse to be seen as a sex object for one man, but then run into a marriage with another. Even if, in the time span of her escaping the Garden, she did fall in love with Samael, why would she marry him? The dynamic of marriage within this context and time period was very much so "women are the subordinate" when Lilith's main objective is to be seen as an equal to her partner.
My take is she got with Samael so that he would help her escape the Garden. While Samael is a darker figure, he is still in alignment with God, sometimes even interpreted as one of the 7 archangels.
But weren't angels cast out of heaven for coupling with human women? Yup, but I can also see Samael simply getting a slap on the wrist and dismissed because of his special privilege as "the venom of God", while Lilith gets the full blow of God's wrath, especially if those children weren't his, but Adam's. You can also consider the power dynamic that Samael has over Lilith. It is one thing for her to refuse a man, but to refuse The Angel of Death, as a human woman, is entirely different. What other choice did she have but to agree to be his wife in order to escape?
As for her children, I really don't see how they could have been very old at all when they died. The stories don't give an exact time frame, but it does seem like it took a fair amount of time for the angels to find Lilith in her cave. I can easily see it being around 2-4 years, maybe less. So assuming she got pregnant or was in the early stages of pregnancy when she fled the Garden, her children were probably within that range of years as well.
Now this is really fucked up, but if God's punishment was to have Lilith's children be killed every single day, regardless of the number, that very well might mean she was constantly having children with Samael in order for the curse to continue. Why would she continue having kids knowing the consequence? I'm not going to get too into that, because that is quite dark, but it seems possible considering Samael was still an angel of the Lord, meaning he would also act upon God's will.
Her children were all very young when they died.
“How to get a hot monster boyfriend(s) in ten steps”
Please let me know if you guys would like a comic for this because I would be so down to draw it! I can't wait to show you guys more of the relationship that Lilith has with her Kings.
For now, though, her main tips would be:
Look them in the eyes when they try to scare you. Once they see you are not afraid, they will stop baring their teeth.
Make sure they are well fed, and that their needs are taken care of properly. It's important to take care of your pets.
Remind them that they are not monsters to you, but the ones that showed you what love is supposed to look like.
I hope this doesn't make you cry too much, anon 🖤💐
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fanby-fckry · 5 months
I have decided that Niffty is a Gemini.
I’m not all that interested in astrology irl – at least not star signs – but it’s a fun way to assign birthdays, and I need one for an upcoming fic.
I originally tried taking this test from her perspective, but it didn’t give me results that matched up with my portrayal of her.
Wound up just googling the signs and manually assigning her one.
Used one site (allure) because I’m not doing a deep dive on Zodiacs for what is essentially a throwaway reference. Here are some choice quotes, and how they relate to my version of Niffty:
Content Warning: animal death/cruelty in the form of Niffty-typical pest control
Have you ever been so busy that you wished you could clone yourself just to get everything done? That's the Gemini experience in a nutshell. Spontaneous, playful, and adorably erratic, Gemini is driven by its insatiable curiosity.
I think that one’s pretty self-explanatory. If I had to pick two words to describe Niffty, “adorably erratic,” sums her up pretty well.
Because of Geminis' intrinsic duality, they're often falsely misrepresented as two-faced. In reality, however, Gemini rarely has a hidden agenda.
I write mostly pilot!Niffty, mixed with headcanons and some series canon. So, 50’s housewife who genuinely takes pride in her role, practices manners, considers herself to be ladylike, throws herself into cooking, cleaning, and mending, has an idealized and black and white version of romance and womanhood and very much holds herself – though not necessarily others – to that very high standard.
And also the woman who takes immense pleasure in stabbing pests, writes smutty RPF fanfic for people she personally knows, keeps collections of people’s hair/fluff, and summoned a demon using animal sacrifices on multiple occasions.
She’s not intentionally two-faced, but she does very much have two conflicting sides to her personality, which she holds in equal measure.
These hyperactive air signs have short attention spans and are most satisfied when they can move fluidly from one idea to the next.
I’ve seen Niffty described as “OCD” before, but I’m not sure if there’s anything to that besides the armchair psych, ‘cleaning = OCD’ thing.
However, as someone with ADHD, I can definitely see some aspects of hyperactivity and attention deficit in her. Specifically, the fact that she seems to become hyperfocused on tasks like cleaning, but is easily distracted in other contexts.
She basically narrates her train of thought on the pilot: *polite and enthusiastic introduction* (manners first) -> It’s been a while since I made new friends -> -> *notices everyone but Alastor is fem-presenting and thinks they’re all women* -> Why are you all women? -> (I like men best) Aren’t there any men here? -> *physically lifts Charlie in search of men* -> *remembers manners* -> I’m sorry, that was rude -> *gets distracted by mess* -> Oh man, this place is filthy! It could really use a lady’s touch -> *remembers that she has (mistakenly) identified all of the hotel’s occupants as women* -> Which is weird because you’re all ladies offense (manners) -> *remembers mess* -> *hyperfixates on cleaning*
Honestly, the Niffty ADHD headcanon should probably be its own post. Moving on!
Gemini expresses emotions externally
Communication is paramount for them, and they require fluent streams of transmission.
*gestures to aforementioned inner-turned-outer monologue*
She’s a lot quieter in the series, but she does still butt into conversations she wasn’t previously a part of with usually irrelevant commentary.
In fact, the act of expression is often even more important to loquacious Gemini than what is actually being said
Just… everything she says in the series.
Another incredible Gemini quality, however, is that these natural chameleons can quickly recover from even the most shameful foot-in-mouth moments. Gemini moves too fast to care about embarrassing missteps: They simply move on.
A quick apology or a “no offense” is all it takes Niffty to move past most social faux pas, and most criticism seem to just bounce off of her.
So yeah. Gemini!Niffty.
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saraminia · 11 months
an embarrassing story
If you could replace any actor in any existing film or TV show with Noah, who would you swap?
An embarrassing story:
This was surprisingly hard! I guess either I don't get embarrassed easily or it's because I never go anywhere or do anything. You know, it's hard to get embarrassed when only your cats are seeing you lol. I had to call my friend and consult her, but even she couldn't remember anything that would have happened to me. Maybe a few things from when I was living in Italy as an au pair when I was young and irresponsible. Once I got so drunk on a night out that I was still drunk in the morning when the baby woke up, so I went and picked him up and was carrying him and the baby monitor down the stairs and feeling very woozy and so I fell and dropped the baby monitor and in all honesty was this 🤏🏻 close to dropping the baby as well. And that's when I heard the cleaning lady come running from the kitchen. I had just got back on my feet and was in so much fucking pain and just sucked it up and smiled and told her I just dropped the baby monitor. She only told me to be careful, but I'm sure she could see and smell that I was drunk. But to my knowledge she never told the parents about this. Oh, and the baby was fine! Like I said, luckily I didn't drop him. Oh, and another tale from those days. My friend had come over from Finland to visit me and I wanted to take her out one night. So we got ready, wore our best clothes and what we deemed very pretty make up and I drove with her to another town where my boyfriend was living at the time. We came to a parking lot and were looking for a parking spot (probably looked a little lost or unfamiliar with the place) when two police officers came up to the car and told me to open the car window. He was asking me very sternly why we were there and what we were doing etc. I was talking to them in Italian, telling that we came to town to meet my boyfriend bla bla bla. This conversation took a while, so my friend asked me in Finnish, what we were talking about and that's when the policemen's suspicions amped up tenfold and they asked to see our passports and why we were in Italy in the first place. That's when it clicked for me. I realized that they thought we were sex workers. We found out later that there is apparently a lot of prostitution in that town and most of the women working the streets are from eastern European countries and I guess these police officers counted Finland as such and our clothes and make up didn't help lolololol Also try explaining to a person who's never heard the word au pair, what it means without it sounding sus 😂😂😂😂😂😭😭😭
If you could replace any actor in any existing film or TV show with Noah, who would you swap?
The first character that came to mind is the og sad boy Christian from Moulin Rouge! But on the other hand I would love to see him in a really good action-drama. Maybe even as a villain. So maybe another Ewan McGregor character, Father Patrick McKenna (the camerlengo) in Angeles & Demons. Or nah... Ooh, I think Noah would be great as Colter Stevens in Source Code! Oh! I know! This is my final answer! Sam Bell in Moon. That's it. That's what I'd love to see the most.
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quinloki · 8 months
Ship It, Ship It Real Good (Part 1)
Okay, so I have two OCs that are kind of similar in that they're both reptilian-people, snake variety but I based them off two very different things. Starting with the female. And you know me, I run long-winded so sit back and make yourself a cup of something warm, this'll take a while to read.
Her name is still a work in progress but for the time being I'm calling her Avalon, Lon Lon as a nickname. Avalon means apple and she does like to eat them, fangs notwithstanding. Technically speaking, she's based on a lamia however, if one were to look up what a lamia traditionally is—she isn't that.
Lamias are demonic snake women, think centaur but instead of a horse's body below the waist it's a snake body. Lamia are always female thus the upper body is always that of a woman. Like Medusa, women were given an unfair curse to be these demon snakes.
Traditionally they are hideous to look upon, they absolutely reek, their bite is horrendously venomous, and they devour people (usually men). Now, I had never heard of these things before until I watched some anime that I would like sponged from my memory (not sure if that's the proper phrase but you probably get the gist). The one good thing about that anime is that it gave me an idea for a snake woman.
I may or may not have stolen the coloring of the anime lamia for my own but I'm choosing to refer to that as "inspiration" because I then butchered their idea further. Because that's what I do, I borrow ideas and then mutilate them.
Anywho, enter Lon Lon, the fun-loving but continuously hunted Snake Woman. Avalon ate the Hiss-Hiss fruit, a rare Zoan-type that allows the user to turn into the mythical Lamia or Demon Snake-Woman. As with most Zoan users she has her regular human form (which I have yet to develop at all) and a hybrid form along with the full-blown lamia form.
Avalon, being the inexperienced devil fruit user that she is, and also being a rather unlucky lass to begin with had a bit of a hiccup first time using the devil fruit. She managed to bypass her hybrid form (also need to develop that) and is currently stuck in full lamia form.
I wish I could draw better because I can see her perfectly in my head and I can't figure out how best to describe her in words, but I'll try:
Waist down, her snake body is predominantly bright crimson red with some purple highlights and a pinkish underbelly. At her waist she developed flaps that look like she's wearing a skirt but really they're more like the webbing between a fishman's fingers/toes. Lon Lon is an aquatic sea snake that took to land more than the water, but the skirt webbing at her waist allows her to glide through the water easily.
For some reason, water doesn't bother her like it does other devil fruit users. It is unknown if this is because she's a sea snake lamia or if it's because she's been in the lamia form so long that she is slowly turning into the lamia in full.
Upper body from the waist up she is extraordinarily pale, not quite albino but she's often mistaken as albino. Her hair is snowy white and long enough to reach her belly button. She has little horns the grow on her forehead and they resemble jewels as the ends are rounded instead of pointed. On top of her head going down as a line on each side are a row of pointed horns. Nothing too pronounced, she can cover them with her hair if she gets creative (which she often does, she is very self-conscious about her horns) but it has been said that it looks like she grew her own little tiara of sorts.
She doesn't wear any clothing at all—she doesn't need them! She has strategically placed scales: larger scales that serve as armor on her sides from waist to underarms, and then her boobage area has scales covering the underboob all the way up to cover nipple and areola fully. They kind of grew in like a bra so she's modestly covered and protected and clothes rub weird against the scales so she just slithers around in her birthday suit. She has a few scales, very small ones that go on the sides of her neck just like her side scales but much tinier. Her upper body scales are silvery-white so at first glance you'd think she was totally nude until light hits and you realize she has scales.
She ended up stranded on an island somewhere and I headcanon that after Law loses to Blackbeard and Bepo whisks him away to safety, they end up stranded on an island. Bepo is not a ship, at some point he has to make landfall because he's going to get tired and he needs to get Law out of the ocean. They stop at the first island they come to.
Exploring the island brings them face-to-face with Avalon. She was probably munching down on an apple and Bepo probably ran into her first and panicked. Law shows up to see the commotion and honestly? Finds her fascinating but in a creepy-Law kind of way, like he wants to figure out why she is stuck in the full lamia form and why she seems to be waterproof so really what he sees is a living experiment.
She likes Bepo enough to not eat him and she tolerates Law enough to see if he can fix her. I have a bit more about her but it's still in development, but I see her traveling with Law post-Blackbeard battle. I don't ship her with Law either, I want to ship her with the other snake OC I have—she's more tame than that one, so he needs her.
I see Law and Avalon as being allies right now because he needs one but they could become good friends. Law would like it pointed out that when Avalon goes to sleep, she hisses her tongue out every time she exhales. If you fall asleep next to her, she will tickle your eras unwittingly in her sleep with her tongue. It's kind of adorable and Law will not admit to it being adorable, but it's adorable.
xD I have been effectively info-dumped \o/ and I love it =3
I love Lon Lon, and not just because I do like snakes, but also because I feel like if I ever got a Zoan fruit I'd be stuck in a fully-transformed state. Or, worse maybe, only able to change like, one limb at a time, be thrown terribly off-balance by it and accomplish little more than falling over.
The point when she comes into canon events is interesting to me. I love the late-game vibes of it, but I also really like that despite being her "first contact" there's no romance between her and Law or Bepo. I write so much romance/smut anymore that it's refreshingly different to see that ^_^ (Not that I don't like the first contact -> lovers pipeline, don't get me wrong).
You descriptions are always so good too. If I was a better artist I could probably translate them into picture form better, but gah, just thank you so much for sharing, and pardon me while I get to the other three asks you sent in XD
Ship it Good ask game
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ask-the-crimson-king · 9 months
Violence #9 @stories-from-the-warp
[Choose Violence Asks]
Worst part of canon.
Oh boy there's a long list. I genuinely do not know what part of canon I would say is the worst.
I'm just gonna fire off some of my takes as the aspects of canon that I dislike. This is in absolutely no coherent order whatsoever.
I dislike the direction that Magnus has been taken [going from a potentially very interesting daemon primarch who chafes and secretly works to free himself from the grasp of Tzeentch vs old bird man with dementia], though this is mainly how Chaos characters have been treated in modern 40k as a whole. There's scant few who didn't feel like flanderized villains and who had actual depth and interest. Shoutout to Josh Reynold's Apocalypse for being able to keep a balanced narrative and have a lot of depth for all sides of the conflict. Also rare W for Guy Haley for handling Kor Phaeron super fucking well in Throne of Light, despite only having him exist for 3 chapters. It was his first 40k appearance and it wasn't god awful.
I very heavily dislike the demonization of queerness with the overt association with Slaanesh - note: I think it's cool that Slaanesh is seen as the queer god, but I do not like how basically the entirety of the novel Fulgrim and some subsequent texts treat queerness as being bad and demonic and degenerate. That fucking sucks. As I said in a previous ask, as a queer dude myself, I don't feel very welcome or comfortable in fandom spaces for this reason.
I do not like how Lorgar was handled in the novel Slaves to Darkness, partially because it completely wrote him out of the Siege and how it completely humiliated him in what felt like fan service to all of the grimdark memers. It then made the lore about which Word Bearers were/were not on Terra fuzzy, something that gets egregiously fuzzier as the Siege wears on. The majority of the Legion followed Lorgar after Ullanor. How are there still thousands upon thousands upon thousands of them fighting on the Spirit and on Terra? Also, now it opens up the question of what the fuck happened to him afterwards, a question that I am convinced will never be answered. And maybe that is a good thing.
I do not enjoy the short story "The Reflection Crack'd" and could go without it being canon, partially due to the demonization of queerness that is rampant in earlier BL stuff.
I do not enjoy the direction Sortiarius was maybe hinted at going. I understand not wanting to make a one-to-one Prospero, but I genuinely think making it into a gun factory is not better. This is supposed to be the New Kingdom. Give it to the humans or something. Do something better than gun factory. Also, I dislike how little has been shown on Sortiarius, or anything connected to the New Kingdom. A Better Place/A Promise Fulfilled easily could fill novels and they should.
I do not enjoy the push for the Imperials being The Heroes and The Good Guys despite the setting having obviously theocratic fash leanings for the Imperium. Sorry, WarCom, but I have read at least three entries from the Dawn of Fire series, and the Imperials were horribly bland and heroic. I dislike the evaporation of the grey from the setting.
I do not enjoy how the xenos factions are sidelined again and again and again. The Necrons were able to enjoy some popularity as of late, thank everything, but all other factions deserve it too. Stop treating them as nothing more than side pieces when they have their own characters, societies, and histories, GW. I can maybe pass the tyranids, but at bare min genestealers deserve something.
The man who said "I have an avowed weakness for dusky women" from Betrayer was weird and creepy and I feel like could have probably Not existed. I do not like him. That was fucking weird.
I know people would probably say "oh daemonculaba" but honestly I've gotten over that entire thing by now. Yeah yeah it's disgusting, it's horrific, it's terrible, but so is 95% of the stuff that happens in the setting. Would I rather it not be canon? Maybe, if just to get people to shut the hell up about it.
Exception for the one artist human on here who's name I am forgetting who created Fernka with the daemonculaba. I would keep it canon purely for them. Fernka is wonderful.
OH. From the Vigilus campaign, Abbadon not killing Calgar. He absolutely should've. Let characters die, GW. Calgar could be replaced by a new primaris who you could give character to and maybe get people to like the primaris lore-wise who are otherwise averse to it. Maybe. But that SERIOUSLY felt like such a big let down, especially with the new Abbadon model released + the Chaos refresh that accompanied it.
There's probably more but this is what I have off the top of my head. Sorry this ask got super long, I had some Opinions.
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gardenofsinners · 2 years
mahoyo! spoilers under the cut
tldr, mahoyo is really really good. if you’re a fan of any of type moon’s works, you’ll enjoy it immensely. buy it NOW.
i’ll preface this with my thoughts on the more broader aspects that appeal to Me As A Reader, before i go into the story. the overall translation felt really good. it was completely in line with the lingo i’m aware of from type moon’s usual works, and they did a really good job actually skirting around honorifics (and the dreaded Big Sis translation). obviously many words can be said about Sizuki and Yamasiro, but that’s beside the point.
the big issue is really with proofreading. there’s a lot of typos and other issues, which i’ll say is a result of the simultaneous release and a rushed schedule. i think these are easily fixed, but i dont think it ruins the overall experience that much. that being said:
i enjoyed it! while not my favorite due to its overall lighter tone, it still set out what it Wanted To Do. mahoyo was nasu’s first work, and he used it to get into the heart of his universe: mages. does it do a good job at this? id say Yeah. i think that it gets a little overzealous with explanations, but thats why soujyuro’s there. it explains the things you Need to know, and allows you to get yourself into the world.
on soujyuro, the characters are honestly some of nasu’s best just in terms of charm. every side character makes themself really visible despite the small cast, and it leads to you really enjoying the plethora of side moments the story gives you inbetween the main points. the one about soujyuro possibly working at a scam job is probably my favorite, just because of how it culminates all those characters into one scenario, and it ends on a really good note too there.
aoko as a protagonist is a joy. i’m always a sucker for Mean Women, and her character is really interesting after reading tsukihime, where she’s only caring to the one person in front of her. hell, even in her melty blood story modes, she’s still a little mean but in the way that’s kind at first glance. seeing her be Unabashedly An Asshole, especially when touko’s existence and personality stayed pretty much the same 9 years later in kara no kyoukai. the fact that you get to visibly see some of that kindness of dealing with soujyuro begin here to finally get to the end point of tsukihime is so cool, and really shows that nasu put care into that aspect.
alice was also a surprise favorite. her abilities are rad as hell (though, im still a little confused at aoko having called them Magic.) and the reveal at the end was such a big surprise i dont even wanna say it just in case someone’s reading this and Hasn’t Read It. her and aoko in the aquarium was a really good scene as well (insert joke about yuri aquariums) and her friendship with aoko is so fun to watch considering their Weird Circumstance Of Being Mages Who Will Kill Eachother. it ends up for a really enjoyable dichotomy and i like her a lot. Transgender i think
soujyuo. i dont know why i thought i wouldn’t be too interested in him but he grew on me FAST. his cute little expressions and his super upbeat personality led to him being Really Fucking Good. i’m super interested in his backstory as well, his life in the mountains being taken away after his father(?) died and soujyuro asked about why they were there. knowing how he’s a precursor to all of the other tm protagonists makes me think he was being trained in demon hunting or otherwise a la the nanaya, which would be a very interesting backstory for him.
on the lore side, i can’t say much due to how much i knew going in. however, seeing The Counter Force be against true magic makes sense and was cool for me to connect the dots on, even if the novel itself doesnt follow up on it and you’re just supposed to Know if you’ve read or will read stay night. its fun. i mentioned it before but it was a little funny to have alice cut off aoko before she could talk about all the true magics in detail. we will never know anything about the first or fourth.
it’s pacing felt a little fast. i really did want to spend more time with these characters and it felt like it ended fairly quickly at the end. i think the action doesnt rise as much as it could. i think that may also be an issue of Knowing Touko And Aoko Get Out Fine At The End, which i did get pretty worried for soujyuro at the end there but in a twist that was actually pretty out of left field for how i know nasus stories going, the whole kuonji estate gets to stick together after the fact. overall i think i still enjoy knk and tsukihime over it, but i think it has a broader appeal.
as a final note, koyama’s art style is an absolute wonder to look at. the personality he puts into his artwork is really strong, and all the expressions and such were absolutely amazing. its hard for me to say whether i prefer his art to the combination work him and takeuchi do for kagetsu tohya onward, it’s a nice change of pace. the backgrounds especially had me constantly in awe, especially the sweeping shots of misaki’s hills, it was incredible to look at every second of the way.
really, all i can say is type-moon is amazing as usual. and i really, really cant wait for not only red garden, but any future vns they put out (obviously the mahoyo trilogy, but… i do wanna see some new ips from nasu. it’s been since technically fate since we’ve gotten a whole new cast of characters from him)
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