#obviously not saying that john or wills beliefs are good lmao
spiralstain · 1 year
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bisluthq · 5 months
"Taylor comes off like she’s always having sex with all her bfs in the beginning because she’s horny as fuck lol" // no, this lmao!!! It's why it baffles me when people say shit like:
1) "Taylor never had a sexual thought prior to her relationship with Jake Gyllenhaal🥺" (exaggerated)
2) "Taylor wrote about sex so much on rep because it was the first time she was having GOOD sex" (not an exaggeration. I have actually seen people say this and like TLDR; I'm not saying Joe wasn't potentially "better" comparatively, but I also just struggle to believe that no man before him had ever like... made her cum or eaten her out like come on😭 she's dated a lot of douchebags, but almost all of them give me the vibe they'd be at least semi-good in bed)
3) that she is "finally" getting it "good" with Travis (again. Not exaggerated. I'm actually taking it down a notch. The bitches that say this act as if Taylor is like some virgin that's never done anything outside the missionary position - also reminds me of a viral tiktok someone made about how unsexy they imagine her arch would be during doggy style which like... is just gross and unfunny, but was also scattered on their profile amongst like, genuine criticisms of her (in this case her lack of voice surrounding Palestine) and like sorry but if you're going to make valid critiques, make them, but don't be... mean. Like she's a big girl. She can handle it. But like... I don't want to see that lmao😭 ANYWAY, these bitches LOVE projecting onto Travis and looking to him as some sex God when like... I honestly feel like amongst her exes his skill level is probably average. Like he might Rock some chicks world but Taylor Swift is... as you often say, prolific!)
In conclusion, I am very much of the belief that the sex talk hasn't increased (entirely) because she's been having more of it, but simply because she feels more comfortable discussing it now than she was then (i lowkey think this is the main reason she released I Can See You despite it (seemingly) being a John song. Like, obviously telling the world you were once diabolically horny for your, by your own account, abuser, is not something most want to or are willing to do, but it was for the greater good!)
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unordinary-analysis · 5 years
Call me extra for this, I don’t care. Lol. I liked this theory a lot and I will get my proper analysis of it, thank you very much. Even if this turns out to be a huge joke later on, which… oof, I don’t particularly care. I had quite a bit to say about this. Also: the only reason this took so long is because I’m literally stumped on the “who” bit of this and I’ve decided to leave it as it is :(.
So, if you keep up with my account, you will know that recently, I’ve been having a tiny crisis thanks to one comment that @sunshines-and-tatertots ertots made on my episode analysis on episode 157 (thanks for that by the way). And basically: there’s this theory concerning Joker and his appearance in the recent episode. Some people are wondering whether or not he was actually John.
Now, yeah that sounds like kinda crazy right? Like right off the bat? How could Joker not be John..? I was thrown off by this comment because lmao…. what? I stared at it for a solid two seconds before losing it. God, I’m sad I haven’t given the concept of this any thought before (at least I don’t think I have lol. Maybe in some random episode analysis who knows). The idea is amazing and god, im not even saying anything about it, just hyping it up eirughweiufbekgf.
We are talking about an imposter here, a borrower of the Joker mask, the mantle. Do you guys remember when Joker was Tuesday and when people first saw how powerful he was, they assumed he was Arlo? This is like, similar to that? But opposite..! And I was hyped about the student body thinking that Arlo was Tuesday. Anyway: if someone is trying to use Joker’s identity to gain authority and power, it would be totally easy. The fact that a large group of people thought Arlo was Tuesday supports the inference that behind that mask, nobody really knows anything. Nobody knows that John is Joker. Nobody knows when Joker isn’t John.
And the thing is, it makes so much sense that someone would try to take advantage of an anonymous king. There’s little stopping any other students from wearing a similar mask and using Joker’s influence to get anything they want. And it would really be very hard, or maybe lucky is the better word, to uncover that “Joker” is a fake. And one of the only ways of doing so would be to properly face Joker in battle, and even that has a failsafe. Obviously, if someone wanted to fight Joker for some reason, maybe revenge or maybe ambition, they would find out pretty quickly if Joker was the real one. Two things: ability and strength. Joker has a very recognizable ability: he can copy others. That wouldn’t be too hard to fake considering that it’s easy to assume that any power Joker is using, he stole from someone else. But his strength? Different story. And yet… because of that same reason, wouldn’t the other students avoid conflict with “Joker”? I know this whole argument is how someone could uncover a fake Joker when engaging in a fight with him, but what low/mid-tier would be willing to do that? The thing is: they wouldn’t. Joker has proven his power and established his authority so well, nobody is likely to question it. And, if a student poses as Joker, the same behaviors would extend to him. People are scared of Joker, they’re not about to fight someone they think is him. It really would be easy to “become Joker”, and it makes sense too.
But the specific piece of evidence presented to me in a comment was that John’s eyes as Joker glow a different hue of yellow than the new Joker’s. And if you would please hear me out after saying this, I know it’s not much to go off of, and I give a reason later on for why that was done. But the supposed imposter from last week’s episode (fight with Gavin btw in case I’m not being clear enough about when the Joker onscreen is an imposter) has brighter, more yellow eyes than John. Which, is easy to notice once you’re looking for it, let me tell you.
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Another piece of evidence, though small, was also brought to my attention by someone else (It’s a bad week for original thoughts guys lmao). @fuegy-fuegy-fuegoleon messaged me recently saying, “If you look back to all Johns fights as Joker or Tuesday, he has his sleeves rolled up! This new guy doesn’t!” And I was like damn you are really on top of this, I’m still in shock lol. Anyway, they’re right. I went back to look in the comic and, more often than not, John rolls his sleeves up. It seems to be some mindless mannerism because John does it pretty casually in episode 153, and he also does this in episode 2. It’s probably just a habit from when he worked out with he punch bags. But, the imposter’s arms are covered… Now there’s a possibility this isn’t very important because the “imposter’s” hand is bare and we can see that he has a similar skin color to John’s (and literally every else in the comic R.I.P.). The only reason why his sleeves wouldn’t be rolled up is because the character’s mannerisms would be different than John’s and he probably didn’t take enough time to notice this small detail. And honestly, it is really small. And like I said about the eyes, there’s a reason for that.
Another small thing is that Joker didn’t use any ability in episode 157… hmmm….
Anyway, besides the solid pieces of evidence supporting someone taking advantage of the Joker identity: the consequences of an imposter at Wellston and why they would even try to be one also intrigue me because, well, it’s not a very good theory if it doesn’t make sense now does it? Things don’t just happen because they can. And I know I already said any mid/low-tier would jump at the chance to wield the power that John has, even for a little bit, but the “imposter” in the episode doesn’t actually reveal themself. They don’t even say anything or use Gavin’s belief that they are Joker against him… Now, what purpose would a Joker imposter have if they don’t actually use his influence, which is really the only thing to gain. Or at least if the imposter was a low/mid-tier…
You have to remember that while mid/low-tiers are the obvious suspects for Joker impersonations, a high-tier could easily have mixed himself up in this. Maybe to create chaos in the new abolishment of the hierarchy to get John to realize he needs to bring it back. Maybe just to annoy John, because, hell, I would. Plus they’re wearing a mask so it’s not like John would be able to find them. Or maybe a high-tier would just want to know how it felt to have total freedom and complete anonymity. These people have been scrutinized all their lives. And if one of these is the case, if they already have authority, they wouldn’t need to borrow Joker’s, which would explain why the fake didn’t take advantage of Joker’s position.
What I’m really interested about, concerning all of this, is that as much as this fake Joker would be a ploy to trick the students at Wellston, it really would have a similar effect on the readers as well. The small clues pointing out the differences between our Joker and this one are difficult to spot. I didn’t even realize anything was off until I got a comment about it. Hell, I wrote a small analysis on it. What I’m saying is: if uru-Chan really is trying to create a Joker imposter, then she’s taking care to do it subtly enough so that it is practically impossible for casual readers to pick up on the changes. And, I’ve been thinking… Remember the example I brought up earlier concerning Arlo when he was thought to be Tuesday because of his ability and strength? Well, guess what, Arlo’s eyes glow bright blue. They glow bright blue. Not some color close to the yellow that John has. Which is why I don’t think the orangish color of our current imposter’s eyes is able to be seen by any bystanders or students. I think the mask hides it all, or at least, they go unnoticed by anyone. So, if the students thought that Arlo, whose eyes glow blue, was Tuesday, it wouldn’t be necessary for an imposter’s eyes to closely reflect the color of John’s as no one would notice. This is one of the main reasons why I believe if there is indeed a Joker impersonator, uru-Chan is going through some lengths to ensure that not only do the students in the comic not notice, but the readers don’t as well. This isn’t really a theory, more of an inference based on observation, and obviously this isn’t even important. The only thing I’m trying to prove here is that Uru-chan is literally the best author ever and I hope you guys already know that lol.
The one thing that I’ve really been avoiding here, however, is the who of this theory… Is it really a mid/low-tier? If so, then why didn’t they publicly reveal themselves as Joker? Why didn’t they do anything as Joker? And on the other hand, if it’s a high-tier…. which one could it possibly be? I had an idea for who it could be, and a motive to, but Blyke’s in the hospital which I realized embarrassingly late… And, honestly, damn. I could have argued for a long while about how either he wants to improve his powers and prove himself by defeating John or how Arlo and the other former royals convinced him to pretend to be Joker to unsettle the school and cause John a few headaches. They sound weak right now, but they would’ve been so fun :(.
The thing is: I’m lost. And that’s pretty new for me for this kind of thing. Usually I have some guess that’s based upon more than, well, just guessing. I do, in fact, have a guess though. I really don’t believe that we have been introduced to this character yet, so I’m going to say that Lin, the low-tier, is the Joker imposter for no more reason than he has a small history with John. Not even that. I really don’t believe it’s him.
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Anyway, here’s a few other characters I could find that have yellow eyes. Take your pick or maybe go find more I doubt I even got half:
Darren (lol)
Ability gouge (literally like impossible but who knows what kind of stuff EMBER is doing these days)
So this kind of ended badly for me, but I wish it didn’t. Please post your own ideas below or something because I don’t want this to die :(
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