#obviously there was no prior context smii7y even said that soul is the perfect cutaway or whatever
rurninates · 2 years
i talked about this a tiny bit on twitter but the mario kart video on smii7y's main channel had a racist joke that has probably burst the bubble for me.
look, i understand that that group has a dark humour type thing. a lot of the bits are dark and i truly don't mind it most of the time! but this time it just wasn't funny.
the joke went like this (from the top of my head i don't want to watch it again):
tokyo blur being chosen as a map for the race. and then soup saying something like tokyo blur insert joke here and other people in the lobby being like say the joke/what's the joke
and soup elaborating and saying soemthing ti the effect of if my eyes were like that everything would be a tokyo blur
and like i didn't get it at first ? people in the lobby laughed but i didn't get it.
until smii7y says oh you know soup pulled his eyes back for that one
and it clicked tht i really just. i don't know. it wasn't funny. it was just racist. that was just a racist comment.
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