#obvs this post is a joke this anime isnt about that but also its still mindblowing to me that minor characters are there
and you’re like “I want my blorbos to kiss and date” but of course they won’t show them doing that, but when they save civillians one of them is calling for someone and your hetnormativity is like “ah her sister probably” but No they are Girlfriends and the civilian is in despair because they loved a girl and wanted to see them
and then you think “oh okay bg characters are gay” but then there’s the plot of a girl being adopted and you think “oh it’s something bad” but no turns out she was adopted by TWO GAY DADS and is happier and has a decent life because they could offer her that
it’s the way the homosexuality is in the subtext obviously but also casually in the text. How it’s normalized I think.
anyway watch tiger and bunny
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patchdotexe · 5 years
Fix-it Leo: Katie / KG
welcome to something im tenatively calling “fix-it leo”, where i take my really old OCs and try to make sense of them! i’ve previously done this with Shadowy, which you can read here. seeing as im redrawing & “bringing back” a few other old ocs i figured id make this a series of talking about things! unlike the Shadowy one this doesnt have pictures beyond the initial ref bc i dont want to murder my hand and im also not sure how to draw some of this
today’s subject: Katie! also known as KG.
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KG’s from 2010-ish, so some time after Shadowy but before the Shattered Worlds rework. to be as specific as possible, he’s from a RP setting that people that have known me closely have at least heard mentioned, if not seen snippets of it outright: KL, the massive crossover including any character and setting me & my friends wanted to RP.
as a self-insert character in crossover hell, Katie is VERY weird.
it was really hard for me to find info on Katie, because i actually had a bunch of OCs using that name that were my direct self-inserts for RP & story purposes both in and outside of KL. the unifying idea was that he was kinda just Me but in a fictional universe... and, apparently according to what info i DID find, all of the various Katies were. actually the same person, just in various conflicting situations with various conflicting backstories? so me stitching it all together got kinda weird. i did find a starting point though, so, uh... here we go!
as a general overview, Katie is pretty much just me. autistic, ADHD, likes videogames and art, bad social anxiety conflicting with desperately needing validation from everyone around him. he also has a very short temper and no volume control, which was usually a comedy thing but could also lead to him lashing out and doing/saying things he regrets, mostly hurting his friends. as a result he was kinda unpopular in his hometown... except for a small handful of friends he went to school with.
one night, he decides to go camp out with his friends to watch a meteor shower cause hes pretty fascinated by comets & shit like that. one of his friends, Elson, was acting pretty weird about it but Katie’s too excited to take much note of it up until the meteor shower “starts early” and Elson runs off into the woods. confused and startled, he gives chase. then, uh, the fucking apocalypse happens.
a lot of plot happens that im skipping over bc this is gonna be long enough as it is, but it gets revealed that Elson is actually an incognito alien named Elohim and an alien invasion is happening and wiping out civilization, and Katie is just. running out of sanity. being a main character SUCKS. he has a tragic backstory now, his friend (who he kind of had a crush on?) is an alien and is partially responsible for his tragic backstory, they join a rebellion after confirming “yeah your family’s dead as hell” and go to space, and finally find out that the leader of the aliens got a case of “jewelry makes you evil”.
they save the day obvs, with the help of some other people they ran into, and Katie has a moment of “well, fuck” bc his hometown is still extremely exploded and his family is still extremely dead and he’s like .5 miliseconds away from a mental breakdown. he then has a conversation that goes roughly like this:
person that helped them bust out of alien jail: hey, i think i know someplace you can stay katie: my house exploded person: cmon trust me
and then it turns out that that guy is actually Ninten and he’d just helped save the world with a fictional character, and before he has any opportunity to go “wait, what” he gets pulled through a portal by him and ends up somewhere totally different. more specifically, he’s now in the Earthbound universe, and his brain is going “[dial up noises]” a whole lot bc its not like his life was weird ENOUGH now he’s just... ditched his home reality??? with Ninten’s help??? and Ninten’s taking all of it in stride and ends up explaining the multiverse to him and that he’s one of the guys who ended up with the ability to worldhop and had stopped by Katie’s universe because he knew the possessed alien guy. he’s also apparently used to having to help people acclimate to massive paradigm shifts caused by multiversal fuckery.
so Katie’s just kinda trying to wrap his head around this, but takes Ninten up on his offer to go get to meet people and he goes to the Nowhere Islands! which was like, basically the hub location of KL. and then things get EXTRA surreal for Katie, because like... he used to write fanfic, and come up with story ideas that he daydreamed about a lot before everything exploded, and he bumps into Kurousu who is his OC. and there’s a lot of “UHHHH”-ing but he plays it off and befriends her, and its finally starting to sink in that yeah, he’s hanging out in this super weird crossover reality now, and he tries to make the most of it!
then some... weird things start happening. Tank, Joseph, and Vince make a jump to the Persona universe to do some plot stuff and run into Katie there, where he’s apparently joined SEES? except the last time they’d seen him, he’d been acting as a lackey to one of the arc villains because of a FMian from the Megaman universe screwing with him and taking advantage of his trauma to create a “new” Gemini Spark. and they start to write it off as “well i guess he’s like Tails where there’s some AUs of him running around” except... he recognizes them each time? but looks different and has different backstories and nothing really adds up. the next time a protagonist sees him, it’s Artemis post-getting turned into a Nobody finding Katie’s Nobody, Teixak, who apparently was very excited about getting to meet Roxas... despite, according to himself, having been living in Twilight Town for as long as he could remember. while also being very aware and very confused that that contradicts everything else about him.
teixak: eeee you mean i get to meet roxas?! he’s my favourite kingdom hearts character!! >w< rasemtix: ...you do realize you just told me youre from this universe, right? you were just explaining to me about how you lived here with leixand until the shadows attacked you two and stole your hearts. teixak: eh..? hm. ............Hm. but.... hm.
meanwhile on Katie’s end of things, he gets his heart stuffed back in his body and he reconciles with his externalized FMian-induced evil side and various other things from various other worlds, but everything feels weird and disjointed. he remembers attending school at Gekkougan, but also remembers living in Echo Ridge, but also remembers Twilight Town, but also remembers living in a boring world that got invaded by aliens where also all of this was just videogames and books and animes and OCs. and then things start getting weirder for him. he makes a joke to Artemis about “hey, remember when we got in a big fight cause i hit you with a sign?” and he doesn’t remember it. he teases Ninten about something personal and Ninten freezes up and asks him how he knows that, and Katie gets confused because he told him. he has an even more personal talk with T1, and then has  the same talk later but with slightly different words. and it’s starting to look like it’s not just “various Katies”, it’s Katie also dealing with various... varieties of everyone else, and he’s pretty much spinning a wheel on “what version of events am i in today?”
he finally gets an answer after a while-- something went really weird and really wrong when Ninten first brought him into the KL multiverse. the Katie that told Gomess about the Andromeda Key is the same Katie that joined SEES is the same Katie that got his heart stolen is the same Katie that got rescued from an apocalypse, but he’s sort of... existing simultaneously in different realities with slight “adjustments” to his personal history depending on what universe he’s encountered in. he also exists “outside of canon”, so some of the weirder memories he has are from rewrites or scrapped plotlines or noncanon moments that sometimes clip into canon when theyre not supposed to. apocalypse!Katie is the “primary”/original Katie, and that’s where all his weird meta knowledge comes from.
it’s... really confusing, and nobody really “gets” it, least of all Katie himself. he just knows that he’s ended up with a bunch of cool powers, although he’s not  really sure what he’s doing and has been a villain at least two universes. he also has a severe case of main character-itis (hence getting a Persona, getting his heart stolen, etc), and still isnt sure how to tell if he’s interacting with the “canon” versions of everybody or not. he’s at least unable to cause weird bizarre paradoxes by interacting with himself; trying to visit one of the universes he has an “echo” in just causes a perspective switch to the resident Katie. Katie also has access to all of his abilities as long as he’s not in a universe with a resident Katie; apocalypse!Katie has no abilities at all, starforce!Katie only has his FMian transformation, kh!Katie can only use his Keyblade, etc. this only starts being a thing after he “clicks” with his new existence.
he also has various outfits and aesthetics depending on universe, with the one i drew being his “outside canon“/default one. he gets cat ears! and Outsider eyes. Katie also has a bad habit of stealing things from universes he visits, and as a result has a collection of random things that he really shouldnt.
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croquines · 8 years
sudomemo is an absolute fucking hellhole not bcuz of the usual reasons ppl hate it ("censorship", arguments, ppl *gasp* dating on it) but bcuz i'd say 80% of the userbase is some form of "triggered", kek, rape joke, "special snowflake", "slurs are funny" kind of person, or theyre a cis straight girl who loves killing stalking (ive seen literal animated amv's for this on there......) and of those 80% i'd say maybe 1% are willing to listen to anyone who tries to tell them what theyre doing is wrong. and the issue with the telling them part is that since every chat is public (theres no private messaging obvs), AND since most people dont want to move to a private chat (aka just comments on someones flipnote) it all gets seen by everyone else. ppl on sudo have a habit of loading every single message sent even when they KNOW that person isnt talking to them (i do it too) so everyone is essentially keeping up with every single conversation in the goddamn chat. the issue stems from that: people dont mind their own fucking business (im guilty as well) and they butt into any conversation they like. this includes such gems as "stop fucking arguing", "can we please stop arguing", "this negativity is stressing me out", and my personal favorite "//gone bcuz of drama". and all of this stems from not only shit like "ur a cunt", "oh yeah? ur a slut!" but also simple conversations that just so happen to be about heavy topics. i rarely write in all caps or throw insults around but still i get people yelling at me to "leave them alone" as if im not just trying to explain my point. the person in the wrong is almost always the victim, unless what the wrong person did is perceived as "bullying" (a term i dont think people understand much on there). people are expected to "respect" each other even if the other person is literally spewing slurs that dont belong to them. its a simple disagreement, and all this negativity is really stressing me out guys, can you please apologize to each other? that mentality never fucking ends. and i'll tell you the absolute worst part of it: the fact that this is all contained in these tiny 600 smthn by 400 smthn pixel screens that youre forced to write everything out on. youre expected to only have one post per response, and if its more than that people just wont fucking read it all. you need to jam everything you can possibly say into these boxes with clear and concise handwriting in the span of maybe 5 minutes before whoever you were talking to assumes ur wifi is down or youre dead. because messages get lost there, you cant easily go back and look for whatever was said to you. i could probably write an essay on this fucking community. maybe i already just did.
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