#c slur
idiot-mushroom · 1 year
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‘I may have yelled a few choice words, but the sphere of silence censored them, so you will have to use your imagination’ (Lester Papadopoulos ,pg.267, ch.27, Trails of Apollo the Tyrants Tomb)
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cripplecharacters · 3 months
Probably not an ask you'd likely get I assume, but...what re your thoughts on people using the word "delulu"? What exactly does it mean to say that?
I'm asking because it almost feels like a slur, but most people who use is are disabled, so idk what to personally think of it
Okay, so before I get into answering this, warning for uncensored use of ableist slurs, though briefly and to compare histories.
Objectively, yes, "delulu" is a slur. A slur is defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as an insinuation or allegation about someone that is likely to insult them or damage their reputation or a derogatory or insulting term applied to particular group of people. When using the firts definition, the word "delulu," derived from delusional and meant to act as though someone is merely delusion rather than being worthy of being listened to, using the misrepresentation and incorrect public image of people whoe experience delusions to discredit the person they're attacking. In calling someone "delulu," they're basically using a medical symptom as an isult. It basically says "This person is severely mentally ill with delusions that make them paranoid (or other things,) so they have absolutely zero valid points and we should not listen to them at all." They compare people they don't like to a stigmatized group to both drag the person they're arguing down and to further perpetuate the stereotypes around delusions and thus impacting the lives of people who have them.
When using the second definition, it's a bit more complicated. My research has showed that, while some people who have delusions are fine with the word or even use it to refer to themselves, it's generally seen as an ableist insult when used by an abled person against them. For example, like how the term cripple is regarded by the cripplepunk community- we can use it, maybe even to describe ourselves, because we know the weight and struggles behind that word. When someone who isn't physically disabled uses the word, they don't ususally, if ever, understand the history behind the word and what it used to be used for, as a weapon against the physically disabled.
"Delulu" is a slur, yes, but it's not yet a major one. It's a very new thing and, while it certainly has done damage to the community, doesn't hold the same weight in innocent blood as a lot of the bigger slurs do. Cripple and retard have some incredibly disturbing history and a horrific amount of innocent blood spilled using them because they've been around for so long. "Delulu" is only one of many pop psychology terms that are becoming slurs when used by those to whom they don't apply (for example, the term brain-damaged is quickly becoming a word used against people with TBIs, and is slowly becoming something people without TBIs are learning they shouldn't use, but those of us in the TBI community can use it should we so choose.) I don't know if they could progress to the same severity as cripple and retard due to how different medical science is today, but I think everyone would rather not take that chance.
Anything that uses a sign, symptom, or name of a mental disorder as an insult is a slur. Such as the word autistic in certain contexts. It's very much not a slur on its own, but when used by one person to insult another, it becomes a slur. If you see a weird word like that, or a psychology term being used like that, it's probably being used as a slur.
Other things you might want to look out for are the context behind people using words like narcissist, psychopath, sociopath, deranged, psychotic, compulsive/pathological liar, etc- those are the ones I see most often being used in ableist ways (at least the only ones I'm allowed to say,) because they're easy to villainize. If they're basically anyone other than someone with the corresponding disorder who's using the term to refer to themselves or the comunity should be considered untrustworthy until you can find a legitimate, science-backed reason for them to say what they did, and as long as they aren't misusing the terms and speculating on what shouldn't be speculated about, like the mental health of people they don't know and can't possibly accurately diagnose. It's best to avoid using signs, symptoms, and conditions as insults, even when replaced by cutesy terms (delulu, restarted, aucoustic, etc.) Tha's basically turning that word into a slur and one really shouldn't do that.
When in doubt, take a step back.
Mod Aaron
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ink-asunder · 9 months
I know nobody asked, but my two cents on the "who can say the c slur" discourse is this.
I don't believe in trauma olympics. I DO believe in varying degrees of severity. I have to use a cane to get around, but someone who is wheelchair bound inarguably has a more severe disability than me. That doesn't mean I'm not disabled.
But at the same time, the threshold for being oppressed is actually really low. As soon as you have a single condition that can't be beaten into submission in 2 years tops, the medical system basically deprioritizes you because if you can't be fixed, it's not worth fixing. The fact that autistic people need to get a dx and accommodations to wear headphones at work is RIDICULOUS. I was recently deemed unfit to work because I'd need more than 2 bathroom breaks a day?? Like, healthy neurotypical abled society expects too much of healthy neurotypical abled people. The threshold for "disability" accordingto an employer is really fucking low.
One time, a privately owned attraction got a waiver from the ADA and tried to bully me into not using my cane and going through their attraction without it. Someone in a wheel chair couldn't even get throught the front DOOR, but I was still ableism'd against on the basis of my physical ability. The threshold for being oppressed is really fucking low.
The truth is, you don't HAVE to have severe symptoms or limitations in order to experience some type of oppression.
Don't say the c slur on the basis of your mental health. Yeah, the brain is an organ and part of the body, and it may physically limit you under duress of intense physical or emotional distress. I'm not denying that. But there is a BIG difference between having sensory meltdowns and not being able to climb fucking stairs. And I'm not gatekeeping the word disability either--just use that! It's bad enough. It's bad ENOUGH. You don't need to come up with a slur for yourselves to reclaim to feel some power over a situation where you are being oppressed. Just existing and accommodating yourself is punk enough.
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stardust-maple · 1 year
Current least favorite thing is that ablebodied people think they can say the cripple. Especially for dramatics and emphasis
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disableddyke · 1 year
pet peeve of the day i can’t stand when abled people get fairly minor temporary injuries and then start throwing around the word cripple like it’s theirs
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kakanno · 1 year
ok anyway does anyone want to throw some money at an indigenous cripple this disability pride month the disability is disabling and i work sometimes 10 hour shifts on my feet 😁 my coworkers are extremely ableist whenever i bring my mobility aids so ive stopped bringing them 😁 teehee funny
c: $gualafons
p: /gualafon
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nightmaretour · 2 years
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[Image description:
A three panel meme based on the gravity falls "this is worthless!" Template.
The first panel shows Dipper holding a slip of paper that says "Able-bodied people's opinions on the word 'cripple'", subtitled with Dipper saying "whoa"
The second panel shows Dipper looking up from the slip of paper, saying "this is worthless!"
The third panel shows Trembley replying "It's less than worthless, my boy!"
End description]
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“grippy sock jail/vacation”, “i’m so ocd!”, “my ex was such a narcissist/psychopath/sociopath”, “delulu!”, “is it acoustic?”, “being silly goofy manic”, “lobotomycore”, “you’re giving me ptsd!”, “i’m such a psycho lol”, “me and my split personality!”, “that’s so cr*ppled”, “you’re so bipolar”, “how’s that extra chromosome?”, “barcode/cutting board/wrist check!”
shut the fuck up. like actually shut it.
[pt: shut the fuck up. like actually shut it. /end pt]
(specifically referring to people who don’t have the disorders/experiences they’re joking about)
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jessequinones · 6 months
Stop Using Slurs in Children Stories!
I bet that caught your attention. You might be thinking, what stories use the N-word, or the F-word, well...none that I found. However, there are two slur words that are often used in writing mainly in children's literature because I don’t think enough people know them to be slurs. Those words are cripple and savage.
Before I begin, I need to address a few things. First, I'll only use these words in full for educational purposes so nothing gets confusing. Secondly, I’m not hating on any of these authors. I genuinely think these people might not know cripple and savage are slurs. However, I still need examples of what I’m talking about to explain how common these words are used in writing as well as explaining why it’s a bad idea to use them, so I’m using these authors, not as targets but as examples based on the books I have.
Both of these words (cripple and savage) have a lot of history behind them, and while I strongly suggest, not using them, if for some reason, they have to be used, you need to hire a sensitivity reader who’s a part of the communities that has been affected by said words before you publish your story.
Before I begin, please understand I’ve consulted with a disabled person who’s well knowledgeable in this topic to help smooth out my points. I’m not apart of the physically disabled community. As I’ve been told there’s a big debate going on within the disabled community in regards to if mental disabled people are allowed to use the word cripple or not. This is beyond my understanding of the word, and the community so when I mention the word cripple, I’ll be referring it to the physical disabled community and not the mental one. Everything I’m about to say has already been said by the physically disabled community. I’m not adding anything new or talking over them. If you would like to know more about the language of disability, please read Cy-Cyborg’s article on the matter: https://writingwithcycyborg.blogspot.com/2024/02/LanguageOfDisability.html
Cripple is a world that’s defined one of three ways, to either describe someone who can’t function properly, to describe a situation that’s overwhelming, or to describe an object that isn’t working.
Example one: DragonFire: Sphere of Eternity (book 1)
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“I mean, this morning, no offence, you were crippled.” (Describing a person.)
Example two: “The economy was crippled.” (Describing a situation)
Example three: DragonFire: Age of Legend (book 3) (describing an object)
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The word cripple, even when it was used in a medical sense has always been a word to punch down and insult the physically disabled community. It was used to attack them and point out their disabilities. It became a common replacement for the word injured because it has a more of a punch. Instead of calling someone “severely injured” use cripple instead, it’s shorter and a lot punchier of a word. Over time it became part of normal vocabulary to use it while describing something as severe, despite it still being used as an insult at the same time. Let’s look at an example of how it’s being used to describe an injury in Robert Vane's A Dragons Chains: Book one of the Remembered War
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“I moved my three non-crippled legs…” In this example, the dragon has an injured leg. Why did the author use the word cripple instead of injured? I think it’s because of shock value. Is it cheap shock value? Yes, but shock value for the reader is still shock value. Tell me, what’s the difference would be if the author replaced the word cripple with injured? “I moved my three non-injured legs...” Does using the word cripple add to the sense of urgency? Add to the sense of how injured that character's leg is? Or was it merely just a place for shock value?
But how often is this word used? Let’s take a quick look at the DragonFire series. There are currently four books in this series at the time of writing, and the word crippled is used twelve times throughout four books. Knowing it’s a slur...that’s a lot.
Some of the examples in which it was used are in things such as DragonFire: Fallen Star (book 2) where it reads:
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“...he yelled, his scythed tail coiling round, only for the far less crippled dragon to kick him off.” DragonFire: Order of Enishra (book 4)
It’s not just the DragonFire series which does this, other examples include, The Last Monster on Earth by LJ Davies
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Which uses it four times in one book with examples such as “Lock these two in the truck with the cripple…”
Warriors: Forest of Secrets (book 3) has this line. “As Fireheart said goodbye to Yellowfang and went back to hunting, he felt a new surge of determination to bring Tigerclaw’s guilt into the open. For the sake of Redtail, murdered; for Ravenpaw, driven from the Clan; for Cinderpaw, crippled...”
And even Wings of Fire, one of my favourite book series uses it.
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Here’s a question for you. Is it ok to use that word if the impact is meant to be insulting? In the Wings of Fire example, Queen Scarlet defeats Dune in combat, and is about to kidnap the main characters. Dune, still breathing can barley move upon which Scarlet killed him. Scarlet is one of those pure evil types of characters, this is something I could see her saying, but let’s take a step back and put your eyes in the eyes of a disabled child.
Here you are, a disabled child. You already know what the word cripple is, and it’s been used against you (don’t act like this doesn’t happen). You read Wings of Fire and you come across that sentence. What is the intent behind that sentence in the eyes of a disabled child? Are you supposed to be scared of Scarlet? Angry? Or are you upset, because even in a fantasy book with talking dragons, you can’t escape from real life or that word?
Some of you might say, “What if only the villains use that word?” While I can see Queen Scarlet calling Peril a stupid retarded motherfucker. It’s not something you want in a children's story, so why does cripple get a past?
I hope you’re getting the picture, it’s a very commonly used word, one which the disabled community has begged able-bodied people not to use. The word injured gets the same point across and it doesn’t have a history of it being a derogatory term. While replacing the word cripple with injured or severely injured isn’t a perfect fix, it’s at least getting rid of the other word which is a start at least.
Now before I continue with the other slur, I can hear some of you say you’re aware disabled people are using cripple to describe themselves. Why can’t able-bodied people use it? Here’s the thing. Not everyone in the disabled community is doing this, and it’s not a monolith. The word cripple has been used as an attack against the disabled community for decades. It targets them, puts them down, and it’s only used against them. You only use the term to refer to something as injured so there's no reason to use it on an able-bodied person. The community in which it was used against is taking that word and trying to empower it amongst themselves. You’re not gonna complain if someone who’s black uses the N-word, so why are you upset when disabled people use the word cripple to describe themselves but are saying you can’t? That word belongs to them and their community, not yours. Also, one more thing before I go, not everyone in the disabled community uses this word or wants to hear it. There have been plenty of disabled people who are fine using that word to describe themselves but won’t say it around others if other disabled people express they don’t want to hear it. So be mindful if you’re gonna use it and please hire a sensitivity reader.
This word...I have a lot of history with it because it’s a word that’s used against my community, (indigenous) people. And yet, just like the word cripple, it’s used all the time and while it’s a very common occurrence where indigenous voices aren’t heard, we’ve been telling everyone to just drop this word. Unlike the word cripple, we aren’t trying to claim this word, we just want it gone.
The definition of this word is an easy one to understand. It’s to describe a person, object, or an action as barbaric, wild, aggressive, unintelligent, or barely even human.
Example one: “They’re savages, savages, barely even human” Disney, Pocahontas (1995). (Used against people)
Example two:DragonFire: Age of Legend (book 3) by LJ Davies
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“I opened my muzzled to respond, but another savage roar drew our attention…” (Used as an action)
Example three:
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(Used against a group of people)
Example four: “Savage weaponry” (Use to describe an object)
I’m gonna be using the series DragonFire a lot for my examples, because out of all the books I got, that series uses the word 19 times throughout books one, two, and three. It was used twelve times in book three and I guess someone told LJ Davies about this problem because it doesn’t appear in book four. But it DOES appear in the spin-off series “Tales of DragonFire: Rebellion” twice, and THIRTEEN TIMES in “The Last Monster on Earth”. Overall, that's THIRTY-FOUR TIMES in the course of five books, all meant for children.
LJ Davies isn’t my only example. Chester Young, used it nine times throughout books 1 and 2 of the Celestial Heir books Rowan Silver, used it once in Eyes of Silver: Dragons and Skylines (book 2) And Robert Vane, used it once in the Remembered War series in book 4
Let’s start by showing off some examples and the impact they have and please note, that this might be something you’re just not experienced with. So just like with the disabled child, try to imagine yourself as an indigenous child. You’re fully aware of the word savage, it’s been used against you, and your people. So when you read a text like “Trade with the savages...they wouldn’t understand the concept!”
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It feels awfully familiar to lines you read in your history books about your people. Keep in mind, that you wanted to read a story about dragons so you could get away from real life.
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(From the Last Monster on Earth by LJ Davies)
I know the United States called the Native Americans savage monsters while stealing their land, it was used as a way to justify their actions, make the natives appear barley even human or in most cases, not human at all, let’s not forget, for a good majority of the building of the United States, those founding fathers didn’t see anyone other than themselves as humans. Reading text, asking how people became savage monsters overnight should remind you how people labelled indigenous people in the past and still do today.
"To confirm the princess’s words, yes, there is an army out there whose numbers vastly exceed our own. Nevertheless, they are a crude mockery of the noble kind they once were, and they are now nothing but savages….There was a series of grunts and nods at that statement...” (DragonFire: Age of Legend, book 3)
I think, this text is a great example of what I’ve been trying to say. In this text, the character who is speaking and the grunts and nods are all dragons with human-like intelligence. They're a stand-in for us. The Elder (who spoke in said text) has been seen and viewed as one of the good guys. He calls his kind noble, and he’s working with a princess, (let’s not forget our history books on how the royal family treated indigenous people). He calls his attackers “nothing but savages”. In translation, their monsters, who are no longer noble or righteous. There’s an agreement with his statement, as if what he says is right and we should be agreeing with him.
In that sentence, understanding everyone is of human intelligence and is a stand-in for humans. We have an old white knight, calling the enemy savages while the royal family are the heroes who are trying to protect their land from those filthy, disgusting, savages. You can kind of see why I’m saying we really shouldn’t be using this word.
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“Yellowfang will be allowed to stay here until she has recovered her strength. We are warriors, not savages…” Warriors: Into the Wild (book 1)
Savages...indigenous people, they aren’t warriors, they would’ve killed Yellowfang, and left her to rot in the wilds, Thunderclan is better than those monsters. Am I making my point clear enough when it comes to the history of this word, who it’s targeted against and how it comes across when reading in children's media?
You might’ve noticed I’ve mainly been using examples when it refers to a group of people, not necessarily showing off how commonly it’s used as either an action or an object because honestly...those are just kind of dumb. A savage roar? What does that mean?
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Ah yes, because we really needed the use of the word “savagely” to get the point across that Misuk just destroyed a person's skull. The “turning his head into a bloody pulp” wasn’t enough on its own. Without the use of the word savagely how else could we get the aggression and power across? When savage is used as an action it’s mostly because said character loses control of their humanity. They become savage when they attack and the end result is a bloody mess because that’s the only way indigenous, I mean, monsters, I mean barbarians, I mean savage people know how to fight. You often see these kinds of moments when the good guy who’d never hurt a fly loses control and unleashes hell, they turn into something that’s not themselves, they turned into a savage and these moments are meant to be shown as shocking as the character forgets who they are for a couple of seconds.
Indigenous people were savages, with savage strength, and a savage kind of culture. They scalp people, beat them to a bloody pulp, and ate your children. Those monsters needed to be killed. Whenever you use the word savage, it circles back to a group of minorities who were just trying to survive. This word has been used so much, that I don’t think many people realise the history behind it, which is why I said I’m not hating anyone who uses it, but please try to get a sensitivity reader. Get disabled and indigenous sensitivity readers, even if there’s no indigenous or disabled representation in your books, the words you use, still affect us and it’s a good thing to be aware of the words of which you speak and write.
Please be aware of these words, especially if you’re writing stories meant for children because the more children see these words, the more normal they’ll think it is and the more often they’ll start repeating it. I think there’s a time and place for these words, but saying them as an excuse to make something more shocking, isn’t the time or place.
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I love fat cripples
I love cripples who are fat because of their disability
I love cripples who are fat and it has nothing to do with their disability
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[Image ID: White text in a Galaxy background reads If you: Derail my posts; are an “aspie”; run a sh/ed blog; are under 16; are a TERF; think cripplepunk is for mental disabilities; think that autism isn’t a disorder; are pro-transabled, trace, transage, etc; are pro-map or pro-zoo; are a transmed; want to completely demedicalize autism, I will probably block or mock you. End ID]
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artwheat · 2 years
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final confrontation with the big bad of the campaign
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fabledferns · 7 months
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some fun shrinky dink cow tag earrings!! which one is your favorite? i think i like the pink ones the best >:3
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cripplecharacters · 2 months
Why do you use the term "cripple" in your url? Isn't that offensive? (I've had that aimed at me, and it was very hurtful /physicallydisabled)
It's reclaiming it.
Most, if not all, of the mods for this blog are physically disabled. You're right, the word is a slur, it's offensive, and it shouldn't be used by abled people after all of the times it's been used by them to hurt us. However, some people like those of us in the cripplepunk movement, have decided to take that word that's caused the community so much pain and turn it into a source of power. It's taking the power out of the word, kind of. Heck yeah I'm a cripple, you can't hurt me with that word anymore.
Of course, you always, absolutely, 100% have the right to find that word offensive and hurtful with all of the times it's been turned against our community and against you. You have every right to not want to apply the word to yourself or have others apply it to you. Us here, though, we have a different way of dealing with this word.
We're reclaiming it.
Mod Aaron
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isleofdarkness · 11 days
Riah; *arguing with Jane until Jane starts going up some stairs to avoid him* Riah, standing at the bottom of the stairs, fuming; Really? People used to have way more respect for cripples, you know! Riah, turning to see Elle in the common room, staring at him; I'm lying. No, they didn't.
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yunyuis · 4 months
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literally this guy is not normal. 4 days of throwing a fit over being told having a twin isnt the same as being a system AT ALL and this is the FIRST ASK I SENT
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silly-centipede · 27 days
Thinking about how someone called me the C slur on the literal first day of school. "You can't take his seat he's a [slur]." When I heard it I literally froze up because what.
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